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Business Process Modelling

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

Historical View of BP Modelling

Work Process Flow (early to mid 1900s)

+ Frank Gilbreth & his 'Flow Process harts' (! "lowcharts) + First str#ct#red method "or doc#mentin$ %rocess "low

Work Flow (mid&19'0s)

+ (oti)ation was disenchantment with the abo)e + *cted as a $enesis "or +P (odellin$

+#siness Process (odellin$ (,000s)

+ -rend towards new man#"'in$ %aradi$m . /irt#al 0nter%rise + /0!distrib#ted & %arallel +P e1ec#tion "rom each /0 entity + 2eed e""ecti)e %rocess modellin$ with strict model analysis

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

Business Process Modelling- The hat!"

+#siness %rocess modellin$ (+P() is the acti)ity o" re%resentin$ %rocesses o" an enter%rise3 so that the c#rrent %rocess may be analy4ed and im%ro)ed5 -y%ically %er"ormed by b#siness analysts & mana$ers seekin$ to im%ro)e %rocess e""iciency and 6#ality5 -he %rocess im%ro)ements identi"ied by +P( may or may not re6#ire 7- in)ol)ement3 altho#$h that is a common dri)er behind modellin$ a b#siness %rocess5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

Business Process Modelling- The h#!"

+#siness %rocess modellin$ (+P() hel%s com%anies in the "ollowin$ ways8

+ -o become more %rocess&oriented + -o o%timise b#siness %rocesses thro Process han$e ($mt8 lon$ term %lannin$3 e1ec#tion & control o" %rocesses + -o doc#ment and mana$e %rocesses on an on$oin$ basis + -o sim#late %rocesses #sin$3 i5a5 (onte arlo sim#lation & 9iscrete 0)ent :im#lation

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

Why +P( 2otation (+P(2);

+ + +

Business Process Modelling %otation

!< a notation that can be #nderstood by all b#siness #sers5 i5e5 b#siness analysts (creatin$ initial dra"ts o" %rocesses) & technical de)elo%ers (im%lementin$ technolo$y %er"ormin$ those %rocesses)5 swimlanes=WF not "le1ible "or /0=whole or$anisations so +P(2 enca%s#lates WF models thro #se o" swimlane dia$rams %rocess is so#nd ! "or each state reachable "rom the initial state3 a "irin$ se6 e1ists leadin$ system to the "inal state5 7n a %rocess model with "ormal e1ec#tion semantics3 these ty%es o" %ro%erties can be de"ined %recisely & )eri"ied a#tomatically by tools5 +P( 9ia$rams can be translated to P2s "or analysis & )eri"ication5 an be ma%%ed to >(?5
1 Nov 2013 $

Where does +P(2 "it in with tools so "ar (WF=P2s);

+ +

+ +

CA4 Business Process Modelling

BPM% ' (et Another Blood# )tandard!!

+#siness Process (ana$ement 7nitiati)e (

+ established to %romote & de)elo% #se o" +#siness Process (ana$ement (+P() thro#$h the #se o" standards "or %rocess desi$n3 de%loyment3 e1ec#tion3 maintenance3 and o%timi4ation o" %rocesses5

+P(7 has de)elo%ed three standards to "acilitate +P(

+ + +

+P(23 as a standard "or modellin$ b#siness %rocesses3 +#siness Process (odellin$ ?an$#a$e (+P(?)3 as the standard b#siness e1ec#tion lan$#a$e3 & +#siness Process @#ery ?an$#a$e (+P@?)3 a standard mana$ement inter"ace "or the de%loyment & e1ec#tion o" e&+#siness %rocesses5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


+P(2 s%eci"ies one +#siness Process 9ia$ram (+P9)5 9ia$ram desi$ned to do two thin$s well8
+ +

BPM%+ Business Process ,iagra-s

easy to #se and #nderstand3 #sed to 6#ickly & easily model b#siness %rocesses3 & easily #nderstandable by non&tech #sers (#s#ally m$mt)5 o""ers e1%ressi)eness to model )ery com%le1 b#siness %rocesses & can be nat#rally ma%%ed to b#siness e1ec#tion lan$#a$es5 model the e)ents that occ#r to start a %rocess3 %rocesses that $et %er"ormed3 & end res#lts o" the %rocess "low5 b#siness decisions and branchin$ o" "lows is modelled #sin$ $ateways5 %rocess can contain s#b&%rocesses3 shown by another +P9 connected )ia a hy%erlink to a %rocess symbol5

+ + +

. .

7" a %rocess is not decom%osed by s#b&%rocesses3 considered a task . the lowest&le)el %rocess5 * A+B mark in the %rocess symbol denotes that the %rocess is decom%osedC i" it doesnBt ha)e a A+B mark3 it is a task5
1 Nov 2013 *

CA4 Business Process Modelling

BPM%+ Business Process ,iagra-s

Pools / 0anes
+ a basic +P(2 element settin$ the +P bo#ndaries5 + it contains at most one b#siness %rocess5 + i5e5 two %rocesses m#st be modelled in two di""erent %ools5 + m#st create a %ool "irst o" all in a tool like :i$na)io5

+ a s#b&%artition within a %ool3 is #sed to cate$ori4e +P acti)ities5 + #s#ally3 a denotes an or$ role (de)elo%er3 analyst and mana$er)5 + howe)er3 may also be #sed "or e5$ "irst %hase3 second %hase + a lane is D#st a Eacti)ity&classi"yin$ mechanismF

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

BPM%+ Business Process ,iagra-s

The 4 2asic categories of ele-ents in BP ,iagra-s are +
+ Flow GbDects + onnectin$ GbDects + :wimlanes + *rti"acts

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ 4low 526ects / Connecting 526ects

0)ents *cti)ities Gateways onnectin$ GbDects

Flow GbDects

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ 4low 526ects+ 78ents

He%resented with a circle 9enotes somethin$ that ha%%ens (rather than *cti)ities which are somethin$ that is done)5 7cons within the circle denote ty%e o" e)ent (e5$5 en)elo%e "or messa$e3 clock "or time)5 0)ents are also classi"ied as
+ +

atchin$ (ie catch an incomin$ messa$e to :tart %rocess) or -hrowin$ (ie throw a messa$e at 0nd o" %rocess)5

-y%es8 :tart3 7ntermediate3 0nd

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ 4low 526ects+ 78ents

:tart e)ent8
+ + + + + + + + + tri$$ers %rocessC indicated by a sin$le narrow borderC can only be atch3 so shown with o%en (o#tline) icon5 re%resents res#lt o" a %rocessC indicated by a sin$le thick=bold borderC can only -hrow3 so shown with a solid icon5 somethin$ ha%%enin$ btw start & end e)entsC indicated by a tramline borderC can -hrow or atch (#sin$ solid=o%en icons as a%%ro%riate) & e$3 task co#ld "low to an e)ent throwin$ a messa$e to another %ool & a s#bse6#ent e)ent waits to catch the res%onse be"ore contin#in$5
1 Nov 2013

0nd e)ent8

7ntermediate e)ent8

CA4 Business Process Modelling


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ Connecting 526ects

:e6#ence Flow8
+ + re%resented by a solid line with a solid arrowhead #sed to show order (se6#ence) that acti)ities will be %er"ormed in a Process5 re%resented by a dashed line with an o%en arrowhead #sed to show "low o" messa$es btw , se%arate Process Partici%ants (b#siness entities=b#siness roles) that send & recei)e them5 in +P(23 , se%arate Pools in 9ia$ram will re%resent two Partici%ants5 re%resented by a dotted line with a line arrowhead #sed to associate data3 te1t3 & other *rti"acts with "low obDects5 #sed to show in%#ts & o#t%#ts o" acti)ities55
1 Nov 2013 13

(essa$e Flow8
+ + + + + +


CA4 Business Process Modelling

BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ 79a-:le 1

01am%le8* %rocess with a normal "low with the +#siness Process (odelin$ 2otation5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ )wi-lanes

*s seen3 swimlanes are a mechanism to or$ani4e acti)ities into se%arate )is#al cate$ories to ill#strate di""erent "#nctional ca%abilities or res%onsibilities5 +P(2 s#%%orts swimlanes with two main constr#cts5 -he two ty%es o" +P9 swimlane obDects are8 Pool8
+ + re%resents a %artici%ant in a %rocess5 also acts as a $ra%hical container "or %artitionin$ a set o" acti)ities "rom other Pools #s#ally in the conte1t o" +,+ sit#ations5 a s#b&%artition within a Pool e1tendin$ entire len$th o" the Pool3 either )ertically or hori4ontally5 #sed to or$ani4e & cate$ori4e acti)ities5

+ +

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013

BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ )wi-lanes cont;d

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ 79a-:le 2+ )wi-lanes

Pools are #sed when dia$ram in)ol)es , se%arate b#siness entities or %artici%ants & are %hysically se%arated in the dia$ram5 -he acti)ities within se%arate Pools are considered sel"&contained Processes5
+ !< :e6#ence Flow may not cross the bo#ndary o" a Pool5 (essa$e Flow is de"ined as bein$ the mechanism to show the comm#nication between two %artici%ants3 &3 th#s3 m#st connect between two Pools (or the obDects within the Pools)5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ Artifacts

+P(2 desi$ned to allow modellers and modellin$ tools "le1ibility in e1tendin$ basic notation & in %ro)idin$ ability to add additional conte1t a%%ro%riate to a s%eci"ic modellin$ sit#ation5 *ny n#mber o" *rti"acts can be added to a dia$ram as a%%ro%riate "or the conte1t o" the b#siness %rocesses bein$ modelled5 #rrent )ersion o" +P(2 s%eci"ication %re&de"ines only I ty%es o" +P9 *rti"acts8

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPMN Diagrams Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

BPM %otation+ Artifacts cont;d

+P(2 s%eci"ication %re&de"ines only I ty%es o" +P9 *rti"acts8 9ata GbDects8
+ + + + + + + mechanism to show how data is re6#ired or %rod#ced by acti)ities5 connected to acti)ities thro#$h *ssociations5 re%r'ted by a ro#nded corner rectan$le drawn with a dashed line can be #sed "or doc#mentation or analysis %#r%oses3 b#t does not a""ect the :e6#ence Flow5 #sed to or$ani4e & cate$ori4e acti)ities5 re%r'ted by an o%en rectan$le containin$ annotation te1t5 mechanism "or a modeller to %ro)ide additional te1t in"o "or reader o" a +P(2 9ia$ram
1 Nov 2013



CA4 Business Process Modelling


BPM %otation+ 79a-:le 2

* :e$ment o" a Process with 9ata GbDects3 Gro#%s3 and *nnotations

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPM% )oftware

0)ery or$'n has their )ery own distinct b%s which di""erentiate them "rom their com%etitors5 :ome ha)e %rede"ined %rocesses3 some ha)e %rocesses which are de"ined by the em%loyees themsel)es5
+ (e$ #stomer :#%%ort8 7ma$ine what wo#ld ha%%en i" cs re% had his=her way o" mana$in$ a c#stomer5 2eed a %ro%er b% to handle cs)

0)ery or$'n needs a %ractical ste% by ste% +P( a%%roach which works to$ether with +P( sol#tions5 ?ately3 with ad)anced web&based sol#tions3 b%s & w"s can be mana$ed thro#$h +P($mt sol#tions5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPM% )oftware cont;d

-hese +P($mt sol#tions can be #sed to easily create a%%lications to a#tomate %rocesses s#ch as8
+ + + + han$e mana$ement #stomer ser)ice laims mana$ement om%laint mana$ement + @#ality control

+ Proc#rement

-here are many +P( = WF sol#tions o#t there5 Will look at some o%en so#rce sol#tions to e)al#ate be"ore lookin$ at the %ro%rietary=commercial ones5
1 Nov 2013 22

CA4 Business Process Modelling

BPM% )oftware cont;d+

Process(aker8 o%en so#rce3 +P($mt & WF s=w desi$ned "or :(0s5 >ser "riendly sol#tion to mana$e WF e""ecti)ely and e""iciently5 +#siness #sers & %rocess e1%erts witho#t %ro$rammin$ e1%erience can desi$n & r#n WFs3 a#tomate %rocesses across systems ie JH3 "inance & o%erations5 an easily create WF ma%s3 desi$n c#stom "orms3 e1tract data "rom e1ternal data so#rces to o%timi4e WF m$mt & b#s5 o%s5 one ad)anta$e is online library with %rocess tem%lates to download & edit to red#ce learnin$ c#r)e5 Process tem%lates incl#de8 + redit card a%%lication + 01%ense re%ort %rocess He)iew at http://www wareprise com/!""#/"$/%!/an&initial&
1 Nov 2013

CA4 Business Process Modelling


BPM% )oftware cont;d+

+onita G%en :ol#tion is an int#iti)e & %ower"#l o%en so#rce +P($mt sol#tion a%%licable to sim%le & com%le1 %rocesses5 -he +onita :t#dio which meets +P(2 is %art o" the +onita G%en :ol#tion incl#din$ +onita 01ec#tion 0n$ine & +onita >ser 01%erience5 Gne stron$ %oint abo#t +onita G%en :ol#tion is its $reat #ser e1%erience which is 6#ite similar to standard email 7nbo1 to easily and 6#ickly or$ani4e yo#r work3 "ollow #% on tasks = cases and collaborate with collea$#es5

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


>nlike Process(aker3 #teFlow is a web based o%en so#rce doc#ment circ#lation & work"low system5 >sers able to de"ine Edoc#mentsF "or sendin$ ste% by ste% to e)ery station=#ser in a list5 #te"low hel%s to a#tomate doc#ment circ#lation %rocess within o""ice internal en)ironment5 *ll o%erations like startin$ a WF3 trackin$3 WF&de"inition or stat#s obser)ation done within a com"ortable and easy to #se web inter"ace5 :ome key "eat#res o" #te"low incl#de8
+ + + + + 7nte$ration o" work"low doc#ments in e&mail messa$e >nlimited amo#nt o" sender3 "ields3 slots3 recei)erK Work"lows can attach data and "iles Fle1ible #ser mana$ement with s#bstit#tes Wide #ser base
1 Nov 2013 2$

BPM% )oftware cont;d+

CA4 Business Process Modelling

BPM% )oftware cont;d+ Co--ercial

Fi$#re 1 ("rom Gartner) e)al#ated on8
+ 7m%lementation o" a :%eci"ic Process&+ased *%%lication :#%%ort "or a ontin#o#s Process 7m%ro)ement (entality Hedesi$n "or a Process& +ased :G* +#siness -rans"ormation 7nitiati)es

+ +

Open source

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


BPM% )oftware cont;d+ 0o-2ardi

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


More BPM% 79a-:les

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


79a-:le 3+ Bu#ing a Boo<

(a) Some conversation between 2 pools

(b) A more complex version of (a) involving more interplay in one pool

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


Example 4: Hospital Admission

Note t e way t at !egistration "etails are andled# $ is co%ld also be done %sing a data ob&ect representing t e patient's details:

Note t e excl%sive gateway w ere se(%ence diverges# $ is can also be represented wit an )* e#g#:

Example +: Applying for ,eave

Note t e tic to represent defa%lt option


Example -: $ e .an/ !obber

Note t e incl%sive gateway# $ is is %sed to represent a decision w ere one* some or all options are valid#

Note t e new intermediate event representing an error or exception


Example 0: .%ying an 123 at An Argos Store

Note t e new intermediate event representing an error or exception

Note t e intermediate timer event

Note t e parallel gateway representing all se(%ences appening


Example 4: .%ying an 123 at An Argos Store

Note t e new intermediate event representing an error or exception

Note t e intermediate timer event

Note t e parallel gateway representing all se(%ences appening


79a-:le 1+ An 72a# Auction

5Draw a BPMN diagram for an online auction purchase process. Your diagram does not need to include the make-offer components, ut should include components for u!-it-now and id. "dentif! the different categories of BPMN elements in !our diagram #6

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


Example 78: 9lient :etting ;%otes (1ore 9omplex St%ff)

Note t e parallel splitting < complex merging gateways representing some se(%ences appening and some not#

Note t e =terminate' End event meaning 5Stop everyt ing6


>ntroduction to BPM%"? )te:hen A@ hite? >BM Cor:oration? a8aila2le to download on http://www bpmn org/ BPM% and Business Process Manage-ent+ >ntroduction to the %ew Business Process Modeling )tandard" Martin 5wen and Aog =a6? Po:<in )oftware a8aila2le to download on http://www bpmn org/ Process Manage-ent? A Buide for the ,esign of Business Processes"? B# Aorg Bec<er? Martin Cugeler? Michael =ose-an? ):ringer Verlag

CA4 Business Process Modelling

1 Nov 2013


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