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Questionnaire Results

I have carried out a questionnaire on 10 participants who were both males and females, to collect some information about the why people read magazines? I collected both quantitative and qualitative data. Both types of data where useful as in quantitative data I could see the certain number of people who selected an answer, whereas in qualitative data I was given detailed and descriptive information. I asked both opened and closed questions to get a variety of different answers. My results showed that most of the participants who were females liked reading pop magazines, from this is knew that my magazine would appeal to them as it is targeted at teenage girls aged 13-16 years old.

1. Quantitative Question

What Gender are you?

Female Male

This pie chart shows that half of the participants that did the questionnaire where female and the other where males, so that my results would be fair according to gender.

2. Qualitative Question - How often do you read music magazines? My answers included: Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely When I can afford it ; The most common answer was monthly, this is because most magazines release a new issue out every month so they read the magazine monthly. This helps me so that I know how often my magazine could be released.

3. Qualitative Question - Why do you read magazines? (Relax, enjoy etc.) My answers included: When I have spare/free time Keep updated (Check for upcoming concerts/gigs, Check latest fashion trends etc.) Interesting Relax Enjoyment ; This helps me with my magazine as I know that most people read magazines to enjoy themselves in their spare time when they are bored and dont have anything else to do.

4. Quantitative Question

How much would you pay for a music magazine?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 None Less than 1 1 - 2 2 -3 3 - 4 More than 4 How much would you pay for a music magazine?

This graph shows that most people would be willing to buy a magazine that cost 1-2. However some people would also buy the magazine if it cost 2-3. Whereas no one would buy a magazine if it cost more than 3.00.

5. Qualitative Question - What music magazine do you read the most? My answers included: Pop - 4 Any - 1 Rock -3 R&B - 1 Hip-hop/Rap -1 ; This shows that there is a wide variety of music magazines that people read, however my results show that the most common magazine that people read is pop. This tells me that there would be more people interested in my magazine as I am creating a pop magazine.

6. Quantitative Question

Do you like reading pop magazines?

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Yes No Sometimes

This bar chart shows that more people do like reading pop magazines which is the sub- genres of music that I have chosen my magazine to be.

7. Qualitative Question - What do you like about music magazines? (Pictures, review, interviews, gossip etc.) My answers included: Reviews Pictures Posters Interview Gossip Trends ; This helps me in creating my own magazine as now I know what to include in my magazine. If I add these features to my magazine it would be more appealing to the target audience who are teenage girls aged 13-16.

8. Quantitative Question

Would you buy a music magazine because it has posters or a free gift in it?

Yes No Maybe

This shows that commonly most people would buy a magazine if it had a free gift in it, but some people reconsider, and think if it is worth buying the magazine which contains a free gift.

9. Qualitative Question - What bands/artist do you like listening to regularly? My answers included: My Chemical Romance Linkin park Green day Justin Bieber Little Mix Jason Derulo Lana Del Ray Eminem One direction Demi Lovato ; This research is helpful as I know what bands and artist people listen to, they would expect stories and articles about theses celebrities in magazines.

10. Quantitative Question

Do you go to concerts / gigs?

Yes No

This pie chart shows the amount of people who go to concerts or gigs. This piece of information tells me that I can include information about upcoming events in my magazine, as half the people go to them.

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