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The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography Chapter 1 page 1-5 1. 2. What is contemporary geography?

How doe Geographers organize material? Why?

3. How do Historians organize material? Why? 4. What 2 factors pull people in opposite directions? 5. What 2 things encourages globalization? 6. What problems occur because of these 2 conflicting causes? 7. What symbols of globalization do you see in the picture on pages 2&3? 8. Who invented the word geography? 9. Geo10. Graphy11. Human Geography12. Physical Geography13. Why do we always have to consider the physical geography? 14. What are the 2 main features of human behavior we focus on? 15. Name 3 examples of culture. 16. Name 3 examples of Economic Activities. 17. Map18. Why is Geography different from other areas of study? 19. What information is displayed on page 5 figure 1-1? 20. Place21. Region22. What is the 3rd Why question geographers ask? 23. Scale-

24. Space25. Connections-

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography Chapter 1 KEY ISSUE 1 page 5-13 1. How many maps are in this book?

2. What is cartography? 3. Why is a map a reference tool? 4. Why is a map a communication tool? 5. Where do the earliest maps come from? 6. Who incorporated geometry to measure land area? 7. Who showed the earth as a cylinder? 8. Who wrote the first geography book? 9. What did Aristotle demonstrate? 10. Why did he think it was a sphere? (3) 11. What is circumference? 12. What 5 climatic zones did Eratosthenes come up with? 13. What did Ptolemy use to write his Guide to Geography? 14. Who was the father of Chinese Cartography? 15. What type of info did Chines maps record? 16. Which Muslim geographer created new maps using Ptolemys work? 17. Who wrote Rihlah? Why are his travels important? 18. Why did translations of Ptolemys maps help Europe?

19. What does scale refer to on a map? 20. Ratio21. Written scale22. Graphic scale23. What is a projection? 24. What are 4 causes of distortion on maps? 25. Pros & Cons of different map projections Projection Equal Area Projections Robinson Projection Mercator Projections Pros Cons

26. What did the Land Ordinance of 1785 do in the U.S? 27. Township28. Principle meridians 29. Base Lines30. What is the location of the Tallahatchie River? 31. How many sections is each township divided into? 32. How much land was in a Homestead during the western expansion of the U.S.? 33. What is GIScience? 34. What is GPS? 35. What are the 3 parts of a GPS system? 36. Who is likely to use GPS? 37. How do individuals contribute to the creation of digital maps? 38. What is information gathered from satellites & other long-distance methods?

39. What is a stick chart? How does it work? 40. What is GIS? 41. Why would someone want a layered map? 42. How did Ian McHarg help develop modern GIS software? 43. Mash-Up -

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography Chapter 1 Key Issue 2 page 13-20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is the scale of place; region? What makes a place or region distinct? LocationFour methods of describing location ToponymWhy do we name places after people?(6) What is the Welsh word for meandering? What are the origins of the Losantiville? Why did they change to Cincinnati? Why did Hot Springs N.M. change its name? What was the concern of the Board of Geographical names? Why do you think names change after a war?

Read Article Names A Changin Time Magazine 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. SiteWhat are some important site characteristics? How much did Peter Minuit buy Manhattan Island for in 1626? How did Manhattan grow in the 18th century? SitutationWhat are the 2 reasons situation is important? Why is Singapore important? MeridianLongitudePrime Meridian-

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

ParallelLatitudeWhat is the location of Midland, TX.? What is the symbol for minutes? What is the symbol for seconds? How does GPS break down degrees of latitude and longitude? Describe Singapore given Figure 1-11? How did ancient people measure latitude? Why was Greenwich, England Royal Observatory chosen as the site of O ? How did John Harrison win the prize to measure Longitude accurately? Why did they wait 40 years to give him the prize? RegionCultural landscapeRegional studiesWhat did cultural geographers argue? What are integrated characteristics? Who/What is the most important element of change on Earth according to the author? What is the Geographers job? What are the two types of Regions geographers use?(scale) Formal RegionHow does Montana meet this definition? How does figure 1-14 meet this definition? What cautionary step does the author remind us of in identifying formal regions? Functional RegionVernacular Region-

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