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Toledo 1 Jada Toledo College Writing Prof.

Lago Dec 15th, 2013 Describe Yourself as a Writer Personally, I think Im pretty creative as a writer. I like making up my own stories and writing about stupid dreams Ive had and expanding on them, or making up a story about myself. Its pretty fun, especially when I have it hand written, its almost therapeutic. I feel that it really helps me express myself, and get my feelings out on paper. Obviously, Im no J.K. Rowling, but I like exploring the creative side of things and I find that its easier than looking things up, checking facts, and citing my sources. When I write a story, theres no facts or figures, I dont need to consciously organize anything, nothing needs to be supported, its all from my head, and its all my own. I also find it easier to write about my feelings and myself than it is to write about anything else, who isnt it easier for?

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