Learning Activity Plan112movement Activity

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Name: ___Nicole Ludwikoski__ ____________________ _____ Site: _______Nicoles Home Care

Description of Activity: Musical Hoops, dancing from hoop to hoop

Type of Activity: Creative Movement Activity Age group: 4-5 Number in group:3-4

Opening Question/Invitation/Prop/Finger Play: Do you know what it means to share? Do you think you can share your hula hoop?

Concepts & Skills: The children will be practicing and recognizing sharing in this activity They will be able to recognize what their personal space is. Questions to ask: Ask the children if they can let someone else stop in there hoop? Share their hoop? Where is your space? With or without other kids in your hoop?

Procedure: Make a path of hula hoops and have the children travel from hoop to hoop as music plays. When the music stops, each student freezes inside one hoop. Then using cones on the floor to designate and area, then place the hula hoops inside the area. As the music is played, have the children walk on the shape around the hoops. When the music stops, the students enter the shape and each find a hula hoop in which to stand. One student per hoop. Designate the hoop as each childs personal space and explain the benefits of maintaining a safe personal space. As the game progresses, remove one hoop at a time. As in musical chairs. Suggest that children share their space with another student. Reduce the hoops until all children are sharing on or two hoops when the music stops

Materials Needed: One hula hoop per child Cones, or rug or tape Music


Performance Standards: A.EL. 3 Follows directions of increasing complexity. A.EL. 2 Listens and responds to communication with others

Potential Guidance Techniques Needed: Put your listening ears on, and fallow the music

WITC Instructor Use Only: /2 Activity Plan is developmentally appropriate /2 Activity Plan is comprehensive /1 Professional presentation/spelling & grammar is correct

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