Why It Remains - English Myth

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R.J. Delgadillo, Leonard Seals, Laura Romero, Jacqueline Rodriguez Mrs. Garza English II Period 5 September 16th, 2013 Why It Remains The world was a good place. Everything about it was good. Things such as murder, hate, and war were possible, but had not yet been discovered, due to the fact that everyone was good. Now, amongst all these people, there were two in particular, who went by the name of Seth, and Admon. They were really good friends, and were always together. Admon was one of those guys that was liked by everyone. He was an average sized man, who was pretty smart and was always happy. If you respected him, he respected you. Seth on the other hand, was a bit different. He was skinny and was an average height. He was not as known as Admon was. Everyone knew that he was best friends with Admon, but people never really acknowledged Seth like they did Admon. One day, this fact kept popping up into Seths head. Thoughts of feeling unimportant and small filled his mind. Seth was on the verge of breaking down, and Admon noticed this. Hey, are you alright Seth? You look a bit down. said Admon. Im okay, replied Seth, Im just tired. Admon accepted the answer, even though he knew that was not the truth. Regardless, he didnt make a big deal about it and they continued walking. Still, the depressing thoughts occupied Seths mind. Seth though How can I stop this? Then, a thought popped into his head. Why dont I just get rid of Admon? No, I couldnt do that or could I? He thought it over, and he had decided. The next day, he was going to murder Admon.

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When the next day came, Seth met up with Admon like he usually did. Except this time, Seth made sure they walked to a place with no one around to see. Admon had noticed this, and he asked Seth, why have you taken us here? Seth replied with an Im sorry. Confused, Admon replied, What? Sorry for what? And before he could say anything else, Seth quickly picked up a large rock, and smashed it against Admons head, like a wrecking ball slamming into a wall. Admon flew to the ground, with blood flowing from his forehead. Barely being able to speak, he screamed, Seth! Stop! Dont but before he could speak another word, Seth struck him again, and it was done. Seth had taken Admons life. Seth kneeled in front of Admons lifeless corpse, with a blank expression, staring off into space. After about a minute or two, his blank expression turned into a smile. He liked the feeling of killing. It made him feel accomplished, and powerful. He got up off his knees, and left to his home. He was going to plan for the next day. The next morning, the whole town was talking about the murder of Admon. Seth did not hide the body, so early in the morning the body was discovered when someone was walking by. There was a town meeting to find out who did it, and everyone in the town attended; including Seth. Everyone at the meeting was trying to figure out who did it, and why someone would even do such a thing. Nothing like this had ever happened, so you can imagine how baffled people were by the event. It was very loud, because everyone was talking so someone yelled Hey! Quiet down! and the crowd grew quiet. The man said Thank you, and now that I have your attention; how did this atrocity? Seth calmly stood up and said I did. Not expecting such an upfront answer, the crowd was in shock. Seth continued: And if you dont cooperate, the same will happen to all of you. As he said that, one-third of the crowd stood up, holding daggers carved from stone to people in the crowd. Seth had gathered them overnight, and convinced them

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to follow him. This town is run by us now. If you refuse to accept this, then you shall be killed. Someone in the crowd shouted I will not live in a place controlled by a murderer like you! Seth replied, Very well. Seth then proceeded to kill the man in front of everyone. After this, everyone ran as fast as they could to their homes. As they ran away, Seth quietly said, with a smile, Thank you for your cooperation. This event left all the good remaining civilians in their homes terrified to come out. No one could leave town, because Seth had his workers guarding every possible exit. Not only that, but Seth managed to get even more of the town become evil. They originally joined just so they could be protected, but they ended up actually enjoying being evil, and stayed with him. That means that now, a majority of the town was evil, and a select few were still good. Out of all the good people, there was one who went by the name of Axel. He had an average body build, was very intelligent, and loved to help people. He was always quiet, and never really said anything. Regardless of that fact, he still tried to help people whenever he could. After seeing all that has happened, he realized he needed to do something. He figured that since a majority of the town it was already bad, that they would just kill all those left who are good. He couldnt let that happen. He figured that if they did that, they would move on to other parts of the world, and do the same there. So one night, he rose up. He was going to have to kill the bad, to get the good back in the world. He snuck out of his house at night, and being to kill Seths workers. He went to the guard post they were posted at, killed them, and went on to the next. To his surprise, he actually was successful in taking out most of his workers. It wasnt until he got to one of the last few guard posts where he got caught. Some of Seths workers caught him, and took him directly to Seth. When he was brought to Seth, he asked him, Why did you even bother trying? Almost the whole town is on my side you shouldve just let it all

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unfold. Axel looked at him and said, I killed a lot of them I wouldve tried to make them go back to good, but I think thatll take more than a few seconds. Seth laughed. And what makes you think they would want to be good again? You dont understand. Change only happens when everyone wants it. If everyone wanted to be bad, and someone came along and tried to convert them to good, do you really think it would happen? Axel thought, and replied You never know I had to do something. I wasnt going to sit back and watch my once beloved home rot because of scum like you! Seths guards jumped up, ready to attack Axel. No, stop. Seth told his guards. I will deal with him myself. If hes that stubborn, Ill just have to show him. Thus, Axel and Seth began to fight. The winds roared all around them as they were punching, kicking, and swinging daggers at each other. Both put up a good fight for each other, and the battle was back and forth. Just as you thought it would be over, the other opponent would strike back even harder. Nevertheless, every battle comes to an end, and this one had a very unfortunate end for Axel. Seth took one final punch at Axel, and Axel flew to the ground. He had barely any life in him, and could not move. Seth walked slowly over to Axels half-alive body, and spoke. What did I tell you? Change only happens if everyone wants it. These people enjoy being evil. You lost, I won. You may have killed some of my followers, but this is just the beginning. Evil will always be in the world, no matter what. It shall remain until the end of time. After he finished saying this, he finished Axel off with one last stab of his dagger. Axel breathed his last breath, and died. Seth turned away from his body, and walked away. People often ask questions such as, Why is there still evil in the world? and Why are there bad people in the world? Well, there you have it. Evil will be in the world forever and there will always be people who want to be evil. As long as there are a majority of people who

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want to be evil, that will not change. As Seth said: Change only happens if everyone wants it. Evil will remain on the earth until the end of time. This was the story, of why it remains.

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