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Name -:
Residence .

Home Phone
Business Address

Name of Firm ..
Office Phone
In case of accident or serious illness, not'-7

My Physician is; .:':.. /.--

His Address•;•:.-.--."" ~:~"-, -. .':rr-.i._

His Phone -_._.,•

My hospital _ ^.
My Weight JLZ.|L-IIei2ht----ft in.
My Automobile, Make No
My Watch, Make Case No
Works No
Size of my
y A * >
Shoes Hosiery ,1__^_.Hat
Collar-..--..Cuffs Shirt .'
Undershirt Drawers
Gloyes _C\>.-t----_-Trousers, Waist
._ ...Length _-_
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