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Distances from Toronto.

Amherst, N. S. 951 New Glasgow, N. S. 1,071
Brandon, Man. 1,420 N. Westmm'ter, B.C 2,761
Brantford, Ont. 05 North Bay, Ont. 227
Belleville, Ont. 113 Niagara Falls, Ont. 83
B'ockville, Ont. 208 Ottawa, Ont. 256
Calgary, Alb, 2,127 Owen Sound, Ont. !2°
Chatham, Ont. 179 Peterboro, Ont. 76
Cobalt, Ont. 330 Port Arthur, Out. 856
Dawson City, Yukon 4,193 Quebec, Que. 505
Edmonton, Aib. 2,319 Regina, Sask. 1,64!)
Fort William, Ont. 862 Rossland, B. C. 2,24;
Gait, Ont. 57 Sherbrooke, Que. 434
Goderich, Ont. 134 Sydney, N. S. 1,23:*'
Guelph, Ont. 48 St. Catharines, Ont. 21
Halifax, N. S. 1,089 St. John, N. B. 814
Hamilton, Ont. 39 Vancouver, B. C. 2,71
Kingston, Ont. 103 Victoria, B. C. 2,853
London, Ont. 115 Windsor, Ont. 223
Montreal, Que. 333 Winnipeg, Man. 1,287

Legal Weights and Measures In Canada.

By Acts of 1879 and 1898, the measure of the iollow-
ing articles must be determined by weight, unless by
special agreement, the weight equivalent to a bushel
being as follows :—
Wheat, 60 Ibs. Indian Corn, 56 Ibs. Rye, 50 Ibs.
Pease, 60 Ibs. Barley, 48 Ibs. Malt, 30 Ibs. Oats,
34 Ibs. Beans, GO Ibs. Flax seed, 50 Ibs. Hemp,
44 Ibs. Blue grass seed, 14 Ibs. Lime, 70 Ibs. Castor
beans, 40 Ibs. Potatoes, CO Ibs. Turnips, 60 Ibs. Car-
rots, 60 Ibs. Parsnips, 00 Ibs. Beets, 00 Ibs. Onions,
50 Ibs. Bituminous coal, 70 Ibs. Clover seed, 60 Ibs.
Timothy, 43 Ibs. Buckwheat, 48 Ibs.
And the ton was decreed to be 2,000 Ibs.
By recent Acts it is ordered that for apples the barrel
shall be 90 quarts. Size, length, 20 inches between
head (inside measure) ; diameter (head) 17 inches ;
middle diamete r , 18 1-2 inches. Boxes, 11x10x20 inches
containing 2,200 cubic inches.

The Great Lakes.

Lakes l.enstli Breadth Area Heij't above sei
Superor, 390 mi. lt)0 mi. 31,420 sq. mi. 602ft.
Huron i,w
Georgian Bay, 400 " ICO " 24,000 " " 575"
St. Clair, 25 " 25 " 360 " " 570"
Erie, 250 " CO " 10,000 " " 566"
Ontario, 190 " 02 " 7,330 " " 240"
Michigan 345 " 58 " 25,590 " " 578"
Distance from tidewater on the St. Lawrence a:
Three Rivers, Quebec, to Port Arthur, Lake Superior
1,360 miles.

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