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The Older Provinces

(Revised to 1011)
Ontario and Quebec are termed " Eastern Canada."
and New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Ecward
Island, the " Maratime Provinces.'*

mi.; IN . o. .;i,uoosq. mi.; r, &. istana, ^,101 sq. mi.

Timber.—Nearly all this eastern country was orig-
inally heavily wooded, and lumbering is one of the
chief industries. There are yet immense forests which
are well nigh inexhaustible. The annual lumber cut
is estimated at about forty million dollars.
Fisheries.—The finest and most extensive fresh-
water and coast fisheries in the world are in the waters
of these five Provinces. Reports for the'year 1909-10
give a total value of $13,070,034, and show that, ex-
clusive of Ontario, 4G,G72 persons were employed in
this industry.
Agriculture.—Mixed farming is the rule in these
. provinces, affording profitable employment at all sea-
sons of the year, and yeilding returns of over $1550,
000,000 annually.
Manufactures. — The principal manufacturing
centers of Canada are in the East. Montreal, Toronto,
Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Peterborough, Quebec
ar?d Halifax are among the leading manufacturing
Mining.—Coal is extensively mined in New Bruns-
wick and Nova Soctia. "The most extraordinary
finds of minerals in Ontario are the rich silver deposits
at Colbalt, and the extensive nickel deposits at Sud-
bury,—the richest and most productive in the world."
The mineral output of Ontario amounts to about
$30,000,000 per year and of Quebec, #5,500,000. Co-
balt silver ores carry up to 3,0(10 and 4,000 ounces and
more of silver to the ton of 2,000 pounds. Car-load
lots of 30 tons have brought $60,000, $90,000, and
$110,000. A typical analysis gives silver 11 per cent.,
Cobalt 11 per cent, nickel 4 per cent., arsenic 44 per
cent. The Cobalt mines have produced 25,897,825
ounces of silver in 0ne year.
Resorts.—The summer resorts and winter carnivals
of this part of Canada are far-famed and these regions
are the sportsman's paradise for all kinds of game,
large and small.
Special Advantages.—A great variety of industries
and products, including f r u i t of the very best both in
quality and quantity; water-ways and water-power;
proximity to home and foreign markets; chances for
steady and all-year-round employment, etc., etc.

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