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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas

2012 County Level Office Candidates:

1. (All Countywide Offices) Why are you seeking the endorsement of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? . (All Countywide Offices) What are your !lans to !artici!ate in a coordinated cam!aign in the general election in Dallas County? ". (All Countywide Offices) Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on# a) your we$site $) your cam!aign literature and mailers c) your social media assets (%witter& 'ace$ook& etc.) d) your cam!aign ad(ertisements ). (All Countywide Offices) *ow would su!!ort or lead efforts to !ass a resolution to su!!ort marriage e+uality? ,. (All Countywide Offices) When elected& how will you recruit& retain& and create a friendly en(ironment for -./% and -./%0friendly staff? 1. (All Countywide Offices) Would you a!!oint a liaison to meet with the -./% community on an ongoing $asis? 2f not& why? 3. (County Commissioners Court) What would you do to su!!ort and assist the many !eo!le with mental illness who must rely on the !u$lic system for care in or out of incarceration? 4. (County Commissioners Court) Do you su!!ort continuation of funding at the current le(els for 5ail mental illness !rograms? 2f you fa(or increased funding& what would you identify as new re(enue streams to su!!ort that?

6. (All Countywide Offices) Dallas County recently enacted a 7artners /enefits insurance o!tion for family mem$ers of county em!loyees& $ut the enrollment has $een negligi$le. *ow would you $etter !romote and su!!ort this o!tion? What can you do to enhance this !rogram and8or lessen the $urden to !artici!ate? 19. (County Commissioners Court) 2n light of decreased federal and state funding& what are your ideas to address the issue of the increase in *2:8A2DS infections in Dallas County and for !ersons li(ing with *2:8A2DS in Dallas County (Dallas has the highest infection rate in %e;as and one of the highest in the country)?

2& <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<& am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 91 elections.



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