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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2012 State Level Office Candidates: 1.

Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? 2. What are your plans to support or participate in a coordinated campaign in the general election in Dallas County? 3. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: a your we!site ! your campaign literature and mailers c your social media assets "#witter$ %ace!ook$ etc. d your campaign ad&ertisements '. When elected$ how will you recruit$ retain$ and create a friendly en&ironment for ()*# and ()*#+friendly staff? ,. Would you !e willing to appoint a liaison to meet with the ()*# community on a ongoing !asis? -f not$ why? .. /ow would you support or lead efforts to pass a resolution to support marriage e0uality? 1. Will you !e willing to lead or support efforts to de&elop a ()*# #askforce$ similar to the structure and mission the Dallas City Council de&eloped? 2. /ow would you lead or support state legislation and3or constitutional amendments pertaining to: a ()*# Couples adopting? ! ()*# Couples pro&iding foster care? c Supporting safe schools for ()*# students? d Supporting the repeal of the #e4as 5arriage3Ci&il 6nion 7mendment 8. /ow would you address the recent trend of state go&ernment adding medically unnecessary procedures to the course of treatments pertaining to women9s health "e.g. the re0uirement to ha&e a sonogram prior to the legal termination of a pregnancy ? 1:. What would you do to support and assist people with mental illness who must rely on the pu!lic system for care in or out of incarceration? 11. /ow would you lead or support efforts to pro&ide !etter funding for healthcare and !etter healthcare options for all #e4as residents? 12. /ow would you lead or support the efforts to teach comprehensi&e se4ual education in #e4as? 13. /ow would you lead or support legislation to compara!le to a proposed inclusi&e ;mployment <on+Discrimination 7ct?

1'. What specific ideas do you ha&e and3or what current legislation would you support to impro&e our state economy and address the wealth disparity in #e4as?

-$ ===============================$ am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2:12 elections.



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