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Greg Power Portfolio: Conclusion Section HA McGough December 18, 2 1!

! Continuing Growth "he# s$# the %en is mightier th$n the swor&' (or this to be the c$se howe)er, the %en h$s to be in the h$n&s of the right %erson' * ho%e to become this %erson, but much growth in m# writing is still re+uire&' * h$)e seen l$rge im%ro)ements in m# com%osition s,ills with e$ch %$%er * write, but e$ch %$%er $lso shines $ light on $ %otenti$l new $re$ of im%ro)ement' -eing $n effecti)e communic$tor is $bout more th$t .ust writing well/ * nee& to wor, on growing m# s,ills $lso in or$l, )isu$l, $n& electronic communic$tion' -# growing in $ll four of these $re$s, * c$n become the communic$tor nee&e& to succee& in the worl& * li)e in' "he communic$tion form * nee& the le$st im%ro)ement in is electronic communic$tion' * feel $s if * h$)e m$n# tools $n& $ lot of ,nowle&ge in this $re$, $n& the ,e# $re$ of im%ro)ement for me is sim%l# utili0ing $ll the &ifferent forms of me&i$ $)$il$ble' "he best w$# for me to grow in this $re$ is to ch$llenge m#self to %resent $rguments in nontr$&ition$l forms' "hese $ltern$ti)e forms m$# hel% me $%%e$l to future $u&iences more th$n $ b$sic form of communic$tion' (or e1$m%le, if * $m %resenting to $ grou% of #ounger stu&ents, * might be better off inclu&ing $ )i&eo on m# sub.ect r$ther th$t sim%l# using $ %ower%oint %resent$tion' * nee& to $ssess wh$t me&i$ form will be most effecti)e in getting $cross m# mess$ge $n& not be $fr$i& to esc$%e from written %$%ers $n& %ower%oint %resent$tions' 2isu$l communic$tion is $nother $re$ * feel $s if * $m strong $t, but there $re still w$#s for me to im%ro)e in this metho& of communic$tion' "he most im%ort$nt %$rt of )isu$l communic$tion is th$t * $ctu$ll# use $ )isu$l3 "his soun&s sim%le, $n& it is' M$n# %$%ers * h$)e written woul& h$)e been gre$tl# enh$nce& b# inclu&ing $ b$sic %icture, gr$%h, or ch$rt, $n& * h$)e not inclu&e& the gr$%hic bec$use it ne)er occurre& to me' * c$n refine m# s,ills in this $re$ b# re)iewing m# written wor, $n& chec,ing if $n# of m# $rguments coul& be cle$re& u% b# the inclusion of $ )isu$l $i&' (or e1$m%le, if * $m &escribing some n$tur$l scener#, $ctu$ll# inclu&ing $ %icture of wh$t * $m &escribing coul& hel% the re$&er ,now wh$t it loo,s li,e more th$n $n# number of wor&s * write e)er coul&' *t is necess$r# th$t * re$& m# com%ositions $s someone who is not f$mili$r with m# to%ic $n& * see if there $re $n# im$ges th$t s%ring into min& th$t $re not wh$t * $s the $uthor inten&e& m# re$&er to see' *f this &oes h$%%en, it is %rob$bl# $ sign$l th$t $ )isu$l $i& is nee&e&' A strength of mine is or$l communic$tion/ howe)er, or$l communic$tion is so im%ort$nt in our societ# th$t %erh$%s it is the $re$ which * nee& the most growth in' 4m%lo#ers $re incre$singl# loo,ing for %eo%le who c$n effecti)el# %resent their i&e$s in front of l$rge $u&iences so it is es%eci$ll# im%ort$nt th$t * wor, on this t#%e of communic$tion' * thin, m# biggest we$,ness in this $re$ is th$t * c$n sometimes shrin, $w$# from the situ$tion $n& lose the $uthorit# * nee& to con)ince the $u&ience of $n# %oint * $m tr#ing to %itch' "he e$siest w$# to $melior$te m# $bilities is to wor, on m# %osture' St$n&ing u% t$ll $n& ,ee%ing m# e#es forw$r& is $ gre$t w$# to show the $u&ience th$t wh$t * h$)e to s$# is im%ort$nt $n& the# better listen u%' A&&ition$ll#, st$n&ing str$ight u% n$tur$ll# encour$ges me to s%e$, with $ lou&er, more comm$n&ing )oice com%$re& to the timi& )oice * use while slum%e& o)er' 5oo,ing the %$rt of $ goo& %resenter is ,e# for me to $ctu$ll# be $ble to use m# gre$t or$l s,ills' "he rem$ining form of communic$tion * nee& to im%ro)e in is the t#%ic$l form of 4nglish cl$ss communic$tion: writing' Com%$ring m# written wor, from .ust $ few #e$rs $go to the wor, * $m cre$ting to&$# shows the stunning im%ro)ement th$t h$s occurre& within m# writing' * write

e1cee&ingl# so%histic$te&, * elimin$te $ m$.orit# of s%lling 6h$7 errors, $n& m# $n$l#sis goes incre$singl# in &e%th' 8ne $re$ * still nee& to im%ro)e on is m# use of %ronouns' 8ften in %$%ers, * sim%l# st$rt referring to e)er#one $s he or she, so $fter $ few sentences, the re$&er is left guessing $s to which %erson * $m referring to' "his is )er# $)oi&$ble, $n& to force m#self to im%ro)e, * will tr# $n& write %$r$gr$%hs where * &o not use any %ronouns $n& then go b$c, $n& see which nouns c$n be e$sil# substitute& out for %ronouns' 9ithin or$l communic$tion, it is often )er# e)i&ent who $ %ronoun is referring to/ howe)er, in written communic$tion, it is $n#thing but e)i&ent' * nee& to m$,e sure th$t the %ronoun * $m using is both close to the noun it is re%l$cing $n& th$t there is not $nother %ossible noun it coul& be re%l$cing' Pronouns $re gre$t for con&ensing sentences/ howe)er, the# shoul& not be use& to con&ense the me$ning of m# writing' -eing $n effecti)e communic$tor re+uires comm$n& of $ll forms of communic$tion' * h$)e m$n# $re$s of m#self * c$n im%ro)e in, $n& in the u%coming semesters of college * loo, to buil& m#self into the communic$tor * c$n be, nee& to be, $n& ,now * will be' "o &o this, howe)er, * must focus not .ust on the written wor&, but $lso on or$l, )isu$l, $n& electronic communic$tion in or&er to become more com%lete $s $ communic$tor' *f the %en is mightier th$n the swor&, $ t$l,ing %en showing $ %icture on $ com%uter woul& be e)en stronger' *ntegr$ting $ll four me$ns of communic$tion $llows for more effecti)e communic$tion th$n sim%l# utili0ing the written wor&'

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