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SPARC Template Enugu State Government: Proposed Induction Course Scriptoria Communications July 2010

Report 1 May 5 2009

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The opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department for International Development

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Content List
Abbreviations and Acronyms Executive Summary Background Methodology and Procedures Recommendations Section One Background and Introduction ........................................................... 1 Background and Introduction ......................................................................................... 1 Outline of Assignments .................................................................................................. 1 Possible Risks and Assumptions ...................................................................................... 2 Section Two Methodology and Procedure ............................................................. 3 Development of Questionnaire, Administration of Questionnaire, Personal Interviews, Discussions and Feedback .............................................................................................. 3 Feedback ................................................................................................................... 3 Budgeting and Financial Management .......................................................................... 3 Responses Elicited From the Respondents on the Expected Outcome of the Induction: ... 4 Actions taken: ............................................................................................................ 4 Section Three Model Course Outline for Core Elements of Induction Course ........ 7 Induction course areas for new Employees (01-06).......................................................... 7 Induction course areas for staff on Grade levels 07-16 ................................................... 10 Suggested Induction Course Areas for Staff on Promotion/ Transfer ............................... 11 Suggested facilitators/instructors for the induction course .............................................. 11 Institutional Location for Running the Induction Course ................................................. 12 Section Four Section Five Appendix One Recommended Scope of Staff Hand Book for New Staff ............... 13 General Recommendations ............................................................. 15 Core Induction Course Outlines Levels 01 to 06 ............................ 17

COURSE OUTLINE FOR STAFF ON GL.01-06 .................................................................. 17 COURSE OUTLINE FOR STAFF ON GL 07-16 .................................................................. 26 Appendix Two Some Reference Materials ............................................................... 39 Appendix Three List of Government Officials Contacted During this Exercise ....... 40

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

CSC DFID EFCC ENSG ETPB GL ICPC ICT MDAs OHoS PS PSM SDC SPARC Civil Service Commission Department for International Development Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Enugu State Government Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau Grade Levels Independent Corrupt Practices Commission Information and Communication Technology Ministries, Departments and Agencies Office of Head of Service Permanent Secretaries Public Service Management Staff Development Centre State Partnership for Accountability Responsiveness and Capability

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Executive Summary
The Enugu State Government has had no induction course for its civil service workforce since the early nineties (1990s) with the result that the knowledge base and productivity level of the workforce are below expectation. The State Governments Four Point Agenda in general and Dimension 8 of its publi c service management reform programme in particular are aimed at reversing this situation. The State Government has thus requested the Department for International Development funded State Partnership for Accountability Responsiveness and Capability programme to assist in developing a competent civil service workforce. Accordingly State Partnership for Accountability Responsiveness and Capability Programme engaged a short term consultant for 15 days to do the following: Identify induction course requirements for new entrants into the Enugu State Government civil service for all cadres; Consult with Office of Head of Service, Civil Service Commission and selected Ministries Department and Agencies to define the course content for the Enugu State Government induction course(s) for all new entrants into the civil service; Recommend courses and develop course contents and coverage for different job groups viz levels 01-07, 8-13 and 14 and above; Make recommendation on the need to provide refresher induction courses at the time of promotion and /or transfer of civil servants; Prepare model course materials for core elements of the induction course; Suggest possible sources of instructors to be engaged for the induction course(s); Recommend suitable locations for running the induction course(s) in the short term and on a permanent basis; Recommend the necessity and possible scope of a civil service staff Handbook for Enugu State Government civil servants probably similar to the Federal Government staff handbook.

Methodology and Procedures

The short term consultant developed a comprehensive and incisive questionnaire which was administered on various stakeholders to elicit relevant information that would enable him execute the above activities. The consultant had personal interviews and discussions with Permanent Secretaries, Commissioner for Lands (immediate past Head of Service), Head of Service, Director of Establishment and Training, Principal and staff of the Staff Development Centre, the Head of

Department Establishment and Training. The questionnaire instrument was administered on some of these officers to elicit information on the need for an Induction Course for new appointees of the State. All the discussions the consultant had with these stakeholders pointed to the fact that the need for the induction course cannot be overemphasized and that the time is NOW to commence running the induction course. The consultant also consulted a number of documents to be appropriately guided on this project. Having been adequately briefed, informed and equipped with both oral and written information and data from the key people in the Enugu State Government civil service in addition to the data from the duly completed questionnaires, the consultant was able to draft the induction course content outlines, based on the identified training needs as well as the goals and agenda of the Enugu State Government. Three locations were identified as possible suitable venues for the induction courses. The Staff Development Centre, the Local Government Service Commission conference hall and the Conference hall of the Ministry of Information were identified as possible venues for the Induction Course. While the conference hall of the Ministry of Information has the capacity for only thirty participants, the Staff Development Centre has two halls and one auditorium and the Local Government Service Commission also has a meeting hall that can comfortably accommodate a class size of over fifty participants.

1. It is desirable to commence induction courses for newly recruited civil servants into the Enugu State Government civil service as soon as possible. This should commence immediately as a total of Four Hundred and Eighty Two (482) officers have been recruited into the Enugu State Government Civil Service from June 2009 to date. The essence is to adequately prepare and equip them for a productive, focused, efficient and effective workforce given that they will be exposed to the tenets, rules and procedures of civil service. 2. The Department of Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau should be responsible for running the induction courses with logistics support and relevant inputs from the Civil Service Commission and cooperation from the other Ministries Departments and Agencies. 3. The induction course curriculum should be developed using the outline proposed in this report for the course. This is to ensure relevance, comprehensiveness and conformity with the agenda and objectives which the Enugu State Government has mapped out for transforming its Civil Service 4. The Staff Development Centre should be renovated by the State, given a befitting face lift and well equipped as it will ultimately serve as the main induction/refresher training centre for the state on a permanent basis. In the short run the Conference halls of the Ministry of Information and the Local Government Service Commission can be used for running the induction courses pending the adequate renovation of the Staff Development Centre 5. The Office of the Head of Service should inform all the Permanent Secretaries of the relevant Ministries Departments and Agencies to prepare and make presentations on the job responsibilities of their respective Ministries at appropriate time during each induction course or submit their Ministries job summary to be added to the proposed welcome book to be

given to the trainees after the Induction. This will educate the new recruits with the activities of ministries other than their own. 6. The induction as well as other developmental courses for the civil service should commence in earnest as soon as possible so as to enable the Enugu State Government to realize its laudable objectives promptly, especially the Dimension 8 of its agenda in tandem with other developmental areas which are already on course with some even reaching advanced stages. 7. A Staff Handbook similar to what obtains at the Federal Public Service is necessary for Enugu State Government civil service. 8. The Enugu State Government should have the political will and commitment to implement the above recommendations such that it should prepare a supplementary budget in the event that its 2010 budgetary provisions become a constraining factor. Annual allocations should be assured from the 2011 budget onwards. 9. It is also desirable for the State to have a team of Instructors responsible for teaching induction courses. It is therefore recommended that a Train the Trainers Development Course for these Civil Servants who will be selected by the State be introduced. Their training should be the sole responsibility of the State.

Section One

Background and Introduction

Background and Introduction

In line with the Dimension 8 (Creating a Competent Workforce) of the Enugu State Governments Public Service Management Reform Plan, the government is partnering with Department for International Development (DFID) funded State Partnership for Accountability Responsiveness and Capability (SPARC) to improve the performance of the State Civil Service. A reconnaissance survey revealed that currently new entrants into the state public/civil Service are not given any form of orientation programme. The adverse effect of this is that civil servants are posted out to various Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) unprepared for their duties. The actual costs to the state and to the individuals concerned can hardly be quantified in terms of loss of manhours, non productivity, wastes, loss of focus and bearing, inefficiency, non-self fulfilment, stress and the likes. The survey confirmed that the only limited training that is currently available and conducted relates to the confirmation and promotion examination. The implication of this is that civil servants can only develop and improve themselves through self help or donor agents funded training programmes. Certainly this approach is not only counterproductive but also inimical to the growth in the productivity rate of the work force.

Outline of Assignments
It is in the light of the above that the Enugu State Government (ENSG) is partnering with DFID - SPARC to identify induction course requirements for new entrants to the civil service. The essence is to make the state civil service functional, productive and relevant to the laudable programmes of the government as encapsulated in the 4-Point Agenda and the related 2009 2014 State Government Reform Programme. The consultant has been engaged to liaise with the SPARC Public Service Management (PSM) lead Consultant to the state to execute the following activities in order to achieve the above stated deliverables i.e. induction course requirements. Consult with Office of Head of Service (OHoS), Civil Service Commission (CSC) and selected MDAs to define the course content for an ENSG induction course(s) for all new entrants into the civil service. Recommend courses and develop course contents and coverage for the different job groups for example levels 01 to 06 and 07 to 14. Make appropriate recommendations on the need to provide refresher induction courses at the time of promotion and/or transfer of civil servants

Prepare model course materials for core elements of the induction course Suggest those to be engaged as instructors for the induction course Recommend suitable locations for running the induction course in the short term and on a permanent basis Recommend the necessity and possible scope of a civil service staff Handbook for ENSG civil servants. Submit all of the above to the Permanent Secretaries (PSs) of Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau (ETPB) and CSC.

Possible Risks and Assumptions

The laudableness and necessity of this project notwithstanding, there is the potential risk that it may not be implemented promptly as it deserves. This could emanate from possible budgetary constraints especially if it was not provided for in the States 2010 budget. A possible way out however could be via a supplementary budget. The consultant also assumed that the ENSG has the determination, commitment as well as the political will and prowess to fully fund the Induction course.

Section Two

Methodology and Procedure

Development of Questionnaire, Administration of Questionnaire, Personal Interviews, Discussions and Feedback

The consultant first developed a comprehensive survey instrument for eliciting information about the availability, regularity if any, depth and coverage of and the need for induction course for civil servants in Enugu state. The questionnaire also covered relevant areas in a typical training programme including contents/ topics, facilitators, coverage, venue, duration, examination etc. The Consultant in company of SPARC Officers met with the State Head of Service for his input into the intended programme and also to acquaint him of the consultants visitation arrangements to the different MDAs. The consultant also met with Permanent Secretaries and Directors of the relevant MDAs concerned with the induction programme where discussions were held and questionnaires administered on them to elicit information about the Induction Course. (See annexure 3 for the lists of Officers contacted).

The results of the interviews with the Officers visited and the responses from the questionnaire administered on them indicate that their core areas of interest for the induction courses should cover: Basic Civil Service Rules and Regulations; Public Service Ethics and Code of Conducts; Understanding the functionality of the Three Arms of Government; General Office Management practices; Professional Ethics and grooming; Attitude and behaviour; Excellent Relationship Management. Public Service Procurement procedures. Democracy and good governance. The laws and Rights of a Civil Servant. Basic occupational health including HIV/AIDS. Writing Skills. Gender Issues and Social Inclusion in the workplace. 3

Budgeting and Financial Management

General Management Course areas.

The respondents also made inputs into the venue (temporary and permanent) for the induction course, likely period of commencement, categories of staff for the induction course (newly appointed, staff on transfer, newly promoted) and areas where skills need to be developed. Most of the officers contacted are of the view that the Induction course be held immediately given that the exercise will surely improve the level of productivity of the State work force. The consultant was also informed that the ENSG Civil Service Commission recently recruited 482 staff of different cadre in the past 12 months. These staff have been posted to the various MDAs. These new recruits are fresh school leavers and graduates of Colleges and Universities of different disciplines. These newly recruited officers are expected to be the first to benefit from the proposed induction course. This will facilitate their early settling in and enhance their productivity in their various duty posts. The induction programme would engender confidence, efficiency and effectiveness in their appreciation of and delivery of their respective services to the citizenry and other officers of the civil service.

Responses Elicited From the Respondents on the Expected Outcome of the Induction:
On completing the Induction programme, new public servants would have: Become inspired by the public service vision and excited about working in this sector Achieved an understanding of the context in which government is working and how it is responding to the existing and emerging challenges through its key policies and programmes Obtained a clear picture of how government is structured and where the public service fits in Understood the interrelated nature of the work of different spheres of government, departments and individuals and recognize the importance of co-operation and team work Gained clear knowledge of what constitutes ethical and unethical behaviour and realize why it is important to fight corruption and behave with integrity and accountability Gained knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of public servants including issues of gender and social inclusion Appreciated the concept of prompt services delivery and responsiveness to citizens demands

Actions taken:
From the above the consultant drafted induction course subjects outlines based on the assessed and identified training needs and suggested other training institutions. The Consultant also advised the Permanent Secretary, Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau on the criteria to consider while selecting instructors who should be engaged during the induction proper and also suggested suitable locations for the Induction training.

Recommendations on the Need to Provide Refresher Induction Course at the Time of Promotion/Transfer
Employees upon promotion or transfer are expected to raise their contribution as well as services delivery capacity, capabilities and ability. Promoted staffs are also expected to handle and contribute their unique talents to a wider variety of tasks. Their job content and description will certainly be enriched and deepened. They will no longer be performing mundane office functions but are more likely to handle more challenging and engaging jobs that may require new and higher level skills, greater initiative and creativity as well as high level contacts, role modelling and keener supervision. The higher one grows in the service the more he/she is expected to demonstrate leadership qualities and attributes as a result of higher responsibilities and expectations, effective communications skills, time management capabilities, high performance and evaluation skills, goal setting and goal achievement as well as innovation and negotiation skills. Planning functions, budgeting techniques, negotiation skills and other strategic issues are normally handled at top echelon of civil service. Hence with promotion one tends to gravitate towards the level where these high skills set are needed for effective performance. These skills are better instilled through a refresher or induction course soon after promotion and preferably before the affected officers are posted to their new beats/positions/locations. Ideally, before employees are appointed to higher positions or moved to a new MDA, they should be well prepared and equipped for their new positions for effective performance and enhanced productivity. This will ensure that they become familiar with the characteristics and peculiarities of the new place, relevant challenges and how best to handle them effectively. The refresher training for newly promoted or transferred officers or employees will help to: Establish themselves quickly in their job and therefore maximize their productivity; Become highly motivated to do well and fit into the business early on; Understand all issues relating to their job with less supervision; Be competent and confident in the discharge of their duties; Play a befitting role model commensurate with the new level or position; Motivate and supervise their direct reports appropriately; Be more creative, innovative and result oriented.

Section Three

Model Course Outline for Core Elements of Induction Course

During consultations with the heads of the relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies data were gathered on the needed courses for the different categories of employees of the state. The recommended courses were based on the identified skills set requirement vis-a-vis inherent skills gaps at the various levels of the ENSG civil service. These courses include General code of conduct/public service rules and procedures, General office administration/management, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Environmental Health, Attitude and Behaviour, Ethics and general Etiquette for newly recruited staff for grade levels 01-06 and Leadership, Finance and general management courses for staff on promotion and/ transfer for grade level 07-16. The Consultant got the consent of the officers contacted on the need for the State to conduct a written examination for the new employees and the assessment result be given to the Permanent Secretaries of various MDAs. The record of performance of each participant during the class work and the examination score can assist their supervisors in determining who to assign what roles having known their capabilities. The core course areas have been distributed as follows:

Induction course areas for new Employees (01-06)

Duration: 13 days Understanding the Enugu State 4- Points Agenda The Arms of Government and their functions Understanding the Public Service Rules Understanding the Public Service Financial Instructions Understanding the Scheme of Service Building Success Attitude and Habits in the Workplace Effective Filing and Documentation System Excellent Customer Relationship Management & Interpersonal Skills Creating and working effectively in a team Basic Office Etiquette and Dress Code Effective Communication in the Workplace 7

General Occupational Health (including HIV/AIDs, Malaria and Tuberculosis Effective Maintenance of Public Facilities Information, Communication and Technology (Computer Appreciation) Gender Issues and Social Inclusion in the workplace Criminal Code (CapC38), Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) & Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) Matters Time Management and Personal Effectiveness (Working Smarter not Harder)

TIME TABLE FOR THE PROPOSED INDUCTION COURSE (GL 01-06) TIME DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 8:00 -8:30 Opening Review of Day Review of Day Review of Day Ceremony 1 2 3 8:30-11:30 Understanding ENSG 4-Point Agenda The Arms of Government & their Functions 11:30-12:00 12:00-2:00 SHORT BREAK Understanding the Public Service Rules Understanding the Public Service Financial Instructions & how states are funded Building Success Attitude and Habits in the workplace Creating and Working Effectively in a Team

DAY 5 Review of Day 4 Effective Communication in the Workplace Office

SHORT BREAK Understanding the Scheme of Service

SHORT BREAK Effective Filing & Documentation System & Security of Documents LUNCH BREAK Excellent Customer Relationship Management & Interpersonal Skills Question/Answer & Closure

SHORT BREAK Basic Office Etiquettes and Code of Dressing

SHORT BREAK Effective Communication in the Workplace

2:00-3:00 3:00-4:15

LUNCH BREAK Understanding the Public Service Rules contd.

LUNCH BREAK Understanding the Scheme of Service contd.

LUNCH BREAK Basic Office Etiquettes and Code of Dressing

LUNCH BREAK Question and Answer for courses on Week One Reflections on Week One


Reflections/Clos ure & Assignments

Reflections/ Closure & Assignments

Question/Answer Assignment & Closure

TIME 8:00 -8:30 8:30-11:30

DAY 6 Review of Week 1 General Occupational Health including

DAY 7 Review of Day 6 Effective Maintenance of Public Facilities

DAY 8 Review of Day 7

DAY 9 Review of Day 8 Roles & functions of Anti graft Agencies

DAY 10 Review of Day 9 Gender Issues and Social Inclusion in the

ICT (Computer Appreciation) 8

HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Tuberculosis in the workplace 11:3012:00 12:00-2:00 SHORT BREAK Occupational Health Issues contd. SHORT BREAK Effective Maintenance of Public Facilities SHORT BREAK

(EFCC, ICPC) in Corruption. SHORT BREAK Roles & Functions of Anti-graft Agencies(EFCC, ICPC) in Corruption


ICT (Computer Appreciation)

Time Management and Personal Effectiveness (Working Smarter not Harder) LUNCH BREAK Time Management and Personal Effectiveness contd.

2:00-3:00 3:00-4:15

LUNCH BREAK Occupational Health Issues contd.

LUNCH BREAK ICT ( Computer Appreciation

LUNCH BREAK Short Practice on ICT

LUNCH BREAK Roles & Functions of Anti-graft Agencies(EFCC, ICPC) in Corruption


Reflections/Closure & Assignments

Reflections/ Closure & Assignments

Question/Answer & Closure

Question/Answer & Closure



DAY 11

DAY 12

DAY 13

8:3011:30 11:3012:00pm 12:002:00 2:00-3:00 3:004:15 4:15-4:30




Familiarization Visit to MDAs

Writing Examination

Permanent Secretaries Break Sharing Lunch Examination Revision Exercise Closing reflection Experience with Permanent Secretaries Lunch Examination Revision Exercise Closing reflection Break Familiarization Visit to MDAs Break Certification/Official Ceremony NIL NIL NIL Closing

(Please find the course outline of the different subject areas in Appendix 1.)

Induction course areas for staff on Grade levels 07-16

Duration: 10 days Work Ethics and Attitudinal Change Leadership and Personal Development Delegation as Administration an Effective Tool for Effective Management and

Effective Report Writing Writing a good Memo Time Management and Personal Effectiveness Public Procurement Act of 2007 (Procurement Procedures for transparency and accountability in the Public Service) Managing Conflicts in a Workplace Managing Stress in the Work place Occupational Health (HIV/AIDs, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc) Preparing and Controlling Budget Successful Negotiation Skills Good Governance, Trust and Accountability Gender Issues and Social Inclusion in the workplace Problem Solving and Decision Making ICT (Use of Internet) Roles and Functions of Anti graft Agencies (EFCC, ICPC) Preparing for Retirement

PROPOSED INDUCTION COURSE FOR STAFF ON GRADE LEVEL 07-16 TIME DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 9:00-11:30 Opening Ceremony Delegation as a Writing a Public Tool for Good Memo Procurement Act Work Ethics & Effective 2007 Attitudinal Management & (Procurement Change Administration Procedures for Transparency and Accountability in the Public service) 11:3012:00 12:00-2:00 SHORT BREAK Work Ethics & Attitudinal Change contd. LUNCH BREAK Leadership and Personal Development Effective Report Writing SHORT BREAK Writing a Good Memo (practice) LUNCH BREAK Time Management & Personal 10 Public Procurement Act 2007 contd.

DAY 5 Occupational Health including HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Tuberculosis

SHORT BREAK Occupational Health including HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Tuberculosis LUNCH BREAK Gender issues & Social Inclusion in the workplace Occupational Health including HIV/AIDS,

2:00-3:00 3:00-4:30

Effective report Writing contd.

Effectiveness 4:30 6:00 Leadership and Personal Development Effective Report Writing contd. Time Management & Personal Effectiveness DAY 8
Good Governance, Trust & Accountability

Malaria & Tuberculosis Gender issues & Social Inclusion in the Workplace Q/A & Review of Week One

Time 9:00-11:30 am

DAY 6 Managing Conflicts in the workplace Break Managing Stress in the Workplace

DAY 7 Problem Solving & Decision Making

DAY9 Preparing for Life after Retirement

DAY 10 Preparing For Retirement Contd. Break

11:30-2:00 12:00-2:00

Break Successful Negotiation Good Governance, Trust & Accountability Lunch Preparing a Budget Preparing a Budget Preparing For Retirement Contd. Preparing For Retirement Contd. Preparing For Retirement Contd.

Preparing For Retirement Contd. ICT (how to use the Internet) Closing ceremony

2:00-3:00 3:00-4:30 4:30-6:00

Lunch Managing Stress in the Workplace Basic Etiquette & Dress Code in the Workplace Functions & Roles of EFCC ICPC etc, Functions & Roles of EFCC ICPC etc,

Suggested Induction Course Areas for Staff on Promotion/ Transfer

Duration 3 days Overview of the Civil Service Rules Overview of the Civil Service Financial Instructions Management reporting system Effective Supervisory Skills Target setting and Goals Accomplishments Managing relationships in the workplace Meeting Management Time & Stress Management Occupational Health Issues

Suggested facilitators/instructors for the induction course

One of the responsibilities of the Consultant was to suggest who should be engaged as instructors for the induction course. It is desirable for the State to have a team of Instructors responsible for facilitating subsequent induction courses at the exit of the Consultants. This team will undergo an intensive Trainers 11

Development Course to equip them with the requisite skills of facilitation and training management. Their training should be the sole responsibility of the State. The Consultant advised the Permanent Secretary, Establishment, Training, and Pensions Bureau on some of the criteria the State should consider while selecting the Instructors. These include but not limited to: Mastery of subject matter; Previous experiences on similar assignments; The ability to display warmth and establish rapport quickly with participants; The ability to recognize and clarify the nuances contained in participants statements through appropriate questioning; A high degree of sensitivity to both verbal and non verbal communications; Skills in analysis procedures; Training report writing ability; Classroom evaluation ability; Electronic training ability ability to use power point presentation; Presentation skills; Problem Solving and Decision making.

Institutional Location for Running the Induction Course

The Consultant recommends three locations within Enugu metropolitan city for the induction course. Courses will be running simultaneously in these locations so as to gain time and allow the participants return to work faster. The State Development Centre (SDC) will be used for the induction course on a permanent basis. The centre has two class rooms of 50 seaters each and one auditorium. The facilities have been highly underutilized and so should be equipped with the necessary training facilities to enhance learning and retention. The other temporary recommended training venues for the induction are the Meeting halls of the Ministry of Information and the Local Government Service Commission hall. The meeting hall of the Ministry of Information can only accommodate between 25-30 participants. Such halls can be used for Executives of Levels 14-16. Basic facilities like functional fans, good writing desks, white boards and other training aids shall be made available to enhance easy facilitation and learning at the proposed centres.


Section Four

Recommended Scope of Staff Hand Book for New Staff

The promotion of a sound ethical culture, in both the public service and the enlarged Nigerian society, has been the driving force underpinning every action of government and its agencies since the inception of the present administration in Nigeria. As enshrined in the Public Service Charter for Africa, ethical culture manifests in an officer, when among others, he performs his/her duty efficiently, displays discipline, dignity, integrity, equity, impartiality, fairness, public spiritedness and courtesy in his/ her actions. The Civil Service handbook in Nigeria prescribes the code of ethics in government business as discipline, loyalty, honesty, courage, courtesy, cooperation, tact, industry, tidiness, helpfulness, kindness. On attitude to public funds, the code emphasizes frugality, conscientiousness in collecting government revenue, avoidance of waste of public funds on ill-advised purchases, especially near the end of the financial year and preparing appropriate financial reports. The code emphasizes efficiency, which comes through training and advises the judicious use of authority by the public servant in a way that promotes National interest. All these are of high importance to every worker in Nigeria including the ENSG Civil Servants. The Consultant therefore recommends that an abridged hand book adapted for ENSG staff only should be prepared and given to all the newly appointed staff at resumption of duty.



Section Five

General Recommendations

The Induction Course model curriculum should be developed and handed over to the Enugu State Government through the OHoS who will oversee the induction course for the state; for use as and when necessary in liaison with CSC. The Department of Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau should be responsible for running the induction courses with relevant inputs from the Civil Service Commission and cooperation from the other MDAs. All newly appointed/recruited staff should be given an abridged Civil Service staff handbook with key extracts from the Federal Civil Service handbook and the Public Service rules of the State. To be incorporated in the handbook are Annual Performance Review Procedures, role profiles and career paths, Role standards, criteria for promotion, code of conduct, leave arrangements among others. There should be a general computer appreciation course for all cadres of the State civil service HIV/AIDS and gender and social inclusion courses should be made mandatory to all cadres. Recommended Class Size: For maximum effectiveness of the programme, size of not more than 50 participants per class in the three designated venues is recommended. This is the appropriate class size that leaves room for the instructors to attend to the individual needs of participants arise. a class training enough as they

Understanding the job function of the different MDAs in the state: Permanent Secretaries or Directors of the concerned Ministries, Departments and Agencies should be invited to do a short presentation of the job functions of their ministries to the participants in the induction course. An understanding of the job functions of these ministries will acquaint the participants with the knowledge of the activities of the State and hence know how to easily relate with them as necessary. The ENSG should arrange a Train the Trainer Course for some selected Civil Servants of the State who will be responsible for facilitating subsequent Induction courses for the State when necessary. The training of these staff should be at the discretion and expense of the State. An examination is recommended for only the newly appointed staff. The State should decide on the utility of the result to the MDAs. LIFE TALK: The Head of Service or any staff assigned by the OHoS who has been in the public service for about 25-30 years should be invited to share experience with the inductees on the prospects, challenges and opportunities in working as a public servant.


FIELD TOUR: Inductees should be taken on a familiarization tour to some notable places in the state such as the State Assembly, the Court, the Prisons, the Police station and ministries and agencies in the state. The visits should be arranged when the legislatures are in session, at court seating and to the prison yard to witness some activities of the prisoners. The visitation to the prison yard is for the participants to appreciate the activities of prisoners and develop the consciousness of not getting involved in any acts of corrupt practices capable of getting them to the prison. Officer(s) of these institutions should educate the inductees on their respective activities/operations. Such trips would expose the inductees to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the operations in the places visited.


Appendix One

Core Induction Course Outlines Levels 01 to 06


UNDERSTANDING ENSG FOUR (4) POINTS AGENDA Emphasis is on Governments policy trusts and strategies for each of these agenda: Physical infrastructure Economic Expansion and Employment Rural Development Service Delivery and Good Governance THE ARMS OF GOVERNMENT AND THEIR FUNCTIONS The Executives The Legislature The Judiciary UNDERSTANDING THE PUBLIC SERVICE RULES The role of the Public Service and the relationship between the Public Service and the executive; Relationship between the Federal, State and Local Government Area The rights and responsibilities of a Public Servant; Key laws and procedures that apply to Public Servants and departments and institutions that affect their work; Code of conduct of Public Servants Conditions of employment: issues such as working hours, leave, training and development, deductions, medical aid and pensions; and UNDERSTANDING THE SCHEME OF SERVICE Career development in the Civil service Qualifications for Entry, Promotion etc Conditions for advancement and conversion Manner of progression etc


UNDERSTANDING THE PUBLIC SERVANTS FINANCIAL INSTRUCTIONS (FI) Rules and Regulations for handling government assets


MODULE OBJECTIVE: At the end of the course participants will realise the essence and benefits of healthy attitude and habits as well as how attitude can make or mar ones success in life. MODULE CONTENT: A look at your attitude Why attitude is everything How your attitude determines your success/ failure Factors that affect your attitude How to build your confidence and stay motivated Benefits of a Healthy Attitude Steps to Attitudinal change What are habits and how habits can influence? Seven (7) attitude axioms Foundational Truths about the construction of attitude Developing a great attitude Foundation questions


MODULE OBJECTIVE: At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to understand how to keep accurate records of files for ease of handling and identification. MODULE CONTENT Types of Filing System Book File System Split File System Flat File System Box File System Opening of Files When to open a new file File indexing File tag Punching of holes Paper numbering When a file becomes bulky


New Volumes Temporary Files Lost files and sub file Classification and numbering of files Essential of file classification Causes of breakdowns in classification system File Movement Control of file movement Transit card Charge out or absent file card. B. U, K. I. V, P.A. of files Float file Weeding and Archiving of files Security and Confidentiality of documents


MODULE OBJECTIVE: To equip the participants with the good customer service principles and how to effectively manage their relationships with their bosses and with one another and the public in general MODULE CONTENT Who is a customer? Understanding human behaviour Understanding customer behaviour Improving your telephone skills Handling complaints and difficult customers Mastering difficult situations Developing a positive self-image Principles of Effective Relationship Management What is relationship Management? Why is relationship Management important? What are the roles of a Relationship Manager? Interpersonal Skills Being the co-worker you would like to be Creating an action plan for improved interpersonal skills Principles of good working relationships How to get along with a difficult Boss How to get along with subordinates Building trust and rapport with co-workers Anger Management



MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course will teach participants the importance of team work as a tool to improve productivity and the impact of teams in achieving the organizations goals. MODULE CONTENT Definitions of a team Objectives of team building How to build teams Groups Vs Teams What a team must do Barriers of team building Conflict resolution within the team Role of teams in achieving corporate objectives Stages of team development Personality and how it affects the team


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This practical course will equip participants with grooming skills which are necessary for projecting the right image to the public, in order to enhance the brand value of the state. Participants will learn how to conduct themselves at offices and business functions. MODULE OVERVIEW The scope of Etiquette and Protocol skills Professional Conduct Networking Skills Wardrobe Etiquette Electronic Etiquette Business Dinning Skills Office Dress Code: Professional attire for staff How to dress when there is a dress code Dressing for success on a promotion interview Mens business casual Womens business casual Womens business fashion wear Make-up and Jewelleries Colour combination General public manners



MODULE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to understand how communication works in the workplace and how to communicate with confidence and flair. Here participants will identify some common communication problems that may be holding them back, develop skills in listening actively and empathically and deal with situations assertively. MODULE OUTLINE: Overview of communication Definitions Types of communications Communication modes Communicating for positive relationship Communicating with your boss Self awareness - self confidence assessment Barriers to effective communication Active listening


MODULE OBJECTIVE: To create awareness of HIV/AIDs pandemic and precautionary measures to live a healthy life MODULE CONTENT Overview of HIVAIDS and the Nigerian worker Definition of HIV and AIDs How to fight HIV/AIDS in the society Symptoms of HIVAIDS How is HIV/AIDs spread How to avoid HIV/AIDS How to practice safer sex Why women are at greater risk of HIVAIDS How to get HIV test and other medical care Living positively with AIDs Caring for someone with AIDs Guarding against infections Challenges for the Care givers Living a healthy life-style 21

Nutrition for people with HIV MALARIA AND TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE How Malaria spreads Malaria Myths Travelling to Malaria hot spots (What to do before travelling, during travels and after your travels What is Tuberculosis? How does a person get Tuberculosis? What happens to the body when a person gets TB? How common is TB and who gets it? What are the symptoms of TB? How does a doctor diagnose TB? Is there a vaccine against TB? What is drug-resistant TB? Whats in the future for Tuberculosis?


MODULE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to create in the participants the culture of public facility maintenance and ownership MODULE OUTLINE: Overview of Facility Management What is Facility Management? Our role as Facility Managers Maintenance and Operations Corrective maintenance Preventive maintenance Predictive maintenance Health and Safety considerations


MODULE OBJECTIVES This course as the name goes is designed primarily to ensure that civil servants in Enugu State acquired the necessary fundamental knowledge and skills in the use of computer/ICTs to communicate and solve problems arising from their official duties. It is targeted at increasing the production capacity of civil servants and effective information management in the fast globalizing world. At the end of the certificate the employee should be able to: Understand the meaning, definitions and functions of computer/ICTs;


Use computer/ICTs to communicate; Use the productivity tools effectively; Set up a Desktop computer and understand basic routine maintenance; Use the Internet to communicate and search for information. MODULE DETAILS: Computer basics How to set up and care for computer Understanding and using the Internet COMPUTER BASICS What is Computer? Meaning and various definitions of Computer Functions of Computer Generations and types of Computer Parts of Computer and their functions Connecting a desktop computer Computer Hardware and Software Input and Output devices Other computer accessories Entertain questions, discuss challenges and share ideas. HOW TO CARE FOR THE COMPUTER

Part A. Storage/Packing

Packing/storing computer when not in use Packing/storing computer after use Packing/storing computer for relocation Packing/storing computer for travel Packing/storing computer for a long time Packing/storing computer with other accessories/items, etc UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET Explain the primary functions of Internet. Explain some common terms like Browser, Search engine, icons, address bar, email address, Online, chat box, Messenger, Links, Website, Website address, Hyperlink, Tele/video conferencing, Skype, etc. Using some search engines to search for information, e.g.,,,, etc. Develop some key words that can help search for best results.



MODULE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to identify the concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming and Social Inclusiveness as to stimulate the participants to at all times in their workplace: Identify and analyse gender issues in the workplace Apply appropriate interventions strategies to improve gender discrimination and the handicapped at work towards the goal of gender equality and women empowerment MODULE CONTENT: Overview of gender Gender analysis: Relevant Principal Concepts Gender definitions Gender roles Sex roles Gender roles stereotyping Gender division of labour Gender gap Gender equality, discrimination, sensitivity, awareness, mainstreaming, planning and training. Importance of gender mainstreaming Strategies for integrating gender into workplace projects/activities Strategies for integrating the physically challenged and vulnerable groups to the work place

Functions of EFCC Powers of the Commission on: The Money Laundering acts 2004 The Advance Fraud and other related offences Act 1995 Any other law or regulations relating to economic and financial crimes including the criminal Code and Penal Code Offences relating to financial malpractices Offences relating to false information Offences relating to Terrorism Offences relating to seizure of property Anti corruption law 2000 Offences and Penalties relating to Citizens on: Offence of accepting gratification Offence of giving or accepting gratification through agent Concealing offences relating to corruption 24

Fraudulent acquisition of property Fraudulent receipt of property Penalty for offences committed through postal system Bribery of public officer Using office or position for gratification Bribery in relation to auctions Bribery for given assistance etc in regard to contract Money laundering act Prevention of money laundering Limitation of amount of cash payment International money transfer Money laundering offences


MODULE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, participants should be able to: Identify time bandits and be able to manage them Manage time, self and others to improve productivity Design plans on how to work smarter and increase personal effectiveness Identify tips for motivating self for higher productivity MODULE CONTENT: Overview of time management and personal effectiveness Coping with work pressures Taking charge of your time Time management Flowchart Planning and prioritization Identifying big blocks to time management Time management tools Effective scheduling Time management golden rules Quick tips for improving your personal effectiveness Office management Personal Planning Delegation Meetings The electronic world Personal development planning



MODULE OBJECTIVES The objective of this training is to ensure participants imbibe the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize a person in a work setting or profession. MODULE OUTLINE Measuring your employability skills quotient The importance of professionalism in the civil service sector Becoming a professional in your field Dealing with conflicts in the workplace Your role as an ambassador of Enugu State Positioning yourself for success.


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course is designed for participants who are being groomed for supervisory positions. It will help them to develop leadership skills and generate improved performance from their teams. MODULE CONTENT: Leadership and you Overview of Leadership Types of Leadership Qualities of Good Leaders Understanding what motivates people Fear, Incentive, Understanding Human Needs: Physiological, Safety, Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization Leadership Communication Developing Trust Connecting Empathy Active Listening Successful feedback Non-verbal communication



MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to equip participants with basic delegation skills so as to make them capable of managing and administering staff and other resources more effectively and productively. MODULE OUTLINE: Definition/ introduction The SNAG in delegation The MUSTS in delegation The process of Delegation Why do we delegate Delegation as a motivator Dangers in avoiding delegation Barriers against Delegation Factors that boost Delegation Delegating Effectively Monitoring Progress Improving Skills Developing Delegates Appointing Deputies Self Development through Delegation


MODULE OBJECTIVE To equip the participants with the best practices in making writing processes easier, and the resulting document more effective. At the end of the training, participants would be able to gather data more efficiently and select the relevant information for the readers. MODULE OVERVIEW Understanding Report Writing What is report writing Why report writing Types of report writing Elements of report writing Setting clear objectives Qualities/Skills requirements of a report writer Choosing familiar words that make your meaning clear 27

Putting action in your verbs for direct, concise writing Writing in terms your reader can relate to Some pointers on British vs. American text Editing and proofing your draft


MODULE OBJECTIVE This course is designed to equip the participants with the requisite knowledge of how to write Memos of diverse contexts or subjects MODULE OUTLINE: Elements of an Effective Memo Types of Memo Information Memo Problem-Solving Memo Persuasion Memo Internal Memo Proposal Memo Parts To From Date Re: or Subject Cc or c Body of a Memo Concluding a memo


MODULE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, participants should be able to: Identify time bandits and be able to manage them Manage time, self and others to improve productivity Design plans on how to work smarter and increase personal effectiveness Identify tips for motivating self for higher productivity MODULE CONTENT: Overview of time management and personal effectiveness Coping with work pressures Taking charge of your time Time management Flowchart Planning and prioritization 28

Identifying big blocks to time management Time management tools Effective scheduling Time management golden rules Quick tips for improving your personal effectiveness Office management Personal Planning Delegation Meetings The electronic world Personal development planning


MODULE OBJECTIVES To strengthen the budget implementation process as it relates to the acquisition and delivery of goods and services. The key element of public expenditure process encompasses: budget appropriations, apportionments, commitment, receiving and verification, preparation and issuance of payment order and payment. MODULE OUTLINE Understanding the Nigerian Public Procurement Act 2007 The Bureau of public procurement Powers of the Bureau Functions of the BPP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fundamental principles of public procurement Organization of procurements Procurement Methods Special and restricted methods of procurement Procurement of Consultants (services) Procurement of surveillance and Review Disposal of public property Code of Conduct Offences

OVERVIEW OF PROCUREMENT: Guideline/Procedures for Transparent procurement Importance of procurement in dynamic set up Procurement types, specific and general Procurement policies for goods/works and consultant services Steps and conditions for various procurement modes/methods Procurement Framework and Procurement Manual Probity and Ethics in Procurement Roles and Responsibilities of Procurement Officer Financial and Administrative Control Requirements 29

Delegations Purchase Orders, Contents and Formats Placing, Amending and cancelling an order Receiving and Processing Supplies Maintenance of Procurement Records BASIC PROCUREMENT CAPABILITIES:Obtaining Offers (Invitation to quote and quality assurance) Bid Opening Developing Evaluation Criteria Inviting quotations for Services and Consultancies Basic Contract Law Developing a Procurement Plan and Plan Preparation Bid Evaluation and Negotiation Contract Award Administration Process, Developing Contract Packages and Contract

Evaluation for Recruitment of Individual Consultant and Evaluation of Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course will give the participants adequate understanding of what conflicts are, the sources, methods and procedures of resolving issues, and effects or benefits of such to be able to work harmoniously among themselves. MODULE CONTENT: Definitions of Conflict Understanding Conflicts Sources of Conflicts Types of conflicts at the work place Conflict resolution methods and procedures Effects of conflicts in the work place Benefits of conflict resolution


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to provide valuable tools and techniques to help the participants effectively manage pressure in their day-to-day activities especially in the workplace.


MODULE CONTENT: Introduction/ Definition; Types of stress; Relationship between pressure and stress; Stress and Performance; Positive and Negative Effects of Stress; What really happens in stress situations; Consequences of Stress; General Symptoms of Stress; Stress symptoms table; General causes of Stress at work; Stress Tolerance Profile; Stress Management Exercise/Stress survival; Factors Governing the degree of Response; Identifying various strategies for managing stress; Practical Stress reduction strategies; Handling stressful situations; Diet and Exercise; Cooper model; General Studies and Findings on stress; Managing Personal Stress; Organizational Role; Conclusion.


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This course is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to prepare, conduct and close a negotiation favourably. MODULE OUTLINE: 1. Preparing for a Negotiation What is Negotiation? Objectives of Negotiation The give and take in Negotiations Preparing yourself and assessing the opposition Choice of Strategy and careful use of Agenda Adopting Effective seating positions and creating the Right Atmosphere


2. Conducting a Negotiation Assessing the mood (on both sides) Making a proposal and Responding to one Exploiting Body language to take positions 3. Closing (Clinching) a Negotiation


MODULE OBJECTIVE: At the end of this programme participants will appreciate the essence of qualitative and good governance in a democratic setting MODULE CONTENT: Introduction What is Democracy? What is governance? Characteristics of a Democratic working atmosphere Why is good governance important for economic and social development? The role of such factors as Rule of Law, Transparency and Accountability in public service ethics in promoting good governance Understanding the Relationships involved in building trust and accountability in governance The relationship between political leaders and the public service The relationship between political leaders and the public service The relationship between the public service and citizens Who do citizens trust? Public Service Code of Ethics Building HR frameworks on merit and transparency How appraisals are conducted in the public service Ethical Values


MODULE OBJECTIVE: To create awareness of HIV/AIDs pandemic and precautionary measures to live a healthy life MODULE CONTENT Overview of HIVAIDS and the Nigerian worker Definition of HIV and AIDs How to fight HIV/AIDS in the society Symptoms of HIVAIDS


How is HIV/AIDs spread How to avoid HIV/AIDS How to practice safer sex Why women are at greater risk of HIVAIDS How to get HIV test and other medical care Living positively with AIDs Caring for someone with AIDs Guarding against infections Challenges for the Care givers Living a healthy life-style Nutrition for people with HIV MALARIA AND TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE How Malaria spreads Malaria Myths Travelling to Malaria hot spots (What to do before travelling, During travels and After yours travels What is Tuberculosis? How does a person get Tuberculosis? What happens to the body when a person gets TB? How common is TB and who gets it? What are the symptoms of TB? How does a doctor diagnose TB? Is there a vaccine against TB? What is drug-resistant TB? Whats in the future for Tuberculosis?


Budget This course will give participants an understanding of the budgeting and financial management process in the public service. It will examine various tools and types of budgets. It will also show the fit of the budgeting process into the governments financial management process. MODULE OVERVIEW Budgeting: Overview of Budgeting Definition of A Budget Purpose of Budgets Parties Involved in a Budget and their Roles Basic Components of a Budget Common Terms in Budgeting


Types of Budgets Master Budget Capital Expenditure Budget Operating and Financial Budget Cash Budget Rolling Budget Preparing a Budget Basis of Budgeting


MODULE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to identify the concepts of gender and gender mainstreaming and Social Inclusiveness as to stimulate the participants to at all times in their workplace: Identify and analyse gender issues in the workplace Apply appropriate interventions strategies to improve gender discrimination and the handicapped at work towards the goal of gender equality and women empowerment MODULE CONTENT: Overview of gender Gender analysis: Relevant Principal Concepts Gender definitions Gender roles Sex roles Gender roles stereotyping Gender division of labour Gender gap Gender equality, discrimination, sensitivity, awareness, mainstreaming, planning and training. Importance of gender mainstreaming Strategies for integrating gender into workplace projects/activities Strategies for integrating the physically challenged and vulnerable groups to the work place


MODULE OBJECTIVE: This practical course will equip participants with grooming skills which are necessary for projecting the right image to the public, in order to enhance the brand value of the state. Participants will learn how to conduct themselves at offices and business functions. 34

MODULE OVERVIEW The scope of Etiquette and Protocol skills Professional Conduct Networking Skills Wardrobe Etiquette Electronic Etiquette Business Dinning Skills Office Dress Code: Professional attire for staff How to dress when there is a dress code Dressing for success on a promotion interview Mens business casual Womens business casual Womens business fashion wears Make-up and Jewelleries Colour combination


MODULE OBJECTIVE At the end of the course participants will be able to handle problem solving and decision making in a scientific and wholesome manner resulting in a mast cost effective decision. MODULE CONTENT: The problem solving / Decision making cycle Decision making styles Value focused thinking Defining the problem and types of problems Evaluation tools and techniques Dealing with the unknown- Risk vs.: Reward Flexibility From Decision to Reality four major stages of Decision Making. Gathering and Analyzing information and data Developing and choosing alternative Action plan

Functions of EFCC Powers of the Commission on: 35

The Money Laundering acts 2004 The Advance Fraud and other related offences Act 1995 Any other law or regulations relating to economic and financial crimes including the criminal Code and Penal Code Offences relating to financial malpractices Offences relating to false information Offences relating to Terrorism Offences relating to seizure of property ANTI CORRUPTION LAW 2000 Offences and Penalties relating to Citizens on: Offence of accepting gratification Offence of giving or accepting gratification through agent Concealing offences relating to corruption Fraudulent acquisition of property Fraudulent receipt of property Penalty for offences committed through postal system Bribery of public officer Using office or position for gratification Bribery in relation to auctions Bribery for given assistance etc in regard to contract MONEY LAUNDERING ACT Prevention of money laundering Limitation of amount of cash payment International money transfer Money laundering offences


UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET Explain the primary functions of Internet. Explain some common terms like Browser, Search engine, icons, address bar, email address, Online, chat box, Messenger, Links, Website, Website address, Hyperlink, Tele/video conferencing, Skype, etc. Using some search engines to search for information, e.g.,,,, etc. Develop some key words that can help search for best results. Visit some Nigerian official websites. Read some Nigerian newspapers. Selection and printing of desired portions in search results Saving some Internet resources in the computer and other devices


Processes of opening e-mail addresses. Send mails to friends using the new addresses. Saving e-mail addresses in the contact folder, creating categories and groups of email contacts, etc. Execute some common tasks using the Internet and e-mail address. Entertain questions, discuss challenges and share ideas.


MODULE CONTENT Overview of career, retirement and retirement readiness Retirement: Process of transition and coping with life changes Planning for a fulfilling and Financially Secure Retirement Retirement Planning Retirement Questions Retirement Losses Retirement Worries Some retirement myths and realities Launching a New Beginning Stages for working through a significant loss in a persons life Life inevitable changes Adjusting to a New Life Style New goals and routines Personal and family relationships management Managing the time Hobbies and Interests Paid or voluntary work Home and Environment Matters Safety and Security Legal Aspects of Retirement Intestacy or Wills/Trusts Guardianship of children or Grand children Power of Attorney Health and Retirement Sickness /Disease conditions Stress management Diet


Money Management Overview of Personal Financial Planning Secrets of the Rich (VIDEO) Art and Practice of Prudent Investing 37

- Common sense principles for wise investing - Common investment mistakes - Investment alternatives - Asset allocation - Rules of investing & - Learning by doing Lump sum investing and investment management Investment opportunities in the Nigerian Financial Market Entrepreneurship Sources of business financing Charity/philanthropy/non-for-profit ventures and projects How to start your own business Business: Its environment and law Business accounts and records Business start-up steps Personal Enterprises and sole proprietorship Fundamentals of Business Etiquettes Fundamentals of Business Communication Skills Fundamentals of Marketing and Business Negotiation skills Real Estate Planning Multiple Streams of Income (VIDEO)


Appendix Two

Some Reference Materials

The consultant collected the following documents and used them as reference materials in the course of this assignment. The Federal Civil Service Handbook, third edition (1997) The Federal Republic of Nigeria Public Service Rules 2008 Edition and code of conduct Bureau and TRIBUNAL Draft document of the capacity Building for the Civil Service Commission of Enugu state National Bureau of statistics, statistical Digest 2008


Appendix Three List of Government Officials Contacted During this Exercise

S/N 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

NAME OF OFFICER Mr. Chris Ugwu Hon. Albert Edoga Mr. Onoyima S.C Mr. Nze D.O Eze Mr. Eze O.Eze Mrs C.E Okenwa Mr. Amaechi Okolo Mrs Sylvia Onwubuemeli Dr. M.O. Otiji Mr. Anike M.N Mrs Josephine Uzoamaka Onyia Oba Chidi Christian

TITLE Head of Service Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Lands Permanent Secretary, Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau. Permanent Secretary, Performance Improvement Bureau Permanent Secretary, Civil Service Commission Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Lands Permanent Secretary, Government House Permanent Secretary, Water Resources Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health Head of Department, Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau Deputy Director, Department of Establishment, Training and Pensions Bureau Principal, SDC




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