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Association Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase and Diabetic Retinopathy In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients At RS Dr Moewardi Surakarta Haryono Y.1, Arifin2, Sugiarto2, Supriyanto K.2, Djoko Hardiman2

Resident of internal Medi ine Se!elas Maret "ni#ersity Department $ndo rinology and Meta!oli Se!elas Maret "ni#ersity Abstract

ack!round, dia!eti retinopat%y is a ommon mi roangiopat%y ompli ations of type 2 dia!etes mellitus. &'idati#e stress is said to !e one of t%e pat%op%ysiologi al auses of mi roangiopat%y ompli ations of type 2 dia!etes mellitus. Serum gamma glutamyl tarnsferase is !eing onsidered an early marker of o'idati#e stress. (%e aim of t%e study )as to e#aluate t%e relations%ip !et)een dia!eti retinopat%y and serum gamma glutamyl transferase le#els in type 2 dia!etes mellitus patients. Methods, )e ondu ted ross se tional study to *+ patients. ,n lusion riteria )as type 2 dia!etes mellitus. $' lusion riteria )ere smoking, al o%oli s, %epatitis, ele#ated transaminase en-im, ele#ated total !iliru!in, %istory of oronary %eart disease or symptomati arotid artery disease. .e anali-ed )it% spearman orrelation for asso iation serum gamma glutamyl transferase and dia!eti retinopat%y, )it% signifi ant p / +,+0 Result, (%ere )ere 1* females and 22 males samples )it% mean age 02,3* 4 0,15 years old, 0+ samples )it% dia!eti retinopat%y and 2+ )it%out retinopat%y, mean serum gamma glutamyl transferase )as 01,21 4 10,*2 ,"6l. (%ere )as asso iation !et)een serum gamma glutamyl transferase and dia!eti retinopat%y, r 7 +,15+ 8p 7 +,+29. "onclusion, t%is study s%o)s t%at ele#ated serum gamma glutamyl transferase are asso iated )it% dia!eti retinopat%y in type 2 dia!etes mellitus patient. Key)ords : gamma glutamyl transferase, type 2 dia!etes mellitus, retinopat%y

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