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American Studies 102: Guidelines for Submission of Term Paper

Your completed paper is due on Monday, December 10 BEFORE NOON in my mailbox in 258 Evans Hall. You may, of course, submit your final paper anytime before noon on December 10. Papers submitted after the noon deadline will be downgraded a full letter grade. Barring natural disaster, and unless already approved, no incompletes will be given in this course. Please follow the submission guidelines carefully. Editorial Guidelines: This is a description of the parameters (linguistic, scholarly, and formal) that are expected in a term paper. You need to be aware of these and try to conform to them as much as possible in presenting your paper. You should write as if for a general audience. Do not assume that the reader knows your topic, and do not assume that the reader is prescient. Make your points explicitly and clearly. You should use spell-check, but you should also proofread for typographical and spelling errors, because spell-check cannot detect errors in context. The term paper must be 12-15 pages, not including title and works cited pages. The typeface should be 12-point and non-decorative (e.g., Times or Times New Roman). You are expected to cite any pertinent references, including lecture material. The paper must be original work; please refer to the UCB catalog for the consequences of plagiarism. Number all pages of the text of the paper in the lower right hand corner of the page; do not include your name or any other markers. Indent paragraphs; do not include extra spacing between them. Double-space the text, except block quotations (quoted material of one or more sentences in length), which should be single-spaced and indented no more than one-half inch on both sides. The grade on the final paper will be based upon [1] the presence or lack of an analytical argument, as opposed to an evaluation or a statement of correlation; [2] the thoroughness of your approach (whether your paper stays on task and is focused); [3] the level and detail of analysis; [4] the pertinence of the material upon which you have drawn to provide evidence for your argument; and [5] the quality of the writing (i.e., cogency of expression, accuracy of grammar and punctuation). Attributes of an A Term Paper:
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Has an informative and appropriate title. Has a clear thesis Is organized in a logical manner. (If headings and subheadings are used, they are consistently formatted.) Has smooth transitions from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, and section to section. Includes sentences that are varied in length and structure. Employs a consistent and appropriate writing style and diction. Defines key terms that might otherwise be ambiguous. Cites credible sources (both primary and secondary) and evidence. Arranges evidence in a way that makes sense, emphasizes the most important issues, and convincingly supports the writers interpretation or analysis. Introduces quotations and paraphrased/summarized passages with a signal phrase; long quotations are set off from the text. Explains and discusses any visual materials (e.g., tables, figures, charts, and maps). Gives proper credit to sources throughout. Adheres to Chicago style in format and documentation. Is the appropriate length. Includes a title page.

Stylistic Considerations: o o o o o o o o o Avoid generalizations and overarching statements. From the dawn of civilization and Since the beginning of time immediately destroy any credibility you might have had. Write with precision. Your sentences should be unambiguous. In other words, there should be no question in the readers mind what point you are making. Your writing should be straightforward. Do not use disjointed or roundabout sentence structures. Speak with authority, stating only that which you know. Avoid such phrases as I feel, I think, and I believe. Do not use incomplete sentences lacking either a noun or verb. Use punctuation correctly. When unsure, refer to a style manual (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style or The Elements of Style). Use quotations sparingly. Accurate paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of the material. Be sure to cite your sources when paraphrasing. Make sure your referents are clear. For instance, when using he or she to refer to a person, there should be no question in your readers mind as to which person you mean. Do not use etc. It leaves the reader wondering what you did not say. If you are giving a few examples from a longer list of examples in a published work, use the phrase for instance before providing the list. Do not use colloquial (conversational or informal) words and phrases. For example, kind of, sort of and deals with. Another example: pushing for the rights of someone should be replaced with advocating for the rights of someone. Do not use sayings or trite phrases. For example, the other side of the coin or dog eat dog world should be avoided. Write out all words completely. For example, use information instead of info. Do not use abbreviations unless they are standard. When you use an acronym, spell it out the first time you use it. EX: World Trade Organization (WTO) Underline or italicize words in languages other than English, such as a priori. Proofread carefully. Do not depend purely on spell-check. Watch out for homophones such as there, theyre, and their; make sure you are using the right one. Make sure your verb and subject agree. Do not switch back and forth between one, you and they as generic references, especially in the same sentence. If the subject is one, the possessive is ones, not their.

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Submission Guidelines * FORMAT 12-15 pages (typed and double-spaced) One-inch margins on all side of the page Cite using Chicago Style (either notes & bibliography or text & reference) Pages should be numbered in the lower right hand corner * ORDER Your paper should be assembled in the following order: 1. Title page (see below) 2. Text of paper 3. Bibliography or Works Cited (no annotations) * TITLE PAGE On a title page of your own design, include the following: Title of paper Your name AS 102: The Road in American Culture Instructor: Prof. Palmer University of California, Berkeley Fall 2012 *Papers should be stapled.

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