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Primary Sources

"The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources." The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources. 16 Nov. 2013 <>. This website has seventy-six primary source documents that all talk about before, during, and after the Manhattan Project. "Letter, Franklin D. Roosevelt to J. Robert Oppenheimer." Letter, Franklin D. Roosevelt to J. Robert Oppenheimer American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress. 16 Nov. 2013 < ml>. This letter gave me an insight on how the Manhattan Project was such a secret and that Robert Oppenheimer has such a big responsibility. Nagasaki Strike Photo. <>. This is the photo that shows the atomic bomb used in Nagasaki and it support all of the Manhattan Project and how it resulted in World War II ending. "Hiroshima: The First City Destroyed by a Nuclear Weapon." Pictures of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. N.p., n.d. Web. This website provided me with all of the pictures, headings, and captions I needed. Einstein, Albert. N.p., n.d. Web. <>. This letter showed me how this project relates to rights.

Secondary Sources
Scherer, Glenn, and Marty Fletcher. J. Robert Oppenheimer: The brain behind the bomb. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Book, 2008. This book gives me details on how the Atomic Bomb was invented and what Julius Robert Oppenheimer did to change the world. Lawton, Clive. Hiroshima: The story of the first atom bomb. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick P, 2004. This book talks about the development of the Atomic Bomb and how it affected Hiroshima. It also explains the rights of using the bomb because Japan made it easy for the decision of making the bomb. Gonzales, Doreen. The Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb in American history. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2000. This book helped me understand the responsibility for making it. They have a responsibility to make it to change the world and use it to make world peace.

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