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Assignment Brief You are required to write a Java application that will read the data streams coming

from variety of sensors into different formats and process it accordingly to perform data analysis and visualization. You will be provided with an example data stream (e.g. a log file) collected from various sensors into one file. You should write a Java program to import the contents of those data streams into a different format (such as XML or JSON) to aid analysis and perform some data processing and data visualisation. The provided log file will have temperature, light and voltage measurements at one second intervals (with date and time stamps) and will span more than 12 hours. Some of the things your program should do are: Different data formats should be supported (e.g. CSV, XML and JSON) and, once imported into the program, the data should be forwarded to the same data processing and visualization controller. Use class and objects to model the data and separate the business logic from the UI. Average the temperature reading for every minute / every hour and plot it in a x-y time series, bar chart, etc. Find the maximum and minimum values and perform other statistical operations on the data. Plot the temperature and light reading together to identify any interdependency between the data. The above metrics are not an exhaustive list.

Deliverables and Marking Scheme You are to produce the following deliverables Full, commented source code for the program. Marks are allocated for Data stream handling Data analysis and visualization Good program structure, object model and appropriate commenting and error handling [ 60% ] Program documentation [ 15% ] Demonstration [ 25% ] You will be required to demo your completed program in the lab session. You will present the completed program and step through the code to demonstrate your understanding this will take approximately 10 minutes. Time slots will be allocated, if you are not present or are late, without a valid reason you will lose these marks. Ensure that you are there with plenty of time to set up and have the program running prior to your slot.

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