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SCANNED JUL 18 200g B§ A COPY OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE:ONLY. (us no sss.c0s7 fom 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax ‘Under section 801(), 27, or 437{aK of he internat Revere Code except black lng Eonett tt or private founcaton) ers re tn Ts otigwuetecr” | Tho organzavon ray have to use copy of hs relun to say state eporeng reuremeni. li eNOS 1% For wwe 2007 calendar year, or oxyear beginning ODT 2007, and end 7zH1_,20 OF 8 ceasapent [rom [ores of erst B Employer anteton saber laccress change | ets | National Organization for Shaiage te. 25 | ozanese Cotwme chong | eie"| abe and ster PO bers nat sn: ened w eel coc [Roane] Telophana rane nea onrn z0Nassau Steat ze | ( o88) 994.3608 enmaion Cay et, st iy, nd PF Fhe meot C]Gan YZ) ronal oon ee Princeton, tow Jersey 08542 Clowtone Aeris ping» Sect Gaia) ergnizaona and sSATIa) nonexonp chevable | Hand 01 Apples o seston 527 ogaraatene 5 trata ust stochecomplocd Schwa rar 0 orsb6H, | Hla) Isha group rtf ates? _Webete: » sum 1) ¥en eter nab tats Hf Aw alates nebo? Cte Clie 4 Oreaniaton ye feck ony ene (ZI SVE) & 1-4 insert co} C] sere er CJ ezt |" eto” ation ts See esinctens) check here») the ecm 1s nat 2 SOND suapeaae erancaion ane ae grave | Me) hs 2 spt rune by an ‘econts ae sory not ve han $2560 Arun at agured, be ttm gunmen enoonee | __ SOAR Covad bya grup ning? CI] Yes C1. (Sites eum be nua lem expla ton TT Geoup Eronptan Nuwar» NT Check > [ithe oganzalon w nl equred Gross races Als nos 6b, Rb, Sb, sn 100 1 ne 2 510,657 lovtach S25 & (fam 99, $80.2, or S80°FF Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the instructions) 1 Contibutions gis, grants, and eimlar emountsrecaved: 12 Contributions to donor advised funds .. beta b Direct public suppert (not included on tine tah... . [b. ass © Indirect public support (not inchided on line Ta) 4 Government contributions (grants) (not included on bne 1a) |_| © Total (add tines 1a trough Ye) (cash one ie ansis 2 Progam samee avenue cluding govemmert fe end 2 2 Mavbustip eu tc anemone Ts ory ND A 44 lojerest on savings and temporary cash inves 5 4 iz 1 Sesoveeeereni etc Go. Gross rents, ean 2 Loe Less: rental expenses ‘ © Net renal reome oF fass}. Subtract fs Fem the 60 te g| 7 Other investment ncome (describe it =| 8a Gross amount from sales of assets other SS = 2] than inventory te 1b Less: castor other bass and sees ¢ expenses, Bb, Gam or (ss) (attach-scheduie) : Be d_ Net gan or (oss) Combine line 8c, columns {A)and (8). 2. cr Special events and aces (tach schecu). any amount ism gaming, check hare C1] Gross reverue (nt inluing $ ot coninbuttons raportad on tne 15) * (a » Less direst expenses other than funcrasing expenses Lb © Nat income or (loss) from special events Subtract ine 9b from line Sa -.. [es 102 Gross sales of inventory, lass returns and allowances . . [10a Less” cost of goods sold 8) © Gress profit or {loss} from sales of invar loryfttach echadis) ‘Subtact be 10b rom ne 10a . fide 41 Other revenue (rom Par Vi, ine 103}. 1 42. Total ravonue. Add nes 10,2, 5, 4, 5, Be, 7,64, Sef TOs, SBECEIVED—] [re 43 Program services (from line 44, column (B}) 7 13 $]4 management ane gener! from ine 32, clue 3 £/15 Fundraising (rom ine 44, column (0}) # £145 Payments to affates(atiach schedule) 16 47 Tolal expences. Add lines 16-and 44, coum (A 7 [18 Excess oF (fii forthe year Subiact line 17 berino= 78 E]19 Not assets or fund balances at baginning of year (from ine 73, column (A)... . [49 [20 Other changes in net assets or fund bslances (attach expianaton)» , . . [20 2 | 21 _ Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combina knes 18, 19, and 20 2 45827 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Rechicton Act Notice, e€0 the separate inetuctions. Gat No TE82Y Foes 890 fon Ss 2 az THIS.1S_A_COPY_OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. _ OFFICIAL USE_ONLY. oo i THIS Tg A COPY OF A LEVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE-ONLY.+ rern900 007 Powe 2 GERI Statement of ‘Al orgenualions mst complata caluma (8) Colunns (8), (C), and (0) are required lor section 504(cKa) and (@) Functional Expenses orgenizaton and scion 48476] aonexempl chartaba ists but optional for otters (Ses the nsuctons} Do not include amounts reported on tne aa @)Pmomn | teh Maromment | (yr 5b, Bb, 9b, 10b, oF 16 of Pat ia Sorc Sedgmae | )Funbwong ‘22a. Grants ald rom done advised funds attach schedule), (eosh § __onash $ sulin ope, are >I (200 22 Other granis and allacabons (attach schedule) (ash S —__nmnasis ____) 3s amaun nce Tregn pnts, ecko C1 | 2b 23 Specie assistance to indiuals (attach schedule) se ese EI 24 Benahits pat 10 oF for members (attach schedule). 28 250 Compensation of curent offcers, directors, key employees, ate listed m Par VA 25a 5.605 45381 sim non Compensation of former offcers, dreciors, key employees, sto. listadin Part V-8 {2501 © Compensation and other eistibuons, not included above, to cisqualited persons (es Gelined under section 4950(01) ane persons escnbad in secon asse(cy3}6)... (250 Janes and wages ot employees not ne 27 Pension plan contributions not included on fines 250, bande. 2 Employee benefits not included on ines 7 Ba-27 : 20 Payrol taxes | aan 29 Professional undralsing ees | | |. [90 Accounting fees... ss Fas 12,544 Legal fees. 11,15 10,103 suptes | Telephone . : N) EH Postage and shipping zi eran 7 303 Equpmant rerial and maintenance | | | Ponting end publications... Travel | 7 Conferences, converions, and matings tnvorest Depreciation, ception, et (attach sched) Other expenses not covered above (temz a7 a7 32 2207 2575, eae 7.073 1252 8/2 /3|8 [8 i818 6 5.061 5,084 BRSSSELBRLERLER B 490 324,209 294,018) 6928 33,767 wreoore & Total functional expenses. Add lines 228 trough 499. "(Organizations completing columns (@}(0), carry these totals to ines 13519) 44 472,080 316,054] 41,525 153 “Taint Costs, Chack ® (1 i yau ar folowing SOP 96-2 ‘Ace ay jont casts rom a combed edcational campaign and fundraising solctaton reported in(8) Program sewvees? . » C¥er CINO Yes," enter the aggregate amcunt ofthese junt costs $. (i) the emount alocated to Program serves $. (ithe amount allocated to Managemant and general § and fv) the amount allocated to Fundkaiang $ Fe 890 oom "HIS IS _A_COPY OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY. F | (EIS TS A COPY QF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Fema enon oon 3 GEM Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions) Ferm 910 is avaiable for pubtc inspection and, or some people, serves asthe pnmary or sole source of information about a barter organaton. How the pubte pereaves an orgaton suc cases may be cetemined bythe nlormaton presented Bis ret. Terao, please rake sur tho ralum i complete and sociale and tly desenbes, i Par he orgerzaton's programs and stconelahment Wet the eraraton’s prenary exempt purpose? » Eran 2nd Alineay, Progam Soviee ‘Arganaatons mist dezcroe the exam pute achievers in cr and ean mann Sito he br | ant Sg of chnts send, publestone tsoves, st: Deoute achevumns fat ae not measurable Yeacton Sov) and (| Wee ‘organizations and 4947{ai1) nonexempt chantable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocabons to others.) | Sas ‘This was the frst year of the duganization and operaitons wore iniated in the folowing areas, (Grass aia sisson "S Wins ainountneiades fovegn gran, chuck Pare 376,058 > (Giants wd ascations “'~ OY ii el kas Taga gris ee fase] ‘@ Other program services atiach echedulay (Grants and allocations ) Fes smount neha foragn grants, check here CO {Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal Ine 44, colun (8), Program services). > 376,055 Fom 980 en07) THIS IS A COPY_OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY.

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