PTP Entries

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P2P: FI+MM :

PR=> PO=> Goods Receipt=> Invoice Verification => Payment to vendor ME51=>ME21N=>MIGO=>MIRO=>F110

Purchase Requisition & Purchase Order - No Accounting Entry during PR & PO. Goods Receipt Inventory Raw Material A/C Dr To GR/IR Clearing A/C Invoice Verification/Receipt () GR/IR Clearing A/C Dr To Vendor A/C Payment made to Vendor Vendor A/C Dr To Bank A/C Issue/Consumption for Production Raw Material Consumption A/C Dr To Inventory Raw Material A/C (BSX) (WRX)



Finished Goods/ Goods are received from the Production Order Inventory Finished Goods A/C Dr (BSX) To Cost of Goods produced A/C (GBB - ZOF)

O2C: Incoming Order => Delivery => Billing => Payment from customer FI+SD: VA01=> VL01N => VF01 => F-28

Accounting entry will take place at Post Goods Issue, Billing document and Incoming Payment. Goods Issue /Delivery Cost of Goods Sold A/C To Inventory Finished Goods A/C Billing Docs or Sales Customer A/C To Sales/Revenue A/C Dr (GBB - VAX) (BSX)


Payment Received from Customer Bank Clearing A/c Dr To Customer A/c

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