The Nativity Story11

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The Nativity story

Three thousand years ago there lived a young women called Mary. She lived in Disney land Paris, but someone else named Joseph lived there to. One day an angle appered rom !od to tell Mary that she is going to have a baby she is going to name him Jesus son o !od. The angle also said that she was engaged to Joseph.

She became pregnant, they started to loo" or a place to stay. The irst door that they saw was where Merida lived. They "noc"ed at the door and as"ed i there was any place to stay,but she said #No don$t have a place to stay%,so o they went. The ne&t door it was Mulan she also said the same thing as Merida said so o they went again. The ne&t door was Snow 'hite she also said the same thing as Mulan, so o they went again. The ne&t door they went was (inderella she also said the same thing as Snow 'hite said so o they went again. The ne&t door they went was Pocahontas the same thing happened she said the same thing as (inderella so o they went again .The ne&t door they went was )elle the same thing happened she said the same thing. *t last they "noc"ed at +apun,el-s door. 'hen she opened the door they were going to as" i she had any

place to stay,but +apun,el reali,ed that Mary was pregnant and said that she had a place to stay. )e ore Mary le t all the princesses gave her baby lots presents.

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