Volcanism: Types of Volcanoes

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NOTE: The information in these handouts are not my own but are from several references.

These handouts are made for reference to points and not as a means to an end. Reading from books and others references is still more beneficial to learning.

Stony rough lava that has a rubbly surface composed of broken lava blocks Types of Lava - Pahoehoe smooth, billowy, undulating, or ropy surface Indication of Low viscosity Types of Lava - Pillow Formed when lava emerges from an underwater volcanic vent As it cools, its molten center still emerges. The pointed portion points to the source of magma Types of volcanoes Shield Volcanoes slopes are gentle (15o or less) made up of successive lava flows resembles a Roman shield lying on the ground Cinder Volcanoes relatively small (<300 m high) steep slopes (30 40o) made up of pyroclastic material Composite Volcanoes Also known as a strato-volcano layered structure (tephra and lava flows) Some of the most beautiful and well-formed volcanoes Other types of volcanic landforms

OBJECTIVES Definition of a volcano Types of volcanic eruptions Volcanic hazards Resources from volcanoes WHAT IS A VOLCANO? What is a volcano? Vulcan Roman god. It is an opening or vent through which magma and some gases are released. (USGS) Mountainous accumulation of materials resulting from successive eruptions of lava from a central vent. Eruptions and distribution Why do volcanoes erupt? 1. Influx of magma 2. Melting of surrounding rock 3. Exsolution of gas 4. Contact with water Distribution of volcanoes Pacific Ring of Fire Hot spots Spreading centers *decompression melting Subduction Zones Types of Lava - Aa

Fissure Volcano A long crack in the earth's surface through which magma erupts. Lava dome Relatively small, bulbous masses of formed from viscous lava.

has a steep, convex slope from thick, fastcooling lava Caldera volcano read about its formation Volcanic Eruptions How big are volcanic eruptions? Volcano explosivity index Eruption Types Eruption Types - Strombolian Short-lived, explosive outbursts of pasty lava ejected a few tens or hundreds of meters into the air No sustained eruption column Eruption Types - Vulcanian "...Explosions like cannon fire at irregular intervals... Mercalli Often with high-velocity ejections of bombs and blocks. Eruption Types - Plinian Eruptive columns, with some reaching heights of ~45 km. Eruption Types - Pelean Large amounts of gas, dust, ash, and lava fragments are blown out the volcano's central crater Accompanied by massive pyroclastic flows Eruption Types - Phreatic Water instantly evaporates into steam, causing sudden increase in pressure. Eruption Types Phreatomagmatic Generated by the interaction of magma with abundant surface water. Expels vapor, rocks, ash, as well as lava.

Examples and hazards Mount Pinatubo eruption Volcanoes in the Philippines complete list found in PHIVOLCS website Decade Volcano 16 volcanoes in the world which have been designated for particular study If a decade volcano erupts, massive damage and loss of life is expected ex. Taal Monitoring Volcanic Activity Precursors of an impending volcanic eruption Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds; occurrence of volcanic tremors Increased steaming activity; change in color of steam emission from white to gray due to entrained ash Crater glow due to presence of magma at or near the crater Ground swells (or inflation), ground tilt and ground fissuring due to magma intrusion *USE OF GPS, TRANSIT, CLINOMETER Localized landslides, rockfalls and landslides from the summit area not attributable to heavy rains Noticeable increase in the extent of drying up of vegetation around the volcano's upper slopes Increase in the temperature of hot springs, wells (e.g. Bulusan and Kanlaon) and crater lake (e.g. Taal) near the volcano Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the vicinity of the volcano

Drying up of springs/wells around the volcano " Precursors of an impending volcanic eruption." PHIVOLCS. Web. 2013. <http://phivolcs.dost.gov.ph> Volcanic hazards Volcanic hazards Climate Change? CO2 -> greenhouse gas, warming effect SO2 -> albedo effect, reflecting sun radiation back to space, cooling effect. Can also be a cause of ozone depletion Effects Gases health problems Lahars severe flooding, destruction to lives and property Lava flows destruction to lives and property Tephra obscure sunlight, impassable roads, infrastructure damages Benefits Fertile agricultural lands Minable volcanic material Evolution Geothermal Energy Steam is converted into electricity. Where does it come from? How is it turned into energy? Geothermal Energy in the Philippines Geothermal energy in the Philippines contributes 12% of our total energy needs Geothermal Production Field

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