Sikhism With Aaron and Daniel

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By Daniel & Aaron

Sikhism was founded in Punjab, a small area in India and the founder of Sikhism was Guru Nannak.

The 5ks are Kesh (uncut hair) Kara (steel bracelet) Kanga (Wooden comb) Kacca (cotton underwear) Kirpan (steel sword)

The 5 thieves are five negative things which would stop someone from being closer to God. They are: Homai-Ego Kaam-lust Krodh-Anger Labh-Greed Moh-Attachment

The 5 virtues are 5 positive to help people to be closer to God like: Sat (truth) Santokh (contentment) Daya (compassion) Nimrata (Humility) Pyaar (Love)

There are approximately 23 million Sikhs in the world, making it the 5th largest religion in the world. The word Sikh actually means a strong and able disciple. About 82% of Sikhs live in India.

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