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DIRECTIONS: After reading the examples below, choose the option listed at the bottom that it is an
example of.


__VR___ You go to Atlantic City and play the slot machines. Sometimes you win money after
putting in 3 quarters, sometimes after 15 quarters, sometimes after putting in .

!. """"""""" You get a paychec# e$ery %uesday. 3. """"""""" A psychologist gi$es a rat a food pellet each time it pushes a le$er in its cage. &. """"""""" You go fishing in the Chesapea#e 'ay e$ery wee#end. Sometimes it ta#es 1 hour to catch a fish, sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes &5 minutes. 5. """"""""" A college student(s mother sends her a )o* of fudge e$ery %hursday. +. """"""""" ,eorge wor#s in a factory putting fenders on cars. -e gets paid .1// for e$ery & fenders he finishes. . """"""""" 0ichael(s mother gi$es him an 0 1 0 for each toy he puts away in his toy )o*. 2. """"""""" %eri collects empty soda cans. %he recycling center gi$es her .1 for e$ery 3/ cans. 3. """"""""" %om deli$ers newspapers in her neigh)orhood. Sometimes 0rs. 4ewis pays her for ! wee#s at a time, sometimes she pays for 1 wee#, and sometimes she pays for a month. 1/. """"""""" You start playing the lottery. You win .1/ the first time you play. You play 1! more times )efore you win again.

Choices: 5aria)le 6atio 7568: 9npredicta)le num)er of responses 7)eha$iors8 are required )efore reinforcement can )e

:i*ed 6atio 7:68: Specific num)er of responses 7)eha$iors8 is required )efore reinforcement can )e o)tained 5aria)le ;nter$al 75;8: Changing amounts of time must elapse )efore a response will o)tain reinforcement :i*ed ;nter$al 7:;8: A specific amount of time must elapse )efore a response will elicit reinforcement

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