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ABDOMINAL NEOPLASMS 1 Insiden Tumor Abdomen Berdasarkan Hasil Pemeriksaan Patologi Anatomi di Bagian Kesehatan Anak FK-USU/RS H. Adam Malik Medan (The Incidence of Abdominal Tumor Based on Pathological Examination at Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Sub Division Medical School, University of Sumatera Utara/H. Adam Malik Hospital)/Bidasari Lubis; Srie Yanda; Nelly Rosdiana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 13-16 ABORTION 2 Kadar Antibodi Antifosfolipid pada Abortus Berulang (Antiphospholipid Antibodies Level in Women with Repeat Abortion)/Djusar Sulin.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 264-268 ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE 3 Management of Placental Abruption and Incomplete Uterine Rupture caused by Accidental Trauma of Abdomen/Eddy Suparman; Aloysius Suryawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 20-21 ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE TESTS 4 Pemeriksaan Timpanometri (Tympanometry)/ Harry A. Asroel,.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003 : 83-87 ACQUIRED SYNDROME IMMUNODEFICIENCY

Peran Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry pada Penatalaksanaan Pasien dengan HIV/AIDS : Bagian II (The Role of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the Management of Patients with HIV/AIDs : Part II)/Elisa Tandiono; Sasanto Wibisono; Wahjadi Darmabrata.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 258-263 ACRODYNIA 8 Akondroplasia (Acondroplasia)/ViviantyHartiono; R. Satriono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 46-48 ACRYLIC RESINS 9 Efektivitas Lama Perendaman Resin Akrilik dalam Ekstrak Daun Coleus amboinicus, Lour terhadap Keberadaan Candida albicans (The Effectiveness of Acrylic Resin Immersion Time in Coleus amboinicus, Lour Leaves Concentrate on Candida albicans Existence)/Devi Rianti.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 129-133 10 Kekerasan Permukaan Basis Gigi Tiruan Poliester EBP 2421 dan Resin Akrilik setelah Perendaman dalam Larutan Minuman (Surface Hardness of Polyester EBP 2421 and Acrylic Denture Base after Being Immersed in Drinking Solution)/Utari Kresnoadi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 156-159 11 Kekuatan Transversa Resin Akrilik Jenis HeatCured yang Direndam dalam Minuman Tuak (The Transverse Strength of the Heat-Cured Acrylic Resin after Immersion in Tuak)/Endang Kusdarjanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 160-163 ACUPUNCTURE 12 Akupunktur dan Pemanfaatnya dalam Klinis (Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials/WHO 2002)/Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 10 (2) 2003: 88-92 13

5 Aspek Neuro-Psikososial HIV/AIDS pada Anak (The Neuro-Psychosocial Aspect of HIV/AID on Child)/Adhi Wibowo.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 35-46 6 Penyakit Menular Seksual dan HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten Mimika Papua (Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV/AIDS at Mimika Sub District, Papua)/Qomariah Alwi; Rustika.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 17-20 7


Akupunktur untuk Mengatasi Problem Mual Muntah (Acupuncture for Nausea and Vomiting)/Agustin Idayanti.-- Meridian, 10 (2) 2003: 93-94 ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY 14 Akupuntur Laser untuk Terapi Penderita Austisme Anak (Laser Acupuncture Therapy due to Autism in Child Patient)/Koosnadi Saputro.-Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 24-41 15 Pemanfaatan Akupuntur pada Pengobatan Migrain (The Effect of Acupuncture Therapy in Migraine)/ Hartono Budiarto; Koosnadi Saputro.- Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 42-46 16 Tinjauan Neuroscience Terapi pada Akupunktur Stroke (Review on Neuroscience Therapy in Acupuncture Stroke)/Utoyo Sunaryo; Koosnadi Saputro.-- Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 22-23 ADENOCARCINOMA 17 Apoptosis Sel Adenokarsinoma Mamma Mencit C3H setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Sambiloto/ Andrographis paniculata : Penelitian In Vitro (The Effect of Andrographis Paniculata Extract on the Mechanism of Apoptosis of Adenocarcinoma Mamae Cells)/Nugrahaningsih WH.; Tjahjono; Edi Dharmana.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 121-124 18 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Phyllanthus niruri Linn pada Sel Mononuklear terhadap Viabilitas Sel Adenokarsinoma Mamma Mencit C3H : Penelitian Invitro (The Influence of the Added of Different Doses Aqueous Extract of Phyllantus niruri Linn into Mononuclear Cells to the Viability of Adnocarcinoma Cell on C3H Mice : Invitro Study)/Chodidjah (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 101-106 ADENOMATOID TUMOR 19 Diagnosis Kelainan Kongenital Kistadenomatoid Paru melalui Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi (Congenital Cyst Adenomatoid Malformation

Diagnosis by Ultrasound Examination)/R. Isanaeni; N. Wibowo.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 182-187 ADJUVANTS, IMMUNOLOGIC 20 Peranan Echinacea EFLA (R) 894 sebagai Imunomodulator dalam Infeksi Virus dan Bakteri (The Effect of Echinacea EFLA (R) 894 as an Immunomodulator due to Bacterial and Virus Infections)/G.B. Karnen (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 389-393 ADNEXAL DISEASES 21 Adnexal Adhesion and Tubal Rugae/F.A. Moeloek.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27(3) 2003: 188-192 ADOLESCENCE 22 The Difference between Adolescents with and without Conduct Disorder in Assessing Their Family Function/Lestari Basoeki Soeharjo.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 264-268 23 Indeks HOMA sebagai Pengganti TTG Oral dan Klem Insulin/Glukosa sebagai Diagnosis Dini Sindroma Resistensi Insulin pada Anak Muda (HOMA Index as a Oral TTG and Insulin Clem Substitute on Early Diagnosis of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Young Adult)/Penik K.S. Mutalib.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 722-725 24 Jender dan Seksualitas serta Dampaknya pada Remaja Perempuan di "Tongkrongan" : Pengamatan terhadap Sebuah Komunitas Remaja di Pinggiran Jakarta (Sexuality and Gender, its Impact to Female Adolescence in a Marginal Community in Jakarta)/Laurike Moeliono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 43-59 25 Kadar Seng Plasma pada Asupan Makanan Para Remaja di Kota Semarang : Studi pada Anak SMP di Semarang (The Correlation of Dietary Intake and Plasma Zinc Level in Adolescence : Study on Junior High School in


Semarang)/Harsoyo N. (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 5-10 26 Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Siswa SMU pada Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Development of Behaviour and Knowledge of Health Reproduction in High School Students)/Paiman Soeparmanto; Setia Pranata.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 126-138 27 Penurunan Kemampuan Toleransi Glukosa Oral pada Remaja Obes Primer (Decrease of Oral Glucose Tolerance Capability in Primary Obese Adolescents)/Argo Pribadi (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 8-13 28 Profil Remaja yang Berobat Jalan di Klinik Adiksi Iqoni Manado Periode Januari - Desember 2001 (The Profile of Adolescence Outpatients at Addiction Clinic Iqoni Manado, Period JanuaryDecember 2001)/ Poleh Reo.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 1-8 29 Risk for Developing Hypertension in Obese Adolescents/Aminuddin (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 208-212 30 Youth Profile in Some Suburban Areas in East Java (Preliminary Survey of the Indonesian Youth Stature at the Fiftieth Anniversary of Indonesia)/Johan Tumonggor; Hari K. Laksono.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 122-126 AEDES 31 Perilaku Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Berkaitan dengan Penggunaan Ovitrap di DKI Jakarta (Aedes aegypti Behavior Associated with Ovitrap Usage in Jakarta)/M. Hasyimi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13(4) 2003: 54-57 32 Studi Indeks Larva Aedes aegypti di Kelurahan Endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue Kota Surabaya (Study of Aedes aegypti Larvae Index at Dengue Endemicity Areas in Sub Districts of

Surabaya)/Hadi Suryono; Koerniasari; Sri Mardoyo.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 22-26 AGED 33 Depresi pada Pasien Osteoartritis Usia Lanjut (Depression on Elderly Patient with Osteoarteritis)/Surilena.-- Jiwa, 36(1) 2003: 85-95 34 Management of Epilepsy in Elderly/Harsono.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 40-47 35 Penatalaksanaan Nyeri sebagai Model Pendekatan Interdispilin pada Pasien Geriatri (Pain Management as a Model of Interdisiplinary Approach on Geriatric Patients)/Harry Isbagio.-Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 168-181 36 Pola Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II pada Lansia di RSUP Manado (The Features of Chronic Type II Diabetes Mellitus among Elderly at Manado General Hospital)/Bambang Singgih; Edward Jim; Karel Pandelaki.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 5-7 37 Status Usia Senja (Later Life Status) sebagai Salah Satu Parameter Kualitas Hidup Lansia (Later Life Status as a Parameter of Quality of Life in Elderly)/Idawati Karjadidjaja.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 74-76 38 Survei Inkontinensia Urin (Mengompol) pada Usia Lanjut di Lingkungan Pusat Santunan Keluarga (PUSAKA) (Survey of Urinary Incontinence Among Elderly People in Pusat Santunan Keluarga (Nursing Home)/Siti Setiati; Rahmi Istanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (44) 2003: 136-139 AGING 39 Radikal Bebas, Antioksidan, dan Proses Menua (Free Radicals, Antioxidant and Aging


Process)/Siti Setiati.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 366369 AIDS-RELATED INFECTIONS OPPORTUNISTIC

40 Pendekatan Klinis Infeksi Oportunistik Serebral pada HIV/AIDS (Clinical Opportunity on Cerebral Opportunistic Infection in HIV/AIDS)/Ihsanil Husna; Samsuridjal Djauzi; Samino.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 303-308 AIR POLLUTION 41 Asma dan Polusi Udara (Asthma and Air Pollution)/M. Yusuf Hanafiah Pohan; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 27-29 ALBINISM 42 Pola Pewarisan Albinisme di Kecamatan Kedurang, Bengkulu Selatan (The Pedigree of Albinism in Kedurang District, South Bengkulu)/Bhakti Karyadi; Choirul Muslim; Susi Kurniati.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 758-761 ALBUMINURIA 43 Mikroalbuminuria (Microalbuminuria)/M. Yusuf Nasution.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 73-77 ALCOHOLISM 44 Alcoholic Ketoacidosis/Muhammad Syafiq (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003:22-26 45 Pengaruh Pemberian Alkohol Secara Kronis terhadap Memori pada Tikus: Rattus norvegicus (The Influence of Chronic Alcohol Treatment on Memory of the Rats : Rattus norvegicus)/Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah; Soedjono Aswin; Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 1-8 ALLIUM 46

Pengaruh Pemakaian Lokal Perasan Umbi Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum terhadap Reaksi Kutan Aktif pada Kelinci Albino jantan Hibrid Neo-Zealand [Local Effect of Onion (Allium cepa L. Var. ascalonicum) Bulb Juice on Active Coetaneous Anaphylactic Reaction on Male Hybrid New Zealand Rabbits]/Adreanus A. Soemardji; Maria Immaculata Iwo; Nancy Yusticia Lay.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 117-121 47 Sifat Antioksidan dari Bawang Daun (Allium fistulosum L.) dan Perlindungan terhadap Hati dari Keracunan CCI4 (The Antioxidant Characteristic of Allium fistulosum L. and its Covered Effect Against the Toxicity of CCI4 )/Muhammad Sadikin; Sri Widia A. Jusman; Indriati P. Harahap.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 113-121 ALPHA PARTICLES 48 Terapi Kanker dengan Partikel Alfa (The Cancer Therapy by Alpha Particle)/Mukhlis Akhadi.-Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 268-272 ALPHA-FETOPROTEINS 49 Mieloma Multiple dengan Peningkatan Hemoglobin dan Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP (Multiple Myeloma with Increased of HB and Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP)/Anik Widijanti; Diah Hermayanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 428-430 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 50 Konsep Natural Healing, Holistik, dan Vitalism pada Pengobatan Alternatif (Holystic, Vitalism and Natural Healing Concept in Alternative Medicine)/Yuda Turana.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 304-305 51 Penelitian Pengobatan Komplementer dan Alternatif : Berbagai Permasalahan (Study on Alternative and Complimentary Therapy)/Yuda Turana.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 447-449 AMENORRHEA


52 Amenore Sekunder yang Disebabkan Tuberkulosis Genital : Laporan Kasus (Secondary Amenorrhea Caused by Genital Tuberculosis)/I. Asril; K. Sumapraja.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 193-195 ANALGESIC, NON-NARCOTIC 53 Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Antipiretik Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calmus L) pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Antiinflamation and Antipyretic of Acorus calmus L. Methanol Extract on White Mice)/Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 14-18 ANALGESICS 54 Uji Perbandingan Efek Analgesik Infus Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria Rosc) dan Temu Mangga (Curcuma mangga Val. et Zipp) pada Mencit (Comparative Test of Analgesic Effect of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. and Curcuma mangga Val. Et Zipp Infusion on Mice)/Tri Wahyu L.; Yun Astuti N.; Budi Nuratmi.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 81-84 ANEMIA 55 Suplementasi Zat Besi dan Asam Folat pada Penderita Kusta dengan Anemia di RSK Lauleng Pare-Pare (Folic Acid and Iron Supplementation on Leprosy Patient with Anemia at Lauleng Hospital, Pare-Pare)/ Hikmawati Mas'ud; Rudy Hartono; A. Suryanto Asapa.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 3-8 56 Validasi Klasifikasi Anemia pada Balita dengan Melihat Kepucatan Telapak Tangan (The Validity of Palmar Pallor to Diagnosis of Anemia in Under five Children)/Yuslely Usman.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 14-19 ANEMIA, IRON-DEFICIENCY 57 Pengaruh Supplementasi Tablet Besi dan Pendidikan Gizi terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Praktek tentang Anemia dan Kadar Hemoglobin (Hb) pada Remaja Putri (The Effect of Zinc

Supplementation and Nutrition Education on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Anemia as well as Hemoglobin Level Among Female Student)/Hastaning Sakti; Banudari Rachmawati; M. Zen Rahfiludin.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 24-30 ANESTHESIA 58 Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Opiat dan Detoksifikasi Opioid Cepat dengan Anestesia/DOCA (The Emergencies Management of Opioid Detoxyfication with Anesthesia/ DOACA)/Bambang Soeratmo.-- Maj. Kedokter. TNI, (35) 2003: 31-40 ANGIOTENSIN II 59 Angiotensine-II Receptor Antagonist : Dapatkah Mengganti Peran Angiotensine Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (Angiotensine-II Receptor Antagonist : Could Its as the Role Changed of Angiotensine Converting Enzyme Inhibitor)/Budi Susetyo Pikir.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 583-590 60 Antagonis Reseptor Angiotensin II dalam Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi (The Role of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists in Hypertension Management)/Mochammad Sja'bani.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 47-60 ANOPHELES 61 Aktivitas Menggigit Anopheles sundaicus di Kecamatan Wongsorejo, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur (Biting Activities of Anopheles sundaicus in Wongsorejo Sub District, Banyuwangi District, East Java)/ Wigati Mardiana; Tri Suwaryono.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat.,13 (2) 2003: 26-30 62 Fauna Anopheles dan Jenis yang Menjadi Vektor Malaria di Desa Sekitar Kawasan Candi Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah (Anopheles and Malaria Vector in the Villages Around Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java)/Hasan Boesri (et. al.).-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 46-50


63 Komposisi Spesies dan Dominasi Nyamuk Anopheles di Daerah Pantai Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur (The Species Composition and Domination of Anopheles in Coastal Areas of Banyuwangi, East Java)/Shinta; Supratman Sukowati; Mardiana.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 1-8 64 Korelasi Kepadatan Populasi An. barbirostris dengan Prevalensi Malaria di Kecamatan Cineam, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya (The Correlation of An. barbirostris Population Density and Malaria Prevalence in Cineam Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya)/Amrul Munir; S. Sudomo.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 20-28 65 Malaria and Anopheles spp in the Villages of Salubarana and Kadaila, Mamuju District, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia/Armyn Nurdin (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 252-258 ANTHROPOMETRY 66 Hubungan Parameter Antropometri dengan Skor Apgar (The Associated of Antrophometry Parameters and Apgar Score)/Guslihan Dasa Tjipta.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 106-109 67 Status Gizi Antropometrik Anak Usia 7-12 Tahun di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Status of Anthropometrics Nutritional of D.I. Yogyakarta Children 7-12 Aged)/Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati; Janatin Hastuti.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 39-47 ANTIBIOTICS 68 Antibiotik Inhalasi (Inhalation Antibiotic)/Jusuf Anwar Andrianison; Boedi Swidarmoko.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 76-88 69

Community Problem: Antibiotic Resistance in Tuberculosis/ Felix Liauw; Saleha Sungkar.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 451-456 70 Efek Antibiotik Beta Laktam (Sefaklor) terhadap Sistem Pertahanan Pejamu pada Infeksi Saluran Napas (The Effects of Betha Lactam Antibiotic Against Respiratory Tract Infection on Pejamu)/Rozaimah Zain-Hamid.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23(2)2003 :89-92 71 Genotyping Enterotoksigenik Clostridium Perfringens dari Isolat Fekal Dikaitkan dengan Diare yang Berhubungan dengan Antibiotik dan Keracunan Makanan (Enterotoxigenic Produce by Genotyping Clastridium Perfringens from Fecal Isolate Related to Diarrhea and Assossiated with Antibiotics and Food Poisoning)/Dame Joice Pohan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003 : 17-21 72 Improving the Use of Antibiotics in Primary Health Centers through a Problem-Based Pharmacotherapy Training Approach/Iwan Dwiprahasto; Erna Kristin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 165-171 73 Individualised Dose of Gentamycilin Based on Clinical Pharmacokinetics: A Study of Prophycylactic Antibiotic Usage in Head and Neck Sugery/Sunarto Reksoprawiro; Ruddy Hartono; Siti Sjamsiah.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 188-194 74 Pola Bakteri dari Isolat Sputum dan Kepekaannya terhadap Berbagai Antibiotik di RSU Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Periode Januari - Juni 2003 (Bacterial of Isolate Sputum and its Antibiotic Sensitivity on January - June 2003 in Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang)/Triwahju Astuti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 6-11 75 Pola Kuman dan Kepekaan terhadap Antibiotik pada Pasien Sepsis di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


(NICU) RSUP Dr. Kariadi Januari 1999 Desember 2001 (Bacterial Pattern and its Sensitivity to Antibiotics on Septic Patients in PICU/NICU of Dr. Kariadi Hospital from January 1999 - December 2001)/Elly Deliana; Helmia Farida.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 139-142 76 Pola Resistensi Antibiotik terhadap P. aeruginosa di RS Adam Malik, Medan (The Resistancy Pattern of Antibiotic against P. aeruginosa at Adam Malik Hospital, Medan)/Soroy Lardo (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 286-290 77 Profil Disolusi dan Penetapan Kadar Tablet Kotrimoksazol Generik Berlogo dan Tablet dengan Nama Dagang (Dissolution Profile and Determination Level of Cortimoxazol Generic Tablet with Logo and Tablet with Commercial Name)/Ani Isnawati; Sukmayati Alegantina; Kelik M. Arifin.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 21-25 78 Strategi Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Sepsis (The Strategy of Antibiotic Usage on Sepsis)/Munar Lubis; Chairuddin P. Lubis; Syahril Pasaribu.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 155-161 ANTIBODIES 79 Status Antibodi Anak Balita terhadap Virus Entero-71 di Kota Wisata Denpasar Bali (Antibody Status of Underfive Children due to Entero-71 Viruses in Denpasar, Bali)/Gendrowahyuhono (et. al.).-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 45-48 ANTIBODIES, ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID 80 Kadar Antibodi Antifosfolipid pada Abortus Berulang (Antiphospholipid Antibodies Level in Women with Repeat Abortion)/Djusar Sulin.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 264-268 ANTICARCINOGENIC AGENTS 81

Aktivitas Antikarsinogenik Senyawa yang Berasal dari Tumbuhan (The Anticarcinogenic Activity of Plants Compounds)/Sugiyanto (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 132-141 ANTICONVULSANTS 82 Pertimbangan Terapi: Pemilihan Obat Antiepilepsi (Treatment Consideration: Selection of Antiepileptic Drugs)/Harsono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 193-198 ANTIFUNGAL 83 Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antijamur (Candida albicans) dari Kulit Buah Delima/Punica granatum L. (Isolation and Identification of Antifungal (Candida albicans) Compound from the Hull of Delima Fruits/Punica granatum L.)/Indah Purwantini; Subagus Wahyuono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 150-159 ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS 84 Efek Madu sebagai Antifungi terhadap Candida albicans Penelitian Laboratoris in Vitro (The Effect of Honey as an Antifungal against Candida albican : In Vitro laboratory Study)/Sjoekoer M. Dzen (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 1-5 85 Studi Perbandingan Bioavailabilitas Antijamur pada Dua Sedian Itrakonazol (Comparative Study of Antifungal Bioavailability from Two Itraconazole Preparations)/Lukman Hakim (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 228-233 ANTIGENS, CD4 86 Ekspresi CD44 pada Jaringan Tumor Karsinoma Payudara (Expression of CD44 on Tumor Cell in Breast Carcinoma)/Azamris; Wirsma Arif; Eriyati Darwin.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 27-22 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS Studi Perbandingan Antihipertensi pada Dua 87 Bioavailabilitas Sediaan Ramipril


(Comparative Study of Antihypertension Bioavailability on Two Kinds of Rhamiphril)/Lukman Hakim (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 709-713 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS 88 Formulasi Senyawa Baru Antiinflamasi PGV-0 dalam Bentuk Sediaan Tablet (Formulation of PGV-0 a New Anti-inflammatory Agent as a Tablet Dosage Form)/R.A. Oetari (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon.,14 (3) 2003: 160-168 89 Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Antipiretik Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calmus L) pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Antiinflamation and Antipyretic of Acorus calmus L. Methanol Extract on White Mice)/Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 14-18 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, NONSTEROIDAL 90 Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs as the Most Causative Agent of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding/ Julianto Widjojo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 14-18 ANTIMALARIALS 91 Aktivitas Antiplasmodial in Vivo dan Mekanisme Aksi Senyawa Turunan Fenatrolin-1,10 (In Vivo Antiplasmodial Activity and Mechanism of Action of 1,10-Ohenanthroline Derivatives)/ Mustofa; Ange Desire Yapi; Alexis Valentin.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 142-149 92 In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of 1, 10Phenanthroline Derivatives and its Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship/Mustofa (et. al.).- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 67-74 93 Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Efektifitas Artemisinin sebagai Obat Malaria (The Effect of Vitamin E Addition toward the Effectivity of Artemisinin as an Antimalarial

Drug)/Endi Ridwan (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 31-36 94 Uji in Vitro Aktivitas Antimalaria Isolat dari Andrographis paniculata terhadap Plasmodium falciparum Stadium Gametosit (In Vitro Test of Antimalarial Activity of Andrographies paniculata against Plasmodium falciparum in Gametocyte Stage)/Rr. Retno Widyowati.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 99-107 ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS 95 Antikanker Swinholide A dari Spons Theonella Swinhoet (Anticancer of Swinholide A from Spones Theonella Swinhoet)/R. Rachmaniar.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 122-125 96 Farmakologi Gemcitabine: Antikanker Terkini (The Pharmacology of Gemcitabine : the Current Anticancer Agents)/Datten Bagus.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 78-82 97 Zat Bersifat Antikanker dalam Makanan (Anticancer Substance on Food)/Jansen Silalahi; Masria L. Tambunan.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 440446 ANTIOXIDANTS 98 Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Air Daun Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Secara Invitro (Antioxidant Activity of Aqueous Extract of Sonchus arvensis L. in-vitro)/Sofnie M. Chairul; Sumarny; Chairul.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 208-215 99 Antioksidan: Peranannya dalam Kedokteran (Antioxidant: Its Role in Medical Sector)/ Wahyuning Ramelan.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 270272 100 Antioksidan dan Penyakit Aterosklerosis (Antioxidant and its Related with Atherosclerosis)/Barita Sitompul.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 273-378


101 Antioxidant Functions as Network Cooperation and Interdependence/Harjanto.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 40-45 102 Khasiat Antioksida (Allium sativum) pada Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Preeklamsi (Antioxidant Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) in the Prevention and Treatment of Preeclampsia)/ Johanes Mose.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 1-7 103 Konsep Jaringan Antioksidan dan Antioksidan Natural, Lycopene dalam Kesehatan Kardiovaskular (The Concept of Lycopene, Natural Antioxidant and Antioxidant Network in Cardiovascular)/Raymond R. Tjandra.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 74-77 104 Management of Chronic Bronchitis Cases with the Antioxidant Mucolytic Erdosteine/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 8-9 105 Peran Erdostein pada Kasus Respiratorik (The Effect of Erdostein on Respiratory Cases)/H. Bambang Supriyanto.-- Dexa Media, 16 (4) 2003: 108-111 106 Radikal Bebas, Antioksidan, dan Proses Menua (Free Radicals, Antioxidant and Aging Process)/ Siti Setiati.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 366-369 107 Sifat Antioksidan dari Bawang Daun (Allium fistulosum L.) dan Perlindungan terhadap Hati dari Keracunan CCI4 (The Antioxidant Characteristic of Allium fistulosum L. and its Covered Effect Against the Toxicity of CCI4 )/Muhammad Sadikin; Sri Widia A. Jusman; Indriati P. Harahap.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 113-121 ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME 108

Sindroma Antibodi Antiphospholipid Ditinjau dari Pemeriksaan Laboratorium (Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome : Review from the Laboratory Examination)/Mariana Maria Ludong.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 144-148 ANTITUSSIVE AGENTS 109 Obat Batuk Pilek dan Doping (Antitusive and Doping Agents)/Tjahjadi Saputra.-- Jakarta : Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 62-69 ANXIETY 110 Gejala Kardiak dan Anksietas Panik (Cardiac Symptom and Anxiety)/E. Mudjaddid.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 15-23 ANXIETY DISORDERS 111 Perbandingan Gangguan Ansietas dengan Beberapa Karakteristik Demografi pada Wanita Usia 15-55 Tahun (The Comparation of Anxiety Disorders with Several Demography Characteristically in Women Age between 15-55 Years Old)/I Made S. Wiguna; Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 8791 APHASIA 112 Afasia Etiologi, Klasifikasi, Gambaran Klinis dan Penatalaksaannya (The Etiological, Classification, Clinical Features and Management of Aphasia)/ Aldy S. Rambe.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 113-117 APOPTOSIS 113 Apoptosis dan Nekrosis pada Berbagai Selularitas Sumsum Tulang : Studi pada Aspirat Sumsum Tulang dan Penderita dengan Gangguan Hematopoisis (Apoptosis and Necrosis AT Various Marrow Cellularity Study at Marrow Aspirate from Patient with Hematopoietic Disorders)/Edi Widjajanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 32-36


114 Peran Opoptosis dalam Perkembangan Keganasan Tumor Adenoma Plemorfik Parotis (The Role of Apoptosis in Development of Malignancy of the Plemorphic Parotid Adenoma Tumor)/Achmad Syawqie Yazid.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 167-171 APPENDECTOMY 115 Appendektomi Laparoskopik di Rumah Sakit Kabupaten (Laparoscopic Appendectomy at District Hospital)/Ihyan Amri.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 53-56 ARRHYTHMIA 116 Mekanisme Terjadinya Fibrilasi Ventrikuler Suatu Malignant Arrhythmia (The Mechanism of Ventricular Fibrillation Develop Arrhythmia Malignancy)/Gatot Sugiharto.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 152-161 117 Patofisiologi Aritmia pada Infark Miokard Akut (The Phatophysiological of Arrhythmia in Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Lukman H. Makmun.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 1-13 ARSENIC 118 Risk Assessment of Cancer Risks from Arsenic/Titik Respati Gilarsi.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 714-718 ARTEMISIA 119 Artemisinin Production by Shoot Culture of Artemisia Cina Berg. Ex Poljakov/Maria Marina; Aziz Purwantoro; C.J. Soegihardjo.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 322-325 ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASES 120 Management of Chronic Peripheral Arterial Occlusion Diseases/Budi Susetyo Pikir.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 146-153 ARTHRITIS, GOUTY

121 Penatalaksanaan Artritis Gout (The Management of Gouty Arthritis)/Edu Tabupeiory.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003 :100-108 ASCORBIC ACID 122 Daya Hambat Vitamin C dan Glutation pada Fototoksisitas Berbagai Fotosensitiser (Phototoxicity Inhibition Effect of Vitamin C and Glutathione Against Several Photosensitizers)/ Rosmellia; Yulia Intan Sari; Yohannes Widodo Wirohadidjojo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 149-155 123 Sistem Analisis Suntik Alir Bimperometri untuk Penetapan Kadar Vitamin C (A Bipotentiometric FIA System for Determination of Vitamin C)/ Harjana (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 276-283 ASPIRATION 124 Antibiotik Inhalasi (Inhalation Antibiotic)/Jusuf Anwar Andrianison; Boedi Swidarmoko.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 76-88 ASTEMIZOLE 125 Studi Kelarutan Astemizol (1): Penentuan Kekuatan Peningkatan Kelarutan dan Parameter Termodinamika Proses Pelarutan dengan Propilen Glikol (The Study of Astemizole Solubility (1) : The Determination of Astemizole and Thermodynamic Parameters Increases in Solubility Process by Propylene Glycol)/Noorma Rosita.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 7780 ASTHMA Asma Akibat Kerja Asthma)/Teguh H. Karjadi.-Kedokter., (141) 2003: 23-26 126 (Occupational Cerm. Dunia

127 Asma Bronkial: Patogenesis dan Permasalahannya (Bronchial Asthma : Its Pathogenesis and Obstacle)/Karnen Baratawidjaja.-Jakarta:



Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 68-73 128 Asma dan Polusi Udara (Asthma and Air Pollution)/M. Yusuf Hanafiah Pohan; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 27-29 129 Asthma Prevalence among High School Students in East Jakarta, 2001, Based on ISAAC Questionnaire/ Faisal Yunus (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 178-186 130 Dosis Penyesuaian (Adjustable Dosing) Inhalasi Kombinasi Budesonide dan Formoterol pada Penatalaksanaan Asma (Adjustable Dosing Combination of Budesonide and Formoterol Inhalation Asthma Management)/Rozaimah Zain Hamid; Tamsil Syafiuddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 416-420 131 Efficacy of Low Dose Sublingual Immunotherapy in Childhood Asthma/Ariyanto Harsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 223-227 132 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Determination in Childhood Asthma Due to House Dust Allergy/Ariyanto Harsono; Martono Tri Utomo.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 107-110 133 Formaldehyde Exposure Induced Occupational Asthma/Indah Nurkasih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 24-32 134 Gambaran Uji Fungsi Paru pada Anak Penderita Asma (The Feature of Lung Function Test on Child Patient with Asthma)/Edi Setiawan Tehuteru.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 1-4 135 Imunoterapi pada Asma Alergi (Immunotherapy on Allergic Asthma)/Frans Abednego Barus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono; Faisal Yunus.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 39-45

136 Kematian pada Asma Akut Berat (Death in Severe Acute Asthma Patient)/Heru Sundaru.-Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 10-14 137 Kontribusi Dukungan Sosial terhadap Kesembuhan Gangguan Psikosomatik Asma Bronkhiale di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Contribution of Social Support through the Recovery of Psychosomatic Disorder on Asthma Bronchial Patient at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Silas Henry Ismanto; Soemarno Wignyosumarto; Sumarni DW.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 27-32 138 Obat-obat pada Serangan Asma (Drugs for Asthma Attack)/Makmuri MS; Landia Setiawati; Gunadi Santosa.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 445-452 139 Patogenesis dan Patofisiologi Asma (Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Asthma)/Indah Rahmawati; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 511 140 Pengaruh Infeksi Virus pada Perkembangan Asma (The Influence of Virus Infection in Asthma Development)/Adria Rusli; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 19-22 141 Peranan Infeksi Chlamydia pneumoniae dan Mycoplasma pneumoniae terhadap Eksaserbasi Asma (The Effect of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection due to Exacerbation Asthma)/Ira Melintira; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 12-18 142 Peranan Magnesium pada Asma (The Effect of Magnesium on Asthma)/Bambang Irawan Harsono; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 46-50



143 Refluks Gastroesofagus pada Asma (Gastroesophageal Reflux in Asthma)/Indah Rahmawati; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heru Wiyono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 30-38 144 Terapi Kombinasi pada Asma Persisten (Combination Therapy in Persistent Asthma)/Heru Sundaru.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 74-82 145 Terapi Kombinasi sebagai Terobosan Baru dalam Penatalaksanaan Asma Mutakhir (Combination Therapy as a New Inovation in the Management of Asthma)/Fransiscus Chandra.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 70-76 ASTROCYTOMA 146 Astrositoma: Insidens dan Pengobatannya (Astrocytoma : Its Incidence and Therapy)/ Iskandar Japardi.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003:110-115 ATHEROSCLEROSIS 147 Antioksidan dan Penyakit Aterosklerosis (Antioxidant and its Related with Atherosclerosis)/Barita Sitompul.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 273-378 148 The New Paradigms in Atherosclerosis Treatment through Endothelial Dysfunction Concept/Sahat BRE. Matondang; Bina Akura.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 266-273 149 Pengaruh Berbagai Variasi Dosis Ekstrak Morinda citrifolia terhadap Kadar Lipid Serum dan Perkembangan Lesi Aterosklerotik pada Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effects of Various Doses of Morinda citrifolia in the Development and Progression of Atherosclerosis Lesion Including the Number of Foam Cells, the

Thickness of Abdominal Aortic Wall of Wistar and the Serum Lipid Level)/Ika Kustiyah; Awal Prasetyo; Sarjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 193-202 150 Peran Disfungsi Endotel pada Proses Aterosklerosis dan Upaya Preventif (Efek Nonlipid) dari Statin (The Effects of Endothelial on Atherosclerosis Process and Prevention Effort Non-lipid Effect of Statin)/ Djanggan Sargowo.-Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 779-785 151 Peran Lipoprotein pada Aterosklerosis (The Effect of Lipoprotein in Atherosclerosis)/Nurhay Abdurahman.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003 : 93-98 ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER WITH HYPERACTIVITY 152 Persepsi Ibu dalam Pengasuhan Anak Hiperaktif di Usia Pra-sekolah (Mothers Perception in Managing of Hyperactivity Child in Preschool Aged)/Bambang Hartono.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 209-212 ATTITUDE TO HEALTH 153 Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Siswa SMU pada Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Development of Behaviour and Knowledge of Health Reproduction in High School Students)/ Paiman Soeparmanto; Setia Pranata.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 126-138 154 Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Mengubah Perilaku Masyarakat Menuju Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (The Role of Health Manpower in Order to Change the Commmunity Atittude to Became Health and Clean)/Supratman Sukowati; Shinta.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 31-37 155 Sikap dan Perilaku Buruh Penyemprot yang Keracunan Pestisida Organofosfat di Kecamatan Pacet-Jawa Barat (Behavior and Practice Pesticide



Handler's Who had been Poisoned by Organophoshorus Pesticide at Sub District PacetWest Java)/Mariana Raini; Pudji Lestari; Nikmah Bawahab.-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 160-167 AUDIOVISUAL AIDS 156 Keuntungan Menggunakan Alat Bantu Visual pada Depresi (The Beneficial of Visual Aids Usage on Depression)/Hayatun Safrina.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 93-100 AUTISM 157 Akupuntur Laser untuk Terapi Penderita Austisme Anak (Laser Acupuncture Therapy due to Autism in Child Patient)/Koosnadi Saputro.-Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 24-41 158 Autisme: Konsep yang sedang Berkembang (Autism: The Development Concept)/Suharko Kasran.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 24-30 159 Autisme dan Penatalaksanaannya (Autism and its Management)/Dwi Karlina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003: 2732 160 The Controversy on Autism : Do Vaccine Induce Autism/Aprilianto Eddy Wiria (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 222-227 161 Faktor-faktor yang Melatarbelakangi Intensitas Terapi Perilaku Autisme Metode ABA/Applied Behavior Analysis (Factors Related to the Therapy Intensity of Applied Behavior Analysis in Autism)/Aisyah; Asmika; Nanik Setiowati.-Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 73-78 162 Reconsideration of Early Childhood Vaccination (An Epidemiological Study on Relationships between Vaccination and Autism)/Fuad Amsyari; Nur Mukarromah.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 102-106

AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 163 Aplikasi Whonet5 dalam Pengolahan Data Resistensi Spesimen Urin di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik FKUI/RSUPNCM (Whonet 5 Application in the Data Processing of Bacterial Resistance at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia)/ Lyana Setiawan; Tonny Loho.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 444-450 BACILLUS SUBTILIS 164 Uji Aktivitas "Crude" Enzim Proteolitik Bacillus subtilis FNCC 0059 Hasil Fermentasi Curah (The Activities Test of Crude Proteolitic Enzyme of Bacillus subtilis Fermented)/Achmad Toto Poernomo; Djoko Agus Purwanto.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 103-107 BACK PAIN 165 The Use of in IDET in Discogenic Back Pain due to Internal Disc Disrupsion/Luthfi Gatham; Subroto Sapardan; Ismail.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 6-11 BACTERIA 166 Jumlah Kuman dan Coliform pada Air Susu Sapi di Peternakan Ong Desa Mangunsari Kecamatan Gunungpati (The Amount of Coliform Bacteria in Cow Milk which Yielded by Ong Ranch at Mangunsari Village, Gunungpati Subdistrict)/ Sulistiyani; Martini; Novita Wahyuni.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 68-71 167 Pengaruh Volume Sampel terhadap Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme pada Biakan Darah (The Influence of Blood Sample Volume to the Growth of Microorganism in Blood Culture)/Osman Sianipar; Dian Ariningrum.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 127-132 168 Pola Bakteri dari Isolat Sputum dan Kepekaannya terhadap Berbagai Antibiotik di RSU Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Periode Januari - Juni 2003 (Bacterial of Isolate Sputum and its Antibiotic Sensitivity on January - June 2003 in Dr. Saiful



Anwar Hospital Malang)/Triwahju Astuti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 6-11 BACTERIURIA 169 Bakteriuria Pasca Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) di RSUPN-Cipto Mangunkusomo (Bacteriuria After Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital)/Saut Hutagalung; Djoko Rahardjo.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 8-13 BALLOON DILATATION 170 Balon Mitral Valvotomi (BMV) pada Kehamilan (Mitral Balloon Valvotomy in Pregnancy)/ William Sanjaya; Jetty RH. Sedyawan; T. Dewi Anggraeni.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 9-12 171 The Management of Achlasia with Ballon Dilation Catheter/Gontar A. Siregar; Zulkhairi.-Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 136-139 BATHS 172 Changes in Temperature of Newborn Babies Bathed Immediately after Birth/Eka Gunawijaya; S. Abdul Hamid.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 73-80 BEHAVIOR 173 Aspek Perilaku Penduduk Daerah Endemis Malaria di Desa Hargowilis, Kecamatan Kokap, Kulonprogo D.I. Yogyakarta (Aspects of Community Behavior on Malaria Endemic Areas in Hargowillis Village, Kokap Sub District, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta)/Siti Sapardiyah Santoso; Priskarini.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 1-9 BEHCET'S SYNDROME 174 Bilateral Papillitis in Neuro-AdamantiadesBehcet's Disease Cases Report/Suhardjo.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 125-128 BENZENE 175

Pengaruh Pajanan Benzen terhadap Sistem Hematopoetik (The Effect of Benzene Exposure on Haemopoetic System)/Abdul Baktiansyah.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 409-415 BENZIDINES 176 Pengaruh Panjanan Benzidin terhadap Timbulnya Karsinoma Transisional Buli-buli (Bladder Transitional Carcinoma Induced by Benzidine)/ Rose.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 172178 BENZOYL PEROXIDE 177 Efek Sabun Asam Salisilat 2% sebagai Penunjang Terapi Topikal Jel Bensoil Peroksida 10% untuk Akne Vulgaris Derajat Ringan Sampai Sedang (The Effect of 2% Salicylic Acid as a Support of 10% Benzoil Peroxide Gel for Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris)/Rahajeng Musy; Kristiana Etnawati; Suyoto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 211-218 BETA-THALASSEMIA 178 Diabetes Mellitus in Betha-thalassemia Major Patients/Riadi Wirawan (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 87-93 179 Renal Impairment in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients Receiving Repeated Blood Transfusion/ Riadi Wirawan (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 215-223 BILIARY ATRESIA 180 Penatalaksanaan Atresea Koana Bilateral (The Management of Bilateral Choanal Atresia)/Andrina Y.M. Rambe; Deleitri Munir.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 39-41 BIOLOGICAL AVAILABILITY 181 Pharmacokinetic Profile and Comparative Bioavailability of Pentoxyphylline from Two Sustained-Release Pentoxyphylline Tablets in Indonesia Healthy Volunteers/Yeyet C. Sumitrapura; Wibawati Sulistyo; Herwanto



Suhalim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 233-237 182 Uji Bioavailabilitas dan Bioekuivalensi Obat: Disain Penelitian dan Validasi Metode Analisis (The Bioavailablelity Test and Bioequivalency Agent : Research Design and Validity of Analysis Method)/Effi Setiawati; Metta Sinta Sari Wiria; Arini Setiawati.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 3538 BIOTRANSFORMATION 183 Biotransformation of Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) : in Vitro and in Vivo Studies/Sugiyanto; Oetari; Agung Endro Nugroho.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 290-298 BIRTH WEIGHT 184 Pengaruh Pemberian Seng (Zn) pada Ibu Hamil terhadap Status Seng Ibu dan Bayi serta Berat Badan Bayi Lahir (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation to Maternal Zinc Status, Neonatus Zinc Status and Birth Weight)/Sri Sumarni (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 8-16 185 Perbandingan Ketepatan Mengestimasi Berat Badan Lahir Menurut Rumus Johnson dan Rumus SML (Comparison of the Accuracy of Johnson's Formula and SML's Formula in Estimating Birth Weight)/S. Rosmina; J.A. Masengi; M. Taniowas Loho.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27(1) 2003: 14-20 BISPHENOL METHACRYLATE A-GLYCIDYL

BLADDER NEOPLASMS 188 Pengaruh Panjanan Benzidin terhadap Timbulnya Karsinoma Transisional Buli-buli (Bladder Transitional Carcinoma Induced by Benzidine)/ Rose.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 172178 BLOOD GLUCOSE 189 Pengaruh Standar Diet terhadap Pengendalian Glukosa Darah Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan di RSUP Manado (The Role of Dietary Standard in Controlling Blood Glucose Level in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 at Manado General Hospital)/Salman; Haman Hadi; Madarina Julia.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 397-403 BLOOD PRESSURE 190 Blood Pressure Survey in Indonesia Norvask Epidemiology Study/Tri Yunis (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 234-238 BLOOD TRANSFUSION 191 Renal Impairment in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients Receiving Repeated Blood Transfusion/Riadi Wirawan (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 215-223 BLOOD VOLUME 192 Pengaruh Volume Sampel terhadap Pertumbuhan Mikroorganisme pada Biakan Darah (The Influence of Blood Sample Volume to the Growth of Microorganism in Blood Culture)/Osman Sianipar; Dian Ariningrum.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 127-132 BODY WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 193 Stature and Weight of Indonesian Children Compared to NCHS-Reference/Susy Kristiani; Toetik Koesbardiati; Josef Glinka SVD.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 228-233 194

186 Increasing the Abrasive Resistance of Polymer Bis-GMA by Adding Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate/Wahjuni Widajati.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 91-94 BLADDER 187 Immature Teratoma of the Urinary Bladder: a Case Report/Indrawati; Soeripto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 181-186



Youth Profile in Some Suburban Areas in East Java (Preliminary Survey of the Indonesian Youth Stature at the Fiftieth Anniversary of Indonesia)/Johan Tumonggor; Hari K. Laksono.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 122-126 BONE PLATES 195 Influence of the Screw Inclination to the Strength of the Bone Plate Construction/Nino Nasution; S.A. Dohar L. Tobing; Rahmat Wijaya.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 42-45 BRADYCARDIA 196 Sinus Bradikardia pada Infeksi Virus Dengue (Sinus Bradycardia in Dengue Viral Infections)/Lukas Mulyono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 179-182 BRADYKININ 197 Stimulatory Effect of Bradykinin on the Activity of Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandid Production in Culture Fibroblasts/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 40-44 BRAIN 198 The Efficacy of Specific Patterns of Movements and Brain Exercises on the Cognitive Performance of Healthy Senior Citizen in Jakarta/Lily Djokosetio Sidiarto (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 155-161 199 Profil Stroke dari CT-Scan Kepala (Stroke Profile by Brain CT-Scan)/Suyono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 140-144 BRAIN NEOPLASMS 200 Karakteristik Klinis dan Radiologis Tumor Otak di RS Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Radiological and Clinical Characteristic of Brain Tumor at Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta)/Rizaldy Pinzon; Ahmad Asmedi.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 109-115 BREAST FEEDING 201

Ekspresi CD44 pada Jaringan Tumor Karsinoma Payudara (Expression of CD44 on Tumor Cell in Breast Carcinoma)/Azamris; Wirsma Arif; Eriyati Darwin.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 27-22 202 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pola Pemberian ASI pada Bayi Usia Empat Bulan : Analisis Data Susenas 2001 (Factors Related with Breast Feeding Pattern on Four Months Infant : The Analysis of Susenas 2001 Data)/Sinta Purnamawati.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 29-37 BREAST NEOPLASMS 203 Akursi Tripel Diagnostik yang Dimodifikasi (TDM) pada Tumor Padat Payudara (The Accuracy of Modified Triple Diagnostic in Solid Breast Tumor)/Faison; Didik Soediarto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 23-26 204 Disfagia pada Penderita Karsinoma Mammae Post Radiasi dengan Straight Back Syndrome (Dysphagia on Post Radiation of Breast Carcinoma Patient with Straight Back Syndrome)/Yuyun Yueniwati; Arief Iskandar Nad.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 671-676 205 Dosis Pasien Penderita Kanker Payudara dan Nasofaring : Sebuah Studi pada Radioterapi Eksternal dengan Pesawat Teleterapi Co-60 (Radiotherapy Dosage toward Nasopharyngeal and Breast Cancer Patients : A Study of External Radiotherapy Using Teletherapy Co-60)/Nasukha (et. al.).--Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 355-358 206 Hubungan Kontrol Pribadi dengan Kecenderungan Depresi pada Penderita Kanker Payudara Ditinjau dari Keikutsertaan Reach to Recovery (The Correlation between Perceived Control and Tendency of Depression on Breast Cancer Patient According to Participate in Reach to Recovery)/Karyono; Farida Hidayati; Astry E.F.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 31-36 207



Karakteristik Penderita dalam Kaitannya dengan Gangguan Tidur Awal pada Pasien Kanker Mamae yang Menjalani Pengobatan Operasi dan Kombinasi (Patients Characteristic in the Correlation with Initial Insomnia and Post Operation or Combination Therapy in Patient with Breast Cancer)/I Ketut Riyasa; Mulyono Notosiswoyo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21(57) 2003: 1-11 208 Relationship between Cancer Stage, Tumor Size and Five-Year Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital/Arlinda Sari Wahyuni (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 125-130 BRONCHITIS 209 Management of Chronic Bronchitis Cases with the Antioxidant Mucolytic Erdosteine/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 8-9 BUDESONIDE 210 Dosis Penyesuaian (Adjustable Dosing) Inhalasi Kombinasi Budesonide dan Formoterol pada Penatalaksanaan Asma (Adjustable Dosing Combination of Budesonide and Formoterol Inhalation Asthma Management)/Rozaimah Zain Hamid; Tamsil Syafiuddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 416-420 BULIMIA 211 Bulimia Nervosa/Syamsir BS.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 70-72 CADMIUM 212 Uji Toksisitas Mineral Kadmium dan Plumbum Penyebab Penyakit Menggunakan Spektroskopi Serapan Atom (Toxicity Test Using Atomic Microscopy Absorption on Cadmium Mineral and Plumbum Caused of Diseases)/Arman Saibi.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 146-150 CALCITRIOL 213 Pengaruh Calcitriol terhadap Aktivitas Makrofag Manusia dengan Candida albicans (The Effect of

Calcitriol on the Activity of Human Macrophage Stimulated by Candida albicans)/Ning Rintiswati (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 1722 CALCIUM 214 Identifikasi dan Penentuan Kadar Kalsium Terlarut dalam Fraksi Air dan Etilasetat dalam Daun Kumis Kucing (Orthoshiphon aristatus) dengan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination and Identification of Calcium Solubility of Kumis Kucing Leaf (Orthoshiphon aristatus) in Water Fraction and Ethyl Asetat Fraction by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)/Zainul Kamal (et. al.).-Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 567-572 215 Intracellular Calcium and Magnesium Level in Essential Hypertension Patients/H.M. Rachmat Soelaeman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 19-23 216 Kelarutan Kalsium pada Enamel setelah Direndam Saliva Buatan pH5,5 dan pH6,5 (Calcium Dissolution on Enamel after Soaked on Artificial Saliva with 5.5 and 6.5 Acidity)/Iftakhud Dikri; Slamet Soetanto; Ira Widjiastuti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 7-10 217 Peran Antagonis Kalsium dalam Pengobatan Hipertensi (The Effect of Calcium Antagonists in Hypertension Therapy)/Hanafi B. Trisnohadi.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 25-30 CANDIDA 218 Vulvovaginal Candidosis Caused by Candida Non-Albicans, Proportion and Clinical Characteristics in the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta/Midi Haryani; Kuswadji S. Urip; Sjarif M. Wasitoatmadja.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 142-147 CANDIDA ALBICANS 219



Efek Madu sebagai Antifungi terhadap Candida albicans Penelitian Laboratoris in Vitro (The Effect of Honey as an Antifungal against Candida albican : In Vitro laboratory Study)/Sjoekoer M. Dzen (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 1-5 220 Efektivitas Lama Perendaman Resin Akrilik dalam Ekstrak Daun Coleus amboinicus, Lour terhadap Keberadaan Candida albicans (The Effectiveness of Acrylic Resin Immersion Time in Coleus amboinicus, Lour Leaves Concentrate on Candida albicans Existence)/Devi Rianti.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 129-133 221 Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antijamur (Candida albicans) dari Kulit Buah Delima/ Punica granatum L. (Isolation and Identification of Antifungal (Candida albicans) Compound from the Hull of Delima Fruits/Punica granatum L.)/Indah Purwantini; Subagus Wahyuono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 150-159 222 The Pattern of Immunopathobiological Response in Oral Mucosa to Disclose the Immunopathobioogenesis of Candida albicans Infection in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus/ Herlina.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 216222 223 Pengaruh Calcitriol terhadap Aktivitas Makrofag Manusia dengan Candida albicans (The Effect of Calcitriol on the Activity of Human Macrophage Stimulated by Candida albicans)/Ning Rintiswati (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 1722 224 Pertumbuhan Candida albicans pada Plat Akrilik setelah Direndam Glutaraldehid 10% (Candida albicans Growth on Resin Acrylic Plate after Immersion in Glutaraldehyde 10 %)/Saukaton.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 117-119 CANNABIS 225

Farmakologi dari Marijuana Dampak Penggunaannya (Pharmacological of Marijuana and its Effects)/Datten Bangun.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 162-165 CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUS CELL 226 Karsinoma Sel Skuamus Rongga Mulut : Ditinjau Secara Epidemiologi Lingkungan dan Sosial (Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mouth Cavity : Review by Social and Environment Epidemiologist)/Niniek L. Pratiwi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 246-250 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 227 Konsep Jaringan Antioksidan dan Antioksidan Natural, Lycopene dalam Kesehatan Kardiovaskular (The Concept of Lycopene, Natural Antioxidant and Antioxidant Network in Cardiovascular)/Raymond R. Tjandra.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 74-77 228 Mekanisme Potensial Biologik Periodontitis sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskular (Potential Mechanism of Biological Periodontitis as a Risk Factor of Cardiovascular Diseases)/ Oedijani.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 657-651 229 Patogenesis, Diagnosis Dini dan Peran Proses Oksidatif pada Perkembangan Penyakit Kardiovaskular (The Early Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Oxidative Process Role in Cardiovascular Diseases)/R. Miftah Suryadipraja.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 78-81 230 Pengobatan Hipertensi dan Proteksi Kardiovaskular: Apakah Peran AIIRA ? (Hypertension Therapy and Cardiovascular Protection : What's Role that the AIIRA Take ?)/ Hanafi B. Trisnohadi.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 113-118 231 Problem Kardiovaskular pada Kasus Sepsis-SIRS (Cardiovascular Problem on Sepsis-SIRS Cases)/



Djanggan Sargowo.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 656664 232 The Therapeutic Potential of the Nutrients LCarnitine and CoQ10: Focus on Cardiovascular Disorders/Y. Kisyanto.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 61-67 CARNITINE 233 The Therapeutic Potential of the Nutrients LCarnitine and CoQ10: Focus on Cardiovascular Disorders/Y. Kisyanto.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 61-67 CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME 234 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Rudiansyah Harahap.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 51-53 235 Sindrom Terowongan Karpal pada Pekerja: Pencegahan dan Pengobatannya (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on Worker : Treatment and its Prevention)/Lusianawaty Tana.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 99-104 CATARACT 236 Paediatric Cataract Implant Surgery Outcome/Istiantoro.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 21-26 237 Surgical Outcome of Phacofragmentation and Phacoemulsification in Senile White Mature Cataract/Istiantoro Soekardi; Nandia Primadina.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 94-102 CATARACT EXTRACTION 238 Keberhasilan Teknik Bedah Katarak Insisi Kecil Secara Manual di Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Bandung (The Successful of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery in Cicendo Eye Hospital Bandung)/Loekman Prawirakoesoema.-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 110-113

CAUSALITY 239 Pendekatan Deterministik, Probabilistik, dan Definisi Kausasi (Deterministic Approach, Probabilistic Approach, and Causal Definitions)/ Bhisma Maurti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 457-464 CAUSE OF DEATH 240 Kecenderungan Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Bayi dan Anak Balita di Indonesia: 1992-2001 (The Tendency of Cause of Death in Infancy and Childhood in Indonesia: 1991-2001)/Tin Afifah; Sarimawar Djaja; Joko Irianto.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 48-59 241 Pola Penyakit Penyebab Kematian di Indonesia (The Diseases of Cause of Death in Indonesia Household Health Survey (HHS) 2001)/ Sarimawar Djaja; Joko Irianto; Lisa Mulyono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 295-302 CELLOPHANE 242 Pelepasan In Vitro Prometasina HCI dari Beberapa Sediaan Topikal Menggunakan Membran Selofan (The Release of Promethazine HCl in Vitro from Several Topical Compound Using Cellophane Membrane)/Tristiana Erawati (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 55-57 CELLS 243 Mengenal Lebih Dekat Biologi Molekular Sel Kanker (Knowing the Molecular Biological of Cancer Cell)/Ahmad Hudoyo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 99-104 CENTRALIZED HOSPITAL SERVICES 244 Dampak Transisi Epidemiologi terhadap Pelayanan Rumah Sakit dan Peran yang Diharapkan (The Impact of Epidemiological Transition through Hospital Services and the Expectancy Role)/Rustika; Ingerani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 9-16 CENTRIFUGATION



245 Teknik Sentrifugasi untuk Meningkatkan Penemuan Bakteri Tahan Asam (BTA) dari Sputum Penderita TBC melalui Metode ZielhNeelsen (Centrifugation Technique to Increase Bacteria Founding in Sputum of Tuberculosis Patient by Zielh-Neelsen Method)/Merryani Girsang Sumarti (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 23-31 CEPHALOMETRY 246 Kajian Kefalometrik : Studi Perbandingan antara Suku Jawa di Yogyakarta dan Suku Naulu di Pulau Seram, Maluku Tengah (A Cephalometric Study : The Comparative Study of Javanese in Yogyakarta and Naulunese in Seram Island, Middle Maluku)/Neni Trilusiana Rahmati (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 203-209 CEREBELLAR DISEASES 247 Atrofi Serebelum pada Penderita Epileppsi (Cerebellar Atrophy on Epilepsy Patients)/Yuda Turana; Wendra Ali; Zakiah Syeban.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 228-231 248 Cerebellar Atrophy in Epileptic Patient/Yuda Turana; Wendra Ali; Zakiah Syeban.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 228-231 CEREBELLOPONTINE ANGLE 249 Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor a Case Report/ Indra Bhakti; Yuneldi Anwar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 191-192 CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS 250 Dampak Hiperglikemia terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Penderita Stroke (The Impact of Hyperglycemia through the Life Expectancy on Stroke Patients)/Riani Indiyarti.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 105-109 251 Gangguan Depresi dan Panik Pascastroke (Depression and Panic Disorder in Post Stroke)/Tonam; Sylvia F. Lumempouw; Martina Wiwie.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 316-322

252 The Latest Clinical Epidemiological Data of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients in Surabaya and the Surroundings a Hospitals-Based Study/Moh. Hasan Machfoed.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 242-250 253 Parameter Laboratorium pada Stroke (Laboratory Parameter on Stroke)/Rahajuningsih D. Setiabudy.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 313-316 254 Penggunaan Warfarin sebagai Upaya Preventif Terjadinya Stroke Kardioembolik (The Use of Wafarin as a Preventive Agents in Cardioembolism Stroke)/Aldy S. Rambe.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 122-125 255 Peranan Rehabilitasi terhadap Prognosis Stroke (The Role of Rehabilitation toward the Prognosis of Stroke)/Mutia Sinta; Rusdi Lamsusin; Ahmad Asmedi.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 101-107 256 Profil Stroke dari CT-Scan Kepala (Stroke Profile by Brain CT-Scan)/Suyono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 140-144 257 Tinjauan Neuroscience Terapi pada Akupunktur Stroke (Review on Neuroscience Therapy in Acupuncture Stroke)/Utoyo Sunaryo; Koosnadi Saputro.-- Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 22-23 CERVICAL VERTEBRAE 258 Individual pada Penggal Kepala dengan Skaning Vertebra C7-T1 (Individuation in Decapitation with C7-T1 Vertebral Scanning)/Etty Indriati.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 141-148 CERVIX NEOPLASMS 259 An Analysis on the Delay of Cervical Cancer Patients in Seeking Medical Check Up in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital Jakarta/Ni Nengah Susanti; M. Farid



Aziz; Adang Bachtiar.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 162-165 260 Efektivitas Pemeriksaan Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat oleh Bidan sebagai Upaya Mendeteksi Lesi Pra-kanker Serviks (The Effectiveness of Visual Infection with Acetic Acid Done by Midwives to Detect Pre-Cancerous Lesions of Cervix)/I. Hanafi (et. al.).-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 59-66 261 Ketahanan Hidup Penderita Kanker Serviks di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta (Survival Rate of Cervical Cancer Patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta)/Anna Maria Sirait; Farida Soetiarto; Ratih Oemiati.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 13-24 262 Peran Nefrostomi Perkutan dalam Penanganan Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut (The Effcet of Percutaneous Nephrostomy in the Management of Cervix Cancer)/Rasjidi I. Fernandi (et. al.).-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 254-258 CESAREAN SECTION 263 Miomektomi pada Seksio Sesarea di Beberapa Rumah Sakit dan Rumah Sakit Bersalin di Makasar (Myomectomy in Cesarean Section at Several Hospitals and Home Delivery)/A. Djuanda (et. al.).-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 45-50 CHILD 264 Akupuntur Laser untuk Terapi Penderita Austisme Anak (Laser Acupuncture Therapy due to Autism in Child Patient)/Koosnadi Saputro.-Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 24-41 265 Aspek Neuro-Psikososial HIV/AIDS pada Anak (The Neuro-Psychosocial Aspect of HIV/AID on Child)/Adhi Wibowo.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 35-46 266 Binocular Vision Among Children in Second Grade of Kindergarten School in Surabaya/

Hamidah M. Ali.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003 : 195-199 267 Demam pada Anak: Perabaan Kulit, Pemahaman dan Tindakan Ibu (Fever in Children : Pallation, the Understanding of Mother and Further Action)/Purwoko; Djauhar Ismail; Soetaryo.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 111-118 268 Faktor Lingkungan yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Campak pada Balita di Kabupaten Serang pada Tahun 1999-2000 (Environmental Factor in Connection with Measles to Children Under Five Years Old in Serang Regency, Year 1999-200)/Salma M. Padri H.-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 196-205 269 Faktor Risiko Konstipasi pada Anak (Risk Factors of Constipation in Children)/Dyah Kurniati; M Juffrie.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 219224 270 The Family Background of Conduct Disorder on Aggressive and Runaway Children/Endang Warsiki Ghozali.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 179-187 271 Frekuensi Fragile-X pada Anak-anak Retardasi Mental di Kecamatan Semin, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, D.I. Yogyakarta (Fragile-X Frequence on Metal Retardation Children at Semin Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta)/Sultan MH. Faradz (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 185-191 272 Gambaran Uji Fungsi Paru pada Anak Penderita Asma (The Feature of Lung Function Test on Child Patient with Asthma)/Edi Setiawan Tehuteru.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 1-4 273 Gejala Respiratorik dan Refluks Gastroesofagus pada Anak (Gastroesophagus Reflux and Respiratoric Symptom on Child)/Rianita Syamsu;



Mardjanis Said.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 149-155 274 Kasus Jiwa Anak pada Semua Sekolah (TK s.d SLTA) di Kota Industri : Kalimantan (The Cases of Mental Child in All Elementary School at Industrial City : Kalimantan)/Wrsiki, Endang (et. al.).--Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 119-134 275 Optimizing Children's Emotional Quotient by Manday-Thursday Fasting/Sholeh, Moh..-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 22-28 276 Paediatric Cataract Implant Surgery Outcome/Istiantoro.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 21-26 277 Pemberian Nutrisi Parenteral pada Bayi dan Anak (Parenteral Nutrition Giving in Infant and Child)/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara , 36 (3) 2003 : 126-129 278 Pemfigus Vulgaris pada Seorang Anak dengan Gambaran Klinis Menyerupai Pemfigoid Bulosa (Pemphigus Vulgaris in a Child with Clinical Menifestation Resemble Bullous Pemphigoid)/ Marlla, Lia; Diana, Inne Arline.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 77-82 279 Penatalaksanaan Muntah pada Bayi dan Anak (Management of Vomiting in Infant and Children)/Sudarmo, Subijanto Marto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 432-444 280 Penatalaksanaan Nyeri pada Anak (The Management of Pain on Child)/Lubis, Munah.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 65-69 281 Penelitian Serologis Polio Anak SD Pasca BiasPolio di Kabupaten Bogor(The Serological Study of Poliomyelitis on Elementary School Children Post Bias-Polio in Bogor)/Gendrowahyuhono (et.

al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 19-22 282 Peran Probiotik dalam Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Diare Akut pada Anak (The Role of Probiotic in the Prevention and Therapy of Diarrhea in Children)/Olivianto, Ery; Kusuma, Chandra.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 12-17 283 Post-Adenotonsilectomy Increase of Immune Response in Children With Obstructive Adenotonsilitis/Muhardjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 147-156 284 Resistensi Obat pada Anak-anak dengan Leukemia Limpoblastik Akut (Drug Resistance in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)/Ugrasena, IDG.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 453-471 285 Risiko Kejadian Pnemonia pada Balita Kaitannya dengan Kepadatan Hunian Rumah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidorejo Lor dan Cebongan Kota Salatiga (The Risk of Getting Pneumonia among Children Under Five Years Old in Relation to Accupant Density of the House in Sidoredjo Lor and Cebongan Community Health Center, Salatiga)/Nurjazuli.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 72-75 286 Stature and Weight of Indonesian Children Compared to NCHS-Reference/Kristiani, Susy; Koesbardiati, Toetik; Josef Glinka SVD.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 228-233 287 Status Antibodi Anak Balita terhadap Virus Entero-71 di Kota Wisata Denpasar Bali (Antibody Status of Underfive Children due to Entero-71 Viruses in Denpasar, Bali)/Gendrowahyuhono (et. al.).-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 45-48 288



Status Gizi Antropometrik Anak Usia 7-12 Tahun di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Status of Anthropometrics Nutritional of D.I. Yogyakarta Children 7-12 Aged)/Rahmawati, Neni Trilusiana; Hastuti, Janatin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 39-47 289 Status Gizi Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) dan Balita di Indonesia Menurut Data SKRT 2001 (Nutritional Status on Fertility Women and Underfive Children Based on SKRT 2001 Data)/Bisara, Dina; Supraptini; Afifah, Tin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 143-154 290 Tetanus Children Group: A Retrospective Study in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 58-60 291 Tren Angka Kematian Bayi dan Angka Kematian Anak Balita di Indonesia (The Trend of Infant Mortality Rate and Child Mortality Rate in Indonesia)/Irianto, Joko; Soemantri, Soeharsono; Afifah, Tin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 197-185 292 Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Anak (The Effort to Prevent the Coronary Heart Disease on Child)/Madiyono, Bambang; Putra, Sukma Tulus; Ria, Nova.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 141-152 293 Validasi Klasifikasi Anemia pada Balita dengan Melihat Kepucatan Telapak Tangan (The Validity of Palmar Pallor to Diagnosis of Anemia in Under five Children)/Usman, Yuslely.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 14-19 CHILD CARE 294 Pola Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Karyawati dalam Fungsi Pemeliharaan Anak di Daerah Industri Jabotabek (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Pattern of Working Women through the Child Care in Industrial Areas of

Jabotabek)/Zalbawi, Sunanti; Walyo, Imam.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 26-31 CHILD NUTRITION 295 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Gizi Anak Umur 6-36 Bulan sebelum dan Saat Krisis Ekonomi di Jawa Tengah (Nutritional Status of Children Aged 3-36 Months before and During Economic Crisis and Related to Nutritional Status in Central Java)/Tarigan, Ingan Ukur.--Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 1-12 CHILD NUTRITION DISORDERS 296 The Attitude Improvement among Community Health Center Staff in Managing the Risk and Resolving Malnutrition in Underfives by Using Estimation Score/Umijati, Sri.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 259-263 297 Efektifitas Pemberian Formula Makanan Glikemik Tinggi dalam Penatalaksanaan Gizi Buruk (The Effect of High Glycaemic Formula in the Management of Severe Undernourished on Children)/ Soetrisno, Uken (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 1-7 CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIAE 298 Peranan Infeksi Chlamydia pneumoniae dan Mycoplasma pneumoniae terhadap Eksaserbasi Asma (The Effect of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection due to Exacerbation Asthma)/ Melintira, Ira; Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 12-18 CHLORINE 299 Penanganan Pajanan Khlorin di Tempat Kerja (The Management of Chlorine Exposure in Working Area)/Tana, Lusianawaty.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 38-44 300 Pengaruh Jarak Pengaliran Air Minum terhadap Sisa Khlor dan Angka MPN Coliform pada



Jaringan Pipa PDAM di Buntok, Kalteng (The Influence of the Distance Drinking Water Irrigation Toward Chlor Residue and the Rate of Drinking water MPN Coliform of PDAM Buntok, South Kalimantan)/Putro, Gurendro; Friariyatini.- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 774-778 CHLOROQUINE 301 The Role of pfmdr-1 Gene on Mechanism of Resistance of P. falciparum to Chloroquine/Achmad, Meizi Fachrizal; Sutanto, Inge.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 69-75 CHOANAL ATRESIA 302 Penatalaksanaan Atresea Koana Bilateral (The Management of Bilateral Choanal Atresia)/Rambe, Andrina Y.M.; Munir, Deleitri.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 39-41 303 Penatalaksanaan Atresea Koana Bilateral (The Management of Bilateral Chaonal Atresia)/Rambe, Andrina Y.M.; Munir, Delfitri.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 39-41 CHOLESTASIS 304 Penyulit Pasca Bedah Ikterus Obstruktif Lanjut : Studi Kasus Penderita di RSSA dan Studi Eksperimental pada Tikus (Complication on Surgical Patients With Late Extrahepatic Obstructive Jaundice : Case Study in RSSA and Experimental Study on Rats)/Soenarko, M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 27-31 305 Peran Uji Fungsi Hati dalam Membedakan Kolestasis Intrahepatik dan Ekstrahepatik (The Role of Liver Function Test in Distinguishing Intrahepatic from Extrahepatic Cholestasis)/Karyana; Sudaryat S.; Aryasa, Nomor .-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 360-364 CHOLESTEROLE 306 Terapi Penurunan Kolesterol pada Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Perannya pada Stabilisasi dan Pencegahan Rupturs Plak (The

Therapy to Reduce Cholesterol in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease : Its Effect in Stability Effort and Plaque Ruptures Prevention)/ Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 99-111 CHROMATOGRAPHY, GAS 307 Pengembangan Metode Kromatografi Gas untuk Penetapan Kadar Etanol dalam Nira Siwalan/ Borassus flabellifer Linn (Developing of Gas Chromatography Method to Determine of Ethanol Level on Siwalan Sap)/Mulja, Muhammad; Purwanto, Djoko Agus; Marthania, Dhenty.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 27-33 CHROMATOGRAPHY, LIQUID 308 Quantitative Analysis of Lactose and Lactulose in Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Intestinal Lactase Activity/Dharmasetiawani, Nani; Suryadi, Herman; Firmansyah, Agus.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 8-12 CHROMOSOME BREAKAGE 309 Comparison of Various Procedures in the Processing of Binuleated-lymphocytes on to Glass Slide to Detect Chromosomal Breakage/Pawitan, Jeanne Adiwinata (et. al.).-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 3-7 CIMETIDINE 310 Pengaruh Simetidin terhadap Profil Farmakokinetik Natrium Diklofenak pada Kelinci (The Effect of Cimetidine on Pharmacokinetic Profile to Sodium Diclofenac in Rabbit)/Endreswari, Sri; Yulinah, Elin; Chayati, Yeyet.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 1115 CIRCUMCISION, FEMALE 311 Female Circumcision in Jakarta Community/Habsjah, Atashendartini.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 30-42 CLONING, ORGANISM



312 Klonasi pada Manusia (Human Cloning)/Jacob, T.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 216-223 CLOTHING 313 Pakaian sebagai Pelindung Surya (Clothe as a Sunlight Cover)/Tantari SHW.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 79-64 COLONIC DISEASES, FUNCTIONAL 314 Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Faktor Konsep Patogenesis Terkait dengan Perkembangan Terapi (Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Pathogenesis Concept Factor Related with Therapical Development)/ Djojoningrat, Dbarmika.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 129-137 COLONIC NEOPLASMS 315 The Effect of Fiber Diet on Colonic Cancer Formation: The Role of Butyrate/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 127-132 COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS 316 Skrining dan Surveilan Karsinoma Kolo-rektal Perpaduan antara Risiko Kejadian Penyakit terhadap Biaya yang Diperlukan (Surveillance and Screening of Colorectal Carcinoma : Combining between Evidence Risk and Cost Needs)/Riwanto, I.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 167-177 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 317 Faktor Berisiko yang Mempengaruhi Penyakit Tidak Menular di Jawa dan Bali (The Risk Factors Influencing Non Communicable Diseases in Java-Bali Provinces)/Pradono, Julianty; Hapsari, Dwi; Soemantri, Soeharsono.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 166-176 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS 318 The Attitude Improvement among Community Health Center Staff in Managing the Risk and Resolving Malnutrition in Underfives by Using

Estimation Score/Umijati, Sri.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 259-263 319 Improving the Use of Antibiotics in Primary Health Centers through a Problem-Based Pharmacotherapy Training Approach/Dwiprahasto, Iwan; Kristin, Erna.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 165-171 320 Pengembangan Model Pelayanan Puskesmas Mandiri di Era Desentralisasi :Studi Kasus di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur (The Development an Autonomous Specific Health Model in Decentralization Era : Case Study in East Kalimantan Province)/Hoedijono, Sulistiyawati; Suharmiati.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 92-110 CONDUCT DISORDER 321 The Difference between Adolescents with and without Conduct Disorder in Assessing Their Family Function/Soeharjo, Lestari Basoeki.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 264-268 322 The Family Background of Conduct Disorder on Aggressive and Runaway Children/Ghozali, Endang Warsiki.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 179-187 CONJUNCTIVA 323 Using Conjunctival Flap for the Replacement of Jone's Tube in Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy (CDCR)/Hoesin, Rowena G.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 63-66 CONSTIPATION 324 Faktor Risiko Konstipasi pada Anak (Risk Factors of Constipation in Children)/Kurniati, Dyah; Juffrie, M.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 219-224 CONSUMER SATISFACTION 325



Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan di IGD RS Sumber Waras melalui Survei Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien/Keluarganya (The Effort of Quality Services in Emergency Unit Sumber Waras Hospital by the Survey of Consumer Satisfaction Level)/Harijono, Liman; Kusumapradja, Rokiah.- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (4) 2003: 183-188 CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL, HORMONAL 326 Kontrasepsi Hormonal sebagai Pengobatan Kelainan Ginekologi (Hormonal Contraception as a Therapy on Gynecological Obstacle)/Baziad, A.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003 : 249-253 COPPER 327 Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan Seng melalui Makanan Jajanan terhadap Perubahan Status Tembaga pada Anak Sekolah Dasar yang Pendek (The Influence of Iron and Zinc Supplementation Using Enriched Biscuits on the Change of Copper Satus among Elementary School Student)/ Rahfiludin, Mohammad Zen; Subagio, Hertanto Wahyu; Sutoto.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 75-81 CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS 328 Peranan Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry pada CABG/Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (The Role of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Coronary Artery Bypass Graffting)/Tadjudin, Noer Socian.--Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 155-166 CORONARY DISEASE 329 The Association between Hyperhomocysteinemia and Coronary Artery Diseases in Non-Diabetic End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Regular Hemodialysis/Hidayat, Syarief (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 9-15 330 The Correlation between High Sensitivity CReactive Protein Level and the Extent of Coronary Lesion and Cardiac Systolic Function in Coronary Heart Disease/Suryadipradja, Miftah (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 201-206

331 Electron Beam Computed Tomography : Noninvasive Screening for Coronary Artery Disease/ Widodo, Ariani Dewi (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 179-188 332 Hiperglikemia Postprandial sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Postprandial Hyperglycemia as a Risk Factor on Coronary Heart Disease)/Soegondo, Sidartawan.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 169-177 333 Hipertensi sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Hypertension as a Risk Factor in Coronary Heart Disease)/Alwi, Idrus.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 153-167 334 Hubungan Faktor Von Willebrand dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Faktor Risiko Konvensional (The Relationship of Von Willebrand Factor to Coronary Heart Disease and Conventional Risk Factor)/Bandiara, Ria (et. al.).- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 156-162 335 Kadar Mioglobin, C-reactive Protein dan Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Level of Myoglobin, CRP and PAPP-A on Heart Coronary Artery Diseases Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Coronary Intervention : Preliminary Study)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.--Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 404-408 336 Labelling of Mibi (Metoxy Isobutyl Isonitryl) with Technetium-99m as a Perfusion Myocardiac Imaging Radiopharmaceutical/Nurlaila Z.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 306-311 337 Patogenesis Terkini dari Sindrom Koroner Akut (The Current Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary



Syndrome)/Manurung, Daulat.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 63-67 338 Penatalaksanaan Mutakhir Sindrom Koroner Akut (The Current Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome)/Trisnohadi, Hanafi B.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskuar II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 71-80 339 Respons Imun dan Inflamasi pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Immune Responce and Inflammation in Coronary Heart Disease)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 53-62 340 Terapi Penurunan Kolesterol pada Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Perannya pada Stabilisasi dan Pencegahan Rupturs Plak (The Therapy to Reduce Cholesterol in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease : Its Effect in Stability Effort and Plaque Ruptures Prevention)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 99-111 341 Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Anak (The Effort to Prevent the Coronary Heart Disease on Child)/Madiyono, Bambang; Putra, Sukma Tulus; Ria, Nova.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 141-152 342 The Use of Anti-Platelet Agents in Coronary Heart Disease/Ismail, Dasnan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 35-41 CORONAVIRUS 343 Karakteristik dan Siklus Hidup Virus Corona sebagai Penyebab SARS (The Characteristically and Life Cycle of Corona Virus which Caused of SARS)/Soebandrio, Amin.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 115-119

C-REACTIVE PROTEIN 344 The Correlation between High Sensitivity CReactive Protein Level and the Extent of Coronary Lesion and Cardiac Systolic Function in Coronary Heart Disease/Suryadipradja, Miftah (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 201-206 345 Kadar Mioglobin, C-reactive Protein dan Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Level of Myoglobin, CRP and PAPP-A on Heart Coronary Artery Diseases Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Coronary Intervention : Preliminary Study)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.--Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 404-408 346 Perbandingan Kadar CRP Serum Ibu pada Kehamilan Aterm Ketuban Pecah Dini dan Normal (C-reactive Protein Level on Mother with Premature Rupture Membranes Compared with Normal Pregnancy)/ Suhartono, Agus; Soejoenoes, Ariawan; Kristanto, Herman.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 149-157 CRETINISM 347 Manifestasi Klinik Derajat Ringan dari Kretin Endemik (Mild Clinical Manifestation of Endemic Cretinism)/Hartono, Bambang.-- J. GAKY Indon., 4 (2) 2003: 7-13 CROSS INFECTION 348 Penatalaksanaan Infeksi Nosokomial Berat (The Management of Severe Nosocomial Infection)/ Widodo, Djoko; Mulyawan, Nuddy.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 1-10 CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS 349 Cryptosporidiosis, Identification and Treatment as an Reemerging Diseases/Zein, Umar.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 394-397 CURCUMIN



350 Sitotoksisitas Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. dan Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I. terhadap Beberapa Sel Kanker Manusia (in Vitro) dengan Metoda SRB. (Cytotoxic Effect on Human Cancer Cell Using SRB Method (in Vitro) Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. and Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I.)/Mae Sri Hartati W. (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 197-201 351 Tautomeri Keto-Enol Kurkumin dan Beberapa Turunan Kurkumin Tersubstitusi pada C-4: Suatu Kajian Teoritis Berdasarkan Pendekatan Kimia Komputasi (The Keto-Enol Tautomerism of Curcumin and Some 4-Substituted Curcumin Derivatives: A Theoretical Study Based on Computational Chemistry Approach)/Istyastono, Enade Perdana; Supardjan A.M.; Pranowo, Harno Dwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 107113 CUSPID 352 The Relationship between Mesiodistal Canine with and Movement Distance of Canine in Orthodontic Extraction Cases/Suwarni, H. Andono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 114116 CYCLOPARAFFINS 353 Sintesis Turunan Bisiklol [3.2.1] Oktama Baru melalui Reaksi Sikloalkenilasi dengan Katalis Paladium (Synthesis of a New Derivative of Bicyclol (3.2.1) Octane Compound via Palladium Catalyzed Cycloalkenylation)/Rudyanto, Mercellino.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 9-17 CYSTATINS 354 Cystatin-C sebagai Petanda Ideal GFR (CystatinC as an Ideal Sign of GFR)/Widijanti, Anik.-Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 642-646 CYSTEINE PROTEINASES 355

Pola Hambatan Asam Anakardat terhadap Aktivitas Thiol Protease (Inhibition Pattern of Anacardiac Acids toward the Proteolytic Activity)/Budiati, Tutuk.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 23-26 CYTOKINES 356 Cytokine Profiles of Typhoid Patients Hospitalized at Communicable Diseases Wards, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya/Nugraha, Jusak; Hamdoko, Indro; Soewandojo, Eddy.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 36-39 CYTOLOGY 357 Efektivitas Pemeriksaan Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat oleh Bidan sebagai Upaya Mendeteksi Lesi Pra-kanker Serviks (The Effectiveness of Visual Infection with Acetic Acid Done by Midwives to Detect Pre-Cancerous Lesions of Cervix)/Hanafi, I. (et. al.).-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 59-66 CYTOTOXICITY TEST, IMMUNOLOGY 358 Uji Sitotoksisitas Fraksi Protein Daun Carica papaya L. pada Sel HeLa (Citotoxicity Test of the Protein Fractions of Carica papaya L. Leaves on HeLa Cell Line)/Rumiyati; Sismindari; Sudjadi.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 270-275 DAPSONE 359 Dapsone Syndrome/Chandra, W. Widjaja; Menaldi, Sri Linuwih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 105-108 DATA COLLECTION 360 Sekilas tentang Survei Kesehatan Nasional/Surkesnas (A Glance of National Health Survey)/ Soepraptini; Wiryawan, Yuana.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 47-55 361 Survei Kesehatan Nasional (Surkesnas) Survei Terpadu Mendukung Indonesia Sehat 2010 (National Health Survey to Support Indonesia



Sehat 2010)/Soemantri, S.; Supraptini.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 104-118 DEATH 362 Kematian pada Asma Akut Berat (Death in Severe Acute Asthma Patient)/Sundaru, Heru.-Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 10-14 363 Mati: Tinjauan Klinis dan Antropologi Forensik (Death: Clinical and Forensic Anthropological Perspectives)/Indriati, Etty.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 231-239 DEGLUTITION DISORDERS 364 Comprehensive Management Dysphagia/Soepardi, Efiaty Arsyad.-Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 62-68

Kelainan Jantung pada Kehamilan dan Persalinan Tahun 2001 di RSCM (Heart Anomaly in Delivery and Pregnancy at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital by the Year 2001)/Artoni, F.; Sedyawan, J.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 34-47 370 Pola Pertolongan Persalinan 5 Tahun Terakhir di Indonesia (Birth Assistance Pattern in Indonesia During Last 5 Years)/Suprapto, Agus; Hapsari, Dwi; Hermawan, L.C.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 186-196 371 Safe Pregnancy and Delivery Package in Effort to Reduce Maternal Morbidity/Rochjati, Poedji (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 116122 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE 372 Penyebab Kematian Bayi Baru Lahir (Neonatal) dan Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Berkaitan di Indonesia Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) 2001 (The Cause of Neonatal Death and the Attributed Health Care System in Indonesia Morality Study of Household Health Survey 2001)/Djaja, Sarimawar; Soemantri, Soeharsono.- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 155-165 DENGUE 373 Concurrent Dengue Infection and Enteric Fever a Case Series/Basuki, Parwati Setiona.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 54-60 374 Dengue Rapid Test sebagai Diagnosis Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dengue Rapid Test as an Diagnostic Tool in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)/Nuryati, Siti (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 359-362 375 Kejadian Infeksi Ulang Virus Dengue Berdasar Respon Imun Humoralnya pada Penderita DBD di Dua Rumah Sakit di DKI Jakarta (Dengue Virus Reinfection Related to Immuno Hormonal Response on Patient with Dengue Hemorrhagic

of Maj.

365 Disfagia pada Penderita Karsinoma Mammae Post Radiasi dengan Straight Back Syndrome (Dysphagia on Post Radiation of Breast Carcinoma Patient with Straight Back Syndrome)/ Yueniwati, Yuyun; Nad, Arief Iskandar.-Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 671-676 366 Peranan Pemeriksaan Esofagografi untuk Diagnosis Penyebab Disfagia (The Role of Esophagography to Diagnose the Caused of Dysphagia)/Sutomo, Riantono Agung; Soektino, Ristaniah D.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 696-701 DELIVERY 367 Depresi Prabersalin (Predelivery Depression)/Ismail, R. Irawati.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 61-71 368 Hasil Persalinan Berdasarkan Karakteristik Jenis Kelamin Janin (The Outcome of Delivery Based on Characteristics of Fetal Sex)/Wirakusumah, Firman F.; Sukandar, Madyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 163-166 369



Fever in Two Hospitals at Jakarta)/Yuwono, Djoko (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 20-25 376 The Knowledge and Practices Related to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Blitar Municipality, East Java Province/Siswanto; Suparmanto, Paiman.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (1) 2003: 31-42 377 Pendekatan Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Demam Berdarah Dengue di RS Sumber Waras (The Management and Diagnosis Approach of Dengue Hemorrhage Fever in Sumber Waras Hospital)/ Samsi, Tatang Kustiman.-- Jakarta : Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 81-110 378 Penyebab Kematian Bayi Baru Lahir (Neonatal) dan Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Berkaitan di Indonesia Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) 2001 (The Cause of Neonatal Death and the Attributed Health Care System in Indonesia Morality Study of Household Health Survey 2001)/ Djaja, Sarimawar; Soemantri, Soeharsono.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 155-165 379 Sinus Bradikardia pada Infeksi Virus Dengue (Sinus Bradycardia in Dengue Viral Infections)/ Mulyono, Lukas (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 179-182 380 Spectrum of Dengue Shock Syndrome in Haji Adam Malik Hospital During 5 Years/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 45-47 381 Studi Indeks Larva Aedes aegypti di Kelurahan Endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue Kota Surabaya (Study of Aedes aegypti Larvae Index at Dengue Endemicity Areas in Sub Districts of Surabaya)/ Suryono, Hadi; Koerniasari; Mardoyo, Sri.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 22-26

382 Uji Resisteni Nyamuk Aedes aegypti terhadap Malation di Kota Bandung (Resistance Test of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes to Malathion in Bandung Municipality)/Sulianti, Ambar; Agoes, Ridad.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 104-109 DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER 383 Dampak Ekonomi Masalah Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Kota Denpasar (Economical Effect of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Problem in Denpasar)/Muninjaya, A.A. Gde; Trisna, A.A. Istri Nirmala.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 745-748 DENTAL AMALGAM 384 Perbedaan Efektivitas Bufer Saliva Penderita Karies Rendah dan Tinggi sebelum dan setelah Penumpatan Amalgam (Saliva Buffer Effectivity Difference between Low Caries and High Caries Patients before and after Amalgam Restorations)/Ismiyatin, Kun; Prajitno, Moetmainah; Soetojo, Adioro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 134-138 DENTAL CARIES 385 Perbedaan Efektivitas Bufer Saliva Penderita Karies Rendah dan Tinggi sebelum dan setelah Penumpatan Amalgam (Saliva Buffer Effectivity Difference between Low Caries and High Caries Patients before and after Amalgam Restorations)/Ismiyatin, Kun; Prajitno, Moetmainah; Soetojo, Adioro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 134-138 DENTAL ENAMEL 386 Kelarutan Kalsium pada Enamel setelah Direndam Saliva Buatan pH5,5 dan pH6,5 (Calcium Dissolution on Enamel after Soaked on Artificial Saliva with 5.5 and 6.5 Acidity)/Dikri, Iftakhud; Soetanto, Slamet; Widjiastuti, Ira.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 7-10 387 Perawatan Estetika pada Gigi Anterior Rahang Atas dengan Enamel Hipoplasia (Aesthetic



Treatment on Maxilary Anterior Teeth with Hypoplastic Enamel)/Widjiastuti, Ira; Lunardhi, Cecilia GJ.; Mudjiono, M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 164-166 DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 388 Pengembangan Teknologi Guna Diagnostik Sederhana Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi dengan Peran Serta Guru UKGS (Simple Diagnostic Technology Development to Dental Health Services by Dental Health Teachers Participation)/Pratiwi, Niniek L.; Agus S.; SK. Poerwani BS.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 78-91 389 Quality Assurance Pelayanan Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah di Puskesmas (Quality Assurance Services of Dental Health School at Primary Health Centre)/Pratiwi, Niniek L.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 623-630 DENTAL PULP 390 Effect pf Blood Glucose Level toward Dental Pulp Nerve Sensitivity in Diabetes Mellitus Patients/ Yustiawan, Tito.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 1-3 DENTAL PULP CAVITY 391 Preparation of Curved and Narrowed Root Canal with Balanced Forced Technique/Samadi, Kalina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 39-41 DENTURE, COMPLETE 392 Pemakaian Gigi Tiruan Lengkap Rahang Bawah Pasca Reseksi Mandibula sebagai Alat Rehabilitasi Fungsi Stomatognati (Rehabilitation of Stomatognathic Function Using a Complete Mandibular Denture Following Mandibular Recetion)/Ekasari, Fr. Amelia; Wahyuningtyas, Endang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 121128 DENTURE, PARTIAL, FIXED 393 Pengaruh Tehnik Mencetak Ganda terhadap Kontak Maksimum Tonjol Gigi pada Gigi Tiruan

Cekat (The Effects of Double Impression Technique on a Maximum Contact Intercuspation Teeth in a Fixed Partial Denture)/Ismiyati, Titik; Tjahyanti, Esti; Indrastuti, Murti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 139-142 394 Rehabilitation of Masticatory Function and Aesthetic with Fixed Splint Bridge/Iskandar, R.; Setiadi, Susana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 11-13 DENTURE, PARTIAL, IMMEDIATE 395 Immediate Partial Denture with Interseptial Alveolectomy for Aesthetic and Face Rehabilitation/ Iskandar, R.; Widaningsih.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 106-109 DENTURES 396 Avoiding Bad Mouth Odor of Denture Wearer by Consuming Dietary Fiber/Soeprapto, H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 95-97 DEPRESSION 397 Aksis HPA, Hipokampus, dan Amigdala : Hubungannya dengan Depresi (HPA Accsess, Hypocampus, and Amigdala : Its Corelation with Depression)/Amir, Nurmiati.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 73-91 398 Depresi pada Pasien Osteoartritis Usia Lanjut (Depression on Elderly Patient with Osteoarteritis)/ Surilena.-- Jiwa, 36(1) 2003: 8595 399 Depresi Prabersalin (Predelivery Depression)/Ismail, R. Irawati.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 61-71 400 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Depresi pada Anak Penyandang Epilepsi Grand-Mal (Factors Influencing of Depression on Child with GrandMal Epilepsy)/Febriyana, Nining (et. al.).-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 9 -20



401 Gangguan Depresi dan Panik Pascastroke (Depression and Panic Disorder in Post Stroke)/Tonam; Lumempouw, Sylvia F.; Wiwie, Martina.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 316-322 402 Hubungan Kontrol Pribadi dengan Kecenderungan Depresi pada Penderita Kanker Payudara Ditinjau dari Keikutsertaan Reach to Recovery (The Correlation between Perceived Control and Tendency of Depression on Breast Cancer Patient According to Participate in Reach to Recovery)/Karyono; Hidayati, Farida; Astry E.F.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 31-36 403 Keuntungan Menggunakan Alat Bantu Visual pada Depresi (The Beneficial of Visual Aids Usage on Depression)/Safrina, Hayatun.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 93-100 404 Panatalaksanaan Resistensi pada Pasien dengan Gangguan Depresi yang Disertai Gejala Somatik (The Management of Resistancy on Depression Patients with Somatic Symptom)/Dewi, Suzy Yusna.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 191-203 405 Pengaruh Stresor Psikososial dan Depresi terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (The Influence of Psychosocial Stresor and Depression toward the Performance Motivation on Junior School Teachers in Yogyakarta)/Sumarni, DW. (et. al.).-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 21-34 406 Pengaruh Stresor Psikososial terhadap Depresi dan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Industri Tekstil di Yogyakarta (The Influence of Psychosocial Stressor toward Reproduction Health and Depression on Women Worker at Textile Industry in Yogyakarta)/ Sumarni DW.; Soemarno WS.; Lience S.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 145-153 407

Peran SSRI pada Depresi Pasca Infark Miokard Akut (The Role of SSRI on Depression in Post Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Shatri, Hamzah.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 131-140 408 Stress before and during Pregnancy Increased Risk Antepartum Depression/Ismail, R. Irawati.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 81-86 DEPRESSION, POSTPARTUM 409 Postnatal Depression in Three Hospitals in Surabaya/Warsiki, Endang (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 251-258 DERMATITIS, CONTACT 410 Bahan Penyebab Dermatitis Kontak pada Pekerja Salon (Substance which Caused of Contact Dermatitis in Hairdressers)/Roesyanto, Irma D.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 118-121 DERMATOGLYPHICS 411 Perbedaan Bentuk Lukisan Sidik Jari, Ridge Count, Palmar Pattern dan Sudut A-T-D Antara Orang Tua Anak Sumbing dengan Orang Tua Anak Normal di Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur (The Difference of Finger Pattern, Ridge Count, Palmar Pattern and A-T-D Angle between Cleft Lip Children's Parents and Normal Children's Parents in Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur)/Irine, Vincentia Maria; Sanjoto, Pudjo; Loekita, Retno M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 66-69 DIABETES MELLITUS 412 Diabetes Mellitus dalam Kehamilan (Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy)/Suparman, Eddy.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 22-26 413 Diabetes Mellitus in Betha-thalassemia Major Patients/Wirawan, Riadi (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 87-93 414



Effect pf Blood Glucose Level toward Dental Pulp Nerve Sensitivity in Diabetes Mellitus Patients/ Yustiawan, Tito.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 1-3 415 Enzim Lipoprotein Lipase Suatu Alternatif Pemeriksaan Gangguan Metabolisme Lemak pada Penderita DM Tipe 2 in Vitro (Lipoprotein Lipase Enzyme as an Alternative Test to Diagnose Lipid Metabolism Disturbances in Diabetes Type 2)/Handayani, Dian (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 58-65 416 Hubungan antara Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Kadar Glukosa Saliva pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (The Association between Blood and Salivary Glucose Level in Diabetic Patients)/ Herlina; Hernawan, Iwan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 64-67 417 Resistensi Insulin pada Diabetes Tipe2 (Insulin Resistancy in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus)/ Hendromartono.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 83-99 418 The Pattern of Immunopathobiological Response in Oral Mucosa to Disclose the Immunopathobioogenesis of Candida albicans Infection in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus/Herlina.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 216-222 419 Pengujian Bioaktivitas Anti Diabetes Mellitus Tumbuhan Obat (Bioactivity Test of Plants Medicinal as an Anti Diabetes Mellitus Agent)/Suharmiati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 8-13 420 Peranan Hiperglikemia terhadap Terjadinya Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Melitus (The Role of Hyperglycemia in the Development of Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus)/Wiyono, Paulus.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 5560

421 Review Article and Clinical Experience : Diabetes Mellitus and Endothelial Dysfunction: A Clinical Approach (Mollecular Basis for Clinical Application)/Tjokroprawiro, Askandar.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 166-170 422 Review and Clinical Experience: The Roles of Micronutrients in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Focus on Chromium and Specific Nutrients)/Tjokroprawiro, Askandar.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 234-241 DIABETES MELLITUS, NON-INSULINDEPENDENT 423 Detecting Myocardiac Ischemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Pediatric Abnormalities Using Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography and Influencing Factors/ Setyani, Istika; Makmun, Lukman H.; Waspadji, Sarwono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 119124 424 Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus without Cardiovascular Abnormality/Nugroho BS. (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 131-135 425 Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid pada Pengidap Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation toward Melondialdehyde Concentration on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/Wiyono, Paulus; Broto, Rawan; Budiono, Eko.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 23-29 426 Pengaruh Standar Diet terhadap Pengendalian Glukosa Darah Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan di RSUP Manado (The Role of Dietary Standard in Controlling Blood Glucose Level in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 at Manado General Hospital)/Salman; Hadi, Haman; Julia, Madarina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 397-403 427



Peran Radikal Bebas terhadap Komplikasi Kardiovaskular pada Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Role of Free Radical on the Cardiovascular Complication in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus)/Suryadipraja, R. Miftah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 421-427 428 Pola Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II pada Lansia di RSUP Manado (The Features of Chronic Type II Diabetes Mellitus among Elderly at Manado General Hospital)/Singgih, Bambang; Jim, Edward; Pandelaki, Karel.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 5-7 429 The Prevalence Rate of Peripheral Arterial Diseases in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Associated Risk Factors/Arnadi (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 2-8 430 The Status of Diabetes Control in Indonesia: A National Audit of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Year 2001/Soegondo, Sidartawan (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 283-289 431 Status Mineral Seng dan Magnesium pada Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Status of Zinc Mineral and Magnesium on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Albertus, Jacobus; Djokomoeljanto, R.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 291297 DIABETIC FOOT 432 Biakan Kuman dan Tes Kepekaan Kaki Diabetik Infeksi (Bacteria Cultivation and Sensitivity Test on Diabetic Foot Infection)/Soerachmad, Soesilowati (et. al.).-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 149-154 DIABETIC NEUROPATHIES 433 Diabetic Neuropathy : Pathogenesis and Treatment/Soesilowati S.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 27-34

434 Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Syndrome in Oral Cavity/Hernawan, Iwan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 110-113 435 Strategi Baru Penatalaksanaan Nyeri Neuropati Diabetika (The Current Strategy in the Management of Diabetic Neurophaty Pain)/Mellala, Lucas.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 63-76 DIAPER RASH 436 Ruam Popok dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan di Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, Kecamatan Matraman, Jakarta Timur (Diaper Rash and its Factors Related in Pisangan Baru, Matraman, East Jakarta)/Sekartini, R. (et. al.).-Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 363-365 DIARRHEA 437 Diare Kronik: Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan (Chronicle Diarrhea : Its Diagnosis and Management)/Kolopaking, Marcellus Simadibrata.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 109-128 438 The Effects of Zinc Supplementation on the TNFAlpha Profile and Diarrhea in Severly Malnourished Children of Low Income Family/As'ad, Suryani; Yusuf, Irawa.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 247-251 439 Genotyping Enterotoksigenik Clostridium Perfringens dari Isolat Fekal Dikaitkan dengan Diare yang Berhubungan dengan Antibiotik dan Keracunan Makanan (Enterotoxigenic Produce by Genotyping Clastridium Perfringens from Fecal Isolate Related to Diarrhea and Assossiated with Antibiotics and Food Poisoning)/Pohan, Dame Joice.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003 : 17-21 440 Peran Probiotik dalam Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Diare Akut pada Anak (The Role of Probiotic in the Prevention and Therapy of



Diarrhea in Children)/Olivianto, Ery; Kusuma, Chandra.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 12-17 441 The Role of Probiotic Containing Formula to the Course of Diarrhea /Reza Gunadi Ranuh R. (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 127-131 DIASTOLE 442 Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus without Cardiovascular Abnormality/Nugroho BS. (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 131-135 DICLOFENAC 443 Pengaruh Simetidin terhadap Profil Farmakokinetik Natrium Diklofenak pada Kelinci (The Effect of Cimetidine on Pharmacokinetic Profile to Sodium Diclofenac in Rabbit)/Endreswari, Sri; Yulinah, Elin; Chayati, Yeyet.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 1115 DIET 444 Pengaruh Standar Diet terhadap Pengendalian Glukosa Darah Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan di RSUP Manado (The Role of Dietary Standard in Controlling Blood Glucose Level in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 at Manado General Hospital)/Salman; Hadi, Haman; Julia, Madarina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 397-403 DIETARY FIBER 445 Avoiding Bad Mouth Odor of Denture Wearer by Consuming Dietary Fiber/Soeprapto, H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 95-97 446 The Effect of Fiber Diet on Colonic Cancer Formation: The Role of Butyrate/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 127-132 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS 447

Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga tentang Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (Knowlegde and Attitude of Mothers about Food Supplement)/Sudiyanto (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 216-219 DIPHTHERIA 448 Difteri Hidung (Nasal Diphtheria)/Hasibuan, R.A.H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003: 12-16 DIPTHERIA TOXOID 449 Pengembangan Model Intervensi Penjaringan Imunisasi DT dan TT (Bias) pada Anak Putus Sekolah Setara SD (The Development of Catching Intervention Model of DT and TT Immunization on Child)/Lestari, C.S. Whinie (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 16-20 DISABLED PERSONS 450 Studi Morbiditas - Disabilitas SKRT 2001 (Morbidity and Disability Study NHHS 2001)/Pradono, J. (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 132-142 DISASTERS 451 Pemeriksaan Status Mental Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana Alam Tanah Longsor di Desa Kemanukan Kecamatan Bagelen Kabupaten Purworejo Jawa Tengah (The Examination of the Community Mental Status of Disaster Victims at Kemanukana Village, Bagelen Subdistrict, Purworejo, Central Java)/Sri Idaiani M.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 33-46 DISEASE 452 Determinan Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular di Indonesia (Determinant of Risk Factor of Non Communicable Diseases in Indonesia)/Pradono, Julianty; Hapsari, Dwi.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 1-8 453 Mencegah Penyakit Degeneratif dengan Makanan (Prevent the Degenerative Diseases by Food



Manage)/Atmosukarto, Kusnindar; Rahmawati.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 41-49 DITIOCARB 454 Profil Residu Pestisida Ditiokarbamat dalam Tomat dan Selada pada Tingkat Konsumen di DKI Jakarta (Profile of Ditiocarbamate Pesticide Residu in Tomatoes and Lettuce on Consumers Level in Jakarta)/Mutiatikum, D.; Murad, Janahar; Endreswari, Sri.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 10-13 DNA 455 Analysis of Gene Expression Pattern in Human Cancer Using DNA Microarrays/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 49-51 DOBUTAMINE 456 Detecting Myocardiac Ischemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Pediatric Abnormalities Using Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography and Influencing Factors/ Setyani, Istika; Makmun, Lukman H.; Waspadji, Sarwono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 119124 DOPAMINE 457 Dopamine : A Unique Neurotransmitter/Bangun, Datten.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 579-582 DOPING IN SPORTS 458 Obat Batuk Pilek dan Doping (Antitusive and Doping Agents)/Saputra, Tjahjadi.-- Jakarta : Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 62-69 DOXAZOSIN 459 Studi Banding Pemberian Doxazosin dengan Plasebo pada Hiperplasia Prostat Jinak dengan Retensi Urin (The Comparative Study of the Effect of Doxazosin Against Placebo in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Caused Urinary Retention)/Soetojo; Widodo, JP.; Hardjowijoto, Sunaryo.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 9-14

DRUG COSTS 460 Analisis Penggunaan Pedoman Evaluasi Pengelolaan dan Pembiayaan Obat di 10 Puskesmas di Kabupaten Pekalongan (The Analysis of the Using of Management and Drug Costs Evaluation Guidance at Ten Community Health Centers in Pekalongan District)/Azis, Sriana; Herman, Max. J.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 21-27 461 Biaya Obat bagi Peserta Askes di Berbagai Klinik RSCM (Drug Expenditure for Askes Members in the Clinics by Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital)/Thabrany, Hasbullah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 213-221 DRUG RESISTANCE 462 Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis a Molecular Perspective/Simon, Sumanto; Listiawan, Ingriani.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 360-364 463 Molecular Based Detection for Drug Resistence in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/Simon, Sumanto; Listiawan, Ingrian.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 259-265 464 Resistensi Obat pada Anak-anak dengan Leukemia Limpoblastik Akut (Drug Resistance in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)/Ugrasena, IDG.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 453-471 465 Tanaman Obat sebagai Solusi Alamiah terhadap Infeksi yang Resisten terhadap Obat/DrugResistant Infection (Plant Medicinal as a Natural Solution Against Drug Resistance Infection)/ Widyastuti, Netty; Nurhasanah, Astuti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 28-35 DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL 466 Mekanisme Non-P-Glycoprotein Multidrug Resistance (Non P-gP MDR) dan Faktor yang



Terlibat pada Proses Resistensi Sel Kanker Paru (The Mechanism of Non-P-Glycoprotein Multidrug Resistance and Factors Influenced in Resistancy Proccess on Lung Cancer Cell)/Syahruddin, Elisna.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 93-98 467 Pola Resistensi Antibiotik terhadap P. aeruginosa di RS Adam Malik, Medan (The Resistancy Pattern of Antibiotic against P. aeruginosa at Adam Malik Hospital, Medan)/Lardo, Soroy (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 286-290 468 Sangkaan Kasus Multi Drugs Resistan TB yang Berobat Jalan di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan (The Asumpt of Multi Drugs Resistance Case on TB in Out Patients at Internal Medicine Ward H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan)/Zein, Umar; Tanjung, Azhar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003 : 95-98 DRUG RESISTANCE, MULTIPLE 469 Penatalaksaaan Tuberkulosis Paru dengan Resistensi Banyak Obat/MDR TB (The Management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis)/Amin, Zulkifli.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 11-20 DUST 470 The Effect of Iron and Steel Dust on the Lung Function and Chest X Ray Appearance of Workers in a Knife Manufacturing Home Industry in Bandung, Jakarta/Yunus, Faisal (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 6-17 471 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Determination in Childhood Asthma Due to House Dust Allergy/ Harsono, Ariyanto; Utomo, Martono Tri.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 107-110 DYSPEPSIA 472 Aspek Psikosomatik Dispepsi Fungsional (Psychosomatic Aspect of Functional Dyspepsia)/ Mudjaddid, E.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah

Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 138146 DYSTOCIA 473 Paralisis Pleksus Brakialis Total pada Distosia Bahu : Laporan Kasus (Total Brachial Plexus Palsy in Marosmic Infant Who Underwent Shoulder Dystocia)/Winarto, H.; Ichlas, W.; Wiknjosastro, G.H.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003 : 235-238 EAR NEOPLASMS 474 Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Radiasi Tumor Ganas Sekitar Telinga (Hearing Disorders Caused of Malignancy Tumor Radiation in the Ear)/Hasibuan R.A.H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 45-49 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, TRANSESOPHAGEAL 475 Ekokardiografi Transesofageal (Transesophageal Echocardiography)/Makmun, Lukman H.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 89-91 ECLAMPSIA 476 Insiden Preeklampsia Eklampsia di Rumah Sakit Umum Tarakan Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2000 (The Incidence of Eclampsia-Preeclampsia at Tarakan General Hospital, East Kalimantan by the Year 2000)/Sudinaya, I Putu.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 13-18 477 Penanganan Pendahuluan Prarujukan Penderita Preeklampsia Berat dan Eklampsia (The Preliminary Management toward Eclampsia and Preeclampsia Patients)/Rambulangi, John.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 16-19 478 Preeklampsia-eklampsia di Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Indonesia, Patogenesis dan Kemungkinan Pencegahannya (Preeclampsia-Eclampsia in Several Hospitals in Indonesia : Pathogenesis and its Prevention)/Sofoewan, S.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Gienekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 141-151



ECONOMICS 479 Dampak Ekonomi Masalah Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Kota Denpasar (Economical Effect of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Problem in Denpasar)/Muninjaya, A.A. Gde; Trisna, A.A. Istri Nirmala.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 745-748 EDUCATION 480 The Role of the Teacher in Physiology Education/Carroll, Robert G.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 17-20 EDUCATION, MEDICAL 481 Education Material Matching in IMCI Training Site Dr. Soetomo Referral Hospital/Nurendra, Moersintowarti B.; Andriani, Dini.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003 : 200-206 EDUCATION, NURSING 482 Model Pelatihan Pembimbing Klinik Berdasarkan Training Need Assessment pada Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malang (Clinical Instructurs Training Models in Nursing Study Program Medical Faculty Brawijaya University Based on Training Need Assessment)/Ahsan.-Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 37-44 EGG YOLK 483 Pengaruh Injeksi Inisial Adrenalin dan Diet Kuning Telor terhadap Kadar Lipid, Jumlah Sel Busa dan Ketebalan Dinding Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effect of Initial Adrenalin Injection Intravenously with Egg Yolk Dietary to the Serum Lipid Level Foam Cells and the Thickness of Abdominal Aorta Wall of Wistar)/Prasetyo, Awal; Sarjadi; Pudjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (10) 2003: 37-52 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY 484 Elektroensefalografi (EEG) pada Ensefalitis Herpes Simpleks (Electroencephalography on Herpes Simplex Encephalitis)/Antono, Eko Pudji (et. al.).-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 95-100

ELECTROLYTES 485 Pengaruh Kadar Elektrolit Darah terhadap Keberhasilan Terminasi Takikardi Atrial Paroksismal (TAP) dengan Magnesium Sulfat (The Effect of Blood Electrolite Level through the Successful of Paroxysmal Arterial Tachycardia Termination Using Magnesium Sulfate)/Sugiri.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 203-208 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 486 The Influence of Electromagnetic Field Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) of 500 kv HIGH-Voltage Transmission Lines to the Spermatogenesis of Wistar White Rats/Mahmudsyah, Syariffudin; Sudarti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 140146 487 Pengendalian Dampak Kesehatan Akibat Radiasi Medan Elektromagnetik (Control of Health Impact due to Electromagnetic Field Radiation)/Anies.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 213-219 EMERGENCIES 488 Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Opiat dan Detoksifikasi Opioid Cepat dengan Anestesia/DOCA (The Emergencies Management of Opioid Detoxyfication with Anesthesia/DOACA)/Soeratmo, Bambang.-- Maj. Kedokter. TNI, (35) 2003: 31-40 EMOTIONS 489 Optimizing Children's Emotional Quotient by Manday-Thursday Fasting/Sholeh, Moh..-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 22-28 ENCEPHALITIS, JAPANESE 490 Japanese Encephalitis/Darlan, Dewi Masyithah.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 172-175 ENDODONTICS 491 The Effectiveness of Piper betel Solution and Combination of Sodium Hypochlorite and



Hydrogen Peroxide in Root Canal Irrigation for Endodontic Treatment: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study/Indriati, Etty.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 103-110 ENDOMETRIOSIS 492 Adenomiosis/Widodo, Adi; Witjaksono, Julianto.- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 534-537 493 Angka Kehamilan Pasca Kistektomi Per Laproskopi pada Kista Endometriosis: Penjahitan Ovarium vs Tanpa Penjahitan Ovarium (Pregnancy Rate After Laparoscopic Cystectomy for Endometriosis Cysts Followed by Suturing the Ovaries Compared to without Suturing the Ovaries)/Ichlas, W.; Witjaksono, J.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 176-178 494 Endometriosis Eksterna (External Endometriosis)/Tirto, Sudiro.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 122-124 495 Endometriosis : Some Clinical Epidemiologic Studies/Moeloek, F.A.; Hestiantoro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 51-58 496 Kesesuaian Gambaran Histopatologi Biopsi Lesi Endometriosis dengan Gambaran Visual Laparoskopi (The Compatibility of Histopatologic Diagnosis Compared to Laparoscopy Diagnosis in Endometriosis)/Rumiris, D.; Hadisaputra, W.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 179-181 497 Manfaat Klinis Hasil Kombinasi Terapi Operasi Laparoskopi dengan GnRH Analog pada Penderita Endometriosis: Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trial (The Clinical Benefit of Addition GnRH Analog to Laparoscopic Surgery as Therapy of Endometrosis)/Adiyono W.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 159-166 498

Permasalahan Endometriosis dengan Aromatase P-450 dalam Endometrium Eutopik Wanita Tersangka Endometriosis (The Detection of Aromatase P-450 in Eutopic Endometrium of Patient with Endometriosis)/Bonti, Rino; Jacoeb, T.Z.; Kadarusman, Y.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003 : 239-248 ENDOSCOPY 499 Ligasi Varises Esofagus dengan Gelang Karet Per Endoskopi pada Penderita Sirosis Hepatis Dewasa (Binding Ligation of Esophageal Varices per Endoscopy in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis)/ Nurman, A.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 12-16 500 Pendekatan Teknik Caldwell-Luc dengan Bantuan Endoskopi pada Penanganan Polip Sinus Maksila (Caldwell-Luc Technical Approach with Endoscopy Support in the Management of Polyp on Maxillary Sinus)/Herwanto, Yusra; Munir, Delfitri.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 44-48 ENDOTHELINS 501 Peran Disfungsi Endotel pada Proses Aterosklerosis dan Upaya Preventif (Efek Nonlipid) dari Statin (The Effects of Endothelial on Atherosclerosis Process and Prevention Effort Non-lipid Effect of Statin)/Sargowo, Djanggan.-Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 779-785 ENTEROBACTERIACEAE 502 Jumlah Kuman dan Coliform pada Air Susu Sapi di Peternakan Ong Desa Mangunsari Kecamatan Gunungpati (The Amount of Coliform Bacteria in Cow Milk which Yielded by Ong Ranch at Mangunsari Village, Gunungpati Subdistrict)/Sulistiyani; Martini; Wahyuni, Novita.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 68-71 ENTEROVIRUS 503 Status Antibodi Anak Balita terhadap Virus Entero-71 di Kota Wisata Denpasar Bali (Antibody Status of Underfive Children due to Entero-71 Viruses in Denpasar,



Bali)/Gendrowahyuhono (et. al.).-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 45-48 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 504 Hubungan antara Iklim Kerja dengan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja di Bagian Pencucian Rumah Sakit Kota Surabaya (The Assossiation of Work Condition and Health Worker in Laundry Devision, Surabaya Hospital)/Winarko; Mustain; Daryati.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 6-10 505 Pentingnya Jalur Hijau (The Importance of Greenline)/Winarko; Suryono, Hadi.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (1) 2003: 3-4 506 Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Lingkungan dalam Pembangunan Pemukiman yang Berwawasan Lingkungan (The Role oh Environmental Health Manpower in Developing of Settlement wth Environmental Health Vision)/Purwati, Sri.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (1) 2003: 2224 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS 507 Dificulties in Health Risk Assessment and Management Resulting from Exposures to Environmental Agents/Keman, Soedjajadi.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 171-178 508 Kadar PM10 Rumah sebagai Faktor Rumah Sehat (The Level of Indoor PM10 as a Factor due to Healty House)/Purwana, Rachmadhi.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 82-86 EOSINOPHILS 509 Penurunan Jumlah Eosinofil Mukosa Hidung sebagai Indikator Praktis bagi Efektivitas Pengobatan Rinitis Alergi (The Reduction of Eosinophil Count of Nasal Mucous Membrane Can be Used as an Indicator for the Efficacy of Treatment in Allergic Rhinitis)/Madiadipoera, Teti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung , 35 (2) 2003: 6976

EPIDEMIOLOGY 510 Perjalanan Transisi Epidemiologi di Indonesia dan Implikasi Penanganan Studi Mortalitas Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga, 1986-2001 (Epidemiological Transition in Indonesia and its Management Implication : Mortality Study Household Survey, 1986-2001)/Djaja, Sarimawar; Soemantri, S.; Irianto, Joko.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 119-131 EPILEPSY 511 Atrofi Serebelum pada Penderita Epileppsi (Cerebellar Atrophy on Epilepsy Patients)/Turana, Yuda; Ali, Wendra; Syeban, Zakiah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 228-231 512 Cerebellar Atrophy in Epileptic Patient/Turana, Yuda; Ali, Wendra; Syeban, Zakiah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 228-231 513 Elementary Knowledge about Epilepsy among the Patient, their Family and Common People/ Husni, Amin.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003 :29-39 514 Management of Epilepsy in Elderly/Harsono.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 40-47 515 Patofisiologi Epilepsi Ditinjau dari Aspek Biomolekuler (Pathophysiological of Epilepsy Review from the Biomolecular Aspect)/Bermawi, Musmen; Harsono; Asmedi, Ahmad.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 117-124 EPILEPSY, TONIC-CLONIC 516 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Depresi pada Anak Penyandang Epilepsi Grand-Mal (Factors Influencing of Depression on Child with GrandMal Epilepsy)/Febriyana, Nining (et. al.).-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 9 -20 EPINEPHRINE 517



Pengaruh Injeksi Inisial Adrenalin dan Diet Kuning Telor terhadap Kadar Lipid, Jumlah Sel Busa dan Ketebalan Dinding Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effect of Initial Adrenalin Injection Intravenously with Egg Yolk Dietary to the Serum Lipid Level Foam Cells and the Thickness of Abdominal Aorta Wall of Wistar)/Prasetyo, Awal; Sarjadi; Pudjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (10) 2003: 37-52 EPISIOTOMY 518 An Immunohistochemical Analysis of TGF-B1, as a Predictor of Delayed Wound Healing in Episiotomy in Episiotomy Surgery of Sprague Dawley Rats/Mulyata, St..-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 10-17 EPITHELIUM 519 Efek Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya Linn) terhadap Ketebalan Epitel Germinal dan Jarak Tubuli Seminiferi serta Jumlah Sel Spermatogenik pada Stage VII Daur Spermatogenesis (The Effects of Papaya Seeds (Carica papaya Linn) on Thickening of Germinal Epithelium and Distance of Seminiferi Tubule and Total Spermatogenic Cells at VII Stage of Spermatogenesis Cycle)/ Sudarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 59-63 520 Manfaat Epitel Tubuh (The Advantage of Epithelial Body)/Siregar, Marisi H.; Bernadetta S.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 39-44 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES, HOSPITAL 521 Potret Pemanfaatan Sarana Rumah Sakit di Ibukota Jakarta (The Feature of Hospital Fasilities Advantage in Jakarta)/Umbas, Murdiati; Tenni, Dolly Olga; Sawitri, Erni.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (4) 2003: 163168 522 Studi Utilisasi Peralatan Kedokteran Cangggih di Rumah Sakit Umum Syaiful Anwar, Malang, Jawa Timur (Study on Utilization of Sophisticated Medical Equipments in Syaiful Anwar Public

Hospital, Malang, East Java Province)/Angkasawati, Tri Juni; Rachmawati, Tety.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 83-94 ERYTHRINA 523 Cytotoxic Effect of Methanol Extract Isolated from Erythrina fusca Lour Leaves on Cancer Cell-Lines/Sismindari.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 75-80 ERYTHROCYTES 524 Dinamika dan Pengaturan Membran Sel Darah Merah (Arrangement and the Dynamic of Red Blood Cell Membranes)/Dagradi, Eric Mayo; Wardani, Tjitra.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 174-184 ESCHERICHIA COLI 525 Pengaruh Ozonisasi terhadap Air yang Dikontaminasi oleh Escherichiacoli (Effect of Ozonization on Escherichia coli Contaminated Water)/Hardjawinata, Karlina; Sartono, Ken Rani; Murniani, Anindita.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 143-146 ESOPHAGEAL ACHALASIA 526 The Management of Achlasia with Ballon Dilation Catheter/Siregar, Gontar A.; Zulkhairi.-Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 136-139 ESOPHAGEAL AND GASTRIC VARICES 527 Ligasi Varises Esofagus dengan Gelang Karet Per Endoskopi pada Penderita Sirosis Hepatis Dewasa (Binding Ligation of Esophageal Varices per Endoscopy in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis)/Nurman, A.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 12-16 ESOPHAGOSCOPY 528 Penanganan Benda Asing Gigi Palsu di Esofagus Secara Esofagoskopi (The Management of Foreign Bodies in Esophagus by Esophagoscopy)/Priharto, Ilham; Saragih, A. Rachman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 88-91



ESOPHAGUS 529 Penanganan Benda Asing Gigi Palsu di Esofagus Secara Esofagoskopi (The Management of Foreign Bodies in Esophagus by Esophagoscopy)/Priharto, Ilham;Saragih, A. Rachman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 88-91 ESTHETICS, DENTAL 530 Perbaikan Kasus Estetik pada Gigi Anterior yang Mengalami Cacat Fasial Gigi (Esthetic Rehabilitation Case on Anterior Teeth with Facial Teeth Defect)/Yuanita, Tamara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 46-49 ESTRADIOL 531 The Use of 17 Betha Estradiol Gel and Progestogen Tablet for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Menopause/Baziad, Ali.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 194-198 ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT THERAPY 532 Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Low-Dose Combined Oral Pill on Skin Thickness, Lipid Profile and Blood Chemistry of Menopausal Women/Baziad, Ali.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 224-228 533 Pemberian Terapi Sulih Hormon pada Wanita Menopause (Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopausal Women)/Gultom, Busisa.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 152-166 534 Risks and Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women/Noerpramana, NP.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003 : 65-74 535 The Use of 17 Betha Estradiol Gel and Progestogen Tablet for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Menopause/Baziad, Ali.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 194-198

ESTROGENS 536 Fitoestrogen untuk Wanita Menopause (Phytoestrogen for Menopause Women)/Achadiat, Chrisdiono M.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 406-410 ETHANOL 537 Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antifungal Ekstrak Etanol Daun Allamanda cathartica L. dan Allamanda meriifolia Hook (Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Ethanol Extract of Allamanda chatartica L. and Allamanda meriifolia Hook)/Suganda, Asep Gana; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Rahman, Asep Abdul.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003 : 85-88 538 Deteksi Kandungan Kimia dan Efek Oksitosik Fraksi Tidak Larut Etanol Infusa Daun Kaempferia angustifolia Roscue terhadap Uterus Marmut Terpisah (Chemical Constituent Detection and Oxytoxic Effect of Insoluble Ethanolic Fraction of Infusion of Kaempferia angustifolia Roscue Leaves on Isolated Uterus of Guinea Pigs)/Pramono S.; Sumastuti R.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003 : 114-118 539 Pengembangan Metode Kromatografi Gas untuk Penetapan Kadar Etanol dalam Nira Siwalan/ Borassus flabellifer Linn (Developing of Gas Chromatography Method to Determine of Ethanol Level on Siwalan Sap)/Mulja, Muhammad; Purwanto, Djoko Agus; Marthania, Dhenty.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 27-33 ETHERS 540 Penelusuran Senyawa Toksik terhadap Larva Artemia salina Leach dari Subfraksi Heksana Fraksi Eter Ekstrak Metanol Daun Tanaman Daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L) DC. (The Evaluation of Toxic Coumpound through Artemia salina Leach Larvae from Hexana Subfraction of Ether Fraction of Gynura pseudochina (L) DC Methanol Extracts)/Windono, Tri (et. al.).-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 96-99 EUGENOL



541 Pengembangan Formulasi Minyak Cengkeh (Oleum cariophylli) sebagai Counter Irritani dalam Beberapa Basis Sediaan Topikal (The Development of Clove Oil Oleum cariophylli as Irritant Counter in Several Bases of Tropical Compound)/Himawati, Ekarina Ratna; Erawati, Tristiana.--Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 81-86 EXERCISE 542 Oxidative Stress in Physical Exercise/Harjanto.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 123-128 543 Pengaruh Aktivitas Fisik Aerobik Sesaat terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Plasma pada Orang Tidak Terlatih dan Terlatih (The Effect of Aerobic Physical Activity through Serum Triglycerides Level in Untrained and Trained People)/Yusni; Effendi, Choesnan; Setyawan, Sunarko.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 31-39 544 Pengaruh Latihan Senam Kesegaran Jasmani, 1996, 1 Set Kali Per Minggu dan 1 Set 3 Kali Per Minggu terhadap Profil Lipid Darah (The Influence of SKJ 1996 One Set a Week and One Set Three Times a Week due to Lipid Profile)/Parwato, I Gusti Lanang Agung.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 7-16 545 Tekanan Intra Kompartemen Anterior Tungkai Bawah Sebelum dan Sesudah Exercise (Intra Arterior Comparthment Pressure of Lower Leg Before and After Exercise)/Krismawanto S; Tobing, S.A. Dohar L.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 24-27 EXOSTOSES, MULTIPLE HEREDITARY 546 Transformasi Maligna pada Osteokondroma Multipel Herediter (Malignant Transformation in Multiple Hereditary Osteochondroma)/Hutagalung, EU. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 334-339 EXTRAPYRAMIDAL TRACTS 547

Sistem Extrapiramidal (Extrapyramidal System)/Nizomy, Ihya Ridlo; Effendi, Choesnan.- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 92-100 EYE 548 Acuta Eye Irritation Study of a Mixture of Glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt and 2,4 DIsopropylamine/Suyatna, F.D.; Darmayanti, S.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 135-141 FACIAL ASYMMETRY 549 Perbedaan Tinggi Wajah Pembarong dan Bukan Pembarong pada Kesenian Reog Ponorogo (Facial Height Differences between Pembarong and Non Pembarong among Reog Ponorogo Dancers)/Goenharto, Sianiwati; Usman; Poerwanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 42-45 FACIAL MUSCLES 550 Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy: Compound Muscle Action Potential as a Prognostic Indicator/Samekto, M. Widiastuti; Subagyarta, I Wayan.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 125129 FACIAL NERVE 551 Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy: Compound Muscle Action Potential as a Prognostic Indicator/Samekto, M. Widiastuti; Subagyarta, I Wayan.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 125129 FECES 552 Elastase-1 Concentration in Feces of Term and Preterm Infant Aged 0-4 Months/Dharmasetiwani, Nani; Firmansyah, Agus.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 69-72 FEMUR 553 Penaksiran Osteporosis dengan Analisis Tekstur Foto Sinar-X Femur Proksimal (Osteoporosis Assessment Using Texture Analysis of Proximal Femur Radiographs)/Mengko, Titi R. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 149-154



FENOTEROL 554 Manfaat Bronkodilator Inhalasi Ipratropium Bromide dan Fenoterol Hidrobromide pada Penderita Sindrom Obstruksi Pasca Tuberkulosis Paru/SOPT (The Effect of Ipratropium Bromide Inhaler and Fenoterol Hidrobromide in Patient with Obstruction Syndrome Post Lung Tuberculosis)/Gani, Abdul; Tanjung, Azhar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 53-57 FERMENTATION 555 Fermentasi Fed-Batch pada Produksi Plastik Mudah Terurai Poli (3-Hidoksutirat) dari Oleat (Fed-Batch Fermentation on Production of a Biodegradable Plastic Poly (3-Hydroxybutvrate) from Oleic Acid)/Djaman, Akmal; Majid, Mohammed Isa Abdul.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 256-264 FERTILITY 556 Status Gizi Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) dan Balita di Indonesia Menurut Data SKRT 2001 (Nutritional Status on Fertility Women and Underfive Children Based on SKRT 2001 Data)/Bisara, Dina; Supraptini; Afifah, Tin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 143-154 FERTILIZATION 557 Protein Kinase C (PKC) Kajian tentang Keterkaitannya dengan Fertilisasi (Protein Kinase C ; Reviewed about its Related to Fertilization)/Wardani, Tjitra.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 123-131 FETAL DEATH 558 Perforasi Uterus-Rektum dengan Janin Mati pada Kehamilan yang Berlangsung 16 Bulan (UterineRectal Perforation due to Intra Uterine Fetal Death in Pregnant Mother with 16 Months Pregnancy)/Budiarti, Indri (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 128-131 FEVER 559

Demam pada Anak: Perabaan Kulit, Pemahaman dan Tindakan Ibu (Fever in Children : Pallation, the Understanding of Mother and Further Action)/Purwoko; Ismail, Djauhar; Soetaryo.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 111-118 FIBROBLASTS 560 Stimulatory Effect of Bradykinin on the Activity of Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandid Production in Culture Fibroblasts/Sudjarwo, Sri Agus.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 40-44 FIBROCYSTIC DISEASE OF BREAST 561 Giant Mammary Dysplasia/Penyakit Fibrokistik (Giant Mammary Dysplasia/Fibrocystic Disease)/Azamris.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 33-35 FIBRONECTINS 562 Pengaruh Pemberian Antioksidan NAcetylecystein terhadap Kadar TNF Alfa, IL-6, Firbonektin dan Glutation Peroksidase pada Penderita Preeklampsia Berat (The Effect of the Administration of Antioxidant N-Acetylaystein toward TNF Alpha IL-6, Fibronectin and Peroxidative Glutation Level in Severe Preeclampsia Patient)/Rasyanti, D.; Wibowo, N.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 27-33 FISH PRODUCTS 563 Sarana Pengujian Mutu Makanan pada Beberapa Pabrik Makanan yang Memproduksi Produk Olahan Hasil Peternakan dan Perikanan (Food Quality Examination Tools in Several Food Factories which Producted of Ranch and Fishery Produce)/Isnawati, Ani; Alegantina, Sukmayati.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 9-14 FLAVOXATE 564 Pengaruh Flavoxate terhadap Keluhan Traktus Urinarius Bawah: Suatu Studi Acak, Tersamar Ganda Kontrol Plasebo (The Effect of Flavoxate on the Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract: A Randomized, Double Blond, Placebo Control



Clinical Trial)/Ardy S; Sidharta; Rifki M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 204-207 FLUID THERAPY 565 Terapi Cairan (Fluid Therapy)/Sirait, Robert H. (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 16-21 FOLIC ACID 566 The Free Radical Content in the Facces of Anaemic Pregnant Women Receiving Oral Supplementation of Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12/Rini (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 251-256 567 Suplementasi Zat Besi dan Asam Folat pada Penderita Kusta dengan Anemia di RSK Lauleng Pare-Pare (Folic Acid and Iron Supplementation on Leprosy Patient with Anemia at Lauleng Hospital, Pare-Pare)/Mas'ud, Hikmawati; Hartono, Rudy; Asapa, A. Suryanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 3-8 FOOD 568 Efektifitas Pemberian Formula Makanan Glikemik Tinggi dalam Penatalaksanaan Gizi Buruk (The Effect of High Glycaemic Formula in the Management of Severe Undernourished on Children)/ Soetrisno, Uken (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 1-7 569 Osteoporosis : Pencegahan Dini melalui Makanan (Osteoporosis : The Early Prevention by Food Management)/Siagian, Albiner; Aritonang, Evawany.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 20-22 570 Sarana Pengujian Mutu Makanan pada Beberapa Pabrik Makanan yang Memproduksi Produk Olahan Hasil Peternakan dan Perikanan (Food Quality Examination Tools in Several Food Factories which Producted of Ranch and Fishery Produce)/Isnawati, Ani; Alegantina, Sukmayati.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 9-14

571 Status Kesehatan Tempat Penjualan dan Kualitas Bakteriologis Makanan Jajanan pada Sekolah Dasar di Kota Surabaya 2002 (Health Status of Food Stall and Bacteriological Quality of Snacks at Elementary School Area in Surabaya, by the Year 2002)/Sundari, Siti; Marlik; Elyandani.-Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 33-38 572 Zat Bersifat Antikanker dalam Makanan (Anticancer Substance on Food)/Silalahi, Jansen; Tambunan, Masria L.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 440446 FOOD COLORING AGENTS 573 Pengembangan Metode Unscheduled DNA Synthesis untuk Pengujian Efek Mutagenetik Zat Warna Amaranth (The Development of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Method to Examined the Mutagenic Effect of Amaranth)/Purwanto, Djoko Agus.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003 : 40-46 FOOD POISONING 574 Genotyping Enterotoksigenik Clostridium Perfringens dari Isolat Fekal Dikaitkan dengan Diare yang Berhubungan dengan Antibiotik dan Keracunan Makanan (Enterotoxigenic Produce by Genotyping Clastridium Perfringens from Fecal Isolate Related to Diarrhea and Assossiated with Antibiotics and Food Poisoning)/Pohan, Dame Joice.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003 : 17-21 FOREIGN BODIES 575 Operasi Jantung Terbuka Cito pada Pasien dengan Corpus Alienum di Ventrikel Kiri : Laporan Kasus Jarang (Cito Open Heart as Operative Treatment of Foreign Body in the Left Ventricle Removal)/Seswandhana, M. Rosadi; Supomo.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 119-124 576 Penanganan Benda Asing Gigi Palsu di Esofagus Secara Esofagoskopi (The Management of



Foreign Bodies in Esophagus by Esophagoscopy)/Priharto, Ilham; Saragih, A. Rachman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 88-91 FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY 577 Mati: Tinjauan Klinis dan Antropologi Forensik (Death: Clinical and Forensic Anthropological Perspectives)/Indriati, Etty.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 231-239 FORMALDEHYDE 578 Formaldehyde Exposure Induced Occupational Asthma/Nurkasih, Indah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 24-32 579 Pajanan Formaldehid dalam Gedung Perkantoran (Formaldehyde Exposure in Office Building)/ Mulyana, Arief Wahyu.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 371-374 FRACTURES 580 How to Prevent Vertebral Fractures in Osteoporotic Patients/Reksoprodjo, Soelarto.-Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 1-5 581 Management of Upper Extremity Fracture in Osteoporosis/Hadi, Syaiful Anwar.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 16-23 FRACTURES, OPEN 582 Penggunaan Air Rebusan sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Normal Saline pada Debridement Fraktur Terbuka (The Use of Boiled Water as an Alternative Change of Normal Saline on Open Fracture Debridement)/Kurniawan, Titis; Mustamsir, Edi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 18-22 583 Wound Irrigation in Open Fracture Care/Hutagalung, Errol Untung.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31(1) 2003: 38-41 FRAGILE X SYNDROME

584 Frekuensi Fragile-X pada Anak-anak Retardasi Mental di Kecamatan Semin, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, D.I. Yogyakarta (Fragile-X Frequence on Metal Retardation Children at Semin Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta)/Faradz, Sultan MH. (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 185-191 FREE RADICALS 585 The Free Radical Content in the Facces of Anaemic Pregnant Women Receiving Oral Supplementation of Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12/Rini (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 251-256 586 Peran Radikal Bebas terhadap Beberapa Penyakit Paru (The Effect of Free Radicals toward Several Lung Diseases)/Danusantoso, Halim.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 31-36 587 Radikal Bebas, Antioksidan, dan Proses Menua (Free Radicals, Antioxidant and Aging Process)/ Setiati, Siti.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 366-369 588 Radikal Bebas Nitrogen Oksida dan Peranannya pada Berbagai Stadium Malaria di Mencit (Nitric Oxide Free Radical and its Role in Malaria Infected Mice)/Astuti, Hendri; Sutanto, Inge.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 381-387 GALLBLADDER DISEASES 589 Masalah Penyakit Batu Empedu : Upaya Penanggulangan Terkini (The Problem of Gallbladder Diseases : The Current Prevention Effort)/Lesmana, Laurentius.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 431-438 GANGRENE 590 Gangren Pedis Caused by Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Middle-aged Woman/Pangayoman, Roys; Yuwono, Hendro S.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 30-33 GARLIC



591 Khasiat Antioksida (Allium sativum) pada Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Preeklamsi (Antioxidant Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) in the Prevention and Treatment of Preeclampsia)/Mose, Johanes.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 1-7 GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX 592 Gejala Respiratorik dan Refluks Gastroesofagus pada Anak (Gastroesophagus Reflux and Respiratoric Symptom on Child)/Syamsu, Rianita; Said, Mardjanis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 149-155 593 Refluks Gastroesofagus pada Asma (Gastroesophageal Reflux in Asthma)/Rahmawati, Indah; Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 30-38 GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES 594 Pengaruh Merokok terhadap Traktus Gastrointestinal (The Effect of Cigarette Smoking due to Gastrointestinal Trachus)/Sulistyawan, Arif; Adi, Pangestu.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 379384 GASTROINTESTINAL HEMORRHAGE 595 Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs as the Most Causative Agent of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding/Widjojo, Julianto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 14-18 GASTROINTESTINAL NEOPLASMS 596 Diagnosis and Management of Early Gastric Cancer/Siregar, Gontar A.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 110-115 GASTROSTOMY 597 Rekonstruksi Saluran Cerna Pascagastrektomi Total (Alimentary Tract Reconstruction after Total Gastrectomy)/Kasttomo, Dukut Respati; Soemardi, Ajoedi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 309-312

GENE EXPRESSION 598 Analysis of Gene Expression Pattern in Human Cancer Using DNA Microarrays/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 49-51 GENES 599 Analysis of Gene Expression Pattern in Human Cancer Using DNA Microarrays/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 49-51 600 Virulensi Salmonella Membutuhkan Banyak Gen (Salmonella Virulency Needs Some Genes)/Naim, Rachman.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 726-730 GENETICS 601 Diagnosis Genetika Preimplantasi Teknologi Baru Diagnosis Prenatal (The Diagnosis of Preimplantation Genetic the Current Technology in Prenatal Diagnosis)/Bambang.-- Ebers Papyrus, 9 (2) 2003: 89-99 602 Karakteristik Sosiodemografi, Genetik, dan Pengetahuan Pasien Hipertensi di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam RS Mohammad Hoesin, Palembang (The Sociodemography, Genetic and the Knowledge of Hypertension Patient at Internal Polyclinic, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang)/Mardiah; Ali, Zulkhair; Ramdja, Muhaimin.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 298-303 GENTAMICINS 603 Individualised Dose of Gentamycilin Based on Clinical Pharmacokinetics: A Study of Prophycylactic Antibiotic Usage in Head and Neck Sugery/Reksoprawiro, Sunarto; Hartono, Ruddy; Sjamsiah, Siti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 188-194 GERIATRICS 604 Konsep 'Menua Sehat' dalam Geriatri ('Menua Sehat' Concept in Geriatry)/Darmojo, Boedhi.-Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 802-806



605 Pengenalan dan Pemahaman Sindrom Geriatri (Introducing and Understanding of Geriatric Syndroma)/Setiadi, Siti.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847(PRO) 2003: 152-167 GLASS IONOMER CEMENTS 606 An in Vitro Evaluation of Micro Leakage of Glass Ionomer Cement and Resin Cement Used as Root Canal Sealers/Roelianto, M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 30-32 607 Fluoride Released from Hybrid Glass Ionomer Cement Boding Agent after Fluoride Topical Application/Sutjiati, Rina.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 98-101 608 Pengaruh Penurunan Tegangan Listrik Penyinaran pada Semen Ionomer Gelas Modifikasi Resin terhadap Kekerasan Permukaan (The Effect of Decreasing Voltage of Light Exposure on Resin Modifled Glass Ionomer Cement on Surface Hardness)/Agustina, Titien Hary.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 143-146 609 Pulpal Sensitivity after Inlay Cementation with Zinc Phosphate Compared with Glass Ionomer Luting Cement/Yuanita, Tamara.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 82-85 GLIPIZIDE 610 Effect of Rifampicin Pretreatment on Hipoglycemic Effect of Glypizine among Healthy Volunteers/Kuswibawati, Luciana.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 299-298 GLUCOCORTICOIDS 611 Osteoporosis Akibat Glukokortikoid (Osteoporosis Caused by Glucocorticoids)/Sanusi, Harsinen.--Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 34-40 GLUCOSE

612 Effect pf Blood Glucose Level toward Dental Pulp Nerve Sensitivity in Diabetes Mellitus Patients/ Yustiawan, Tito.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 1-3 613 Hubungan antara Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Kadar Glukosa Saliva pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (The Association between Blood and Salivary Glucose Level in Diabetic Patients)/ Herlina; Hernawan, Iwan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 64-67 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST 614 Penurunan Kemampuan Toleransi Glukosa Oral pada Remaja Obes Primer (Decrease of Oral Glucose Tolerance Capability in Primary Obese Adolescents)/Pribadi, Argo (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 8-13 GLUTARAL 615 Pertumbuhan Candida albicans pada Plat Akrilik setelah Direndam Glutaraldehid 10 % (Candida albicans Growth on Resin Acrylic Plate after Immersion in Glutaraldehyde 10 %)/Saukaton.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 117-119 GLUTATHIONE 616 Daya Hambat Vitamin C dan Glutation pada Fototoksisitas Berbagai Fotosensitiser (Phototoxicity Inhibition Effect of Vitamin C and Glutathione Against Several Photosensitizers)/Rosmellia; Sari, Yulia Intan; Wirohadidjojo, Yohannes Widodo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 149-155 GYNECOLOGY 617 Beberapa Isu Bioetika dalam Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Some Bioetichal Issu in Gynecology and Obstetry)/Hanafiah, M. Jusuf.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 135-140 618 Dampak Kemajuan Teknologi di Bidang Obstetri dan Ginekologi (The Impact of Technology Development in Obstetry and



Gynecology)/Prabowo, R. Prajitno.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 201-205 619 Kontrasepsi Hormonal sebagai Pengobatan Kelainan Ginekologi (Hormonal Contraception as a Therapy on Gynecological Obstacle)/Baziad, A.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003 : 249-253 620 Psikoneuroimunologi dalam Bidang Obsteri dan Ginekologi (Psychoneuroimmunology in Obstetry and Gynecology)/Dalono, J.B.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 206-215 HAIR 621 Penentuan Kadar Timbal dan Besi dalam Rambut Sopir Bis Berdasarkan Lamanya Kerja, dengan Metode Sepektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination of Lead and Iron in the Hair of the Bus Driver Based on the Length of Their Services by Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer)/Suswati, Enggar; Sumantri; Kamal, Zainul.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 769-773 HEAD 622 Individualised Dose of Gentamycilin Based on Clinical Pharmacokinetics: A Study of Prophycylactic Antibiotic Usage in Head and Neck Sugery/Reksoprawiro, Sunarto; Hartono, Ruddy; Sjamsiah, Siti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 188-194 HEAD INJURIES 623 Severe Head Injury/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 188-190 624 Terapi Cedera Kepala dengan Obat-obat Neuroprotektif (The Head Injuries Therapy using Neuropretective Agents)/Setyaningsih, Indarwati; Wibowo, Samekto; Suryatmojo, Bambang.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 77-93 HEADACHE 625

Air Movement, Gender and Risk of Sick Building Syndrome Headache among Employees in a Jakarta Office/Winarti, Margaretha; Basuki, Bastaman; Hamid, Abdulbar.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 1771-1777 HEALTH 626 Dampak Globalisasi di Bidang Kesehatan (The Globalization Impact to the Health)/Sutarjo, Untung Suseno.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 398-401 HEALTH CARE COSTS 627 Pola Pelayanan dan Pembiayaan Kesehatan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) bagi Karyawan (The Expenditure Pattern of Health Services due to Employers in Government Cooperation/ BUMN)/Malik, A. Ridwan;Yusiell.- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 139151 628 Survei Morbiditas dan Implikasi Biaya Obat pada Penduduk Miskin di 3 Desa di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang 1999 (Morbidity Survey and Drug Expenses Implication at Poor Community in Three Villages in Singosari Sub District, Malang)/Dalianto, Tety Rachmawati; Angkasawati, Tri Juni.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 17-23 HEALTH EDUCATION 629 Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan, Monitoring, dan Perawatan Ibu Pascapersalinan terhadap Kejadian Morbiditas di Kabupaten Sidoarjo dan Lamongan Jawa Timur (The Influence of Health Education, Monitoring, Care of Mother on Incidence of Maternal Morbidity in Sidoardjo and Lamongan District, East Java Province)/Sustini, Florentina; Andajani, Susilowati; Marsudiningsih, Addy.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 72-82 HEALTH MANPOWER 630 Kajian Kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Propinsi NTB (Review of the Ability of Health Human Resourse in the Implementation of Otonomy in Nusa Tenggara Barat



Province)/Soemartono; Budianto, Didik; Sopacus, Evie.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (1) 2003: 1-17 631 Peran Politekkes dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Tenaga Kesehatan yang Berkualitas (The Role of Politekkes to Create the Health Manpower with a Good Quality)/Muchson, M.; Soesanto, Wibisono.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (1) 2003: 1-2 632 Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Mengubah Perilaku Masyarakat Menuju Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (The Role of Health Manpower in Order to Change the Commmunity Atittude to Became Health and Clean)/Sukowati, Supratman; Shinta.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 31-37 633 Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Lingkungan dalam Pembangunan Pemukiman yang Berwawasan Lingkungan (The Role oh Environmental Health Manpower in Developing of Settlement wth Environmental Health Vision)/Purwati, Sri.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (1) 2003: 2224 HEALTH PERSONNEL 634 The Attitude Improvement among Community Health Center Staff in Managing the Risk and Resolving Malnutrition in Underfives by Using Estimation Score/Umijati, Sri.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 259-263 HEALTH POLICY 635 Paradigma Baru Kesehatan Menuju Indonesia Sehat 2010 (The New Health Paradigms to Reach Health Indonesia 2010)/Khambali, Imam.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (1) 2003: 8-13 HEALTH SERVICES 636 Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap terhadap Mutu Pelayanan dan Hubungannya dengan Minat Beli Ulang di RS X di Jakarta Tahun 2002 (The Analysis of Inpatient Satisfaction through the

Quality Services and its Related to Re-Use the Hospital Services at X Hospital in Jakarta by the Year 2002)/Hizrani, May;Bachtiar, Adang;Hartiyanti, Yayuk.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (1) 2003: 19-24 637 Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan : Sesenas 2001 (Utilization of Health Services and Managed Care Insurance)/Setyowati, Titiek; Lubis, Agustina.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 177-185 638 Peran Dokter Keluarga dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia (The Role of Family Doctor toward the Improvement of Health Services in Indonesia)/Anies.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 53-57 639 Peranan Rumah Sakit dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi (The Role of Hospital in Health Reproductive Services)/Surjadi, Charles.-- Maj. Kedokter. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 9-17 HEALTH STATUS 640 Status Kesehatan Tempat Penjualan dan Kualitas Bakteriologis Makanan Jajanan pada Sekolah Dasar di Kota Surabaya 2002 (Health Status of Food Stall and Bacteriological Quality of Snacks at Elementary School Area in Surabaya, by the Year 2002)/Sundari, Siti; Marlik; Elyandani.-Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 33-38 HEALTH SYSTEMS PLANS 641 Profil Kemitraan IBI, IDI dengan Dinas Kesehatan dan Sektor Lain di Kabupaten Magetan dan Bojonegoro Tahun 2002 (Partnership Profile between Indonesia Midwives Union, Indonesia Doctors Union, Health District and Other Sectors in Magetan and Bojonegoro Regency by the Year 2002)/Sarwanto; Pranata, Setia.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 111-125 642 Sistem Kesehatan Nasional, Sistem Kesehatan Wilayah sebagai Dasar Perencanaan Kesehatan



Kota dan Kabupaten (National and Province Health Systems as a Basis for Health Municipal District Planning)/Supriyanto, S.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 18-29 HEARING DISORDERS 643 Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Radiasi Tumor Ganas Sekitar Telinga (Hearing Disorders Caused of Malignancy Tumor Radiation in the Ear)/Hasibuan R.A.H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 45-49 HEART 644 Kenali Jantung Hindari Penyakitnya (Knowing the Heart and Avoids its Disease)/Nusyirwan, Etty.-- Warta Kesehat. Masy., (6) 2003: 12-15 HEART DISEASES 645 Kelainan Jantung pada Kehamilan dan Persalinan Tahun 2001 di RSCM (Heart Anomaly in Delivery and Pregnancy at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital by the Year 2001)/Artoni, F.; Sedyawan, J.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 34-47 HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE 646 Gagal Jantung Kongestif (Congestive Heart Failure)/Pangalila, P.E.A.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 155-165 647 Pencegahan Terjadinya Gagal Jantung pada Hipertensi (Prevention of Hypertension and Heart Failure)/Panggabean, Marulam M.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 49-52 HEAT-SHOCK PROTEINS 648 Stress Proteins and Sirs-Sepsis the Possible Roles of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP'S) in the Development of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)/Suryohudoyo, Purnomo.--Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 4548

HELLP SYNDROME 649 Maternal and Neonatal Outcome Patients with Hellp Syndrome in H. Adam Malik/Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan/Roeshadi, R.Haryono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 102-105 HEMANGIOMA 650 Respon Terapi Prednison terhadap Berbagai Jenis Hemangioma di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK-USU/RS H. Adam Malik (The Response of Hemangioma to Prednisone Therapy at Pediatric Hemoto-oncology Division, H. Adam Malik Hospital)/Lubis, Bidasari; Sutjipto, Adi; Irsa, Lily.--Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 4-7 HEMATOPOIESIS 651 Apoptosis dan Nekrosis pada Berbagai Selularitas Sumsum Tulang : Studi pada Aspirat Sumsum Tulang dan Penderita dengan Gangguan Hematopoisis (Apoptosis and Necrosis AT Various Marrow Cellularity Study at Marrow Aspirate from Patient with Hematopoietic Disorders)/Widjajanto, Edi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 32-36 652 Hasil Terapi Konservatif Penderita Batuk Darah di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan (The Result of Conservative Therapy of Hemoptysis in Persahabatan General Hospital)/Arief, Nirwan (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 317324 HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM 653 Pengaruh Pajanan Benzen terhadap Sistem Hematopoetik (The Effect of Benzene Exposure on Haemopoetic System)/Baktiansyah, Abdul.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 409-415 HEMODIALYSIS 654 The Association between Hyperhomocysteinemia and Coronary Artery Diseases in Non-Diabetic End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Regular Hemodialysis/Hidayat, Syarief (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 9-15



HEMOGLOBINS 655 Diagnosis Laboratorium Thalassemia dan Hemoglobin Varian (Laboratory Diagnostic of Thalassemia and Variance Hemoglobin)/Wirawan, Riadi.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanegara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 125-129 656 Efek Suplementasi Besi Dosis Tunggal dan Dosis 3 Kali Sehari terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Saturasi Transferin pada Anak Usia Sekolah Penderita Anemia Kekurangan Besi (Effect of Single Versus 3 Times Daily Iron Supplememtation to Hemoglobin Concentration and Transferin Saturation for Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in School Aged Children)/ Suryawan, Nur; Idjardinata, Ponpon; Subardja, Dedi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 114-120 657 Mieloma Multiple dengan Peningkatan Hemoglobin dan Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP (Multiple Myeloma with Increased of HB and Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP)/Widijanti, Anik; Hermayanti, Diah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 428-430 HEMOPTYSIS 658 Hasil Terapi Konservatif Penderita Batuk Darah di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan (The Result of Conservative Therapy of Hemoptysis in Persahabatan General Hospital)/Arief, Nirwan (et. al.).--Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 317-324 HEPATITIS AGENT, GB 659 Hepatitis Virus G (Hepatitis G Virus)/Wibowo, Candra.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 18-19 HEPATITIS B 660 Gagal Hati Akut Dini pada Hepatitis B Akut yang Berat (The Early Acute Liver Failure in Patient with Severe Acute Hepatitis B)/Siregar, Gontar A.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 4244

HEPATITIS B VACCINES 661 Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Kelengkapan Imunisasi Hepatitis B pada Bayi di Puskesmas Lanjas Kabupaten Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah (Several Factors Related with the Immunization Status of Hepatitis B on Infant in Langas Community Health Center, Barito Utara Subdistrict, Kalimantan Tengah)/Siswandoyo; Putro, Gurendro.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 251-257 662 Immunogenisitas dan Keamanan Vaksin Hepatitis B DNA Rekombinan dalam Uniject di Kabupaten Bogor (Immunogenicity and Safety of Recommbinant DNA Hapatitis B Vaccine Uniject in Bogor Regency)/Prijanto, Muljati (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 354-359 HEPATITIS C 663 Current and Future Treatment of Hepatitis C/Widjaja, Suwandhi (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 76-82 664 Diagnostic Tests for Hepatitis C/Simon, Sumanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 44-51 HEPATITIS VIRUSES 665 Farmakoterapi Terkini Hepatitis Virus Kronik (Pharmacoterapy of Chronic Viral Hepatitis)/ Wibowo, Candra.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 29-33 HEPATORENAL SYNDROME 666 Sindrom Hepatorenal (Hepatorenal Syndrome)/Pardede, Sudung O.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 20-28 HERBICIDES 667 Acuta Eye Irritation Study of a Mixture of Glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt and 2,4 DIsopropylamine/Suyatna, F.D.; Darmayanti, S.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 135-141



HERPES SIMPLEX 668 Elektroensefalografi (EEG) pada Ensefalitis Herpes Simpleks (Electroencephalography on Herpes Simplex Encephalitis)/Antono, Eko Pudji (et. al.).-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 95-100 HIV 669 Aspek Neuro-Psikososial HIV/AIDS pada Anak (The Neuro-Psychosocial Aspect of HIV/AID on Child)/Wibowo, Adhi.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 35-46 670 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Adanya Infeksi HIV : Human Immuno Deficiency Virus pada Manusia (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and its Influence toward Human Immunodeficiency Virus on Human)/Girsang, Merryani.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 48-53 671 Penyakit Menular Seksual dan HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten Mimika Papua (Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV/AIDS at Mimika Sub District, Papua)/Alwi, Qomariah; Rustika.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 17-20 672 Peran Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry pada Penatalaksanaan Pasien dengan HIV/AIDS : Bagian II (The Role of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the Management of Patients with HIV/AIDs : Part II)/Tandiono, Elisa; Wibisono, Sasanto; Darmabrata, Wahjadi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 258-263 HOMOZYGOTE 673 Homozygous Familial Hyperlipidemia and Micropenis in a Toddler/Alam, Anggraini (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 2429 HONEY 674 Efek Madu sebagai Antifungi terhadap Candida albicans Penelitian Laboratoris in Vitro (The Effect of Honey as an Antifungal against Candida

albican: In Vitro laboratory Study)/Dzen, Sjoekoer M. (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 1-5 HOOF AND CLAW 675 Lasso 4 Tails: An Alternative for the Surgical Treatment of the Claw Hand/Hadi, Syaiful Anwar.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 51-54 HOSPITAL COSTS 676 Belum Dapat Dibuktikan Terjadi Subsidi Silang Antar Paviliun Swasta di RSU Kepada RSU: Studi Kasus di RSUD 'X' (Cross Subsidize between Private Pavilion and General Hospital: Case Study at X District General Hospital)/Nugraheni, Wahyu P.; Thabrany, Hasbullah; Nadjib, Mardiati.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 87-98 HOSPITAL PLANNING 677 Hospital Building Strategi dalam Service Excellent (Hospital Building Strategy on Excellent Service)/Permana, Hanna.-J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, (1) 2003: 5-12 HOSPITALS 678 Analisis Kemampuan Manajemen Kepala Ruangan di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang (The Analysis Skill of Management of Head of Inpatient Ward at Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital, Padang)/Pabuti, Aumas; Sumijatun.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 73-77 679 Peluang RS dalam Meraih Keunggulan Bersaing melalui Strategi Pemasaran 3-D (Hospital Opportunity to Catch the Primary Competition by 3-D Marketing Strategy)/Supriyantoro.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (1) 2003: 13-17 680 Peranan Rumah Sakit dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi (The Role of Hospital in Health



Reproductive Services)/Surjadi, Charles.-- Maj. Kedokter. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 9-17 681 Six Sigma dalam Layanan Rumah Sakit (Six Sigma in Hospital Services)/Ferdinand, Arthur.-J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (4) 2003: 169-176 682 Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan di IGD RS Sumber Waras melalui Survei Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien/Keluarganya (The Effort of Quality Services in Emergency Unit Sumber Waras Hospital by the Survey of Consumer Satisfaction Level)/Harijono, Liman; Kusumapradja, Rokiah.- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (4) 2003: 183-188 HOUSING 683 Uraian Perumahan Sehat di Indonesia, Susenas 2001 (Description of Health Housing in Indonesia, Susenas 2001)/Lubis, Agustina; Warouw, Sonny P.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat , 31 (4) 2003: 223-231 HUMAN ENGINEERING 684 Aplikasi Ergonomi bagi Individu Pekerja di Tempat Kerja (Ergonomic Apllication to Individual Worker at Workplace)/Harrianto, Ridwan.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 1723 HUMORALISM 685 Profil Respon Imun Humoral terhadap Flagel Salmonella pada Kelinci (Antibody Response to Salmonella's Flagels in Rabbit)/Sjahrurachman, Agus; Mardiastuti, Adriansjah; Bella, Budiman.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 116-171 HYALURONOGLUCOSAMINIDASE 686 Optimasi Pengukuran Aktivitas Hialuronidase Spermatozoa Mencit dengan Metode Uji Lempeng Mikro (The Optimation of Measures Hyaluronidase Activity Using Micro Plate Assay on Mice Sperm)/Bambang Projogo EW.; Eka Y.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 96-98

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 687 The Effectiveness of Piper betel Solution and Combination of Sodium Hypochlorite and Hydrogen Peroxide in Root Canal Irrigation for Endodontic Treatment: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study/Indriati, Etty.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 103-110 HYGIENE 688 Hubungan Higiene Personal & Lingkungan, Kejadian Infeksi dengan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi dan Status Gizi Anak SD (Anak Baru Masuk Sekolah) di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah (The Association between Environment and Personal Hygiene through the Infection on Elementary School Children with Good Nutrition Status in Kendal, Central Java)/Fatimah, Siti; Murjazuli; Martini.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 56-60 HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION 689 Aplikasi Klinis Pengobatan Oksigen Hiperbarik (Clinical Application of Hyperbaric Oxigenation Therapy)/M. Guritno S.-- Maj. Kedokter. TNI, (35) 2003: 41-45 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA 690 Hiperkolesterolemia Berat pada Bayi Pascaoperasi Kasai (Severe Hypercholesterolemia in Infant Following Kasai Operation)/Lia Marlia K.; Subardja, Dedi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 189-192 691 Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik sebagai Terapi Suportif pada Osteomyelitis Kronis pada Rahang (Hyperbaric Oxygenation as a Supportive Therapy on Chronic Osteomyelitis in Jawbone)/ Prameswari, Noengki; Laihad, Fanny M.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 166-173 HYPERGLYCEMIA 692 Dampak Hiperglikemia terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Penderita Stroke (The Impact of Hyperglycemia through the Life Expectancy on



Stroke Patients)/Indiyarti, Riani.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 105-109 693 Hiperglikemia Postprandial sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Postprandial Hyperglycemia as a Risk Factor on Coronary Heart Disease)/Soegondo, Sidartawan.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 169-177 694 Peranan Hiperglikemia terhadap Terjadinya Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Melitus (The Role of Hyperglycemia in the Development of Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus)/Wiyono, Paulus.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 5560 HYPERINSULINEMIA 695 Subtotal Pancreactomy for Persistent Hyperinsulinemia Hypoglycemia in Neonate (A Case Report)/Damanik, Sylviati Thahir (et. al.).-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 269-276 HYPERLIPIDEMIA, FAMILIAL COMBINED 696 Homozygous Familial Hyperlipidemia and Micropenis in a Toddler/Alam, Anggraini (et. al.).--Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 24-29 HYPERSENSITIVITY 697 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Determination in Childhood Asthma Due to House Dust Allergy/ Harsono, Ariyanto; Utomo, Martono Tri.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 107-110 HYPERTENSION 698 Antagonis Reseptor Angiotensin II dalam Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi (The Role of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists in Hypertension Management)/Sja'bani, Mochammad.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 47-60 699

Beberapa Cara Prediksi Hipertensi dalam Kehamilan (Some Methodes to Predict the Hypertension on Pregnancy)/Rambulang, John.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 5-8 700 Hipertensi sebagai Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Hypertension as a Risk Factor in Coronary Heart Disease)/Alwi, Idrus.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 153-167 701 Intracellular Calcium and Magnesium Level in Essential Hypertension Patients/Soelaeman, H.M. Rachmat.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 19-23 702 Karakteristik Sosiodemografi, Genetik, dan Pengetahuan Pasien Hipertensi di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam RS Mohammad Hoesin, Palembang (The Sociodemography, Genetic and the Knowledge of Hypertension Patient at Internal Polyclinic, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang)/Mardiah; Ali, Zulkhair; Ramdja, Muhaimin.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 298-303 703 Kriteria Hipertensi pada Skrining Kesehatan Calon Jemaah Haji Indonesia (The Criteria of Hypertension on Health Screening of Indonesia Pilgrim Haj)/Kodim, Nasrin.-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 501-506 704 Obat Tradisional untuk Penyakit Tekanan Darah Tinggi dari Pengobatan Tradisional (Battra) di DKI Jakarta, D.I. Yogyakarta dan Surabaya (Traditional Drugs for Hypertension in Traditional Medicine in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Santoso, Siti Sapardiyah; Suharjo.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 6-13 705 Penatalaksanaan Mutakhir Hipertensi (The Current Management of Hypertension)/Rahardjo, J. Pudji.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 31-37



706 Pencegahan Terjadinya Gagal Jantung pada Hipertensi (Prevention of Hypertension and Heart Failure)/Panggabean, Marulam M.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 49-52 707 Pengobatan Hipertensi dan Proteksi Kardiovaskular: Apakah Peran AIIRA ? (Hypertension Therapy and Cardiovascular Protection : What's Role that the AIIRA Take ?)/Trisnohadi, Hanafi B.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 113-118 708 Peran Antagonis Kalsium dalam Pengobatan Hipertensi (The Effect of Calcium Antagonists in Hypertension Therapy)/Trisnohadi, Hanafi B.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 25-30 709 Risk for Developing Hypertension in Obese Adolescents/Aminuddin (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 208-212 HYPERTENSION, PULMONARY 710 Penyakit Jantung Hipertensi: Patogenesis dan Patofisiologi Terkini (Pulmonary Hypertension : The Pathogenesis and Current Pathophysiology)/Ismail, Dasnan.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 39-48 HYPERVENTILATION 711 Hyperventilation Syndrome and Risk of Mitral Valve Prolapse/Widiastuti-Samekto, M.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 179-83 HYPOKALEMIA 712 Hipokalemi Periodik Paralisis (Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis)/Bhakti, Indra; Anwar, Yuneldi.--Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 193-195

HYPOTHYROIDISM 713 Skrining (Uji Saring) Hipotiroid pada Bayi Baru Lahir: Suatu Upaya Dini Kelainan Hipotiroid Kongenital/HK (Hypothyroid Screening on Infant Newborn : an Early Effort in Congenital Hypothyroidism)/Rusatama, Diet Sadiah.-- J. GAKY Indon., 4 (2) 2003: 1-6 IGA 714 Produksi IgA & IgG Mukosal dan Sistemik Setelah Imunisasi Per Oral dengan Protein Adh036 Salmonella typhi pada Mencit BALB/c (The Production of Mucosal and Systemic IgA and IgG After Oral Immunization with AdhO36 Protein Salmonella typhi on BALB/c Mice)/Santoso, Sanarto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 52-57 IGG 715 Produksi IgA & IgG Mukosal dan Sistemik Setelah Imunisasi Per Oral dengan Protein Adh036 Salmonella typhi pada Mencit BALB/c (The Production of Mucosal and Systemic IgA and IgG After Oral Immunization with AdhO36 Protein Salmonella typhi on BALB/c Mice)/Santoso, Sanarto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 52-57 IMMUNE TOLERANCE 716 Respons Imun dan Inflamasi SARS (Immune Response and SARS Inflammation)/Manuhutu, Emst J.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 124-129 IMMUNITY 717 Efek Antibiotik Beta Laktam (Sefaklor) terhadap Sistem Pertahanan Pejamu pada Infeksi Saluran Napas (The Effects of Betha Lactam Antibiotic Against Respiratory Tract Infection on Pejamu)/ Zain-Hamid, Rozaimah.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23(2)2003 :89-92 718 Post-Adenotonsilectomy Increase of Immune Response in Children With Obstructive



Adenotonsilitis/Muhardjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 147-156 719 Profil Respon Imun Humoral terhadap Flegel Salmonella pada Kelinci (Antibody Response to Salmonella's Flagels in Rabbit)/Sjahrurachman, Agus (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 166-171 IMMUNIZATION 720 Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Kelengkapan Imunisasi Hepatitis B pada Bayi di Puskesmas Lanjas Kabupaten Barito Utara, Kalimantan Tengah (Several Factors Related with the Immunization Status of Hepatitis B on Infant in Langas Community Health Center, Barito Utara Subdistrict, Kalimantan Tengah)/Siswandoyo; Putro, Gurendro.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 251-257 721 Efek Immunisasi terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Interleukin-2 dan Interferon-Y pada Mencit Swiss selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Effect of Immunization on the Increasing of Interleukin2 and Interferon-Y Level in Plasmodium berhei Infected-Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus.--Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 9-16 722 Pengembangan Model Intervensi Penjaringan Imunisasi DT dan TT (Bias) pada Anak Putus Sekolah Setara SD (The Development of Catching Intervention Model of DT and TT Immunization on Child)/Lestari, C.S. Whinie (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 16-20 IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY 723 Deteksi Antigen Toksoplasma dengan Teknik Imunohistokimia pada Abortus Spontan (Detection of Toxoplasma Antigen Using Immunohistochemistry in Spontaneous Abortion)/Ambari, Ediwibowo; Soejoenoes, Ariawan; Wibowo, Bambang.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 83-91 IMMUNOPHENOTYPING

724 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Diagnostic : Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic and Moleculer/Wirawan, Riadi; Dharmayanti, Anti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 33-43 IMMUNOTHERAPY 725 Efficacy of Low Dose Sublingual Immunotherapy in Childhood Asthma/Harsono, Ariyanto.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 223-227 726 Imunoterapi pada Asma Alergi (Immunotherapy on Allergic Asthma)/Barus, Frans Abednego; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru; Yunus, Faisal.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 39-45 INCINERATION 727 Incinerator Murah untuk Puskesmas dan UnitUnit Pelayanan Kesehatan (Cheap Incinerator for Community Health Center dan Health Services Units)/Purwanto, Didik Sugeng; Margono; Kriswandana, Ferry.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan , 1 (2) 2003: 1-5 INFANT 728 Hiperkolesterolemia Berat pada Bayi Pascaoperasi Kasai (Severe Hypercholesterolemia in Infant Following Kasai Operation)/Lia Marlia K.; Subardja, Dedi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 189-192 729 Pemberian Nutrisi Parenteral pada Bayi dan Anak (Parenteral Nutrition Giving in Infant and Child)/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara , 36 (3) 2003 : 126-129 730 Penatalaksanaan Muntah pada Bayi dan Anak (Management of Vomiting in Infant and Children)/Sudarmo, Subijanto Marto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 432-444 INFANT CARE 731 Penerapan Epidemiologi dalam Manajemen Program Pelayanan Antenatal di Kota Palembang



(Epidemiological Implementation in the Management of Antenatal Services Program in Palembang)/Tarigan, Ingan.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 10-15 INFANT MORTALITY 732 Kecenderungan Penyakit Penyebab Kematian Bayi dan Anak Balita di Indonesia: 1992-2001 (The Tendency of Cause of Death in Infancy and Childhood in Indonesia: 1991-2001)/Afifah, Tin; Djaja, Sarimawar; Irianto, Joko.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 48-59 733 Penyebab Kematian Bayi Baru Lahir (Neonatal) dan Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Berkaitan di Indonesia Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) 2001 (The Cause of Neonatal Death and the Attributed Health Care System in Indonesia Morality Study of Household Health Survey 2001)/ Djaja, Sarimawar; Soemantri, Soeharsono.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 155-165 734 Tren Angka Kematian Bayi dan Angka Kematian Anak Balita di Indonesia (The Trend of Infant Mortality Rate and Child Mortality Rate in Indonesia)/Irianto, Joko; Soemantri, Soeharsono; Afifah, Tin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 197-185 INFANT, LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 735 Hubungan antara Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah dan Gangguan Perkembangan Bicara di Poliklinik Tumbuh Kembang Anak RS. Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Relationship between Low Birth Weight Babies and Speech Disturbance in the Sardjito Hospital)/Kamadewi, Desi; Ismail, Djahar; Haksari, Ekawaty L.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 173-179 736 Hubungan Riwayat Berat Lahir Bayi dengan Kejadian Infeksi, Durasi, Serta Episode Infeksi (Diare & ISPA) pada Usia 1-12 Bulan : Studi Kasus di RS. Kariadi Semarang (The Association of Low Birth Weight Infant, Infection and Duration through the Diarrhea and Respiratory

Tract Infection on Child Aged between 1-12 Months : A Case Study at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Fatimah, Siti; Salehah, Anna.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 51-55 737 Penatalaksanaan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (The Management of Low Birth Weight Infant)/Tjipta, Guslihan D.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 181-187 INFANT, NEWBORN 738 Changes in Temperature of Newborn Babies Bathed Immediately after Birth/Gunawijaya, Eka; Hamid, S. Abdul.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 73-80 739 Neonatal Tetanus: A 6-Years Evaluation in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan/Lubis, Munar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 99-101 740 Skrining (Uji Saring) Hipotiroid pada Bayi Baru Lahir: Suatu Upaya Dini Kelainan Hipotiroid Kongenital/HK (Hypothyroid Screening on Infant Newborn : an Early Effort in Congenital Hypothyroidism)/Rusatama, Diet Sadiah.-- J. GAKY Indon., 4 (2) 2003: 1-6 INFECTION 741 Hubungan Higiene Personal & Lingkungan, Kejadian Infeksi dengan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi dan Status Gizi Anak SD (Anak Baru Masuk Sekolah) di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah (The Association between Environment and Personal Hygiene through the Infection on Elementary School Children with Good Nutrition Status in Kendal, Central Java)/Fatimah, Siti; Murjazuli; Martini.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 56-60 742 Hubungan Riwayat Berat Lahir Bayi dengan Kejadian Infeksi, Durasi, Serta Episode Infeksi (Diare & ISPA) pada Usia 1-12 Bulan : Studi Kasus di RS. Kariadi Semarang (The Association of Low Birth Weight Infant, Infection and Duration through the Diarrhea and Respiratory



Tract Infection on Child Aged between 1-12 Months : A Case Study at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang)/Fatimah, Siti; Salehah, Anna.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 51-55 743 Infectious Diseases in Intravenous Drug Abusers Patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital-Surabaya, Indonesia/Nasronudin (et. al.).-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 19-23 744 Peranan Infeksi dan Inflamasi pada Polip Nasi (The Impact of Inflammation and Infection on Nasal Polyp)/Irawati, Nina.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 49-52 745 Tanaman Obat sebagai Solusi Alamiah terhadap Infeksi yang Resisten terhadap Obat/DrugResistant Infection (Plant Medicinal as a Natural Solution Against Drug Resistance Infection)/ Widyastuti, Netty; Nurhasanah, Astuti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 28-35 INFERTILITY, MALE 746 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) as a Clinical Evaluation Parameter of Infertile Man/ Sutyarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 18-23 INFLAMMATION 747 Respons Imun dan Inflamasi pada Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Immune Responce and Inflammation in Coronary Heart Disease)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 53-62 INFLUENZA VACCINE 748 Pengaruh Vaksinasi Influenza pada Jemaah Haji Indonesia (The Effect of Influenza Vaccination on Indonesia Pilgrim Haj)/Kabat, H.-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 493-500 INFLUENZA A VIRUS, AVIAN 749

Flu Burung (Bird Flu)/Tri Djoko W. (et. al.).-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 49-51 INFORMATION SERVICES 750 Evaluasi Intervensi Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Perbedaan Pengetahuan Siswa SMU Negeri 9 Semarang, Tahun 2002 (Evaluation of Intervention of Health Reproductive Information toward the Differences among SMU Negeri 9 Students by the Year 2002)/Priyadi Nugraha P.; Mariana Niken Y.-Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 37-45 INJECTIONS 751 Pedoman Penggunaan Injeksi yang Aman (The Guidance of Using Safety Injection)/Herman, Max J.; Azis, Sriana.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 16-21 INOSITOL 752 Fermentation of Phytic Acid from Lamtoro Gung Seeds (Leucaena leucocephala) to Produce Inositol and Tannin as Pharmaceutical Commodity/Bakti, I.A. Rivai.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 236-242 INSECTICIDES 753 Penyemprotan Insektisida pada Kandang Sapi dan Kerbau untuk Pemberantasan Malaria (Insecticides Spraying in Cattle Shelters to Prevent Malaria)/Barodji.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 419-424 INSECTICIDES, ORGANOCHLORINE 754 Analisa Residu Pestisida Organoklorin dalam Tomat dan Selada dari Beberapa Pasar di Jakarta (The Analysis of Organochlorine Residual Pesticide in Tomattoes and Lettuse at Some Market in Jakarta)/Mutiatikum, D.; Isnawati, Ani.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 15-19 INSECTICIDES, ORGANOPHOSPHATE 755



Organophosphate Poisoning: A Review/Sinha, Parmod K.; Sharma, Ashok.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 120-126 INSOMNIA 756 Karakteristik Penderita dalam Kaitannya dengan Gangguan Tidur Awal pada Pasien Kanker Mamae yang Menjalani Pengobatan Operasi dan Kombinasi (Patients Characteristic in the Correlation with Initial Insomnia and Post Operation or Combination Therapy in Patient with Breast Cancer)/Riyasa, I Ketut; Notosiswoyo, Mulyono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21(57) 2003: 1-11 INSULIN 757 Resistensi Insulin pada Diabetes Tipe2 (Insulin Resistancy in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus)/ Hendromartono.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 83-99 INSULIN RESISTANCE 758 Indeks HOMA sebagai Pengganti TTG Oral dan Klem Insulin/Glukosa sebagai Diagnosis Dini Sindroma Resistensi Insulin pada Anak Muda (HOMA Index as a Oral TTG and Insulin Clem Substitute on Early Diagnosis of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Young Adult)/Mutalib, Penik K.S.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 722-725 INSURANCE, HEALTH 759 Biaya Obat bagi Peserta Askes di Berbagai Klinik RSCM (Drug Expenditure for Askes Members in the Clinics by Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital)/Thabrany, Hasbullah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 213-221 760 Evaluasi Program Jaring Pengaman Sosial Bidang Kesehatan (JPS-BK) di Jakarta Timur, 2001 (Evaluation Monitoring of the Social and Safety Net in Health Program/JPS-BK)/Pratomo, Hadi; Hadi, Ella N.; Hediyati, Syarifah Y.; Mardewi.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 60-68 761

JPKM Pilar atau Galar Paradigma Sehat 2010 (Jaring Pengaman Kesehatan Masyarakat/Health Insurance as a Pillar or Pole through the 2010 Health Paradigm ?)/Ilayas, Yaslis.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (1) 2003: 25-32 762 Merintis Asuransi Kesehatan Nasional (Developed the National Health Insurance)/Marist, Umbu M.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (1) 2003: 33-39 763 Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan : Sesenas 2001 (Utilization of Health Services and Managed Care Insurance)/Setyowati, Titiek; Lubis, Agustina.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 177-185 INTERFERON TYPE II 764 Efek Immunisasi terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Interleukin-2 dan Interferon-Y pada Mencit Swiss selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Effect of Immunization on the Increasing of Interleukin2 and Interferon-Y Level in Plasmodium berhei Infected-Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus.--Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 9-16 INTERLEUKIN-2 765 Efek Immunisasi terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Interleukin-2 dan Interferon-Y pada Mencit Swiss selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Effect of Immunization on the Increasing of Interleukin2 and Interferon-Y Level in Plasmodium berhei Infected-Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus.--Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 9-16 INTERLEUKIN-6 766 Pengaruh Pemberian Antioksidan NAcetylecystein terhadap Kadar TNF Alfa, IL-6, Firbonektin dan Glutation Peroksidase pada Penderita Preeklampsia Berat (The Effect of the Administration of Antioxidant N-Acetylaystein toward TNF Alpha IL-6, Fibronectin and Peroxidative Glutation Level in Severe Preeclampsia Patient)/Rasyanti, D.; Wibowo, N.--



Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 27-33 INTERNAL FIXATORS 767 Perbandingan Uji Tarik Antara Sekrup Unikortikal dan Bikortikal pada Pedikel Vertebra Thorakalis (The Comparation of the Pull Out Strength of Two Methods of Unicortical and Bicortical Screw Fixation in Thoracalis Vertebra Pendicle)/Luthfi, Rizzal; Tobing, S. Dohar A.L.; Sapardan, Subroto.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 12-15 768 Perbandingan Uji Tarik Antara Sekrup Pedikel dan Sekrup Massa Lateralis pada Vertebra Servikal : Suatu Penelitian Biomekanik dengan Dodel Vertebra Servikal Kadaver (The Comparation of Pull Out Strength of Two Methods of Materalis Mass Screw and Pedicle Screw Fixation in Cervical Vertebra : A Biomechanical Study by Dodel Cervical Vertebra Cadaver)/Noersasongko, Djarot; Tobing, S.A. Dohar A.L.; Sapardan, Subroto.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 28-33 INTESTINAL DISEASES 769 Kemajuan Pengobatan Mutakhir pada Penyakit Peradangan Usus: Peranan Terapi Biologis, Imunomodulator dan Fitofarmaka (Recent Advances in the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Role of Biological Therapy, Immunomodulator and Phytopharmaceutical Agents)/Widjojo, Julianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 139-142 INTRAUTERINE DEVICES 770 Perdarahan karena Pemakaian IUD : Hubungan dengan Perubahan Mikrosirkulasi (Uterine Hemorrhage Caused of IUD : Associated with Microcirculatory Disturbance)/Noerpramana, Noor Pramono.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 115-120 IODINE 771 Comparison between Maternal Thyroid Status and the Subsequent Outcomes of Pregnancy in an

Iodine-Deficient and an Iodine-Replete Area/Hartono, Bambang (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 131-138 772 Faktor Risiko Kekurangan Yodium pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Selo Kabupaten Boyolali (The Risk Factor of Iodine Deficiency on Elementary School Student in Selo Sub District, Boyolali Regency)/Ritanto, Mus Joko.-J. GAKY Indon., 4 (2) 2003: 14-22 773 Peranan Ibu Rumah Tangga Menurunkan Prevalensi Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium/GAKI (The Role of Housewives in Reducing the Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)/Parti, Dita Diana; Riyanti, Rini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 145-148 774 Stabilitas Yodium pada Cabai, Ketumbar dan Merica (The Stability of Iodine in Chili, Ketumbar and Pepper)/Saksono, Nelson.-- J. GAKY Indon., 4 (2) 2003: 23-28 IONS 775 Efek Kesehatan Radiasi Non Pengion pada Manusia (Health Effects of Non-ionizing Radiation)/ Alatas, Zubaidah; Lusiyanti, Yanti.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 34-40 IRON 776 Efek Suplementasi Besi Dosis Tunggal dan Dosis 3 Kali Sehari terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Saturasi Transferin pada Anak Usia Sekolah Penderita Anemia Kekurangan Besi (Effect of Single Versus 3 Times Daily Iron Supplememtation to Hemoglobin Concentration and Transferin Saturation for Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in School Aged Children)/ Suryawan, Nur; Idjardinata, Ponpon; Subardja, Dedi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 114-120 777 The Effect of Iron and Steel Dust on the Lung Function and Chest X Ray Appearance of Workers in a Knife Manufacturing Home Industry



in Bandung, Jakarta/Yunus, Faisal (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 6-17 778 Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Zat Besi pada Ibu Hamil yang Berkunjung ke Puskesmas Sidomulyo Kecamatan Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru (Factors Related to the Discipline in Consuming Iron Pills of Pregnant Women Who Where Visited Sidomulyo Health Center at Tampan Sub District, Pekanbaru)/Jumirah; Refina, Ina; Keloko, Alam Bakti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 8-12 779 High Protein and Iron-Folate Erackers Supplementation on the Iron Status of Pregnant Women/ Anwar, Faisal (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 243-246 780 Penentuan Kadar Timbal dan Besi dalam Rambut Sopir Bis Berdasarkan Lamanya Kerja, dengan Metode Sepektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination of Lead and Iron in the Hair of the Bus Driver Based on the Length of Their Services by Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer)/Suswati, Enggar; Sumantri; Kamal, Zainul.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 769-773 781 Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan Seng melalui Makanan Jajanan terhadap Perubahan Status Tembaga pada Anak Sekolah Dasar yang Pendek (The Influence of Iron and Zinc Supplementation Using Enriched Biscuits on the Change of Copper Satus among Elementary School Student)/ Rahfiludin, Mohammad Zen; Subagio, Hertanto Wahyu; Sutoto.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 75-81 782 Suplementasi Zat Besi dan Asam Folat pada Penderita Kusta dengan Anemia di RSK Lauleng Pare-Pare (Folic Acid and Iron Supplementation on Leprosy Patient with Anemia at Lauleng Hospital, Pare-Pare)/Mas'ud, Hikmawati; Hartono, Rudy; Asapa, A. Suryanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 3-8

ISCHEMIA 783 Intervensi Dini dan Pencegahan Iskemia Jangka Panjang: dari CAPRIE sampai Charisma (The Early Intervention and Long Term Ischemia Pevention : From CAPRIE to Charisma)/Trisnohadi, Hanafi.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 81-87 784 The Latest Clinical Epidemiological Data of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients in Surabaya and the Surroundings a Hospitals-Based Study/Machfoed, Moh. Hasan.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 242-250 ISOMERISM 785 Pengaruh Pereaksi terhadap Reaksi Isomerisasi 4Alil-1,2-Metilendioksibenzena Hasil Isolasi dari Cinnamomum culliawan BL. (The Effect of Reagent toward Percentage of Isomerization Product of 4-alil-1.2-methylenedioxybenzene Obtained by Cinnamomum culliawan BL.)/Gugela, Sanusi (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 18-22 ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION 786 Pengaruh Kontraksi Isometrik dan Isotonik terhadap Kadar Asam Laktat Darah (The Influence of Isometric and Isotonic Contraction toward the Lactate Concentration in Blood)/Aminudin; Setyawan, Sunarko.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 142-151 ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE 787 Penelitian Disolusi dan Penetapan Kadar Isosorbid Dinitrat dalam Sedian Generik dan Sediaan Inovator (Study of Dissolution and the Determination Level of Isosorbide Dinitrate in Generic and Innovator Form)/Alegantina, S.; Lastari, Pudji; Mutiatikum, D.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 3-9 ISOTONIC CONTRACTION 788 Pengaruh Kontraksi Isometrik dan Isotonik terhadap Kadar Asam Laktat Darah (The



Influence of Isometric and Isotonic Contraction toward the Lactate Concentration in Blood)/Aminudin; Setyawan, Sunarko.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 142-151 ITRACONAZOLE 789 Itrakonazol: Profil Farmakokinetika dan Uji Bioekuivalensi pada Sukarelawan Sehat (Itraconazole : Pharmacokinetic Profile and Bioequivalency Test on Health Volunteer)/Hakim, Lukman (et. al.).-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 39-43 790 Studi Perbandingan Bioavailabilitas Antijamur pada Dua Sedian Itrakonazol (Comparative Study of Antifungal Bioavailability from Two Itraconazole Preparations)/Hakim, Lukman (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 228-233 JAUNDICE 791 Gambaran Diagnostik dan Terapi ERCP pada Penderita Ikterus Obstruktif (Diagnostic Illustration and ERCP Therapy on Patient with Icterus Obstructive)/Siregar, Gontar A. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 1-3 792 Perubahan Sonografi Hepar, Vesica Felea, dan Ductus Biliaris pada Penderita Ikterius (Ultrasonography Change on Hepar, Vesica Felea and Ductus Billiaris in Icterus Patient)/Suyono (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 350-353 JAUNDICE, NEONATAL 793 Peranan Bedah Anak pada Neonatus Penderita Ikterus Berkepanjangan (The Role of Pediatric Surgery in Neonatal Patient with Prolonged Jaundice)/Ismael, Chairul.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 52-58 JEJUNUM 794 Iterposisi Jejunum sebagai Rekonstruksi Reseksi Saluran Cerna Atas (Interposition of Jejunum as Reconstruction of Digestive Resection)/Kastomo, Duku R.; Soemardi, Ajoedi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 266-267

JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS 795 Histologi dari Kompleks Jukstaglomerular (The Histology of Juxtaglomerular Complex)/Effendi, Zukesti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 30 (4) 2003: 166-171 KIDNEY 796 Efek Renal Penghambat COX-2 Selektif (Renal Effect of Selective COX-2 Blockers)/ Prodjosudjadi, Wiguno.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 147151 KIDNEY CALCULI 797 Identifikasi dan Penentuan Kadar Kalsium Terlarut dalam Fraksi Air dan Etilasetat dalam Daun Kumis Kucing (Orthoshiphon aristatus) dengan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination and Identification of Calcium Solubility of Kumis Kucing Leaf (Orthoshiphon aristatus) in Water Fraction and Ethyl Asetat Fraction by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)/Kamal, Zainul (et. al.).-Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 567-572 798 Nefrolitiasis pada Ginjal Ektopik Menyilang Terpisah: Laporan Kasus Jarang (Renal Stone on the Crossed Unfused Ectopic Kidney)/Seswandhana, M. Rosadi; Singodimedjo, Prawito.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 4953 799 Pengaruh Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L) dengan pH Tertentu terhadap Batu Saluran Kemih Secara in Vitro (The Effect of Tempuyung/Sonchus arvensis L. in Different pH Conditions toward Kidney Stone in Vitro)/Mulyadi, Sugeng (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 22-30 KIDNEY FAILURE, CHRONIC 800 The Association between Hyperhomocysteinemia and Coronary Artery Diseases in Non-Diabetic End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Regular



Hemodialysis/Hidayat, Syarief (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 9-15 KIDNEY GLOMERULUS 801 Tinjauan Aparatus Yuksta Glomerular Ginjal Manusia (Reviewed of Apparatus Yuxta of Kidney Glomerulus)/Siregar, Marisi H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003: 33-38 KINESIOLOGY, APPLIED 802 Sehat Alami dengan Kinesiologi Sederhana, Efektif, Murah (Healthy by Simple Kinesiology, Cheap and Effective)/Demuth, Elisabeth.-Meridian, 10 (2) 2003: 98-104 KNOWLEDGE 803 Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Ibu Rumah Tangga tentang Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (Knowlegde and Attitude of Mothers about Food Supplement)/Sudiyanto (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 216-219 KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, PRACTICE 804 The Assessing of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice that Influence the Distribution of Malaria Prevalence in Central Java Province, Indonesia/Saikhu, Akhmad; Gilarsi, Titik Respati.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 559-566 805 Elementary Knowledge about Epilepsy among the Patient, their Family and Common People/Husni, Amin.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003 :29-39 806 The Knowledge and Practices Related to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Blitar Municipality, East Java Province/Siswanto; Suparmanto, Paiman.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (1) 2003: 31-42 807 Pengaruh Supplementasi Tablet Besi dan Pendidikan Gizi terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Praktek tentang Anemia dan Kadar Hemoglobin (Hb) pada Remaja Putri (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation and Nutrition Education on the

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Anemia as well as Hemoglobin Level Among Female Student)/Sakti, Hastaning; Rachmawati, Banudari; Rahfiludin, M. Zen.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 24-30 808 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu Bayi/Anak Balita serta Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit ISPA dan Pnemonia (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Mothers and Perception of Communities About Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia)/Notosiswoyo, Mulyono (et. al.).-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 60-71 809 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Wisatawan yang Terinfeksi Malaria tentang Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Malaria (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Travelers who were Infected Malaria on the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria/Kurniawan, Liliana.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 95-103 810 Pola Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Karyawati dalam Fungsi Pemeliharaan Anak di Daerah Industri Jabotabek (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Pattern of Working Women through the Child Care in Industrial Areas of Jabotabek)/Zalbawi, Sunanti; Walyo, Imam.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 26-31 LABOR 811 Efektivitas Misoprostol Rektal 400 ug dan 800 ug dalam Manajemen Aktif Kala III (The Effectiveness of Rectal Misoprostol 400 ug and 800 ug in the Treatment of Third Stage of Labor)/Wiweko, B; Sungkar, A.; Handaja.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 231-234 812 Faktor-faktor Risiko pada Kejadian Partus Lama di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin (Risk Factors Associated with Prolonged Labor in Ulin General Hospital, Banjarmasin)/Soedarto, R.; Djallalluddin.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 171-175



813 Perbandingan Awitan Kerja Ketorolac dengan Terbutalin sebagai Obat Tokolitik pada Persalinan Preterm (The Comparation of Ketorolac and Terbutaline as a Tocolytic Agent in Preterm Labor)/Bhimantoro, F.X.A.; Wibowo, N.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 21-26 LABORATORIES 814 Pelaksanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di Laboratorium (The Implementation of Safe and Healthty Work in the Laboratory)/Tana, Lusianawaty.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 40-46 815 Prinsip-prinsip Cara Berlaboratorium yang Baik (Good Laboratory Practice)/Mulja, Muhammad; Hanwar, Dedi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 3 (2) 2003: 71-76 LABORATORY TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES 816 Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Osteoporosis (Laboratory Examination of Osteoporosis)/Widijanti, Anik; Muchlison, Sony.- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 239-242 LACTIC ACID 817 Pengaruh Kontraksi Isometrik dan Isotonik terhadap Kadar Asam Laktat Darah (The Influence of Isometric and Isotonic Contraction toward the Lactate Concentration in Blood)/Aminudin; Setyawan, Sunarko.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 142-151 LACTOSE 818 Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Piroksikam dengan Menggunakan Laktose sebagai Pembawa (The Influence of Lactose on the Dissolution Rate of Piroxicam)/Diyah, Nuzul Wahyuningsih; Sudono; Moegihardjo.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 58-62 819

Quantitative Analysis of Lactose and Lactulose in Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Intestinal Lactase Activity/Dharmasetiawani, Nani; Suryadi, Herman; Firmansyah, Agus.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 8-12 LACTULOSE 820 Quantitative Analysis of Lactose and Lactulose in Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Intestinal Lactase Activity/Dharmasetiawani, Nani; Suryadi, Herman; Firmansyah, Agus.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 8-12 LAPAROSCOPY 821 Angka Kehamilan Pasca Kistektomi Per Laproskopi pada Kista Endometriosis: Penjahitan Ovarium vs Tanpa Penjahitan Ovarium (Pregnancy Rate After Laparoscopic Cystectomy for Endometriosis Cysts Followed by Suturing the Ovaries Compared to without Suturing the Ovaries)/Ichlas, W.; Witjaksono, J.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 176-178 822 Appendektomi Laparoskopik di Rumah Sakit Kabupaten (Laparoscopic Appendectomy at District Hospital)/Amri, Ihyan.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 53-56 823 Kesesuaian Gambaran Histopatologi Biopsi Lesi Endometriosis dengan Gambaran Visual Laparoskopi (The Compatibility of Histopatologic Diagnosis Compared to Laparoscopy Diagnosis in Endometriosis)/Rumiris, D.; Hadisaputra, W.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 179-181 824 Manfaat Klinis Hasil Kombinasi Terapi Operasi Laparoskopi dengan GnRH Analog pada Penderita Endometriosis: Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trial (The Clinical Benefit of Addition GnRH Analog to Laparoscopic Surgery as Therapy of Endometrosis)/Adiyono W.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 159-166



LAPAROTOMY 825 Evaluasi Akseptor Minilaparotomy di RS Turen, Malang, Jawa Timur (The Evaluation of Minilaparotomy Acceptors in Turen Hospital, Malang, East Java)/Soemartono.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (1) 2003: 43-50 LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 826 Evaluation of Patient with Laryngeal Carcinoma in Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology RSUPNDr. Cipto Mangunkusumo/Hermani, Bambang.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 58-61 LASER SURGERY 827 Surgeon Factor on Laser in Situ Keratomileusis in Low and Moderate Myopia/Istiantoro; Primadina, Nandia.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 148154 LAUNDRY SERVICE, HOSPITAL 828 Hubungan antara Iklim Kerja dengan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja di Bagian Pencucian Rumah Sakit Kota Surabaya (The Assossiation of Work Condition and Health Worker in Laundry Devision, Surabaya Hospital)/Winarko; Mustain; Daryati.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 6-10 LEAD 829 Penentuan Kadar Timbal dan Besi dalam Rambut Sopir Bis Berdasarkan Lamanya Kerja, dengan Metode Sepektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination of Lead and Iron in the Hair of the Bus Driver Based on the Length of Their Services by Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer)/Suswati, Enggar; Sumantri; Kamal, Zainul.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 769-773 830 Uji Toksisitas Mineral Kadmium dan Plumbum Penyebab Penyakit Menggunakan Spektroskopi Serapan Atom (Toxicity Test Using Atomic Microscopy Absorption on Cadmium Mineral and Plumbum Caused of Diseases)/Saibi, Arman.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 146-150

LEAD POISONING 831 Pencemaran Timbal dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan (Lead Exposure and its Effect through Health)/Hardiono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 3-10 LEGIONELLA 832 Legionella in the Cooling Towers in Jakarta/Sjahrurachman, Agus; Nukman, Atrisman; Chatim, Aidilfiet.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 245-249 LEPROSY 833 Multidrug Treatment Multibaciller Leprosy Disease in Gowa Regency/Nawi, Rasdi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 223-227 834 Suplementasi Zat Besi dan Asam Folat pada Penderita Kusta dengan Anemia di RSK Lauleng Pare-Pare (Folic Acid and Iron Supplementation on Leprosy Patient with Anemia at Lauleng Hospital, Pare-Pare)/Mas'ud, Hikmawati; Hartono, Rudy; Asapa, A. Suryanto.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 3-8 LEPTOSPIROSIS 835 Leptospirosis Outbreak Epidemiology Study in Jakarta Metropolis, Indonesia/Simanjuntak, Gindo M. (et. al.).-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 184-195 LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC, ACUTE 836 Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Diagnostic : Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic and Moleculer/Wirawan, Riadi; Dharmayanti, Anti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 33-43 837 Resistensi Obat pada Anak-anak dengan Leukemia Limpoblastik Akut (Drug Resistance in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)/Ugrasena, IDG.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 453-471 LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC, CHRONIC



838 Chronic Lmyphocytic Leukemia Manifested by Steroid ResponsivePolyneuropathy/Rajput, Rajesh (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 27-28 LEUKOCYTE COUNT 839 Hubungan Angka Leukosit pada Infark Miokard Akut dengan Kejadian Cardiac Event selama Dirawat di Rumah Sakit (The Relationship between Leucocyte Count Following Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Event During Hospitalization)/Setianto, S.Y.; Rochmah, W.; Nurohman, A.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 31-37 LEUKORRHEA 840 Akititas Antifungi (Candida albicans) Beberapa Tanaman yang secara Empirik Digunakan sebagai Obat Keputihan (Antifungal Activities of Several Plants by Emphirically Use as Antivaginamycosis Traditional Medicine)/Santosa, Djoko; Purwantini, Indah.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 109-111 LIFE EXPECTANCY 841 Dampak Hiperglikemia terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Penderita Stroke (The Impact of Hyperglycemia through the Life Expectancy on Stroke Patients)/Indiyarti, Riani.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 105-109 842 Ketahanan Hidup Penderita Kanker Serviks di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Jakarta (Survival Rate of Cervical Cancer Patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta)/Sirait, Anna Maria; Soetiarto, Farida; Oemiati, Ratih.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 13-24 LIPIDS 843 Enzim Lipoprotein Lipase Suatu Alternatif Pemeriksaan Gangguan Metabolisme Lemak pada Penderita DM Tipe 2 in Vitro (Lipoprotein Lipase Enzyme as an Alternative Test to Diagnose Lipid Metabolism Disturbances in Diabetes Type

2)/Handayani, Dian (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 58-65 844 Pengaruh Berbagai Variasi Dosis Ekstrak Morinda citrifolia terhadap Kadar Lipid Serum dan Perkembangan Lesi Aterosklerotik pada Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effects of Various Doses of Morinda citrifolia in the Development and Progression of Atherosclerosis Lesion Including the Number of Foam Cells, the Thickness of Abdominal Aortic Wall of Wistar and the Serum Lipid Level)/Kustiyah, Ika; Prasetyo, Awal; Sarjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 193-202 845 Pengaruh Injeksi Inisial Adrenalin dan Diet Kuning Telor terhadap Kadar Lipid, Jumlah Sel Busa dan Ketebalan Dinding Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effect of Initial Adrenalin Injection Intravenously with Egg Yolk Dietary to the Serum Lipid Level Foam Cells and the Thickness of Abdominal Aorta Wall of Wistar)/Prasetyo, Awal; Sarjadi; Pudjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (10) 2003: 37-52 846 Pengaruh Latihan Senam Kesegaran Jasmani, 1996, 1 Set Kali Per Minggu dan 1 Set 3 Kali Per Minggu terhadap Profil Lipid Darah (The Influence of SKJ 1996 One Set a Week and One Set Three Times a Week due to Lipid Profile)/Parwato, I Gusti Lanang Agung.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 7-16 LIPOPROTEINS 847 Enzim Lipoprotein Lipase Suatu Alternatif Pemeriksaan Gangguan Metabolisme Lemak pada Penderita DM Tipe 2 in Vitro (Lipoprotein Lipase Enzyme as an Alternative Test to Diagnose Lipid Metabolism Disturbances in Diabetes Type 2)/Handayani, Dian (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 58-65 848 Peran Lipoprotein pada Aterosklerosis (The Effect of Lipoprotein in Atherosclerosis)/Abdurahman, Nurhay.-- Jakarta:



Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003 : 93-98 LITHOTRIPSY 849 Bakteriuria Pasca Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) di RSUPN-Cipto Mangunkusomo (Bacteriuria After Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital)/Hutagalung, Saut; Rahardjo, Djoko.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 8-13 LIVER ABSCESS 850 Pyogenic Liver Abscess/Igan, Sugitha (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 83-87 LIVER CIRRHOSIS 851 Ligasi Varises Esofagus dengan Gelang Karet Per Endoskopi pada Penderita Sirosis Hepatis Dewasa (Binding Ligation of Esophageal Varices per Endoscopy in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis)/ Nurman, A.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 12-16 LIVER FAILURE 852 Gagal Hati Akut Dini pada Hepatitis B Akut yang Berat (The Early Acute Liver Failure in Patient with Severe Acute Hepatitis B)/Siregar, Gontar A.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 4244 LIVER FUNCTION TESTS 853 Peran Uji Fungsi Hati dalam Membedakan Kolestasis Intrahepatik dan Ekstrahepatik (The Role of Liver Function Test in Distinguishing Intrahepatic from Extrahepatic Cholestasis)/Karyana; Sudaryat S.; Aryasa, Nomor .-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 360-364 LONG QT SYNDROME 854 Long QT Syndrome - A Case Report/Martanto, Erwan (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 109-113 LOW BACK PAIN

855 Nyeri Pinggang pada Pekerja Bagian Produksi Bumbu Makanan di Salah Satu Industri Makanan di Purwakarta dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan (Factors Assossiated with Low Back Pain in the Food Spices Producing Factory Workers in One of the Food Industries in Purwakarta)/Emawati.--Ebers Papyrus, 9 (2) 2003: 71-88 LUNG 856 Dampak Kesehatan Inhalation (et. al.).-23-28

Inhalasi Cat Semprot terhadap Paru (The Impact of Spray Paint toward Lung Health)/Wahyuningsih Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003:

857 Kelainan Paru pada Ketinggian (Lung Anomaly in the Highest)/Febriana, Risa; Yunus, Faisal; Wioyono, Wiwin Heru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 5-10 858 Pengaruh Inhalasi NO2 terhadap Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of NO2 Inhalation toward Lung Health)/Handayani, Diah;Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Haru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 17-22 859 Pengaruh Inhalasi Ozon terhadap Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Ozone Inhalation toward Lung Health)/Susanto, Agus Dwi (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 11-16 860 Pengaruh Inhalasi Sulfur Dioksida terhadap Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Sulfur Oxides Inhalation toward Lung Health)/Munthe, Eva (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 29-33 LUNG DISEASES 861 Oxygen Therapy for Pulmonary Disease/Pramita, Prasna; Rumende, Martin C.; Bahar, Asril.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 42-47 862



Penyakit Paru pada Wisatawan (Lung Diaseases on Tourist)/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 786-790 863 Peran Radikal Bebas terhadap Beberapa Penyakit Paru (The Effect of Free Radicals toward Several Lung Diseases)/Danusantoso, Halim.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 31-36 LUNG DISEASES, OBSTRUCTIVE 864 Patogenesis Reaksi Imunologi pada Tuberkulosis Paru dan Penyakit Obstruktif Menahun serta Peranan Antioksidan (Pathogenesis of Immunological Reaction and the Effect of Antioxidant on Chronical Lung Obstructive Diseases)/Manuhutu, EJ.-- Dexa Media, 16 (4) 2003: 112-118 865 Pencegahan Timbulnya Eksaserbasi Akut pada Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik/PPOK (The Prevention of Acute Exacerbation on Chronic Lung Obstructive Patient)/Helmi, Luthfi; Priyanto, Herry.-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 5-7 866 Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Global Terbaru (The Current Guidence of Global Management in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)/Babar, Asri.-Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 34-46 867 Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Menahun (PPOM) dan Aspek Klinisnya di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan (Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases and its Clinical Aspect in Internal Medicine Ward H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan)/Zein, Umar; Tanjung, Azhar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 119-112 LUNG NEOPLASMS 868 Mekanisme Non-P-Glycoprotein Multidrug Resistance (Non P-gP MDR) dan Faktor yang Terlibat pada Proses Resistensi Sel Kanker Paru (The Mechanism of Non-P-Glycoprotein Multidrug Resistance and Factors Influenced in

Resistancy Proccess on Lung Cancer Cell)/Syahruddin, Elisna.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 93-98 LYMPHOMA, NON-HODGKIN 869 Limfoma Non Hodgkin pada Dasar Lidah (NonHodgkin Lymphoma on Tongue Floor)/Hafni.-Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 24-27 MACROPHAGES 870 Pengaruh Calcitriol terhadap Aktivitas Makrofag Manusia dengan Candida albicans (The Effect of Calcitriol on the Activity of Human Macrophage Stimulated by Candida albicans)/Rintiswati, Ning (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 1722 MAGNESIUM 871 Pengaruh Kadar Elektrolit Darah terhadap Keberhasilan Terminasi Takikardi Atrial Paroksismal (TAP) dengan Magnesium Sulfat (The Effect of Blood Electrolite Level through the Successful of Paroxysmal Arterial Tachycardia Termination Using Magnesium Sulfate)/Sugiri.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 203-208 872 Peranan Magnesium pada Asma (The Effect of Magnesium on Asthma)/Harsono, Bambang Irawan; Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 46-50 873 Status Mineral Seng dan Magnesium pada Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Status of Zinc Mineral and Magnesium on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Albertus, Jacobus; Djokomoeljanto, R.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 291297 MAGNESIUM SULFATE 874 Intracellular Calcium and Magnesium Level in Essential Hypertension Patients/Soelaeman, H.M. Rachmat.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 19-23 MALARIA



875 Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat terhadap Kejadian Malaria Pulau Kapoposang, Kabupaten Pangkajene Kepulauan Tahun 2003 (The Analysis of Community Atittudethrough the Insidence of Malaria in Kapoposang Island, Pangkajene by the Year 2003)/Arsin, A. Arsunan (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 762-768 876 Analysis of Malaria Incidence, Attitude, and Rainfall a Study in the Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) District, West Timor, Indonesia/Ndoen, Ermi; Gilarsi, Titik Respati.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 631-641 877 Aspek Perilaku Penduduk Daerah Endemis Malaria di Desa Hargowilis, Kecamatan Kokap, Kulonprogo D.I. Yogyakarta (Aspects of Community Behavior on Malaria Endemic Areas in Hargowillis Village, Kokap Sub District, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta)/Santoso, Siti Sapardiyah; Priskarini.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 1-9 878 The Assessing of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice that Influence the Distribution of Malaria Prevalence in Central Java Province, Indonesia/Saikhu, Akhmad; Gilarsi, Titik Respati.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 559-566 879 Crebral Malaria II. The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor in ITS Pathogenesis/Sri Hidajati BS.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 157-165 880 Fauna Anopheles dan Jenis yang Menjadi Vektor Malaria di Desa Sekitar Kawasan Candi Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah (Anopheles and Malaria Vector in the Villages Around Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java)/Boesri, Hasan (et. al.).-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 46-50 881 Korelasi Kepadatan Populasi An. barbirostris dengan Prevalensi Malaria di Kecamatan Cineam, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya (The Correlation of An.

barbirostris Population Density and Malaria Prevalence in Cineam Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya)/Munir, Amrul; Sudomo, S.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 20-28 882 Laporan Kasus Malaria di RSU FK UKI (Report of Malaria Cases inGeneral Hospital of Medical Faculty, Indonesia Christian University)/Simanjuntak, Leopold; Yulia, Ana.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 22-29 883 Malaria and Anopheles spp in the Villages of Salubarana and Kadaila, Mamuju District, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia/Nurdin, Armyn (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 252-258 884 Malaria Impor di Bagian Parasitologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Jakarta (Imported Malaria in the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta)/Sutjahjono, Rawina W.; Sutanto, Inge; Astuty, Hendri.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 132-135 885 Medan Diduga Daerah Endemik Malaria (Medan is Suspected as an Areas of Endemic Malaria)/ Zein, Umar (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara , 36 (2) 2003 :48-52 886 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Wisatawan yang Terinfeksi Malaria tentang Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Malaria (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Travelers who were Infected Malaria on the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria/Kurniawan, Liliana.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 95-103 887 Peningkatan Kasus Malaria di Pulau Jawa, Kepulauan Seribu dan Lampung (Increasing of Malaria Cases in Java, Kepulauan Seribu and Lampung)/Marwoto, Harijani; Sulaksono, Sekar Tuti E..--Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 38-47



888 Penyemprotan Insektisida pada Kandang Sapi dan Kerbau untuk Pemberantasan Malaria (Insecticides Spraying in Cattle Shelters to Prevent Malaria)/Barodji.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 419-424 889 Radikal Bebas Nitrogen Oksida dan Peranannya pada Berbagai Stadium Malaria di Mencit (Nitric Oxide Free Radical and its Role in Malaria Infected Mice)/Astuti, Hendri; Sutanto, Inge.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 381-387 MALARIA, CEREBRAL 890 Cerebral Malaria (I) : The Role of Adhesion Molecules in its Pathogenesis/Sri Hidajati BS.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 94-101 MALATHION 891 Uji Resisteni Nyamuk Aedes aegypti terhadap Malation di Kota Bandung (Resistance Test of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes to Malathion in Bandung Municipality)/Sulianti, Ambar; Agoes, Ridad.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 104-109 MANDIBULAR DISEASES 892 Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keluhan Akut pada Impaksi Molar 3 Bawah (Several Factors which Might Influence the Acute Symptoms on Impacted Mandibular Third Molars)/Chumaeroh, Siti.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 11-16 MANDIBULAR FRACTURES 893 Komparasi Uji Biomekanik SNT Plate dengan Double Miniplate pada Fraktur Vertikal Korpus Mandibula (Comparison of Biomechanical Test between SNT Plate and Doubled Miniplate in Vertical Fracture of the Mandibular Body)/Reksoprawiro, Sunarto; Heriawan, Moch. Arif.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 50-53 MASKS 894

Peranan Penggunaan Masker untuk Mengurangi Risiko Infeksi Saluran Nafas pada Jammah Haji (The Effects of Using Face Mask to Decrease of Respiratory Tract Infection Risk on Pilgrim Haj)/ Zein, Umar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 151-154 MATERNAL WELFARE 895 Manfaat Riset Kesehatan Maternal (The Adventage of Maternal Health Research)/Malonda, Benny Ferdy.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 450-458 MAXILLARY SINUS 896 Pendekatan Teknik Caldwell-Luc dengan Bantuan Endoskopi pada Penanganan Polip Sinus Maksila (Caldwell-Luc Technical Approach with Endoscopy Support in the Management of Polyp on Maxillary Sinus)/Herwanto, Yusra; Munir, Delfitri.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 44-48 MAXILLOFACIAL PROSTHESIS 897 U-shape Spring Obturator Unites Upper and Lower Removable Dentures/Dharmautama, Mohammad; Jubhari, Eri H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 61-63 MEASLES 898 Faktor Lingkungan yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Campak pada Balita di Kabupaten Serang pada Tahun 1999-2000 (Environmental Factor in Connection with Measles to Children Under Five Years Old in Serang Regency, Year 1999-200)/Salma M. Padri H.-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 196-205 MEDIASTINAL EMPHYSEMA 899 Pneumomediastinum/Sari, Agnes Yunie Purwita; Naning, Roni; Setyati, Amalia.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 332-336 MEDICAL RECORDS COMPUTERIZED 900 SYSTEMS,



Computer-aided Data Management of Digital Dental Patients Records/Utomo, Haryono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 18-22 MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL 901 Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Obat Tradisional dalam Pengobatan Sendiri di Indonesia (Factors Related to the Use of Traditional Medicine on Self-Medication in Indonesia)/Supardi, Sudibyo; Jamal, Sarjaini; Loupatty, Agness M.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 25-32 902 Daya Laktagogum Jamu Uyup-Uyup dan Ekstrak Daun Katu (Sauropus androgynus Merr) pada Fladula Ingluvica Merpati (Lactagogue Effect of Uyup-Uyup (Traditional Medicine) and Sauropus androgynus Merr Extract on Pigeon Ingluvies Glands)/Sari, Ika Puspita.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 265-269 903 Obat Tradisional untuk Penyakit Tekanan Darah Tinggi dari Pengobatan Tradisional (Battra) di DKI Jakarta, D.I. Yogyakarta dan Surabaya (Traditional Drugs for Hypertension in Traditional Medicine in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Santoso, Siti Sapardiyah; Suharjo.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 6-13 904 Penggunaan Obat Tradisional Buatan Pabrik dalam Pengobatan Sendiri di Indonesia (The Usage of Manufactured Traditional Medicine for Self Medication in Indonesia)/Supardi, Sudibyo; Nurhadiyanto, Feby; Eng, Sabarijah Witto.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 136-141 905 Potensi Mahkotadewa sebagai Obat Tradisional (The Potency of Mahkota Dewa as a Traditional Medicine)/Harmanto, Ning.-- Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa,1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 906 Sitotoksisitas Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. dan Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I. terhadap Beberapa Sel

Kanker Manusia (in Vitro) dengan Metoda SRB. (Cytotoxic Effect on Human Cancer Cell Using SRB Method (in Vitro) Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. and Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I.)/Mae Sri Hartati W. (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 197-201 MELATONIN 907 Melatonin dan Sistem Fotoneuroendokrin (Melatonin and Photoneuroendocrine System)/Ma'ruf, Anwar.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 185-193 MEMORY 908 Memory: Where and How Memories Stored ?/Hanafi, Mohammad.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 86-93 909 Pengaruh Pemberian Alkohol Secara Kronis terhadap Memori pada Tikus: Rattus norvegicus (The Influence of Chronic Alcohol Treatment on Memory of the Rats : Rattus norvegicus)/Makiyah, Sri Nabawiyati Nurul; Aswin, Soedjono; Soesatyo, Marsetyawan HNE.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 1-8 MEMORY DISORDERS 910 Stress Fungsional dapat Menjadi Salah Satu Faktor Pemicu Hilangnya Memori ? (Functional Stress Could be an Cause Factor due to Memory Disorder)/Mas'ud, Ibnu.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 21-26 MENARCHE 911 Age at Menarche in Indonesia/Hendrawati, LD.; Josef Glinka SVD.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 18-21 MENINGITIS 912 Kemajuan dalam Pengembangan Vaksin terhadap Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan dan Meningitis (The Advantage in Vaccine Development Against Respiratory Tract Infection and Meningitis)/Isbagio, Dyah Widyaningroem.--



Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 32-37 MENOPAUSE 913 Fitoestrogen untuk Wanita Menopause (Phytoestrogen for Menopause Women)/Achadiat, Chrisdiono M.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 406-410 914 Risks and Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women/Noerpramana, NP.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003 : 65-74 915 Salivary Flow Difference between Pre and Post Menopause Women/Hikmah, Nurul; Djamhari, Mintarsih; Hadi, Priyo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 74-76 916 The Use of 17 Betha Estradiol Gel and Progestogen Tablet for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in Menopause/Baziad, Ali.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 194-198 MENTAL HEALTH 917 Kasus Jiwa Anak pada Semua Sekolah (TK s.d SLTA) di Kota Industri : Kalimantan (The Cases of Mental Child in All Elementary School at Industrial City : Kalimantan)/Wrsiki, Endang (et. al.).--Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 119-134 918 Pemeriksaan Status Mental Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana Alam Tanah Longsor di Desa Kemanukan Kecamatan Bagelen Kabupaten Purworejo Jawa Tengah (The Examination of the Community Mental Status of Disaster Victims at Kemanukana Village, Bagelen Subdistrict, Purworejo, Central Java)/Sri Idaiani M.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 33-46 919 Upacara Kematian Rambu Solo (Toraja) dalam Kaitannya dengan Kesehatan Jiwa (Rambu Solo Burial Ceremony its Related with Mental

Health)/Pepayungan, Diana.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 67-83 MENTAL RETARDATION 920 Frekuensi Fragile-X pada Anak-anak Retardasi Mental di Kecamatan Semin, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, D.I. Yogyakarta (Fragile-X Frequence on Metal Retardation Children at Semin Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta)/Faradz, Sultan MH. (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 185-191 MERCURY POISONING 921 Toksisitas Merkuri dan Peristiwa Minamata (Mercury Toxicity and the Incidence of Minamata)/ Ryadi, Slamet.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 11-14 METALS, HEAVY 922 Penentuan Kadar Fe, Zn, Se, dan Cr dengan Analisis Pengaktifan Neutron (Determination of Fe, Zn, Se and Cr Level by Neutron Activity Analysis)/Kamal, Zainul (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 691-695 METHANOL 923 Aktivitas Anti-Radikal Bebas DPPH Fraksi Metanol Fagraea auriculata dan Fagraea ceilanica (The Activity of Anti Free Radical of Fagraea auriculata and Fagraea ceilanica)/Hafid, Achmad Fuad.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 3439 924 Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Antipiretik Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calmus L) pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Antiinflamation and Antipyretic of Acorus calmus L. Methanol Extract on White Mice)/Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 14-18 925 Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Metanol Herba Ageratum conyzolders L. pada Kultur Sel Mieloma Mencit (The Cytotoxic Activity Test of



Methanol of Ageratum conyzolders L. Extract in Myeloma Cell Culture of Mice)/Puspitasari, Hanni Prihastuti;Widyawaruyanti, Aty.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 93-95 MICRONUTRIENTS 926 Review and Clinical Experience: The Roles of Micronutrients in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (Focus on Chromium and Specific Nutrients)/Tjokroprawiro, Askandar.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 234-241 MICROTUBULES 927 Efek Vinkristin terhadap Mikrotubul Sel Spermatosit dan Spermatozoa (The Effect of Vincristine through Microtubule of Spermatozoa Cells)/Karyadi, Bhakti;Asiah M.D.; Sumitro, Sutiman B.--Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 220-222 MIGRAINE 928 Pemanfaatan Akupuntur pada Pengobatan Migrain (The Effect of Acupuncture Therapy in Migraine)/Budiarto, Hartono; Saputro, Koosnadi.- Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 42-46 MILK 929 The Average Saliva pH Level after Consuming Fresh Cow Milk, Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Soybean Milk/Sulistiyani; Pradopo, Seno.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 4-6 930 Jumlah Kuman dan Coliform pada Air Susu Sapi di Peternakan Ong Desa Mangunsari Kecamatan Gunungpati (The Amount of Coliform Bacteria in Cow Milk which Yielded by Ong Ranch at Mangunsari Village, Gunungpati Subdistrict)/Sulistiyani; Martini; Wahyuni, Novita.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 68-71 931 Peptida Antibakterial dari Susu Sapi (Antibacterial Peptide from Cow's Milk)/Naim, Rochman.--Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 573-574 MINING

932 Perlindungan Radiologis bagi Pekerja Tambang (Radiological Cover due to Mine Workers)/ Akhadi, Mukhlis.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 337-342 MISOPROSTOL 933 Efektivitas Misoprostol Rektal 400 ug dan 800 ug dalam Manajemen Aktif Kala III (The Effectiveness of Rectal Misoprostol 400 ug and 800 ug in the Treatment of Third Stage of Labor)/Wiweko, B; Sungkar, A.; Handaja.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 231-234 MITOCHONDRIA 934 Peningkatan Jumlah Mitokondria pada Otot Skelet Tikus Akibat Pengaruh Latihan Anaerobik Interval (Increasing the Number of Mitochondria on Skeletal Muscle Caused by Anaerobic Interval Training)/Siswantoyo.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 101-108 MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE 935 Hyperventilation Syndrome and Risk of Mitral Valve Prolapse/Widiastuti-Samekto, M.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 179-83 MORBIDITY 936 Pembuatan Formularium Nasional Berdasarkan Data Morbibiditas Rumah Sakit (Developing the National Formulary Based on Hospital Morbidity Record) /Kumolosasi, Endang; Sastramihardja; Yulinah, Elin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 172-178 937 Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan, Monitoring, dan Perawatan Ibu Pascapersalinan terhadap Kejadian Morbiditas di Kabupaten Sidoarjo dan Lamongan Jawa Timur (The Influence of Health Education, Monitoring, Care of Mother on Incidence of Maternal Morbidity in Sidoardjo and Lamongan District, East Java Province)/Sustini, Florentina; Andajani, Susilowati; Marsudiningsih, Addy.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 72-82 938



Safe Pregnancy and Delivery Package in Effort to Reduce Maternal Morbidity/Rochjati, Poedji (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 116122 939 Studi Morbiditas - Disabilitas SKRT 2001 (Morbidity and Disability Study NHHS 2001)/Pradono, J. (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 132-142 940 Survei Morbiditas dan Implikasi Biaya Obat pada Penduduk Miskin di 3 Desa di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang 1999 (Morbidity Survey and Drug Expenses Implication at Poor Community in Three Villages in Singosari Sub District, Malang)/Dalianto, Tety Rachmawati; Angkasawati, Tri Juni.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 17-23 MORTALITY 941 Perjalanan Transisi Epidemiologi di Indonesia dan Implikasi Penanganan Studi Mortalitas Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga, 1986-2001 (Epidemiological Transition in Indonesia and its Management Implication : Mortality Study Household Survey, 1986-2001)/Djaja, Sarimawar; Soemantri, S.; Irianto, Joko.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 119-131 MOSQUITO CONTROL 942 Perilaku Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Berkaitan dengan Penggunaan Ovitrap di DKI Jakarta (Aedes aegypti Behavior Associated with Ovitrap Usage in Jakarta)/Hasyimi, M.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13(4) 2003: 54-57 MOTOR ACTIVITY 943 Pengaruh Pemberian Oral Infus Suatu Jamur Panaeolus terhadap Aktivitas Motorik dan Rasa Ingin Tahu Mencit Jantan (Effect of Oral Administration of Nushroom Panaeolus Infusion on Motoric Activity and Curiousity of Male Mice)/Soemardji, Andreanus A.; Supradja, IG.N.A.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 182187

MOUTH 944 Avoiding Bad Mouth Odor of Denture Wearer by Consuming Dietary Fiber/Soeprapto, H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 95-97 945 Karsinoma Sel Skuamus Rongga Mulut : Ditinjau Secara Epidemiologi Lingkungan dan Sosial (Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mouth Cavity : Review by Social and Environment Epidemiologist)/ Pratiwi, Niniek L.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 246-250 MOYAMOYA DISEASE 946 Penyakit Moyamoya Disease)/Japardi, Iskandar.-Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 17-19


(Moyamoya Kedokter.

MULTIPLE MYELOMA 947 Mieloma Multiple dengan Peningkatan Hemoglobin dan Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP (Multiple Myeloma with Increased of HB and Alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP)/Widijanti, Anik; Hermayanti, Diah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 428-430 MUSCLE, SKELETAL 948 Peningkatan Jumlah Mitokondria pada Otot Skelet Tikus Akibat Pengaruh Latihan Anaerobik Interval (Increasing the Number of Mitochondria on Skeletal Muscle Caused by Anaerobic Interval Training)/Siswantoyo.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 101-108 MUSCLE, SMOOTH 949 Persarafan pada Otot Polos (Nerves in Smooth Muscle)/Irmawati, Anis; Effendi, Choesnan.-Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 132-141 MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS 950 Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis a Molecular Perspective/Simon, Sumanto; Listiawan, Ingriani.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 360-364



951 Molecular Based Detection for Drug Resistence in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/Simon, Sumanto; Listiawan, Ingrian.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 259-265 952 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Adanya Infeksi HIV : Human Immuno Deficiency Virus pada Manusia (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and its Influence toward Human Immunodeficiency Virus on Human)/Girsang, Merryani.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 48-53 MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE 953 Peranan Infeksi Chlamydia pneumoniae dan Mycoplasma pneumoniae terhadap Eksaserbasi Asma (The Effect of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection due to Exacerbation Asthma)/Melintira, Ira; Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 12-18 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION 954 Clinical Manifestation of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly/Suryadipradja, Miftah (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 229-235 955 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Infark Miokard Akut (IMS) dengan Kegagalan Fibrinolitik (Diagnostic and Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) with Fribrinolytic Failure)/ Soerianata, Sunarya; Sanjaya, William.-Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 652-655 956 Hubungan Angka Leukosit pada Infark Miokard Akut dengan Kejadian Cardiac Event selama Dirawat di Rumah Sakit (The Relationship between Leucocyte Count Following Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Event During Hospitalization)/Setianto, S.Y.; Rochmah, W.; Nurohman, A.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 31-37 957

Patofisiologi Aritmia pada Infark Miokard Akut (The Phatophysiological of Arrhythmia in Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Makmun, Lukman H.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 1-13 958 Peran SSRI pada Depresi Pasca Infark Miokard Akut (The Role of SSRI on Depression in Post Acute Myocardial Infarction)/Shatri, Hamzah.-Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 131-140 959 Peranan Sel Stem pada Infark Miokard (The Role of Stem Cell on Myocardial Infarction)/Ramelan, Wahyuning.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 119-123 MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA 960 Detecting Myocardiac Ischemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with and without Pediatric Abnormalities Using Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography and Influencing Factors/ Setyani, Istika; Makmun, Lukman H.; Waspadji, Sarwono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 119124 MYOGLOBIN 961 Kadar Mioglobin, C-reactive Protein dan Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Level of Myoglobin, CRP and PAPP-A on Heart Coronary Artery Diseases Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Coronary Intervention : Preliminary Study)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.--Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 404-408 MYOPIA 962 Surgeon Factor on Laser in Situ Keratomileusis in Low and Moderate Myopia/Istiantoro; Primadina, Nandia.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 148154 NASAL MUCOSA



963 Penurunan Jumlah Eosinofil Mukosa Hidung sebagai Indikator Praktis bagi Efektivitas Pengobatan Rinitis Alergi (The Reduction of Eosinophil Count of Nasal Mucous Membrane Can be Used as an Indicator for the Efficacy of Treatment in Allergic Rhinitis)/Madiadipoera, Teti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung , 35 (2) 2003: 6976 NASAL POLYPS 964 Peranan Infeksi dan Inflamasi pada Polip Nasi (The Impact of Inflammation and Infection on Nasal Polyp)/Irawati, Nina.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 49-52 NASOPHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 965 Dosis Pasien Penderita Kanker Payudara dan Nasofaring : Sebuah Studi pada Radioterapi Eksternal dengan Pesawat Teleterapi Co-60 (Radiotherapy Dosage toward Nasopharyngeal and Breast Cancer Patients : A Study of External Radiotherapy Using Teletherapy Co-60)/Nasukha (et. al.).--Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 355-358 NATURAL DISASTERS 966 Profil Penanganan Kesehatan Selama dan Sesudah Banjir di Jakarta (Health Management Profile During and After Floods in Jakarta)/Kusumaratna, Rina K.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 92-98 NECK 967 Individualised Dose of Gentamycilin Based on Clinical Pharmacokinetics: A Study of Prophycylactic Antibiotic Usage in Head and Neck Sugery/Reksoprawiro, Sunarto; Hartono, Ruddy; Sjamsiah, Siti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 188-194 NECROSIS 968 Apoptosis dan Nekrosis pada Berbagai Selularitas Sumsum Tulang : Studi pada Aspirat Sumsum Tulang dan Penderita dengan Gangguan Hematopoisis (Apoptosis and Necrosis AT Various Marrow Cellularity Study at Marrow

Aspirate from Patient with Hematopoietic Disorders)/ Widjajanto, Edi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 32-36 969 Crebral Malaria II. The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor in ITS Pathogenesis/Sri Hidajati BS.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 157-165 NEONATAL NURSING 970 Masalah Trombositopenia pada Usia Neonatal (The Problem of Thrombocytopenia on Neonatal Age)/Soemantri Ag.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 59-63 971 Perawatan Antenatal (Antenatal Care)/Hanafiah, T.M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 61-64 NEOPLASMS 972 Analysis of Gene Expression Pattern in Human Cancer Using DNA Microarrays/Syam, Ari Fahrial.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 49-51 973 Mengenal Lebih Dekat Biologi Molekular Sel Kanker (Knowing the Molecular Biological of Cancer Cell)/Hudoyo, Ahmad.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 99-104 974 Risk Assessment of Cancer Risks from Arsenic/Gilarsi, Titik Respati.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 714-718 975 Sitotoksisitas Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. dan Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I. terhadap Beberapa Sel Kanker Manusia (in Vitro) dengan Metoda SRB. (Cytotoxic Effect on Human Cancer Cell Using SRB Method (in Vitro) Rimpang Temu Mangga/Curcuma Mangga Val. & V. Zijp. and Kunir Putih/Curcuma zedoaria I.)/Mae Sri Hartati W. (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 197-201 976



Tanaman Obat untuk Pengobatan Kanker (Medicinal Plants for Cancer Therapy)/Suprapto, Ma'at.--J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 146150 977 Teh Hijau sebagai Pencegah Kanker? (Green Tea as a Preventive Agentto Cancer)/Naim, Rochman.-- Medika, 29 (6)2003: 384-388 978 Terapi Kanker dengan Partikel Alfa (The Cancer Therapy by Alpha Particle)/Akhadi, Mukhlis.-Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 268-272 NEPHROSTOMY, PERCUTANEOUS 979 Peran Nefrostomi Perkutan dalam Penanganan Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut (The Effcet of Percutaneous Nephrostomy in the Management of Cervix Cancer)/Fernandi, Rasjidi I. (et. al.).--Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 254-258 NERVOUS SYSTEM 980 Persarafan pada Otot Polos (Nerves in Smooth Muscle)/Irmawati, Anis; Effendi, Choesnan.-Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 132-141 NEUROSCIENCES 981 Tinjauan Neuroscience Terapi pada Akupunktur Stroke (Review on Neuroscience Therapy in Acupuncture Stroke)/Sunaryo, Utoyo; Saputro, Koosnadi.-- Meridian, 10 (1) 2003: 22-23 NIFEDIPINE 982 Tokolisis and Nifedipin/Japar, B.; Wikjosantrao, G.H.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 38-44 983 Uji Q20 (=80 %) pada Tablet Nifedipin 10 mg yang Beredar (Q20 (=80 %) Test in 10 mg Nifedipine Tablet Distributed)/Moegiharjo;Wijaya, I Nyoman I.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 3 (2) 2003: 47-54 NITRIC ACID 984

Radikal Bebas Nitrogen Oksida dan Peranannya pada Berbagai Stadium Malaria di Mencit (Nitric Oxide Free Radical and its Role in Malaria Infected Mice)/Astuti, Hendri; Sutanto, Inge.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 381-387 NITRIC OXIDE 985 Tetrahidrobiopterin sebagai Kofaktor Pembentukan Oksida Nitrat pada Fungsi Endotel (Tetrahydrabiopterin as Co-factor toward Nitric Oxide Formation in Endothelial Function)/ Sargowo, Djanggan.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 575578 NURSES 986 Analisis Kepuasan kerja Tenaga Keperawatan di Ruang Rawat Inap RS X Depok, 2002 (The Satisfied Analysis of Nurse at Inpatient Ward of X Hospital Depok. 2002)/Wahyuni, Woro Endah; Simanjuntak, Saida.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 78-86 987 Jenjang Karir Tenaga Keperawatan (Level of Nurses Carrier)/Wardhani, Astuti Sri; Simanjuntak, Saida.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 53-57 988 Mobilitas Karir Ners di RS Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (The Mobility of Nurses Career at Harapan Kita Hospital)/Triwulan, Tetty.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 59-66 NUTRITION 989 Gizi pada Masa Kehamilan: Nutrisi Janin Kaitannya dengan Penyakit pada Masa Dewasa (Nutrition in Pregnancy: Fetal Nutrition in Association with Adult Disease)/Sayogo, Savitri.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 329-333 NUTRITION DISORDERS 990 The Effects of Zinc Supplementation on the TNFAlpha Profile and Diarrhea in Severly Malnourished Children of Low Income



Family/As'ad, Suryani; Yusuf, Irawa.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 247-251 NUTRITIONAL STATUS 991 Dampak Kasus Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) Akibat Krisis Ekonomi 1997 terhadap Pola Konsumsi dan Status Gizi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Semarang (The Impact of Job Discharge Caused by Economic Crisis in 1997 through the Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status on Elementary School Children in Semarang)/Suyanto.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 61-67 992 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Gizi Anak Umur 6-36 Bulan sebelum dan Saat Krisis Ekonomi di Jawa Tengah (Nutritional Status of Children Aged 3-36 Months before and During Economic Crisis and Related to Nutritional Status in Central Java)/Tarigan, Ingan Ukur.--Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 1-12 993 Hubungan Higiene Personal & Lingkungan, Kejadian Infeksi dengan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi dan Status Gizi Anak SD (Anak Baru Masuk Sekolah) di Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah (The Association between Environment and Personal Hygiene through the Infection on Elementary School Children with Good Nutrition Status in Kendal, Central Java)/Fatimah, Siti; Murjazuli; Martini.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 56-60 994 Nutritional Status after Electric Major Surgery/Widjanarko, Jasin; Lalisang, Toar JM.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 95-99 995 Status Gizi Antropometrik Anak Usia 7-12 Tahun di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Status of Anthropometrics Nutritional of D.I. Yogyakarta Children 7-12 Aged)/Rahmawati, Neni Trilusiana; Hastuti, Janatin.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 39-47 996

Status Gizi Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) dan Balita di Indonesia Menurut Data SKRT 2001 (Nutritional Status on Fertility Women and Underfive Children Based on SKRT 2001 Data)/Bisara, Dina; Supraptini; Afifah, Tin.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (3) 2003: 143-154 NUTRITIVE VALUE 997 Produksi dan Nilai Nutrisi Hijauan Jagung Manis (Zea mays Saccharata) dengan Pemupukan Fosfat dan Inokulasi Mikoriza pada Kondisi Tanah Berbeda (Production and Nutritive Value of Zea mays Saccharata with Phosphorus Fertilization and Mycorrhiza Inoculation in the Different Soil Condition)/Lukiwati, Dwi Retno; Simanungkalit.- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 168174 OBESITY 998 Penurunan Kemampuan Toleransi Glukosa Oral pada Remaja Obes Primer (Decrease of Oral Glucose Tolerance Capability in Primary Obese Adolescents)/Pribadi, Argo (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 8-13 999 Risk for Developing Hypertension in Obese Adolescents/Aminuddin (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 208-212 1000 The Tale of Obesity: Challenges and Solutions/Halim, Samuel.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 53-62 OBSTETRICS 1001 Beberapa Isu Bioetika dalam Obstetri dan Ginekologi (Some Bioetichal Issu in Gynecology and Obstetry)/Hanafiah, M. Jusuf.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 135-140 1002 Dampak Kemajuan Teknologi di Bidang Obstetri dan Ginekologi (The Impact of Technology Development in Obstetry and Gynecology)/Prabowo, R. Prajitno.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 201-205



1003 Psikoneuroimunologi dalam Bidang Obsteri dan Ginekologi (Psychoneuroimmunology in Obstetry and Gynecology)/Dalono, J.B.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 206-215 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES 1004 Asma Akibat Kerja (Occupational Asthma)/Karjadi, Teguh H.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 23-26 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 1005 Pelaksanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di Laboratorium (The Implementation of Safe and Healthty Work in the Laboratory)/Tana, Lusianawaty.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 40-46 ODONTOGENIC CYSTS 1006 Reaksi DTH pada Kerusakan Tulang Rahang Akibat Infeksi Odontogen (DTH Reaction on Jawbone Tissue Damaged Caused of Odontogenic Infection)/Mooduto, Latief.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 162-173 OILS, VOLATILE 1007 Isolasi dan Identifikasi serta Uji Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri dari Rimpang Kunyit Atsiri dari Rimpang Kunyit Putih/Kaempferia rotunda L. (Identification, Isolation and Antibacterial Test of Turmeric Volatile Oil and Kaempferia rotunda L. Volatile Oil)/Taty Rusliati R.; Djamil, Ratna.-Jakarta : Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 111-113 1008 Komposisi Kimia dan Efek Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Buah Gedebong/Piper aduncum L. (Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil of Gedebong Berries/Piper aduncum L.)/Jamal, Yuliasri; Agusta, Andria; Praptiwi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 284-289 1009

Pengaruh Beberapa Tingkat Dosis Pupuk Organik dan Tiga Jenis Tanah pada Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Minyak Atsiri Ketumbar/Cariandrum sativum L. (The Effect of Soil Type and Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Volatile Oil Content of Cariandrum sativum L.)/Widyastuti, Yuli; Sugiarso, Sugeng.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 105-108 OLEIC ACIDS 1010 Fermentasi Fed-Batch pada Produksi Plastik Mudah Terurai Poli (3-Hidoksutirat) dari Oleat (Fed-Batch Fermentation on Production of a Biodegradable Plastic Poly (3-Hydroxybutvrate) from Oleic Acid)/Djaman, Akmal; Majid, Mohammed Isa Abdul.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 256-264 ORAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES 1011 Haemotologic Consideration in the Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases/Pramono, Coen.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 26-29 ORTHODONTICS 1012 The Relationship between Mesiodistal Canine with and Movement Distance of Canine in Orthodontic Extraction Cases/Suwarni, H. Andono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 114116 ORTHOPEDICS 1013 Korelasi Faktor-faktor Resiko Terjadinya Trombosis Vena Dalam dengan Operasi Ortopedi Resiko Tinggi (The Correlation between the Incidens of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Type of High Risk Orthopaedic Surgery)/Hardjosworo S.A.; Tobing, S.A. Dohar L.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 46-50 OSTEOARTHRITIS 1014 Depresi pada Pasien Osteoartritis Usia Lanjut (Depression on Elderly Patient with Osteoarteritis)/ Surilena.-- Jiwa, 36(1) 2003: 8595 OSTEOCHONDROMA



1015 Transformasi Maligna pada Osteokondroma Multipel Herediter (Malignant Transformation in Multiple Hereditary Osteochondroma)/Hutagalung, EU. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 334-339 OSTEOMYELITIS 1016 Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik sebagai Terapi Suportif pada Osteomyelitis Kronis pada Rahang (Hyperbaric Oxygenation as a Supportive Therapy on Chronic Osteomyelitis in Jawbone)/ Prameswari, Noengki; Laihad, Fanny M.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 166-173 OSTEOPOROSIS 1017 How to Prevent Vertebral Fractures in Osteoporotic Patients/Reksoprodjo, Soelarto.-Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 1-5 1018 Management of Upper Extremity Fracture in Osteoporosis/Hadi, Syaiful Anwar.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 16-23 1019 Osteoporosis : Pencegahan Dini melalui Makanan (Osteoporosis : The Early Prevention by Food Management)/Siagian, Albiner; Aritonang, Evawany.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 20-22 1020 Osteoporosis Akibat Glukokortikoid (Osteoporosis Caused by Glucocorticoids)/Sanusi, Harsinen.--Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 34-40 1021 Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Osteoporosis (Laboratory Examination of Osteoporosis)/Widijanti, Anik; Muchlison, Sony.- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 239-242 1022 Penaksiran Osteporosis dengan Analisis Tekstur Foto Sinar-X Femur Proksimal (Osteoporosis Assessment Using Texture Analysis of Proximal

Femur Radiographs)/Mengko, Titi R. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 149-154 1023 Peran Rehabilitasi Medik pada Osteoporosis (The Role of Medical Rehabilitation of Osteoporosis)/ Tulaar, Angela B.M.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 216-224 1024 Surgical Stabilization in Osteoporotic Bone/Hutagalung, Errol Untung.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 34-37 OSTEOSARCOMA 1025 Periosteal Osteosarcoma a Case Report/Hutagalung, Errol U. (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 166-170 OXIDATIVE STRESS 1026 Bawang Pre (Allium fistulosum L.) dan Metabolisme: II. Kemampuan Sari Air Bawang Pre dalam Melindungi Sel Darah Merah terhadap Stres Oksidatif In Vitro (Leek (Allium fistulosum Linn) and Metabolism: II. Leek Juice Protect Directly Sheep Red Blood Cells from an In Vitro Oxidative Stress)/Sadikin, Mohamad (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 439-443 1027 Oxidative Stress in Physical Exercise/Harjanto.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 123-128 1028 Patogenesis, Diagnosis Dini dan Peran Proses Oksidatif pada Perkembangan Penyakit Kardiovaskular (The Early Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Oxidative Process Role in Cardiovascular Diseases)/Suryadipraja, R. Miftah.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 78-81 OXYGEN 1029 Oxygen Therapy for Pulmonary Disease/Pramita, Prasna; Rumende, Martin C.; Bahar, Asri.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 42-47 1030



Pengaruh Gaya Berenang (Gaya Bebas dan Gaya Dada) terhadap Perubahan Volume Oksigen Maksimum (The Influence of Swimming Style through the Change of Maximum Oxygen Volume)/ Dennsion; Sriwahyuni, Endang; Wardhani, Viera.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 70-72 OXYGEN INHALATION THERAPY 1031 Oxygen Therapy for Pulmonary Disease/Pramita, Prasna; Rumende, Martin C.; Bahar, Asril.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 42-47 OZONE 1032 Mengapa Orang Resah terhadap Berkurangnya Ozone di Atmosphere (Why do Anyone Confuse about Reducing the Ozone in Athmosphere)/Wardojo.-- Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 15-21 1033 Pengaruh Inhalasi Ozon terhadap Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Ozone Inhalation toward Lung Health)/Susanto, Agus Dwi (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 11-16 1034 Pengaruh Ozonisasi terhadap Air yang Dikontaminasi oleh Escherichiacoli (Effect of Ozonization on Escherichia coli Contaminated Water)/Hardjawinata, Karlina; Sartono, Ken Rani; Murniani, Anindita.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 143-146 1035 Terapi Ozon dan Efek Molekulernya pada Tubuh (Ozone Therapy and its Molecular Effect to the Human Body)/Christyaningsih, Juliana; Edyson.-Bul. Ilm. Gema Kesehat. Lingkungan, 1 (2) 2003: 27-32 PAIN 1036 Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Syndrome in Oral Cavity/Hernawan, Iwan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 110-113 1037

Penatalaksanaan Nyeri pada Anak (The Management of Pain on Child)/Lubis, Munah.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 65-69 1038 Penatalaksanaan Nyeri sebagai Model Pendekatan Interdispilin pada Pasien Geriatri (Pain Management as a Model of Interdisiplinary Approach on Geriatric Patients)/Isbagio, Harry.-Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 168-181 1039 Strategi Baru Penatalaksanaan Nyeri Neuropati Diabetika (The Current Strategy in the Management of Diabetic Neurophaty Pain)/Mellala, Lucas.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 4 (2) 2003: 63-76 1040 Tatalaksana Nyeri (The Management of Pain)/Meliala, KRT. Lucas.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 306-314 PAINT 1041 Dampak Kesehatan Inhalation (et. al.).-23-28

Inhalasi Cat Semprot terhadap Paru (The Impact of Spray Paint toward Lung Health)/Wahyuningsih Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003:

PALLADIUM 1042 Sintesis Turunan Bisiklol [3.2.1] Oktama Baru melalui Reaksi Sikloalkenilasi dengan Katalis Paladium (Synthesis of a New Derivative of Bicyclol (3.2.1) Octane Compound via Palladium Catalyzed Cycloalkenylation)/Rudyanto, Mercellino.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 9-17 PALLOR 1043 Validasi Klasifikasi Anemia pada Balita dengan Melihat Kepucatan Telapak Tangan (The Validity of Palmar Pallor to Diagnosis of Anemia in Under five Children)/Usman, Yuslely.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 14-19 PANCREAS



1044 Gambaran Histologi Kelenjar Pankreas Tikus Putih Akibat Infus Daging Buah Pare/Momordica charantia L. (Histological Features of Pancreatic Gland of Mice which Given Momordica charantia L. Infusion)/Winarno, M. Wien; Sundari, Dian.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 14-17 PANCREATECTOMY 1045 Subtotal Pancreactomy for Persistent Hyperinsulinemia Hypoglycemia in Neonate (A Case Report)/Damanik, Sylviati Thahir (et. al.).-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 269-276 PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS 1046 Gambaran CA Korpue dan Kauda Pankreas pada Tiga Modalitas Radiologi : Foto Polos, Barium Meal dan Ultrasonografi Abdomen (The Feature of CA Corpue and Caudal Pancreas in Three Modalities Radiology : Radiography, Barium Meal and Abdomenal Ultrasonography)/Zulkarnaen, Benny; Iskandar, Arif.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 468-472 PANCREATITIS 1047 Microlithiasis in Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis : Diagnosis and Management/Yassir (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 140-145 PANIC DISORDER 1048 Gangguan Depresi dan Panik Pascastroke (Depression and Panic Disorder in Post Stroke)/Tonam; Lumempouw, Sylvia F.; Wiwie, Martina.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 316-322 PARAFFIN 1049 Studi Pengaruh Emulgator Trietnolamina-stearat, Tween 60 - Span 60, Natrium Laurit Sulfat - Ceto Stearil Alkohol terhadap Stabilitas Fisik Emulsi Lilin Parafin (The Study of the Effect of Triethanolamine-stearic, Tween-Span 60, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate-ceto Stearyl Alcohol as Elmugators through the Stability of Paraffin Wax Emulsion)/Dewi Melani H.; Purwati, Tutiek; Pristianty, Liza.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 51-54

PARENTERAL NUTRITION 1050 Pemberian Nutrisi Parenteral pada Bayi dan Anak (Parenteral Nutrition Giving in Infant and Child)/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara , 36 (3) 2003 : 126-129 PARKINSON DISEASE 1051 Pola Pengobatan Penderita Penyakit Parkinson di Poliklinik Saraf RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang (The Pattern of Treatment on Parkinson Disease Patient at Neurological Polyclinic, Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang)/Husni, Amin.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 143-148 PAROTID NEOPLASMS 1052 Peran Opoptosis dalam Perkembangan Keganasan Tumor Adenoma Plemorfik Parotis (The Role of Apoptosis in Development of Malignancy of the Plemorphic Parotid Adenoma Tumor)/Yazid, Achmad Syawqie.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 167-171 PATIENT COMPLIANCE 1053 Peran Komunikasi Terapeutik dalam Perilaku Kepatuhan Berobat Pasien Gigi di Puskesmas (The Roles of Therapeutic Communication in the Patients Behaviours of Compliance at Puskesmas)/ Kristiana, Dewi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 147-150 PATIENT SATISFACTION 1054 Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Inap terhadap Mutu Pelayanan dan Hubungannya dengan Minat Beli Ulang di RS X di Jakarta Tahun 2002 (The Analysis of Inpatient Satisfaction through the Quality Services and its Related to Re-Use the Hospital Services at X Hospital in Jakarta by the Year 2002)/Hizrani, May;Bachtiar, Adang;Hartiyanti, Yayuk.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (1) 2003: 19-24 PEMPHIGOID, BULLOUS 1055 Pemfigus Vulgaris pada Seorang Anak dengan Gambaran Klinis Menyerupai Pemfigoid Bulosa



(Pemphigus Vulgaris in a Child with Clinical Menifestation Resemble Bullous Pemphigoid)/ Marlla, Lia; Diana, Inne Arline.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 77-82 PEMPHIGUS 1056 Pemfigus Vulgaris pada Seorang Anak dengan Gambaran Klinis Menyerupai Pemfigoid Bulosa (Pemphigus Vulgaris in a Child with Clinical Menifestation Resemble Bullous Pemphigoid)/ Marlla, Lia; Diana, Inne Arline.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 77-82 PENIS 1057 Homozygous Familial Hyperlipidemia and Micropenis in a Toddler/Alam, Anggraini (et. al.).--Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 24-29 PENTOXIFYLLINE 1058 Pharmacokinetic Profile and Comparative Bioavailability of Pentoxyphylline from Two Sustained-Release Pentoxyphylline Tablets in Indonesia Healthy Volunteers/Sumitrapura, Yeyet C.; Sulistyo, Wibawati; Suhalim, Herwanto.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 233-237 PEPTIDES 1059 Peptida Antibakterial dari Susu Sapi (Antibacterial Peptide from Cow's Milk)/Naim, Rochman.--Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 573-574 PERCEPTION 1060 Persepsi Ibu dalam Pengasuhan Anak Hiperaktif di Usia Pra-sekolah (Mothers Perception in Managing of Hyperactivity Child in Preschool Aged)/Hartono, Bambang.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 209-212 PERINEUM 1061 Masase Perineum pada Masa Antenatal Mengurangi Ruptur Perineum (Perineum Massage during Antenatal Period to Reduce Perineum Rupture)/Muhaji, Sofian (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 702-708

PEROXIDASE 1062 Pengaruh Pemberian Antioksidan NAcetylecystein terhadap Kadar TNF Alfa, IL-6, Firbonektin dan Glutation Peroksidase pada Penderita Preeklampsia Berat (The Effect of the Administration of Antioxidant N-Acetylaystein toward TNF Alpha IL-6, Fibronectin and Peroxidative Glutation Level in Severe Preeclampsia Patient)/Rasyanti, D.; Wibowo, N.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 27-33 PERSONALITY 1063 Gambaran Kepribadian Ibu Hamil Muda dengan dan Tanpa Emesis Gravidarum (The Personality Profile of Pregnant Mother with and without Emesis Gravidarum)/Rusdhy, A.H.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 167-170 1064 Kepribadian (Personality)/Karlina, Dwi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 30-38 1065 Kreativitas Ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Ekstrovert dan Introvert pada Mahasiswa (The Creativity Review of Introvert and Extrovert Personality Type on Student)/Zulkarnain; Danta Jaya G.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 176-180 1066 Profil Kecendrungan Kepribadian Siswa Sekolah Penerbang TNI AU Lanud Adisutjipto Yogyakarta Tahun 2001 (The Profile of Personality Tendency of the Aviation Students TNI AU Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta by the Year 2001)/Sukardiansyah; Soewadi, H.; Sumarni.-Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 135-143 1067 Profil Kepribadian Narapidana Menurut Kebutuhan Dasar Psikologik di Rumah Tahanan Surakarta (The Personality Profile of Prisoner Based on the Psychological Basic Needs at Surakarta Prison)/Suwito, Djoko; Hadin, Yusvic M.; Machmuroh.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 47-66



PESTICIDES 1068 Analisa Residu Pestisida Organoklorin dalam Tomat dan Selada dari Beberapa Pasar di Jakarta (The Analysis of Organochlorine Residual Pesticide in Tomattoes and Lettuse at Some Market in Jakarta)/Mutiatikum, D.; Isnawati, Ani.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (3) 2003: 15-19 1069 Sikap dan Perilaku Buruh Penyemprot yang Keracunan Pestisida Organofosfat di Kecamatan Pacet-Jawa Barat (Behavior and Practice Pesticide Handler's Who had been Poisoned by Organophoshorus Pesticide at Sub District PacetWest Java)/Raini, Mariana; Lestari, Pudji; Bawahab, Nikmah.-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 160-167 PHACOEMULSIFICATION 1070 Surgical Outcome of Phacofragmentation and Phacoemulsification in Senile White Mature Cataract/Soekardi, Istiantoro; Primadina, Nandia.- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 94-102 PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS 1071 Analisa Sistem Laporan Kesalahan Pemberian Obat di Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit X Tahun 20002003 (The Analysis of Report System on Drugs Missed Giving at Inpatients Ward Hospital X, in the Year 2000 - 2003)/Hardiawan, Irna Susanti; Pattinama, Peter; Bachtiar, Adang.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (4) 2003: 177-182 1072 Biaya Obat bagi Peserta Askes di Berbagai Klinik RSCM (Drug Expenditure for Askes Members in the Clinics by Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital)/Thabrany, Hasbullah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 213-221 1073 Multidrug Treatment Multibaciller Leprosy Disease in Gowa Regency/Nawi, Rasdi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 223-227 1074

Obat-obat pada Serangan Asma (Drugs for Asthma Attack)/Makmuri MS; Setiawati, Landia; Santosa, Gunadi.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 445-452 1075 Pedoman Donasi Obat yang Baik (The Guidance of Drugs Donation)/Herman, Max J.; Azis, Sriana.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 2224 PHARMACOKINETICS 1076 Effect of Pentagamavunon-0 to the Theophylline Pharmacokinetics in Rats/Hakim, Arief Rahman; Hakim, Lukman; Margono, Supardjan A.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 224-249 1077 Itrakonazol: Profil Farmakokinetika dan Uji Bioekuivalensi pada Sukarelawan Sehat (Itraconazole : Pharmacokinetic Profile and Bioequivalency Test on Health Volunteer)/Hakim, Lukman (et. al.).-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 39-43 PHENANTHROLINES 1078 In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity of 1, 10Phenanthroline Derivatives and its Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship/Mustofa (et. al.).- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 67-74 PHOTORECEPTORS 1079 Fototransduksi pada Fotoreseptor (Phototransduction in Photoreceptor)/Damayanti, Ratna.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 1-5 PHYSICAL ENDURANCE 1080 Minuman Energi dan Tingkat Ketahanan Fisik: Sebuah Kajian Mengenai Minuman Energi yang Dipasarkan Secara Umum (Energy Drink and Physical Endurance: A Review of Energy Drinks Commonly Marketed)/Hutapea, Albert M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 92-98 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1081



Carrying Capacity of Warehouse Worker in Jakarta Logistic Depot, Indonesia (Ergonomic Study)/ Djunaidi, Zulkifli.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 325-328 1082 Kebugaran Jasmani pada Penderita Tonsilitis Kronik Dibanding Anak Normal/Usia 12 - 14 Tahun (The Physical Fitness on Chronical Tonsilitis Patient Compare to the Normal Child Age between 12-14 Years Old)/Herawati; Amryyatun; Kartawa, Hartati.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 17-22 1083 Profil Fisik Fitness Atlet Hoki Putri Pelatnas Sea Games 2001 (Physical Fitness Profile of Female Hockey Athlets at National Training Center SEA Games 2001)/Kusnanik, Nining Widyah.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 109-117 1084 Usaha Mempertahankan Tubuh Agar Tetap Bugar (The Effort to Prevent the Physical Fitness)/ Kartini HS.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 77-80 PHYSICIANS, FAMILY 1085 Peran Dokter Keluarga dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia (The Role of Family Doctor toward the Improvement of Health Services in Indonesia)/Anies.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 53-57 1086 Peran Pelayanan Kedokteran Keluarga Menuju Indonesia Sehat 2010 (The Role of Family Doctors Services to Reach Health Indonesia on 2010)/Tanamal, Sri Maryanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (57) 2003: 22-26 PHYSIOLOGY 1087 Modern International Trends in Designing Curricula for Health Studies: the Challenge for Physiology/Sefton, Ann Jervie.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 73-80

1088 The Role of the Teacher in Physiology Education/Carroll, Robert G.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 17-20 PHYTIC ACID 1089 Fermentation of Phytic Acid from Lamtoro Gung Seeds (Leucaena leucocephala) to Produce Inositol and Tannin as Pharmaceutical Commodity/Bakti, I.A. Rivai.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 236-242 PIROXICAM 1090 Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Piroksikam dengan Menggunakan Laktose sebagai Pembawa (The Influence of Lactose on the Dissolution Rate of Piroxicam)/Diyah, Nuzul Wahyuningsih; Sudono; Moegihardjo.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 58-62 PLACEBOS 1091 Pengaruh Flavoxate terhadap Keluhan Traktus Urinarius Bawah: Suatu Studi Acak, Tersamar Ganda Kontrol Plasebo (The Effect of Flavoxate on the Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract: A Randomized, Double Blond, Placebo Control Clinical Trial)/Ardy S; Sidharta; Rifki M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 204-207 PLANT EXTRACTS 1092 Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antifungal Ekstrak Etanol Daun Allamanda cathartica L. dan Allamanda meriifolia Hook (Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Ethanol Extract of Allamanda chatartica L. and Allamanda meriifolia Hook)/Suganda, Asep Gana; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Rahman, Asep Abdul.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003 : 85-88 1093 Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Air Daun Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) Secara Invitro (Antioxidant Activity of Aqueous Extract of Sonchus arvensis L. in-vitro)/Chairul, Sofnie M.; Sumarny; Chairul.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 208-215



1094 Antibacterial Assay of Kayu Cendana (Santalum album L.) Extract/Simanjuntak, Partomuan.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 326-332 1095 The Antibacterial of Infussion of Granati Fructus Cortex Infussion to the Streptococcus mutans/ Sukanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 8690 1096 Apoptosis Sel Adenokarsinoma Mamma Mencit C3H setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Sambiloto/ Andrographis paniculata : Penelitian In Vitro (The Effect of Andrographis Paniculata Extract on the Mechanism of Apoptosis of Adenocarcinoma Mamae Cells)/Nugrahaningsih WH.; Tjahjono; Dharmana, Edi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 121-124 1097 Bawang Pre (Allium fistulosum L.) dan Metabolisme: II. Kemampuan Sari Air Bawang Pre dalam Melindungi Sel Darah Merah terhadap Stres Oksidatif In Vitro (Leek (Allium fistulosum Linn) and Metabolism: II. Leek Juice Protect Directly Sheep Red Blood Cells from an In Vitro Oxidative Stress)/Sadikin, Mohamad (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 439-443 1098 Daya Laktagogum Jamu Uyup-Uyup dan Ekstrak Daun Katu (Sauropus androgynus Merr) pada Fladula Ingluvica Merpati (Lactagogue Effect of Uyup-Uyup (Traditional Medicine) and Sauropus androgynus Merr Extract on Pigeon Ingluvies Glands)/Sari, Ika Puspita.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 265-269 1099 Deteksi Kandungan Kimia dan Efek Oksitosik Fraksi Tidak Larut Etanol Infusa Daun Kaempferia angustifolia Roscue terhadap Uterus Marmut Terpisah (Chemical Constituent Detection and Oxytoxic Effect of Insoluble Ethanolic Fraction of Infusion of Kaempferia angustifolia Roscue Leaves on Isolated Uterus of Guinea Pigs)/Pramono S.; Sumastuti R.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 114-118

1100 Efek Antiproliferatif Ekstrak Etanol Daun dan Kulit Batang Tanaman Cangkring/Erythrina fusca Lour terhadap Sel Hela (Antiproliferative Effect of the Bark and Leaves of Erythrina fusca Lour Against Hela Cells)/Melyanto, Edy (et. al.).-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 124-131 1101 Efektivitas Lama Perendaman Resin Akrilik dalam Ekstrak Daun Coleus amboinicus, Lour terhadap Keberadaan Candida albicans (The Effectiveness of Acrylic Resin Immersion Time in Coleus amboinicus, Lour Leaves Concentrate on Candida albicans Existence)/Rianti, Devi.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 129-133 1102 Gambaran Histologi Kelenjar Pankreas Tikus Putih Akibat Infus Daging Buah Pare/Momordica charantia L. (Histological Features of Pancreatic Gland of Mice which Given Momordica charantia L. Infusion)/Winarno, M. Wien; Sundari, Dian.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 14-17 1103 Identifikasi Efek Antiseizure dan Efek Neurotoksisitas dari Ekstrak Fraxinus griffithii Clarke (Identification of Neurotoxicity and Antiseizure Effect from the Extract of Fraxinus griffithii Clarke)/Basori, Achmad; Purwaningsih, Sri.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 87-92 1104 Isolasi Fraksi Aktif Afrodisiaka dari Kayu Sanrego/Lunasia amara Blanco (Isolation of Aphrodisiac Active Fraction from Sarego Bark/Lunasia amara Blanco)/Arnida; Donatus, Imono A.; Wahyuono, Subagus.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 195-200 1105 Kajian Kandungan Kimia Mahkota Dewa/Phaleria macrocapra (The Review of Chemical Compound of Phaleria macrocapra)/Kardono, L. Broto Sugeng.-Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa, 1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 1106



Penelitian Antiinflamasi dan Antipiretik Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calmus L) pada Tikus Putih (The Study of Antiinflamation and Antipyretic of Acorus calmus L. Methanol Extract on White Mice)/Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 14-18 1107 Penelusuran Senyawa Toksik terhadap Larva Artemia salina Leach dari Subfraksi Heksana Fraksi Eter Ekstrak Metanol Daun Tanaman Daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L) DC. (The Evaluation of Toxic Coumpound through Artemia salina Leach Larvae from Hexana Subfraction of Ether Fraction of Gynura pseudochina (L) DC Methanol Extracts)/Windono, Tri (et. al.).-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 96-99 1108 Pengaruh Air Kencur terhadap Kinetika Eliminasi Kinidin pada Kelinci (The Effect of Extract Kaempferia galanga Rhizomes on the Elimination Kinetics of Quinidine in Rabbits)/Hayati, Farida; Hakim, Lukman.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 177-181 1109 Pengaruh Berbagai Variasi Dosis Ekstrak Morinda citrifolia terhadap Kadar Lipid Serum dan Perkembangan Lesi Aterosklerotik pada Aorta Abdominalis Tikus Wistar (The Effects of Various Doses of Morinda citrifolia in the Development and Progression of Atherosclerosis Lesion Including the Number of Foam Cells, the Thickness of Abdominal Aortic Wall of Wistar and the Serum Lipid Level)/Kustiyah, Ika; Prasetyo, Awal; Sarjadi.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 193-202 1110 Pengaruh Pemakaian Lokal Perasan Umbi Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum terhadap Reaksi Kutan Aktif pada Kelinci Albino jantan Hibrid Neo-Zealand [Local Effect of Onion (Allium cepa L. Var. ascalonicum) Bulb Juice on Active Coetaneous Anaphylactic Reaction on Male Hybrid New Zealand Rabbits]/Soemardji, Adreanus A.; Iwo, Maria Immaculata; Lay, Nancy Yusticia.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 117-121

1111 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kasar Jus Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) terhadap Motilitas dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa pada Mencit Galur "Balb C" (The Effect of Crude Extract of Star Fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi C.) Juice Treatment on Motility and Viability Sperm of Balb C Strain Mice)/Panghiyangani, Roselina; Pramesti, Hening Tjaturina.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 119-122 1112 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Phyllanthus niruri Linn pada Sel Mononuklear terhadap Viabilitas Sel Adenokarsinoma Mamma Mencit C3H : Penelitian Invitro (The Influence of the Added of Different Doses Aqueous Extract of Phyllantus niruri Linn into Mononuclear Cells to the Viability of Adnocarcinoma Cell on C3H Mice : Invitro Study)/Chodidjah (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 101-106 1113 Pengaruh Pemberian Oral Infus Suatu Jamur Panaeolus terhadap Aktivitas Motorik dan Rasa Ingin Tahu Mencit Jantan (Effect of Oral Administration of Nushroom Panaeolus Infusion on Motoric Activity and Curiousity of Male Mice)/Soemardji, Andreanus A.; Supradja, IG.N.A.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 182187 1114 Pengaruh Praperlakuan Perasan Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.) terhadap Farmakokinetika Propranolol pada Tikus Putih Jantan (The Effect of Betle (Piper betle L.) Leaf Juice Pretreatment on the Pharmacokinetics of Propranolol on Male White Rat)/Nugroho, Agung Endro; Hakim, Arief Rahman.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 169-176 1115 Peningkatan Kandungan Selenium dalam Seduhan Teh Daun Benalu The (Scurrula atropurpurea BI Dancer) oleh Fermentasi Inokulum Saccharonycess cerevisiea (Increasing of the Selenium Level on Scurrula atropurpirea BI Dancer Fermented by Saccharonycess cerevisiae)/Hawab, H.M.; Nurhidayat, Novik;



Junaedi, Lin Indrayani.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 107-112 1116 Toksisitas Subkronis Ekstrak Kejibeling (Strobilanthus crispus BL) pada Tikus Putih (Subchronic Toxicity of Strobilanthus crispus BL. Extract on White Mice)/Wahjoedi, B.; Pudjiastuti.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 142-145 1117 Toksitas dan Teratogenisitas Ekstrak Etanol Campuran (1:1) Herba Sambiloto dan Daun Salam (The Toxicity and Terratogenic of Ethanolic Extract of Mixture of A. paniculata and S. polyanthum)/Rahman, Abdul; Handayani, Lestari; Sutarjadi.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 67-70 1118 Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Metanol Herba Ageratum conyzolders L. pada Kultur Sel Mieloma Mencit (The Cytotoxic Activity Test of Methanol of Ageratum conyzolders L. Extract in Myeloma Cell Culture of Mice)/Puspitasari, Hanni Prihastuti;Widyawaruyanti, Aty.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 93-95 1119 Uji Perbandingan Efek Analgesik Infus Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria Rosc) dan Temu Mangga (Curcuma mangga Val. et Zipp) pada Mencit (Comparative Test of Analgesic Effect of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. and Curcuma mangga Val. Et Zipp Infusion on Mice)/Tri Wahyu L.; Yun Astuti N.; Nuratmi, Budi.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 81-84 1120 Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Coleus amboinicus. Lour Menggunakan Esei MTT (Cytotoxicity Test of Coleus amboinicus. Lour Extract Using MTT Assay)/Soenartyo, Hadi; Rianti, Devi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 54-57 PLANTS, MEDICINAL 1121

Agro Ekosistem Tanaman Obat (Agro-ecosystem of Medicinal Plants)/Rahardjo, Mono; Rosita SMD.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 89-95 1122 Aktivitas Antifungi (Candida albicans) Beberapa Tanaman yang secara Empirik Digunakan sebagai Obat Keputihan (Antifungal Activities of Several Plants by Emphirically Use as Antivaginamycosis Traditional Medicine)/Santosa, Djoko; Purwantini, Indah.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 109-111 1123 Aktivitas Antikarsinogenik Senyawa yang Berasal dari Tumbuhan (The Anticarcinogenic Activity of Plants Compounds)/Sugiyanto (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 132-141 1124 Cytotoxic Effect of Methanol Extract Isolated from Erythrina fusca Lour Leaves on Cancer Cell-Lines/Sismindari.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 75-80 1125 Efek Antiproliferatif Ekstrak Etanol Daun dan Kulit Batang Tanaman Cangkring/Erythrina fusca Lour terhadap Sel Hela (Antiproliferative Effect of the Bark and Leaves of Erythrina fusca Lour Against Hela Cells)/Melyanto, Edy (et. al.).-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 124-131 1126 Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman dan Kandungan Kimia Tumbuhan Obat di Hutan Tropis Gunung Arjuno (The Exploration of Various Medicinal Plant and its Chemical Compound at Tropical Forest in Arjuno Mountain)/Kusumawati, Idha; Djatmiko, Wahjo; Rahman, Abdul.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 100-104 1127 Efek Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya Linn) terhadap Ketebalan Epitel Germinal dan Jarak Tubuli Seminiferi serta Jumlah Sel Spermatogenik pada Stage VII Daur Spermatogenesis (The Effects of Papaya Seeds (Carica papaya Linn) on Thickening of Germinal Epithelium and Distance of Seminiferi Tubule and Total Spermatogenic Cells at VII Stage of Spermatogenesis Cycle)/



Sudarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 59-63 1128 Identifikasi dan Penentuan Kadar Kalsium Terlarut dalam Fraksi Air dan Etilasetat dalam Daun Kumis Kucing (Orthoshiphon aristatus) dengan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination and Identification of Calcium Solubility of Kumis Kucing Leaf (Orthoshiphon aristatus) in Water Fraction and Ethyl Asetat Fraction by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)/Kamal, Zainul (et. al.).-Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 567-572 1129 Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antijamur (Candida albicans) dari Kulit Buah Delima/Punica granatum L. (Isolation and Identification of Antifungal (Candida albicans) Compound from the Hull of Delima Fruits/Punica granatum L.)/Purwantini, Indah; Wahyuono, Subagus.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 150-159 1130 Isolasi Senyawa Tracheopasmolytic dari Buah Piper cubeba (Isolation of Tracheopasmolytic Compound from Piper cubeba Fruits)/Wahyono (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (3) 2003: 119123 1131 Kajian Kandungan Kimia Mahkota Dewa/Phaleria macrocapra (The Review of Chemical Compound of Phaleria macrocapra)/Kardono, L. Broto Sugeng.-Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa, 1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 1132 Keamanan dan Khasiat Bahan Obat Alami (The Effect and Safety of Natural Medicine Compound)/Wahjoedi, Bambang.-Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa, 1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 1133 Pemeriksaan Senyawa-senyawa Turunan Fenol Daun Hendeuleum/Graptophyllum pictum (L) Griff (The Analysis Coumponds of

Handeulem/Graptophyllum pictum (L) Griff Leaves)/Isnawati, Ani; Soediro, Iwang.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 1-5 1134 Penelitian-penelitian terhadap Daun dan Buah Mahkota Dewa/Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. (The Researchs of Fruit and Leaf of Phaleria macrocarpa)/Sumastuti, R.-- Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa, 1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 1135 Pengaruh Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L) dengan pH Tertentu terhadap Batu Saluran Kemih Secara in Vitro (The Effect of Tempuyung/Sonchus arvensis L. in Different pH Conditions toward Kidney Stone in Vitro)/Mulyadi, Sugeng (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 22-30 1136 Pengenalan Khasiat Asam Jawa dalam Upaya Penggunaannya untuk Mendukung Industri Obat dan Kosmetika (Pharmacokinetic Identification of Asam Jawa in the Effort to Support the Cosmetical and Drugs Industry)/Ariningrum, Ratih.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 32-39 1137 Pengujian Bioaktivitas Anti Diabetes Mellitus Tumbuhan Obat (Bioactivity Test of Plants Medicinal as an Anti Diabetes Mellitus Agent)/Suharmiati.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (140) 2003: 8-13 1138 Potensi Mahkotadewa sebagai Obat Tradisional (The Potency of Mahkota Dewa as a Traditional Medicine)/Harmanto, Ning.-- Jakarta: Seminar Sehari Mahkota Dewa,1826 (PRO) 2003: irrp. 1139 Tanaman Obat sebagai Solusi Alamiah terhadap Infeksi yang Resisten terhadap Obat/DrugResistant Infection (Plant Medicinal as a Natural Solution Against Drug Resistance Infection)/ Widyastuti, Netty; Nurhasanah, Astuti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 28-35



1140 Tanaman Obat untuk Pengobatan Kanker (Medicinal Plants for Cancer Therapy)/Suprapto, Ma'at.--J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 146150 1141 Uji In Vitro Aktivitas Antimalaria Isolat dari Andrographis paniculata terhadap Plasmodium falciparum pada Stadium Gametosit (In Vitro Test of Antimalarial Isolate Activity of Andrographis paniculata Against Plasmodium falcifarum in Gametocyte Stage)/Widyowati, Rr. Retno (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 3 (3) 2003: 99-102 1142 Uji Sitotoksisitas Fraksi Protein Daun Carica papaya L. pada Sel HeLa (Citotoxicity Test of the Protein Fractions of Carica papaya L. Leaves on HeLa Cell Line)/Rumiyati; Sismindari; Sudjadi.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 270-275 PLASMODIUM BERGHEI 1143 Efek Bee Propolis terhadap Infeksi Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit Swiss (The Propolis Effect on Plasmodium berghei Infection in Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus; Elsa Herdiana M.; Mardihusodo, Sugeng Yuwono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 81-89 1144 Efek Immunisasi terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Interleukin-2 dan Interferon-Y pada Mencit Swiss selama Infeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Effect of Immunization on the Increasing of Interleukin2 and Interferon-Y Level in Plasmodium berhei Infected-Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus.--Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 9-16 PLASMODIUM FALCIFARUM 1145 The Role of pfmdr-1 Gene on Mechanism of Resistance of P. falciparum to Chloroquine/Achmad, Meizi Fachrizal; Sutanto, Inge.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (2) 2003: 69-75 1146 Uji in Vitro Aktivitas Antimalaria Isolat dari Andrographis paniculata terhadap Plasmodium

falciparum Stadium Gametosit (In Vitro Test of Antimalarial Activity of Andrographies paniculata against Plasmodium falciparum in Gametocyte Stage)/Widyowati, Rr. Retno.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 99-107 PLEURA 1147 Peran Diagnostik Analisis Cairan Pleura (The Role of Diagnostic on Pleura Fluid Analysis)/ Hadiwijaya, Boentoro; Santosa, I Putu Adi.-Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 811-818 PNEUMONIA 1148 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu Bayi/Anak Balita serta Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit ISPA dan Pnemonia (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Mothers and Perception of Communities About Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia)/Notosiswoyo, Mulyono (et. al.).-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 60-71 1149 Pneumonia Nosokomial Aspek Terapi (Treatment Aspect of Nosocomial Pneumonia)/Hisyam, Barmawi.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 21-33 1150 Risiko Kejadian Pnemonia pada Balita Kaitannya dengan Kepadatan Hunian Rumah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidorejo Lor dan Cebongan Kota Salatiga (The Risk of Getting Pneumonia among Children Under Five Years Old in Relation to Accupant Density of the House in Sidoredjo Lor and Cebongan Community Health Center, Salatiga)/Nurjazuli.-- Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 72-75 POISONING 1151 Datura Intoxication/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 130-132 1152 Sikap dan Perilaku Buruh Penyemprot yang Keracunan Pestisida Organofosfat di Kecamatan Pacet-Jawa Barat (Behavior and Practice Pesticide Handler's Who had been Poisoned by



Organophoshorus Pesticide at Sub District PacetWest Java)/Raini, Mariana; Lestari, Pudji; Bawahab, Nikmah.-- J. Litbang Prop. Jawa Tengah, 1 (3) 2003: 160-167 POLIOMYELITIS 1153 Penelitian Serologis Polio Anak SD Pasca BiasPolio di Kabupaten Bogor(The Serological Study of Poliomyelitis on Elementary School Children Post Bias-Polio in Bogor)/Gendrowahyuhono (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 19-22 POLYMORPHISM 1154 Population Data on the Loctus D16S83 of VNTR (Variable Number of Tandem Repeat) Polymorphism in the Population Around Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia/Kusuma, Soekry Erfan.--Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 3-9 POLYPS 1155 Pendekatan Teknik Caldwell-Luc dengan Bantuan Endoskopi pada Penanganan Polip Sinus Maksila (Caldwell-Luc Technical Approach with Endoscopy Support in the Management of Polyp on Maxillary Sinus)/Herwanto, Yusra; Munir, Delfitri.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 44-48 PORIFERA 1156 Bioactivity Screening of Sponges Collected from Bunaken, Menado by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test Against Artemia salina Leach/Astuti, Pudji; Alam, Gemini; Wahyuono, Subagus.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 238-234 POTASSIUM IODIDE 1157 The Effect of Potassium Iodide on the Production of Acid Phosphatase by Sporothrix Schenckii/ Grover, P.S.; Thakur, Kamlesh.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 65-68 POVERTY 1158 Survei Morbiditas dan Implikasi Biaya Obat pada Penduduk Miskin di 3 Desa di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang 1999 (Morbidity

Survey and Drug Expenses Implication at Poor Community in Three Villages in Singosari Sub District, Malang)/Dalianto, Tety Rachmawati; Angkasawati, Tri Juni.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 17-23 PREDNISONE 1159 Respon Terapi Prednison terhadap Berbagai Jenis Hemangioma di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK-USU/RS H. Adam Malik (The Response of Hemangioma to Prednisone Therapy at Pediatric Hemoto-oncology Division, H. Adam Malik Hospital)/Lubis, Bidasari; Sutjipto, Adi; Irsa, Lily.--Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 4-7 PRE-ECLAMPSIA 1160 Correlation between Psychological Stressor and Sever Preeclampsia (SPE)/Dalono, JB.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 76-80 1161 Insiden Preeklampsia Eklampsia di Rumah Sakit Umum Tarakan Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2000 (The Incidence of Eclampsia-Preeclampsia at Tarakan General Hospital, East Kalimantan by the Year 2000)/Sudinaya, I Putu.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 13-18 1162 Khasiat Antioksida (Allium sativum) pada Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Preeklamsi (Antioxidant Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) in the Prevention and Treatment of Preeclampsia)/Mose, Johanes.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 1-7 1163 Penanganan Pendahuluan Prarujukan Penderita Preeklampsia Berat dan Eklampsia (The Preliminary Management toward Eclampsia and Preeclampsia Patients)/Rambulangi, John.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 16-19 1164 Preeklampsia-eklampsia di Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Indonesia, Patogenesis dan Kemungkinan Pencegahannya (Preeclampsia-Eclampsia in Several Hospitals in Indonesia : Pathogenesis and



its Prevention)/Sofoewan, S.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Gienekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 141-151 PREGNANCY 1165 Balon Mitral Valvotomi (BMV) pada Kehamilan (Mitral Balloon Valvotomy in Pregnancy)/ Sanjaya, William; Sedyawan, Jetty RH.; Anggraeni, T. Dewi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 9-12 1166 Beberapa Cara Prediksi Hipertensi dalam Kehamilan (Some Methodes to Predict the Hypertension on Pregnancy)/Rambulang, John.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 5-8 1167 Comparison between Maternal Thyroid Status and the Subsequent Outcomes of Pregnancy in an Iodine-Deficient and an Iodine-Replete Area/Hartono, Bambang (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 131-138 1168 Diabetes Mellitus dalam Kehamilan (Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy)/Suparman, Eddy.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 22-26 1169 Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Zat Besi pada Ibu Hamil yang Berkunjung ke Puskesmas Sidomulyo Kecamatan Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru (Factors Related to the Discipline in Consuming Iron Pills of Pregnant Women Who Where Visited Sidomulyo Health Center at Tampan Sub District, Pekanbaru)/Jumirah; Refina, Ina; Keloko, Alam Bakti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 8-12 1170 The Free Radical Content in the Facces of Anaemic Pregnant Women Receiving Oral Supplementation of Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12/Rini (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 251-256 1171 Fungsi Seksual dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan pada Wanita Sebelum dan Selama

Hamil (Sexual Function and its Related Factors Before and During Pregnancy)/Progestian, P.; Junizaf.--Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon.,27 (4) 2003: 224-230 1172 Gambaran Kepribadian Ibu Hamil Muda dengan dan Tanpa Emesis Gravidarum (The Personality Profile of Pregnant Mother with and without Emesis Gravidarum)/Rusdhy, A.H.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 167-170 1173 Gizi pada Masa Kehamilan: Nutrisi Janin Kaitannya dengan Penyakit pada Masa Dewasa (Nutrition in Pregnancy: Fetal Nutrition in Association with Adult Disease)/Sayogo, Savitri.- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (9) 2003: 329-333 1174 High Protein and Iron-Folate Erackers Supplementation on the Iron Status of Pregnant Women/ Anwar, Faisal (et. al.).-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 243-246 1175 Kelainan Jantung pada Kehamilan dan Persalinan Tahun 2001 di RSCM (Heart Anomaly in Delivery and Pregnancy at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital by the Year 2001)/Artoni, F.; Sedyawan, J.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 34-47 1176 Pengaruh Pemberian Seng (Zn) pada Ibu Hamil terhadap Status Seng Ibu dan Bayi serta Berat Badan Bayi Lahir (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation to Maternal Zinc Status, Neonatus Zinc Status and Birth Weight)/Sumarni, Sri (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 8-16 1177 Safe Pregnancy and Delivery Package in Effort to Reduce Maternal Morbidity/Rochjati, Poedji (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 116122 1178



Stress before and during Pregnancy Increased Risk Antepartum Depression/Ismail, R. Irawati.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 81-86 1179 Toksoplasmosis Ibu Hamil di Indonesia : Studi Tindak Lanjut Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1995 (Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women in Indonesia : Household Health Survey 1995)/Ma'roef, Salma; Soemantri, Suharsono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 41-45 PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC 1180 Karakteristik Kehamilan Ektopik Terganggu di RSUP Manado : 1 Januari 2000 - 31 Desember 2001 (The Characteristic of Ectopic Pregnancy at Manado General Hospital: January 1, 2000 December 31, 2001)/Suparman, Eddy; Suryawan, Aloysius.-- Medika, 29 (8 )2003: 489-492 PREGNANCY, HIGH-RISK 1181 Gambaran Ibu Hamil dengan Risiko di Puskesmas Sungai Besar (The Feature of High Risk Pregnancy at Sungai Besar Community Health Centre)/Djallalluddin, Soedarto.-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 15-18 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG 1182 Tinjauan terhadap Bentuk Sediaan Obat: Kajian Resep-resep di Apotek Kotamadya Yogyakarta (Investigation on Drug Dosage Form: Analysis of Prescriptions Available in Pharmacy in Kotamadya Yogyakarta)/Wiedyaningsih, Chairun; Oetari.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 201-207 PRIONS 1183 Prion /Hendrawan, Siufui.-- Ebers Papyrus, 9 (2) 2003: 1001-107 PROBIOTICS 1184 Peran Probiotik dalam Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Diare Akut pada Anak (The Role of Probiotic in the Prevention and Therapy of Diarrhea in Children)/Olivianto, Ery; Kusuma,

Chandra.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (1) 2003: 12-17 1185 The Role of Probiotic Containing Formula to the Course of Diarrhea /Reza Gunadi Ranuh R. (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 127-131 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE 1186 Perlukah Melakukan Analisa Kompetensi pada Kepala Ruang Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit (Do Competance Analysis Need due to Head of Inpatient Ward at Hospital ?)/Sumijatun.-- J. Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 4 (2) 2003: 67-72 PROMETHAZINE 1187 Pelepasan In Vitro Prometasina HCI dari Beberapa Sediaan Topikal Menggunakan Membran Selofan (The Release of Promethazine HCl in Vitro from Several Topical Compound Using Cellophane Membrane)/Erawati, Tristiana (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 55-57 PROPOLIS 1188 Efek Bee Propolis terhadap Infeksi Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit Swiss (The Propolis Effect on Plasmodium berghei Infection in Swiss Mice)/Wijayanti, Mahardika Agus; Elsa Herdiana M.; Mardihusodo, Sugeng Yuwono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 81-89 PROPRANOLOL 1189 Pengaruh Praperlakuan Perasan Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.) terhadap Farmakokinetika Propranolol pada Tikus Putih Jantan (The Effect of Betle (Piper betle L.) Leaf Juice Pretreatment on the Pharmacokinetics of Propranolol on Male White Rat)/Nugroho, Agung Endro; Hakim, Arief Rahman.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 169-176 PROPYLENE GLYCOL 1190 Studi Kelarutan Astemizol (1): Penentuan Kekuatan Peningkatan Kelarutan dan Parameter



Termodinamika Proses Pelarutan dengan Propilen Glikol (The Study of Astemizole Solubility (1) : The Determination of Astemizole and Thermodynamic Parameters Increases in Solubility Process by Propylene Glycol)/Rosita, Noorma.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 77-80 PROSTAGLANDIN-ENDOPEROXIDE SYNTHASE 1191 Stimulatory Effect of Bradykinin on the Activity of Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandid Production in Culture Fibroblasts/Sudjarwo, Sri Agus.-Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 40-44 PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN 1192 Nilai Ambang Prostate Specific Antigen yang Optimal untuk Deteksi DiniKarsinoma Prostat di RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung (The Optimal Cut Off Level Prostatic Specific Antigen to Detection of the Early Prostatic Carsinoma in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung)/Putra, Mahatma; Haroen, Zulhardi; Sugandi, Suwandi.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 18-21 PROSTATIC DISEASES 1193 Hubungan antara Residu Urin Pasca Miksi dengan Protrusi Prostat pada Pembesaran Prostat Jinak tanpa Retensi (The Correlation between Post Micturition Residual Urine and Prostatic Protrusion in Enlargement of Benign Prostatic without Urinary Retention)/Tjahjodjati; Rahardjo, Djoko.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 15-18 PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA 1194 Korelasi antara Volume Residu Urin dan Adanya Obstruksi pada Penderita dengan Simptom BPH dengan Menggunakan Pressure Flow Study (The Correlation between Urinary Residual Volumes and Obstruction in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptom Caused the Using of Pressure Flow Measurement)/Prasetyawan, Widiyatno; Sumardi, Rochani.-- J. Urologi Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 19-21 1195

Studi Analitik Pengaruh Pemasangan Kateter terhadap Kadar Antigen Spesifik Prostat dalam Darah pada Pasien Hiperplasia Prostat Jinak dengan Retensi Urin (The Analytic Study of the Impact on Serum PSA of Insertion of a Urethral Catheter in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Caused Acute Urinary Retention)/Wijarko, Suharto (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 1-8 1196 Studi Banding Pemberian Doxazosin dengan Plasebo pada Hiperplasia Prostat Jinak dengan Retensi Urin (The Comparative Study of the Effect of Doxazosin Against Placebo in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Caused Urinary Retention)/Soetojo; Widodo, JP.; Hardjowijoto, Sunaryo.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 9-14 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS 1197 Manfaat Pemeriksaan Rasio Free PSA/Total PSA (F/T-PSA) untuk Diagnosis Dini Kanker Prostat (The Advantage of Free Ratio PSA/Total PSA Examination in the Diagnosis of Early Prostatic Cancer)/Ludong, Mariana M.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 139-143 1198 Nilai Ambang Prostate Specific Antigen yang Optimal untuk Deteksi DiniKarsinoma Prostat di RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung (The Optimal Cut Off Level Prostatic Specific Antigen to Detection of the Early Prostatic Carsinoma in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung)/Putra, Mahatma; Haroen, Zulhardi; Sugandi, Suwandi.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 18-21 PROSTATITIS 1199 Motilitas Spermatozoa pada Prostatitis Bakterial Kronis (Sperm Motility in Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis)/Rizal, Dicky Moch.; Mirzania, Hanifah; Suryadi, Efrayim.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 97-102 PROTEIN KINASE C 1200



Protein Kinase C (PKC) Kajian tentang Keterkaitannya dengan Fertilisasi (Protein Kinase C ; Reviewed about its Related to Fertilization)/Wardani, Tjitra.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 123-131 PROTEINS 1201 Identification of Iromp Protein of K. pneumoniae Resistant Mutants against BRL41897 Using SDSPage/Kuswandi, M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 333-337 1202 The Secrets of Stimulatory and Ingibitory of G Protein in Signal Transduction Pathways/Poli, Paul S.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 2730 1203 Stress Proteins and Sirs-Sepsis the Possible Roles of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP'S) in the Development of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)/Suryohudoyo, Purnomo.--Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 4548 PSYCHIATRY 1204 Implementasi Kerjasama Psikiatri dengan Bidang Kedokteran lain (Dalam Rangka Pembahasan Consultation Liaison Psychiatry) di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (The Implementation of Psychiatry Cooperation with Other Medical Field at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital)/Renowulan, Endah.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 47-60 PSYCHOLOGY 1205 Correlation between Psychological Stressor and Sever Preeclampsia (SPE)/Dalono, JB.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 76-80 1206 Profil Kepribadian Narapidana Menurut Kebutuhan Dasar Psikologik di Rumah Tahanan Surakarta (The Personality Profile of Prisoner Based on the Psychological Basic Needs at

Surakarta Prison)/Suwito, Djoko; Hadin, Yusvic M.; Machmuroh.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 47-66 PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY 1207 Psikoneuroimunologi dalam Bidang Obsteri dan Ginekologi (Psychoneuroimmunology in Obstetry and Gynecology)/Dalono, J.B.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 206-215 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGIC DISORDERS 1208 Permasalahan Gangguan Psikosomatik dalam Ruang Lingkup Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (The Problem of Phychosomatic Disorder in Internal Diseases)/Mudjaddid, E.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 191-197 PSYCHOSOCIAL DEPREVATION 1209 Pengaruh Stresor Psikososial dan Depresi terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (The Influence of Psychosocial Stresor and Depression toward the Performance Motivation on Junior School Teachers in Yogyakarta)/Sumarni, DW. (et. al.).-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 21-34 PSYCHOTHERAPY 1210 Mirror Transference pada Proses Psikoterapi (Mirror Transference on Psychotherapy Process)/ Petrin, Redayani LS.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 205-219 1211 Resistensi dalam Proses Psikoterapi (Resistancy in Psychotherapy Process)/Dahlan, A. Syaiful H.-Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 181-189 1212 Splitting dan Peranannya dalam Psikoterapi (Splitting and its Role in Psychotherapy)/Purnamawati, Ni Wayan Ani.-Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 167-180 PUBLIC HEALTH 1213 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Status Kesehatan Masyarakat di Kecamatan Kaliangkrik : Suatu



Kajian pada Awal Pelaksanaan Desentralisasi 2001 (Factor Influencing of Public Health Status at Kaliangkrik Sub District : Review on the Early of Decentralization Implementation 2001)/Sureni, Ike (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 519-524 PUERPERIUM 1214 Retensio Urin Kronik Post Partum (Chronical Urinary Retention in Post Partum)/Pribakti B.-Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 731-733 PULPITIS 1215 Expression of IFN-Y in Irreversible Pulpitis/Mooduto, Latief.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 23-25 1216 Immunopathobilogic Paradigm in Reversible and Irreversible Pulpitis/Mooduto, Latief.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 77-81 1217 Peningkatan IL-10 pada Respon Imun Pulpitis Ireversibel (The Increase of IL-10 in Immune Response of Irreversible Pulpitis)/Mooduto, Latief.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 58-60 PYRIDOXINE 1218 The Free Radical Content in the Facces of Anaemic Pregnant Women Receiving Oral Supplementation of Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12/Rini (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 251-256 QUALITY ASSURANCE, HEALTH CARE 1219 Quality Assurance Pelayanan Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Sekolah di Puskesmas (Quality Assurance Services of Dental Health School at Primary Health Centre)/Pratiwi, Niniek L.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 623-630 QUALITY CONTROL 1220 Kendali Mutu Dosimetri Akselerator Linier Medik (Dosimetry Quality Control of Medical Linear Accelerators)/Trijoko, Susetyo.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 46-48

1221 Quality Control of Urine Chemistry by Using Dipstick/Wirawan, Riadi; Bahri, Syukrini; Setiawan, Lyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 257-264 1222 Uji Stabilitas Bahan Kontrol Kova-Trol untuk Pemeriksaan Kimia Urin (Stability Assessment of Kova-Trol, a Quality Control Material for Urine Chemistry Tests)/Wirawan, Riadi; Setiawan, Lyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 349-353 QUALITY OF LIFE 1223 Status Usia Senja (Later Life Status) sebagai Salah Satu Parameter Kualitas Hidup Lansia (Later Life Status as a Parameter of Quality of Life in Elderly)/Karjadidjaja, Idawati.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanagara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 74-76 QUINIDINE 1224 The Effect of Ginger Rhizome Juice on Acute Toxicity of Propanolol and Quinidine in Mice/ Purwantiningsih; Lukman, Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 312-315 1225 Pengaruh Air Kencur terhadap Kinetika Eliminasi Kinidin pada Kelinci (The Effect of Extract Kaempferia galanga Rhizomes on the Elimination Kinetics of Quinidine in Rabbits)/Hayati, Farida; Hakim, Lukman.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (4) 2003: 177-181 QUINOLINES 1226 In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Antimigration of Quinolinone Derivate Vesnarinone on Human Adenocarcinoma Submandibular Gland Cell Culture/Supriatno; Endaryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 100-104 RADIATION 1227 Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Radiasi Tumor Ganas Sekitar Telinga (Hearing Disorders Caused



of Malignancy Tumor Radiation in the Ear)/Hasibuan R.A.H.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 45-49 1228 Pengendalian Dampak Kesehatan Akibat Radiasi Medan Elektromagnetik (Control of Health Impact due to Electromagnetic Field Radiation)/Anies.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 213-219 1229 Proteksi Radiasi pada Pesawat Sinar-X Gigi (Radiation Protection on Dental X-Ray Unit)/ Laksmiarti, Turniani.-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 516518 RADIATION EFFECTS 1230 Indikator Biologik Kerusakan Tubuh Akibat Pajanan Radiasi (Biologic Indicators for Health Effects of Radiation Exposure)/Alatas, Zubaidah.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 41-45 RADIOLOGY 1231 Perlindungan Radiologis bagi Pekerja Tambang (Radiological Cover due to Mine Workers)/ Akhadi, Mukhlis.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 337-342 RADIOTHERAPY DOSAGE 1232 Dosis Pasien Penderita Kanker Payudara dan Nasofaring : Sebuah Studi pada Radioterapi Eksternal dengan Pesawat Teleterapi Co-60 (Radiotherapy Dosage toward Nasopharyngeal and Breast Cancer Patients : A Study of External Radiotherapy Using Teletherapy Co-60)/Nasukha (et. al.).--Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 355-358 RECEPTORS, ANGIOTENSIN 1233 Angiotensine-II Receptor Antagonist : Dapatkah Mengganti Peran Angiotensine Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (Angiotensine-II Receptor Antagonist : Could Its as the Role Changed of Angiotensine Converting Enzyme Inhibitor)/Pikir, Budi Susetyo.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 583-590 RECEPTORS, FSH 1234

The Expression of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor in Ovary and Testis/Ahda, Yuni; Soeharso, Purnomo.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 187-193 REFERRAL AND CONSULTATION 1235 Peran Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry pada Penatalaksanaan Pasien dengan HIV/AIDS : Bagian II (The Role of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in the Management of Patients with HIV/AIDs : Part II)/Tandiono, Elisa; Wibisono, Sasanto; Darmabrata, Wahjadi.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 258-263 1236 Peranan Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry pada CABG/Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (The Role of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Coronary Artery Bypass Graffting)/Tadjudin, Noer Socian.--Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 155-166 REFUSE DISPOSAL 1237 Household Garbage Management: Participation of Housewives in Banjarsari Village, West Cilandak District South Jakarta/Abikusno, Nugroho.-- J. Kedokter Trisakti, 22 (1) 2003: 5-11 RELAXATION 1238 Peran Yohimbin dan L-arginin dalam Relaksasi Korpus Kovernosum Kelinci (The Effect of Yohimbin and L-arginin on the Relaxation of Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum)/Taher, Akmal; Birowo, Ponco.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 425-428 RENAL OSTEODYSTROPHY 1239 Osteodistropi Ginjal (Renal Osteodystrophy)/Nasution, M. Yusuf.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 23-29 RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM 1240 Partisipasi Sistem Renin-Angiotensin dalam Progresivitas Aterosklerosis (The Participation of Renin-Angiotensin System in Aterosclerosis Progresivity)/Tjandrawinata, Raymond R.-- Dexa Media, 16 (4) 2003: 102-107



REPRODUCTION 1241 Evaluasi Intervensi Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Perbedaan Pengetahuan Siswa SMU Negeri 9 Semarang, Tahun 2002 (Evaluation of Intervention of Health Reproductive Information toward the Differences among SMU Negeri 9 Students by the Year 2002)/Priyadi Nugraha P.; Mariana Niken Y.-Media Kesehat. Masy. Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 37-45 1242 Pengaruh Stresor Psikososial terhadap Depresi dan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Industri Tekstil di Yogyakarta (The Influence of Psychosocial Stressor toward Reproduction Health and Depression on Women Worker at Textile Industry in Yogyakarta)/ Sumarni DW.; Soemarno WS.; Lience S.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 145-153 1243 Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Siswa SMU pada Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (Development of Behaviour and Knowledge of Health Reproduction in High School Students)/ Soeparmanto, Paiman; Pranata, Setia.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 126-138 RESPIRATION 1244 Gejala Respiratorik dan Refluks Gastroesofagus pada Anak (Gastroesophagus Reflux and Respiratoric Symptom on Child)/Syamsu, Rianita; Said, Mardjanis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 149-155 RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME 1245 Severely Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 465-469 RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS 1246 Efek Antibiotik Beta Laktam (Sefaklor) terhadap Sistem Pertahanan Pejamu pada Infeksi Saluran Napas (The Effects of Betha Lactam Antibiotic Against Respiratory Tract Infection on Pejamu)/ Zain-Hamid, Rozaimah.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23(2)2003 :89-92

1247 Kemajuan dalam Pengembangan Vaksin terhadap Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan dan Meningitis (The Advantage in Vaccine Development Against Respiratory Tract Infection and Meningitis)/Isbagio, Dyah Widyaningroem.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 32-37 1248 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu Bayi/Anak Balita serta Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit ISPA dan Pnemonia (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Mothers and Perception of Communities About Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia)/Notosiswoyo, Mulyono (et. al.).-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (2) 2003: 60-71 1249 Peranan Penggunaan Masker untuk Mengurangi Risiko Infeksi Saluran Nafas pada Jammah Haji (The Effects of Using Face Mask to Decrease of Respiratory Tract Infection Risk on Pilgrim Haj)/ Zein, Umar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 151-154 RETROPHARYNGEAL ABSCESS 1250 Abses Retrofaring (Retrofaryngeal Abscess)/Rambe, Andrina Y.M.; Abdul Rachman S.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36(1) 2003: 33-34 RHABDOMYOLYSIS 1251 Rhabdomyolysis in Indonesian Marathon Athlete/Wirawan, Riadi; Ludong, Marina.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 207-214 RHEUMATIC FEVER 1252 Gambaran Penderita Demam Rematik/Penyakit Jantung Rematik yang Dirawat di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUP Manado Periode 19992001 (The Profile of Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients in Department of Child Health Medical School University of Sam Ratulangi, Central General Hospital Manado Period 1999-2001)/Tandaju R.; Tjan KM.;



Wantania JM.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 290-294 RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE 1253 Gambaran Penderita Demam Rematik/Penyakit Jantung Rematik yang Dirawat di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUP Manado Periode 19992001 (The Profile of Rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients in Department of Child Health Medical School University of Sam Ratulangi, Central General Hospital Manado Period 1999-2001)/Tandaju R.; Tjan KM.; Wantania JM.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (8) 2003: 290-294 RHINITIS 1254 Penurunan Jumlah Eosinofil Mukosa Hidung sebagai Indikator Praktis bagi Efektivitas Pengobatan Rinitis Alergi (The Reduction of Eosinophil Count of Nasal Mucous Membrane Can be Used as an Indicator for the Efficacy of Treatment in Allergic Rhinitis)/Madiadipoera, Teti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung , 35 (2) 2003: 6976 RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS 1255 Identifikasi dan Pengujian Protein Aktif Mirip Ribosome-Inactivating Protein/RIPs dalam Kaemferia rotunda Linn (Identification and Test of Active Protein Resembe RibosomeInactivating Protein/RIPs on Kaemferia rotunda Linn)/Lestariana, Wiryatun;Mubarika, Sofia; Sismindari.--Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 189-196 RIBOSOMES 1256 Purification of Ribosome Inativating Protein (RIP) of Mirabilis Jalapa L. Leaves by CMSepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-300 HR Column/Sudjadi (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 316-321 RIFAMPIN 1257 Effect of Rifampicin Pretreatment on Hipoglycemic Effect of Glypizine among Healthy

Volunteers/Kuswibawati, Luciana.-Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 299-298


RISK FACTORS 1258 Determinan Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular di Indonesia (Determinant of Risk Factor of Non Communicable Diseases in Indonesia)/Pradono, Julianty; Hapsari, Dwi.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 1-8 ROOT CANAL IRRIGANTS 1259 The Effectiveness of Piper betel Solution and Combination of Sodium Hypochlorite and Hydrogen Peroxide in Root Canal Irrigation for Endodontic Treatment: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study/Indriati, Etty.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 103-110 RUPTURE 1260 Masase Perineum pada Masa Antenatal Mengurangi Ruptur Perineum (Perineum Massage during Antenatal Period to Reduce Perineum Rupture)/Muhaji, Sofian (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 702-708 1261 Perbandingan Kadar CRP Serum Ibu pada Kehamilan Aterm Ketuban Pecah Dini dan Normal (C-reactive Protein Level on Mother with Premature Rupture Membranes Compared with Normal Pregnancy)/Suhartono, Agus; Soejoenoes, Ariawan; Kristanto, Herman.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 149-157 SACRUM 1262 Dimorfisme Seksual Sacrum pada Rangka di Laboratorium Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada: Indeks Sacral dan Sudut Mid Lateral Sacral (Sacral Sexual Dimorphism of the Skeletons of the Anatomy Department Medical Faculty Gadjah Mada University: Sacral Index and Mid Lateral Sacral Angle)/Dewi, Arika; Indriati, Etty; Suryadi, Efrayim.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 2329 SALICYLIC ACIDS



1263 Efek Sabun Asam Salisilat 2% sebagai Penunjang Terapi Topikal Jel Bensoil Peroksida 10% untuk Akne Vulgaris Derajat Ringan Sampai Sedang (The Effect of 2% Salicylic Acid as a Support of 10% Benzoil Peroxide Gel for Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris)/Musy, Rahajeng; Etnawati, Kristiana; Suyoto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 211-218 SALIVA 1264 The Average Saliva pH Level after Consuming Fresh Cow Milk, Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Soybean Milk/Sulistiyani; Pradopo, Seno.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 4-6 1265 Hubungan antara Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Kadar Glukosa Saliva pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (The Association between Blood and Salivary Glucose Level in Diabetic Patients)/ Herlina; Hernawan, Iwan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 64-67 1266 Kelarutan Kalsium pada Enamel setelah Direndam Saliva Buatan pH5,5 dan pH6,5 (Calcium Dissolution on Enamel after Soaked on Artificial Saliva with 5.5 and 6.5 Acidity)/Dikri, Iftakhud; Soetanto, Slamet; Widjiastuti, Ira.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 7-10 1267 Perbedaan Efektivitas Bufer Saliva Penderita Karies Rendah dan Tinggi sebelum dan setelah Penumpatan Amalgam (Saliva Buffer Effectivity Difference between Low Caries and High Caries Patients before and after Amalgam Restorations)/Ismiyatin, Kun; Prajitno, Moetmainah; Soetojo, Adioro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 134-138 1268 Salivary Flow Difference between Pre and Post Menopause Women/Hikmah, Nurul; Djamhari, Mintarsih; Hadi, Priyo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 74-76 1269

Saliva pH Changes after Ate Snack Containing Sucrose/Wulandari, Fitri; Yaunita, Tamara; Roelianto, M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 14-17 SALMONELLA 1270 Virulensi Salmonella Membutuhkan Banyak Gen (Salmonella Virulency Needs Some Genes)/ Naim, Rachman.-- Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 726730 SALMONELLA TYPHI 1271 Analysis of Pulsotypes of Salmonella typhi Isolates and Their Clinical Profiles in Typhoid Fever Patients/Soemanto, Retno Kadarsih; Moehario, Lucky Hartati.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1)2003: 13-20 1272 Profil Respon Imun Humoral terhadap Flagel Salmonella pada Kelinci (Antibody Response to Salmonella's Flagels in Rabbit)/Sjahrurachman, Agus; Mardiastuti, Adriansjah; Bella, Budiman.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 116-171 1273 Produksi IgA & IgG Mukosal dan Sistemik Setelah Imunisasi Per Oral dengan Protein Adh036 Salmonella typhi pada Mencit BALB/c (The Production of Mucosal and Systemic IgA and IgG After Oral Immunization with AdhO36 Protein Salmonella typhi on BALB/c Mice)/Santoso, Sanarto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 52-57 1274 The Widal Slide Agglutination Test (SAT) Using Antigen from Locally Prevalent Salmonella typhi as Diagnostic Tool for Typhoid Fever/Handojo, Indro (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 29-35 SAMPLE SIZE 1275 Penentuan Besar Sampel (Determination of Sample Size)/Sarwanto; Kuntara.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 795-800 SCABIES



1276 Scabies: The Concepts of Prevention and Community Treatment in Indonesia/Agoes, Ridad.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 45-51 SCHIZOPHRENIA 1277 Skizofrenia dan Merokok (Schizophrenia and Smooking)/Frijanto, Agung; Multazam, Eddy.-Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 538-541 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES 1278 Pemberdayaan Pengelola PMT-AS Tingkat Desa dan Kecamatan di Kabupaten Magelang (The Expedient of School Feeding Program (PTM AS) at Villages Level in Magelang Regency)/ Harbakti, Rasa.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 37-41 SEIZURES 1279 Identifikasi Efek Antiseizure dan Efek Neurotoksisitas dari Ekstrak Fraxinus griffithi Clarke (The Identification of Antiseizure Effect and Neurotoxicitas of Fraxinus griffithy Clarke)/Basori, Achmad; Purwaningsih, Sri.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 87-92 1280 Uji Aktivitas Antikejang Turunan Benzoilurea terhadap Mencit/Mus muscullus (Antiseizure Activity Test of Benzoylurea Derivatives in Mice/Mus muscullus)/Siswandono; Basori, Achmad; Sandakh, Robby.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 9-13 SELENIUM 1281 Pengingkatan Kandungan Selenium dalam Seduhan Teh Daun Benalu The (Scurrula atropurpurea BI Dancer) oleh Fermentasi Inokulum Saccharonycess cerevisiea (Increasing of the Selenium Level on Scurrula atropurpirea BI Dancer Fermented by Saccharonycess cerevisiae)/Hawab, H.M.; Nurhidayat, Novik; Junaedi, Lin Indrayani.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 107-112 SELF MEDICATION

1282 Beberapa Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Obat Tradisional dalam Pengobatan Sendiri di Indonesia (Factors Related to the Use of Traditional Medicine on Self-Medication in Indonesia)/Supardi, Sudibyo; Jamal, Sarjaini; Loupatty, Agness M.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 25-32 1283 Penggunaan Obat Tradisional Buatan Pabrik dalam Pengobatan Sendiri di Indonesia (The Usage of Manufactured Traditional Medicine for Self Medication in Indonesia)/Supardi, Sudibyo; Nurhadiyanto, Feby; Eng, Sabarijah Witto.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 136-141 1284 Pola Pencarian Pengobatan di Indonesia : Analisis Data Susenas 2001 (Health Seeking Bahavior Pattern in Indonesia)/Handayani, Lestari (et. al.).- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (1) 2003: 33-47 SEPSIS 1285 Pola Kuman dan Kepekaan terhadap Antibiotik pada Pasien Sepsis di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) RSUP Dr. Kariadi Januari 1999 Desember 2001 (Bacterial Pattern and its Sensitivity to Antibiotics on Septic Patients in PICU/NICU of Dr. Kariadi Hospital from January 1999 - December 2001)/Deliana, Elly; Farida, Helmia.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 139-142 1286 Problem Kardiovaskular pada Kasus Sepsis-SIRS (Cardiovascular Problem on Sepsis-SIRS Cases)/ Sargowo, Djanggan.-- Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 656664 1287 Profil Pasien yang Didiagnosis dengan Sepsis (ICD X: 41,9) di Bangsal Penyakit Dalam RS Dr. Sardjito Tahun 2002 (Profile of Patients Diagnosed as Sepsis (ICD X:A41.9) in the Internal Medicine Ward Sardjito Hopital in 2002)/Subroto, Yenri Wijayanti; Loehoeri, Soebagjo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (4) 2003: 225-230



1288 Strategi Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Sepsis (The Strategy of Antibiotic Usage on Sepsis)/Lubis, Munar; Lubis, Chairuddin P.; Pasaribu, Syahril.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 155-161 SEROLOGIC TESTS 1289 Perbandingan Tes Serologi Dipstik dengan Widal untuk Diagnosis Demam Tifoid (The Dipstick Serological Test Compared to Widal in Diagnosing of Typhoid Fever)/Sabir, M. (et. al.).- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 83-86 SEROTININ UPTAKE INHIBITORS 1290 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor dan Penggunaannya (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and its Used)/Amir, Nurmiati.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 97-116 SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME 1291 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS (The Diagnosis and Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS)/Soepandi, Priyanti Z.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 139147 1292 Epidemiologi Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS (The Epidemiological of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS)/Kosen, Soewarta.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 120-123 1293 Karakteristik dan Siklus Hidup Virus Corona sebagai Penyebab SARS (The Characteristically and Life Cycle of Corona Virus which Caused of SARS)/Soebandrio, Amin.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 115-119 1294 Kasus Suspect dan Probable Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) di Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta (Suspect Cases and Probable Severe Acute

Respiratory Syndrome/SARS at Prof. Dr. Sulianti SarosoInfectious Hospital, Jakarta)/Giriputro, Sardikin (et. al.).-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 130-138 1295 Pencegahan SARS bagi Tenaga Kesehatan (The Prevention of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome for Health Worker)/Ikhsan, Mukhtar.-J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 148-151 1296 Respons Imun dan Inflamasi SARS (Immune Response and SARS Inflammation)/Manuhutu, Emst J.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (Suplemen Juni) 2003: 124-129 SEX 1297 Hasil Persalinan Berdasarkan Karakteristik Jenis Kelamin Janin (The Outcome of Delivery Based on Characteristics of Fetal Sex)/Wirakusumah, Firman F.; Sukandar, Madyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 163-166 SEX CHARACTERISTICS 1298 Dimorfisme Seksual Sacrum pada Rangka di Laboratorium Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada: Indeks Sacral dan Sudut Mid Lateral Sacral (Sacral Sexual Dimorphism of the Skeletons of the Anatomy Department Medical Faculty Gadjah Mada University: Sacral Index and Mid Lateral Sacral Angle)/Dewi, Arika; Indriati, Etty; Suryadi, Efrayim.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (1) 2003: 2329 SEX HORMONE-BINDING GLOBULIN 1299 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) as a Clinical Evaluation Parameter of Infertile Man/ Sutyarso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 18-23 SEXUALITY 1300 Fungsi Seksual dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan pada Wanita Sebelum dan Selama Hamil (Sexual Function and its Related Factors



Before and During Pregnancy)/Progestian, P.; Junizaf.--Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon.,27 (4) 2003: 224-230 1301 Jender dan Seksualitas serta Dampaknya pada Remaja Perempuan di "Tongkrongan" : Pengamatan terhadap Sebuah Komunitas Remaja di Pinggiran Jakarta (Sexuality and Gender, its Impact to Female Adolescence in a Marginal Community in Jakarta)/Moeliono, Laurike.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 10 (2) 2003: 43-59 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 1302 Penyakit Menular Seksual dan HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten Mimika Papua (Sexually Transmitted Disease and HIV/AIDS at Mimika Sub District, Papua)/Alwi, Qomariah; Rustika.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (68) 2003: 17-20 1303 Upaya Pekerja Seksual Komersial (PSK) dalam Pencegahan dan PengobatanPenyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) di Dolly dan Jarak, Suarabaya (The Commercial Sex Workers Effort due to Prevent and Therapy of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Dolly and Jarak, Surabaya)/Bachroen, Cholis.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (1) 2003: 18-30 SICK BUILDING SYNDROME 1304 Air Movement, Gender and Risk of Sick Building Syndrome Headache among Employees in a Jakarta Office/Winarti, Margaretha; Basuki, Bastaman; Hamid, Abdulbar.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 1771-1777 SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION 1305 The Secrets of Stimulatory and Ingibitory of G Protein in Signal Transduction Pathways/Poli, Paul S.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 2730 SKIN 1306 Pengaruh Pajanan Sinar Matahari terhadap Fungsi Sawar Kulit (The Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on Human Skin Barrier)/Pohan, Saut

Sahat (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 388-396 SKINFOLD THICKNESS 1307 Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Low-Dose Combined Oral Pill on Skin Thickness, Lipid Profile and Blood Chemistry of Menopausal Women/Baziad, Ali.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 224-228 SKULL 1308 Cranium Bifidum/Japandi, Iskandar.-Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 35-38


SLEEP DISORDERS 1309 Gangguan Tidur pada Pelajar Pesantren Raudhatul Hasanah Medan (Sleep Disorder on Student of Raudhatul Hasanah Pesantren, Medan)/Tarigan, Filemon (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (4) 2003: 141-145 SMOKE 1310 Skizofrenia dan Merokok (Schizophrenia and Smooking)/Frijanto, Agung; Multazam, Eddy.-Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 538-541 SMOKING 1311 Pengaruh Merokok terhadap Traktus Gastrointestinal (The Effect of Cigarette Smoking due to Gastrointestinal Trachus)/Sulistyawan, Arif; Adi, Pangestu.-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 379384 1312 Perokok Pasif, Bencana yang Terlupakan (Passive Smokers, Unawareness Problem)/Pradono, Julianty; Kristanti, Ch.M.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 31 (4) 2003: 211-222 SNAKE BITES 1313 Snake Bite/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 133-136 SODIUM 1314



Pengaruh Simetidin terhadap Profil Farmakokinetik Natrium Diklofenak pada Kelinci (The Effect of Cimetidine on Pharmacokinetic Profile to Sodium Diclofenac in Rabbit)/Endreswari, Sri; Yulinah, Elin; Chayati, Yeyet.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 34 (69) 2003: 1115 SODIUM HYPOCHORITE 1315 The Effectiveness of Piper betel Solution and Combination of Sodium Hypochlorite and Hydrogen Peroxide in Root Canal Irrigation for Endodontic Treatment: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study/Indriati, Etty.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 103-110 SOFTWARE 1316 Aplikasi Whonet5 dalam Pengolahan Data Resistensi Spesimen Urin di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik FKUI/RSUPNCM (Whonet 5 Application in the Data Processing of Bacterial Resistance at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia)/Setiawan, Lyana; Loho, Tonny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 444-450 SOMATOTYPES 1317 Somatotypes of Javanese Soccer and Volleyball Players in Yogyakarta/Rahmawati, Neni Trilusiana.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 157-164 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY, ATOMIC ABSORPTION 1318 Penentuan Kadar Timbal dan Besi dalam Rambut Sopir Bis Berdasarkan Lamanya Kerja, dengan Metode Sepektrofotometri Serapan Atom (Determination of Lead and Iron in the Hair of the Bus Driver Based on the Length of Their Services by Atomic Absorption Spectophotometer)/Suswati, Enggar; Sumantri; Kamal, Zainul.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 769-773 SPEECH DISORDERS 1319 Hubungan antara Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah dan Gangguan Perkembangan Bicara di Poliklinik

Tumbuh Kembang Anak RS. Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Relationship between Low Birth Weight Babies and Speech Disturbance in the Sardjito Hospital)/Kamadewi, Desi; Ismail, Djahar; Haksari, Ekawaty L.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 173-179 SPERM MOTILITY 1320 Gambaran Hasil Pemeriksaan Konsentrasi, Motilitas, Viabilitas dan Bentuk Normal Spermatozoa pada Pasien Varikokel (The Description of Concentration, Viability, Motility and Normal Sperm form in Patients with Varicocele)/Rizal, Dicky M.; Rochayati, Ina; Suryadi, E.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 91-96 1321 Motilitas Spermatozoa pada Prostatitis Bakterial Kronis (Sperm Motility in Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis)/Rizal, Dicky Moch.; Mirzania, Hanifah; Suryadi, Efrayim.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 97-102 1322 Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kasar Jus Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) terhadap Motilitas dan Viabilitas Spermatozoa pada Mencit Galur "Balb C" (The Effect of Crude Extract of Star Fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi C.) Juice Treatment on Motility and Viability Sperm of Balb C Strain Mice)/Panghiyangani, Roselina; Pramesti, Hening Tjaturina.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (2) 2003: 119-122 SPERMATOGENESIS 1323 The Influence of Electromagnetic Field Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) of 500 kv HIGH-Voltage Transmission Lines to the Spermatogenesis of Wistar White Rats/Mahmudsyah, Syariffudin; Sudarti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 140146 SPERMATOZOA 1324 Efek Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya Linn) terhadap Ketebalan Epitel Germinal dan Jarak Tubuli Seminiferi serta Jumlah Sel Spermatogenik pada Stage VII Daur Spermatogenesis (The Effects of



Papaya Seeds (Carica papaya Linn) on Thickening of Germinal Epithelium and Distance of Seminiferi Tubule and Total Spermatogenic Cells at VII Stage of Spermatogenesis Cycle)/ Sudarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 59-63 1325 Efek Vinkristin terhadap Mikrotubul Sel Spermatosit dan Spermatozoa (The Effect of Vincristine through Microtubule of Spermatozoa Cells)/Karyadi, Bhakti;Asiah M.D.; Sumitro, Sutiman B.--Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 220-222 1326 Optimasi Pengukuran Aktivitas Hialuronidase Spermatozoa Mencit dengan Metode Uji Lempeng Mikro (The Optimation of Measures Hyaluronidase Activity Using Micro Plate Assay on Mice Sperm)/Bambang Projogo EW.; Eka Y.-Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (3) 2003: 96-98 1327 Vasoligasi Tinggi Vena Spermatika Interna pada Pasien Varikokel; Pengaruhnya terhadap Volume Testis dan Kualitas Semen (The High Vasoligation of Internal Spermatic Vein in Varicocele Patients; Its Impact through the Testicular Volume and Sperm Quality)/Hoetama, Sakti (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 17 SPORES 1328 Faktor-faktor Pendukung Resistensi Spora (Supporting Factors of Spore Resistance)/Naim, Rochman.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 791-794 1329 Model Resistensi Spora dalam Laboratorium (The Model of Spora Resistancy at Laboratory)/Naim, Rochman.-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 507-510 SPUTUM 1330 Pemeriksaan BTA di BP4 Lubuk Alung (The Examination of Sputum at BP4 Lubuk Alung)/Agus, Asdi.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 458459 STAPHYLOCCOCAL PROTEIN A

1331 Kadar Mioglobin, C-reactive Protein dan Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner yang Dilakukan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan : Penelitian Pendahuluan (The Level of Myoglobin, CRP and PAPP-A on Heart Coronary Artery Diseases Patients Undergoing Percutaneus Coronary Intervention : Preliminary Study)/Suryadipradja, R. Miftah.--Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 404-408 STEM CELLS 1332 Peranan Sel Stem pada Infark Miokard (The Role of Stem Cell on Myocardial Infarction)/Ramelan, Wahyuning.-- Jakarta: Simposium Pendekatan Holistik Penyakit Kardiovaskular II, 1846 (PRO) 2003: 119-123 STOMATOGNATHIC SYSTEM 1333 Pemakaian Gigi Tiruan Lengkap Rahang Bawah Pasca Reseksi Mandibula sebagai Alat Rehabilitasi Fungsi Stomatognati (Rehabilitation of Stomatognathic Function Using a Complete Mandibular Denture Following Mandibular Recetion)/Ekasari, Fr. Amelia; Wahyuningtyas, Endang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 121128 STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS 1334 The Antibacterial of Infussion of Granati Fructus Cortex Infussion to the Streptococcus mutans/ Sukanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 8690 1335 The Difference Process of Heat Cured Acrylis Resin Plate to the Surface Roughness and the Adherence of Streptococcus Mutans Colony/Rostiny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 102-105 STRESS 1336 Correlation between Psychological Stressor and Sever Preeclampsia (SPE)/Dalono, JB.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 76-80



1337 Stress before and during Pregnancy Increased Risk Antepartum Depression/Ismail, R. Irawati.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 81-86 1338 Stress Fungsional dapat Menjadi Salah Satu Faktor Pemicu Hilangnya Memori ? (Functional Stress Could be an Cause Factor due to Memory Disorder)/Mas'ud, Ibnu.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 21-26 SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND NEOPLASMS 1339 In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Antimigration of Quinolinone Derivate Vesnarinone on Human Adenocarcinoma Submandibular Gland Cell Culture/Supriatno; Endaryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (3) 2003: 100-104 SUBSTANCE ABUSE, INTRAVENOUS 1340 Infectious Diseases in Intravenous Drug Abusers Patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital-Surabaya, Indonesia/Nasronudin (et. al.).-- Dexa Media, 16 (1) 2003: 19-23 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS 1341 Profil Remaja yang Berobat Jalan di Klinik Adiksi Iqoni Manado Periode Januari - Desember 2001 (The Profile of Adolescence Outpatients at Addiction Clinic Iqoni Manado, Period JanuaryDecember 2001)/Reo, Poleh.-- Jiwa, 36 (3) 2003: 1-8 SUCROSE 1342 Saliva pH Changes after Ate Snack Containing Sucrose/Wulandari, Fitri; Yaunita, Tamara; Roelianto, M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (1) 2003: 14-17 SULFUR OXIDES 1343 Pengaruh Inhalasi Sulfur Dioksida terhadap Kesehatan Paru (The Effect of Sulfur Oxides Inhalation toward Lung Health)/Munthe, Eva (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (138) 2003: 29-33 SUNLIGHT

1344 Pakaian sebagai Pelindung Surya (Clothe as a Sunlight Cover)/Tantari SHW.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 79-64 SUNSCREENING AGENTS 1345 Program Basis Vanishing Cream Anionik dan Nonionik terhadap Efektivitas Oksibenson sebagai Tabir Surya (Program of Nonionic and Anionic Vanishing Cream Bases toward the Effectiveness of Oxybenzon as a Sun Screen)/Ernawati, Tristiana; Himawati, Ekarina Ratna.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 6-8 SURGERY 1346 Individualised Dose of Gentamycilin Based on Clinical Pharmacokinetics: A Study of Prophycylactic Antibiotic Usage in Head and Neck Sugery/Reksoprawiro, Sunarto; Hartono, Ruddy; Sjamsiah, Siti.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 188-194 1347 Peranan Bedah Anak pada Neonatus Penderita Ikterus Berkepanjangan (The Role of Pediatric Surgery in Neonatal Patient with Prolonged Jaundice)/Ismael, Chairul.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 52-58 SURVIVAL 1348 Relationship between Cancer Stage, Tumor Size and Five-Year Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital/Wahyuni, Arlinda Sari (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (3) 2003: 125-130 SWIMMING 1349 Pengaruh Gaya Berenang (Gaya Bebas dan Gaya Dada) terhadap Perubahan Volume Oksigen Maksimum (The Influence of Swimming Style through the Change of Maximum Oxygen Volume)/ Dennsion; Sriwahyuni, Endang; Wardhani, Viera.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 70-72 SYNDROME 1350



Sindrom Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Houser Syndrome)/Wirawan, P.; Anantasika, A.A.N.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 259-263 SYRINGOMYELIA 1351 Syringomyelia : A Case Report in Medan/Ritarwan, Kiking; Dhanu, Rusli; Nasution, Daruljutni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 92-94 TABLETS 1352 Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Zat Besi pada Ibu Hamil yang Berkunjung ke Puskesmas Sidomulyo Kecamatan Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru (The Factors in Consuming Iron Pills for the Pregnant Women who were Visited Sidomulyo Health Centre at Tampan Subdistrict, Pekanbaru)/Jumirah; Refina, Ina; Keloko, Alam Bakti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 8-12 1353 Formulasi Senyawa Baru Antiinflamasi PGV-0 dalam Bentuk Sediaan Tablet (Formulation of PGV-0 a New Anti-inflammatory Agent as a Tablet Dosage Form)/Oetari, R.A. (et. al.).-- Maj. Farmasi Indon.,14 (3) 2003: 160-168 1354 Penentuan Kadar Optimum Amilum Biji Nangka sebagai Bahan Pelicin Tablet Secara Eksternal (Determination of Optimum Concentration of Seed Strach of Jackfruit as External inbricant in Tableting Process)/Gusmayadi, Inding (et. al.).-J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 126-131 1355 Penggunaan Amilum Sagu Pregelatinized sebagai Bahan Panghancur Tablet dengan Bahan Pengisi yang Tidak Larut dalam Air (The Use of Preglatinized Sago Strach as Disintegrant Increased by Disolotion Coumpond in Tabletting Process)/T.N. Saufullah S.-- J. Bahan Alam Indon., 2 (4) 2003: 132-135 1356

Pharmacokinetic Profile and Comparative Bioavailability of Pentoxyphylline from Two Sustained-Release Pentoxyphylline Tablets in Indonesia Healthy Volunteers/Sumitrapura, Yeyet C.; Sulistyo, Wibawati; Suhalim, Herwanto.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 233-237 TACHYCARDIA, PAROXYSMAL 1357 Pengaruh Kadar Elektrolit Darah terhadap Keberhasilan Terminasi Takikardi Atrial Paroksismal (TAP) dengan Magnesium Sulfat (The Effect of Blood Electrolite Level through the Successful of Paroxysmal Arterial Tachycardia Termination Using Magnesium Sulfate)/Sugiri.-Media Medika Indon., 38 (4) 2003: 203-208 TAENIASIS 1358 Taeniasis saginata Asiatica in Samosir/Depary, A.A.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 30-32 TANNINS 1359 Fermentation of Phytic Acid from Lamtoro Gung Seeds (Leucaena leucocephala) to Produce Inositol and Tannin as Pharmaceutical Commodity/Bakti, I.A. Rivai.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 236-242 TEA 1360 Manfaat Teh Hijau bagi Kesehatan (The Effect of Green Tea to Health)/Naim, Rochman.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 243-245 1361 Pengingkatan Kandungan Selenium dalam Seduhan Teh Daun Benalu The (Scurrula atropurpurea BI Dancer) oleh Fermentasi Inokulum Saccharonycess cerevisiea (Increasing of the Selenium Level on Scurrula atropurpirea BI Dancer Fermented by Saccharonycess cerevisiae)/Hawab, H.M.; Nurhidayat, Novik; Junaedi, Lin Indrayani.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 107-112 1362



Teh Hijau sebagai Pencegah Kanker? (Green Tea as a Preventive Agentto Cancer)/Naim, Rochman.-- Medika, 29 (6)2003: 384-388 TEARS 1363 Comparison of Mean Tears Examination Results of Schirmer Test 1 Using Whatman Paper No. 91 and No. 41 in Normal People/Hoesin, Rowena Ghazali.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 111114 TECHNOLOGY 1364 Dampak Kemajuan Teknologi di Bidang Obstetri dan Ginekologi (The Impact of Technology Development in Obstetry and Gynecology)/Prabowo, R. Prajitno.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (4) 2003: 201-205 TEMPERATURE 1365 Changes in Temperature of Newborn Babies Bathed Immediately after Birth/Gunawijaya, Eka; Hamid, S. Abdul.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 73-80 1366 Hubungan Suhu, pH dan Kekeruhan Sumber Air Alami dengan Keberadaan Amuba Hidup Bebas Genus Naegleria di Desa Ciburial Bandung Utara (The Correlation between Temperature, Acidity and Turbidity in Natual Water Resources and the Existence of Free Living Amoebae Genus Naegleria in Ciburial Village, North Bandung)/Hidayat, Meilinah; Djatie, Tjahjono.-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 99-103 TERATOMA 1367 Immature Teratoma of the Urinary Bladder: a Case Report/Indrawati; Soeripto.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 181-186 TERBUTALINE 1368 Perbandingan Awitan Kerja Ketorolac dengan Terbutalin sebagai Obat Tokolitik pada Persalinan Preterm (The Comparation of Ketorolac and Terbutaline as a Tocolytic Agent in Preterm

Labor)/Bhimantoro, F.X.A.; Wibowo, N.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 21-26 TESTIS 1369 Vasoligasi Tinggi Vena Spermatika Interna pada Pasien Varikokel; Pengaruhnya terhadap Volume Testis dan Kualitas Semen (The High Vasoligation of Internal Spermatic Vein in Varicocele Patients; Its Impact through the Testicular Volume and Sperm Quality)/Hoetama, Sakti (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 17 TETANUS 1370 Neonatal Tetanus: A 6-Years Evaluation in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan/Lubis, Munar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 99-101 1371 Tetanus/Maliawan, Sri; Golden, Nyoman; Wiryanatha, Oka.-- Dexa Media, 16 (3) 2003: 6569 1372 Tetanus Children Group: A Retrospective Study in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan/Lubis, Munar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 58-60 TETANUS TOXOID 1373 Pengembangan Model Intervensi Penjaringan Imunisasi DT dan TT (Bias) pada Anak Putus Sekolah Setara SD (The Development of Catching Intervention Model of DT and TT Immunization on Child)/Lestari, C.S. Whinie (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (2) 2003: 16-20 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT 1374 Thrombocytopenia in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot a Condition Requiring Immediate Attention/ Ontoseno, Teddy.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 49-53 THALASSEMIA 1375



Diagnosis Laboratorium Thalassemia dan Hemoglobin Varian (Laboratory Diagnostic of Thalassemia and Variance Hemoglobin)/Wirawan, Riadi.-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanegara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 125-129 THEOPHYLLINE 1376 Effect of Pentagamavunon-0 to the Theophylline Pharmacokinetics in Rats/Hakim, Arief Rahman; Hakim, Lukman; Margono, Supardjan A.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 224-249 THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCY 1377 Itrakonazol: Profil Farmakokinetika dan Uji Bioekuivalensi pada Sukarelawan Sehat (Itraconazole : Pharmacokinetic Profile and Bioequivalency Test on Health Volunteer)/Hakim, Lukman (et. al.).-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 39-43 1378 Uji Bioavailabilitas dan Bioekuivalensi Obat: Disain Penelitian dan Validasi Metode Analisis (The Bioavailablelity Test and Bioequivalency Agent : Research Design and Validity of Analysis Method)/Setiawati, Effi; Wiria, Metta Sinta Sari; Setiawati, Arini.-- Dexa Media, 16 (2) 2003: 3538 THERMODYNAMICS 1379 Kinetika dan Termodinamika Transpor Antar Fase dari Turunan Asam p-Hidroksibenzoat : in Vitro (The Kinetic and Thermodynamic Aspect of the Interphase Transfer of Serie p-Hydrobenzoic Ester : in Vitro)/Pristianty, Lisa.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (1) 2003: 1-5 THINKING 1380 Keterampilan dan Model Berpikir Mahasiswa Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Skripsi (Thinking Skills and Models among Health Sciences Students in Writing the Thesis)/ Saefullah, Avip.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 122-127 THORACIC SURGERY

1381 Operasi Jantung Terbuka Cito pada Pasien dengan Corpus Alienum di Ventrikel Kiri : Laporan Kasus Jarang (Cito Open Heart as Operative Treatment of Foreign Body in the Left Ventricle Removal)/Seswandhana, M. Rosadi; Supomo.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 119-124 THORACIC VERTEBRAE 1382 Individual pada Penggal Kepala dengan Skaning Vertebra C7-T1 (Individuation in Decapitation with C7-T1 Vertebral Scanning)/Indriati, Etty.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 141-148 THROMBOCYTOPENIA 1383 Masalah Trombositopenia pada Usia Neonatal (The Problem of Thrombocytopenia on Neonatal Age)/Soemantri Ag.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 59-63 1382 Thrombocytopenia in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot a Condition Requiring Immediate Attention/ Ontoseno, Teddy.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 49-53 THROMBOEMBOLISM 1383 Tromboemboli Vena pada Keganasan (Vena Thromboembolism on Malignancy)/Tyasmono; Kurnianda, Johan.-- Medika, 29 (9) 2003: 594599 THROMBOPHLEBITIS 1384 Korelasi Faktor-faktor Resiko Terjadinya Trombosis Vena Dalam dengan Operasi Ortopedi Resiko Tinggi (The Correlation between the Incidens of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Type of High Risk Orthopaedic Surgery)/Hardjosworo S.A.; Tobing, S.A. Dohar L.-- Maj. Orthop. Indon., 31 (1) 2003: 46-50 THROMBOSIS 1385 Disfungsi Endotel pada Trombosis (Endotelial Disfunction on Thrombosis)/Reksodiputro, A. Harryanto.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 182-192



1386 Gangren Pedis Caused by Deep Vein Thrombosis in a Middle-aged Woman/Pangayoman, Roys; Yuwono, Hendro S.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (1) 2003: 30-33 1387 Peran Terapi Medikamentosa pada Trombosis Vena dalam Kronik (The Role of Medicamentosa Therapy in Chronicle Venous Thrombosis)/Tambuanan, Karmel L.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 206-210 1388 Perbedaan Trombosis Vena dalam dan Trombosis Arteri Tungkai Akut dalam Hal Diagnosis dan Tatalaksanaan (The Differences of Venous Thrombosis Compare to Acute Leg Artherial Thrombosis in Diagnosis and Management)/Atmakusuma, Djumbana.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 193-205 THYROID DISEASES 1389 Comparison between Maternal Thyroid Status and the Subsequent Outcomes of Pregnancy in an Iodine-Deficient and an Iodine-Replete Area/Hartono, Bambang (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 131-138 THYROIDITIS, AUTOIMMUNE 1390 Hashimoto Auto-immune Tyroiditis with Different Clinical Manifestations/Adriansjah, Herman; Adam, John MF.-- Acta Medica Indon., 35 (1) 2003: 16-21 TIBIAL FRACTURES 1391 Manfaat Pemberian Gelombang Ultrasonik Intensitas Rendah untuk Mempercepat Pembentukan Kalus Fraktur Tibia (The Benefit of Low Intensity Ultrasonic Wave to Fasten Callus Formation on Tibial Tures)/Handoko, Sidho; Dradjat, Respati Suryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 45-51 TOBACCO

1392 TB and Tobacco/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 48-52 1393 Rokok dan Tuberkulosis Paru (Cigarette and its Relation with Pulmonary Tuberculosis)/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 323-328 TOCOLYTIC AGENTS 1394 Perbandingan Awitan Kerja Ketorolac dengan Terbutalin sebagai Obat Tokolitik pada Persalinan Preterm (The Comparation of Ketorolac and Terbutaline as a Tocolytic Agent in Preterm Labor)/Bhimantoro, F.X.A.; Wibowo, N.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 21-26 1395 Tokolisis and Nifedipin/Japar, B.; Wikjosantrao, G.H.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (1) 2003: 38-44 TOMOGRAPHY 1396 Electron Beam Computed Tomography : Noninvasive Screening for Coronary Artery Disease/ Widodo, Ariani Dewi (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (5) 2003: 179-188 TOMOGRAPHY SCANNERS, X-RAY COMPUTED 1397 Computer Tomography Scanning of Homo erectus Crania Ngandong 7 from Java: Internal Structure, Paleopathology and Post-Mortem History/Balzeau, Antoine (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (3) 2003: 133-140 1398 Profil Stroke dari CT-Scan Kepala (Stroke Profile by Brain CT-Scan)/Suyono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (4) 2003: 140-144 TONSILLECTOMY 1399 Post-Adenotonsilectomy Increase of Immune Response in Children With Obstructive Adenotonsilitis/Muhardjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003: 147-156



TONSILLITIS 1400 Kebugaran Jasmani pada Penderita Tonsilitis Kronik Dibanding Anak Normal/Usia 12 - 14 Tahun (The Physical Fitness on Chronical Tonsilitis Patient Compare to the Normal Child Age between 12-14 Years Old)/Herawati; Amryyatun; Kartawa, Hartati.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 17-22 1401 Post-Adenotonsillectomy Monocyte Modulation in Children with Obstructive Chronic Adenotonsillitis/Muharjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 81-85 TOOTH CALCIFICATION 1402 Daya Reversibilitas Kalsifikasi Gigi Akibat Kekurangan Protein dan Post Natal (Reversibility of Teeth Calcification on Pre and Post Natal Protein Deficiency)/Pudyani, Pinandi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 151-155 TOOTH, ARTIFICIAL 1403 Kekerasan Permukaan Basis Gigi Tiruan Poliester EBP 2421 dan Resin Akrilik setelah Perendaman dalam Larutan Minuman (Surface Hardness of Polyester EBP 2421 and Acrylic Denture Base after Being Immersed in Drinking Solution)/Kresnoadi, Utari.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (4) 2003: 156-159 TOURETTE SYNDROME 1404 Gilles Dea La Tourette's Syndrome/Resna, Lelly; Wiguna, Tjhin; Prasetyo, Jan.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 3-14 1405 Perbandingan Karakteristik Penderita Sindrom Tourette Tanpa dan dengan Gejala Penyerta Gangguan Obsesi-Kompulsi (The Characteristical Comparative between Tourette Syndrome Patients with and without the Symptom of CompulsionObsesion Disorders)/Agusno.-- Jiwa, 36 (1) 2003: 15-25 TOXOPLASMA 1406

Deteksi Antigen Toksoplasma dengan Teknik Imunohistokimia pada Abortus Spontan (Detection of Toxoplasma Antigen Using Immunohistochemistry in Spontaneous Abortion)/Ambari, Ediwibowo; Soejoenoes, Ariawan; Wibowo, Bambang.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 83-91 TOXOPLASMOSIS 1407 Menghindari Bahaya Toxoplasmosis (The Prevention of Toxoplasmosis)/Indra Chahaya S.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 137-14 1408 Toksoplasmosis Ibu Hamil di Indonesia : Studi Tindak Lanjut Survai Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1995 (Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women in Indonesia : Household Health Survey 1995)/Ma'roef, Salma; Soemantri, Suharsono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 41-45 TRANSFERENCE 1409 Mirror Transference pada Proses Psikoterapi (Mirror Transference on Psychotherapy Process)/ Petrin, Redayani LS.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 205-219 TRICHOMONAS VAGINITIS 1410 Trikomoniasis dan Penatalaksanaannya (Trichomoniasis and its Management)/Adam, A.M.; Suwito, Hardy.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 36-40 TRIGLYCERIDES 1411 Pengaruh Aktivitas Fisik Aerobik Sesaat terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Plasma pada Orang Tidak Terlatih dan Terlatih (The Effect of Aerobic Physical Activity through Serum Triglycerides Level in Untrained and Trained People)/Yusni; Effendi, Choesnan; Setyawan, Sunarko.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 3 (1) 2003: 31-39 TUBERCULOSIS 1412 Community Problem: Antibiotic Resistance in Tuberculosis/Liauw, Felix; Sungkar, Saleha.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 451-456



1413 Compliance to Tuberculosis Treatment in Bali/Darmasemaya, A.A.G. Raka; Gilarsi, Titik Respati.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 429-436 1414 Fixed Dose Combination for TB Treatment/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 114-119 1415 Oral Manifestation, Immunopathogenesis and Management of Tuberculosis/Revianti, Syamsulina; Parisihni, Kristanti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (2) 2003: 68-73 1416 TB and Tobacco/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1) 2003: 48-52 1417 Teknik Sentrifugasi untuk Meningkatkan Penemuan Bakteri Tahan Asam (BTA) dari Sputum Penderita TBC melalui Metode ZielhNeelsen (Centrifugation Technique to Increase Bacteria Founding in Sputum of Tuberculosis Patient by Zielh-Neelsen Method)/Sumarti, Merryani Girsang (et. al.).-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 23-31 TUBERCULOSIS, FEMALE GENITAL 1418 Amenore Sekunder yang Disebabkan Tuberkulosis Genital : Laporan Kasus (Secondary Amenorrhea Caused by Genital Tuberculosis)/Asril, I.; Sumapraja, K.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 193-195 TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY 1419 Evaluasi Uji Serap Imun-Rapid Imunokromatografi pada Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru di Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras Jakarta (The Evaluation of Absorb Test of Immun-rapid Immunochromatography on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient in Sumber Waras Hospital, Jakarta)/ Supardi, Linda (et. al.).-- Jakarta: Temu Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanegara, 1824 (PRO) 2003: 130-138 1420

Keberhasilan Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) pada Pengobatan TB Paru Kasus Baru di BP4 Surakarta (The Succsessful of Directly Observed Therapy/DOT in the Treatment of New Case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in BP4 Surakarta)/Amril, Yun (et. al.).-- J. Respirol. Indon., 23 (2) 2003: 67-75 1421 Manfaat Bronkodilator Inhalasi Ipratropium Bromide dan Fenoterol Hidrobromide pada Penderita Sindrom Obstruksi Pasca Tuberkulosis Paru/SOPT (The Effect of Ipratropium Bromide Inhaler and Fenoterol Hidrobromide in Patient with Obstruction Syndrome Post Lung Tuberculosis)/Gani, Abdul; Tanjung, Azhar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (2) 2003: 53-57 1422 Penatalaksaaan Tuberkulosis Paru dengan Resistensi Banyak Obat/MDR TB (The Management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis)/Amin, Zulkifli.-- Jakarta: Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional I PB PAPDI, 1847 (PRO) 2003: 11-20 1423 Peran Pengawas Menelan Obat bagi Keberhasilan Pengobatan TB Paru di Kawedanan Dero, Ngawi (The Role of Drugs Used Investigator toward the Successful of Lung Tuberculosis Therapy at Kawedanan Dero, Ngawi)/Putro, Gurendro.-Medika, 29 (10) 2003: 665-670 1424 Prevalensi Penderita TB Paru di Bagian Rawat Inap Paru RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Tahun 19992000 (The Prevalence of Lung Tuberculosis Patients at Lung Diseases Ward, Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin by the Year 1999 - 2000)/Isa, Mohammad; Khairiah, Siti.-- Dexa Media, 16 (4) 2003: 123-132 1425 Rokok dan Tuberkulosis Paru (Cigarette and its Relation with Pulmonary Tuberculosis)/Aditama, Tjandra Yoga.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 323-328 TYPHOID 1426



Analysis of Pulsotypes of Salmonella typhi Isolates and Their Clinical Profiles in Typhoid Fever Patients/Soemanto, Retno Kadarsih; Moehario, Lucky Hartati.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (1)2003: 13-20 1427 Concurrent Dengue Infection and Enteric Fever a Case Series/Basuki, Parwati Setiona.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 54-60 1428 Cytokine Profiles of Typhoid Patients Hospitalized at Communicable Diseases Wards, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya/Nugraha, Jusak; Hamdoko, Indro; Soewandojo, Eddy.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 36-39 1429 Perbandingan Tes Serologi Dipstik dengan Widal untuk Diagnosis Demam Tifoid (The Dipstick Serological Test Compared to Widal in Diagnosing of Typhoid Fever)/Sabir, M. (et. al.).- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 22 (3) 2003: 83-86 1430 The Widal Slide Agglutination Test (SAT) Using Antigen from Locally Prevalent Salmonella typhi as Diagnostic Tool for Typhoid Fever/Handojo, Indro (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 29-35 ULTRASONIC THERAPY 1431 Manfaat Pemberian Gelombang Ultrasonik Intensitas Rendah untuk Mempercepat Pembentukan Kalus Fraktur Tibia (The Benefit of Low Intensity Ultrasonic Wave to Fasten Callus Formation on Tibial Tures)/Handoko, Sidho; Dradjat, Respati Suryanto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Unibraw., 19 (2) 2003: 45-51 ULTRASONOGRAPHY 1432 Diagnosis Kelainan Kongenital Kistadenomatoid Paru melalui Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi (Congenital Cyst Adenomatoid Malformation Diagnosis by Ultrasound Examination)/Isanaeni, R.; Wibowo, N.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 182-187

1433 Gambaran CA Korpue dan Kauda Pankreas pada Tiga Modalitas Radiologi : Foto Polos, Barium Meal dan Ultrasonografi Abdomen (The Feature of CA Corpue and Caudal Pancreas in Three Modalities Radiology : Radiography, Barium Meal and Abdomenal Ultrasonography)/Zulkarnaen, Benny; Iskandar, Arif.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 468-472 1434 Perubahan Sonografi Hepar, Vesica Felea, dan Ductus Biliaris pada Penderita Ikterius (Ultrasonography Change on Hepar, Vesica Felea and Ductus Billiaris in Icterus Patient)/Suyono (et. al.).-- Medika, 29 (6) 2003: 350-353 ULTRAVIOLET RAYS 1435 Pengaruh Pajanan Sinar Matahari terhadap Fungsi Sawar Kulit (The Influence of Ultraviolet Radiation on Human Skin Barrier)/Pohan, Saut Sahat (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (11) 2003: 388-396 UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS 1436 Pre and Post Training Evaluation on Universal Precautions (UP) Practices at Putat Jaya Health Center, Surabaya/Bachroen, Cholis.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 6 (2) 2003: 61-77 URETEROSCOPY 1437 Ureterorenoskopi dan Lithoclast pada Batu Ureter Distal (Ureteroscopy and Lithoclast Use in the Treatment of Distal Ureteric Stone)/Monoarfa, Alwin.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (2) 2003: 14-17 URETHRA 1438 Divertikel Uretra Anterior pada Laki-laki: Laporan Tiga Kasus (Anterior Urethra Diverticula in Man : Report of 3 Cases)/Wijaya, Arya; Tusawardaya, Setya Anton; Wijanarko, Suharto.-J. Urologi Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 22-25 URETHRAL STRICTURE 1439 The Pattern of Urethral Stricture and its Treatment in Hasan Sadikin Hospital



Bandung/Sugandi, Suwandi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (2) 2003: 64-68 URINARY CATHETERIZATION 1440 Studi Analitik Pengaruh Pemasangan Kateter terhadap Kadar Antigen Spesifik Prostat dalam Darah pada Pasien Hiperplasia Prostat Jinak dengan Retensi Urin (The Analytic Study of the Impact on Serum PSA of Insertion of a Urethral Catheter in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Caused Acute Urinary Retention)/Wijarko, Suharto (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 1-8 URINARY INCONTINENCE 1441 Survei Inkontinensia Urin (Mengompol) pada Usia Lanjut di Lingkungan Pusat Santunan Keluarga (PUSAKA) (Survey of Urinary Incontinence Among Elderly People in Pusat Santunan Keluarga (Nursing Home)/Setiati, Siti; Istanti, Rahmi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (44) 2003: 136-139 URINARY RETENTION 1442 Hubungan antara Residu Urin Pasca Miksi dengan Protrusi Prostat pada Pembesaran Prostat Jinak tanpa Retensi (The Correlation between Post Micturition Residual Urine and Prostatic Protrusion in Enlargement of Benign Prostatic without Urinary Retention)/Tjahjodjati; Rahardjo, Djoko.-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 15-18 1443 Retensio Urin Kronik Post Partum (Chronical Urinary Retention in Post Partum)/Pribakti B.-Medika, 29 (11) 2003: 731-733 1444 Studi Analitik Pengaruh Pemasangan Kateter terhadap Kadar Antigen Spesifik Prostat dalam Darah pada Pasien Hiperplasia Prostat Jinak dengan Retensi Urin (The Analytic Study of the Impact on Serum PSA of Insertion of a Urethral Catheter in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Caused Acute Urinary Retention)/Wijarko, Suharto (et. al.).-- J. Urologi Indon., 10 (1) 2003: 1-8

URINARY TRACT 1445 Pengaruh Flavoxate terhadap Keluhan Traktus Urinarius Bawah: Suatu Studi Acak, Tersamar Ganda Kontrol Plasebo (The Effect of Flavoxate on the Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract: A Randomized, Double Blond, Placebo Control Clinical Trial)/Ardy S; Sidharta; Rifki M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (6) 2003: 204-207 URINE 1446 Aplikasi Whonet5 dalam Pengolahan Data Resistensi Spesimen Urin di Laboratorium Patologi Klinik FKUI/RSUPNCM (Whonet 5 Application in the Data Processing of Bacterial Resistance at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia)/Setiawan, Lyana; Loho, Tonny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (12) 2003: 444-450 1447 Korelasi antara Volume Residu Urin dan Adanya Obstruksi pada Penderita dengan Simptom BPH dengan Menggunakan Pressure Flow Study (The Correlation between Urinary Residual Volumes and Obstruction in Patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptom Caused the Using of Pressure Flow Measurement)/Prasetyawan, Widiyatno; Sumardi, Rochani.-- J. Urologi Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 19-21 1448 Quality Control of Urine Chemistry by Using Dipstick/Wirawan, Riadi; Bahri, Syukrini; Setiawan, Lyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 257-264 1449 Uji Stabilitas Bahan Kontrol Kova-Trol untuk Pemeriksaan Kimia Urin (Stability Assessment of Kova-Trol, a Quality Control Material for Urine Chemistry Tests)/Wirawan, Riadi; Setiawan, Lyana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (10) 2003: 349-353 UTERINE HEMORRHAGE 1450 Perdarahan karena Pemakaian IUD : Hubungan dengan Perubahan Mikrosirkulasi (Uterine Hemorrhage Caused of IUD : Associated with



Microcirculatory Disturbance)/Noerpramana, Noor Pramono.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (3) 2003: 115-120 UTERINE NEOPLASMS 1451 Expression of bet-2 and p53 in Uterine Cervical Cancer/Yoewarini, Endang.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (4) 2003: 214-215 UTERINE PERFORATION 1452 Perforasi Uterus-Rektum dengan Janin Mati pada Kehamilan yang Berlangsung 16 Bulan (UterineRectal Perforation due to Intra Uterine Fetal Death in Pregnant Mother with 16 Months Pregnancy)/Budiarti, Indri (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 128-131 UTERINE RUPTURE 1453 Management of Placental Abruption and Incomplete Uterine Rupture caused by Accidental Trauma of Abdomen/Suparman, Eddy; Suryawan, Aloysius.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (139) 2003: 20-21 VACCINATION 1454 Reconsideration of Early Childhood Vaccination (An Epidemiological Study on Relationships between Vaccination and Autism)/Amsyari, Fuad; Mukarromah, Nur.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (2) 2003: 102-106 VACCINES 1455 Kemajuan dalam Pengembangan Vaksin terhadap Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan dan Meningitis (The Advantage in Vaccine Development Against Respiratory Tract Infection and Meningitis)/Isbagio, Dyah Widyaningroem.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 32-37 VAGINAL FISTULA 1456 Fistula Rektovaginal : Laporan Kasus (Rectovaginal Fistula : a Case Report)/Raharjo, B.T.; Santoso, B.I.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 27 (3) 2003: 196-198

VARICOLELE 1457 Gambaran Hasil Pemeriksaan Konsentrasi, Motilitas, Viabilitas dan Bentuk Normal Spermatozoa pada Pasien Varikokel (The Description of Concentration, Viability, Motility and Normal Sperm form in Patients with Varicocele)/Rizal, Dicky M.; Rochayati, Ina; Suryadi, E.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 35 (2) 2003: 91-96 VARICOSE VEINS 1458 Pencegahan dan Diagnosis Varises/Tungkai (The Diagnosis and Prevention of Varices)/Utami, Chrisni.-- Dexa Media , 16 (3) 2003: 70-73 VASCULAR DISEASES 1459 Penyakit Moyamoya Disease)/Japardi, Iskandar.-Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 17-19


(Moyamoya Kedokter.

VEGETABLES 1460 Profil Residu Pestisida Ditiokarbamat dalam Tomat dan Selada pada Tingkat Konsumen di DKI Jakarta (Profile of Ditiocarbamate Pesticide Residu in Tomatoes and Lettuce on Consumers Level in Jakarta)/Mutiatikum, D.; Murad, Janahar; Endreswari, Sri.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (4) 2003: 10-13 VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION 1461 Mekanisme Terjadinya Fibrilasi Ventrikuler Suatu Malignant Arrhythmia (The Mechanism of Ventricular Fibrillation Develop Arrhythmia Malignancy)/Sugiharto, Gatot.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 2 (3) 2003: 152-161 VINCRISTINE 1462 Efek Vinkristin terhadap Mikrotubul Sel Spermatosit dan Spermatozoa (The Effect of Vincristine through Microtubule of Spermatozoa Cells)/Karyadi, Bhakti; Asiah M.D.; Sumitro, Sutiman B.-- Medika, 29 (4) 2003: 220-222 VIRUS ACTIVATION



1463 Pengaruh Infeksi Virus pada Perkembangan Asma (The Influence of Virus Infection in Asthma Development)/Rusli, Adria; Yunus, Faisal; Wiyono, Wiwien Heru.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (141) 2003: 19-22 VISION, BINOCULAR 1464 Binocular Vision Among Children in Second Grade of Kindergarten School in Surabaya/Ali, Hamidah M.-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (3) 2003 : 195-199 VITALISM 1465 Konsep Natural Healing, Holistik, dan Vitalism pada Pengobatan Alternatif (Holystic, Vitalism and Natural Healing Concept in Alternative Medicine)/Turana, Yuda.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 304-305 VITAMIN B 12 1466 The Free Radical Content in the Facces of Anaemic Pregnant Women Receiving Oral Supplementation of Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12/Rini (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (7) 2003: 251-256 VITAMIN E 1467 Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid pada Pengidap Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation toward Melondialdehyde Concentration on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/Wiyono, Paulus; Broto, Rawan; Budiono, Eko.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 23-29 1468 Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E terhadap Efektifitas Artemisinin sebagai Obat Malaria (The Effect of Vitamin E Addition toward the Effectivity of Artemisinin as an Antimalarial Drug)/Ridwan, Endi (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 31-36 VOMITING 1469

Akupunktur untuk Mengatasi Problem Mual Muntah (Acupuncture for Nausea and Vomiting)/ Idayanti, Agustin.-- Meridian, 10 (2) 2003: 93-94 1470 Penatalaksanaan Muntah pada Bayi dan Anak (Management of Vomiting in Infant and Children)/Sudarmo, Subijanto Marto.-- Bul. Ilmu Kesehat. Anak, 30 (10) 2003: 432-444 VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR 1471 Hubungan Faktor Von Willebrand dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Faktor Risiko Konvensional (The Relationship of Von Willebrand Factor to Coronary Heart Disease and Conventional Risk Factor)/Bandiara, Ria (et. al.).- Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 156-162 VULVAR NEOPLASMS 1472 Surgical Management of Stage I and II Vulvar Cancer : The Role of the Separated Incision/ Andrijono; Aziz, M. Farid; Kampono, N.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (2) 2003: 103-108 VULVOVAGINITIS 1473 Vulvovaginal Candidosis Caused by Candida Non-Albicans, Proportion and Clinical Characteristics in the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta/Haryani, Midi; Urip, Kuswadji S.; Wasitoatmadja, Sjarif M.-Med. J. of Indon., 12 (3) 2003: 142-147 WARFARIN 1474 Penggunaan Warfarin sebagai Upaya Preventif Terjadinya Stroke Kardioembolik (The Use of Wafarin as a Preventive Agents in Cardioembolism Stroke)/Rmbe, Aldy S.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (3) 2003: 122-125 WASTE DISPOSAL, FLUID 1475 Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit (Management of Hospital Waste Water)/Siregar, Togar M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 10-15 WASTE MANAGEMENT



1476 Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit (Management of Hospital Waste Water)/Siregar, Togar M.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 21 (56) 2003: 10-15 WATER 1477 Masalah Kesehatan di Balik Krisis Air Bersih (Health Problem Beside Fresh Water Crisis)/Akhadi, Mukhlis.-- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 807-810 WATER POLLUTION 1478 Hubungan Suhu, pH dan Kekeruhan Sumber Air Alami dengan Keberadaan Amuba Hidup Bebas Genus Naegleria di Desa Ciburial Bandung Utara (The Correlation between Temperature, Acidity and Turbidity in Natual Water Resources and the Existence of Free Living Amoebae Genus Naegleria in Ciburial Village, North Bandung)/Hidayat, Meilinah; Djatie, Tjahjono.-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (3) 2003: 99-103 WATER SUPPLY 1479 Pengaruh Jarak Pengaliran Air Minum terhadap Sisa Khlor dan Angka MPN Coliform pada Jaringan Pipa PDAM di Buntok, Kalteng (The Influence of the Distance Drinking Water Irrigation Toward Chlor Residue and the Rate of Drinking water MPN Coliform of PDAM Buntok, South Kalimantan)/Putro, Gurendro; Friariyatini.- Medika, 29 (12) 2003: 774-778 WOMEN, WORKING 1480 Pengaruh Stresor Psikososial terhadap Depresi dan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Industri Tekstil di Yogyakarta (The Influence of Psychosocial Stressor toward Reproduction Health and Depression on Women Worker at Textile Industry in Yogyakarta)/ Sumarni DW.; Soemarno WS.; Lience S.-- Jiwa, 36 (2) 2003: 145-153 1481 Pola Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Karyawati dalam Fungsi Pemeliharaan Anak di Daerah Industri Jabotabek (Knowledge, Attitude and

Practice Pattern of Working Women through the Child Care in Industrial Areas of Jabotabek)/Zalbawi, Sunanti; Walyo, Imam.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 13 (1) 2003: 26-31 WOUND HEALING 1482 An Immunohistochemical Analysis of TGF-B1, as a Predictor of Delayed Wound Healing in Episiotomy in Episiotomy Surgery of Sprague Dawley Rats/Mulyata, St..-- Folia Medica Indon., 39 (1) 2003: 10-17 X-RAYS 1483 The Effect of Iron and Steel Dust on the Lung Function and Chest X Ray Appearance of Workers in a Knife Manufacturing Home Industry in Bandung, Jakarta/Yunus, Faisal (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 53 (1) 2003: 6-17 1484 Penaksiran Osteporosis dengan Analisis Tekstur Foto Sinar-X Femur Proksimal (Osteoporosis Assessment Using Texture Analysis of Proximal Femur Radiographs)/Mengko, Titi R. (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Bandung, 35 (4) 2003: 149-154 1485 Proteksi Radiasi pada Pesawat Sinar-X Gigi (Radiation Protection on Dental X-Ray Unit)/Laksmiarti, Turniani.-- Medika, 29 (8) 2003: 516-518 YOHIMBINE 1486 Peran Yohimbin dan L-arginin dalam Relaksasi Korpus Kovernosum Kelinci (The Effect of Yohimbin and L-arginin on the Relaxation of Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum)/Taher, Akmal; Birowo, Ponco.-- Medika, 29 (7) 2003: 425-428 ZINC 1487 The Effects of Zinc Supplementation on the TNFAlpha Profile and Diarrhea in Severly Malnourished Children of Low Income Family/As'ad, Suryani; Yusuf, Irawa.-- Med. J. of Indon., 12 (4) 2003: 247-251



1488 Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Mengkonsumsi Tablet Zat Besi pada Ibu Hamil yang Berkunjung ke Puskesmas Sidomulyo Kecamatan Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru (The Factors in Consuming Iron Pills for the Pregnant Women who were Visited Sidomulyo Health Centre at Tampan Subdistrict, Pekanbaru)/Jumirah; Refina, Ina; Keloko, Alam Bakti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 36 (1) 2003: 8-12 1489 Kadar Seng Plasma pada Asupan Makanan Para Remaja di Kota Semarang: Studi pada Anak SMP di Semarang (The Correlation of Dietary Intake and Plasma Zinc Level in Adolescence : Study on Junior High School in Semarang)/Harsoyo N. (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 5-10 1490 Pengaruh Pemberian Seng (Zn) pada Ibu Hamil terhadap Status Seng Ibu dan Bayi serta Berat Badan Bayi Lahir (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation to Maternal Zinc Status, Neonatus Zinc Status and Birth Weight)/Sumarni, Sri (et. al.).-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (1) 2003: 8-16 1491 Pengaruh Suplementasi Besi dan Seng melalui Makanan Jajanan terhadap Perubahan Status Tembaga pada Anak Sekolah Dasar yang Pendek (The Influence of Iron and Zinc Supplementation Using Enriched Biscuits on the Change of Copper Satus among Elementary School Student)/ Rahfiludin, Mohammad Zen; Subagio, Hertanto Wahyu; Sutoto.-- Media Medika Indon., 38 (2) 2003: 75-81 1492 Status Mineral Seng dan Magnesium pada Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (The Status of Zinc Mineral and Magnesium on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Albertus, Jacobus; Djokomoeljanto, R.-- Medika, 29 (5) 2003: 291297 ZINC PHOSPHATE CEMENT 1493

Pulpal Sensitivity after Inlay Cementation with Zinc Phosphate Compared with Glass Ionomer Luting Cement/Yuanita, Tamara.-Maj. Kedokter. Gigi, 36 (3) 2003: 82-85 ZINGIBERALES 1494 The Effect of Ginger Rhizome Juice on Acute Toxicity of Propanolol and Quinidine in Mice/ Purwantiningsih; Lukman, Hakim.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (2) 2003: 312-315 1495 Effect of the Juice of Ginger rhizomes on the Pharmacokinetics of Sulfamezathine in Rats/ Purwantiningsih; Hakim, Lukman.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 14 (1) 2003: 250-255 1496 Pengembangan Formulasi Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Jahe (Zingiber officinalis Roxb.) dengan Bahan Pengikat Etil Selulosa dan Gelatin B (The Development of Ginger Chewable Tablets Formulation Using Ethylcellulose and Gelatin)/Sugiyartono; Radjaram, Achmad; Isadiartuti, Dewi.-- Maj. Farmasi Airlangga, 3 (2) 2003: 63-66


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