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Pet Spotlight: Kio the Canine /blog/2013/07/29/pet-spotlight-kio-the-canine/
Jason Bisnoff As we walked behind 9- month- old Kio and her owner Glen Gardner, it was clear that the puppy grabbed a lot of attention. As people walked past, many reached out to pet the Siberian Husky without her objection. The pooch got her name Kio from the phrase K- 10, because she is better than any K- 9 Gardner said. Gardner went to a breeder in Western Pennsylvania to pick her up after he was sent pictures of the litter. His original attraction was to her black and white traditional husky markings and vibrant blue eyes, he said. I have a thing for huskies. Since she has moved to Vanderbilt Avenue she has been well behaved. Kios youth makes her very energetic, which at times has been a lot to handle and scared a few children on walks Ki o r e l a xe s i n th e s h a d e to b e a t th e s u m m e r h e a t. ( P h o to b y through the park. Gardner she is a well- behaved dog, shes J a s o n B i s n o ff) just looking to play. She also has an affinity for car rides, Gardner said, but when he works during the day at Societe Generale in Manhattan he leaves her home in a crate. The puppy 40 pounds and it has been speculated she will be about 60 pounds fully grown. Glen is single but content, noting that its because this is my girl, gesturing to Kio.

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