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DAILY LIFE WITH HEMOPHILIA Children can not play with toys with sharp or hard edges.

. Sports or other out-side activities may lead to injuries. The patients will most likely want to clean their teeth properly so diseases that can lead to bleeding in the gums will not occur.

MANAGEMENT Treatment Plan The primary treatment for moderate-to-severe hemophilia is factor replacement therapy, which replaces the blood's deficient clotting factor. You may receive the treatment to stop bleeding or to prevent bleeding from starting. Regular infusions of clotting factor several times a week reduces the risk of bleeding. You may get infusions at home. Your health care provider may also prescribe pain relievers. If internal bleeding has damaged joints, physical therapy or, in severe cases, joint replacement may restore function. Drug Therapies Factor VIII or IX replacement therapy Acetaminophen, sold under the brand names Tempra and Tylenol, is recommended as a safe pain reliever for children with hemophilia. Topical medications to control bleeding corticosteroids The drug desmopressin (DDAVP) may be used in mild cases of hemophilia A to stimulate low levels of clotting factor Aminocarpoic acid

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