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European Colonization

Colonialism- establishing settlements outside of the countrys boundaries. European countries established settlements in North America, South America, Africa, and Asia for gold, God, and glory. (PERS: Political, Economic, Religious, and Social reasons)

By 1733, there were 13 British colonies in in North America.

1607-Jamestown, Virginia: First permanent settlement by British in North America. 1620- Pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact and settle in Plymouth Massachusetts

Political Competition

Description European nations competed with one another to establish colonial empires in order to extend wealth through trade. Money is Power Some settlements were founded by companies funded by private investors. Some colonies were founded for religious reform or to escape religious persecution. Colonial laws create a different type of society.

Example The Dutch surrender New Netherland to the British who then name it New York. Spain Colonizes most of South America for its plentiful resources including gold. London Company founded Virginia in search of gold. Later the Tobacco trade makes people rich in Virginia. Pilgrims (separatists/Puritans) from England leave to escape the Church of England and settle in Plymouth Massachusetts to form their ideal society based on religious principles. People leave overcrowded cities, no jobs, and high poverty in Europe for a better life in America. Triangular Trade

Economic gain Religious Freedom

Social Advancement

Effects of Colonialism
Immigrant Groups from Europe begin arriving in Mid-1600s Religious groups settle colonies Puritans-(Mass) Pilgrims-(Mass) Quakers-(Penn) Catholics-(MD) Origins of major early groups England Ireland Germany Holland

Transatlantic Slave Trade Spreads Slavery

African slaves were forced to migrate to colonies by traveling on crowded ships through the Middle Passage. At first there were few slaves in the 13 colonies. Then factors, such as the demand for labor on plantations in the South, caused slavery to spread in the late 1600s and 1700s. As the slave trade grew, it lowered the cost of slaves. Indentured servants were no longer needed as conditions in Europe improved.

Indentured Servants- Persons who worked a set number of years, without wages, in

From America to Europe, and then to Africa, and back to America. Goods and Slaves were traded between these locations forming a triangle of trade.

Cultural conflicts and contributions resulted from 3 major culture groups: Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans. All three groups contributed much needed skills and knowledge to surviving in the colonies. Native Americans knew the land. Europeans were familiar with organizing new settlements. Africans were skilled laborers with knowledge of growing rice and indigo. Conflicts usually would arise over resources, personal belief systems such as religion, economics, and property rights.

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