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World News Wednesday, 14 Dec 2011

Egyptians are going to the polls in the second round of elections to a new parliament - the first since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February.Voting has been relatively peaceful with no ma!or irregularities reported. "he first round earlier this month was dominated by #slamist parties with the Muslim $rotherhood%s Freedom and &ustice Party winning a third of vote. "hey are set to consolidate their gains this week with polling taking place in more rural and conservative areas. "he long and comple' election process will not be completed until ne't month. "he aim is to elect a lower house of parliament which will then appoint a ())-member committee to draft a new constitution. *********************.. + top ,gandan government minister has resigned after her radio station was accused of stealing e-uipment from the state-owned broadcaster. .abakumba Masiko said to /err is human/ but denied that a radio transmitter and mast were stolen. Earlier this month police reportedly sei0ed the e-uipment which Ms Masiko said had been borrowed temporarily. President 1oweri Museveni%s government has been hit by a series of allegations of corruption and abuse of power. ********************.. "he alleged kidnappers of two Frenchmen in Mali last month have been arrested Malian officials say.

2tate "V later showed three of the four arrested Malians allegedly linked to al-3aeda%s 4orth +frica wing. "hey did not give details about the fate of the hostages whose photos have appeared on an #slamist website. Video footage has also emerged of three other Europeans held by suspected #slamists in the desert region. *************************. 5hancellor +ngela Merkel has told 6erman MPs that the ,. will remain a strong E, partner despite its decision not to sign up to an E, summit deal. +ddressing the $undestag 7parliament8 she said she very much regretted that ,. PM 9avid 5ameron had been /unable to !oin us/ on the path to fiscal union. :ast week ;< of the ;= members of the European ,nion backed new fiscal rules with only the ,. abstaining. $ritain said the deal failed to provide safeguards for the 5ity of :ondon. Mrs Merkel was speaking after the euro fell below >(.?) and @).AB - an ((-month low - amid continuing fears over the Euro 0oneCs future. ***********************.. ,2 President $arack Dbama has marked the end of the #rawar with a speech at Fort $ragg in 4orth 5arolina telling troops /welcome homeE/ He paid tribute to the soldiers who served in the conflict both those who died and veterans who returned home after long tours of duty. More than ;)) soldiers based at Fort $ragg died over the course of the nearly nine-year war. "he final ,2 soldiers are e'pected to leave #ra- within days.

"he last combat troops departed in +ugust ;)(). **************************..

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