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Copy this flow chart into your spiral. Answer with a questionJeopardy Style 1.

First government of the United States; too weak to protect states 2. Shows the Articles are weak and states are not working together. Event in MA.

Articles of Confederation & Constitutional Convention

3. Meeting called 1787 in Philadelphia to rewrite Articles. US Constitution 4. Large state plan proposing 2 house congress based on state populations

7. House of Congress where all states are equal

9. Compromise between North and South over the counting of slaves in state populations

6. Compromise between large and small states; creates 3 branch government

8. House of Congress based on state populations

5. Small state plan proposing 1 house congress with all states being equal

14. Branch that enforces laws 10. Americans who supported Constitution 12. Written to support Constitution

15. Branch that writes laws

11. Americans who opposed a Constitution

13. Document opponents want added

16. Branch that reviews laws

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