Sample Letters

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Sample formal letter:

October 2, 2002

Mr. Alex Martinez EWED Foundation !emple "lace #o$ton, MA 02%%% Dear Mr. Martinez: & am a $tudent at 'arter Middle Sc(ool, and & )ant to (elp *our or+anization. &n our computer tec(nolo+* cla$$, our teac(er explained t(at our old computer$ can be rec*cled t(rou+( or+anization$ li,e t(e Education De-elopment Foundation to (elp de-elopin+ countrie$ ,eep up )it( tec(nolo+*. & am in c(ar+e of a cla$$ pro.ect to or+anize t(e $c(ool$ in our di$trict $o t(at )e can be+in a computer rec*clin+ pro+ram. Would *ou plea$e $end me an* information *ou t(in, & mi+(t need to be+in t(i$ pro.ect/ "lea$e let me ,no) (o) & can ma,e arran+ement$ for t(e$e $*$tem$ to (elp t(e underpri-ile+ed $c(ool$ +roup. Sincerel*,

Ste-e 0ice .$+

Sample per$onal bu$ine$$:

Marc( %1, 2002

Dr. '(arle$ Ed)ard$ 2ni-er$it* of 3a)aii 3onolulu, 3& 45166 Dear Dr. Ed)ard$: & (a-e referred *our letter of Marc( 4, in )(ic( *ou a$,ed u$ about t(e #ra-e$7 (ome ba$eball +ame$ in 8ul*, to t(e box office of t(e club. & am $ure *ou )ill be recei-in+ t(e $c(edule and li$t of tic,et rate$ ri+(t a)a*. 9ou mi+(t )ant to zero in on t(e bi+ double:(eader t(at i$ $et for 8ul* 21. !(e #ra-e$ )ill be meetin+ t(e "adre$, and t(at ou+(t to be one of t(e bri+(t $pot$ of t(e $ea$on. !(e +ood ne)$ i$ t(at tic,et$ are $till a-ailable. &f t(ere i$ an* ot(er information *ou need or an* )a* & can (elp to ma,e *our -i$it to Atlanta more en.o*able, plea$e +i-e me a call. Sincerel* *our$,

Mr$. 'arol 3einz 2222 Smit(-ille 0oad Atlanta, ;A 2

Sample informal letter:

October 4, 2002

Dear Mrs. Keller, I wanted to thank you for taking our class on a field trip to the o!puter "air at #ackson $tate %ni&ersity. I know it is a lot of work to !ake all the arrange!ents for a trip like this especially !aking sure that we are all safe, ha&e enough to eat, and arri&e e&erywhere on ti!e. I ne&er thought about !a'oring in technology in college, but I think that is what I want to do. I really like the idea of being able to earn a scholarship to #ackson $tate. I lo&e spending ti!e on !y co!puter and I want to try to co!pete for this scholarship. Maybe ne(t year we can &isit another college) *hank you again for opening up a whole new world to !e. +our student, $te&e

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