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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: }aieu Ciaigheau
Becembei, 19 2u1S S12-S22-S1u6

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A0STIN - Baiiy Smitheiman, Chaiiman of the Railioau Commission anu
conseivative canuiuate foi Attoiney ueneial, announceu touay the enuoisement of
euucation activist anu giassioots champion, Alice Linahan. Linahan's Women on the
Wall iauio piogiam has been a leauing voice against the implementation of Common
Coie in Texas schools.

Linahan's enuoisement can be founu at: http:bit.ly18Bauai

"I am honoieu anu giateful foi the enuoisement of Alice Linahan," saiu Smitheiman.
"Alice has been an outspoken leauei in the fight to pievent Common Coie
cuiiiculum fiom being useu in Texas schools. As the fathei of foui chiluien who has
seen fiist hanu questionable mateiials useu foi stuuent instiuction, I value ueeply
anu am extiemely giateful foi the woik Alice, Bonna uainei anu otheis aie uoing to
make suie Texas laws aie enfoiceu anu oui stuuents ieceive piopei instiuction.
Alice's faith in me to upholu the laws anu constitution of Texas as the next Attoiney
ueneial is tiuly appieciateu," concluueu Smitheiman.

To leain moie about Alice Linahan's effoits to fight Common Coie in Texas, visit:

Noie infoimation about the Smitheiman Campaign is available at


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