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Universidad de Playa Ancha Pedagoga en Ingls Phonetics II Pre Test 2 Prof. L.


A State whether thefollowing sentences are YESorNO

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Vowel reduction is when a full vowel becomes shorter and centralized Word Stress can be defined as the most audible syllable of the sentence Sentence Stress can be defined as the most prominent word(s) of a sentence In English, there a lot of multi-syllable words as well as one-syllable words Long multi-syllabic words usually have a secondary stress Native speakers usually change the primary stress for the secondary stress in some multisyllabic words Grammar words are usually strong in the sentence Grammar words are usually affected by vowel reductions Stranded grammar words (such as prepositions) are usually pronounced fully The fact that some syllables in the words of a sentence are strong and others are weak explain the compression of some syllables and its vowel reduction In two-syllable words, usually the stressed syllable is weak Syllabicity implies vowel reduction Syllabicity is when a consonant becomes a syllabic sound The most common sounds affected by syllabicity are [ m ], [ n ] and [ 1 ] Both voiced and voiceless consonants can become syllabic

B. Transcrbed onty the underlined word

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from just around A: What are you looking at? B: I'm looking at your new jacket A: I don't really know what she is looking fgr B: She's looking for. you! A: I have done a lot of crazy things B: I Imagine so A: You did this. not me!!! B: ButI_savedyour money! Do you really need this heavybag? I should do it again Do it nowi I'm going to another party, bye 1.1 didn't say coffee and milk. I said coffee or milk! 2. She had been there for three years 3. She has a babv 4. This is the car I've been looking for

C. Wrte a 'symbol to signal the stress ofthe words in the following sentences
1. 2. 3. 4. I really want to know who you really are My first time as a worker was when I had just finished school I bought a brand new car! My daughter is at the university at this very moment

D. Give both the weak and strong form ofthe following words Strong form
1. have 2. on 3. them 4. than 5. him .his [ [ [ [ [ [ ] | ] ] ] ] [ [ [ [ [ [

Weak form
] j ] ] ]

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