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Mathematics Part 2

Mrs. Kristine Sevcenko

Volumes Of Revolution
Consider the curve y = f ( x) for a x b . If the shaded part is rotated about the x-axis, a 3-dimensional solid will be formed. This solid is called a solid of revolution. Similarl , if the part of the curve is rotated about the y-axis, a solid of revolution will also be formed.

Inte!ration is used to find volumes of revolution between x = a and x = b. The solid can be thou!ht to be made up of a ver lar!e number of thin c lindrical discs with thic"ness x. The left-most disc has approximate volume ( f (a ) ) x , and the ri!ht-most disc has approximate

volume ( f (b) ) x $ in !eneral, the volume of the disc indicated in the dia!ram is ( f ( x) ) x .
# # # %s the number of discs tend to infinit , lim ( f ( x ) ) x = ( f ( x) ) dx = y dx . # # x & x =b a a x=a b b

'hen the re!ion enclosed b

y = f ( x) , the x-axis and the vertical lines x = a, x = b is rotated about the x-axis to
V = y # dx .
a b

!enerate a solid, the volume of the solid is !iven b

'hen the re!ion enclosed b x = g ( y ) , the y-axis and the hori(ontal lines y = c, y = d is rotated about the y-axis, the volume of the solid is !iven b must first be expressed in terms of y.
V = x # dy . )otice that in this case, if the function is !iven b
c d

y = f ( x) , x

Example. *ind the volume of revolution when the area of the curve y = x # + + (a) between the x-axis, x = + and x = 3 is rotated throu!h 3,&- about the x-

axis$ (b) between the y-axis, y = + and y = . is rotated throu!h 3,&- about the yaxis.

V+ = x + + dx = x / + # x # + + dx =


x. # x 3 = + + x #+#.01(cubic units) 3 . + y + $

(b) x =

V# =

y + dy = (

y# y +) dy = y = 2 #..+3 (cu.u.) # +

3a!e +

Mathematics Part 2 Exercise 1.

Mrs. Kristine Sevcenko

3a!e #

Mathematics Part 2

Mrs. Kristine Sevcenko

Volumes For Two Defining Functions

Exercises 2

3a!e 3

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