Case Study 1 Press Release

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Bayside State

Department of Athletics

7643 University Drive, Bayside, California 95524 !"25 #hone $7"7% 555 9!75 &a' $7"7% 555 !633 ((()*+llsports)com

Courtesy: Bayside State College Sports Information Release: 9/23/13 Bayside, CaliforniaFor t e se!ond straig t year, t e Bayside State College "omen#s golf and so!!er as "ell as men#s "ater polo teams a$e t e top multi%year a!ademi! performan!e rates &'(R) in t e *etro Sports Conferen!e &*SC)+ ,-n!e again Bayside State#s e.!ellent performan!e in t e '(R s o"s t at our !oa! ing and a!ademi! staffs are doing an outstanding /o0 "it our student%at letes+ '!ademi!s is a !ore $alue of our department, and our student%at letes "or1 ard e$ery day to e.!el in t e !lassroom+2 %Bayside State 3ire!tor of 't leti!s C eryl *ueller+ 4 e 5C'' announ!ed its multi%year '(R rates today &*ay 26)+ 4 is statisti!al analysis !o$ers student#s a!ademi! performan!e and progress o$er 6 years+

1000 980 960 940 920 900 Bayside State Division 1 Public Institutions Women's gol Women's socce! Women's bas"etball #en's $ate! %olo #en's bas"etball

Along with Bayside State leading the MSCs multi-year APR efforts in womens golf and soccer as well as mens water polo, the Gulls ran ed second among conference schools in two other sports! womens "as et"all and mens "as et"all#

7ast "ee1 t e *SC onored t e 8ull "omen#s golf and so!!er teams, "it an '(R pu0li! re!ognition a"ard+ 4 e a"ard is presented to a s! ool t at posts multi%year '(R rates in t e top 19 per!ent for its spe!ifi! sport+ ,:e!t our student%at letes in all sports to 0e students first and at letes se!ond+ 4 e most re!ent '(R ran1ings pro$ide e$iden!e t at our students stri$e for t e ig est possi0le le$el of a! ie$ement+ I am proud to see our teams ran1ed among t e $ery 0est in t e nation in 0ot a!ademi!s and at leti!s+ Congratulations to our student%at letes, our !oa! es, and fa!ulty for a /o0 "ell done+2 %College (resident 3r+ Cat erine 's0ury In t e most re!ent single reporting year &2999;2919), t e 8ulls ad many teams t at posted a perfe!t s!ore+ 4 ese teams in!luded t e :omens golf and tennis teams, along "it t e *ens golf and "ater polo teams+ ,:e ta1e great pride in o" our students perform in t e !lassroom+ 4 e time "e spend "or1ing "it t em on t eir a!ademi! progress really s o"s in t ese ran1ings+ Su!!ess in t e !lassroom as al"ays 0een our top goal ea! year+ : en "e su!!eed in t e !lassroom and on t e field, "e 1no" "e a$e a su!!essful o$erall program+2 8ull <ead So!!er Coa! (eyton Brandt 4 e '(R "as de$eloped 0y t e 5C'' in 2996 to measure t e a!ademi! progress and performan!e for at leti! programs at its mem0er institutions su! as Bayside+ 4 e '(R is determined 0y using t e eligi0ility and retention for ea! student%at lete on s! olars ip during a parti!ular a!ademi! year+ 4 e teams s!ore refle!ts t e a!ademi! eligi0ility of student at letes+ 4 e '(R is !al!ulated 0y di$iding t e total points earned 0y t e total points possi0le, and t en multiplying t e result 0y a 1999+ ' team#s single year s!ore measures progress for one year, " ile t e multi% year s!ore ta1es into a!!ount t e past four years+

,: at a pleasure to "or1 "it su! a dedi!ated group of student%at letes+ *any of our fans don#t understand o" many ours t ese students de$ote to t eir studies+2 %'sso!iate 't leti! 3ire!tor of '!ademi! Ser$i!es *adison 7arson

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