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Business Management

By:Aida Bytyqi

Outline Of Presentation

History of business Managing the business; social benefits Starting your business Managing a business Product Mentor Succession and challenges

Thesis and Topics

no!ing to manage a store appropriately is "ery beneficial and crucial for the result of future success# $e"elop leadership s%ills# Plan for the future# Money ma%ing &ob#

Thesis and Topics

no!ing to manage a store appropriately is "ery beneficial and crucial for the result of future success# $e"elop leadership s%ills# Plan for the future# Money ma%ing &ob#

History of Business

Sla"e trades Middle east and Mesopotamia 'ndustrial (e"olution Today

Managing a Business: social benefits

'ncrease business )aceboo% Be familiar !ith customers A"ailable* +any!here* anytime+ ,asy* efficient#

Starting a Business

Ha"e a plan Strategic planning "s# strategic thin%ing Ha"e leadership role Be acti"e* organi-ed#

Managing a business

Be a .,A$,( Satisfaction guaranteed /uiding others in a !ay that brings out their best %no! the difference of managing a pro&ect and managing a group of people

My Product

House made tur%ey burger* on a pita bread poc%et* !ith crisp lettuce* diced onions* and a fresh tomato dri--led !ith red pepper t-a-i%i sauce# 0or%: Planning* creating )ood cost Ordering Trac%ing


1AM,S MA2)',.$ 34 2ears e5perience Apple bee6s assistant manager Bts burger7&oint general manager

Succession And 8hallenges

Mentor issues 9 busy (estaurant9 lac%s free time :e"er ending business# But got it done;

Than% 2ou )or 2our Time;

A:2 <=,ST'O:S>;

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