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Unit Run Down 1 Teacher: Grade: Class: Ms.

Shipley High School Psychology EDU 485: Social Studies Methods Two Week Unit Plan Assignment Unit: Lessons: 1. Personality 2. Trait Theories 3. 4. 5. 6. Psychoanalytical Theories Behavioral/Social Cognitive Theories Humanistic Theories Unit Project Theories of Personality Requirement Location: Content Area Reading Visual Discovery and *Skill Builder Primary Sources **Skill Builder ***Skill Builder Formative Assessment and Differentiation

Days 1-2 Days 2-4 Days 4-6 Days 6-7 Days 7-8 Days 8-11

*Skill Builder is looking at determining the reliability of psychological tests. ** Skill Builder is helping develop the skill of creating mind maps to help organize information. *** Skill Builder is looking at critical thinking when it comes to interpretation of quotes.

Essential Questions: Essential for entire unit: o What makes up an individuals personality? (Who am I? Why am I this way?) o How do theories explain personality? Are theories of personality accurate? Why or why not? Why are theories important? o How much does nature affect personality? How much does nurture affect personality? Why does this matter? Lesson One: o What is personality? Lesson Two: o What is the importance of reliability when it comes to testing traits of personality? Lesson Three: o Why is Freud still relevant even though we have Neo-Freudian theorists? Lesson Four: o How does experience affect personality? What ways do experience affect personality? Lesson Five: o How do theories of personality represent individual personalities?

Unit Run Down 2 Context: This unit addresses many important aspects within psychology. The unit focuses on the development of personality through various theories that align with different perspectives. Perspectives include trait theories, psychoanalytic, behavior/social cognitive, and humanistic. Within these perspectives students will be provided a brief overview of the theories and the people involved creating these different theories. Nature vs. nurture is another major conflict addressed throughout the unit by looking at twins and then the individual development of separate theories. This unit would be taught a few units into the semester. This unit provides many engaging activities such as taking a personality questionnaire as well as learning these theories and being able to apply them to themselves. Collages also provide an interesting approach to allowing students to showcase their understanding of the approaches. All in all who would not be interested in thinking about what makes each person who we are? This is something that everyone thinks about at one point or another and being able to look at it more in depth in a more controlled environment allows students to develop their own educated perspectives based on theories. Various skill building activities included are helpful in all disciplines and are developed in other units within this class. Participation is a major part of this class and a rubric has been attached in order to identify expectations.

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