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Paul Root Wolpe: Its time to question bio-engineering video WS

1. What are the 3 main waves of evolution? 1. 2. 3. 2. What are 3 animals we have produced through selective breeding? 1. dogs 2. 3. 3. What are 3 organisms scientists have caused to glow by inserting the bioluminescent gene from jellyfish into their genome (DNA)? 1. 2. 3. 4. Which area of the government controls genetically engineered pets?

5. Which type of fish is the FDA considering approving for genetic engineering that will make them grow faster? 6. In the U.S., does our food already contain genetically-modified components?

7. Name 5 animals that have been successfully cloned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




8. Scientists are bio-engineering goats and pigs to produce medicines. Where are these medicines produced in the animal?

9. Name the 2 endangered species scientists are trying to save through bio-engineering. 1. 2.

10. What are the 2 kinds of DNA in our body? 1. _______________________ DNA 2._______________________ DNA

11. Which kind of DNA did the guar get from the cow?

12. The guar and mouflon are not actually pure guar and pure mouflon. What are these animals called?

13. What does bio-engineering allow us to do to insects and rats?

14. What was the monkey eventually able to do with the prosthetic arm in the other room?

15. What happened when the living Lamprey Eel brain was put into the cart?




16. Scientists created the first artificial cell by using a DNA synthesizer to create an artificial genome. What is this cells parent?

Choose one of the following questions to respond to. Circle the question you are responding to. Your answer should be at least 1 full paragraph. There should be logical thought that supports your answer. (For example, if you think it is ok to manipulate and create whatever creatures we want, explain why. What are the benefits of this?) 1. Is it ok to manipulate and create whatever creatures we want? Why or why not? 2. Do we have free reign to design animals? Why or why not? 3. Does industry get to create creatures who, in their bodily fluids (blood, mild, saliva, etc.), create drugs we want, and then warehouse them as organic industrial machines? Why or why not? 4. Do we get to create organic robots where we remove the autonomy from these animals and turn them into our playthings? Why or why not? 5. What are the ethical guidelines we will use then we use these technologies in human beings?

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