Test 6 - Conversations 2

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Number 51. Who called and left a message?

a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) Mr. Murphy. The operator. Mr. Murphy's secretary. The committee chairperson. In a coffee shop. In an office. In a post office. In a supermarket. To join another company. To start her own business. To enter a race. To have a break from working. Monday. Wednesday. Thursday. Saturday. Telephone operator. Computer technician. Sales representative. Personnel supervisor. At 1:00. At 2:00. At 4:00. At 7:00 Rearranging it. Designing it. Buying it. Assembling it. By plane. By car. By train. By bus. The magazines have all been sold already. The truck was delayed because of the weather. The store is closed on Mondays. The delivery schedule has been changed.

Number 52. Where does this conversation take place?

Number 53. Why is Mrs. Sompong leaving?

Number 54. When does Claudia want to go to the play?

Number 55. What is the woman's job?

Number 56. When will the men see the movie?

Number 57. What are the people doing with the furniture?

Number 58. How will they travel to the conference?

Number 59. Why is the woman NOT able to buy Business News?


Number 60. Who is going to the convention?
a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) Juan. Ricardo. Ms. Ortega. Carta. Soup. Salad. Sandwiches. Hamburgers. In New York. At the hotel. In San Francisco. On the bus. One week. Two weeks. Three weeks. Four weeks. In the cafeteria kitchen. In the first-aid room. In the mail room. In the staff lounge. Yuri's daughter. Yuri's son. Yuri. Yuri's wife.

Number 61. What are they likely to eat for lunch?

Number 62. Where is the man's luggage?

Number 63. How much vacation time is Susanna allowed this year?

Number 64. Where are the speakers?

Number 65. Who are they talking about?


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