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XAT-2006 : VERBAL ABILITY DIRECTIONS (1- 6): Choose the correct alternative. 1. Which of the follo in!

choices "OST acc#ratel$ ca%t#res the &eanin! of e'ifice as #se' in the sentence (elo ) The e'ifice of *%#(lic s%ace*+ (#ilt #% thro#!h literac$ or infor&ative instit#tions of %o%#lar e'#cation an' on hich the %illars of 'e&ocrac$ ere &o#nte'+ is no cr#&(lin!. ,. Infrastr#ct#re -. -#il'in! C. .ara%hernalia D. None of the a(ove /. The00 of the Sans1rit 2e'ic h$&ns into En!lish is often not %ossi(le3 hat e4%erts 'o is a

-elo there are three or's in'icate'. Choose the alternative (a&on! ,+ -+C+ D) that $o# thin1 has the ri!ht co&(ination of or's that can (e #se' to fill the !a%s in the sentence a(ove an' !ive it a coherent &eanin!. 5: Translation 6 Ren'ition 7: Conversion ,. 5+7 in that or'er -. 6+5 in that or'er C 5+ 6 in that or'er D. Cannot (e 'eter&ine'+ since the choice 'e%en's on the conte4t in #se' 8. The %hrase *Ranch on the 9an!es*: ,. Denotes an o(:ect -. ;#alifies an o(:ect C. ,ll#'es to a s#!!estive &eanin! D. None of the a(ove <. *In this %lace flo e' a river. , to n ca&e #% ($ its (an1s so&eti&e. ,n' to'a$ there is a concrete roa' of the &etro%olitan cit$. When I (en' 'o n an' %lace &$ ears on the roa'+ I can still hear the s%lashin! of the ater flo in! #n'erneath.* The %assa!e a(ove is: ,. =iteral -. Disc#rsive C. Descri%tive D. None of the a(ove ;>ESTIONS ?-6 *When I (eco&e a are of the %ain in &$ in:#re' le!+ it (e!ins to h#rt an' the %ain (eco&es so e4cr#ciatin! that I often loose control over &$ senses.* ?. In the a(ove %assa!e+ *e4cr#ciatin!* refers to: ,. S#''enness of the %ain -. O(:ectivit$ of the %ain C. =on!evit$ of the %ain D. None. of the a(ove 6. Which of the follo in! #n'erl$in! &eanin!) ,. Do&inatin! -. "assive or's can %ossi(l$ re%lace *e4cr#ciatin!* itho#t C@,N9IN9 the

hich the sentence is

C. Over hel&in! D. Irritatin! XAT 2006 : PARAJUMBLE ;>ESTIONS A-B: In each of the follo in! C#estions+ choose the correct or'er of state&ents (,+ -+ C...) to !ive a coherent &eanin! to the te4t) ;#estion A State&ent ,: S#ch inter-o%era(ilit$ of a soft are service or %ro'#ct a%%ears to (e onl$ one as%ect+ an' the intero%era(le s$ste& is itself evolvin!. State&ent -: Each soft are %ro'#ct intro'#ces a variation an' conseC#entl$ a chan!e in the s$ste&. State&ent C: ,n o%eratin! s$ste& &#st har' are %latfor&. or1 ith a%%lications an' other ele&ents in a

State&ent D: , soft are fir& hile intro'#cin! its %ro'#ct or service+ therefore+ 'oes not strive for &#te co&%le&entarities alone (#t tries to (rin! a(o#t a chan!e in the e4istin! str#ct#re. State&ent E: In other ,. -CD,E -. CE,-D C D,E-C D. C-E,D ;#estion D State&ent ,: "oreover+ as ar!#e' a(ove+ 1no le'!e is entaile' not ($ a$ of :#stification as s#ch. (#t ($ the realiEation of !oo' or fr#it la'enness of &eanin! an' actions or iterate' actions. State&ent -: Fno le'!e is reC#ire' in or'er to resolve 'o#(ts an' th#s in or'er to act &eanin!f#ll$. State&ent C: Therefore the actions in a co&&onl$ le' 'ail$ life are (oth &eanin!f#l an' 1no le'!e-'riven. State&ent D: In'ian theorists ar!#e for a co&&on 1no le'!e+ hich is o(taine' thro#!h iterate' fr#itf#lG actions+ thro#!h the a#thorit$ of sentences (or or's). State&ent E: We ar!#e for fo#r so#rces of vali'ation of 1no le'!e+ viE.+ sentence+ inference+ 'irect %erce%tion an' analo!$. ,. ,EC-D R -,ECD C. -DCE, D. E,DC;#estion B State&ent ,: -#t .ST has also #se' satellite %ict#res to s#!!est that an ancient fortifie' to n ha' e4iste' 8H F& fro& I#na!a'h. State&ent -: Soil an' ve!etation %atterns ere #se' in the search. State&ent C: The site &arches the 'escri%tion of Frishna*s to n in an ancient scri%t#re. State&ent D: .ST*s %ri&ar$ :o( at S%ace ,%%lications Centre has (een trac1in! lan' #se an' forest cover ith satellite i&a!es. or's the co&%onents &#st (e 'esi!ne' to (e inter-o%era(le.

State&ent E: ,n archeolo!ist ho ever ca#tione' that re&ote sensin! an' scri%t#res ($ the&selves o#l' not (e eno#!h to i'entif$ a to nshi%. State&ent J: It as clai&e' that soil an' ve!etation %atterns at ancient a(an'one' sites reveal s%ecific %atterns that can (e %ic1e' ($ satellite i&a!es. ,. D,C-EJ -. D,C-JE C. JDC,-E D. JD,C-E XAT 2006: CRITICAL REASONING ;>ESTION 1H-18: ,nal$Ee the follo in! state&ents an' !ive an a%%ro%riate ans er for the follo in! C#estions. 1H. KIf the forest contin#es to 'isa%%ear at its %resent %ace+ the Ro$al -en!al ti!er a%%roach e4tinction+K sai' the (iolo!ist. KSo all that is nee'e' to save the ti!er is to sto% 'eforestation+K sai' the %olitician. Which one of the follo in! state&ents is consistent ith the (iolo!ist*s clai& (#t not %olitician*s clai&) ,. Deforestation contin#es an' the ti!er (eco&es e4tinct. -. Deforestation is sto%%e' an' the ti!er (eco&es e4tinct. C. Reforestation (e!ins an' the ti!er s#rvives. D. Deforestation is slo e' an' the ti!er a%%roaches e4tinction. ill

ith the

11. There is little %oint in loo1in! to artists for insi!hts into %olitical iss#es. "ost of the& hol' %olitical vie s that are less insi!htf#l than those of an$ reasona(l$ ell-e'#cate' %erson ho is not an artist. In'ee'+ hen ta1en as a hole+ the state&ents &a'e ($ artists+ incl#'in! those consi'ere' to (e !reatL in'icate that artistic talent an' %olitical insi!ht are rarel$ fo#n' to!ether. Which one of the follo in! can (e inferre' fro& the %assa!e) ,. There are no artists ho have insi!hts into %olitical iss#es. -. So&e artists are no less %oliticall$ insi!htf#l than so&e reasona(l$ ell-e'#cate' %ersons ho are not artists. C. Ever$ reasona(l$ ell-e'#cate' %erson ho is not an artist has &ore insi!ht into %olitical iss#es than an$ artist. D. .oliticians rarel$ have an$ artistic talent. 1/. ,ll intelli!ent %eo%le are nearsi!hte'. I a& ver$ nearsi!hte'. So I &#st (e a !eni#s. Which one of the follo in! e4hi(its (oth of the lo!ical fla s e4hi(ite' in the ar!#&ent a(ove) ,. Iacocca is e4tre&el$ ha%%$+ so he &#st (e e4tre&el$ tall (eca#se all tall %eo%le are ha%%$. -. ,ll chic1ens have (ea1s. This (ir' has a (ea1. So this (ir' &#st (e a chic1en. C. ,ll !eni#sses are ver$ nearsi!hte'. I &#st (e ver$ near si!hte' since I a& a !eni#s. D. I &#st (e st#%i' (eca#se all intelli!ent %eo%le are nearsi!hte' an' I have %erfect e$esi!ht. 18. The 'istrict health officer (oasts that the avera!e a&(#lance t#rnaro#n' ti&e+ the ti&e fro& s#&&ons to 'eliver$ of the %atient+ has (een re'#ce' this $ear for to%-%riorit$ e&er!encies. This is a serio#s &isre%resentation. This Kre'#ctionK as %ro'#ce' si&%l$ ($ re'efinin! Kto% %riorit$K. S#ch e&er!encies >se' to incl#'e !#nshot o#n's an' electroc#tions+ the &ost ti&e-cons#&in! cases. No the$ are li&ite' strictl$ to heart attac1s an' stro1es. Which one of the follo in! o#l' stren!then the a#thor*s concl#sion that it as the re'efinition of Kto% %riorit$K that %ro'#ce' the re'#ction in t#rnaro#n' ti&e)

,. The n#&(er of heart attac1s an' stro1es 'ecline' this $ear. -. The health officer re'efine' the 'istrict*s &e'ical %riorities this $ear. C. One half of all last $ear*s to%-%riorit$ e&er!encies ere !#nshot o#n's an' electroc#tion cases. D. Other cities incl#'e !#nshot o#n' cases in their cate!or$ of to%-%riorit$ e&er!encies. XAT 2006: Reading C !"#e$en%i n - & DIRECTIONS: ;#estions 1<-1B are (ase' on the %assa!e (elo . Deli(erative 'e&ocrac$ 'e&an's a refle4ive (or reflection 'riven) reor'erin! of %references in a non-coercive &anner. The a#thenticit$ of 'e&ocrac$ reC#ires in a''ition that these reflective %references+ infl#ence collective o#tco&es an' action+ an' so lon! as the state is the &ain (tho#!h far fro& e4cl#sive) loc#s of collective 'ecisions+ it reC#ires 'isc#rsive &echanis&s for trans&ission of %#(lic o%inion to the state. , 'eli(erative or &ore %ro%erl$ a 'isc#rsive 'e&ocrac$+ in or'er that it can acco&&o'ate several co&%etin! versions of 'e&ocracies s#ch as the li(eral+ the &ini&al+ &e 'ifference+ etc.+ &#st also acco&&o'ate rhetoric+ narratives+ an' e&%ath$ alon! ith reasonin!. , rationalit$ an' a reasonin! that 'oes not acco&&o'ate val#es is &eanin!less. @o ever+ it is also ar!#e' that* in'ivi'#al rationalit$ cannot he realiEe' if val#es are e&(e''e' in the 'ecision %roce'#res+ in other or's+ realiEation of val#es co#l' (e &a'e %ossi(le onl$ hen in'ivi'#als (ehave nonrationall$. J#rther if val#es havin! (een a(an'one' at the in'ivi'#al level are accor'e' a %lace onl$ collectivel$+ the sa&e &#st lea' to either Ke%iste&olo!ical inconsistenc$ or a(an'on&ent of a#tono&$ of in'ivi'#al eval#ationsK. , tal1 or a rhetoric+ other ise+ is strate!ic an' is e&%lo$e' ith the intention of si!nalin! certain infor&ation. S#ch a tal1 can (e therefore 'ece%tive an' coercive. The illoc#tionar$ force an' the nor&ative tra%%in!s of a Jo#ca#l'ian 'isco#rse hile allo in! i'entification ith a co&&#nit$ an' 'ifferences ith the others+ 'o si&#ltaneo#sl$ %ose thro#!h coercion a threat to an #tterance as s#ch. If 'e&ocrac$ cannot ens#re #tterance as free'o& an' if the illoc#tionar$ forces in a 'isc#rsive 'e&ocrac$ 'isci%lines the tho#!ht an' the tal1+ then ho s#ch a 'e&ocrac$ co#l' in'ee' (e calle' a#thenticG "ost h#&an actions an' 'isco#rses are act#ate' ($ a 'ee%er or %ri&or'ial ante-'eli(eration Desire (let #s #se a ca%ital *D*). S%ea1in! as s#ch is o#t of s#ch a Desire (one &i!ht #se volition or %assion). En!a!in! in a 'eli(eration or else in an action is %ossi(le onl$ since there has (een s#ch a Desire. Desire a%%ears to (oth the reflection an' also to an o(server as a &ental-state. , 'isco#rse can (e set onl$ hen s#ch &ental states are in har&on$+ or share a co&&on %re'is%osition or attit#'e. In the a(sence of s#ch share' &ental-states+ no 'isco#rse an' no 'eli(eration can (e!in. , r#nnin! #n'erl$in! an' &ost often #nstate' the&e that re&ains at the (ac1 of the i'ea of 'eli(erative 'e&ocrac$ is co&%etition - a co&%etition ith the *other* hich intro'#ces strate!$. The alternative to co&%etition+ a &ental-state hich is o#t of a Desire to en:o$ the *other* in the li!ht of a &e&or$that this *one* an' the *other* ere (#t the sa&e an' o#l' a!ain (eco&e the sa&e+ 'o not a%%ear in the 1no n ,n!lo-,&erican literat#re. S#ch a &ental-state &i!ht !enerate an' 1ee% alive %ossi(ilities of coo%eration altho#!h is never a state of coo%eration alone as s#ch. 1<. Which of the follo in! follo s fro& the %assa!e a(ove) ,. , rhetoric la'en tal1 can !enerate a#thentic 'e&ocratic collective choice -. Irrational %ersons alone can have val#es C. ,#thenticit$ of 'e&ocrac$ reC#ires a stron! reflection-action interaction D. , %ara'i!& of co&%etition alone can s#stain an a#thentic 'e&ocrac$ 1?. Desire as ante-'eli(eration 'rivin! action refer to: ,. Irrationalit$ of 'eli(eration -. >selessness of 'eli(eration C. Desire to act itho#t thin1in! D. Te&%oral inconsistenc$ in a %osition that ar!#es for 'eli(erative action constit#tin! 'e&ocrac$

16. Which of the follo in! is tr#e fro& the %assa!e) ,. ,#thor ar!#es that 'e&ocrac$ is (o#n' to fail -. ,#thor ar!#es that Desire is %ri&al C ,#thor ar!#es for an+ en' to %ri&al 'esire so that an en' to co&%etition can co&e thro#!h D. None of the a(ove 1A. , Jo#ca#l'ian 'isco#rse as #se' in the %assa!e 'oes NOT refer to: ,. Disco#rse (ase' on %o er -. Co&&#nit$ (ase' 'isco#rse C Strate!ic 'isco#rse D. None of the a(ove 1D. Which of the follo in! a(ove) ,. Ele&ental -. ,narchist C. ,ni&alistic D. Nihilistic or's is. closest to the or' *%ri&or'ial* as #se' in the %assa!e

1B. Which of the follo in! ca%t#res the s%irit of the %osition that the a#thor hints at thro#!h the %hrase *alternative to co&%etition*) ,. ,ll the %ra!&atic orl' is-a sta!e -a %la$ #nfol'in! -. De&ocrac$ is an #nr#l$ fi!ht a&on! citiEens C. Socialist %lannin! 'oes a a$ ith the chaos of co&%etition D. None of the a(ove XAT 2006: Reading C !"#e$en%i n - 2 DIRECTIONS: ;#estions /H-// are (ase' on the %assa!e (elo . In 1BDH+ the >S S#%re&e Co#rt overt#rne' 'eca'es of le!al %rece'ents that sai' that nat#rall$ occ#rrin! %heno&enon+ s#ch as (acteria+ co#l' not (e %atente' (eca#se the$ ere 'iscoveries rather than inventions. 6et that $ear+ the Co#rt 'eci'e' that a (iolo!ist na&e' Cha1ra(art$ co#l' %atent a h$(ri'iEe' (acteri#& (eca#se *his 'iscover$ as his han'i or1+ not that of nat#re*. , &a:orit$ of the :#'!es reiterate' that *a ne &ineral 'iscovere' in the earth or a ne %lant 'iscovere' in the il' is not %atenta(le*. 6et the$ (elieve' that Cha1ra(art$ ha' concocte' so&ethin! ne #sin! his o n in!en#it$. Even Cha1ra(art$ as s#r%rise'. @e ha' si&%l$ c#lt#re' 'ifferent strains of (acteria in the (elief that the$ o#l' e4chan!e !enetic &aterial in a la(orator$ so#%. The then e&(r$onic in'#str$ #se' the case to ar!#e that %atents sho#l' (e iss#e' on !ene+ %roteins an' other &aterials of co&&ercial val#e. -$ 1BDHs+ the >S .atent Office ha' e&(ar1e' on a far-reachin! chan!e of %olic$ to %ro%el the >S in'#str$ for ar'+ ro#tinel$ iss#in! %atents on %ro'#cts of nat#re incl#'in! !enes+ fra!&ents of !enes an' h#&an %roteins. In 1BDA. for e4a&%le+ 9enetics Instit#te Inc. as a ar'e' a %atent on er$thro%oietin+ a %rotein of 16? a&ino aci's that sti&#lates the %ro'#ction of re' (loo' cells. It 'i' not clai& to have invente' the %rotein: it ha' e4tracte' s&all a&o#nts of the nat#rall$ occ#rrin! s#(stance fro& tho#san's of !allons of #rine. Er$thro%oietin is no a &#lti-(illion 'ollar-a-$ear treat&ent. The in'#str$*s ar!#&ent is that innovation %ros%ers onl$ hen it is re ar'e'. Witho#t re ar's+ innovation ill not ta1e %lace. The (arriers to entr$ into (iotechnolo!$ are relativel$ lo . -iotechnolo!$ co&%anies 'o not have to (#il' costl$ factories of hi!h street retail o#tlets or invest in (ran' re%#tations. The (asic #nits of %ro'#ction are (acteria &ani%#late' to 'eliver thera%e#ticall$ an' co&&erciall$ val#a(le s#(stances. Witho#t the %rotection of a %atent+ an innovative (iotechnolo!$ co&%an$ ill fin' its 'iscoveries C#ic1l$ co%ie' ($ later entrant. If the o nershi% of ri!hts to e4%loit a !enetic 'iscover$ ere left #nclear+ there o#l' (e less innovation in the econo&$ as a hole an' e o#l' all (e orse off. The

(iotechnolo!$ in'#str$ in >S, is lar!er than an$ here else+ in %art (eca#se innovators there have (een allo e' to %atent their* inventions*. In 1BBD+ there ere al&ost 1?HH %atents clai&in! ri!hts to e4%loit h#&an !ene seC#ences. 6et the o nershi% re!i&e for in'#stries an' %ro'#cts s%a ne' ($ !enetics is far fro& settle'. , %ractical ar!#&ent is a(o#t hat sho#l' (e o ne' - the !ene or the treat&ent. The c$stic fi(rosis !ene+ for e4a&%le+ is %atente'+ an' an$one ho &a1es or #ses a 'ia!nostic 1it that #ses 1no le'!e of the !ene seC#ence has to %a$ ro$alt$ to the %atent hol'er. "an$ o#l' ar!#e that this is too (roa' a %atent+ hich &a$ (e e4cessivel$ stron! an' slo 'o n innovation. ,s e &ove into the 1no le'!e econo&$+ iss#es s#ch as the (rea'th an' sco%e of a %atent+ the stan'ar's of novelt$+ even the '#ration3 ill (eco&e &ore %ro(le&atical. To %#t in another a$+ ho sho#l' o n hat an' for ho lon! ill (eco&e &ore of an iss#e in a 1no le'!e 'riven econo&$. That is (eca#se incentives to e4%loit 1no le'!e nee' to (e set a!ainst the val#e of sharin! it. Scientific enC#ir$ %rocee's as a res#lt of colla(oration+ the sharin! an' testin! of i'eas. We are l#c1$ that Ia&es Watson an' his colla(orator Jrancis Cree1 'i' not or1 for 9enentech or 9la4o-Wellco&e (eca#se ever$ !enetic researcher o#l' no (e %a$in! a ro$alt$ to #se their 'iscover$. 9enetics+ as &ost sciences+ is (#ilt on a (e'roc1 of share' 1no le'!e. The &ore (asic the 1no le'!e+ the &ore ina%%ro%riate stron! %ro%ert$ ri!hts an' e4cl#sive %rivate o nershi% (eco&es. .rivatiEation of1no le'!- &a$ &a1e it less li1el$ that 1no -ho ill (e share'. .er1in El&e ill %#(lish its research on the+ h#&an !eno&e+ (#t onl$ once in three &onths an' the co&%an$ ill reserve at least 8HH !enes for its o n %atent %ro!ra&&e. .#(licl$ f#n'e' researchers share their res#lts &ore o%enl$ an' &ore freC#entl$. /H. The er$thro%oietin e%iso'e sho s that: ,. .atentin! is the onl$ a$ to enco#ra!e e4%loration of ne -. .atentin! accelerates e4%loitation of ne i'eas C. Clai&s to %atenta(ilit$ are often false D. None of the a(ove /1. ,fter rea'in! the %assa!e+ the tenor of the %iece) i'eas

hich of the follo in! state&ents 'o $o# thin1 ca%t#res (est+

,. The a#thor is #neC#ivocal a(o#t #n'esira(ilit$ of a %atentin! s$ste& -. The a#thor .e4%lores the co&%le4ities in %atentin! C. The a#thor 'eli(eratel$ o(f#scates iss#es D. The %assa!e is (orin! a(o#t //. Cha1ra(art$ %atent iss#e sho s that: ,. .atent a#thorities are infalli(le -. .atent s$ste&s are a'hoc C. .atentin! rationale is sociall$ e&(e''e' an' evol#tionar$ D. None of the a(ove DIRECTIONS: ;#estions /H-// are (ase' on the %assa!e (elo . In 1BDH+ the >S S#%re&e Co#rt overt#rne' 'eca'es of le!al %rece'ents that sai' that nat#rall$ occ#rrin! %heno&enon+ s#ch as (acteria+ co#l' not (e %atente' (eca#se the$ ere 'iscoveries rather than inventions. 6et that $ear+ the Co#rt 'eci'e' that a (iolo!ist na&e' Cha1ra(art$ co#l' %atent a h$(ri'iEe' (acteri#& (eca#se *his 'iscover$ as his han'i or1+ not that of nat#re*. , &a:orit$ of the :#'!es reiterate' that *a ne &ineral 'iscovere' in the earth or a ne %lant 'iscovere' in the il' is not %atenta(le*. 6et the$ (elieve' that Cha1ra(art$ ha' concocte' so&ethin! ne #sin! his o n in!en#it$. Even Cha1ra(art$ as s#r%rise'. @e ha' si&%l$ c#lt#re' 'ifferent strains of (acteria in the (elief that the$ o#l' e4chan!e !enetic &aterial in a la(orator$ so#%. The then e&(r$onic in'#str$ #se' the case to ar!#e that %atents sho#l' (e iss#e' on !ene+ %roteins an' other &aterials of co&&ercial val#e. -$ 1BDHs+ the >S .atent Office ha' e&(ar1e' on a far-reachin! chan!e of %olic$ to %ro%el the >S in'#str$ for ar'+ ro#tinel$ iss#in! %atents on %ro'#cts of nat#re incl#'in! !enes+

fra!&ents of !enes an' h#&an %roteins. In 1BDA. for e4a&%le+ 9enetics Instit#te Inc. as a ar'e' a %atent on er$thro%oietin+ a %rotein of 16? a&ino aci's that sti&#lates the %ro'#ction of re' (loo' cells. It 'i' not clai& to have invente' the %rotein: it ha' e4tracte' s&all a&o#nts of the nat#rall$ occ#rrin! s#(stance fro& tho#san's of !allons of #rine. Er$thro%oietin is no a &#lti-(illion 'ollar-a-$ear treat&ent. The in'#str$*s ar!#&ent is that innovation %ros%ers onl$ hen it is re ar'e'. Witho#t re ar's+ innovation ill not ta1e %lace. The (arriers to entr$ into (iotechnolo!$ are relativel$ lo . -iotechnolo!$ co&%anies 'o not have to (#il' costl$ factories of hi!h street retail o#tlets or invest in (ran' re%#tations. The (asic #nits of %ro'#ction are (acteria &ani%#late' to 'eliver thera%e#ticall$ an' co&&erciall$ val#a(le s#(stances. Witho#t the %rotection of a %atent+ an innovative (iotechnolo!$ co&%an$ ill fin' its 'iscoveries C#ic1l$ co%ie' ($ later entrant. If the o nershi% of ri!hts to e4%loit a !enetic 'iscover$ ere left #nclear+ there o#l' (e less innovation in the econo&$ as a hole an' e o#l' all (e orse off. The (iotechnolo!$ in'#str$ in >S, is lar!er than an$ here else+ in %art (eca#se innovators there have (een allo e' to %atent their* inventions*. In 1BBD+ there ere al&ost 1?HH %atents clai&in! ri!hts to e4%loit h#&an !ene seC#ences. 6et the o nershi% re!i&e for in'#stries an' %ro'#cts s%a ne' ($ !enetics is far fro& settle'. , %ractical ar!#&ent is a(o#t hat sho#l' (e o ne' - the !ene or the treat&ent. The c$stic fi(rosis !ene+ for e4a&%le+ is %atente'+ an' an$one ho &a1es or #ses a 'ia!nostic 1it that #ses 1no le'!e of the !ene seC#ence has to %a$ ro$alt$ to the %atent hol'er. "an$ o#l' ar!#e that this is too (roa' a %atent+ hich &a$ (e e4cessivel$ stron! an' slo 'o n innovation. ,s e &ove into the 1no le'!e econo&$+ iss#es s#ch as the (rea'th an' sco%e of a %atent+ the stan'ar's of novelt$+ even the '#ration3 ill (eco&e &ore %ro(le&atical. To %#t in another a$+ ho sho#l' o n hat an' for ho lon! ill (eco&e &ore of an iss#e in a 1no le'!e 'riven econo&$. That is (eca#se incentives to e4%loit 1no le'!e nee' to (e set a!ainst the val#e of sharin! it. Scientific enC#ir$ %rocee's as a res#lt of colla(oration+ the sharin! an' testin! of i'eas. We are l#c1$ that Ia&es Watson an' his colla(orator Jrancis Cree1 'i' not or1 for 9enentech or 9la4o-Wellco&e (eca#se ever$ !enetic researcher o#l' no (e %a$in! a ro$alt$ to #se their 'iscover$. 9enetics+ as &ost sciences+ is (#ilt on a (e'roc1 of share' 1no le'!e. The &ore (asic the 1no le'!e+ the &ore ina%%ro%riate stron! %ro%ert$ ri!hts an' e4cl#sive %rivate o nershi% (eco&es. .rivatiEation of1no le'!- &a$ &a1e it less li1el$ that 1no -ho ill (e share'. .er1in El&e ill %#(lish its research on the+ h#&an !eno&e+ (#t onl$ once in three &onths an' the co&%an$ ill reserve at least 8HH !enes for its o n %atent %ro!ra&&e. .#(licl$ f#n'e' researchers share their res#lts &ore o%enl$ an' &ore freC#entl$. /H. The er$thro%oietin e%iso'e sho s that: ,. .atentin! is the onl$ a$ to enco#ra!e e4%loration of ne -. .atentin! accelerates e4%loitation of ne i'eas C. Clai&s to %atenta(ilit$ are often false D. None of the a(ove /1. ,fter rea'in! the %assa!e+ the tenor of the %iece) i'eas

hich of the follo in! state&ents 'o $o# thin1 ca%t#res (est+

,. The a#thor is #neC#ivocal a(o#t #n'esira(ilit$ of a %atentin! s$ste& -. The a#thor .e4%lores the co&%le4ities in %atentin! C. The a#thor 'eli(eratel$ o(f#scates iss#es D. The %assa!e is (orin! a(o#t //. Cha1ra(art$ %atent iss#e sho s that: ,. .atent a#thorities are infalli(le -. .atent s$ste&s are a'hoc C. .atentin! rationale is sociall$ e&(e''e' an' evol#tionar$ D. None of the a(ove

XAT 2006: Reading C !"#e$en%i n - ' DIRECTIONS: ;#estions /8-/B are (ase' on the %assa!e (elo . Enter%rises in the throes of 'iscover$ have an a#ra of &a!ic aro#n' the&. In the orl' of soft are this (eco&es &an$-s%len'o#re' ith a certain joie de yivre+ C#ite 'istinct fro& hat o(tains else here: a sense of on'er&ent+ s#r%rise an' event#al 'eli!ht3 a co&in! ithin reach of %o er an' %rofits3 %ossi(l$ thro#!h a little t ea1 in technolo!$ ith a to#ch of novelt$+ o%enin! #% vistas that ha' al a$s see&e' so near $et so far. In %rofessional &ana!e&ent ter&s+ this avin! of the iEar'*s an'+ as it ere+ is nothin! &ore than an effective recover$ of strate!$ fro& a technolo!ical %ara'i!&. This (oo1 is a(o#t e4%lorin! the :o#rne$ fro& r#les an' nor&s to sol#tions+ s%ecific sol#tions %riEe' o#t of the ano#re' covers of sector-s%ecific in'#strial str#ct#res an' often reso#rces-'eter&ine' &in'sets that In'ian soft are* fir&s see&s to have &astere'. Ori!inalit$ is the fo#ntainhea' of s#ch a strate!$. It then %ro!resses into the real&s of the econo&ics of innovation to !ive itself a soli' fo#n'ation fro& here it (eco&es %ossi(le to retrieve a ne lan!#a!e of strate!$ an' of innovation. In this hi!h- nat#ral $et '$na&ic orl'+ the %rofit &otive+ (ac1e' ($ in!en#it$+ len' s#%%ort to &an$ of the ar!#&ents that evolve in this flo of events. The In'ian soft are e4%erience is a #niC#e 'e&onstration of ho this %rocess - the coalescin! of the econo&ics of s#r%rise an' novelt$ an' the econo&ics of 1no le'!e or1s. This for&s the (asics of the strate!$ theor$. There are several !ran' theories of even !ran'er tra'itions: the in'#strial or!aniEation a%%roach+ incl#'in! several 1in's of str#ct#re-con'#ct %erfor&ance assertions an' !a&e theoretic &o'els+ evol#tionar$ theories an' corres%on'in! case* st#'ies+ reso#rce-(ase' a%%roaches or several inter&e'iate variants of co&%etenc$ (ase' i'eas that %rovi'e #s ith a rich $et inco&%lete lan'sca%e. This lan'sca%e is %erha%s o(livio#s of certain tra'itions %rovi'e' ($ theor$3 the rich re%ertoire (eC#eathe' ($ "arshall an' Shac1le is a case in %oint+ as the$ are i&&ensel$ re ar'in!. Each i&%ortant tra'itions or theor$ has &a'e !lo(al assertions an' has %rove' to (e %rescri%tive or nor&ative. So&e a#thors have loo1e' (ac1 at "arshall an' a han'f#l at Shac1le. Je er still reconsi'ere' certain rich -tra'itions of thin1in! on strate!$. This (oo1 'oes not atte&%t to iss#e %rescri%tive or nor&ative !#i'elines %#rel$ (eca#se+ the !lo(al canvass is too lar!e an' often (e$on' the ca%acit$ of intelli!ent co&%rehension. , strate!ist acts on a local scale follo in! hat Si&on has !enerall$ o(serve'. .ra!&atis& e&er!es as an i&%ortant !#i'e-an' achievin! the s#r%rise ele&ent is a(ove all. the 1e$ to 'efinitive strate!$. While this strate!$ evolves fro& !overnance+ it also infl#ences !overnance at ever$ sta!e. @an'ica%%e' ($ a %a#cit$ of reso#rces+ the strate!ist &#st 'ovetail the t o to increase i&&ensel$ the sco%e of !overnance not onl$ over hat the inc#&(ent %ossesses+ (#t also over a &#ch lar!er !ro#% of fir&s not #n'er its 'irect control. This nee' not necessaril$ (e e4%laine' ($ another !ran' theor$+ ith !lo(all$ %rescri%tive assertions or %o ers of %re'ictions. S#r%rise &#st stan' (e$on' %re'icta(ilit$. *It &#st !overn to earn in'fall %rofit. Strate!$ th#s cannot (e %rescri(e'3 it o#l' co&%rise %iece&eal en!ineerin!. This is hat this (oo1 e4%lains. /8. The locale of the %hrase Kactin! on a local scaleK as #se' in the %assa!e a(ove refers to: ,. Co!nitivel$ 'eli&ite' s%ace -. 9eo!ra%hicall$ 'eli&ite' s%ace C. Te&%orall$ 'eli&ite' s%ace D. None of the a(ove /<. The i'ea of a *&a!ic* as #se' in the %assa!e refers to: ,. Irrationalit$ an' (lin' (elief -. , sense of on'er at i&a!ination #n(ri'le' ($ an$ !overnance C , sense of on'er at the 'iscover$ of a !ran' theor$ D. None of the a(ove


/?. ,ccor'in! to the a#thor+ the several e4tant stran's of strate!$ literat#re s#ch as the In'#strial Or!aniEation a%%roach %rovi'e an inco&%lete lan'sca%e (eca#se: ,. The$ fail to ta1e acco#nt of contri(#tions of "arshall an' Shac1le -. It is nor&ative in nat#re

C. The vastl$ rich an' #nfol'in! realit$ is (e$on' the ca%acit$ of h#&an co&%rehension D. None of the a(ove /6. Which of the follo in! follo s fro& the %assa!e) ,. In'ian soft are fir&s have e4celle' in %rovi'in! s%ecific sol#tions -. In'ian soft are fir&s have (een re&ar1a(le technolo!$ innovators C. In'ian soft are fir&s have (enefite' fro& lo %rice' &an%o er+ ith a'eC#ate %ro!ra&&in! s1ills D. None of the a(ove /A. Jro& the %assa!e ,. .ositivist -. .ra!&atist C. E&%iricist D. C$nical hich o#l' (e an a'eC#ate characteriEation of the a#thor)

/D. Jro& its #sa!e in the %assa!e ,. Con&an -. , %erson of is'o& C. , ell 1no n %ersonalit$ D. None of the a(ove /B. Jro& its #sa!e in the %assa!e *in!en#it$*) ,. C#nnin! -. Creative C. Ori!inal D. Clever

hich is the &ost a%%ro%riate &eanin! of the

or' * iEar'*)

hich is NOT the &ost a%%ro%riate &eanin! of the


XAT 2006: Reading C !"#e$en%i n - ( DIRECTIONS: ;#estions 8H-8? are (ase' on the %assa!e (elo . Thin1 (ac1 to 1BB8. That is hen the Centre for Disease Control ca&e #% a!ainst the hantavir#s in the So#th West. The vir#s &a'e no sense. It ha' never a%%eare' in lan'loc1e' re!ions (efore+ an' it as 1illin! %eo%le ($ attac1in! their l#n!s rather than their 1i'ne$s+ the vir#s*s #s#al tar!et. It see&e' to 'ef$ e4%lanation. ,n' that*s as close a %arallel to a cos&olo!$ e%iso'e as I can 'escri(e. -asicall$ a cos&olo!$ e%iso'e ha%%ens hen %eo%le s#''enl$ feel that the #niverse is no lon!er a rational+ or'erl$ s$ste&. What &a1es s#ch an e%iso'e shatterin! is that %eo%le s#ffer fro& the event an'+ at the sa&e ti&e+ lose the &eans *to recover fro& it. In this sense+ a cos&olo!$ e%iso'e is the o%%osite of a 'M:N v# e4%erience. In &o&ents of 'e:a v#+ ever$thin! s#''enl$ feels fa&iliar+ reco!niEa(le. -$ contrast+ in a cos&olo!$ e%iso'e+ ever$thin! see&s stran!e. , %erson feels li1e he has never (een here (efore+ has no i'ea of here he is+ an' has no i'ea ho can hel% hi&. ,n inevita(le stare of %anic ens#es+ an' the in'ivi'#al (eco&es &ore an' &ore an4io#s #ntil he fin's it al&ost i&%ossi(le to &a1e sense of hat is ha%%enin! to hi&. The contin#al &er!in! an' 'ivestin! an' reco&(inin! an' chan!in! of res%onsi(ilities an' (osses over the $ears has create' i&&ense cos&olo!ical e%iso'es for (#siness %eo%le. Even senior e4ec#tives are #ns#re of ho& the$ are or1in! for an' h$. So I thin1 it is fair to sa$ that in the co#rse of their careers+ ever$ &ana!er ill have a cos&olo!$ e%iso'e: their orl's ill !et t#rne' #%si'e 'o n. @avin! the 1in' of alertness to ea1 si!nals that e see at @i!h Res%onse or!aniEations can hel% &ana!ers avoi' this %artic#lar %s$cholo!ical crisis. In the case of hantavir#s+ for e4a&%le+ the %#EEle as event#all$ solve' hen e%i'e&iolo!ists 'iscovere' that recent cli&atic chan!es ha' %ro'#ce' an e4%losion in the ro'ent %o%#lation that carrie' the vir#s+ hich increase' the li1elihoo' that h#&ans &i!ht (e e4%ose' to hantavir#s. In cos&olo!ical e%iso'es+ %a$in! ver$ close attention to 'etails can 'efinitel$ restore a sense of &aster$. What I have re%eate'l$ notice' is that %eo%le ho reall$ !et into tro#(le '#rin! these crisis

are those ho tr$ to thin1 ever$thin! thro#!h (efore ta1in! action. The %ro(le& ith 'efinin! an' refinin! $o#r h$%othesis itho#t testin! the& is that the orl' 1ee%s chan!in!+ an' $o#r anal$sis !ets f#rther an' f#rther (ehin'. So $o# have constantl$ !ot to #%'ate $o#r thin1in! hile $o# are sittin! there an' reflectin!. ,n' that is h$ I a& s#ch a %ro%onent of hat I call *sense&a1in!*. There are &an$ 'efinitions of *sense&a1in!3 for &e it is the transfor&ation of ra e4%erience into intelli!i(le orl' vie s. It*s a (it li1e hat &a%&a1ers 'o hen the$ tr$ to &a1e sense of an #nfa&iliar %lace ($ %#ttin! it on %a%er. -#t the cr#cial %oint in carto!ra%h$ is that there is no one (est &a% of a %artic#lar %lace. Si&ilarl$ sense-&a1in! len's itself to &#lti%le conflictin! inter%retations+ all of hich are %la#si(le. If an or!aniEation fin's itself #ns#re of here it*s !oin!+ or even here its (een+ then it o#!ht to (e i'e o%en to a lot of inter%retations+ al 1 of hich can lea' to %ossi(le action. The action an' its conseC#ence then (e!in to e'it the list of inter%retations 'o n to a &ore &ana!ea(le siEe. ,n' this is the %oint I ish to #n'erscore. ,ction+ te&%ere' ($ reflection is the critical co&%onent in recover$ fro& cos&olo!$ e%iso'es. Once $o# start to act+ $o# can flesh o#t $o#r inter%retations an' re or1 the&. It*s the action itself that !ets $o# &ovin!. There is a (ea#tif#l+ e4a&%le of this. Several $ears a!o a %latoon of @#n!arian sol'iers !ot lost in the ,l%s. One of the sol'iers fo#n' a &a% in his %oc1et an' the troo%s #se' it to !et o#t safel$. S#(seC#entl$+ ho ever+ the sol'iers 'iscovere' that the &a% the$ #se' as in fact the 'ra in! of another &o#ntain ran!e the .$rennes. In crisis lea'ers have to act to thin1. 8H. The hantavir#s inci'ent DOES NOT sho s that: ,. I!norance is %ervasive -. >niC#eness in its 'etails can never (e en#&erate' e4ha#stivel$ C. .#rs#it of rationalit$ is f#tile D. None of the a(ove 81. The nat#re of 1no le'!e that &ost %ro(a(l$ see&s to (e the a&(it of the a#thor in the a(ove %assa!e relates to hich of the follo in!) ,. .ractical 1no le'!e -. Transcen'ental 1no le'!e C. Tra'itional 1no le'!e D. None of the a(ove 8/. Which of the follo in! is necessaril$ tr#e sa' follo s fro& the ar!#&ent 'evelo%e' in the %assa!e) ,. ,ction an' conce%t#aliEation a(o#t realit$ is necessaril$ seC#ential -. No conce%ts can (e s%ec#late' a(o#t itho#t action C. Esta(lish&ent of an$ conce%t cannot (e 'one thro#!h 'isc#ssions alone D. None of the a(ove 88. Sense-&a1in! as #se' in the %assa!e refers to s1ills that %ri&aril$ 'e%en' on: ,. The five h#&an senses - "e&or$ C. S1ills of co!nition D. None of the a(ove 8<. , 'e:a v# is a feelin! here ever$thin! see&s fa&iliar+ in or'er. -ehin' it+ ho ever+ is a tra!e'$ for the a%%earance of or'er is ill#sor$. I!norance a(o#t the 'isor'er as ell as none4%eriencin! of it (#il's the ill#sion. S#ch a characteriEation of 'e:a v# is O its #se in the %assa!e. (Choose the a%t %hrase to fill the !a%) ,. Not inconsistent ith -. Inconsistent ith C. Necessaril$ follo s fro& D. Si&ilar to 8?. The #se of e%iso'e in cos&olo!ical e%iso'e in the %assa!e refers to: ,. .ossi(ilit$ of re%etition of the e4%erience

-. DisC#ietin! nat#re of the e4%erience C. ,cc#&#lative nat#re of the e4%erience D. None of the a(ove XAT 2006: )i** in +$e ,*an-% ;>ESTIONS 86: .lease choose the alternative that C,NNOT !o into the sentence in the (lan1 s%ace to &a1e a coherent sentence: 86. The sale of the hotel chain #n'erO res#lte' in e4tre&el$ lo ,. D>RESS -. DISTRESS C. DISTR>ST D. ,ll the a(ove $iel' for the %ro&oter.

;#estions 8A-8D: .lease choose the correct alternative that can !o into the sentence in the (lan1 s%ace to &a1e a coherent sentence: 8A. The O of the co#ntr$ sho#l' ta1e a !reater interest in %ro&otin! the in'i!eno#s that are roote' in the 'ee% tra'itions of scholarshi% across the orl'. ,. =ITER,TI -. =ITER,TE C. =ITER,T>RE D. =ITER,= or1s

8D. OOof 'ifferent cate!ories of %ro(le&s often lea's to 'esi!n of i&%ro%er sol#tions that fail to a''ress the co&%le4ities of the %ro(le&. ,. CONJ,->=,TION -. CONJ=,TION C. CONJ=ICT D. CONJESSION XAT 2006: Ne. T/"e 0 12e%+i n%

;>ESTIONS 8B-<H: are (ase' on the follo in! 'ialo!#e (et een a Ia%anese (I) &ana!er an' an ,&erican (,) &ana!er. -ase' on the 'ialo!#e %lease ans er the follo in! C#estions. I: Welco&e to Ia%anG We are at $o#r service. "a$ I have the %rivile!e of invitin! $o# to %la$ a ro#n' of !olf to!ether) ,: That is e4cellentG 9olf has (een one of &$ favorites. So&e of &$ &ost &e&ora(le &o&ents ere on the !olf co#rse. =et #s !o. It ill (e a nice rela4ation for &e as ell - it o#l' ta1e a a$ the :et la!+ (efore e sit to 'isc#ss the contract. I: S#rel$+ than1s for !ivin! &e the %rivile!e to %la$ host. I in this %art of the orl'. ,: Is !olf ver$ co&&on a&on! Ia%anese e4ec#tives) I: It 'e%en's+ $o# 1no + on ho $o# loo1 at it. Doesn*t ever$thin! reall$ 'e%en' li1e that P on ho e loo1 at it O even conce%ts of innin! an' loosin!G ,. That so#n's interestin!. I: Is itG ,: Well+ there it !oes.. WahG I: So+ $o# have on Q $o# are reall$ !oo' at !olf. Wh$ 'on*t e -%la$ another ro#n' to&orro . ,: Well.. (lon! %a#se).HF. S: so+ $o# have on a!ain.. to&orro is a !oo' 'a$ for !olf- &an$ of &$ (#siness frien's o#l' (e here an' I ill intro'#ce $o# to the&. ,: -#t+ hen ill e sit for 'isc#ssin! the contract. ill ta1e $o# to the (est !olf cl#(

I: Well+ if $o# ,: That is


e can sit ri!ht a a$+ e sho#l' 'o.

e can !o 'o n to &$ office.

hat I thin1

I. It is &$ %rivile!e. 8B. E&otions often !et &anifeste' as a *&ental state* of a s%ea1er. , 'ialo!#e often reveals that. -ase' on the 'ialo!#e. Which of the follo in! (est characteriEes the e&otional state of the ,&erican &ana!er) ,. Re%ose' -. Recalcitrant C. Res%len'ent D. None of the a(ove <H. The 'ialo!#e reveals a s in! in the &oo' of the ,&erican &ana!er fro& 0000 to 00000 . Which of the follo in! %airs of or's (in the sa&e or'er) (est co&%letes the sentence coherentl$) ,. Re:#venation+ Des%eration -. Elation+ E4as%eration C. Rela4ation+ Tension D. @a%%iness+ J#r$ XAT 2006: Ana*/+i3a* Rea% ning - & (;#estion <1-<?): Seven instr#ctors - I+ F+ =+ "+ N+ . an' ; P teach &ana!e&ent co#rses at a %re&ier instit#te in east In'ia. Each instr#ctor teaches '#rin! e4actl$ one ter&: the first ter&+ the secon' ter&+ or the thir' ter&. The follo in! con'itions a%%l$: F teaches '#rin! the thir' ter&. = an' " teach '#rin! the sa&e ter&. ; teaches '#rin! either the first ter& or the secon' ter&. E4actl$ t ice as &an$ instr#ctors teach '#rin! the thir' ter& as teach '#rin! the first ter&. N an' ; teach '#rin! 'ifferent ter&s. I an' . teach '#rin! 'ifferent ter&s. <1. Which one of the follo in! co#l' (e an acc#rate &atchin! of instr#ctors to ter&s) ,. ": the first ter&3 .: the secon' ter&3 ;: the first ter& -. I: the thir' ter&3 =: the thir' ter&3 .: the thir' ter& C. =: the first ter&3 N: the secon' ter&3 .: the thir' ter& D. I: the first ter&3 ": the thir' ter&3 N: the secon' ter& </. Which one of the follo in! cannot (e tr#e) ,. = teaches '#rin! the first ter& -. " teaches '#rin! the secon' ter& C. " teaches '#rin! the thir' ter& D. N teaches '#rin! the secon' ter& <8. If e4actl$ one instr#ctor teaches '#rin! the secon' ter&+ (e tr#e) ,. I teaches '#rin! the thir' ter& -. = teaches '#rin! the first ter& C. " teaches '#rin! the thir' ter& D. . teaches '#rin! the secon' ter& <<. Each of the follo in! contains a list of instr#ctors E5CE.T: hich one of the follo in! &#st

ho can all teach '#rin! the sa&e ter&

,. I+F+" -. I+=+" C. F+=+. D. F+.+; <?. If &ore instr#ctors teach '#rin! the secon' ter& than teach '#rin! the first ter&+ then hich one of the follo in! instr#ctors &#st teach '#rin! the secon' ter&) ,. I -. " C. N D. . XAT 2006: Ana*/+i3a* Rea% ning - 2 (;#estions <6-?H): So#rav*s Jish Salon serves a s%ecial Jri'a$ ni!ht seafoo' (anC#et consistin! of seven co#rses - hilsa+ %o&fret+ In'ian shri&%+ rah#+ 1in!fish+ lo(ster+ an' (het1i. Diners are free to select the or'er of the seven co#rses+ accor'in! to the follo in! con'itions: The 1in!fish is serve' so&eti&e after rah#. E4actl$ one co#rse sho#l' (e serve' (et een the %o&fret an' the In'ian shri&%. The lo(ster is serve' so&e ti&e (efore the %o&fret. The 1in!fish is serve' either fifth or si4th. The hilsa is serve' secon'. <6. Which one of the follo in! seC#ences o#l' &a1e for an acce%ta(le (anC#et) ,. rah#+ hilsa+ lo(ster+ (het1i+ %o&fret+ 1in!fish+ In'ian shri&% -. rah#+ hilsa+ (het1i+ %o&fret+ 1in!fish+ In'ian shri&%+ lo(ster C lo(ster+ hilsa+ %o&fret. rah#+ 1in!fish+ In'ian shri&%+ (het1i D. lo(ster+ hilsa+ rah#. 1in!fish. %o&fret+ (het1i+ In'ian shri&% <A. If 1in!fish is the fifth co#rse serve'+ then ,. .o&fret is the thir' co#rse serve' -. In'ian shri&% is the fo#rth co#rse serve' C. -het1i is the seventh co#rse serve' D. =o(ster is the first co#rse serve' hich one of the follo in! ">ST -E tr#e)

<D. Which one of the follo in! o#l' &a1e it %ossi(le to 'eter&ine the E5,CT or'erin! of the co#rses) ,. .o&fret is the fo#rth co#rse serve' -. In'ian shri&% is the fifth co#rse serve' C. Fin!fish is the si4th co#rse serve' D3 =o(ster is the first co#rse serve' <B. If 1in!fish is the si4th co#rse serve'+ then ,. Rah# is the fifth co#rse serve' -. In'ian shri&% is the seventh co#rse serve' C. .o&fret is the fifth co#rse serve' D. =o(ster is the thir' co#rse serve' hich one of the follo in! C,NNOT (e tr#e)

?H. If -het1i is the thir' co#rse serve'+ hich one of the follo in! ">ST -E tr#e) ,. .o&fret is the fo#rth co#rse serve' -. Fin!fish is the fifth co#rse serve' C. Rah# is the first co#rse serve' D. In'ian shri&% is the seventh co#rse serve' XAT 2006: Ana*/+i3a* Rea% ning - ' (;#estions ?1-?6): D#rin! one ee1+ a h#&an reso#rce 'irector con'#cts five intervie s for a ne :o(+ one

intervie %er 'a$+ "on'a$ thro#!h Jri'a$. There are si4 can'i'ates for the :o( - Ra&+ Sh$a&+ Trilochan+ >sha+ 2eena+ an' Fishore. No &ore than t o can'i'ates are intervie e' &ore than once. Neither Sh$a& nor >sha nor 2eena is intervie e' &ore than once+ an' no other can'i'ate is intervie e' &ore than t ice. The sche'#le of intervie s is s#(:ect to the follo in! con'itions: If Trilochan is intervie e'+ then Trilochan &#st (e intervie e' on (oth "on'a$ an' Jri'a$. If Sh$a& is intervie e'+ then >sha is also intervie e'+ ith Sh$a&*s intervie ta1in! %lace earlier than >sha*s intervie . If Ra& is intervie e' t ice+ then Ra&*s secon' intervie ta1es %lace e4actl$ t o 'a$s after Ra&*s first intervie . If 2eena is intervie e'+ then Fishore is intervie e' t ice+ ith 2eena*s intervie ta1in! %lace after Fishore*s first intervie an' (efore Fishore*s secon' intervie . If >sha is intervie e'+ then Ra& is also intervie e'+ ith >sha*s intervie ta1in! %lace on a 'a$ either i&&e'iatel$ (efore or i&&e'iatel$ after a 'a$ on hich Ra& is intervie e'. ?1. Which of the follo in! co#l' (e a co&%lete an' acc#rate list of can'i'ates the h#&an reso#rces 'irector intervie s an' the 'a$s on hich those intervie s ta1e %lace) ,. "on'a$: Sh$a&: T#es'a$: >sha3 We'nes'a$:Ra&3 Th#rs'a$: Fishore3 Jri'a$: Ra&3 -. "on'a$: Sh$a&3 T#es'a$: Fishore3 We'nes'a$: Ra&3 Th#rs'a$: Fishore3 Jri'a$: >sha3 C "on'a$: Trilochan3 T#es'a$: Ra&3 We'nes'a$: Sh$a&3 Th#rs'a$: Ra&3 Jri'a$: Trilochan3 D. "on'a$: Trilochan3 T#es'a$: Ra&3 We'nes'a$: Fishore3 Th#rs'a$: 2eena3 Jri'a$: Trilochan3 ?/. If 2eena is intervie e' on T#es'a$+ then ,. Trilochan is intervie e' on Jri'a$ -. >sha is intervie e' on Th#rs'a$ C. Ra& is not intervie e' D. Sh$a& is not intervie e' ?8. If Fishore is not intervie e'+ then ,. Ra& is intervie e' on Th#rs'a$ -. Sh$a& is intervie e' on T#es'a$ C. Trilochan is intervie e' on "on'a$ D. >sha is intervie e' on We'nes'a$ hich one of the follo in! ">ST -E tr#e)

hich one of the follo in! ">ST -E tr#e)

?<. If Sh$a& is intervie e'+ then hich one of the follo in! co#l' (e tr#e) ,. Fishore is intervie e' on (oth T#es'a$ an' We'nes'a$ -. >sha is intervie e' on "on'a$. C. 2eena is intervie e' on T#es'a$ D. Sh$a& is intervie e' on Th#rs'a$ ??. If neither >sha nor Trilochan is intervie e'+ then each of the follo in! ">ST -E tr#e E5CE.T: ,. Ra& is intervie e' on "on'a$ -. Ra& is intervi e' on Th#rs'a$ C. 2eena is intervie e' on T#es'a$ D. Fishore is intervie e' on We'nes'a$ ?6. If (oth >sha an' 2eena are intervie e'+ then hich one of the follo in! is a co&%lete an' acc#rate list of the 'a$s on hich Fishore co#l' (e intervie e') ,. "on'a$+ Jri'a$ -. T#es'a$+ Th#rs'a$ C. "on'a$+ We'nes'a$+Jri'a$ D. T#es'a$+ We'nes'a$+ Th#rs'a$ 000000000000000000

XAT 2006: PARAJUMBLE - Ana*/%i% ;>ESTIONS A-B: In each of the follo in! C#estions+ choose the correct or'er of state&ents (,+ -+ C...) to !ive a coherent &eanin! to the te4t) ;#estion A State&ent ,: S23$ in+e#- "e#a,i*i+/ of a soft are service or %ro'#ct a%%ears to (e onl$ one as%ect+ an' the intero%era(le s$ste& is itself evolvin!. E, is the lin1. State&ent -: Each soft are %ro'#ct intro'#ces a variation an' conseC#entl$ a chan!e in +$e %/%+e!4 State&ent C: An o%eratin! %/%+e! &#st har' are %latfor&. or1 ith a%%lications an' other ele&ents in a

State&ent D: , soft are fir& hile intro'#cin! its %ro'#ct or service+ +$e#e0 #e5 'oes not strive for &#te co&%le&entarities alone (#t tries to (rin! a(o#t a chan!e in the e4istin! str#ct#re. 3ann + ,e +$e "ening %en+en3e +$e . #d +$e#e0 #e a*% indi3a+e% 3 n3*2%i n4 State&ent E: In other ,. -CD,E -. CE,-D C D,E-C 64 CBEA6 or's the co&%onents &#st (e 'esi!ne' to (e in+e#- "e#a,*e4

;#estion D State&ent ,: "oreover+ a% a#g2ed a, 7e5 -n .*edge i% entaile' not ($ a$ of :#stification as s#ch. (#t ($ the realiEation of !oo' or fr#it la'enness of &eanin! an' actions or iterate' actions. BA i% +$e *in-4 A 3ann + ,e +$e "ening %en+en3e4

State&ent -: 8n .*edge i% reC#ire' in or'er to resolve 'o#(ts an' th#s in or'er to act &eanin!f#ll$. State&ent C: Therefore the actions in a co&&onl$ le' 'ail$ life are (oth &eanin!f#l an' 1no le'!e-'riven. State&ent D: In'ian theorists ar!#e for a co&&on 1no le'!e+ iterate' fr#itf#ll actions+ thro#!h the a#thorit$ of sentences (or hich is o(taine' thro#!h or's).

State&ent E: We ar!#e for fo#r so#rces of vali'ation of 1no le'!e+ viE.+ sentence+ inference+ 'irect %erce%tion an' analo!$. I a! a ,i+ 3 n02%ed $e#e 6EC !ig$+ ,e a *in-4 ,. ,EC-D B BAEC6 C. -DCE, D. E,DC-

;#estion B State&ent ,: -#t PST $a% a*% 2%ed satellite %ict#res to s#!!est that an ancient fortifie' to n ha' e4iste' 8H F& fro& I#na!a'h. 6A i% +$e *in-4 State&ent -: S i* and 7ege+a+i n "a++e#n% ere #se' in the search.

State&ent C: The site &arches the 'escri%tion of Frishna*s to n in an ancient scri%t#re. State&ent D: PST9% "#i!a#/ : , at S%ace ,%%lications Centre has (een trac1in! lan' #se an' forest cover ith satellite i&a!es. State&ent E: ,n archeolo!ist ho ever ca#tione' that re&ote sensin! an' scri%t#res ($ the&selves o#l' not (e eno#!h to i'entif$ a to nshi%. State&ent J: It as clai&e' that % i* and 7ege+a+i n "a++e#n% at ancient a(an'one' sites reveal s%ecific %atterns that can (e %ic1e' ($ satellite i&a!es. B) i% +$e *in,. D,C-EJ B4 6ACB)E C. JDC,-E D. JD,C-E XAT 2006: Ana*/+i3a* Rea% ning - ( (;#estions ?A to 61)3 ,nal$Ee the follo in! state&ents an' !ive an a%%ro%riate ans er. F.C. Das is %re%arin! s%ecial %#:a s eet %ac1a!es. Different s eet %ac1a!es are n#&(ere' 1 thro#!h ? fro& left to ri!ht+ an' F.C. Das is fillin! the& ith 'ifferent s eets. Each %ac1a!e ill contain at least one+ (#t not &ore than t o of the follo in! t$%es of s eets: 9#la(:a&#n+ Fa:# (arfi+ .etha+ Ras!#lla+ Sohan hal a+ an' Cha& cha&. Each t$%e of s eet ill (e %lace' in at least one s eet %ac1a!e. These s eets ill (e %ac1e' either in a (#c1et+ or a carton or a tin. F.C. Das fills the %ac1a!es accor'in! to the follo in! con'itions: ,t least t o %ac1a!es &#st contain Ras!#lla. E4actl$ t o %ac1a!es &#st contain Fa:# (arfi+ an' these %ac1a!es cannot (e a':acent to each -other. -oth %ac1a!es that contain Fa:# (arfi &#st (e to the left of an$ %ac1a!es that contain 9#ta(:a&#n. .ac1a!e /+ 8+ an' < cannot contain Sohan hal a: ,n$ %ac1a!e that contains Ras!#lla &#st (e %ac1e' in a carton. ,n$ %ac1a!e that contains+ Fa:# (arfi &#st (e %ac1e' in a (#c1et. .ac1a!e / is %ac1e' in a carton. ?A. Which one of the follo in! C,NNOT (e tr#e) ,. .ac1a!e 1- is %ac1e' in a tin. -. .ac1a!e / contains Cha& cha&. C. .ac1a!e 8 is %ac1e' in a tin. D. .ac1a!e < contains Fa:# (arfi. ?D. If a %ac1a!e containin! s eets an' %ac1e' in a tin is not a':acent to a %ac1a!e %ac1e' in a (#c1et+ then hich one of the follo in! ">ST (e tr#e) ,. .ac1a!e I contains .etha -. .ac1a!e < contains Fa:# (arfi. C. .ac1a!e < contains Ras!#lla. D. .ac1a!e ? contains 9#la(:a&#n.

?B. If Ras!#lla are containe' in the &a4i&#& n#&(er of %ac1a!es+ JO==OWIN9 &#st (e troe) ,. .ac1a!e' is %ac1e' in a (#c1et. -. .ac1a!e < is %ac1e' in a (#c1et. C , %ac1a!e containin! Sohan hal a is %ac1e' in a (#c1et. D. , %ac1a!e containin! 9#la(:a&#n is %ac1e' in a carton.

hich one of the

6H. If %ac1a!e < contains .etha an' Cha& cha&+ hich one of the follo in! %airs of s eets &#st (e containe' in the sa&e %ac1a!e as each other) ,+ Fa:# (arfi an' Sohan hal a. -. 9#la(:a&#n an' .etha. C. Ras!#lla an' Cha& cha&. D. 9#la(:a&#n an' Sohan hal a. 61. If %ac1a!e 8 is %ac1e' in a tin+ hich one of the JO==OWIN9 CO>=D (e false) ,. .ac1a!e 1 contains Sohan hal a. -. .ac1a!e / contains Ras!#lla. C. .ac1a!e 8 contains Cha& cha&. D. .ac1a!e < is %ac1e' in a (#c1et 8. So&e have s#!!este' a correlation (et een not earin! a hat an' (ein! laE$ Othat those ho 'onRt ear hats are !enerall$ laEier than those ho 'o. This+ ho ever+ is not the case. I or1 for the #ne&%lo$&ent office+ an' the &a:orit$ of the a%%licants ear hats. The a#thor of the ar!#&ent a(ove &a1es hich of the follo in! ass#&%tions) (,) =aEiness an' hat- earin! are learne' (ehaviors. (-) >ne&%lo$&ent is never !iven to those hoare laE$. (C) =aEiness has its ori!ins in an in'ivi'#alRs !enetics. (D) .eo%le ho a%%l$ for #ne&%lo$&ent are laE$. (E) .eo%le ho 'o not ear hats are !enerall$ laEier than those ho 'o. Ana*/%i% -ase' on evi'ence that a%%licants in an #ne&%lo$&ent office ear hats+ the a#thor concl#'es that it*s not tr#e that %eo%le ho 'on*t ear hats are laEier than those ho 'o. The ass#&%tion &#st (e (D) that #ne&%lo$&ent a%%licants are laE$. Other ise+ one co#l'n*t infer that %eo%le ho ear hats are laEier than %eo%le ho 'on*t. (,)(C)The ca#ses or ori!ins of laEiness are (e$on' the sco%e. (-)Nothin! is ass#&e' a(o#t ho li1el$ a %erson is to (e !rante' #ne&%lo$&ent (enefits. (E)This is the clai& that the a#thor inten's to ref#te. <. .ol$-chlorinate' (i%hen$ls+ a versatile !ro#% of che&icals #se' in "ichi!an in recent $ears to ai' in the c#ltivation of ani&al fee' !rain+ sho#l' (e (anne' i&&e'iatel$ lest the$ ca#se &ore har& to h#&ans. Resi'#al traces of the (i%hen$ls #se' in the c#ltivation of fee' !rain have (een fo#n' in the co fee' 'istri(#te' to h#n're's of "ichi!an far&ers over the %ast three $ears. Which of the follo in! &ost concl#sivel$ stren!thens the ar!#&ent a(ove) (,) Scientists have o(serve' an #n#s#all$ hi!h rate of intestinal cancer a&on! cons#&ers of "ichi!an 'air$ %ro'#cts over the %ast t o $ears. (-) Traces of %ol$-chlorinate' (i%hen$ls have (een fo#n' in the (loo' an' #rine of &an$ "ichi!an co s. (C) ,!ric#lt#ral scientists have raise' 'o#(tsas to the effectiveness of %ol$chlorinate'(i%hen$ls in %ro&otin! the !ro th of n#tritio#s!rain %ro'#cts for co s. (D) In'#strial scientists ho contri(#te' to the research an' 'evelo%&ent of %ol$-chlorinate' (i%hen$ls con'#cte' e4tensive tests to ascertain the safet$ of the che&icals. (E) The rate of sterilit$ a&on! "ichi!an co s !reatl$ e4cee's the national avera!e. Ana*/%i%

Concl#sion: (i%hen$ls sho#l' (e (anne' fro& #se in !ro in! co fee' in "ichi!an (eca#se the$ %ose a threat to h#&ans. To &a1e the connection (et een (i%hen$ls an' h#&an health %ro(le&s+ there &#st (e a connection (et een "ichi!an co s an' h#&ans ho s#ffer health %ro(le&s. If+ for instance+ (,) cons#&ers of "ichi!an 'air$ %ro'#cts have recentl$ (een fo#n' to have a hi!h rate of intestinal cancer+ it*s li1el$ that the traces of (i%hen$ls in the foo' fe' to the co s ere also in!este' ($ h#&ans an' ca#se' the cancer. (-)I#st (eca#se (i%hen$ls ere in the co s* s$ste&s 'oesn*t necessaril$ &ean that the$ ere transferre' to h#&ans. (C)Doesn*t sho that (i%hen$ls har&e' either the co s or h#&ans. (D)Wea1ens the ar!#&ent ($ s#!!estin! that (i%hen$ls have (een %roven safe. (E)S#!!ests that "ichi!an co s ere affecte'+ (#t &a1es no connection to %ro(le&s in h#&ans. ?. 9overnor Fi%lin!+ res%on'in! to re%orts that &an$ of his constit#ents ere callin! for his i&%each&ent+ tol' re%orters: SThe %eo%le (ehin' this i&%each&ent &ove&ent char!e &e ith e4acer(atin! o#r stateRs #ne&%lo$&ent %ro(le&s. -$ raisin! cor%orate ta4es+ the$ clai& I force' &an$ la(or-intensive in'#stries to leave the state. What the$ 'onRt realiEe+ ho ever+ is that &$ %#r%ose as state' (efore the le!islat#re as to raise reven#es to f#n' a state i'e :o(s %ro!ra&+ hich the$ co#l' rea' in the Official Io#rnal. The$ %refer to %ersec#te &e for antin! to create :o(s an' ease o#r stateRs econo&ic oes.T The %rinci%al fla in 9overnor Fi%lin!Rs ar!#&ent is (est in'icate' ($ hich of the follo in!) (,) There is no !#arantee that a state i'e :o(s %ro!ra& o#l' (e effective in re'#cin! #ne&%lo$&ent. (-) The n#&(er of :o(s create' ($ a state i'e :o(s %ro!ra& o#l' not offset the n#&(er of :o(s lost as a res#lt of the ta4 hi1e. (C) The 9overnorRs constit#ents ant to i&%each hi& (eca#se of the effects+ not the intent of his ta4 hi1e. (D) The 9overnorRs clai& a(o#t the intent of his ta4 hi1e is i&%ossi(le to verif$. (E) Raisin! ta4es is not an effective a$ of creatin! :o(s in in'#str$. Ana*/%i% Fi%lin! sa$s that his constit#ents sho#l'n*t (la&e hi& for ca#sin! &an$ co&%anies to leave the state ($ raisin! ta4es+ th#s increasin! #ne&%lo$&ent+ (eca#se he ha' &eant these &eas#res to %rovi'e for a 'ecrease in #ne&%lo$&ent. The fla in his reasonin! is that (C) his constit#ents are (asin! their an!er not on hat the !overnor %ro&ise'+ (#t on hat act#all$ ha%%ene'+ hich is that #ne&%lo$&ent increase'. (,)It*s not the feasi(ilit$ of Fi%lin!*s %lan that*s in C#estion+ (#t the C#estion of his intent vers#s his actions. (-)We 'on*t 1no this+ since the :o(s %ro!ra& as never i&%le&ente'. (D)@is clai& can (e verifie' in the Official Io#rnal of the state le!islat#re. (E)The i'ea as to raise ta4es to f#n' a se%arate :o(s %ro!ra&+ not thatraisin! ta4es o#l' itself create :o(s. 6. 9illiatt can create an$ &oo'+ 'escri(e an$ &e&(er of an$ class thro#!h conversation so tr#e it is al&ost eerie. Whether %eerin! into a or1in!-class flat or a co#ntr$ &anse+ she s#(&er!es herself in that at&os%here an' co&es #% (a((lin! li1e a native. Which of the follo in! concl#sions can &ost relia(l$ (e 'ra n fro& the state&ents a(ove) (,) 9illiattRs a(ilit$ to conve$ a sense of the s#%ernat#ral &a1es her ritin! hi!hl$ effective. (-) 9illiatt is the 1in' of a#thor ho is &ore %o%#lar ith critics than ith the !eneral rea'er loo1in! for esca%ist fiction. (C) 9illiatt is #niC#el$ s1ille' in 'escri(in! her characters. (D) 9illiatt rites 'ialo!#e that is &ore realistic than that ritten ($ an$ other a#thor. (E) It is %ri&aril$ thro#!h 'ialo!#e rather than thro#!h narrative that 9illiatt &a1es #s (elieve in her characters.

Ana*/%i% This %assa!e is concerne' ith 9illiatt*s a(ilit$ to 'escri(e an$one thro#!h conversation that so#n's tr#e to his or her class. The inference then is that (E) her characters are (elieva(le an' realistic (eca#se of the a$ the$ tal1+ rather than ho the$ are 'escri(e'. (,)KEerieK refers to 9illiatt*s talents+ not to s#%ernat#ral s#(:ect &atter. (-)There*s no &ention of her %o%#larit$+ &erel$ her effective techniC#e. (C)9illiatt nee' not (e #niC#e O itRs %ossi(le that other a#thors also #se conversation as she 'oes. (D)9illiatt isn*t co&%are' to an$ other a#thors PRACTICE EXERCISE - 0& A. The a!ric#lt#ral #se of che&icals is environ&entall$ #nso#n' (eca#se the in'iscri&inate #se of certain %estici'es ca#ses (irth 'efects in so&e (ir's. Which of the follo in! is &ost si&ilar to the ar!#&ent a(ove) (,) .hotoco%$in! &achines are #seless (eca#se the$ all (rea1 'o n. (-) "a$or Ste art is a liar (eca#se all %oliticians are liars. (C) Ci!arette s&o1in! is 'an!ero#s (eca#se ever$ st#'$ 'one has sho n a stron! correlation (et een ci!arette s&o1in! an' increase' health ris1s. (D) 2ita&in s#%%le&ents are 'an!ero#s (eca#se e4cessive cons#&%tion of vita&inC can ca#se 1i'ne$ stones. (E) "an$ cri&inals are 'an!ero#s (eca#se the$ are illin! to ta1e a life in or'er to avoi' ca%t#re. D. In a recent test+ the co&%osition of the ater in the -#c1sha Co#nt$ ater s$ste& as &onitore' over a /< ho#r %erio'. It as 'iscovere' that the ater in the reservoirs containe' trace a&o#nts of &erc#r$ an' &an!anese+ har&f#l %oll#tants+ hich st#'ies have sho n can ca#se !astro-intestinal infections hen in!este' in s#fficient C#antities. The Co&&issioner of .#(lic Wor1s+ in 'efen'in! her 'ecision not to s%en' three &illion 'ollars to %#rif$ the reservoirs+ sai': S-eca#se reservoirs are fe' ($ strea&s hose co&%osition chan!es 'ail$+ the res#lts of a one 'a$ test are ins#fficient to 'eter&ine hether a reservoir is consistentl$ conta&inate'.T The Co&&issionerRs state&ent in'icates &ost stron!l$ that she is (,) s1e%tical a(o#t the a&o#nt of 'a&a!e that s&all a&o#nts of %oll#tants can ca#se. (-) 'o#(tf#l that the test res#lts are acc#rate. (C) rel#ctant to ta1e action hen the %ro(le& &a$ onl$ (e a te&%orar$ a(erration. (D) 'o#(tf#l of the serio#sness of the threat of !astro-intestinal infections. (E) concerne' a(o#t &a1in! a 'ecision itho#t re!ar' to the econo&ics of the sit#ation. B. , social or1er recentl$ s#rve$e' t o h#n're' o&en ho ha' !iven (irth in the last $ear to their first chil'. @alf of these o&en ha' chosen to have their chil'ren in a hos%ital or o(stetric clinic3 the other half ha' chosen to !ive (irth at ho&e. Of the one h#n're' (irths that occ#rre' in the ho&e+ onl$ five ha' %resente' an$ serio#s co&%lications+ hereas seventeen of the hos%ital (irths ha' reC#ire' e4tra attention (eca#se of co&%lications '#rin! 'eliver$. The social or1er concl#'e' that the ho&e is a safer environ&ent in hich to !ive (irth than is a hos%ital or clinic. Which of the follo in!+ if tr#e+ o#l' &ost serio#sl$ ea1en the social or1erRs concl#sion) (,) Wo&en ho are e4%ecte' to e4%erience co&%lications '#rin! 'eliver$ are enco#ra!e' to !ive (irth in a hos%ital or clinic. (-) "an$ o(stetricians 'isco#ra!e their %atients fro& !ivin! (irth in their ho&es. (C) Wo&en ho !ive (irth in their ho&es ten' to e4%erience less stress '#rin! la(or an' 'eliver$ than 'o those ho 'eliver in hos%itals. (D) Wo&en ho !ive (irth to their chil'ren in hos%itals often have shorter %erio's of la(or than 'o those ho !ive (irth at ho&e.

(E) "an$ co&%lications that occ#r '#rin! a 'eliver$ reC#ire the #se of &e'ical eC#i%&ent not easil$ trans%orte' to a %rivate ho&e.

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