The Six Pack Abs Workout Plan

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The Six Pack Abs Workout Plan

Use this workout plan every other day.

Warm-up Circuit
Complete this warm-up circuit two times, resting 30 seconds between circuits.
Y-Squat( 10 RPS!
Pushup( 10 RPS!
Stick-"p( 10 RPS!
#ountain Climber( $ RPS PR S%&!
'or(ar) *un+e( $ RPS PR *,!
Waiter-s.o(( 10 RPS!
Spi)erman Climb(A!"#$A!" "%& U$!' ()U *) + #",& ,"# &'*"-
(Superset 1!
,er.orm these two e/ercises back-to-back, no rest between. #est 0 minute be.ore repeating the superset two more times.
Shoul)erPressPushup(10 RPS!
,lace your .eet on a bench and hands on the .loor slightly wider than shoulder-width. ,ike your hips up in the air, so you are
as vertical as can be. &lowly lower your head to the .loor. ,ause, and push with your shoulders and triceps back to the start
position. *o 00 reps.
Step-"p(11 RPS perle+!
!he step should be high enough that your thigh is parallel to the .loor when your .oot is on the step. ,lace one .oot on the
step and push down through your heel to li.t your other leg up. #eturn to the starting position and .inish all reps with one leg
be.ore switching legs and repeating the e/ercise. *o 01 reps per leg.
(Superset 1!
,er.orm these two e/ercises back-to-back, no rest between. #est 0 minute be.ore repeating the superset two more times.
1-*e+R&* (2 RPS le+!
&tand with your .eet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. #aise one .oot and e/tend it behind you, 2ust o.. the .loor.
Contract your glutes, brace your abs, and keep your spine naturally arched. 3ocusing on balance, lower yoursel. until your
torso is parallel to the .loor. 'nitiate the movement by pushing your hips back. ,ush back up to the starting position. *o 4
reps per leg.
S(iss.all#ountain Climber(10 RPS si)e!
Assume the classic pushup position but place your hands on the sides o. a &wiss ball, .ingers pointing .orward. 5race your
abs and straighten your legs behind you. !his is the starting position. i.t one .oot o.. the .loor and bring your knee toward
your chest. &traighten your leg back out, move your other knee to your chest, and return that leg to the starting position.
6eep alternating sides. *o 00 reps per side.
(Superset 3!
,er.orm these two e/ercises back-to-back, no rest between. #est 0 minute be.ore repeating the superset one more time.
%n4erte) Ro((11 RPS!
&et a bar at hip height in a &mith machine or s7uat rack. ie underneath the bar with your heels on the .loor and grab the
bar, your hands 0 or 1 inches more than shoulder-width apart. 6eeping your body in a straight line, pull your chest up to the
bar using your back muscles. &lowly lower yoursel. until your arms are straight. *o 01 reps.
Wi)e-,ripPushup(10 RPS!
*o this as you would a standard pushup, but place your hands wider apart. *o 10 reps.
%5TR6A* W/R0/"T
8arm up .or 3 minutes, getting progressively more intense with time.
,er.orm an interval by e/ercising .or 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a sub2ective 4900 level o. e..ort-.
3ollow that with :active rest; .or 30 seconds by e/ercising at a slow pace (at a sub2ective 3900 level o. e..ort-.
#epeat .or a total o. < intervals.
3inish with = minutes o. very low intensity (3900- e/ercise .or a cool-down.
#inuteb7#inute T7pe %ntensit7*e4el
0 8arm up 3 out o. 00
1 8arm up = out o. 00
3 8arm up = out o. 00
= (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
= (30 seconds- "asy 3 out o. 00
+ (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
+ (30 seconds- "asy 3 out o. 00
< (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
< (30 seconds- "asy 3 out o. 00
? (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
? (30 seconds- "asy 3 out o. 00
4 (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
4 (30 seconds- "asy 3 out o. 00
@ (30 seconds- >ard 4 out o. 00
00 Cool *own 3 out o. 00
00 Cool *own 3 out o. 00
01 Cool *own 3 out o. 00
03 Cool *own 3 out o. 00
03 minutes total
8o( 7ou can +et six pack abs 9aster
&o .ar 'Ave given you some basic e/ercises to .ollow, but i. you want to develop si/ pack abs more
7uickly, youAll have to use a more advanced workout plan. And thatAs not all. (ouAll need a good diet
regimen to go with your new workout routine as well.
3or a .ull workout routine and diet program, ' recommend reading The Truth About Six Pack Abs.
!o get it Click Here.

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