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Intermediate School 292 Technology Class 7th Grade (704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 7 0, 7 Teacher" #rs

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================================================== =================================== &.#$)./0 1 5 Write a Proposal of the project in technology class. The topic must be from what you have learned in the four subject areas (EL ! "athematics! #cience! and $istory%. E&plain why you choose this project. 'our project must use all the "icrosoft word! PowerPoint and E&cel. Plan () #ubmit the Plan proposal by completing the following information) (% Write a short description of your project. *% Topic)++++++++++++++++++ ,% Why did you choose this topic.% /nder what subject area your project is coved0% $ow is this project going to support and contribute to the learning of other studentsPlan *) Write a step by step procedure of how you will ta1e to do your project. E&ample) Title of the Project) #ubject 2overed) #tep ( Write a proposal of the Project #tep * Plan out what technology tools you will need to use #tep , Write the goal of the project #tep . Wor1 on the project until completed.

#tep 0. 3eread each part of the project. Edit and revise.

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