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Talk Back and You re Dead (??? ???) by ???

(Wang Gi Dae) translated by ellcha, swtkrnbabiez, riano, and adidasyeah

= Chapter One = Hey! Why do I have to meet your boyfriend?! Come on~ I promised Jong Ho I was gonna let him meet you~ ^O^

=_=^ Dragging me all over the place, we were going to meet my friend s boyfriend. But why does she have to take me? *sigh* What was I doing all my life? I long for a man. -.,-;

Hey! Park Jong Ho, whatever his name is, he s a GongGo, right? [A type of high scho ol not really a high school, but something like that. =_=] GongGo kids are scary Do n t go too close to them. Those are the words of mine because I m worrying about my best friend, not because I m jealous. Sigh. Min HaWon, you pathetic woman. =_=

. JongHo s different.

Different my butt. GongGo s live in shacks. -,.-; -__-^ Shut up! I bet you guys are gonna probably break up by the end of this week. Whatever. -__- Look at you, just jealous so you re saying all this crap! Wahahahaha h~~~~! Your laugh probably scares all the guys away from this place. =_= From my point of view, you re just a yapping ET -_-^


Jang SuYoon! ^-^ Say hello. I m usually like this. O_O? In front of me and my friend, SuYoon, was GongGo Park man with his arms wrapped around some slut. JongHo .JongHo . What is this . What does that mean ? ^-^ Well, if I knew that you were a THAT kind of high schooler I wouldn t have met her. ^?^; So it s happening again. The truth comes out .

That we re high schoolers. -__-^ Our high school was far by the most different hig h school there ever was. All the guys from other high schools hated us. They hat ed us. Especially GongGo and SangGo people They hated us too. *HUK* ?_? Still, this was too harsh ?_? *huk huk* Poor SuYoon~~~~ ?0? O_O My animal SuYoon SuYoon left the room alone. That GongGo Park man was *kakakaka* laughing with that other slut Walking away from us. Suddenly HaWon Min HaWon. someone behind me was calling my name. =_=

Someone called out. Someone behind me SuYoon. - ________ What. You re laughing at me, right? ?_? No. Then? Are you giggling at me? =_= =_= You crazy woman. How sad

I don t need your fricken pity!!!!!! Go! Go away!! Go! GO!!!!

=_= =_= Because of that crazy woman pushing me to go away I went straight home. When I came in making a =ddal kkak ddal kkak= noise I smelled something strange . Whatev er. I don t care ?.,? When I came in =_=! *Jjjjjjjjae kang!!!!!!!* In the kitchen was a loud noise *sigh*. What could it be this time? This is why you need to buy the good brand name

Awwww crap Man. This is so slippery d rubber gloves .

Min HanBum. =_=^ When did you come home? Came already? I skipped school today. That show off Min HanBum was washing the dishes as I came in. -.,-; How could he have such interest in washing the dishes when he s such a jerk and talks back that little ant s poop =_= .-_-^ Hey did you even go to school?

Nope. Crap. Mommy told me to do the dishes. Just because he had English school when he was young, he began calling our mothe r Mommy [?? instead of ??] Not even going to school and just rotting in the house he could do was the chores. But HanBum ah Can you take off that ugly strawberry apron? =_= Because it was pretty -__-^


I don t want to. I bought it yesterday

-0-;; You little jerk, you e chores? *sigh* Aren t you going psycho because you re doing so much of the hous

.=_=^ Ahhhhhhhhh! >_<!!! SHIT!! I m burnt!! Wearing the strawberry apron and doing the dishes he had a cigarette in his mouth . Getting carried away, admiring his strawberry apron [=_=] the cigarette burned his lips. Ahhhk! Stupid cigarette! You still don t know the truth, Hanbum ah. You re the one swearing at yourself for a stupid thing that you did. =_=


boring =_=^

The next day. School was a dread, feeling like it was dragging me by my hand and leading me di rectly to SuYoon. Park JongHo you you JERK! I won t let you go like this!! You deep nostrils peanut loo king jerk! I m not letting this get away!! Since when did you NOT let people go? =_= Why suddenly the revenge -0-; I was talking with that jerk this morning And do you know what that fricken jerk s aid to me?!??!?! He said that my laugh was like a motorcycle running!!

Well, your laugh is uh . -0-; Come on, SuYoon .No =_= just let it go. Just happily let it go -__-^

I can t I can t let him go like this

Around 30 minutes later *HUK*!!! . -_t it s here!! -__-; -___-;^ . It s here this is the place that little jerk hangs around

The place where SuYoon dragged me to was the loud, busy and noisy arcade. Tong Tang tang tang tang tang tang!! *sound of buttons and crap -_-^* .

And SuYoon was there, angrily kicking the door open =_= uh a

When SuYoon opened the door, I smelled the cigarette smoke and saw the toy guns nd people swearing My ears my ears !! >_< Fuck!! Where is that little jerk!! Look around. O_O

Aiishi~~~ I can t this anymore

HaWon, should we just wait in there first? It s so small I m going

SuYoon dragged me inside a karaoke room. Aigoo I can t take this to burst -__-. Hey Yea. -__- .-_____-!!! Giving her a yea feeling I have inside =_=

But it s nice coming in the arcade once in a while, right? >_<

with a pitiful and dreadful face

This hot and angry

!! It s him!!! AHHHH! SuYoon pointed her finger to the window, where you saw a group of guys. What? What s wrong? No . Did Park JongHo look like that to be hot?

It s not that Th The SangGo kids SangGo?

She was right. When I looked out the window I saw 12 boys uniform.

all wearing the SangGo

Jang SuYoon The SangGo kids aren t looking down at you because you looked down at Pa rk JongHo just to look hot right? [This part is so confusing >_<] =_= So What are you saying Those kids are probably the most coolest in SangGo, probably

Some hot looking SangGo guys are getting your attention?

.=_= Sorry. But they re cute -__-^ -.,- This is why you can t date Looking at the SangGo kids made me sick *huk* =_= They re all so retarded. -.,-;

Hawon!! >_<!! Guess what! ^0^ I know all their names! Wanna hear? -0-; Jang SuYoon Please remember why you came inside this arcade in the first place, p lease .=_=^^ >_< Huh? Huh? Com on~ Wanna hear them, HaWon? Sure tell me. =_= I kinda wanna know them >_<


Okay. See se that one on the right the tall one is Eun Jin Ho and then Lee EunGoo. Le e EunGoo. >_< Isn t that name funny? kakak >_< and that guy playing the arcade gam e is Oun Ha . Yea who else

.=_= Who do you want to know? *huk* You caught up with me -.,-. I mean I don t want to know Just

That guy. That one. =_= That yellow haired guy, with the cigarette in his mouth Playing Tetris I mean that one. The one saying Ahh fuck! Why did that one came out! that person -,.-// Oh him?? . He s a SangGo 2nd year HaWon ah you like those kind of people?

What do you mean those kind of people =_= Him he doesn t like girls . Especially us. GongHak people were busted . he was hit by that man Wow he s scary Remember that guy whose lips

Even his looks were a bit scary and his hair was so bright o_o . his pale face his attitude was discomforting His uniform was all messed up biting the cigarette in his mouth. =_= Actually Those kind of men don t attract me too much But d to find out his name I I just wanna know who he is And what his name is

And even

for some reason I really wante

= Chapter Two = SuYoon~ Tell me his name Him Tell me his name

.BanJi. =_= What? BanJi. [She s saying what What? Oh my gosh~ You retard! It s BanJi! Lee BanJi! -__-^ =_= Oh okay. Because she said it so randomly and so casually, I thought she was just saying i t out of the blue -.,Aigoo . She s saying that that person s name is BanJi His name. Lee BanJi. =_= So when someone says Lee BanJi it won t be an accessory gGo stuck-up jerk His name is Lee BanJi. Haha. but it ll be a person. =_= A San Gold BanJi [Gold Ring] Lee BanJi. -0-; because BANJI in Korean is a ring. -.,-]

Whatever~ All I could think of was his name and what it ll mean n I hear his name .O_O!! That s Park JongHo!! gging me in her hand. =_=

and what I ll think whe

SuYoon shouted, as she crashed opened the karaoke door


Hey!!!!! Park JongHo!! You bastard!! Come here!! *huk* -?Oh SuYoon it seems like that the end of your life isn t far -.,-

HEY! Park JongHo! You dogfood jerk! -0-; That little GongGo Park JongHo jerk was ignoring SuYoon and I as we were right b ehind him. -__-^ Hey!! Stand up Can t you see me?! Well, she was blown off by him for a different sl

SuYoon seemed really really mad

ut [=_=]

. A really long time must past until she would forgive -.,-;

GongHak people come here too? Why don t you go study~ .

Those words were the first words of that Park GongGo jerk to SuYoon -___-^ Maybe because us GongHaks was the smartest school -.,- Still he s going a little too far on the jokes!! -0-; I was gonna let you go You bastard!! Yea you!! Why do you always play with people!! -.,-. SuYoon s face became bright red g out her nose. -,.,Answer me!! Am I that funny to you?! ^_____^ Yup. You re funny saying those words, I could feel smoke comin

Park JongHo You ^-^ ParkJongHo

you you little jerk

Even I m all stressed out because of this kid. =_=;;

You you trash garbage

What did you just say?

-__-? I told you that you re just a piece of dirty trash Ew. You re so smelly. Ewwww . *HUUUUK* o_o Jang SuYoon How can you say that to him now he s going to beat us up h* We re losing. Terribly losing. *sig

You Honestly, you kind of people are sad had no guys to go to, right? Kakaka >_<

It s sad. ^-^ If it wasn t for me you probably

What do you mean, no guys!! A lot of guys want me!! You jerk!!

Oh really? ^-^ +_+

Who? this is going nowhere. =_= He goes to SangGo Even if I told you, you wouldn t kn

You GongGo Park man

Hahahaha! What do you mean, who ow who he is .=_=

That woman is seriously a frog. Are you crazy?! A SangGo kid? o out with one of us GongHak girls -.,-; ^-^

Who would want to g

^___^ Actually, I know all the SangGo guys~ Tell me his name!

. You annoying self-centered brat!! That little Park JongHo SuYoon see this is what you got yourself into. =_=

Um . Aw fuck!! AHHHHHHH! Suddenly O_O

Hey. You little GongHak girl why do you keep bickering! =_= -__-^ Yes indeed. It was one of those other GongGo guys next to us SuYoon was too scared to talk, so she annoyed his swearing when suddenly, *touk touk* A tap on SuYoon s shoulder was brought from the kid and his face looked like words that said, You kids what did you just say to one of US kids?! . I I won t let this go Hey You GongGo kids you

As I spoke, they grabbed SuYoon s hand and dragged her away -0-. -0-!! No!! No no no !! SuYoon~ SuYoon!! >0<!! SuYoon!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled.

She turned around and gave a look of horror in her face -.,-. Without even knowing me reflexes, I ran to that GonGo ParkJongHo kid and begged Who are you!! Let go, will you?! He said Save SuYoon first!! Save her, I tell you!! Kak~ what s in it for me!

What ?! You You buttcrack looking fool -.,-! Why are these kind of people even on this planet?! Hey! I ll I ll I ll tell you SuYoon s boyfriend from SangGo!! Ha ^-^ Fine tell me his name for once

I nodded my head stiffly and I told him where SuYoon was last led to But all he did was nudge the guy that was playing Tetris all this time Lee BanJi -.,-; Ha ^-^; she what? I know wha

Hoohoohoohoo -.,-. Stop acting like you were just born into this country t you wanna know who her boyfriend is -__-^ Fine. FINE!

SuYoon s boyfriend He s uh in class right now. ^-^ You re probably not going to believe me I said his name so I ll personally let you see him face to face I quickly made up a lie And that was when, I ran off to the SongGo kids pretending like I knew them

= Chapter Three = Hey guys!! Long time no see!! As I ran up to the SongGo kids, I shouted at them, acting like I knew them. Not to mention, I was waving at them, too. =_=; The big arcade was full of students, and they stared at me as I shouted at them. -.,-; Sigh. Me, as the GongHak kid is being a suck up for the SongGo kids -0-. I can t believe I ran up to them, as if I knew them well what kind of person am I? . .

WAIT!! My friend is probably getting killed right now by the GongGo kids right now! -0Kakakaka!! >_<!! Hey!! You guys! What have you guys been up to lately? o_o I started off by hugging the yellow horseshoe-looking guy by his neck. He looked at me strangely and didn t say anything until

>_< .Yea long time no see~ Those weren t the words of mine, but were the words of the yellow horseshoe-lookin g guy. It felt weird but I didn t care! This is getting good!! -0- If I started get ting along with this kid then I would be able to get to know the SongGo kids =_= What the heck? Hey, do you know that kid? Nope. -__-^ I think OonHa knows her OonHa doesn t even touch the GongHak girls They just introduced themselves right now. -.,OonHa introduces himself to everybody =_= The guys around him were talking about me -.,-; And giving the most coldest glares , they looked down on me. ^O^ Happy to see you I haven t seen you in a long time Ha haha ha telling that I m happy to see him

I came back to myself {=_=} and said those words again. T_______T~ I m . So . Stupid . T_T~

All I wanted to do is show that Park JongHo isn t all that and I just wanted to hel p ?_? I just didn t want him to mess around with SuYoon That s it all I wanted to do was help ?_?

. ?_? . And while I was just standing looking at the ground, tears began to come out of my eyes When suddenly I turned around, and JongHo and SuYoon were there. HaWon O_O ^-^ SuYoon said

Your friend s putting up a show for us, no? Haha. Looks like she is

.-.,-. JongHo JongHo was right next to SuYoon .

But why was SuYoon looking at JongHo What kind of friend is she? -0-; Throwing me away just like that Park JongHo abbit =_= I m going to make your eyes flip out and make you look like a friggen r

Again, I hugged that yellow horseshoe-looking guy. Assah~ You GongGo Park!! This yellow horseshoe-looking kid ehehehe -.,-; Still putting on a show for us eh? ^-^;; son That s because your eyes are rotten. =_=^ I shut him up just like that >_<. And that little jerk gave me a glare just enoug h to make me drop dead on the floor. -.,-; -_____-^ SuYoon ran over to the yellow horseshoe guy and I followed. =_= Hey . Pretend like you know the yellow horseshoe guy. e I already didn t know? -.,My best friend SuYoon him. O_o SuYoon whispered in my ear. Lik I never saw this SangGo go to a GongHak per is SuYoon s boyfriend !

took the yellow horseshoe guy s arm and cuddly snuggled with I told you that my boyfriend s a SangGo kid~ This is him Wann

Park JongHo! I told you a say hi? ^-^. Hahaha

That Park JongHo kid gave out a sarcastic laugh Hey

-.,- .

You think I m going to believe you? A SangGo guy and a Gonghak?! You crazy? just .

That little jerk isn t believing to the end, isn t he?! Arg I could just . .

What s wrong if a SangGo and a Gonghak goes out together?! Is it that bad?! >_< *sigh*. That kid s never going to believe us ?_?

Maybe just one more try . I took my hand and placed it on that Tetris playing guy Lee BanJi What ar

Hey! You GongGo Park kid!! You say that a GongHak and a SangGo can t date ? Oh e you gonna do now? ^-^ I m this kid s girlfriend

= Chapter Four = =_= -___-^ Ha Haha . Hahaha The GongGo Park JongHo freak laughed at me loudly. -0-; [ the Tetris freak =_= ]

As I tried to act cool and put my hand around Lee BanJi

Everyone looked towards me as I said that I was Lee BanJi s girlfriend Hrm not bad. I look cool being his girlfriend ^-^ -0-

But Suddenly Hey Fuck take your hand off me What do I do now -___-? Take your dirty hand off me

!!! =_=!!! >_<!!! #$%^&*! Don t you hear me? -0-? It was him again ^-^

That SongGo kid, Lee BanJi s voice .?_?

Heh Sorry >_<

I hesitantly laughed and slowly took my hand off. -.,Did you just talk back to me?! What? -.,-__-^;; What do you mean r words and just laughed talk back!? =_= I m the one who didn t get pissed off at you .

He stared at me a few minutes -0- and ended his game of Tetris. He then stood up. -0- CRAP!! -0-!! He s supposed to be my boyfriend =_=

This is why, I have this problem. -0-; First it was a small problem and then it t urned into a bigger one. TT_TT Now everyone thinks I m weird. -oo-

I followed him as he stood up from his chair Um Hey ?_? I quickly said

You. Do you know Jo OunHa? What? You tried to act like you knew him but you didn t. I saw it.

I thought he was deeply in the game of Tetris move .=_= I feel so stupid =_= And hey

But actually he was watching every

aww fuck!! Who do you think I am to even date a GongHak girl like you?! boyfriend a

-.,- You could easily tell that he was offended by the way I called him my nd that we were going out. -.,I m going crazy, probably. I m turning into a psycho. =_= Hey um I thought you were someone else

Who do you think I was. *huk* I had no words to say How can I think of a tall person like Lee BanJi and a b ratty and snotty attitude? -0- I don t know anyone like that -----____----*DuGun DuGun* *KongKwanKongKwang* As I tried to think of someone that resembled L ee BanJi My heart was thumping loud and clear. Should I just run? -__-^ No I can t ev en run that fast. -vHUK! What if some GongHak person comes what would I do?!

No No they wouldn t even come inside this arcade anyways They re too sick and tired of the SongGo guys beating them up -.,-.


Maybe I should just run I m just gonna run for it !!

Yea! Whatever

I was ready to run, aiming my legs toward the arcade door, when suddenly SuYoon appeared on my side. Puahahahaha!! SuYoon was STILL holding tight on that yellow horseshoe guy laughing crazily. SuYoon ! Get your act together -0-. Stop acting so stupid .=_= Now. I m ready. One Two Did you think of someone yet? Three. MOOOOOOOVE!! I yelled. -0-.

*PUK!* As I ran through the crowded area, I bumped into Lee BanJi AHH! Fuck!!!! and I I

It was his fault he was in my way. -___-^ He fell on the ground Kept running Running running Huh?! O_O HaWon!! Where are you going!! If you don t wanna die then run!!

Kakaka~!! Hey BanJi! >_<!! She s running away!! Call the ahjushi~!

the person who yelled it out was the yellow horseshoe kid. -.,-! I quickly glanced at Lee BanJi and he glared at me as if he was saying, Hey. You be tter come here. ?_? However, I just continued running. My BFF SuYoon was right behi nd me. -__-^=== Hey! The pretty laughing girl is going!! >_<!! My Gosh!! How could the yellow horseshoe man think SuYoon s laugh is pretty?!


Hey! HaWon, did you hear that?! Did you?! He said I was pretty~! -0-! Suddenly I ran faster -,.Hey!! Aw crap!! Even if you little GongHak kids run away you guys are going to ge t caught! So just come back unless you wanna die!! Fuck Come back!! You fricken accessory [ Lee BanJi!! ] could do, however was run. -0his eyes were on the angel [ me -0- ]. All I

= Chapter Five = I really don t know if it s been 7 days after the incident or 3 days after. =_= That was how fast time went by. Oh~ those days were so dreadful ?0? just thinking about the incident won t let me go out with my friends *sigh*. I can t go anywhere just thin king about the past >_<!! But you know as time flies by I hope those animal-looking humans forget about it = so I can actually enjoy my life. 8. 2002. August 2002 . =_

PooHoooo~~~ It feels good just like this~ SuYoon said. It was sixth hour SuYoon and I, just the two of us went up to the rooftop As we lay down on the roof drinking milk .-0skipping class. ^-^~

what happiness .

You always drink that one ^0^ Is banana milk that good, HaWon?! Yup it s the best.

Did you know that when I was young, I thought that if a cow ate chocolate, then t hat was how you got chocolate milk?! ^O^ Yea!! >_< Me too. ^-^~ Maybe everyone thinks that when you re young *huk* no~ Nope. HanBum . = Flash back = -___-^ So if a cow drinks water that you washed your laundry with, you ll get laundr y milk and if you feed a cow baby lotion then you ll get lotion milk right? = End of flash back = *sigh* I remember the times when my little brother HanBum said that before -______ _-^ However it was worse~ = Flash back = Teacher~ *-__-* If a cow eats so much grass all the time how come they don t give us grass milk?! = End of flash back = Yup. *sigh* Oh HanBum =0=

Why would I even want to embarrass myself by telling SuYoon these stories?! It s p robably smarter to keep your mouth shut then to make someone laugh right? >_<. That day, 7 o clock. It began with such a good day but when I had to pick up my bro ther because he was drunk .=0= Whee~ ShiNae!!! >_<!!! ShiNae~~~~ I haven t seen you in a long time!! Long time no seen Shinae!! >_<!! I saw him at the place HanBum was at HanBum so stupid drinking drinking drinking -0-! O_O But however -0-! Why is

I could smell the nasty scent of Lee BanJi from afar >_<!!

Psht. Like I m scared of you?! Come out, Lee BanJi! Like I m scared of you!! HAHAHAH !! PUUUUUUAHAHAHA -___-^ ha hahaha Haha -___-^ Hahahahahahaha HaAh >_< : And just laughing. How could such a thing happen~

All I did was to stay still Ha =_= Hahahaha

What I saw in front of my eyes were shocking!! HanBum was That little fricken stupid idiotic person ting friends were with these people >_< The uniform of SangGo people were there~ cken Lee . Ban Ji. *gulp gulp* I twisted my feet around Let s run Before they find out that it s me Run


again in his little mee

And that other kid

that little stupid fri

Yea!! >_< Let s run before Lee BanJi and his gang comes and tackle me -0Suddenly . However

What the?! Min HaWon. W Why are you here?! Are you gonna make me wash the dishes ag ain?! .? Did Mommy tell you to pick me up?! Does she want me to do the laundry aga in!!? .!!!!!!!!!!! You fricken drunk man Min HanBum!!! In result, I turned around HanBum s drunk and h e s already embarrassing me ?_? .!! Um Um I don t know who you are

-.,- I tried to camouflage my resemblance between me and my brother and tried to pretend like I didn t know him. T___T Just kill me. I wanna die~~~~~ >_<!! O_O!! Who s that?! >_<// Do you know that Nuna Hanbom?!

One of HanBum s friends asked him, nudging him rapidly. But the surprising thing w as none of the SangGo kids were coming after me =_= =_= >_<! Hey HanBom It s not HanBOM I asked you who that was??? It s HanBUM =_=

She s my sister

my real sister

O_O!! >_< Really?! No that can t be true You guys don t look alike!! This nuna s weird >_< Her nostrils are flaring .That little freak >_<! Puahahah~ It s Nostril Angel~~~! Nostril Angel!!!!!!! -______-^ It was that That Yellow Horseshoe .

Since Nostrils is a hole~~~ Then her eye holes!! Her ear holes!! Her asshole!!! a nd her NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSTRILS!!! ^OO^~!! ?_? TT~ ?0? That Yellow Horseshoe I m going to kill you -.,-! What s wrong with my nostrils!! TT_

Fine. Hey~ I m gonna go then come early by yourself

I should get out of here before someone recognizes me >_< W Wait . Someone called out. O_O You . O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven t I seen you before

= Chapter Six = It was Lee. Ban. Ji. T___T! I tried to act like I didn t know him, so I turned around blankly O_O? Huh? Why? . I tried to act like I didn t know what was going around, turning around. Looking h

im straight in the eye. TT___TT!! *Kong Kwang Kong Kwan* ?_? Oh Father in the sky not be able to recognize me >_<!! Please Please help that little jerk

However, his eyes were coldly staring into mine, and you could sense he starting to find something You know me, right? He said. >_<!!

N Nope

I don t know you. o_o

-___-^ Yea you do. You know me!! I think this is the first time I m meeting you . =_=!! My heart was thumping like a fast drum I giggled, as if I was just Gosh!!! >_<!! Psht. He s so full of himself -0-!! He thinks he s all that -0-!! That laugh What I recognize it. =_= laughing ^O^!!

? ^____^;;; TT____TT I m dead!!

He probably is recognizing me right now, right? Oh gosh Hey BanJi do you know that kid? O_O????

One of his friends asked him quietly . that little freak That GongHak girl!

At that place It was her. =_=!! At the arcade

What? >_<!! O_O!! AHHHH! !!! You re right!! It s her!!! >_<!! Ahhh~ Nostril Angel!! Mo ahahah! Now you re caught by the famous BanJi!! . I m going to kill that yellow horseshoe-looking kid Seriously ?_? else to do, except apologize right? Maybe I should go down on my knees No. Now I have nothing

I can t do that HanBum is watching me even though he s drunk. -0-!! What kind of siste r does that in front of her younger brother =_= He ll make fun of me forever. There s nothing else to do I ll just stay quiet. .?_? All the kids were staring at me. And all I did was just look down. Lee BanJi s cold stare continued once again His hand rose up quickly. O_O!! AHHHH Mother!! I m going to die !!! >_<! >.,< . >,.<;;; Huh?! O_O Even though I tried to block myself Lee BanJi s hand didn t go crashing into my face. o_o The closed eyes I tightly held onto were again opening and nothing happened. o____ __o?! Retard . Did you raise up being hit?! =_= Crap. His eyes kept staring at me, like I was some slave. -0-!! Well what el se was I suppose to do!! Just let him hit me, if he ever did? >_< Sit. Down. I hate people just roaming around places. Roaming around? -.,With his command, I sat down next to HanBum [ who was fricken drunk -0- ] Time went slowly by slowly . And I didn t dare move . Tick. Toc. Tick. Toc. -0-!! The guys just played around and HanBum was flipped over, snoring away -0and suddenly =_=

All the guys were drunk.

Um Hi ^-^ . Didn t you tell me to sit down to tell me something? towards BanJi . Don t laugh . What s wrong with MY laugh? -0Crap. Fine. I won t laugh

I asked, aiming my voic

I m telling you again. Don t make me say it another time.

. Ahhk! >_< I can t take this anymore! I wanna go home!! Um You, you there. ^O^ I m going to go ays ^-^ I don t think you have anything to say to me anyw

Crap. I laughed again -0- He better not hit me. >_< I stood up . You Huh? If you weren t blood-related to that kid =^ I d already kill you

. You d already been dead .=

He pointed to HanBum, who was enjoying his dream =_= just sleeping away. I m letting you go just once.

PSHT. . You think you re so cool -0>_<! No, BanJi!! You can t let her go!! Even though she s your friend s sister you can t!! >_< It s NOSTRIL ANGEL!! Her nostrils flare too much You can t forgive her .!! =_= DIE Whoops. It slipped out of my mouth to the yellow horseshoe guy -0-!! He s fricken a nnoying Oh. My. Goodness!!

Hrm. So, I can go now right? I probably can . I began walking away from them, towards the door, but suddenly, one of the SangG o guys grabbed my shirt. .Huh? What do you want? His bright and happy face annoys me. -___-^ If it s alright with you let s drink together! ^-^;;; O_O. Together? >_< >_< That s the most weirdest question. Just out of the blue. Howeve r, I couldn t say yes to this kid I just go almost hit by the other kids they hate me . =_= I can t stay here much longer they ll probably kill me. . O_O The yellow horseshoe guy pulled my by my sleeve and didn t let go, but dragged me all the way back to the place I was sitting. Hrm. I like drinking ^O^ This isn t that bad. Free soju? Hrm But one thing was kept on my mind Lee BanJi. I kept worrying about that kid what he ll think about me eyes on me =_= Hey. he said. o_o I could feel his

? H Huh? Why do you keep staring at me Whoops! >_< I didn t even know myself that I was staring at him and I quickly glance d away

Sorry. =_= Do you want to drink? In his hands were a soju [Korean strong really strong beer >_<] bottle, and he rap idly shook it around. You jerk Yea. I want to drink. It wasn t because I was dangerous. Nor sassy. It was the truth. I really wanted to drink some >_< Wow. Dangerous. -0Who cares Moahahahah~~ Let s drink until we die!! I chugged and chugged and chugged >_< I didn t drink for a long time so this will be . He said.

. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

= Chapter Seven = O_o . Oh my gosh Why am I like this HanBum and the SangGo kids and me AHHK!!

got really drunk.

Let s take a nap I m so tired >_< My head ahhk!! What is this What the fuck?!! Lee BanJi said that I think. Who cares. =_=!!

I m so tired TT_________TT . What did you do to me!! Did you do this on purpose?

>.,<!! Ahhhhhhhh~ My Lucky lking. >_<!! the stuffed animal I always sleep with~ my Lucky akakka. He s ta

Come here, Lucky. Let me carry you~ -___-^ What the what did she say?

Before Lucky said any other word, I hugged him quickly. Ahh~ my comfortable Luck y What the fuck!!! What s she doing to me!!!!!!! [Elle s note - as you can see, she thinks that BanJi is LUCKY Why is Lucky getting so mad? Oh Lucky. Don t be mad Lucky~~~~ Your fur is always so nice ^____^ I m so tired TT___TT o_o What the Suddenly, I could feel Lucky pushing away from me. What s wrong, Lucky? Let s snuggle up together again I m tired -0-!! She s drunk. -0-] ^O^

my favorite stuffed animal

I tried snuggling with my stuffed animal again but suddenly *HUK* He pushed me again!! T_____T!! Fine. Let s hang on to him BanJi!! >_< Come on!! We have to get our second round of beer! ^O^ Let s go to my ho use!! [E s/N - Second round of beer in Korean is 2?. ??? >_< ???!! 2? ??. 2?!!!! ?? ? ?? ??!!! ] -0- In front of me was the yellow horseshoe kid s hand suddenly Ahh fuck!! Do something, will you? Why is she doing this to me irl!! Ahhh!! Get her off me!! this little GongHak g

. My sweet Lucky was saying words. Again. -____-????? Ahhk. I m so dizzy >_________<

This was weird I followed Lucky, and HanBum to the yellow horseshoe kid s house. No one s saying an ything -.,-. The yellow horseshoe s house was plain, just like any other house. And again the kids went inside his room to drink more I m not even supposed to be he re *sigh* Stupid HanBum >_< As long as I m with my Lucky ^___^ I got less comfortable by each minute.

Every time they drank more and more Lucky, do you think that, too? Do you think I m funny? =_=

What s wrong with my stuffed animal !! Lucky s getting meaner and meaner every minute -0Lucky you fricken octopus poop crap man!! >_<!! I feel so dizzy When suddenly I came back to reality And I suddenly stood up. o_o

When are we going home, HanBum? We don t have to go to school tomorrow What about me?? Huh? How about me? =___= You sleep here too Think wisely, you jackass!! Whatever. I m a girl and all of you guys are boys Look at your face. =_= what? -0Shut up and just go to sleep. just sleep here and go tomorrow morning.

You scary freak =_=^^ *Chalkak* Sound of door opening. -0I opened the door and went out of the room slowly going into the living room. >_< It s so dark My head s getting worse and worse

Man I guess I ll have to do what HanBum says If I go home now my mom will fricken kill me. -.,-!! Probably she ll kill me when I go home tomorrow Oh God almighty Suddenly A dark shadow !! Ahhk!! >_< O_O What? Oh. It s just my Lucky~~ =_= Isn t it boring, Lucky? by himself, sleeping on the couch. I feel bad >_< All by yourself >_< Help me again

I saw Lucky

Lucky!! >_< Don t sleep by yourself *Yawn* I should sleep, too~~~

I cuddled next to my large and wonderful stuffed animal~~ I ll just wake up really early tomorrow and go home. Then they might now find out >_ <. But Lucky was right next to me, sleeping together. *Yawn* Good night, Lucky

= Chapter Eight = The next morning. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.,- !! What the

How could this happen Why was I on top of that Lee BanJi on the sofa? O_O?!! As I saw his face,. BanJi s eyes open and as soon as he saw me he pushed me down to the ground I fell down to the ground, surprised Ouch. My butt!! T____T ?_? Why am I on the sofa And what s even more curious is why was I on top of Lee Banji? he said. Lee BanJi. =_=

Wha .what the What is this girl what Later So No >_< -0Nostril Angel

raped BanJi?! O______O!!! I thought he was my stuffed animal ?0?

That s not it. The thing is

Shut up, you yellow looking horse shoe guy! >_< _T Believe me >_<!! ?_? I really thought he was my stuffed animal

This is the clean, pure truth!! T

I really thought he was my stuffed animal so that s why I slept with him . AHHK! Fuck!! Don t say that I slept with you! Don t ever say it again!! *Huk* ?!! Fine Fine. Just stop yelling at me T_T My heart s beating faster and faster every time you scream Time went by fast as we were silence. Gosh. I m so annoyed by this. =_=!! I didn t m ean to sleep with him I really thought he was Lucky T___T!! I can t take this anymore. Let s leave *Chul Kuk* The sound of the door opening. I quietly tried to squeeze through the door Min HaWon are you okay ? Randomly, HanBum s voice was heard behind me. when suddenly,

-__-^ Dude It s alright ucky then it s okay T_T Is it really okay? Sure

get your act together, man

if you thought that Lee BanJi was L

I mean, you only slept with him, you didn t do anything else

Yea you re right. All I did was sleep with him But why is it BanJi Hyung why!! .-.,- I don t know I just saw him as Lucky. I m totally serious. He probably didn t even kiss any

That guy doesn t like girls at all one yet -_____-^

It kept going through my head. Why me. Why me. T___T Even though I just slept wi th him and didn t do anything else, sleeping with him is sleeping with him. I ll pro bably have to go through life trying to avoid him *huk* T______T. I ll just quietly avoid him = Home = Mommy!! You re son s home!! I m home ?____?. [Elle s note ^-^ HaWon said it in a proper manner. ??????.]

Without any strength inside of me, I quickly closed the door. I came home so dir ty. My mom ll think I m crazy or something. -0-! You kids want to kill me!! Right?! ! Coming in so late!! T_T No mom Mom!! No!! I really just tried to take HanBum home, but

But what?! -___-^ . I mean Um How can I say to my mother that I slept at some other kid s house with another man because I thought he was Lucky?! -____-^ I ll just take the punishment. -0That s good that you re faster at telling me these things. Go and change your clothes . I m going to make sure you actually walk this time. =_=!! ?_? Okay I ran upstairs and wore as much as clothes I could find. Even though it was fric ken hot outside and humid in the summer, I wore long jeans, my fur jacket, winte r gloves with little dangly things on the side, a mask, and my bunny mufflers. T his is because, my mother is the most craziest mother there is. -__-^ You don t kn ow how my mother punishes us. =_= In the middle of summer, she makes us go walk outside with winter clothes on

Gosh. I can t take this anymore!! >_< It s probably better to just have all your bloo d dry up and die, you scary mommy!! Next to me was HanBum with his ski outfit out T___T What s wrong with today First, it was the SangGo guys and now it s my mom s punishment. In the middle of sum mer >_< My life is so screwed up That night. All day I walked around dragging my feet along the streets with HanB um, sweating like crazy while my mother was at home with the air conditioning. -; Shhhhhhhit. My stomach s crying. What?? My stomach is *snif snif* crying Go make me some food -__If it was a different day I wouldn t have made him food, but right now I m hungry to o And my mother, my crazy mother was lazy sleeping in her room. ++ Hey the food s ready How sad how sad

I went inside HanBum s room, and as soon as I opened the door, I heard Yes Yes oh Okay Yes

HanBum trembled as he talked on the phone. Hey, the food s ready Yes um yup. She s right here next to me Yes

I ll hand her the phone so you can talk to her

HanBum was using a serious tone in his voice, and suddenly he quickly handed the phone over to me. =_= What do you want me to do with this? Talk. That was how HanBum quickly ran out the door And I took the phone and put it on my e ar. -0Helloooo.

=_= Who is this? I m going to hang up . What the Hm. No one s answering did it disconnect?

What the heck. If you have anything to say, then say it right now ! Hey, It s me *HUK*!! O_O That voice!! O_O!!!! My heart began to thump and thump even louder Lee BanJi.

= Chapter Nine = Why is Lee BanJi Hahaha ^O^. Hi Hi that man calling, ME? =_= It s so scary if you think it like that I said, trying to be happy. =_= back

I can t say

Still. Hi. -__-^ Are you okay? -__-^ =_= N No What did you wanna say to me ?

Are you okay with everything ? You don t feel anything ? What? = =!! Before y you know, OH!! Before? You and me sleeping together?? Fuck!! I told you not to say that!! Kakaka Weirdo. -0- *sigh sigh* Lee BanJi ^O^ Um It s not like anything happened. I don t do that kind of stuff

D Do you want me to take responsibility of you ?

. . O_O What. The ? . Do you want me to ? But But I m the one who did it. O_O What?! Responsibility?! OF WHAT? What the heck is he talking about?!?!?!

Whatever. It doesn t matter. Doesn t matter? Is he breathing different air than I am? What s wrong with him???!! Um -___- I don t think that it s such a big deal for you to take responsibility over me So just let it go? If you want to. =_= Ahh Fuck~~ Make up your mind!! I m such a girl. -0-;; My heart was pounding so hard that I d had to cut it off. =_= ? Um you know I began, but suddenly

Ahhhhhh!! AH AH AH!! >_< MIN HAWON!!!!! The big arse loud mouth HanBum shouted so loud Min HaWon!! Min HaWon!! >_< Come here!!!!!!!!!!! And suddenly, BanJi began to talk on the phone again. Aww want? Um BanJi >_< right now s not a good responsibility? what the say it what do you

Do you want me to take >.,<!! Whatever

who cares, I ll think about it later! HanBum ah! >_< I m coming!!

Um sure!! >.,< Take responsibility, so I ll talk to you later okay?! *Ddddddoook. ddoo doo dddooo* I quickly hung up the phone after I stopped talkin g -.,o_o. He ll probably think I m joking, right? I hope he gets it that I don t want him t o take responsibility of me -.,Min HaWon!!! Hey! Okay! Okay, I m coming!! I went to the living room as fast as I could, and for the first time What The

On the floor was a big bug And on top of a chair, was afraid HanBum. His face described everything. -.,- He looked like as if he was gonna cry -0Retard. -__^ Did you step on it? Fuck~~ It s so gross so sick Quick! Throw it away! Kill it!!! =_=!

I took some toilet paper and wiped the bug on the floor slowly and carefully, I t ook the paper wad and put it in the garbage. However, HanBum was still on the ch air, afraid. Hey! Hey hey hey! >_< Why are you throwing it in there!! Smear it outside!! Make s ure it s dead!! You re crazy you psycho -__-^ Throw it away! OUTSIDE!! Do you love bugs ? -___-^ [Elle s note. I don t get it. o_o]

= Chapter Ten = The next day. KYAAAAAA~!!! So that s what really happened?? Oh my gosh!! >O<!! I missed the bus, so I had to go to school late. -0-!! And as I walked SuYoon was there to comfort me. ^^; Wow im~ >_< Lee BanJi always hated girls though !! Wow. You must have really surprised h

-.,- Surprise Well, of course -.,- Who else would in our GongHak school go to a SangGo guy and sleep with him ? Not like I meant to, but still. -0-!! But wait Yea he knows your phone number? SuYoon replied.

HanBum probably gave it to him the other night. Aren t you gonna call him? >_< it s just, it s gonna feel awkward if I call first -0-

What about you?

Well, I know his phone number >_<

Yea. You should wait until he calls you.

Yea. >_< However, days passed and Lee BanJi still hasn t called me yet. I waited nows what happened waited Who k

Days later, one weekday morning as I waited for the bus, yawning and yawning and waiting impatiently *HUUK* o___O!! You could see some of the SangGo guys coming towards me.

. Um >_< *HUK* I saw the yellow horseshoe-looking guy, with his long yellow hair and that g uy who was at the sool [beer] house And as I looked closer . I quickly recognized h is face as he came towards me faster and faster.

Lee. Ban.Ji. >_____<!! I could see him I saw him really good. With my two eyes. >_</

!! O_O!! Look! Look, BanJi!! >_<!! LOOK!! It s Nostril Angel!!!! HUUK!! TT___TT The fricken retard Yellow Horseshoe-looking kid yelled it out as he recognized me. My heart pounded like no other As the bus came, I quickly hopped on BanJi~!! >_<! >_<! BanJi, why are you just walking away?! Nostril Angel s looking th is way!! Since when did I look that way?! Huh?!? -__-^ -____- Lee BanJi Psht. So you re just walking away ? I see fine. Of course he would. I m not a retard -0-;; So that was when I quickly sat in the front row of the bus. My skirt was uncomfo rtable, so I tried squirming around to make myself HEY!! I heard Lee BanJi s voice loud and clear. As I tiled my head up towards the sound O__O No -0Hi Hi to you hi as a good thing =_=!

There is not one day where he just takes my

I went on the bus so I could go to school. -.,- !! Did anybody ask?! Because there weren t any conversation between us, I just randomly said it =_=^ Lee BanJi you idiot. -____-+ .

If you have to say anything, say it =_=

Crap ~=_= Com on~ The bus is gonna leave

say it fast

Why are GongHak people so fricken tempered? Are you on your period?! -__-^ Sorry. -0I m not tempered From today Suddenly BanJi s voice interrupted -.,- What? What is from today? =_= You know from now on we re a couple -____-^ I m just impatient. -.,-

-_____-^ Um, I think I heard something wrong, can you say it again?! BanJi s face crimpled up and his mouth opened up again I told you I d take responsibility Hahaha So So that s why we re going out

I guess It wasn t a joke hahahah ^O^

I m going

Wait. O__O

Wait here for me tomorrow DooGunDooGun KongKwangKongKwang My heart beated fast as he said those words. Why is he like this?! Making me do everything -.,-! It s a good thing that I sat down on the bus and rode off to school If I talked to him any longer, I d probably have a heart attack and die. =_= Sigh

. KYYYYAA!! >_<~ Man. This guy s really playing it!! Today is another day -.,- Where school has started. And I m pissed off at everything While SuYoon s all rambling away -___-++ So when are you going to meet him again? SuYoon asked. He told me to wait in front of the bus stop tomorrow

I don t know!! >_<!! Oh yea Really?! Oh my gosh .

what time?!

What Um

time?! Hm

You retard, how could you forget something so important like that!! I didn t forget it!! -___-!! That little punk didn t tell me that and he just left!! =_= Wow he must really hate you then

Yup . right? The next day. [Elle s note= wow. >_< the days go so fast. -.,-]

I ran all the way to the bus stop as soon as I woke up, Thinking that he meant meet him there in the morning However, he didn t appear =_= So does that mean he wanted to see me after school ? That afternoon after school, I went back to the bus stop to meet Lee BanJi ( If h

e ever comes =_= ) You retard !! You can t find him anywhere!!!!

Fuck -0-. Actually, it wasn t Lee BanJi, the idiot, but it was more of the voice of Jang SuYoon who followed me here after school. Just making a whole commotion about it. -.,-! Gosh. It s pissing me off Are you lying?! SuYoon replied -0??

[Elle s Note - Okay, this part, where SuYoon and HaWon are conversing together is a bit weird for me, cuz I can t explain it in English what SuYoon is saying. ??? ?? ??????? <== SuYoon ?? No ?_? ?.,? <== HaWon]

Whatever Honestly, I wouldn t believe that a SangGo kid that s like a major hottie is going out with a puny little GongHak girl Are you sure you re telling the truth?! ____-.,- What s that supposed to mean!! I m saying, it s getting suspicious -0-

=_=! What a FRIEND. -.,Anyways, why isn t he appearing in front of my face!! -.,-!! Is he just taking advantage of me just because I m a GongHak student ?! Man. He s treating me like dog food. -___-^ That day, Lee BanJi never showed up. I thought to myself that he wouldn t even com e in the first place. However, my heart was still beating faster than usual. The next day at school. SuYoon Let s go to the clinic My head hurts TT_TT

Is it because you got blown off by Lee BanJi? Are you sad?! Why would I get sad by that kind of thing -.,-. Your face is all depressed!! -___-! SuYoon You re so predictable and so annoying. -_______-! Lunch time

As a result, I began to dial Lee BanJi s phone number first. =_= Even though I didn t want to call him -. *RIING RIING * Do you understand?! Just say it like I told you to say it Just talk really slow an d take up a lot of time that way you can annoy the crap out of him. ^^ SuYoon said, right next to me by the school pay phone. -.,- Okay. But why do you always get dumped when you know all this stuff ? SuYoon totally ignored me but giving me a cold glare made me scary. =_= ly, she pinched me really really hard. Ahhhh! >_< Stop it!! It s hurts !! What hurts -0And as she pinched me, Lee BanJi s voice suddenly came up. O_O Um Wow Hi!! =_= my voice was so loud - He said on the phone. And sudden That girl named SuYoon is freakishly scary -.,

Fuck!! Why are you yelling!! I ll be deaf because of you!!!!

Ahh!! What the crap Why is he yelling at me when he s telling me not to yell at him ?! T_T Oh okay. I won t shout hi Okay wait. Who are you?! to you anymore. -

.----______---I could recognize HIS voice -0I m HaWon. Who s HaWon? HaWon. -- __ -Oh my gosh, you idiot!! So who the hell is HaWon!! -

-- Oh, It s her, BanJi!! >_< Her

Nostril Angel!! >_< --

All of a sudden, I heard someone else s voice on the phone. Hm. I guess he s with hi s friends Nostril ? Oh GongHak -

Yea. I m a GongHak.

Why are you calling me? - He asked, with his deep and rusty voice -0Oh. Um You see

SuYoon was next to me, trying to listen on the phone. -oo- I can t tell him that I wanna meet him Crap -.,- It ll sound too weird. Um I just suddenly told him as I held my breath. Ahhk!! >_< Why didn t you come yesterday?! GULP. Where. So I did!! =_=^

You told me to wait at the bus stop -__- Oh. -

OH?! OH???? Wait a second Sorry. I forgot. Oh. ^O^ -

Please don t tell me you forgot

It s okay That happens

I quickly replied

YOU FRICKEN BASTARD!!! I m going to fricken kill you, you fricken BANJI!! Do you kn ow how LONG I waited for you?!?!? T___T!! Um Okay Okay. Tomorrow ^O^ Tomorrow

The words to meet him tomorrow wouldn t come out of my mouth. =.+ Tomorrow Tomorrow

Suddenly. Silence. -.,Hey. O_O Huh HUH? -

Do you want to meet with me?! O_O Oh. Um No

Shit!! T0T!! I said as if I DIDN T want to meet him No,. I mean, Not like that It s okay. -__-^ but um You see

What do you mean it s okay?! It s NOT okay !! I m going to come to the GongHak school in a little bit so meet me there.


Wait. Um, I mean


-_____________-!! Your voice has it written all over. You want to meet me. o_o Um No, it s not that-Shut up. Don t tell me that you don t want to. Shut up and hang up!! -

*DDAL KKAK!!* Doodooodooodoo

Hey, what did he say??!!!!! =_+!! Is he going to meet with you?! d. Yea In a little bit He s coming here

SuYoon interrupte

= Chapter Eleven = Hey, is he really coming? Huh? Really? REALLY? No. He s not. -___-! Sarcasm. -.,-

Talking with SuYoon was a pain. She kept asking me if he was coming -.,- He bette r. >_</ I waited in the gym for this man to appear. So he better what if he s not c oming though again? -0-; Even though I waited in the gym his face was still unseen . Fuck He s really playing around with me what s up with this -__-^

Just wait. You have to have patience -.,- Usually, SangGo people always try to mak e GongHaks pissed off that s who they are. Pissy people. O_o -0Aiish. Whatever whatever!! wh

It was my fault for talking about the whole responsibility thing I should ve just s aid that I didn t need him !! Man. I shouldn t have said yes in the first place. -0y is this guy making me wait for him why, why, WHY?! Suddenly. That s when it happened

Hey hey, did you see those SangGo guys all around the back doors? It s true, they re really here!! >_< !! Oh my gosh, really?! You saw them at the back doors?! Let s go there then! -.,Two of the kids walked by linking arms, and I heard as they talked about the San gGo guys. They suddenly ran towards the back doors and ran faster and faster. -. ,You don t think that

SuYoon and I traded looks as SuYoon began to predict if it was then Why am I like this ? Why am I so nervous ? It s not like they re scary SangGo kids they re j ust, kids, right? Min HaWon, don t be nervous! We went slowly to the back doors O_O!! It s true As we predicted door. it s them we were right?! It s him. O_o

it was them, Lee BanJi and his SangGo friends, guarding the back

AHHHHK! >_< Why are they so many?! Wonder why he brought so many people. =_=! Huh? It s her, right?! BanJi, it s that girl you ve been waiting for, right? -.,- Out of all the SangGo friends there was one who pointed towards me, sitting down on the ground tapping Lee BanJi. But suddenly, BanJi s eyes suddenly turned t o mine. -______-^ =0= hi

HEY! You retard, couldn t you come early?! T_T Why is he yelling at me !! Aww fuck !! Gosh, I m pissed off why did you come so late!! If you were so embarrassed to come to this GongHak school you should ve just staye d where your little friends go to !! I never said to come -.,I thought you were going to meet me in the gym sorry. =_=^

What kind of idiot waits for some GongHak at the doors of the gym?!! So pissed of f !! Yea whatever you freak. -.,- stop being so conceited our little head -_______-^ Fuck, let s go. -0-!!I just wanna chop off y

Why the swearing =_= He took my by the collar and began to drag me, and began to walk faster than usu al.

KKKKKYA!! >_< HaWon

Save me, help me!! Ahhk!! >_<!!

Behind me was the voice of SuYoon suddenly. As I turned around =_= The yellow horseshoe-looking kid had his hand grabbed onto SuYoon s and dragged he r. -.,- ( I heard that kid always wanted to look around the GongHak school =_=) As I was being held onto BanJi s hand Suddenly, we were at the karaoke room. O_o Kakaka when did he know that I sing well?! Kakaka . =_= Hey. =_=! Sing. -0He tossed me the karaoke songbook and he brushed his shoulders, plopping himself on the comfy couch. Me sing?


Yup. You. =_= Right now?

Now. =_= If you were me, do you think you would just sing suddenly in the middle of some karaoke place ?! -0-!! While Lee BanJi was humiliating me in front of all his Sang Go kids, SuYoon and that yellow horseshoe-looking kid were suddenly off to some place, like they became good friends in just today. ( However, I still heard her Moahakaaakaka laugh around. -.,-) Other SangGo guys were either with their girlfr iends or either just talking really loud at places =__=^ like they were before whe n I met them the first time. It was either that, or they were just staring at me strangely. -.,- =_= Um I have a cold, so I can t sing. How retarded -0-. Trying to make up an excuse that I have a cold, I quickly let down the mic that BanJi gave me beforehand. -.,- . How can you get a cold in the summer hrm Yes, very. -0Even though I faked that I had a cold and all that crap, it was hard for me to a ct like I was sick because I don t think that no one would believe me so I just sta yed the way I was, and just sat there. =_= Hey -__-^ Huh? is your throat sensitive?!

Try to have fun =______= I am having fun I replied back to his question.

I told you to have fun, dammit! I am having fun!! But it doesn t looking like you are Why do I have to look like I m having fun?! *HUK*!! Was I too mean or too bad?! >_< Even though he kind of fluttered his eyeli ds a bit, I went back to myself and chilled. Phew. >_<// Fun Fun where are you ?! BanJi what did you just say and what the frick are you talking about ?!

what?! What? What Fun

are you doing ?! it s not here.

I m trying to find it

WOW . What kind of person So how long has it been un? -0since someone made up such a retarded joke about finding f

Who cares. For the sake of that retarded kid, Let s laugh. -.,That s when I turned my head Hrm What if he s doing this because of his popularity and his standards ?! Who cares. -.,I m his girlfriend (T_T) so I should be happy and cheerful moaohaha.

Eh?! Time went by really slow, and it became to become a dread to laugh. -.,- ahhhhhhh Yes. Only one more hour left. ( He ordered a room for three hours. -0-!! ) No one s even singing songs we re just in here . +_+ However, why is it so crazy in here ?! Ahh. I feel so dizzy with all this noise Yea. I think it s better to just go outside and wait

Why are you standing up

He replied. T_T

Oh um uh . I m . going to the bathroom. ^O^ I laughed as BanJi asked me where I was going chuckling a bit as I stood up, I we nt outside. *SIGH* now I might be able to live >_< O_O But Suddenly. Suddenly. AHHK!! >_<!! Who s that guy next to the men s bathroom door . That guy Park JongHo !!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOH!! PARK JONGHO Accidentally, I said his name without even knowing that I even said it. -.,And with that, it was really loud too Crap Huh ?! O_O!! Who might this be ?! !! It s that girl who s showing off because she thinks she has a SangGo boyfriend !?! -____- Hi. Oh my gosh, look at this girl. Haha e ?! You re so funny !! Whoa she s saying hi to me who do you think you ar

-.,That GongGo Park kid kept making fun of me, again . Shit Didn t I tell you before?! Well, this one GongHak girl made fun of me and gave me e mbarrassing moments before . And I wanted to kill her like crazy But you know that Lee BanJi person ?! Well, before she told me that was her boyfriend but I found out it wasn t and she was lying ^___^ Now I m not, though . That little freaking fugly crap person retard !! Oh okay. Well I ll be going . =_= I can t believe I let him off like that O_O!! Where are you going?! HEY!! You losers, go grab her!! Oh my gosh that little freak!! What what the what s happening?! right ?!

Hrm, even though he said that, I don t think they re going to come and get me MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >O<!!!!!!!!!!!!

= Chapter Twelve = The GongGo kids were everywhere. As they tried to catch me, [ I feel like fish. -0- ] It was hard to run away from them, Because duh, They were trying to catch me. =_= What if they really catch me What if o_o! No. NO >_< That won t happen . I yelled, not thinking of what I was sayi

LEE BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ng. I needed help! TT___TT .

Yelling out BanJi and hoping SuYoon was there, too, I opened room number five, w hich was the room BanJi was in. Hahahah fuck!! Do you think if you go in a room you won t get away with it?! =_= I grabbed BanJi s hand But not that tightly, because I think he ll think I like him or something -0Park JongHo and his other GongGo kids started to come inside Like dust everywhere, the room was packed. Fuck!! What is this!! Hopelessly, all the SangGo guys began to stand up from their chairs and gave the m to the GongHaks surprised. My hand was still in BanJi s hand, And BanJi began to look throughout the room . >_< And he began to squeeze my hand tighter and tighter As though if he was mad at me. -_____-++ Please don t break this poor girl s hand. -0She only has two. >_<// -____-^ You re just pushing it aren t you. . Yea um sorry. T_T -0He began to speak, with a stressed out voice

However, it was weird How BanJi didn t let go of my hand after he said those words

And all he did was just sit in the comfy couch and relax Even though all his friends, the SangGo guys, stood up because GongGo people wer e here He just sat there. =_= Hey, are you okay with everything nothing s wrong ?! o_o

=_= What is. . The GongGo kids all came in -.,-;; You re the one who made them come in -_________________-^ Even though it was a joke My heart began to thump more rapidly. O_O!! And who might this be >_< Park JongHo!! Why are you here?? you fight.

Across from me was SuYoon sitting down next to the Yellow Horseshoe-looking kid SuYoon stop it I said.

Even though I tried to stop SuYoon from making things more worse, She stuck up her middle finger to him Which made Park JongHo explode =_+!!!!!!!!!! HEY!! Finish them off, you fucktards!!!! Fuck man is this your guys damn place like that living room?! Just coming in here and bashing the whole

Let s beat the living hell out of them you fuckerssss!!!!!!! Hahaha what shit hahaha losers head seemed scared of this situation BanJi replied back none of SangGo kids

not even a sing

actually they looked like they were gonna have some fun with these retarded GongG o kids ?_?

*ROWDY ROWDY* *crash boom shatter bam!* *thump thump* =_= . sure go ahead break anything and everything rip, break, tear each other apart -_yes this is what you LITERALLY call a . rumble - _ -_-


=_=?? .

I FIND SOMETHING VERY WEIRD !!?_? all of the GongGo kids are 110% into this chaos ?_? HOWEVER, the Yellow hair kid and Ban Ji are just sitting there doing nothing EXTREME ARROGANCE . =_= hMm I wonder WHY . WHY OH WHY are they just SITTING THERE? especially the Yellow hair kid I question his identity -_- . =_= . with



?_?!!!!!!!!! who the hell is this kid that just grabbed my arm?!!! -?*DRAGGING DRAGGING* ???!!!!!!!!!! . This son of a biatch quickly snatched me out of Ban Ji s hand and dragged me knows where ?_? .-_- ?_? .??? JONG HO PARK!!!! LET GO! LET GO NOW!!! ??? why the hell is this GongGo bastard so freaking strong? no matter how hard I try to get out of his hand, I can NOT seem to move an inch away from this man whore!!! ???!!!!! Ban Ji Ban Ji Lee! HELP ME !!! . to God

this Ban Ji guy

-__- he just stared straight at me

and did absolutely nothing

didn t move a fucking inch . ?.,? I knew it ?.,? you were just waiting till I get raped by this GongGo bastard, huh?

?_? *sniff sniff* let me go ^-^

I m sorry

PLEASE let me go

are you psycho? I don t think I ll consider that as an apology .

?_? *SNIFF SNIFF* . mother Han Bum father I ll be the first one to go to the other world so hurry and come with me ?_? ?_? so tell me ^-^

should I accept that as your apology ?

. .uh huh that should be plenty . ?_?!!!!!!!!!!!!! who does this sweet sweet voice belong to??? OH MY SAVIOR? WHO ART THOU? ?.,? HUH?? ?_? .BAN JI LEEEEE .?.,? so you are not ignoring me till the very end ?_? what a kid ??? Ban Ji was walking quite rapidly towards me he glanced at me sitting (more like laying) on the floor ?_? and opened his lips to throw couple of words at the GongGo kid Jong Ho park when are you gonna stop acting like a loser?

.damn This is none of your business is it? ^-^ and I know that this biatch isn t your girlfriend . who said that she wasn t . who the fawk said that she s not my girlfriend haha Did you guys plan this or something? ^-^;; .?

.better wipe that smile off of your face.-_-^ Two things I hate the most: staring a t people like a stupid idiot and seeing someone I hate laugh right in front of my eyes got that ? ?_? OoO I see THAT S why he d always tell me not to laugh ?_? note to self: never ever laugh again ?_? hehe . PUHAHAHA ?.,? this little bastard was trying to play it off with his idiotic smile as he let go of my hand and just when he was about to turn around he said a little something in a very low tone ?_? yes, he must have been very mad .Ban Ji Lee ch s shit? aren t you just a little biatch in front of Ha Ree Kim? oh wait

was it a bia

*BAM* !!!!!!!!!!! As soon as that dickhead finished his sentence, Ban Ji threw him a hard punch . ???. It would send a shiver up your spine if you had seen it

he fights like a madman It s as if he s fighting himself -0- . .

BAN JI!!! FaWK! Someone stop Ban Ji NOW!!!!! that blushing kid from Sang Go tried to stop Ban Ji from fighting but I think he needs a little help in that area -_and here again is the literal definition of a rumble now everyone except the yellow hair kid =_= was punching, kicking, tearing, ripping, etc. etc. etc Outside the room there were kids staring at this mess like it was a some form of an entertainment =_=^ and there also were more of SangGo kids trying to get in the room to beat the he ll outta the GongGo faggots ?.,? ?_? damn If I hadn t gotten up to go to the bathroom ?_? ?_? if I didn t leave the fawking room, then none of this chaos would have happened !! ?_?!!!!!! OH NOOOO~!!! >,.<!!!!!! CRAP SHOOT HOLAY MOLAY MOFO!!! My brilliant eyes got a glimpse of a guy who was sneaking behind Ban Ji!!! He held a microphone in his hand probably to smack the daylights out of Ban Ji -_- .

Yes it was he the giant of GongGo kids I didn t have the time to think about what the hell I was doing ?.,? and so I flew myself across the room towards that monster !!! and then BAM!!!!!!!

#13 BAM!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHH!!!! AAAHCCK!!!!!!!!!! yes while I was flying across the room to save my Ban Ji I grabbed the VERY THICK AND STURDY karaoke song book and threw it as hard as I co uld at the monster s head TARGET: monster s big ol mission ACCOMPLISHED ^^v OH YAAH~ UH HUH UH HUH UH HUH~ (doesn t that remind you of emperor s new groove?) > < PSYCHO MONSTER BIATCH~ you re DEAD now!!!! *SLAM SLAM SLAM* !!!!!.?? .> < DIE DIE!!!!! > < FREAKIN DIE ALREADY!!!!!! =_=^? . I was happily slamming the song book against the monster s head until Ban Ji turne d around to look at me head

=_=^ hey you . what the hell are you doing he stared me with a face full of confusion =_-

oh uMm this kid here was sneaking up behind you to crush your head with a micropho ne so I stepped in and took charge ^^v as soon as Ban Ji heard me, he grabbed the monster and punched him hella times = _= yes with his own fist =_= UUHK !!! . =_= Psycho bastard Ban Ji punched you on your ugly face g your blub of fat?? -_ehehehe ?.,? anyway the victory is OURS! . ?.,? and soon, all of the GongGo kids were fussing and cussing -__- as they exited ou r room . and of course, since the fight is over lace all the spectators were also leaving the p but tell me why you re grabbin

damn whenever I m with you crazy shit happens -_-^ Ban Ji Lee threw me those effin words ?.,? but I can t say anything since it s true =_= we left the karaoke place and the Yellow hair kid was the only one in a HAPPY HYPER MOOD -_-^ >_< GongGo has some funny funny kids~ if they had a business to handle with the nos tril girl they should have just taken her away quietly and done their thang -_-^ yo Yellow head dunk your head in a pile of shit aiite?

.hey go home -_-^ When we ve reached the main street of the city Ban Ji told me TO LEAVE ?_? ?? otay ?.,? it was really fun today what fun?

-_-^ stop saying crazy shit like that

?.,? do you NOT KNOW a thing called SARCASM KIDDO ?

^?^ anyway I ll be going~ ^?^ Awwww SHIT!!!!!! ???!!! Damn me! -_-^;; I forgot that he hates it when I smile and what did I just do? Being the smart girl that I am I flashed him my million dollars smile =_= sorry =_= -_-? for what? I just smiled =_=

-_-^ And your point Remember you said that you hate it when kids that you hate smile/laugh in front of you ?.,? .yeah. -_-^ I hella hate it Soo I m sorry ?.,? not really =_=^ ?.,? and what does THAT mean? . did I not just say SORRY? =.= it s up to you if you want to laugh or smile retard -_-^ OOo so you re trying to tell me that I m retarded ?_? . I SEE

?_? BYE yo -_-^ Call me tomorrow .?.,? why don t you call me? It s hella embarrassing to call you .

cuz I don t wanna dumbass -_-^ =_= FINE I ll call you ANYWAYS .

thanks =__= to those stupid GongGo kids Ban Ji and I were able to close the TINY LITTLE BIT of a gap between us and of course .

that s my own illusion


#14 - _ - .the next day our teacher upgraded Soo Yoon and my punishment from planting s eeds around our school into carrying rocks around our school field =_=^ . DAMMIT what kind of retarded biatch ratted on us, HUH? she better watch out ell my Oon Ha . yes sir =_= We were caught for getting into violent acts at the karaoke yesterday -_-^ I m gonna t

some retarded whore saw us and reported to the school .=_=^ dammit times infinity -_- - _ - but ANYWAYS What the HELL did Soo Yoon jus say?? MY OON HA ?? ?_?^ -_-^ hey isn t Oon Ha yawp ^?^ but why is he YOUR Oon Ha? -_-^ the Yellow head kid?

cuz he s my Oon Ha ^?^. .-_-^ you guys are upgraded into that kinda thang?

.^?^ uh huh. AAAHHH!!!!! NO NEVER!!!!> <!! I DUN LIKE THAT KID!!!!! Don t go out with him Soo Yun!!!!!!!!! did you know that I don t like you even MORE? -_-_- .SHIT that yellow head kid s gonna split our beautiful friendship in half - _ OH YEAH! Ban Ji told you to call today, remember? ?_?.

?.,? it s so awkward I don t wanna call him what -_-^ .?,.? aww fawk. I thought your relationship was getting better cuz of yesterday he is definitely too good for you, huh?.

Why am I getting heated from Soo Yun s words - _ FINE FINE - _ I ll just call him aiite? . besides I m positive that he s hella waiting for me to call him ehehehe ?.,? .=_= I was just joking . . *RING RING RING* ?.,? - wanna die? who the fawk is this ?_?!! hmph it s Ban Ji alright but seriously who the hell picks up their phone like that ?_? . ?_? It s me - Who the hell s ME wanna die? you didn t save my number on your phone? .?_? . - I dunno who the hell you are why would I save your number on my phone -_-^ .?_? it s me Ha Won - .who the hell s Ha Won damn -_-^ . WHEN WILL THIS GUY EVER MEMORIZE THE THREE SYLLABLES OF MY EFFIN NAME??? -Yo Who the hell s Ha Won? . he must be asking someone next to him .- _ -oOo >_< why do you always forget >_< the nostril girl must be sad >_< -_- Yes the yellow head kid remembers my name

thanks kid ?_? OH YEAH It s her Huh? ?_?!! Oh yeah? - -_-^ is it break at your school right now? =_= No. -then why the hell are you calling -_-^ =_= Ah crap . just cuz I don t have a class doesn t mean that he doesn t have one either .=_= hey hello? .HEY !

No wonder his voice seemed so small =_= sorry ^?^;; Then should I go? -yeah -_- I didn t wanna hear that kind of stupid response do I HAVE to hang up right now ?_? -Oh yeah hey! ?_? huh! What?! dammit .=_= .

shit my ear s gonna get retarded ! If you scream in front of me one more time I ll serious y kill you freals.-_-^ ?.,? -we re gonna go out drinking later tonite . wanna come? ??? Uh huh I ll go -then come to my school -_-^ right after your class aiite kk.^?^ oh wait.-_-^ wait wait =_= Where do you want me to go?

- wait at the front gate of my school I don t use the back one -_-^ ?.,? Can t you just come here? -wanna die? =.,= .I ll be right there *CLICK*!! beep-beep-beep -_-^ that cold-hearted punk -_-^ . ANYWAYS how the HELL am I gonna go to SangGo ?_? . that s the ONE place that I don t wanna go with MY FREAKIN LOOKS ?_? OH YES!!>_< Yes of course two s always better than one ?.,? hey Soo Yoon kekeke .?.,? . NO!!!!! NO I DO NOT WANT TO!!!!!! >?< >_< C MON!! HEY PLEASE!!! We re already here so might as well just wait for them, yeah ?! Besides you ll get to see your yellow head kid!! How can I see him with my hair looking like shiet?!! >?< -In front of SangGoeehehehe well I gotta go.

my embarrassment is reaching up to the sky -_-;;;; . it was my mistake to bring Soo Yoon with me She s attracting WAY TOO much unwanted attention - _ ?_? . *sniffles* I d rather wait at the back gate all the little hoes coming out from the school are dogging us one by one as they pass us by - _ shit -_-^ They re pissing me off should I just jump them all???!!!!! - _ But I won t be able to do that

I m a proud piece of shiet from a ghetto high school - _ - . OOH!?!!!! >?< HEY NOSTRIL GIRL!!!!! SOOO YOOOOOOON!!!!!!!! yo hey there s yellow head student -_-^ Why aren t you calling me by MY NAME??-_-^ Yellow head kid ran rapidly towards us and stood in front of Soo Yoon =_=^ psh. DAMN -_-^ psh. FAWK -_-^ .you re here? you actually came cuz I told you to come? .-_-^ Ban Ji Lee I m not in the greatest mood right now so PLEASE PLEASE don t get me heated? Got that?-_-^ -_-^ what s this Why are you dogging me with a shitty face Do I look that easy to you?? =_=^ Why the HELL is he like this? . I pointed towards Ban Ji and asked the blushing kid -__Oh ^-^; It s cuz he got his phone taken away during class ?.,?!!! OING!!!! Did I call him during class =_= .=?= awww that s just too bad Aren t you hella disappointed? yes I did.

-_-^ Damn now you can t call me anymore

it s okay to think whatever you want it s a free country .=_= (?actually, I was just a TINY LITTLE BIT disappointed =_=) ?.,? how about you aren t you hella sad.?

More like hella happy. -_-^ shiet. ?.,? Well then CONGRATULATIONS to you stupid accessory (jewelry) bastard .-_-^ psh (get it? cuz his name Ban Ji means a RING in Korean?? ^^) -at the bar/club/drinking place -__-;;this place where I came with Ban Ji and our crew GGO JANG KEKE ?.,?

it s really expensive here >_< it s been quite a while since I drank some expensive liquor We sat around the table in the corner our crew consisted of six members in total ?_?

Me, Ban Ji, Soo Yoon, Yellow head kid, blushing kid -_-, and that one kid with n o facial expression whatsoever Jin Ho Eun this is the usual crew .^-^ he must have felt my eyes staring at him oh ??? really? hehe blushing kid -__- you re a good kid . how can I help you? ^-^ just then, a waiter with greenish hair came to our table >_< long long time ago this guy worked at a small snack shop and Soo Yoon and I went there everyday to see him >?< KYA~!!! >?< just bring the usual stuff please >_< I was trying to get another good look at the greenish haired waiter so I moved a little around my seat =_= and while I was moving around my eyes met up with Ban Ji s eyes ?_? . .-_-^ stupid tard ?.,? I just . and the blushing kid kindly told me -0-

had a sore butt so I was stretching it out

-_-^ stupid stupid tard ?.,? damn that piece of shiet keeps on calling me a stupid retard =_= that stupid bastard

#15 .?.,? .mMmm ALCOHOL~!!!! A moment later. tons of liquor were being served on our table > < and of course I was so excited that I just smiled at the table like an idiot -_-; AAHHH >_< LOOK AT ALL THE DRINKS!!!! ALCOHOL!!!!! >_<!!! >_<!!! The yellow head kid must be an alcohol fanatic just like me (?alcohol fanatic=people who are obsessed with drinks. -_-) hMmm =_= I really really would LOVE TO chug all of these lovely liquors down my throat but I can t do that!!!! ???!!!! Only because hMM .^-^ . that greenish haired waiter person -0- kept on looking at me =_= . no more like STARING at me endlessly instead of just LOOKING at me =_= . =_= .

what is this ? ?.,? . EEEK ?_?!!!!! . -_-^ . Why the hell are you so scared Ban Ji kid dogged me with a look of suspicion but I couldn t say anything =?= cuz that guy =_= That greenish haired waiter guy =_= was walking towards me ?_? ?_? ai ya ya -_-^ What the hell are you wrong you ^-^ .hey green haired oppa -__- was somehow already next to me ?_? ?.,? uh yes

Don t you know me? ^-^ I used to work at a small snack shop some times ago ?.,? huh? oh yeah .^-^ haha so it is you .I remember you you used to come everyday with your friend tried to pick up a conversation with me but you just left did I really do something so stupid like that .? ?.,? I was slightly scratching my head =_= while the green haired oppa smiled at me VERY VERY brightly =_=^ and someone was dogging us like crazy .-_- who? . none other than the blushing kid -_- _ - wtf the person who should be dogging the waiter is Ban Ji, isn t it? But tell me why he looks so indifferent right now ?_? -_- -_hey oppa. -_how did you recognize me? .

and you

I wanna know I wanna know~ >_< ^-^ .oh cuz you re so cute EH -_that was definitely unexpected -_eeww gross .

but honestly it d be a lie if I said I was offended by his NICE comment .- _ and it s been a while since someone has told me was cute >_< .>_< So you re working here now? yeah ^-^ . hehe > < I ll try to come as often as I can ^-^;; Don t forget that this is a bar ehehe = = uMmm hey >_<??? ^-^ can I have your name?

oh my oh my >_< Of course you can >_< my name is nostril girl . HUUUKKK!!!!!!!! YELLOW HEAD!!!!!!!! MUST YOU RUIN MY MOMENT!!!!!!! > <!!!! >?<!!!!!!!!!!!! you can have my name tens and thousands of times >_< .

I turned towards the yellow head kid to shoot him a sharp look -_-^ BUT .

EHHH???? - _ Yellow head was no where in sight - _ -

He must have gone to the bathroom - _ - . But .then . what kind of a dirty bastard would say .?? her name s . a nostril girl -_-^ . -_-_was it you - _ - .

Why oh why Ban Ji Lee -_must you open your eyes so BIG and DOG the green haired oppa - _ .-_-^ .yo. Green beans. .^-^;; huh? me? get the fawk outta here green beans -_-^ Go WAY~ over there and take some orders or so mething damn -_- Ban Ji . oh Ban Ji Lee . if a person s hair is green they re green beans

then a person with a red hair must be red beans and a person with a blue hair are blue beans ??? -_-


And your companion over there

the yellow head he must be a yellow bean -_-

=_= ANYWAYS I looked at the green haired oppa s backside as he walked away from Ban Ji s rude co mments ah the sadness . =_=^ why did you start a dispute without a freaking reason?? shut the fawk up damn.-_-^ .I dun wanna =_= . my lips don t want to they wanna talk

every time I come to know someone like this (you know RUDE MEAN DISRESPECTFUL KID S LIKE BAN JI) my confidence level goes up for some odd reason .- _ hMm .

-_-^ oh wow so you ve decided to talk back to me openly now.? UH HUH hehehe ?.,? -_- okay so he s getting a LITTLE scary now =_= he looks as if he s gonna hit me anytime soon >_< OH NOoOoO~ ~ but =_= . to my surprise he didn t lay a hand on me -0he just .

gave me really really threatening looks =_= . .how about we uMm start talking? .hahaha ^?^

I tried to lift his feelings up a bit but it s so awkward and confusing to start a stupid conversation with him since when was talking so hard .-_- . ^?^;;; haha yo. ?_? he wants to say something ?_? ^?^? Yes? .do you just follow any kind of guys around? -_-^ . .=_= noOo then this kid asks me Damn then that green guy =_= he s a guy duh he IS a guy loser =_= . -_- .shit. I have NO IDEA what he s trying to say soOo let s just change the damn subject~! Do you usually have a hard time memorizing people s names? -_No I m hella good at memorizing -_-^ then what am I an alien? -_-^ Why can t you memorize MY NAME ?.,?^ does he look like a girl to you? -_-^ Huh? Phew that s good

.- _ - What s MY NAME? stupid tard don t act like a little kid hella annoying =_=^ psh you think I d listen to that kind of a threat? -_-^ - _ - What s my name ~ ~?? -_- .SHIT you re hella good at talking back huh?

Tell me my name~ -0looking at Ban Ji s silent and serious expression . he must be trying really really hard to remember my damn name =_= hehe what a kid ?.,? .aww fawk .-_-^ please forget the I mma just gonna call you the nostril girl what a kid part -_-^ .

my name is HA WON MIN aiites =_=^ .=_= HA WON MEE? (in Korea, Mee Ha Won is like a place for recycling and stuff like that I THINK <) HA WON MIN -_-^ HA WON MEE?=_= . PUHAHAHHAA .?? . the blushing kid and that Jin Ho kid are trying their very best NOT TO LAUGH rig ht now -_-^ dammit But thank the LORD that the yellow head s not here - _ -_-^ HA. WON. MIN. =_= Ha Won Mee . got it? Ha Won Min >

this effin punk ?_? is he doing this on purpose or something .?_? FINE just think whatever you want

after realizing the impossibility of Ban Ji remembering my freaking name, I tried to comfort myself by taking a shot of a liquor .Ha Won Min . SUDDENLY

I heard the low voice of Ban Ji in front of me . I was so shocked so I stared at him like this this guy Ban Ji Ban Ji Lee ?_? ?

Ban Ji

smiled at me for the first time .and once again

Ha Won Min

Chapter 16 Damn =_= Tell me why my face is turning BRIGHT BRIGHT RED =_=//// . Ha Won Min He just said your name nothing big . let s not over react =_= But but it s so different from how Han Bum says my name >_< and they re both males >_< WEIRD WAIT could it be that I actually LIKE this bastard?? -_no I know I don t like him =_=^ . Then am I falling for him ? =_=

Okay FINE . let s just say that I am =_= What the hell are you thinking about -_-^ I wasn t thinking .hehe ?.,? .don t laugh.-_-^

You said it s okay for me to laugh! That I can laugh whenever I want!!?.,?^ =_= I don t remember saying that crap.

?.,?. I hate how stubborn you are I hate how you look even more -_-^ ?.,?. you re worse than a squid shit .

.then you re worse than a sea slug s shit -_this guy does NOT know how to back off -_You are by far the worst guy I ve ever crossed -_-^ Hey you ?.,? -_-^ .tell me . why are you going out with me? . -_-^ . cuz we slept together ;alksdjf ?_? Ban Ji you say it like it s nothing now ?_? Since when were you careless like me?- _ - . ?.,? So you re going out with me out of pure responsibility? . Uh huh. awww ?_? AAHH >_<!! HA WON!! WAKE UP KIDDO Isn t it obvious ?.,?^ What do you mean awww? !!!

OH! WE RE OUTTA DRINKS!!! OH NO!! > < Do not tell me it ends like this?? MORE MORE . I quickly changed the subject =_= and Ban Ji was looking at me with eyes of pity =_= Are you paying ? -_-^ - _ - So that s what you really wanted to say

.=_= .PSH I ll pay for my OWN drinks HAPPY? . . what were you doing when I said that I was buying tonite, retard.-_-^ =_= Is playing with people s minds your expertise -_-^

.?.,?^ chi


Are you falling for me?

Ban Ji kid suddenly asked me while lighting his cigarette I was so freaking surprised ?_? that I couldn t answer him -_No I couldn t even nod =_=

-_-^ .aw dammit that s why it s so tiring to be good looking . too many freaking girls com after me even when I tell them no =_=^ WTF =_= I KNEW I should have SCREAMED HELL NO! but it s kinda too late now -_-_-^ hey I m sorry to tell you =_= .I know just ask me the same question ONE MORE TIME you bastard =_=^ let s go now =_=^ yes I had to leave the bar without screaming my HELL NO! -_-^ -_-^ Yo you can t call me anymore -_you got it taken away as loud as I could that I don t like you I don t like you VER Y MUCH as loud as I could

?.,? yea I know

it feels SO INCREDIBLY WEIRD to stand right next to Ban Ji while walking around the city at night


WAIT ?_?!! SOO YOON!!!!?_? where is she?? -_-^ loser she left with Oon Ha long ass time ago

then we should have waited till they came back!!! Did you just tell me what we should have done?-_-^ uM no .?.,? If she s with Oon Ha (? I must remember to call him by his REAL NAME in fro nt of SangGo kids =_=) she might be in a danger can t trust that kid I don t think you should worry too much -_-^ Your friend was the one that grabbed Oon H a to leave ?.,? DIE SOO YOON DIE! all of us walked around the city for about 20 minutes to chill and separated to go our own ways . BYE~ ^?^;; Jin Ho waved his hands as he got in the taxi -_and before leaving, he shot me a threatening look .- _ didn t you know ? He hella hates your ass -_WHY? ?.,? cuz of your school -_=_=^ dammit AND BECAUSE you raped me =_= ?.,? WTF JIN HO EUN you re a mean mean kid -_-^

Just cuz you re hot -_-^ Anyways the blushing kid left few minutes later (?this kid actually said bye to me and WAVED his hands at me - _ - hehe )

soOo Ban Ji Lee and I, were alone ?.,? . stop thinking about weird things.-_who said I was thinking about weird things!!!! >_<!! I WAS thinking about weird things ?.,? . ehehehe *front of my house* Ban Ji did have a LITTLE TINY BIT of manners -0He actually walked me home >_< . even though it only took five minutes =_=;; . your house is hella ugly -_-^ . the fawk -_-^ -_-^ Then is your house hella BIG and PRETTY? .-_- it s better than yours. -_- .fine fine Hurry and go in kay ^?^ buh bye .-_. I ll call you tomorrow > < let s be nice .

.> <;;; WHAT? where am I supposed to look if you look at me like that ?? hehehe I m too shy .*-_-* and came Ban Ji s sympathetic voice - _ .-_-^ is your whole brain filled with crap? I told you I got my damn phone taken away cuz of YOU~~


I was talking about CALLING YOU at your HOUSE!!!! >?<!!

BS. -_-^ I only gave you my cell number you tard .ahaha ?.,? so I was retarded after all at moments like these you have to laugh it off ?.,? hehe -_- your laugh gives me the dirtiest feeling ever - _ .?_? go home

I was hurt -_-^ and I was just about to go in, but the bastard stopped me=_=^ come to SangGo tomorrow -_-^ Why cuz you can t call me. So just come to my school -_how about you come to my school -_-^ Never in my life am I going to that ugly school ever again -_-^ do you think it s FUN AND EXCITING for me to go to your school ?.,?^ fawk fine then how about we just stop seeing each other -_-^

Eek look at his eyes hella scary I hate it I hate it hate it!! -0HOW ABOUT we do rock paper and scissors??? That s fair!!! The loser has to go to the other s school! -0That s so freaking childish I ll just go to your damn school -_-^ - _ - It d been SO MUCH EASIER if you just agreed with me in the first place You are definitely the most stubborn kid ever - _ Just T H E N ?_? Han Bum was skipping up the street with a black plastic bag in his hand ?_?

It s your brother. -_-^ it s also your hoo bae -_(Translator s note: a hoo bae is an underclass student at the same school. since Ban Ji s in his second year in high school, and Han Bum s in his first year in high sch ool Han Bum is Ban Ji s hoo bae get it?) I wasn t too excited to see my little brother=_= so I didn t bother to call him, and just waited for him to come to me -_What aren t you going in stupid? -_- eh ? ! ahnnyoung ha se yo. (ahnnyoung ha se yo= hi or hello in a FORMAL way) *BOW* ?_? Han Bum bowed to Ban Ji with his back bent exactly 90 degrees - 0 a;slkdjf you ve never bowed to ME before! and I m your damn sister -_-^ (? FYI: Ban Ji ignored Han Bum the whole time .-_-) -_-^ where were you I was at the market buying some lettuce.-_of course -_- . and a handful of fresh lettuce was inside the black plastic bag. -_We are eating dinner right now -_- Let s go in kk ?.,? Bye Ban Ji

Ban Ji

. ALSO ignored my bye

and walked outta my sight -_-

The next dayjust as usual, I was cleaning the field collecting all sorts of rocks and placing them in the cart =_= (Soo Yoon went to the bathroom =_=) And WAY~ over there the devil of our school=_= the student advisor =_=^ was slowly walking towards me-_-^ Having fun, Ha Won?

=_= . Would YOU have fun collecting rocks under the bright shining sun? -_haha Today s a hot day. Probably the worst day to collect rocks around the school fie ld =_= .I d have to agree oh then you can stop doing that for now and why don t you clean my shoes?

?.,? Actually did you know that collecting rocks around the school has become one of my favorite things to do?? ?.,? I d rather EAT all of the rocks on this field than to clean your old, ugly, and sm elly shoes!!! +?+ and so under the strict supervision of our student advisor I was having the time of my life collecting the damned rocks VROOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!! - _ -!!!!! May I ask what this great noise might be????!!!!!!!!!!!! HUUUUKKKK!!!!!! A motorcycle was rapidly making its way into our school field!!!!!!! =_=

#17 WAIT!!!!! NO NO!!!! There are TWO MOTORCYCLES!! NO WAIT! THREEEE!!! =?= wait again no no no =_=;;;;; the number of motorcycles entering our school field increases every second and . one of the bikes was coming towards me just a little TOO FAST -?-



And it stopped RIGHT IN front of me and thanks to the driver, I was able to find out how our school field s dirt taste d like -__-^ *COUGH COUGH* =_=^ .it s me UUUUHHHH!!! ?_? yessir ?_? . the driver of this bike was none other than Ban Ji Lee ?_? .?.,? don t tell me you re involved in one of those biker gangs a;sdlkf !! W T F!!!!!!!!

. it would have been way too plain for me to JUST WALK here, so I got a bike ?.,? no you should have walked, REALLY

-_- this looks better retard =_= .and who the hell are those kids behind you? ?.,? oh just kids -_- . They look quite dangerous You shouldn t hang out with those kids, Ban Ji .?.,? .where s Oon Ha? and that blushing kiddo? -0-? blushing kid? -_-^ who s that oh wait .Eun Gu? -0- oOO so that s the blushing kid s name Eun Gu -0hMMm >_< his name doesn t match with his fine face .>_<

Oon Ha and Eun Gu didn t come to school today WHY?! ?.,? They cooked dinner at Oon Ha s last night - _ I bet you Oon Ha made it right? and they got sick -_-


and that s why I didn t even go near the food

- _ - oh wow so you were pretty smart . awww poor Eun Gu he s just too nice ?_? . JUST THEN ?_?!!! .-_-^ Ha Won oh Ha Won . did you forget about me I TOTALLY FORGOT that our student advisor was standing RIGHT NEXT to us!!! =_= . hahahhaa . HI TEACHER .yo who s this wrinkly old-fashioned guy? -_-^ I can NOT believe he addressed our student advisor like that I couldn t just ignore him, so I kindly replied

Oh yeah ?.,?


he s our school s student advisor

?_? yes Ban Ji you and I are facing death right now . awww fawwwk -_-^ our student advisor and Ban Ji shot each other threatening looks for a while -_-;; and later Ban Ji just gave up and turned his bike back towards the school gate - _ Shit stupid old and wrinkly piece of shit. -_-^

It s either that there s absolutely no FEAR in this kid s mind or that he doesn t even have a right mind =_= he got on the bike and left just like that. The advisor and I were left in utter shock haha -_- teacher oh teacher did you know that you re my favorite of all ? - _ -

oh my lovely student I just pity you -_SOOOO CONSEQUENTLY ?_? I was awarded with the job of cleaning the girls JUST BECAUSE I knew Ban Ji Lee . a;lskdfja;lskdf oh and that s not it -_I had to wash those ugly, smelly, old, etc etc etc. shoes of our advisor (? tell me why tears filled my eyes while I was cleaning them TT.TT) AAAHHHH ?_? I swear Ban Ji s bringing all kinds of misfortunes in my freaking life MAYBE just MAYBE we weren t supposed to meet we re not meant for each other bathroom

awwwww SHIT ?.,? *sniffles* ?_? NEXT DAY. THE DAY AFTER THAT DAY. AND THE DAY AFTER THAT DAY. -_And the day after that and after that and after that =_= >_<

Ban Ji and his friends waited for me in front of my school (of course NEVER in the front gate -_-) .ehehehe >_< why are you laughing

stop laughing without a freaking reason -_-^

?.,? . even though he s saying those things so bluntly the fact that I m walking around the city with this guy EEHEHEHEHE >_< what a WONDERFUL FEELING~~~ sOoo I couldn t help but to laugh like a crazy person who s been hit by something =_=

hey .>_< home come you don t like girls? cuz I don t. I love your simplicity. - _ But >_< I m a girl why do you associate with me??

didn t I tell you last time? -_-^ S T U P I D must you EMPHASIZE that word >_< You bad bad kid . >_< Then then >_< you . you don t see any other girl besides me??>_< nope it bothered me how it took him some time to say but it didn t look like he was lying =_= so I just let it be HEHE there must be some kinda error in my brain right now hehehehe ?.,? my lips hurt cuz I m laughing too much =_=;; A street in the city. =_= Well then I ll get going bye~ I said bye to Ban Ji and walked home between the yellow head, Eun Gu, and MEAN MEAN Jin Ho -_-^ walked Ban Ji he didn t even turn his head around NOT EVEN ONCE ?.,? HMPH =_= NOPE -_-^


that s how you are all the time =_=

I should be thankful since he s actually associating with me when he hella hates o n girls >.,< >_< that night. I had to go grocery shopping to buy some beef for tonight s dinner trust me o go -_phew . I grabbed a package of beef and walked around the store to buy some of my favori te snacks >_< I bought a bag of melon jelly >_< and Han Bum pleaded me to buy some shrimp crackers but I can t seem to find any -_-^ Well too bad - _ Pringles will do even though he hates Pringles MUHAHAHA I did NOT wanna go but my mother s wonderful threats somehow convinced me t

I didn t buy the Pringles to piss Han Bum off neither did I buy them to eat it all by myself no no no of course not no no no yes . yes .=_= I left the store and speed walked to my house I was wearing a big green T-shirt and a pair of old yellow shorts PLUS the black plastic bags with all the food more reasons to go home SUPER FAST .- _ -. =__=

RUN HA WON RUN - _ You can NOT be seen like this run as if your life depended on it - _ I was making a turn on a street near my house And just then . THEN .

I saw Ban Ji and his friends walking around the city on the other side of the st

reet EH? HEY BAN

I was just about to call Ban Ji but I had to stop myself and I hid myself behind the streetlight Not that they wouldn t see me but still . -__-^ HAHAHHAHAA! Ban Ji and his friends were laughing out loud they looked like they were having a great time but I couldn t possibly go over there Because The usual place next to Ban Ji . where I often stood was taken by another girl BAN JI LEE I thought you hated all girls

#18 weird what is this SUPER weird feeling inside of me It s as if I saw something that I shouldn t have seen I felt the black plastic bag slip right out of my hand and I looked at Ban Ji and the girl next to him once again WAIT. I swear I know that girl =_=^ (but I m positive she doesn t know who I am. =_=) . She s a year younger than Ban Ji and me -___a;sdfjk that stupid youngling

She was also nominated as an Internet queen-ka/ulzzang (Internet best face hottest y all know what I m talking about) when Soo Yoon and I saw her picture online, we thought that she was the work of Photoshop and lighting. -0BBBUUUUUUTTT ?.,? she was freaking pretty ?_? I didn t want to admit it but yes you ARE fawkin gorgeous dammit. -_-^ .a;slkfjf I don t know why I m so mad -_-^

Just T.H.E.N .?_? CRAAAAPPP!!!!!! My eyeballs met with the eyeballs of the yellow-headed kid! =_= Shit I can NOT be seen right now - _ YOOOO!!!!!>_< Nostril Ha Won!!!!! Where you going dressed like THAT?!!! >_< hey Yellow kid . can t you just ignore me for ONCE ? Oh nOOo SPOTLIGHT on me ^?^;; . I tried to keep my cool and smile But honestly I feel like I have a handful of shit in my mouth right now -_Yes a handful of shit -_Ban Ji turned his head towards me as soon as he heard the yellow head call my na me and when he looked at me I felt so embarrassed -__so pathetic -___so small .- _ Damn I d feel a TINY BIT BETTER if I wasn t dressed the way I was .-_-^ As of now I can t even compare myself to that ulzzang biatch . -_-^ .do you do your family s grocery shopping? -_-

Ban Ji approached me like nothing was wrong -_-^ and I I .

*RRUNNN* ?_? I couldn t think of anything better than to run at that moment =?= HEY?!!! >_< NOSTRIL HA WON!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!! You just ignored Ban Ji s question?!!!!!! ?_? yes indeed I did ignore Ban Ji and ran . but tell me why a sense of great fear is rousing up inside of me ?.,? I thought it d be safer -__- for me to go back so I slowly turned around ? _ ? . and I saw it huh . as soon as I turned around I saw SangGo s Il-Jin girls sprinting towards Ban Ji and his friends (Il Jin girls are like the HARD, MEAN, and POPULAR girls of Korean high school) and I saw the Internet queen-ka girl bowing to them . Ban Ji, who was throwing killer glances at me, turned around to meet the SangGo s I l-Jin girls I think he s mad at me for ignoring his question a;sldkfj just then - _ -

my eyes met with that queen-ka girl s eyes

and me being the stupid girl that I am . couldn t do anything but to turn around .so this is it right? . . awwww shit .-_-^

. There s no place for me in that group right? there s no place for me near Ban Ji my heart . keeps on beating and it s in pain . so I I just left everything behind and ran . and hurting ?

and I even ignored Ban Ji as he furiously screamed my name across the street -homeDid you go out to the country side and kill a cow to make fresh beef or something ?!! Why are you so late!!!! yo!!!! Where are my shrimp crackers?!?!!! .awww dammit! You whore you bought Pringles so you can eat them all by yourself, huh?!!! .?_? I m in no mood to handle your crap right now I ran all the way home dammit

I threw the Pringles to Han Bum (knowing that he wouldn t even touch them) and marched straight to my bed and laid down .Ban Ji Lee . you worthless accessory bastard -_-^ You said you hated girls . you said . YOU SAID YOU HATED GIRLS!!!!!!! ???!!!!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO TO SLEEP YOUNG LADY!!!!! wanna go stand outside with your winter clothes on!?! that night I comforted myself by hugging my croc. Lucky TT.TT and cried to sleep . -the next daySOO YOON!!! ?_? let s just go home!!! Please?!!!

leave me alone!!! Oon Ha Cho!! You re SO DEAD!! Fuckshitassbiatchdamn it all =_=

why oh why did I tell Soo Yoon about what happened last night ?_? ?_? Soo Yoon I can t see Ban Ji s face ?_? not today I don t think I can

WHY!!! HE S THE ONE WHO WENT OUT WITH ANOTHER BIATCH AND STROLLED AROUND THE CITY!! ! Then why are YOU afraid to see HIM?!!! ?.,? please please calm down And it was definitely my bad to tell Soo Yoon that another girl was clinging on to Oon Ha - _ heeeey ?_? .?_? If you re gonna go see them then go by yourself!! Don t drag me into it!!!

she answered me in silence

as she dragged me out towards the school gate and just as I had imagined Ban Ji and his crew were firmly standing in front of our school s back gate =_=

-_-^ you guys are NOT welcomed today -_-

Hey!!! >_< SOOO YOOOOOOON~!!!! hey Yellow head this is NOT the time to look so happy =_= and definitely NOT the time to throw one of your killer smiles at Soo Yoon ?.,? (? i have to admit he had a pretty nice smile =_=^) oOOh!!!!! Hey my LOVELY OOON HAA!!!!!!!! -_-^

My best friend Soo Yoon called him with a voice FULL of sarcasm -_- Soo Yoon Do NOT hold anything back just punch the kid here and there couple of times -_-. Just teach him a SMALL TINY WITTLE bit of a lesson .- _ - . and I turned myself around to see Ban Ji - _ well I didn t turn around on PURPOSE to see him but he was just standing there so it was impossible NOT to see him, got it? =_= . And Ban Ji looked back at me And finally he opened his mouth to say

#19 did you fall on your way home last night? .=_= .what? . seeing you run like that made me feel so sorry for you ?.,?^ . well I m just a sorry girl, thank you~ =_=^ I know okay ?.,? huh? -_- this is NOT how it s supposed to go =_= .?.,? NO~ I m not a sorry girl!!! You know how PRETTY and SEXY I can be if I wanted t o, huh? I can look SO MUCH BETTER than that queen-ka girl you were with last nig ht!!!!!! >?<!! -_why don t you just put on a damn show or something -_-^

.- _ - this is DEFINITELY NOT how it s supposed to be It s quite difficult to express this ANGER inside me -_-

Especially if you re mad at Ban Ji Lee -_-^

YOU.-_-^ this guy was calling me with a threatening voice -_-^ So I responded him with yes ? =_= So Jin Eun she s not a girl that you should be worried about respect =_=

. who said that I was worried about her -_-^ So that chick s name is So Jin Eun right.? Damn that girl -_-^. . Some of my friends just wanted to hang out last night and she was part of the group if I was alone, I would have never gone out with he r. - _ - that s just too bad, cuz you two looked REAL~ cute together arms all over you. shit =_= . I don t see So Jin as a girl psh you don t see me as one either YEAH I DO!!!!!! -_-^!!!!! .=_= oh really just - _ every once in a while!!!!! -_-^ . Hey kid -_-^ keep that up and see what happens, k?-_-^ especially with her

did you have to say those last words?? -_-Downtownthe way home is unusually silent -_Soo Yoon looked quite depressed and yellow-headed Oon Ha was TRYING to look depressed =_=

and Eun Goo and Jin Ho were walking without a single word. -_-^ it was one of those awkward moments -_AAAHH! I can t STAND these kinda situations!!!! >_<!! Hey Ban Ji >_< what-_-^ I ll just trust you >_<

- _ - May I ask why you re not replying I think it was one of the nicest things I ve ever said to anyone Oh well >_< let s just blab on to change the mood >_< . I said I ll trust you >_< Shut up -_Yes . I forgot that you were a jerk where the hell did you sell off your manners??!! >_<!! ?_? Just then. Ban Ji said stop stating the obvious if you re going out with someone, you re supposed to trust them no matter what =_= Huh? okay -_-^ Don t say WHY!!!?_?^ cuz I don t like it =_=^ .=_= .fine I won t say okay anymore . but only if you smile for me =_=^ I think I ve only seen him smile ONCE -_okay. say yeah or something

JUST ONCE!!! Is that even possible?

=_= I don t smile for no reason BRIGHTLY~ =_=^

-_-^ You think I m retarded or something? you re not smiling for no reason I don t wanna you retard.-_-^

Smile for ME

-_- Must you call me a retard every freaking day .- _ -_-^ I ll take that as a no since you re not responding - _ .never mind -_.this . =_=?? Huh? What did I expect out of you ?.,? . aren t you happy when you re with me? .

.this is the best .=_= huh okay .

the best expression I can come up with when I m happy .

DON T SAY OKAY??!!!!!! -_-^!!!! .?.,? okay .omfg ?.,? I swear there s something wrong with you -_-^ I can t communicate with you hehe

but why is it that I m feeling so happy ? hehehe >_< everything s just awesome

I was so happy that I failed to notice That So Jin girl starring at us from the other side of the street -_-^ Ban Ji OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CRAP. =_=!!!!! That girl tell me why she s yelling my precious Ban Ji s name all the way from the other side of the street -_-^ it s the queen-ka biatch!! -_-^!! Ha Won that girl has a name and it s So Jin Eun. ^-^;

Don t worry Eun Goo, I know her effin name -_-^ >_< OPPA!!!!! -_-^ So Jin was calling Ban Ji with the most annoying voice ever possible as she sprinted -__-;; her way towards us I took a close look at So Jin and she had the most flawless face I ve ever seen bright clean elegant sweet LOOKING - _ (doesn t mean that she IS!!!) Aren t you . the enemy of all average looking girls on this earth~?

^ ^ Nice to meet you, unnie This girl just bowed straight down to me -0and thanks to her. -_I was so shocked that I couldn t say anything, but cough the whole time - _ *cough* =_= Umm hi

why oh why do I have to stand right across from her and actually associate with h er =_= Someone please tell me why~~ .=_= while I was lost in my train of deep thought my lovely Soo Yoon past by me and stood directly in front of So Jin.-_-_-^ So Jin Eun? I heard a lot about you.

^ ^ Huh? oh .-_-^ I heard that you are the biggest biatch at SangGo high, right? and you re only in your first year everyone knows that you live up to your appearan ce. Soo Yoon . let s not forget that she goes to SangGo and that WE go to a ghetto ass school -_you .must have gotten the wrong person and I saw it right then I saw So Jin s eyes turning straight cold it was quite a sight to see =_= ^?^ haha Don t worry I was just joking. Don t dog me like that thing, why don t you just hit me or something. -_-^ Soo Yoon must think -_that So Jin was trying to seduce Oon Ha or something -_um wrong guy, honey - _ Soo Yoon was about to get started with So Jin when So Jin just turned around from Soo Yoon to face Ban Ji =_= she gave Ban Ji a bright smile -_-^ and she said You re gonna come to Ggo Jang (the bar) later, right? WHY would Ban Ji go to Ggo Jang?? -_-^ And WHY will YOU wait for Ban Ji, huh?? .-_-^ . don t dog me like that Ban Ji I wasn t really dogging you -_-^ maybe I was just STARRING at you with anger ?? =_=^ psh =_=^ you two are gonna have a date at the bar or something? I was gonna tell you. I ll be waiting for you if you want to start some

it s a get together for SangGo kids -_-^

-_-^ Then ALL THE SangGo girls are gonna be there too? uh huh -_-^ but why does that matter. -_-^ Nothing just nothing

You said that you ll trust me -_-^ -_- =_= .huh oh yeah I do trust you . how much -_-^ I don t know ?.,? -_-^ I guess a little

suddenly, Ban Ji face became hard as a stone -_and I had to quickly change my words =_= . you re the only person that I trust, Ban Ji .-_finally, his face returned to normal status hehe

you re impossible to figure out you know that you piece of accessory -_do you trust ME??! HUH????.,?^ anyways =_= So Jin said bye to Ban Ji with that incredibly annoying voice of hers -_-^ and walked by me to cross the street *push* !!

Crazy biatch since she whispered those words she must have wanted for me to hear it ALONE -_aww daaamnn she s so freaking bony that it hurt when she pushed me ?_? .^ ^ hope to see you later, unnie. - _ WTF just happened

is it me or is everything spinning around and around and I couldn t do anything but wave my hands at So Jin like an effin retard .-_bye bye ~ ~=_= didn t I mention it before that I must be the greatest and the biggest retard ever on the face of this earth -__-

GRRR THAT BIATCH!! She thinks she s the sweetest thing alive or something!!!!! Soo Yoon . do me a favor and go beat the shit outta that girl -_-

because of her I turned into a total retard ?_? shit you like her that much? -_-^ Stop pissing me off Ban Ji JUST THEN. .AW FAWK!!! I can t stand it!!!!! -0- my lovely Soo Yoon yelled out of nowhere We re going to your little get together!!! We re going and that s that!!!!! I had no idea that she would say such a thing -_- . since when were you two such good friends? =_=

where do you wanna go, sweetie ? The place where all the SangGo s scary ass girls will be ? .-0.=_= and I ll just go home WHAT!!!?!! Are you freaking blind?? Didn t you see that slut So Jin trying get a pi ece of Ban Ji??? Didn t you hear her say, I ll be waiting? how the hell are you gonna tell me that you re just gonna go home, HUH?!!!

Um it s not that Soon Yoon I think you ll feel WAY~ outta place, if you know what I mean it d be real uncomfortable for the both of you We re only gathering to discuss some s tuff inside of our school oOoOO Yellow-headed kid just butted in outta nowhere, pretending to actually care for Soo YOon~ =_= . I DON T CARE!!!! I m gonna be next to you the whole time whether you like it or not!! >_< umm but I m not a little kid

I feel uneasy that you re gonna be with all those girls!!!! >_< So you re worried like a mom who cares for her child?

NO! I m like a wife who s worried about her husband!!!!! - _ - this is a fawkin show .hey ?.,? I m just gonna go home have fun later I said my bye to Ban Ji and turned around. and just as I took my first step, someone grabbed me by the arm. - _ and it was none other than Ban Ji himself. .? ? what? . .come. what? .come to Ggo Jang by seven I ll be waiting

WHY!!!! ?_? I don t wanna!!!! are you scared of the hoes at our school? -_-^ No!!!!! ?.,? I m just a LITTLE freaked out by them ?_? Stupid ass don t live such a sad life =_= =_= okay .-_-^ just STOP worrying about shitty stuff like that WAIT!!! -_-^ never mind and just COME!

=_=? . come, BUT don t come like the last time =_=. What last time? like last night with those homo-looking yellow shorts.-_HEY! Those clothes are NOT homo-looking - _ .?.,? anyways. I m not going it s not fit for me

since when did you start caring about whether things are fit for you or not? he asked me so seriously that I couldn t say anything in return . sorry that I live such a sad life -_People who live a sad life don t even know how to say things in return =_= .?.,? . I m not going no matter what I m not going =_= Just come. -_-^ No matter what, just come. ehehehhee ?.,? BYE BYE

I just laughed it off -_- and sprinted away from Ban Ji, towards home =_= and I heard Ban Ji s words stop laughing so freaking much. -_-^ It s disgusting =_= dammit fawk shit=_= he knows the BEST ways to embarrass a person Anyhow =_= SHOULD I GO OUT LATER TONIGHT ?

That night @ seven. I was talking on the phone with Soo Yoon as I left my house - _ I really really do NOT wanna go but Queen-ka biatch . see what happens if you go near Ban Ji -_-^

a girl s jealousy is scarier than the sword. -_-.

#21 .uh Ha Won I have to go to the bathroom I ll be real quick so go on without me!!

-Ggo Jang entranceSoo Yun literally sprinted towards the bathroom on the other side of the buildin g and I just mumbled this and that towards Soo Yun s back =_= I took a deep breath in and out and opened the door of the bar eck - _ - Ban Ji s not here aww dammit - _ -

who are these beautiful -__- girls greeting me instead of Ban Ji ?? None other than SangGo s Il-Jin girls and queen-ka So Jin Eun =_= They must have been thrilled to see me since each of them greeted me in a errr Hey it s you right? DIFFERENT kind of ways. -_-

You re Ban Ji s new biatch?

Are you serious? that s HER? WTF?! She s hella ugly what? Who s ugly - _ JUST T.H.E.N. So Jin, who was in the center of the girls stood up and approached me. -_-^ unnie ^-^ you know you shouldn t be here. But you came anyways. .?.,?^ who said that I was your unnie, huh?

then I guess I don t have to treat you as an older student, right? (You know how Korean students are really strict with their age and grade and stu ff and you have to use respectful language to the older students) Did I say that?=_=^ - _ I need to learn to choose my words correctly dammit

anyways go and find a place to sit. Ban Ji oppa called to say that he d be little la te. Ban Ji called YOU to say that he d be late? hMm what is this dirty dirty feeling that I feel.- _ anyways I couldn t just stand there, so I seated myself at the corner of the table =_=

and soon

I felt the heated glares of each and every girl around me - _ -

Where the hell is Soo Yoon?. Hey guys look at what she s wearing she looks like she s in first grade or something - _ How the hell did you manage to seduce Ban Ji, huh? . hey remember Jin Ho told us that this hoe just raped Ban Ji or something then this biatch slept with Ban Ji? what a nasty hoe stupid trash.

- _ - actually I find you girls trashier than myself. Are you a freaking mute? Say something! -_-^ One of the Il-Jin girls with extremely wavy hair commanded me to talk and I just ignored her. -_You hoes think that I m retarded or something? I m not scared of you biatches~ I ve got Ban Ji on my side =_= when Ban Ji comes he s gonna kill all of you lil girlies ?.,? (^actually I have no guts to even ask Ban Ji to do anything -_-) and just then my lovely Soo Yoon entered the bar .?_? Soo Yoon yes Ha Won ? and where s my Oon Ha? -_-^ hahaha did you hear her? where s my Oon Ha???? PUHAHAHAHAHA - _ - that one extreme wavy hair biatch imitated Soo Yoon and made fun of her on purpose. haha fawking retard how old are you five? -_-^

Oh my my - _ - Soo Yoon, my dear did you forget that you were talking to SangGo girls ?? You shouldn t have said such things sweetheart don t you wanna live a long life - _ -? WTF. Who the hell do you think you are starting something with us, huh? You think you re all that just cuz you got Oon Ha s back, huh?!! what did I tell you Their reaction s almost immediate - _ If this continues

I know a chaos will break out B U T. Soo Yoon didn t say anything in return and just sat right next to me. and the Il-Jin girls were at loss of words =_= they just stood there next to each other and looked at us with extreme hatred =_= .Soo Yoon Oon Ha s not here yet and neither is Ban Ji.

obviously let s just wait for them.-_-^ so the two of us exchanged our words and SangGo girls talked among themselves -_Hey Where s that green haired fella who was working here?

who? .oh that green haired person? a;lskdfja I ACCIDENTLY heard the Il-Jin girls conversation - _ - Green hair green hair oh that green beans person that was interested -_- in me ? hMM I just noticed that he wasn t there anymore. - 0 you didn t know? He doesn t work here anymore WTF WHY????!!??!! Ban Ji kept on bothering him and started shit why the hell would Ban Ji do that?.!! EH???? BAN JI???? I don t really know why but Ban Ji told me to leave the city -_to go live somewhere else -_- _ - why the hell do you do the weirdest things Ban Ji ?. hMmm =_= And then the door opened and Ban Ji and his friends were walking into the bar Ban FINALLY !! so he got fired

Oon Ha~ ~>_<~ >?< this girl. -_-^ Must you always cut me off ? Soo Yoon!!!!!! Soo Yoon and Oon Ha embraced each other as if they hadn t seen each other for year s and years. -_-. And Ban Ji. -_-. just gave me a slight look as a greeting =_= Yeah fawk you too -_-^ . do you NOT have any normal clothes at home -_-^ you CAN NOT call yourself my boyfriend . Ban Ji was just about to sit right next to me. Until he stood up once again to glare at each and every one of the Il-Jin girls I told you not to dress like a homo

Then he pointed to the dangerously wavy haired biatch and said You go and sit in the corner.-_.^-^; huh? .Ha Won Min. -_-^ come here why the hell are you in the corner all by yourself?

so Ban Ji forced the wavy haired biatch to change seats with me =_= and finally sat down next to me should I be happy.-_should I be thankful.-_for a while for a very VERY long amount of time no one said a thing and just drank

SangGo girls AND the guys-_looked like they were in a very pissy mood . well, with the exception of the yellow head. -_(He looked hella excited and was playing around with the chopsticks with Soo Yoo n -_-) =_= .hMmm WTF???? -_-^!!!! So Jin slowly moved around to take the empty seat right next to Ban Ji. -_-^ . Stop drinking so much *CHUG CHUG CHUG* -_-^ you can t get drunk, oppa

I pretended to chug all the liquor and kept my eyes on that little biatch =_=^ but So Jin Eun didn t move an inch away from Ban Ji and kept on doing her thang . -__ -^ why the HELL are you not pushing her away Ban Ji!!!!!!! Whenever I try to get near you, you either tell me to go away or push me away!!! !!!! .oppa i m getting a little buzzed ^-^ hehe let s go outside for a sec yeah? i have something to tell you. I thought that Ban Ji would obviously decline her offer but he proved me wrong by going out of the bar with So Jin. The hell . ^-^;; So Jin and Ban Ji knew each other they were little kids bout her . he doesn t even think of her as a girl Eun Goo tried to comfort me in the best way possible BUT -_-^ So what So Jin sees Ban Ji as a guy so why does that matter. Ban Ji doesn t care much a

-_- Jin Ho that bastard s words just ripped my pure heart into pieces LATER. The two of them STILL hasn t come back -_-^ aah! I can t stand this -_-^ I m gonna go out and shake some sense into that biatch s min d!! I was obviously quite drunk and I wasn t afraid of anything =_= and I was JUST ABOUT to get up from the table but someone stopped me from doing so everyone was already buzzed out and drunk as hell So I let go of that someone s hand and sprinted my way towards the door and I saw Ban Ji and So Jin sitting down in front of a karaoke place across the street. That biatch I will rip each and every piece of hair on that pretty head of yours -_-^

I swallowed all my anger and quickly approached them kids But out of nowhere someone just grabbed me by the arms.

#22 uh yes Eun Gu ?. Eun Gu stood in front of me Where the hell did he come from ? -0and he grabbed me by my arm and didn t let go . Ha Won . .yes? ?.,? .don t go over there . =_= Can you please let go of me first? . don t go over there if you go

.if I go what? You ll kill me or something? =_= .No you ll cry .

Finally I read the seriousness in Eun Gu s eyes still I acted as if I didn t care why would i cry .^?^ I won t cry, Eun Gu I m just gonna go and beat the shiz outta that So Jin girl >_< DON T GO please let me go ^-^ I carefully pushed Eun Gu away from me and walked towards Ban Ji with my heart thumping like crazy just then YOU SAID YOU DIDN T LIKE HER!!! YOU SAID THAT SHE WAS ANNOYING AND THAT YOU COULDN T STAND HER!!!!!!! I heard So Jin s words thrown at Ban Ji Why are you crying in front of Ban Ji Why are you crying, So Jin and Ban Ji . just stared at So Jin without a hint of emotion . So Jin looked weak and sad .

and then and then

. don t look Ha Won . suddenly, Eun Gu covered my eyes with his warm hands. What am I going to do, Eun Gu ?

I saw it . before you covered my eyes i already saw it . I saw Ban Ji . kissing So Jin .

I saw them Eun Gu . are they going out? .

. you re Ban Ji s only girlfriend Ha Won I slowly moved Eun Gu s hand away from my eyes . and walked away . and . soon I heard her voice Oh no .unnie !!!! . Did you see us kiss? .^-^ . don t misunderstand anything I So Jin Eun, right ? Do you know how disgusting you seem right now ?

I just left but I wanted to see with my own eyes how Ban Ji would respond to this situation

. Ban Ji was speechless emotionless .^-^ If you something to say .say it I ll hear you out

.I don t have anything to say . I d rather have you say something I don t care what I wish you d just say SOMETHING

I don t care if you don t make any sense just don t look so cold .

. Let s just call it a day. . Ban Ji just threw me those words and stepped back into the bar . .Ha Won Eun Gu I m really okay but I hate this kind of atmosphere -_Are you really okay? uh huh I left Eun Gu behind . and just walked . I don t know where I was heading but I just kept on walking I was constantly reminded of So Jin s confident smile as I passed her by It really hurt . It s too dark!!!!>_<

and I could still hear Ban Ji s cold and emotionless voice all around me . my heart was aching and it was I must be . crying the stupidest girl alive .

super retard Ha Won Min you weren t supposed to like him . but *SIGH* what will happen tomorrow what will I do -next dayYOU!!!!>_< Why did you just LEAVE yesterday!!!! You know how scared I was?? I thought those SangGo girls kidnapped you or someth how . and why did you fall for him .?

ing! >_< .hehe >_< even if they did -_-_all day long, I acted like nothing had happened Well if you really think about it it really WASN T anything Ban Ji never had any special feelings towards me right ? right? WTF I d beat them up first

so what happened yesterday was obviously understandable but why is my heart aching Let s just not think about it -after schoolI d thought he wouldn t come today

but against my premonition, Ban Ji was waiting for me at the back gate of my sch ool his face looks quite normal -_-. sad -_-.

but I m quite hey

it was the first time that Ban Ji has ever greeted me FIRST . Um hey =_=

You have fish eyes =_=^ did you actually cry or something I didn t actually crying or SOMETHING I just CRIED.-_-^ dammit it hurts here --> <3 AGAIN

.don t misunderstand anything .I can t help it you re making me

don t talk back when I m talking -_-^ . -_-^ well then I ll be going home ALONE now won t you get jumped or something?.=_=

if you walk home ALONE I m not a loser .-_-^

.then you re a loner? =_= retard? . stop joking around .it s not funny and suddenly Ban Ji s face froze . how you re acting right now is not funny. You re so immature . well sorry!!! I was never funny! and did you just realize that I was ALWAYS an immature girl, huh!!!!!!!! Why are you here ANYWAYS? Why don t you go and see So Jin or something!!!!! I seriously tried I tried my best to control my anger and suppressed my emotions to the best of my ability . BUT .didn t you say . that you would trust me?

#23 AAAHH Ban Ji s icy cold words are making me feel bad .

he s right I AM immature . I DID say that I d trust him BUT WAIT !! .you . didn t do anything to make me trust you anyways . I think it d be better if you just walk home alone so I had to stare at the disappearing figure of Ban Ji as tears fell from my eyes but I m so SAD

Soo Yoon it s really nothing . tell me what happened, Ha Won -LATER-

Soo Yoon almost jumped into the street cuz she was so mad at what had happened b etween Ban Ji and me =?= I KNEW IT I KNEW IT KNEW IT KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW that So Jin biatch would screw th ings up!!!!! can you PLEASE stop using the word BIATCH so much ? =_=

YAH!!! HA WON!!! You re so freaking retarded!! If that biatch was rubbing her lips against Ban Ji s lips, you should ve WALKED UP T O HER AND BEAT THE SHIAT OUTTA HER!!!! I dunnooooooo stupid idiot -_-^ I knew that it wouldn t last long with you and that bastard this a little too short ? And who knew you would get him taken away by a biatch~ WHO GOT WHO TAKEN AWAY!! .-_-^ . the atmosphere between you and Ban Ji was quite threatening -_-^ I now appoint you as the worst friend ever . want me to vomit on that pretty face of yours??-_-^ -Next dayI didn t get any sleep last night I ve decided to trust Ban Ji . it was very VERY~ hard for me to come to that decision I had to think and rethink again and again with full bitterness =_= Ban Ji said that you re supposed to trust the person you re going out with ehehe -that day in front of my schoolHa Won .I don t think they re coming today . .yeah . - _ - I couldn t find a single trace of Ban Ji at the back gate of my effin school -_-_-^ . I m beyond retarded my bad 110% isn t it OBVIOUS that Ban Ji would NEVER come here after what happened yesterday?? but I did come to a conclusion. =_= but isn t

But tell me why I m so disappointed -_-^ . hey Soo Yoon I m just gonna go home >_<!!!!

I just left Soo Yoon behind and rushed towards downtown to find Ban Ji DOWNTWON. I can t call him on his cell (He got it taken away cuz of me, remember) tell me HOW IN THE FAWKIN WORLD will I be able to find Ban Ji in such a big plac e

B U T -_it was actually quite easy to find Ban Ji it s always easier to find someone if they re as good looking as Ban Ji =_= =_= Ban Ji I was really stupid yesterday, huh? You probably had your reasons right ? I m sorry >_< from now on I won t ever doubt you I really DO trust you -_- -_- THAT S what I m GOING TO SAY -_- to Ban Ji I repeated those words again and again and approached him .huh ?

out of NOWHERE that So Jin biatch appeared in front of Ban Ji No no no Trust him TRUST HIM . .hMm? aren t you Ban Ji s new girl? I was walking towards Ban Ji while sending a text to Soo Yoon, when that DANGERO US WAVY HAIRED girl stepped up to me -_-^ What is this are you a freaking stalker or something? =_= nah that s what you do I came here cuz i FELT Ban Ji s presence . why don t you just go home when I say it nicely

effin psycho .-_-^ =_=

what if I don t wanna why don t you just go somewher

trust me honey I ll never be scared of someone like you e yeah? -_-^

.ahaha wtf you don t wanna?? . You re really impossible you re the one who stole someone else s boyfriend and now you don t wanna go away? . someone else s boyfriend . Ban Ji and So Jin were going out before YOU came into the picture stupid biatch yo u re just a little toy while So Jin s the real deal got it? no Ban Ji said he hated girls .

you sa

he was really mean to me when we first met - _ -

.yah! Are you listening to me? -_-^ . Today s Ban Ji and So Jin s 100th day . . don t listen to her . don t listen to her I shook everything off and continued my way towards Ban Ji . and just then I saw Ban Ji giving a real cute teddy bear to So Jin haha . .I like teddy bears too WTF what are you saying -_-^ is there something wrong with your brain or something?

-_- THERE S NOTHING WRONG WITH MY FAWKIN BRAIN YOU WHORE!!!! I firmly pushed the wavy haired biatch away and ran towards Ban Ji . YOOOOUUUU!!!!!! .huh? .hey unnie ^-^ what are you doing Ban Ji Lee . You act like nothing s wrong haha you re quite a guy . is it your fawkin hobby to play with people s feelings? why the HELL did you ask me to trust you how am I acting like what? You and So Jin haha . you guys look real cute together if you were going to act like this .

. good luck to the both of you

even then I wanted to hear his excuse .

because you didn t say anything

I have nothing to do but turn around I ll *TAAK !* be going

Suddenly Ban Ji grabbed me by my hand . his hand felt weak . he didn t say anything but just stood there staring at me

My eyes met with Ban Ji s eyes for a split second and I slowly pushed Ban Ji s hand away from mine bye and I heard Ban Ji s voice It was unusually low . and somewhat . sad . .I guess this is end for you and me . .

#24 .I guess this is the end for us . Ban Ji s deep yet clear voice was ringing inside my ears . for some reason . once I saw Ban Ji turn around and walk away from me . I knew that this couldn t be the end No . I don t want this to happen I never did but why . I took a step towards Ban Ji ^-^ So Jin, who was walking right next to Ban Ji, looked back at me and smiled but suddenly

A confident

and icy cold smile

her smile told me that I lost you re right I lost

so there was an awkward and weird relationship between Ban Ji and I we didn t exactly break up, but we never really went out . so some weird kind of relationship The next day. Soo Yoon wanted to see if the guys were here today, but I just walked on towards the front gate . Soo Yoon gave me a confused look and just stared at me Soo Yoon Ban Ji won t be waiting for me at the back gate It s really .the end for us The next day and the day after that I didn t even bother to go towards the back gate on purpose and of course Ban Ji didn t call me or made any form of contact so this . this is the way it ends Just like this -front gateHA WON !.^-^ huh? .Eun Gu?. not anymore

it was obvious that our lovely Eun Gu ran his way here - _ Hey why are you schoolgirls staring at me ? It s kinda uncomfortable =_=

=_= What s up? where s Soo Yoon? ^-^

.oh she went home already but anyways what s up ?

she s kinda mad at me =_=

.uM I don t think we should talk on the street Let s go out to downtown, k? ^-^ .I ll buy you something to eat -downtownwe were at a nearby food court it was full of loud and obnoxious high school students. =_= We should have gone to a better place, huh? my bad only

.=_= Nah~ sometimes, I feel like going to a restaurant full of people and noise sometimes we just sat in our seats without a single word - _ WTF . where s the freaking waitress? Who s gonna take our orders??? ?_? It s so awkward . this water s really cold =_= I just said something in random to brighten up the mood a bit but our lovely Eun Gu SUDDENLY got up and said - _ REALLY? Wait a second I ll be back with some warm water ! huh um no it s okay ?_? our sweet lil Eun Gu threw me a warm smile =_= as he brought a cup filled with warm water ^-^ Here, warm wat-- AAAHHHHH!!! AAAH!!!! ?.,? HOOOOTTT!!!!!! I think Eun Gu s a bit careless sometimes

he accidentally pour the war water all over my uniform it was ACTUALLY QUITE HOT ?_? ?^? .



no It s just TINY BIT HOT my eyes were getting watery as I stared at my wet skirt and Eun Gu got a handful of napkins and started to wipe my skirt off in a speed of light - _ - _ - Poor thing - _ - .Eun Gu he looks so helpless your hair s wet

are YOU okay? Is it still hot ? .=_= no no but your hair s a bit wet

.=_= . I grabbed couple of napkins myself and started to wipe off the little bit of water on his light brown hair - _ - . wait I m not supposed to be acting this way at a time like this JUST THEN they have REALLY FUN food here >_< I brought Soo Yoon here last time who the hell cares about FUN FOOD it s all about the TASTE loser -_-

>_< SHADDUP SHADDUP!!! . We re here today to cheer Ban Ji up! So you just keep your fr eaking mouth shut Jin Ho!!!>_< that s .Oon Ha s voice and that means SangGo guys are standing RIGHT BEHIND US right now and that means a;sldfj .Ban Ji will be there for sure

I don t have the guts to look at them

huh? >_< EUN GU!!! What are you doing here!!!!! You said you had some important family matters today!!!! Did you ditch us to go on a date with some girl??!!


Eun Gu stopped wiping my skirt and looked up . his eyes became so wide and at the same time Oon Ha walked towards us and grabbed my shoulders to turn me around . >_< let s see~ who stole our Eun Gu s heart? .Ha Won .? NO .Ban Ji and my eyes met Ban Ji but Ban Ji quickly looked away from me and set his eyes on Eun Gu . Eun Gu Lee is this considered a family matter?

.Ban Ji . I called on Ban Ji one more time he looked at me with his icy cold eyes and he slowly opened his mouth Luck huh ? . good luck with Eun Gu .

#25 Ban Ji just walked away he didn t even look back . why why do I feel like holding on to him . that I need to hold on to him Maybe it s really the end .

if I don t go after him now everything s over .Ban Ji!!! . I was just about to go after Ban Ji when TAHK! Eun Gu grabbed my hand and didn t let me go

let s just pretend that we ate and stuff, k?!! even if you go after him now you two won t be able to forgive each other *freeze* please Eun Gu let me go .just not NOW . if not NOW then when? Never?

TAHK! I pushed Eun Gu s hand away from mine, but he grabbed it one more time

. Are you stupid ? Even if you go after Ban Ji now nothing will be done! You guys are misunderstanding each other so no matter what you say he won t listen and no matter what he says you won t listen either and nothing w ll get accomplished .nothing Eun Gu s words made me stop myself from walking any further

.misunderstanding .each other?? What are you talking about? let s sit down I asked you to meet me today so I can tell you what s really going on w ith Ban Ji I ll tell you on Ban Ji s behalf Eun Gu sat in front of me and remained silent . finally he looked at me directly and said Ha Won you saw So Jin and Ban Ji kiss . that night right .?

uh huh . but do we have to talk about that yeah we do . as long as I know that Ban Ji only kissed So Jin to protect you to talk about it at Eun Gu s words my heart started to thump rapidly . we have

. what did he do .for me ?

So Jin she s more dangerous than she looks She likes Ban Ji and they were just about to go out e WAIT but I thought they were ALREADY going out? today was their 100th day anniversary . now what are YOU talking about I was fooled

until you came into the pictur

I m so stupid . I can t believe I trusted that wavy haired biatch .anyways listen to me, Ha Won So Jin forced Ban Ji to kiss her that she d leave him alone for good only if he kiss ed her just once and if he didn t kiss her she said that she won t leave YOU alone .HA . she won t leave me alone ? She s all talks

that s so stupid

just a simple threat with wo

there s no such thing as talks or simple threats according to So Jin she s able to kick u out of the school for just sleeping next to Ban Ji she s able to ruin your reputati on for the rest of your life .

everything was blurry all of a sudden and Eun Gu was just sitting there . biting his lips in uncomfort Ha Won . Ban Ji was just trying to protect you from any harm He was afraid that So Jin would start spreading fake rumors about you sleeping w ith Ban Ji and afraid that So Jin would ruin your reputation . he didn t want you to get hurt in any way He s so freaking stupid So Jin s basically got him wrapped around h er finger he s just her puppet as of now . whatever she wants he ll do as long as you sta yed unharmed saying that if you get hurt he wouldn t know what to do . . I remember What I ve said to Ban Ji one day that I trusted him that I WILL trust him . and he said . Stop stating the obvious you re supposed to trust the person you re going out with

. Eun Gu I think I m really retarded . When Ban Ji . held my hand in front of So Jin and just looked at me without a word . I just threw his hand away from mine not knowing his true feelings I thought he pla

yed me so I said and did things that hurt him so much Tears were slowly forming in my eyes and everything seemed unclear Everything must have been unclear for Ban Ji . all this time . all this time Ban Ji and I should have never met Ha Won Min if I had never met him then he would have never been hurt He wouldn t have gone through all of this crap . Ha Won . HOLD ON TO HIM don t be stupid please tell me that you re going to hold on to Ban Ji .

the restaurant was still full of noises but Eun Gu s last words were ever so clear in my ears . .okay . I m gonna go to your school tomorrow, k? .

.hey Eun Gu .aiite

I ll make sure to have Ban Ji waiting for you so don t worry

thanks .oh and . would it be possible to meet So Jin anytime soon ? HER? WHY ? You have something to say ?

no .I don t have anything to say with my lips but my hands they wanna see her pretty face .

#26 -next dayI ve never ran so freaking fast in my entire life .

I thought I ran HELLA fast when I first met Ban Ji and ran away from him Well that s nothing compared to the speed I ran today


I sprinted as fast as I could and arrived at SangGo high. Because it was my fault . because I didn t trust him I ll be the one to hold on to him I have to . ask for Ban Ji s forgiveness B U T. -_maybe I came a bit too early there was no one around the school no blushing kid, Eun Gu no yellow head, Oon Ha no expressionless Jin Ho bastard and no Ban Ji I swear Eun Gu told me to wait at the front gate Ban Ji was no where to be found and stupid little biatches were dogging me as they walked by I wish Soo Yoon was here with me right now - _ (? I have no freaking idea why she s mad at me -_-) Ha Won be confident . believe in yourself!!! You have to strong so you can apologize to Ban Ji and punch her here and there . huk! J U S T T H E N . Ban Ji and his friends were walking out of their school ground towards the front gate. -_There was no need to think . I just called Ban Ji s name as soon as I saw him BAN JI!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I yelled a little too loud -_-

and slap So Jin couple of times

Ban Ji s friends PLUS everyone else around me stopped and looked at me. - _ And among the crowd I saw that extreme wavy haired biatch and So Jin Eun

So Jin Eun I m gonna wipe that confident and disgusting smile off of your face VERY SOON Prepare yourself WTF!!! Why is that biatch here again dammit?!!!! wavy haired biatch literally ran towards me. -_-^ Get out of my way =_=^ I m not here to see you WTF Who the hell do you think you are!!

I SAID MOVE!!!SHUT THE FAWK UP!!!!!!! you biatch I can t see Ban Ji s face cuz of you dammit!!!!!! MOVE!!!! -?-^ ^_^ what if I don t wanna?

wipe that ugly smile off of your ugly face and move you trash!!!I dunno why . but this girl doesn t really scare me -_I feel like I can take her out in couple of seconds -_-^ Besides . So Jin s right next to us there s NO WAY I can look WEAK right now -_-^ so as a result I had a little and during our talk talk with that wavy haired biatch for a while

Ban Ji and his crew just passed us by wait this is not why I m here . WAIT BAN JI.!!!!! Ban Ji and his friends were already crossing the street to the other side just a s I screamed his name - _ -

(? Eun Gu was holding on to Ban Ji s sleeve to make him wait n inch -_-) BAN JI!!!!!! BAN JI LEEE!!!!!!! I thought my throat was going to split any second but Ban Ji just ignored me . but no matter how much you ignore me right now I don t no I can t hate you.

but Ban Ji didn t move a

I dun wanna waste my time hating you I d rather hate that So Jin biatch who s responsible for this mess I turned to cross the street but the light turned red SHIAT I called on Ban Ji once again as loud as I possibly could . BAN JI!!!! BAN JI LEEE!!!!!!! he didn t reply still I don t hate you I can t hate you you re not a mean bastard Ban Ji I wanted to approach Ban Ji . neither did he even look at me

but Ban Ji was walking away from me no . I can t let this happen if I don t do anything now it ll REALLY be the end of us .I .I will =_=

. NEVER EVER let that happen I swear it on my life Suddenly. - _ -

I had no idea where the hell I got such confidence from =_= but I just stepped on to the street where the cars were rapidly passing by

A step by step I was walking towards Ban Ji . I can only see Ban Ji right now . I don t care about all the cars honking at me I don t care about all the SangGo kids screaming No I don t know anything but Ban Ji Ban Ji .Ban Ji .

STOP!!! HA WON STOP!!!!! Eun Gu you re the one who told me . to stop acting like a retard and I m doing that just now Just like that thanks to my feet for walking carefully across the street Ban Ji was almost in front of me >_< Ban Ji was close enough to catch me if I fell right now =_= He was so near so close just a little more just a few more steps to hold on to Ban Ji .

Ban Ji .>_< just T H E N *HONK HONK*!!!! =_= A loud and noisy honk was heard behind me .- _ HEY!!! MOVE YOU RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#27 Ban Ji screamed as if he was threatening me to move . and thanks to him I turned my head towards the noise . T H E N - _ I saw this great ol truck rapidly speeding towards me =_= AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Mother father your daughter must leave you in peace I ll be waiting for you AMEN . - _ -

STUPID TARD!!!!! MOVE DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!! suddenly Someone extended his hand and grabbed my shoulders tight AND he pulled me on to the street where the SangGo kids were standing EEECKKK !!!!!.> < The truck missed me by an inch or maybe less than an inch =_=

When I slowly and carefully opened my eyes I was in Ban Ji s arms out of all people ah Ban Ji,.,.it s Ban Ji .

Ban Ji s so warm ?^? Ban Ji WTF!!!!! You REALLY WANNA DIE OR SOMETHING!?!!! Who the hell told you to cross th e street!!!!?!!! HUH?!!!!! - _ If I hadn t crossed the street I would have probably missed you

JUST LEAVE ME ALONE DAMN!!!!!!!! . DON T FOLLOW ME AROUND SHIAT!!!!. - _ - Uh huh my heart was now rock solid that those simplest words could never ever hurt me - _ Ban Ji just dogged me =_= his look was piercing through my freaking face

and he said in a very low tone of voice . don t mess with my heart .

my heart became retarded cuz of you .- _ - I promise you that I ll never EVER jump into the street shaddup . don t come around me Ban Ji just turned around coldly . and I told you that I won t get hurt with simple words as these .=_=^ HEY!!!!!!! YOU ACCESSORY/JEWELRY BASTARD!!!!!!!! =?=^ FINALLY! DAMN~ Ban Ji turned around with a pissed off look on his face =_= I RAN. I literally sprinted towards Ban Ji as fast as I could . TADADADADA!!!!!! (Yes that s the sound of her legs running -___-;;) pinky swear~ =_=

I stood right in front of Ban Ji, and I hella dogged that So Jin biatch along with her friends I turned my face to look at Ban Ji once again What did you just call me?? Did you call me an accessory/jewelry bastard? -_-^ wanna die? shaddup =_=^ I have to sterilize you I WANTED to kiss Ban Ji in front of all the SangGo kids .=_= BUT .=_= seeing his extremely gorgeous face in front of me =_= just lowered my confidence level so I just closed my two eyes >_< =_= .

and kissed him ON THE CHEEK - _ JJJOOOOOOKKKK! next .= _ = the atmosphere was beyond silent it was DEAD SILENT and yes I can NOT stand that kind of atmosphere =_= so I decided to hide my face and turn around BUT TAHK! Ban Ji grabbed me by the arm =_= his face looks quite .you call that =_= uh huh .I told you before. Don t play with me or else I m gonna go crazy =_= . this is my final warning .0_0 AND . RED =_= . . =?= SUPER AWKWARD .=_= (Yes that IS the sound of her giving him a peck on the cheek


a sterilizing?

JUST LIKE THAT Ban Ji lowered his head to kiss me AAAHHHHHHH!!!! OPPPPPAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I THINK I heard that So Jin biatch s death-defying scream =_= .=_= I THINK I heard Oon Ha yell .eh who cares closed my eyes and accepted his kiss FIGHTING!!!! somewhere in the crowd

I just


sharing a kiss . a sweet kiss with someone you like . is impossible to describe NO!!!! NO OPPA!!!! DON T!!!! GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!!! =_= *blank* Everything s a blur

my mind s complete blank . I can barely hear that incredibly loud and annoying voice of So Jin = _ = I was in Ban Ji s arms until he pushed me away. - _ Well he didn t really push me away . he was actually REALLY careful . so I was VERY . happy *RUB RUB* I rubbed my lips in disbelief of what had happened =_= .=_= Ban Ji stood right in front of me, looking at me if i was actually mentally nged .=_=^ retard you a perv or something? he asked so very friendly - _ .=_= Ban Ji retard =_=^ you must really really like me=_= challe

I know I know


he s just saying all those rude things just to hide his REAL feelings deep inside of his heart =_= (? there s absolutely NO evidence. =_=) hehe .Ban Ji what I asked for his forgiveness in a small voice and he just responded in a simple w ay. Sorry for not trusting you. Sorry for making you sad. Sorry for breaking your hea I m so sorry .I m sorry it was my bad .


oh nOoo my heart s hurting all over again.?_?. Ban Ji, do you not know that your silence makes me feel guilty even more ? ?_?

-_-^ loser

my heart s perfectly normal

it s as healthy as it could be .

= _ = Ban Ji .what I m saying I really don t wanna hear what you re saying. -_-^ since .I m okay . you have to be okay too - _ - Eh? don t cry cuz of me you tard. Ban Ji must have seen the damn tears forming in my eyes =_=^ Ban Ji I thought I was falling for you that I m not

but now I realize WHAT?

-_-^ WHAT DID YOU SAY? .-_-^ WTF DID YOU SAY?!?!!!!

.heyhey =_=.

Must you be so freaking scary You didn t even let me finish dammit =_= . =_= I m not FALLING for you .

I ve already fallen for you . eh .-_now s the good time to say something - 0 was it too corny ? or was it just nasty

- _ -

Ban Ji turned his face away from me and pushed me away .=_= go away -_don t come near me until I say that you can . I m sorry=_= .

- _ - I won t say such a thing anymore go away. yes sir I turned and walked towards Eun Gu =_=

and Eun Gu threw me one of his brightest smiles But why does he look so sad at the same time EH?!! LOOOOOOOKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! suddenly Oon Ha, who was near Ban Ji, screamed VERY excitedly -_- _ - ?? COME HERE AND LOOK AT BAN JI!!!!! >_< THERE S SOMETHING WRONG WITH HIS FACE!!! >_< HIS FACE is SOoOoO FREAKIN RED!!!!!! His cheeks look like tomatoes >?<

.=_= =_= Ban Ji . must be VERY VERY HOT .=_= JUST THEN. FAWK!!!!! MOVE BIATCHES!!!!!! LET GO OF ME DAMMIT!!!! it was none other than the biatch of all biatches So Jin Eun . I dunno WHEN she crossed the street but she was struggling to get out of the grasps of other members of the biatch c rew She kicked and slapped her friends here and there and walked straight up to me WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? she asked me who I think I was- _ -. So Jin Eun don t you realize that I got you now ? You messed with the wrong girl sweetie -_-^ YAH!!! You fawkin whore WHAT ! So Jin was screaming and crying in front of me She looked so pitiful WHAT DID YOU SAY .haha .I asked you who you the hell you were dammit!!!!! -_-^

what the


you who are you why why did you appear out of no where oppa s not yours oppa Ban Ji Lee . he s mine and steal Ban Ji oppa away from me

he was mine from the very beginning and he s still mine and he ll always nope . haha .why don t you die just die and disappear get out of oppa s life ALWAYS be mine got that? .

please? just D

I would have slapped her couple of times as crying she was weeping and .

and yelled this and that at her but she w

I felt that it was unnecessary for me to bother her at this moment I just pity her . Ban Ji can I go over there now?

I turned away from So Jin to walk towards Ban Ji TAHK! Ban Ji was already standing behind me and my head crashed into his shoulders It hurt just a LITTLE BIT Ban Ji oppa don t say my name Ban Ji s eyes were incredibly cold as he addressed So Jin

oppa I m not yours I belong to her

Ban Ji just pointed at me And thanks to him DAMN. =_= So Jin just stared at the two of us and opened her mouth to say . .oppa you know that you can t do this to me, right? . what I ll do to that biatch next to you remember? my face turned as red as it could possibly be ><

remember what I said

I saw Ban Ji s eyes shake for a split second . I called on Ban Ji very carefully . Ban Ji Lee

.Ban Ji . .what my heart is now hard and strong as it could be no matter what kind of dirty rumor she ll

I m not gonna get hurt by anything she says spread around the city I won t be hurt . . I held Ban Ji s right hand in mine . and

with my other hand I slapped So Jin s face with all the anger and strength within me I slapped it so hard that everyone around us had heard it . *SLAAAAP* !!!!!! Finally I call this the official end of my dirty association with So Jin Eun -_-^ BYE BYE ~

#29 mother -homeBan Ji insisted to walk me home, but I left him behind and came home by myself = _= I couldn t get So Jin s shocked face out of my mind I didn t feel too good about slapping her face - _ now that I think about it she didn t do anything wrong I m home~=_=

her only sins are liking Ban Ji a little too much and being the rudest girl ever to walk on this earth =_=^ that s it

AW DAMMIT!!!! HA WON MIN!!!!! as soon as I stepped into the living room, a familiar face Han Bum Min -_-^ =_= yah. I m really tired I actually would like to get some rest =_= What did you do? .=_=^ what? what did you do with my apron .-_greeted me.

.your apron? .-_- hMm

that thing with strawberries printed all over?

.why are you hiding it? -_-^ are you that immature? =_= let me remind you that YOU are the immature one. =_= . =_= .are you that bored of life? or are you just retarded? GIVE IT BACK. If I m not wearing that when I m doing the dishes, I ll start crying. -_I just ignored that crazy bastard and walked to my room and of course, I didn t forget to lock the door. ?.,? ehehehe That crazy crazy bastard =_= started yelling and cussing at my door until he got tired and walked away. And I didn t know until the following day, that SUPER CRAZY TIMES INFINITY BASTARD went out and bought another apron .?.,? =_= . I like the strawberry printed one better than Bono Bono -_-^ if you talk smack about my Bono Bono, I ll seriously hurt you. (Bono Bono is a CARTOON program in Korea) oh no. His obsession with Bono Bono s coming out all over again. I thought he got tired of it =_= (? he was a Bono Bono fanatic. =_=) -at schooljust as usual=_= Soo Yoon and I had our little reunion at the garden of our school. -_-^ ?_? Soo Yoon~ .-_-^ - _ - heyhey What s up with that face, huh

OH YEAH! I forgot.!!?_? she was mad at me =_=^

Because I didn t go to the back gate of our school with her last time =_= . =_= I love you Soo Yoon -_-^ can you move? . =_= .I m sorry .-_-^ Want me to move? - _ - . .- _ - . want me to buy you coffee parfait? .=_= awww HA! -_-^ THIS GIRL she suddenly changed her facial expression and handed me a small shovel saying =_= ^ It s better to plant the flowers with a shovel. =_= You look so cute today Ha Won! . -after school at the back gateCAN T YOU RUN!!!?!!?! RUN DAMMIT!!!!!!! =_=^ . the first thing Ban Ji did as he saw me walking towards the gate, was yelling at me for being too slow. -_-^ Your level of patience is as small as an ant s shit loser. -_-^ But . the fact that Ban Ji and I are now back on track put a satisfied smile on my face you re smiling again -_-^

huh? You like my smile that much?>_< omgsh you tard.-_outta here

It s freaking embarrassing standing in front of your school let s get

isn t it about time you get used to being around my school? -_Is it THAT embarrassing to wait for your girlfriend AT THE BACK GATE OF HER DAMN SCHOOL?????? not even at the front gate but

SHIAT. =_= -DowntownI need to go somewhere with Soo Yoon today where are you going? it s a secret =_= -_-^ WHERE. I ll just see you tomorrow or something

at my response, Ban Ji immediately put a frown on his face. =_= A cafe to get some parfait ?.,? .

I decided to tell him the truth or else he would have gone ballistic =_= Just then. our lovely Soo Yoon, put a VERY SUSPICIOUS smile =.= on her face and said . actually there s this guy from SangGo high that wanted to buy some parfait for Ha Wo n so we re going there right now~ AIYAYA That s the most OBVIOUS lie I ve ever heard in my life sweetheart =_= Must you ruin this nice atmosphere?=_= so ? why are you telling me this ? =_= what did I tell ya Ban Ji does NOT CARE about my life Yes you did it you ve turned the happy mood into an awkward, stupid, and GAY mood =_= . alrighty~ I ll be going now go. .kk I linked arms with Soo Yoon and turned around to walk towards the cafe but tell me why I keep on hearing Oon Ha s voice behind us .

his voice SHOULD BE getting smaller and smaller as we re walking towards the cafe But why oh why does it sound LOUDER than before . I turned my head around and saw Ban Ji and his crew =_= walking very closely behind us -_-^ .=_=^ .why are you following me? . I m not following you -_-^ =_= fine fine BYE~ -0Soo Yoon and I stood at the entrance of the cafe. and Ban Ji and his crew were STILL standing right behind us. - _ I have an errand to run HERE ything. are you worried? . About what.-_-^ that I might go and see another guy besides you -0-_-^ what kind of a crazy bastard would actually go out with you? . - _ - . fine I m REALLY going to see another guy, k? fine with me. -_-^ . don t think that I followed you cuz I was worried or an I have an errand to run stop thinking too much, yeah?

What s up with that silence at the end of your sentence just tell me the truth.>_< .-_-^ go and see another guy NOW. oh don t worry I WILL .

I lifted my head up high =_= and walked into the cafe but as soon as I stepped in I was immediately pulled out WHAT? .GO -_-^ why did you come back?

=_= let go of me I said go. i said let go =_= yes -_It was none other than Ban Ji, who pulled me out of the cafe and he was grabbing me by my shirt VERY VERY TIGHTLY - _ but he kept on telling me to go inside his words and his actions were contradicting each other. =_=^ GO IN. -_-^ REALLY? you REALLY want me to go in? don t -_-^ =_= DON T .=_= GO =_=^ . - _ - .what are you saying -_-^ k so. . .

you can t even buy some decent clothes and you re gonna go eat a parfait? I don t t

at Ban Ji words

I quickly turned around and walked into the cafe. -_-^

and just as Soo Yoon and I were about to be seated Ban Ji and his crew came in and sat at table closest to ours ?.,?^ and Ban Ji dogged each and every guy who entered the cafe . he didn t miss a single guy he shot each and every one a deadly look =_= IF there was a guy walking towards my table, Ban Ji would quickly stand up and dog the guy. -_-

=_=^ -_-^


what are you doing


Ban Ji stood up from his seat, and walked over to my table and sat across from me.?.,?. -_-^ the chair at that table s hella retarded. My ass hurts =_=^ - _ -_-^ . it hurts!

today for the first time in my life .- _ I learned how scary a guy s jealousy can be .

#30 -at the cafeall of a sudden everyone in Ban Ji s crew was seating at our table -_-^ We were just talking with each other as we ate our parfaits when Ban Ji opened h is mouth to say I hate girls =_= .so you see me as a guy? .don t cut me off or die -_-^

and he continued to say -_=^ I hate girls who cheat on their boyfriends -_-^ =_= . you. You re mine as of now . so just stay next to me . I ll go crazy for a moment if someone takes you away from me

I swear I saw tears forming in Ban Ji s eyes . hey =_= Don t worry about such a thing like a girl like me . -_- .I know . I KNOW?-_-^ . must you piss me off =_=^ . JUST THEN. Through the window, I saw a little girl holding a big ol y walked across the street awwww -_-^ so did I ask you to buy it for me ? =_= . .even if you did I wouldn t have -_- _ - Aw shiat I m just a BIT pissed I SoOoOOO~ REMEMBER you buying a big ol ?^? WITH A RIBBON AROUND ITS NECK!! .you bought one for So Jin . but why not one for me do you like So Jin better than me or something? I just blurted out what I was thinking BUT. Everyone became silent and I finally realized that I made a HUMONGO JUMBO mistake of mentioning So Jin s dirty name uMm Ban Ji Ban Ji threw my hand away from him and left the cafe . through the window . I saw Ban Ji s small figure disappearing before my eyes teddy bear for So Jin last time!!!!! I LOVE teddy bears=_= . teddy bear as she happil there s no guy on the face of this earth who would

what am I gonna do I don t know how to handle this . everyone gave me a pitiful and worried look and I couldn t do anything but to lower my head in embarrassment later Ban Ji didn t bother to return to the cafe so we just left our unfinished parfaits behind and exited the building Ha Won don t worry I m sure Ban Ji s not THAT mad .

I forced myself to smile for Eun Gu, who was always there to comfort me to the b est of his ability . suddenly. HEY!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!!!!! FAWK!!!!!! it was Ban Ji.?_?. Ban Ji appeared out of no where with a big black plastic bag in his hands =_= he was sprinting towards us - _ - . wtf . what s that in your hand Jin Ho bastard pointed it out -_-^ and I took a closer look into the bag but it wasn t a teddy bear no way He DID NOT leave the cafe to go buy this for me did he? Yah -_-^ You re going to see that guy who s supposed to buy you some food or something ri ght now huh? -_- Ban Ji approached me as he gave me a threatening look =_= and there was a big ol stuffed animal in it

and he threw me the stuffed animal =_= This is more expensive than the one I bought So Jin. -_-^ and this one has my voice recorded on it no no no . you can t be so sweet like this - _ - But but Ban Ji .-_or else I ll cry ?_?.

this isn t a teddy bear.-_YEAH IT IS! -_=_= No it s not a teddy bear doesn t look like this . THING =_=^ .-_-^ .you re a human but you look like a retard, right? . aww damn. -_-. ANYWAYS =_= the stuffed animal Ban Ji gave me was very very out of this world =_= kind of extraordinary THING - _ it had ears of a bunny -_a beak of a duck -_and the feet of bears -_let s not think about it - _ = _ = Thanks anyways you made my day

pressed the hand. eh??.,? press that teddy bastard s hand.-_-^ I did as he wished and pressed the hand of this unidentified specie =_=.

and I heard the great big voice of Ban Ji himself out of this THING s hands - SHIT!!!!!! IF YOU EAT A PARFAIT WITH SOME OTHER BASTARD I LL SERIOUSLY KILL YOU! !!!! JUST LOOK AT ME AND ONLY ME!! His voice sounded quite pissed

hehe ?.,? yes sir ?.,?

I ll look at only you .

I did say that with my own lips . but do you think it s possible for me to look at JUST YOU my whole entire life -_I have TWO EYES I have to see my mother my father bastard Han Bum even that nasty and disgusting student advisor of mine =_= Yes I m VERY joking .= _ = -that nightHA WON MIN!! BAN JI S ON THE PHONE!!!! - _ - yah you call him by his name just cuz he s not HERE RIGHT NOW? (Korea s very strict w/ older and younger students) Ban Ji Lee pisses me off -_- He jacked my strawberry apron .=_= huh?? .I took my apron to school and Ban Ji jacked it -_-^ I can t find a single difference between the person who took his apron to school (you, Han Bum Min) and the person who jacks a hoo-bae s apron (hoo-bae s a younger student) I swear both of you are abnormal -_-^ Anyways, I grabbed the phone and =_=^ Hello . -it s me. =_= Yeah yeah . tell me why you jacked Han Bum - wtf are you talking about what apron retard =_= haha so it wasn t you, right? of course it wasn t you my bad >_< apron

- . I never jacked an apron .=_= a rag?

I ve jacked a rag before


it had tomatoes all over it. .=_= I m sure they were strawberries Ban Ji took Han Bum s apron to wipe off someone s milk off of his desk - _ and I will remember that incident for the rest of my life - _ ehehe ?.,? Ban Ji I m sleepy bye. NOT tomatoes

- you re not going until I say that you can.-_aaahhh!! It started again-_- . this guy s undefeatable commands. -_- . so I had to hold on to the phone even if my eyes were already closing on me - Yah Ha Won Ha Won Min .

Ban Ji whispered my name Yeah . I was already in my bed - _ I can t help it - I I hMm? . you . I m so sleeeeeepy - _ -

I m falling asleep . my eyes and ears are closing on me - I you I can t hear you

what are you saying kiddo

The phone slowly slipped out of my hand

as I heard Ban Ji s last words .sweet dreams

#31 when I opened my eyes in the morning. I realized that it was a beautiful Sunday My dad was seating at the table, eating some soup - _ hMm I haven t seen HIM in a while aah I want some soup - _ hehe I power walked to the table and sat down to eat ewww hellla nasty can you at least brush your teeth before anything? =_=^. Han Bum dogged me as he stood up to walk to his room =_= YAH! AREN T YOU GONNA EAT~!?! that damn soup smells freaking nasty -_- _ - It s just a soup . that afternoon . my phone which hasn t rang in couple of days DDEEE DDDDEEEE DDDEEEaww I want a new phone with a better ring tone ?_? Who is this - _ - (? caller id? what s that? -_-.) - Me. who s me =_=^ . Actually I knew that it was Ban Ji just by his voice (? AND let s not forget that there s NO GUY on this earth who ll actually CALL ME with the exception of Ban Ji =_= ) hehe . finally rang ?.,? =_=

I feel like playing around -_Who OOOOH!!! JONG SOO? >_< Wait >_< Is it CHUL SOO? DUK GOO? YONG MIN? I GOT IT- it s YOUNG SOO! I named some random guys hehe I wonder what he ll say he didn t say a thing AND *CLICK*!! He hung up just like that What kind of a guy are you that you can t even take a simple joke . LATER. My phone rang again and I was SURE that it was Ban Ji > < that I quickly answered the phone >_< BAN JI!! I m sorry!! - .-_-^ it s Soo Yoon retard wake up kiddo. what s up names and waited for Ban Ji s response =_=^

.=_= . oh

- I m in downtown right now I m going to the beauty shop with Oon Ha~ ^?^ =_=^ called to show off or something? - no -_-^ just to let you know =_=

- _ - want me to give you a facial with a ddong mask?? - _ -^ (DDONG=CRAP if you didn t already know ) BYE. -_-^ - Didn t Ban Ji call you? He went outside to call you a while ago. Ban Ji s there? - uh huh he came with Oon Ha. Where are you? -_- I m on my way.

some beauty shop in downtown. I didn t come to see Ban Ji NO SIR. I wanted to change my hair style WELCOME~ ^?^ an employee with an afro (what I like to call a BOMBED HAIR =_=) kindly greeted me I looked here and there to find Soo Yoon and Ban Ji =_=. hMM? HA WON!! You actually came~ >_< >_< SOO YOON!! -_-^ as soon as I hugged Soo Yoon. I felt someone s strong presence dogging me behind my back =_= ehehe how are ya Ban Ji -0bad go away to a VERY RADICAL AND NEW STYLE =_=

=_= Do I look like a flame to you? I m NOT gonna just GO AWAY .-_-^ I heard that joke in kindergarten.

I just said it for fun to honor the great 80 s. - _ - . ehehe ?.,? Ban Ji I was just joking=_= -_-^ about. =_= I don t know anyone by the name of Young Soo OR Chul Soo I don t know any Duk Goo either=_= -_- then why don t you go look for them psh. - _ - . You accessory bastard=_=^ -_-^ WHAT? - _ - . oh that you re VERY VERY HOT . -_-^ retard I know I know.

you know??? I swear you re gonna get jumped if you say that in front of anyone els e . =_= THEN. I saw the yellow headed kid getting his hair done

WAAAIIIIT!! No no He s not a yellow headed kid anymore was screaming at the worker he s just a normal black headed Oon Ha now =_= he

hMM he s cuter with a blonde/bleached/yellowish hair.=_=. AAAHHH!!!! AACKK!!! DON T YOU DARE TOUCH ME WITH THAT NUNA!! ?_?!! NOT THAT BOONG~ thing!!!!!! >_<! BOONG THING - _ Are you talking about the electronic device that cuts hair? =_= Oon Ha must have been traumatized by that BOONG THING or ONE SECOND =_= HE SAID NOT TO TOUCH HIM UNNIE!! -_-^!! Soo Yoon jumped in out of nowhere =_= and dogged the worker with all of her migh t =_ = If Ban Ji was in Oon Ha s place for Oon Ha ?? - _ LATER. I saw tears in Oon Ha s eyes as he walked towards us =_=^ and Soo Yoon looked SERIOUSLY worried for Oon Ha. -_-^ Freaking mentally challenged couple I swear.- _ -. Didn t hurt? so so much .it tickled SOOooOO~ MUCH =_= would I be able step up for Ban Ji as Soo Yoon did since he couldn t stay still f

I remember Soo Yoon telling me that Oon Ha was the most ticklish guy ever alive over the phone a while ago Ha Won didn t you come to get your hair cut or something? o_o

I put down a fashion magazine I was reading and stood up to leave BUT SOO YOON THAT STUPID IDIOTIC LITTLE GIRL just HAD to butt in ?_? =_= uh .OH YEAH I have to cut my hair that s why I just got up! DAMMIT TIMES INFINITY!! -_-^ I just SAID that I d get my hair cut

but I didn t even bring my wallet with me =_= OH WELL. Let s just borrow some $$ from Soo Yoon and GO FOR IT!! >_< I sat down on an empty chair -_UNNIE~ just trim it a LITTLE bit, k?=_= I was GOING to ask her to cut it nicely with pretty layers and etc but I saw Ban Ji staring at me through the mirror =_= . so I couldn t possibly manage to say those words - _ =_= hahaha Ban Ji your hair s too long in the front I think it d be better if you cut it short =_= I just muttered those words to draw his attention AWAY from me . but he actually got up and sat in an empty chair next to mine - _ - _ - HUH? . AH JOOM MA! Cut my hair!!!.-_(Ah joom ma= old/married woman) Ban Ji yelled at that one unnie to cut his hair AN AH JOOM MA?? = _ = (The unnie =_= walked over towards Ban Ji with an indescribable expression on he r face ) you want to cut the front part only? -_-^ Just leave the rest alone. -_- _ - you could have just said ANYWAYS =_= Ban Ji and I left the fate of our hair in the hands of the unnie and maintained our silence honestly who would actually want to share a sweet conversation with his/her bf/gf as you re BOTH GETTING YOUR HAIR CUT - _ JUST THEN Ban Ji opened his mouth to say ?_? YES for the comfort of all of us

Did you keep that teddy bastard I bought you in a safe and comfortable place? -_.- _ - uh huh did you give it a name? =_= =_= why would I do that don t you -_-

you name your stuffed animals OH Y E A H

he must be talking about my precious LUCKY =_= (? my lovely crocodile stuffed an imal =_=) uMm should I name it LUCKY TWO? =_= LUCKY THREE? .how about LUCKY SE7EN?? =_=

and Ban Ji. with an actual SERIOUS tone of a voice said. .-_- call it LOCKER .?.,? LOCKER that LONG and RECTANGULAR thing American kids use to put their stuff in at schoo l?? =_= Ban Ji must have been proud of himself for coming up with such a name since he was quietly smiling to himself in satisfaction -_and I couldn t do anything to protest so I just nodded my head in agreement =_=

#32 the unnie was busy taking care of both Ban Ji and my hair at the same time =_= and to break the awkward silence, she politely asked me a question ^-^ Is he your boyfriend? . she pointed towards Ban Ji and I nodded in response suddenly Ban Ji seemed unsatisfied and raised his eyebrows. -_-^ wtf what s the problem now -_-^ Don t just nod your head say YES in a loud and clear voice. -_-^


so that was the problem

hahaha I was getting worried for a sec Just then. the unnie glared at me and said -_-^ It must be uncomfortable to have such a hot boyfriend. =_=^ . actually that was the truth so I couldn t really say anything

so I just dogged her with all my might =_=^ wtf are you abnormal you dun have any eyebrows where the hell did you sell them -_-

my love -__- Ban Ji. is definitely the world s most confident guy ?_?. *Exactly thirty minutes later. Ban Ji s haircut was barely noticeable since he only cut a centimeter of his hair =_=

and my hair well . MY HAIR WAS THE VERY OPPOSITE . It was seriously screwed up like hell - _ -

I d be a perfect fit for a hobo in the street if I just had a can to complement my haircut .did you ask her for a hobo style haircut or something? -_-^ indeed it DOES look like a hobo street style even to Ban Ji s eyes ?_? I asked you to just trim it a LITTLE BIT UNNIE! ^-^ I DID just trim a little bit you made her an official retard -_-^ . the eyebrow-less unnie turned her head to glare at Ban Ji But he just ignored her and stood up .=_= shiat

dammit why me . must I go through this ultra retarded transformation I swallowed my tears and walked towards the exit But to seek my revenge -_I turned around and went to the counter to grab a handful of candies in the bask et -_-^ Ban Ji, who was standing right next to me, stared at me and opened his mouth to say .-_have you gone insane? .

I think so.=_=^ this guy =_= made a quick pay (? he even paid for my haircut ?.,?.) and power walked =_= down the stairs . and I had to RUN to catch up with him (short legs thank you) Damn just cuz I m poor . Soo Yoon and black headed =_= Oon Ha was already outside they each had a corn dog in their hands and was laughing hysterically We re gonna go to a PC bang wanna come? (I m sure EVERYONE knows what PC bang is but just in case it s a place where there are lines and rows of computers and you can use them to play games, take pics, chat , etc.) .=_= . is your corn dog good? . -_- I asked you if you wanted to come with us to PC bang . .=_= is the ham inside BIG and TASTY? retard.-_-^ demon possed biatch the first line belonged to Ban Ji (starting from the corn dog question)

and the second line belonged to Soo Yoon. (She actually called Ban Ji a retard) -PC BANGthere was no more seats available, so I had to sit all by myself away from the three of my beloveds

*Sniff sniff* EH? Someone sent me a message. ?_?. - yah. You re Ban Ji s girlfriend?. wtf Who s this how does he/she know Ban Ji - yes I am and you are? -_-^ My confidence level rises 110% when I m sitting in front of the computer. -_-^ - shiat having a lot of fun w/ Ban Ji? - the hell? What are you talking about. I shared a very interesting conversation with this nameless biatch. -_-^ This biatch went to the same ghetto school as me -_-^ and she knew everything about Ban Ji and I from the incident with So Jin to Ban Ji s present, locker =_= are you happy? .

she even knew about the kiss in front of SangGo high =_= - WTF ?.,?^ who the hell are you. State your name dammit. - keke don t worry - WHO IS THIS Suddenly Everything around me was blurry I don t know why . but I have a real bad feeling about this - you ll find out soon enough . - .I DON T WANNA KNOW!! I HOPE YOU DIE CHATTING YOUR WHOLE LIFE AWAY BIATCH!! - keke you re a funny girl soon Ban Ji will come to me I ll take him away from you go ahead laugh while you can you ll see

so have fun and laugh while you can

At that moment. I quickly turned my head towards Ban Ji unconsciously . he was raising his brows up and down as if he was in the middle of a serious COMPUTER GAME . -__-;; and another message had arrived . - it s me your husband. Having fun on DAMOIM? (DAMOIM is a chatting/messenger service in Korea) it s Ban Ji Ban Ji sent me a messege Ban Ji I trust you from now on I ll trust you freals . But I have this terrible feeling.

This is way~ different from So Jin my heart is beating too fast

#33 for past couple of days I couldn t take my mind off of that unknown biatch =__= and I signed on and off of the messenger to find out who she was but there was no sign of her since that day It was probably just . a simple joke but if it was . I wouldn t feel this uncomfortable Next day at the arcadeAAHH >_< BAN JI DIED AGAIN!!! You can NEVER beat the third level!! >_<! Third level s as easy as eating rice you loser!!!

the log stick doesn t come out dammit!!!!! I was holding Ban Ji s backpack as Oon Ha and he played some serious Tetris. =_= Tetris takes so much brain power since they have NO BRAIN. -_YAH!!!! -_-^!!!! Where are you going!!! I m going to SING HEHE I walked towards the box karaoke and Ban Ji grabbed me by the arms - _ but his eyes were still focused on the Tetris screen. Just stay here!!!! Next to me!!!!!! wtf you want me to just stand around and WATCH YOU PLAY .- _ they should play something else .- _ -

I ignored Ban Ji and turned around =_=^ suddenly, this kid pulled me towards him . oh no - _ -. Thanks to Ban Ji. My face was in full contact with Ban Ji s chest =_= ./// . I tried to hide my slightly -__- blushed face and look away TAHK! and before I could walk away, Ban Ji pushed me away as if he was pushing some dirty bug away.- _ YAH =_=^ I m not the one who hugged you You pulled me in .



sorry doesn t cut it I was extremely hurt -__-;; so I just passed him by and walked towards the karao ke box. =_= Ah . I m in quite a bad mood - _ I have to find a song that will uplift my hurt feelings later. I pressed a wrong button on an accident, so I had to sing one of the classic oldies - _ yes it was a trot and the song was called Ah the intro to this song is very the passionate flower

interesting .-_-

passionate flower is blooming! My heart~ in my heart~~ passionate flower is blooming!!! -_-!!!! In my heart~ it s blooming in my heart~~~ ~~ hey it s not THAT bad B U T. Just when I was about to reach the climax of my beautiful song. Someone opened the door. -_-^ psh Ban Ji Lee -_-^ What .nothing. he must be sorry for pushing me away he actually gave TETRIS up for me !! hMMm =_= I tried to sing with a soft and pretty voice since Ban Ji was sitting right next to me -_But I managed to crack a perfect crack

.?_? AAHHH *sniff sniff* Ban Ji just looked at me . -_- you just wasted money . retard~ shiat ?_? .*SNIFFLES* .don t frown. -_-^ its horrifying .=_= No it s not

. just horrifying.-_-^ my daddy said that I m pretty! - _ - . is your dad blind? .-_his face was actually serious as he asked that question Damn you bastard -_-^ we left the arcade and walked around the street in silence -_-^ Soo Yoon and black headed kid =_=^ was happily talking with each other behind us and once every couple of minutes I heard Ban Ji say something but damn I was too pissed to even walk on the same street with that bastard why are you walking alone -_-^ .

Ha Won.^-^ - _ -

cuz I m ugly

our lovely Eun Gu ?_? our beautiful Eun Gu ?_? was nice to enough to walk next to me Eun Gu . good looking guys like you must think that I m a super duper ugly girl, huh? .?_? HUH?!!?!! Eun Gu was blushing more than ever -_and opened his mouth

Ha Won

you re ! Okay !!!

You re NOT ugly!!!

. You were always cute since you were young!! HUK. Eun Gu suddenly covered his mouth =_= He s so cute =_= Eun Gu =_= What about me when I was young? .=_= uh nothing

at that moment Eun Gu turned his head to look at Ban Ji . and turned around to see me again and he smiled brightly =_= Very VERY~ brightly too bright . that it looks ^-^ sad

I m just saying .you must have been really cute when you were young, huh? Ha Won


. Why did Eun Gu look so sad His face was smiling for sure . but inside He s crying Just THEN. fawk -_I m hotter Eun Gu

Ban Ji spat those words as he quickly passed by Eun Gu and me. WTF .>_< Ha Won .- _ - WHY? >_< cuz you said Eun Gu s good looking. - _ - . but he IS good looking and Eun Gu s cheeks were as red as it could possibly be. - _ -. Ban Ji s mad.!!

Ban Ji dogged me =_= for quite a while =_= and continued to walk in front of me . Go and hug Ban Ji, Ha Won.>_< Oon Ha are you retarded or are you crazy -_Do you know how many people are walking around us right now =_= B U T. since I m just the most gullible person ever, I just listened to Oon Ha and jogged -__- towards Ban Ji and I hugged him tight wtf Ban Ji >_< ehehe Yah .let go Oon Ha told me that you like it when someone hugs you from the behind right? >,.< get off of me >_< .aww why suddenly PAAHK.!! Ban Ji pushed me away just as he did at the arcade AIYA.!! ??? and I had to fall straight to the ground - _ - It was a sight to see Yah are you hurt ? what s wrong with you ? I m just about pissed from the behind .- _ -

I asked you are you hurt . .yeah my heart . is hurt cuz of you freaking idiot . .so don t touch me .

WHAT ? . I said not to touch me

#34 7:00 pm. home. He must not like me anymore - no no I m sure he still likes you. I was on the phone with my dear Soo Yoon, talking about this and that and everything in between But neither of us could come up with a good reason why Ban Ji doesn t like any form of skinship dammit .?_? I don t know he lost his feelings for me He even pushed me away in front of everyone at the arcade -YAH!!! Maybe he s just embarrassed . not that he doesn t like you, ya know? =_= What embarrassment? don t forget that so he s probably embarrassed to be seen wit

- you re from Gong Hak high h you.-_-.

Remember that you go to the same school as me. -_-^ - I m pretty. -_and me? =_=^ are you saying that I m ugly? -no =_= You re just cute Yes Ban Ji must be embarrassed of you .-_-^ NO HE S NOT!!! You re sucha biatch~ stop making things up!!!!!!

I got mad for no reason and just cussed her out . -Ha Won come to my house by seven tomorrow. WHY!!!! - makeover time! .=_=^ REALLY!!! HOW? (? my ears were wide open = _ = )

- SUPER SEXY enough that even girls will go head over heels for you -_-^

S E X Y? BYE. - _ - Meet Ban Ji tomorrow after our little makeover _< OH FA SHO!!! I SAID BYE. - _ -. -I m pretty sure that So Jin s still after Ban Ji -_-^ he ll make a puddle of drool!!!! >

. what time do I have to be there? NEXT DAY. I arrived at Soo Yoon s at exactly seven . thirty =__= I asked for some food but Soo Yoon totally ignored me -_-^ as she rummaged throu gh her closet yah isn t this your aunt s room? ?.,?

her clothes are super hot/sexy. -_- _ can I just wear yours?

. I wonder if So Jin s with Ban Ji right now. =_=^ - _ LATER. I saw myself in front of the mirror and closed my eyes TIGHT.- _ Some kind of thin material in the color of light green =_= was BARELY covering m y upper body = _ = I wanted to take it off immediately BUT OMGGSSSHH!! >_< You look soOooO HOT!!!! Soo Yoon encouraged me so much that I just decided to wear it. Hey seriously isn t this skirt a little too short? ?.,? it s okay.>_< Ban Ji Lee s mouth is going to open so wide that you can probably fit t wo of his hand in there!!!! I fell for her words=_= Which one should I wear ?

and just watched Soo Yoon call Oon Ha on the phone =_= uh huh~ >_< Oon Ha! >_< Come to Ggo Jang (the bar/club) with Ban Ji HUH? you re already there? WHY?

GIRLS?!!!??!! WHAT!!! OKAY!!! WE LL BE THERE! =_= what do you mean girls, Soo Yoon? hey we gotta hurry!!! They re there meeting some hyungs of Ban Ji (hyung is a term for older guys as said by younger guys) but I guess there are lots of girls there also!!! Soo Yoon grabbed me tight by the arms, and sprinted towards Ggo Jang without a stop Ggo Jang entrance. =_= .fawk why am I so nervous don t worry you look soOO good. He ll fall head over heels all over again. -_-^ ?.,?

I took a deep breath, and entered Ggo Jang with Soo Yoon AND We stopped in front of a familiar table Ban .Ji HUK! My heart was beating so fast =_= that I couldn t look at Ban Ji s face yah .what are you doing? Ha Won ? Oon Ha was drunk as hell . and Ban Ji and Eun Gu looked directly at me =_= .I said what are you doing . hehe .

it s weird again Eun Gu s the only one greeting me Ban Ji not Ban Ji =_=

sounded so cold It s okay

and his tone was so low.

He s just probably shocked . Ban Ji >_< how do I look!?!! Am I sexy?!!? Do I look sexy to you??!!

You acted so weird yesterday >_< so I thought that you didn t feel the same way anymore and . I don t huh? .who the hell said you can come out of your house dressed like that Are you embarrassed? he didn t respond, but he just stood up from his seat and covered me with something WTF ? Am I that much of an embarrassment to you that I can t even show myself in front of other people . Is that it ? GO. no I said go no I won t go and Ban Ji suddenly pulled me towards me and sat me down right next to him . . just stick by me what is going on . = _ = . I have a headache and Ban Ji just kept on drinking . and don t put your head down .no I can t go . feel the same .

Ban Ji s sun baes (sun bae= a term to address older students)

along with . some real trashy looking girls, who were wearing extremely skanky clothes =_=^ were laughing . damn just then Ban Ji, who was drinking without a single word looked up and dogged every single one of his sun baes don t laugh don t you dare laugh

Ban Ji Lee already wasted? Ban Ji s sun baes looked quite shocked at his words but none of them were laughing no they weren t even smiling anymore aaahhh I m helllla confused . - _ - . Ban Ji s actions . hahahha . look at her suddenly. One of the girls, with a bright red hair pointed towards me =_= and . Ban Ji slowly got up from his seat she s so fawkin ugly

#35 .yah get up Ban Ji ordered the bright red chilli pepper haired girl =__= to stand up and. he turned and looked at me . Ha Won Min, come here.-_-^ I dun wanna. =_=^

COME HERE.-_-^ .=_= You re gonna send me home, huh? .no I won t. Just come so I had to get out of my seat and limped towards him (damn high heels) =_= this Ban Ji kid placed that red chilli pepper haired biatch -_- right next to me. And what he said was probably the worst question I ve ever heard in my life.-_-^ who s prettier no one responded not even Eun Gu.-_because that super red haired biatch was . -_-^ YES she was pretty dammit =_=^ You . look at me -_Ban Ji suddenly grabbed that red chilli pepper s shoulders =_= and turned her around towards him . why~? WTF why does she sound so cute fawk. -_- is it me or is it freaking hot in here just . THEN Ban Ji placed his thumb on the lower lips of that biatch WTF .what is he doing I just stood there completely lost . and Ban Ji smeared that red chilli pepper s bright red lipstick all over her face . her or Ha Won ?-_-^ .

wow. - _ -. It s so WHAT THE perfectly smeared. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!!!!!?!!

the red chilli pepper suddenly frowned =_= and dogged Ban Ji and Ban Ji being the most fearless guy in the world said .-_-^ stop yelling aiites? my fawkin ears are gonna fall off.

he didn t really care about what she had to say. =_=. He was too concentrated on ruining that red chilli pepper s pretty face - _ -. He pressed her perfectly curled hair FIRMLY DOWN =_= and grabbed one of her pretty hair pins out of her hair =_= (? Ban Ji TRIED to pull it out of her hair but it wouldn t really come out so it wa s just loose at the bottom of her hair. =_=.) oh dear she looks quite ugly

she suddenly changed from a very pretty girl into an indescribable monster . yet Ban Ji was still not done -_-^ hey take your fake eye lashes out. . he spitted those words directly at the girl ha haha -_-^ red chilli pepper biatch just laughed it off .

and at the sight of her laughing, Ban Ji immediately put a frown on his face and said fine just pull one of them out.-_- . worse?? - _ -

uM don t you think that would look Consequently

Ban Ji took out the fake eye lash on the left side of that poor red chilli peppe

r s eye .?_? . and to her own embarrassment she couldn t even lift her head up =_=

Ban Ji opened his mouth once again and asked Who s prettier now tell the truth.

as soon as he finished his sentence, everyone single person at the table . pointed to me aaahh =_= this indescribable feeling it kinda feels nice and bad .- _ it doesn t feel right yet my mouth is open wide in happiness = _ = yah come and sit.-_-

- _ - Ban Ji had already found his seat and told me to come sit right next to him and I was just about to go and sit next to him when =_=. I found a lighter on the floor I bent down to pick it up but DON T BEND DOWN DAMMIT!!!! YOU CAN SEE IT!!!! omgsh I thought I was gonna go deaf for a sec you bastard =_=^ .you can see WHAT?=_= =_=^ WHAT ?.=_= I don t know dammit =_=^ just don t bend down again!!!!! .= _ = and shortly after . I was able to find out that he was talking about a certain revealing part of my upper body - _ but I pretended that I didn t know - _ -

It was just way too embarrassing =_= and. Ban Ji turned towards me and whispered fawk . whenever I m with you . It s hella embarrassing suddenly tears filled my eyes for no reason I quickly stood up from the seat and ran towards the door first of all I just need to .

get out of Ban Ji s sight Go somewhere I can t see him . somewhere I can t even hear him I need to get out of here . I wanna get out of here YAH!!!! HA WON-!!!!! I heard Soo Yoon s frantic voice behind me . I stopped and turned around Yah come back .

Ban Ji was standing right next to Soo Yoon I hate him His tone of voice . I hate it . and I hate him . so I ran YAH!!!! HEY!!!!! HA WON MIN!!!!!!!!!! maybe I was running too fast without seeing where I was going OR. Maybe I was too caught up on Ban Ji s voice which ever reason it may be

*PLOP* = _ =. I fell straight to the ground yes I didn t just TRIP aw shiat I felt pain all over my body even in an embarrassing moment as this . E H?!! HOLY SHIAT. the heel of my stilettos were loose -!!!!! and Soo Yoon was walking towards me.!!!!! SHIAT FAWK DAMN what do I do what the fawk do I do I literally FELL to the ground .- _ - .

Soo Yoon had already found her place right next to me - _ -. and when she saw the broken heel of her aunt s shoes =_= She didn t fail to dog me with all of her might .= _ = AAHHHH!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO!!!! IF MY AUNT FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS . SHE LL SERIOU SLY KILL ME!!!! SHE LL MAKE ME BUNGEE JUMP OFF OF A MOUNTAIN WITHOUT A BUNGGE CHOR D!!!!! - _ - hey that doesn t sound too bad?

.?_?^ wtf did you just say? . that I m SUPER DUPER SORRY with all of my heart = _ = . but Soo Yoon was definitely pissed off she just pushed me aside and ran off while crying out loud like an animal .=_= Therefore only Ban Ji and I were left alone on the street. Ban Ji was standing in the middle of the street ifully fallen on the street. He stopped in front of me . P S H. and he approached me, who was pit

I don t even wanna look at you right now -_-^ Get up . don t tell me what to do =_=^ -_-^ Why are you talking back? . cuz you re embarrassed of me don t talk back is it embarrassing for you when I talk back.? . He didn t say a thing .he just . let out a great big *SIGH* AND hey get on my back =_=^ As of this moment, I was on his warm back. o_o Yes. =0=^ He was piggy-backing me >_< And even thought I thought of it as weird a nd embarrassing It was rather nice. We were walking, er, at least BanJi was walking, and I was on his back, and the stilettos were in my hand, dangling from one to another, clashing into each othe r. =0=^ -____-^ *Chi* Put me down aren t you even embarrassed being with me? Just shut your mouth okay? I m about to die because I m so tired right now. - __ - . Lee BanJi [Lydia translated as the Last name in the end, but in Korea i t comes first. ^^]. Why in the world are you doing all these weird things =_=^ Hey If you re embarrassed or something Just put me down. Even if you don t do these thin gs I I think I ll be . alright I think I quickly spoke. Min HaWon Huh? I was on BanJi s back, not able to look at his face; hence I couldn t see the expres sion he was expressing on his face. However, I didn t need to see his face to feel what he was feeling He probably has that sexy glare as he said my name so deeply. - _ -. I .-- Shoot I didn t want to even say this yet He replied in a soft, whispering tone. I don t wanna get up

-.,- What did you want to say?

Retard ^ . What did I do!!!!! Do you really want to act so retardedly?! o. =_= *HUK* You you Oh . person. =_=^ MEAN?! I tell you not to come near me and you d

Oh yea. =.,= and what the freak does Acting like a retard Don t yell! I quickly shouted. =0=^

You re making me yell you retard. - _ - ^ - _ - ^ What did I do!! If you think and predict stupid things and don t trust me and misunderstand then yo u re seriously going to die. What did I think!! You think I m embarrassed by you. And I m not. . It s just, he continued, it s just that my confidence pisses me off. ?

=_=^ What does that mean Fuck I mean If I lay my hand on you My heart . I get nervous =_=

What?!! I mean I mean So Um Re Tard! - __ - ^

His nervous words However, BanJi s lips opened again.

My heart

I mean. If I touch you my heart beats

=_=^ Your heart is supposed to beat all the time I KNOW!! It s just that it beats really fast!! R really? It s because every time I touch you or I m near you my heart beats so fast and I get pi ssed off So that s why. - _ -. Oh. So it was that. It wasn t because you were embarrassed by me It was just because you were nervous a round me Because of my your mind didn t work correctly and your heart So you were shy So that was why you didn t touch my hand? Before . at the arcade ing fast, too? = _ = .

Is that also why you acted strange because you heart was beat

Because my heart was pumping rapidly -______-^ Hey Anyways _. So that was why I know know That was why BanJi I m I m sorry, BanJi. Isn t that the same thing, retard. =_=^

I spoke as I was wrapped around BanJi s back Wait no Instead of saying like I was being carried Let s just say that I really liked it and I held around so tight there was no need to be carried. =_= You can t touch me anymore . don t even go near my hand =_=^ Because if you do rt. =_= Stop laughing it ruins the moment. - _ - ^ As I spoke those words BanJi s ears . For some reason it became spicy red.

You ll get


It was very very dark in the streets and alleys near my house o_o. BanJi I want to sleep =_=

Don t sleep!! Your drool s going to be all over my shirt, then!! -__-^ . What kind of

~~~~~~~ I m so sleepy though >_< I m going to sleep =_= I dug into BanJi s back and buried my face into it. Suddenly, however, BanJi gave me a nudge in the back. .?? Y You. If you even dream about another guy while you re sleeping I m going to throw you off and kill you =_= Hey!!!!!!! . Since when did I have another guy except you!!! Oh Oh yea. You get caught and you get caught over and over again. -0-^ Min HaWon. What. Don t play with EunGu -.,- What? Don t play with EunGu I never played with him Then don t be next to EunGu. Why -.,JUST DO IT!!! Just then. Far away, however I could still see from my eyes, my house s front porch light I beg an to see. It s weird, though for some reason. . I began to look harder and head in different directions, left, right, left, right, trying to oing on. I began to look many ways - _ O_O!! Suddenly . What as two men that look like high schoolers The streetlights shined ple hm. I guess they really love each other deeply ? o_o Both of to each other. BanJi I wanna get down. =.,= Why? My fast-beating heart what if your back could feel it If you ever felt it then I d be so shy I d die. =_= BanJi quickly put me down gently. And trying to at least walk in the heels so I don t have to go barefoot. =_=^ At l east it was sturdy.? >_< harder, moving my see what was g my eyes just saw upon the two peo them were talking .

. It w

I didn t even know it, but I was looking at the couple around my house I was eavesdropping but who cares. =_= Hey It s nasty let s stop watching. =_=

I felt like

I came back to reality as BanJi spoke -.,- You were watching too? . =_= I ll go on my own now Bye I ll go now ??

I turned around, so that BanJi would be facing my back so I didn t have to face hi m. =_= Suddenly, however. BanJi s hand grabbed my arm and *feuuuuung* I flung arou nd facing him again. So quickly my lips . He put his pinky finger on my lips o_o. But as we waited there, his finger pressed gently down on my lips And with his pi nky finger on my lips, he gently went ahead and took his lips and patted them do wn Are you happy now? =_= Wh What?

Retard you said you wanted it! SINCE WHEN !! You said it with your eyes -0-^

BanJi s eyes stared deeply into mine.

Then um Um hey. Huh??

go safe bye. -.,-

I quickly said to take away this deadly silence.

Yea. The two gay men =_= That was so random it was funny ? >_< I turned around to fa

ce BanJi s face once more, with my face scrunched up like I was pissed off he was calling my name so many times. -.,-^ .What s wrong again =_= I quickly replied to his calling.

From now own, if you wear those underclothes then I m going to kill you. I m not gonn a see you anymore =_=^ This isn t underclothes Then Uh If you wear that bathing suit outside then I ll kill you =_=^

=.,=^ Fine then. Then YOU can t wear those kind of boxers [I don t know what is. Blac k? O_O] in front of other girls!! Retard -_-^ -.,-^ Ehhhehehehe >_< BanJi No. I m pretty, right? RIGHT? NO!! Psht T_T Yea You re one of those guys for sure Am I Pretty?

He looked at me and began to laugh

You re not pretty but You re pretty What? Never mind I said it wrong -.,-^ Lee BanJi It s okay BanJi those words you spoke already went inside my ears BanJi ?_? I know Yea you probably knew already -0-^ But can t you just pretend like you didn t notice ?! - _ I ll go now >_< You re handsome, too You were born well =_=.

Call me tomorrow

~~ OonHa found my cell phone that got taken away.

He must ve had connections. >_< He just took it from the teacher s drawer don t compliment him =0=^ He must be your *animal* Go inside BanJi

he quickly said.

-.,- Okay, Oh yea BanJi!! But I have to tell you something >_< I I like you I like you a t. I like you more than food than rice I like you even more than those jelly cups I lik e you You like me even more than your dad? >.,< What? My dad? >_< < Sure sure .,=_= >_< I like you a hundred times more than my dad -

Go inside but don t turn around

BanJi left with those words, turning around and leaving away. Wonder why he woul d say that I slowly turned around from my curiosity irth for me Yes. My father was there, standing in front Father, I love you. - ___ and there stood the person who created b

That guy before you talked too really had the guts to say all that crap, didn t he. =_=. *Bbeeedudududk* The sound of me going inside quickly -.,-^ I couldn t stand the glaring eyes of my father LEE BANJI! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!! It s all your fault Inside the Living Room.

My dad was there, bored, sitting on the couch And my mother =_= What kind of clothes are those -.,-^ Quickly I went up the stairs inside my room Just like my routine, I turned on the computer and went on the Internet Clicked on DaMoIm [Chatting messenger like AIM] Time went by until I was on it for a very long time just surfing around and whatno t. And suddenly something popped up from DaMoIm. The screen name was I love you BanJi???! Some reason this is getting really sneaky sneaky sneaky Kakakka Do you remember me? -__-^ No It can t be could it? The person from before -- It s me. BanJi s girlfriend IT S HER!! HER! That DaMoIm bitch!!!!!! I quickly replied --- HEY YOU HAHAHH BanJi s girlfriend?! Yea yea whatever -___-^ I m the only person that BanJi knows that goes to GongHak High School. Retard =0=^ Crap He knows SuYoon too =_= But. BanJi and SuYoon s relationship between each other isn t that great They never talk So let s just say they don t know each other. -__-- Hahaha =_=^ This girl seriously is getting on my freaking nerves Seriously why is the girl do ing this =_= GOSH! I shouldn t have even when on DaMoIm I should ve just went with my fe eling before and just shut it down -.,-^ --- Shut up. Hey, shouldn t you be sleeping? Are you THAT bored to be doing this a ll day? -- Then why aren t YOU sleeping kakaka --- m e ?! Yea Whatever BanJi s girlfriend is definitely me.



R E V E N G E moahahah =_= --- I just came home from snuggling up with BanJi MOAHAHAH!! I put the So I m not that tired kakaka

kaka on the end just to make her irritated pueheheheh =_=

-- You what with BanJi?! PSHHHT. You think you re all that now right?! --- K.i.s.s.e.d -__-^ I separated the letters purposely to make her even more irritated -- That can t even happen Psht that didn t even happen, right? BanJi no BanJi s mine What the. =0=^ This girl is seriously insane right?! --- Whatever whatever Ahh gosh this is making me pissed leep. That s how I quickly exited the box between our chat But suddenly, I love you BanJi -- COUNT START . What the -- 5 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- GO. -- Min HaWon. It s game over for you know BanJi BanJi I m going to take him now . suddenly appeared once more =_= Just end it Bye I m gonna go to s

I stood there in awe looking at my computer screen. Hahahaha What a joke I laughed at this *prank* this girl was doing

It s so corny

seriously .

But I became more and more nervous

I was lying on my bed, not even moving, but tightly squeezing the one and only p resent that BanJi ever gave to me My LOCKER . =_=^ Just one last time.

And I pressed the hand of my Locker It spoke again

FUCK!!!!! If you ever eat a parfait with some other guy you re DEAD!! ONLY LOOK AT ME! Ahaha BanJi Okay I ll only look at you . but you do too

I spoke out loud, You can only look at me, too okay?

CHAPTER 36 The next day at school. SuYoon! I told you that I m sorry !! ?_______? Kang SuYoon. You selfish biaaaaaaaaatch T_T Why won t you forgive me Just because I broke your aunt s high heel stilettos doesn t mean you can ignore me forever =_= . HEY! Then I ll Buy a new pair for you!! I ll buy the same exact pair!! ?___? You re going to buy those expensive luxury heels?!!! - _ - ^ ney for 1300 years you STLL can t buy it!! =.,= Just because I broke your heels big dip man -.,-^ Even if you save up mo

I m your friend, you big loser!! You re supposed to forgive me with these things!! .I said I m sorry O_O! OonHa!! >_<

Just ignoring my words of apology like that - _ - ^ She found where OonHa was and ran towards him in the back doors and saw both of them disappear . I tried to find where BanJi was but suddenly, *PPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK* O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huh? Oh. I m so sorry, I m so sorry I said, in the proper form.

As I tried to walk towards BanJi, some girl, I don t know who though, bumped into me. But the worse part was That she was holding a garbage back =_= and all the trash flew towards me T_T .

Why me. WHY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I wiped my uniform skirt and walked to where BanJi was at T_T He looks like he has no interest at me what so ever. -.,-^ I smell vinegar from you ?_? - __ sick

I m you re girlfriend, BanJi =_= (? He s probably saying that so the other kids won t

=_= I m seriously going to throw up get suspicious -.,-^)

Fine I ll give in . just say that I smell like crap =.,= Why is my is my life so ruined like this =_= . Hey spread apart and walk Don t walk close to me. You smell.

With that he pushed me off to the side. The other SangGo boys, even OonHa and Su Yoon, followed BanJi s actions and became distant with me when we were walking And the only person that was rather close to me was EunGu EunGu you can go with them -.,-^ What do you expect from BanJi It s okay . But I don t smell anything .

Then why is your nose are tingling -.,JUST GO! I m telling you to just go !!

*PUK PUK PUK PUK* Half jokingly I punched EunGu s arm so that he could go farther away from me Ahhh! It hurts ?_? AHHHK!

Instead of shrivelling up by the wrath of my punches =_= he just suddenly grabbe d my hand in thin air =_= I told you It hurts -.,-^ Ah Sorry -.,-^ It s because I m a bit hyper - _ -

I just wanted to make you laugh but I guess my strength is really strong my punches must hurt then o_o . Just. Then. MINHAWON COME HERE!!! Who could it be that must have called my name so loudly in front of everyone? Lee.Ban.Ji. =_=. What happened when you didn t want me next to you and now you want me next to you?! - _ - ^ You booooooger. BOOOOOOOOGER. =_=^ Am I some kind of animal to you? You re my girlfriend When he said that I was his girlfriend those words his eyes were in the form of upsi de down crescent moons and stared directly at EunGu, suspiciously. Yea. So what. What are you going to do about it. =.,=^ Min HaWon. You. My girlfriend You re supposed to be looking at me, BANJI! I M your girlfriend! I m not EunGu looking at him =.,=^ BanJi s telling you to go to him ^-^ . EunGu replied. So stop

EunGu slightly nudged my back to get closer to Banji. But when I felt his hand o n my back It felt as if his hand was trembling shaking Or maybe it s just me. BanJi didn t let go of my backpack strap, instead he tightly wrapped it around his hand. =_=^ =_= It s uncomfortable -.,-^ abbing it =0=^^ I couldn t stand it. I SAID IT S UNCOMFORTABLE, LEEBANJI!! =_=^!!! You promised me not to play with EunGu why aren t you keeping that promise I feel like I m in elementary school =_= So this was why he s like this -.,-^ . .

I quickly said. It was! Him on my back pack strap?! TIGHTLY

I didn t play with him I just talked to him. =_=^ Retard He says retard like it s no big deal Psht. As soon as I came home from school I ran up the stairs to my room and quickly cl osed the door. My first instinct: turn on the computer. And that s what I did, clicked on DaMoIm MOAHAH. HAH! -- Kakak I love you BanJi Girl. You are DEAD!! I won t leave it hanging like this MOAHA

So you just come here on your own eh?

kakaka. This is the end th

As soon as I signed on, before I even went to her, she came to me =_= is is the end you little BIZZAAAAATCH! I quickly responded. --- Say your name you can t hide like this forever. -kakakaka. If I told you then you wouldn t even come in here. - _ - ^

She s probably right

-- Before you bumped into trash right ? Sorry T T Trash? --- It was you? -- kakaka. Yup. . No could it be? Was it? IT WAS YOU?

Kakak You smelled so bad kakaka

FUCK!!!!!!!!! I SHOULD VE CONCENTRATED ON THAT PERSON S FACE!! the face ?_? . --- You shallow person you octopus poop -- kakaka. SoHyung. Hwang SoHyung. SoHyung? Hwang? SoHyung? hm SoHyung -- kakaka SoHyung . =_=

I don t even recognize

.! - _ - ^ Say your name.

Well I have to go now okay? Let s talk later at night, HaWon. ^-^ You better come out to school, okay? - _ - ^ I m I m going to go meet someone right now ^-^

--- Hwang SoHyung

-- Kakakak OKAY . But To tell you the truth . --- Go meet that someone them. - _ - . --- Really? I can meet that someone ?

JUST MEET THAT SOMEONE, DAM.IT!!!!!! Due to my high temper I yelled it out loud. W hat s wrong with me Why am I like this -- Kaka Okay then. Bye bye BanJi s probably waiting for me right now Wait What What did you just say? What? That name that name where I get hurt when anyone e lse says it --- Wait what? -- ^O^ We decided to meet each other BanJi and I. It s our first date so I should l ook pretty Hrm. Tell me. What style does Banji like? It s a lie.

Hah.Hah. It can t be. It s definitely a lie Quickly I just pulled out the computer co rd and let it crash down by itself . My phone, which was carelessly thrown on my bed before I went on DaMoIm, I quick ly grabbed it and dialed number 2. *ddoooo dooooolooolooo dooooooololoooolooo * *DDALKKKAK* Hello BANJI!!!!!!!!!!! .

CHAPTER 37 - This isn t BanJi - _ Wh Huh? h

Now that I hear the other end of the line, it really isn t BanJi His voice isn t that igh x_X;; But I m sure that I pressed #2 on my phone Pretty sure this is BanJi s phone o.o Are you one of BanJi s hoobae s? x_X;;

- Actually, I m BanJi s friend -_-^ Oh. =0= Of course you are -_-^ =_=^ Um My name is Min HaWon I ve heard of a MinHaWon around here

=_=^ Lee BanJi. What did you say about me Anyways. Can I please speak to BanJi? -- BanJi s not here though He got a phone call and then left. o.o;; Whose call ?

- It was a girl, for sure

AHHK! >_<! Let Go! AHHH! AH! >_<

Suddenly, his voice suddenly screamed out and interrupted our phone conversation . It was heard, from my side, like someone grabbed Banji s phone =_= - HAWON!!!!! OonHa .? =_= - BanJi s not cheating on you >_< Your friend called and told him to meet so that s why he went!!! My friend?? SuYoon? =_=.

- O_O SuYoon s here though ? -- HEY! Oh my gosh I told you not to tell her that I m here! >_< She thinks I m pisse d off at her and I m having no fun, but if you tell her that I m here she knows that I m having the time of my life! >_< >_< I heard Jang SuYoon s voice through the phone OonHa, forget about SuYoon but but ^ You rotten rotten biaaaaaatch!

Who called BanJi? Tell me.

- You re friend called so he left~~~~~ I ONLY HAVE ONE FRIEND AND THAT S SUYOON!!!! - _ - ^ !!!! - Huh Wait no She said that she s one of your friends from HagWon [a/n - A place to stud y] She said it was something about you and it was an emergency so he left o.o A HagWon friend??? For the past 18 years of my life, I barely know what the word HagWon means =_= Lik e I ever went there. HA. -.,You don t know where he even went ? - Uh huh. >_< My heart s beat was rapid. OonHa, BanJi BanJi likes me, right? - >_< .How am I supposed to answer that! -0-^

Tell me BanJi. He likes me, right? - Yea . BanJi likes HaWon a lot Thanks. I feel better now Okay bye now! >_< + CLICK +That was the first time that I was the one who hung up the phone on a g uy .=_=;; Anyways. My heart was beating like a snare drum, and the wind blew through my head hardly But throughout all this time, BanJi isn t here Where where are you, BanJi Where the hell are you Why can t I stay still? I walked around the streets, trying to find BanJi, wherever he could be. Why aren t you fucking appearing, you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly. O.O As I walked around I heard BanJi s loud voice from the other side. YES! >_< It was BanJi! Even though I wanted to scream out his name, luckily, I had the strength to keep it in. Fuck!!!!! Where s Min HaWon? Eat this first, BanJi! And then I ll tell you . Take it away from me You can eat it by yourself. . He s not here

I found BanJi not so far away from where I was standing

With a girl in my school uniform, a girl I ve seen for the first time NO! >_<! It s rst time!!!!!! IT S THAT GIRL WHO THREW THE TRASH AT ME!! THAT MEANS SHE S THAT DAMO IM BITCH!! THE ILOVEBANJI BIZZZZATCH! Hwang So Hyung . . What is this

Ah.Ahhh hah.Hah. Hahahahahah

Even though she s not Eun SoJin .she s still PISSES ME OFF!! WHAT THE HECK?! This girl bought CRAB for BanJi? =_= .Seriously. That s some life-size swollen SHREK girl we have here =_= Her forehead, which was a small part of her face =_= was SURROUNDED by white loo king pimples, not even knowing when they ll pop. =_=. I mean. That s bad enough, right? x-X;; . Long pieces of hair was spotted on her fucked up chin -.,-^ That is why. Because you are not prettier than me -_- you will separate from Ban Ji this instant.

BANJI!!!!!!! GET OFF THAT LITTLE BIZATCH!!!! I yelled until my face turned red. BanJi turned around and paused, as well as th at girl She turned around, facing me, with two large crabs in her hand - _ -; our eyes me t No. I don t want our eyes to meet it s scary - _ - . You scary bitch ?_? . Not that you re fucking ugly, but because you ve gone way too far a ll this time That s why I don t want to look at you because if I do I feel like I m going to put all that red bean paste [ GOCHUJJJANG ] up your little nostrils Do you know that? Let s go somewhere else, BanJi

Those words weren t from me. That Hwang SoHyung girl said it that was seated next to Ba Ji. That seat next to BanJi that s my spot .why is another girl taking my spot Why why is Hwa ng SoHyung sitting there Even though it wouldn t happen even though it s a dark feeling if it ever did happen, I stared at BanJi the whole time scared that he would actually go with Hwang SoHy ung to a different place . Lee BanJi ?_? . Min HaWon .?^? Fuck. BanJi quickly grabbed my left hand and left. He dragged me out of the crab place I quickly spoke. is it

This This isn t your friend

And And

his lips moved once again only Min HaWon.

The only person who makes my heart beat fast is

And that s how he left Hwang SoHyung, all alone. Yup. Ditched. .What if Hwang SoHyung s crying? ^0^ I m worried *cough*.?.,? Ehoohoohoo - .) However. That girl wasn t even crying after all. BanJi Let s go eat chicken

-.,-^ (The face I m expressing is NEVER a worried fa

.Am I some kind of retarded bastard? Yes. Even though it was a weird situation she she wasn t crying. Do you want me to buy you something different? Retard. I heard it the first time. BanJi. BanJi . It was the first time I heard BanJi say His voice was so cold however

retard to someone else other than me

This environment wasn t so comfortable Nope. This environment was so .dark and cold Min HaWon, let s go. I hate this chicken smell. - ., - ;; Okay As we left, once more Hwang SoHyung s eyes were upon us. I could feel it bad Ah Hrm. Should I have a happy face? ^0^ Or a pissed off face? ^?_?^ . Suddenly, however. That Hwang SoHyung girl did something so scary so scary. >_<

She didn t do it in a cute way, or a happy way, but she laughed in a sick way. An evil laugh BanJi. Don t ever meet her again Even if you asked me to meet her I wouldn t do it. Okay But Why do I have this, nervous and scared feeling in my heart? Why am I scared Hey =_= Huh?? I responded. Don t be nervous Because you ll win. [T/N .? O.O I thought she lo

But her back legs are beautiful. I ll still win??? =.,.+ oked like Shrek -0-] Still. Hwang SoYum Doesn t have me.

- _ - . It s not Hwang SoYum, BanJi. It s Hwang SoHyung. - ___ - ;; Anyways BanJi still had words left to say. You ll win because you have me . If you re nervous hide behind me I ll protect you.

That was when That was when I made my final decision. Whatever that jacked up Shrek looking girl, Hwang SoHyung does to BanJi I ll never. I ll NEVER Let her take BanJi away from me

CHAPTER 38 The next day at school .

As SuYoon and I walked to school, just fiddling around -_-^ . We talked and talked and sang stupid songs >_< . After we finished our can drinks we bought at one of the stores on the streets O

_O we crushed them with our hands and threw them on the school s front lawn - _ - ;; But got caught by one of the supervisors. -.,-^ So here we are, picking up rocks on the gym floor for our punishment. =_=;; Aiishi~ >_< It s so hot I m going to die Why is it my fault!!!!! ?_? . You re the one who brought up the idea of throwing it on the lawn! This is all your fault, Jang SuYoon!!

Bullshit. I wouldn t be talking, at least I m not the one who broke someone else s luxu gh heel sexy stilettos =_=^ -.,-^ So you re going to cry about it forever? -____I quickly glared at SuYoon but suddenly, a group of students stepped inside the gym. All of the students were tough and bold, from what I could see, and I could see their muscles as well o_o; Huh? It s Hwang SoHyung. WHAT??????????????? I turned around and faced SuYoon, and she was right.

.Sick. It s her. Of course it s Hwang SoHyung. - _ - ^ But how come I never seen before ? =_=^ SuYoon .is she Huh? a loner?- _ - ;;

Oh. Yea. She has absolutely NO friends

Then how do you know her!!!! We came out of the same middle school but even then she was still a loser

Why? O_O Because she was ugly? Because she s fat? No It s because she s seriously a crazy retard ? __ ? .

=_= What?

She s She s a little strange no. Not a little, but a lot. In middle school, there was th is guy name Han JaeGyu .and he was so hot -0-;; But because of that Hwang SoHyung gi rl, he had to transfer to a different school. O_O! Is it because she stole his lunch or something?^ IS that why? Then what happ ened! =_= You retard. Not because of that shadow. Shadow Yea. That s her problem. Even if the guys isn t that hot, but he s just a little hot or something . she won t let that guy go never. Because she thinks she could just steal anyone who s hot . That s why that Han JaeGyu guy had to disappear all of a sudden so she wouldn t know where he was going and stuff. She s crazy, isn t she =_=^ I tilted my head upwards to get a glimpse of Hwang SoHyung s face that was just ac ross from me. Even then, Hwang SoHyung was glared by the many people of our scho ol all of them looked at her with evil and carelessly pushed and shoved her away. You re not supposed to do that to a person . -.,-^. Then what should I do I quickly said, aloud. every singly day she would follow him around like a

.You should just stay where you are and don t do anything. WHY!!! -_-!!!! So she could just steal him?!?!? She s probably planning what to do -_-^ = _ = Suddenly, in front of the back doors SHIT!!!!!!! RUN OVER HERE!! Lee.Ban.Ji. =_=^ He s always like that -.,-^

Don t look at me like that!!-.,-^ Why are you giving me that look!! - ___________________ -;; How could you say that to your girlfriend ?_? Today was just like another ordinary day going home seemed so long.


You . Do you hit girls?

A lot. When they re freaking crazy. -____-^ That means whatever Hwang SoHyung might do to you, you could easily hit her =_= Don t hit girls If they re not crazy, I won t lay a finger on them Even though they re crazy, BanJi. Even though they re crazy don t hit them Do it in words Why? Because -.,-^ If you hit Hwang SoHyung you might get sued. - _ - ;;

Huh .Um -.,-^ Just just don t hit other girls Okay O_O! Kakkaa. What a guy The next day. It was another boring day, like all of the other days -.,-^ There we were, sitting on the steps of the back doors of our school. If BanJi was there, he d be sitting in his spot and playing with a lighter HaWon .give them a call, why he isn t coming .He probably has his reasons -.,-^ - _ - ^

???? Kakakak -.,-^

Stop pretending like you don t care and just call him =_=^ =______=;; I ended up pressing BanJi s number on my cell phone -.,-^ *ddoooooooddolooooooooooddododlooooooooodddolodoododododldodldklfaje;lkfjae - Min HaWon. What. I.Am.Min.Ha.Won. - _ -^ .* =_=^

- Go by yourself! I can t go there right now. Go by yourself Is there something going on? - NO!!! NOTHING!

- _ - ;; Why the yelling, then. Just makes me more nervous. =0=;; - Hey hey! Um hang up. Don t go anywhere and just go home -.,-^

Do you think I really want to hear those words from you?? =_=^ Flipping my phone b ack so that it was folded in half O_O I stood up But for some reason I felt something . was going to go bad something I don t know. I just l it. All these mixed feelings splashed out at me all of a sudden, like water =0=^ . After that situation I didn t see BanJi s face for days. Even if I would call because I was worried, it would either just keep on ringing and no one would pick up . or he would hang up really fast And you say that there s nothing going on. =_= You tell me not to worry Lee BanJi you you OCTOPUS TWO TIMER POOP FACE! .- ____ - ^ If you say those things to me why don t you go by your word and help me to think tho se things not to feel those feelings -.,-^ I just get more worried Just appear in front of my face please. It s been exactly four days now. Gloomily, SuYoon and I were at the back doors, as usual when suddenly. HEY!!!!!!!! MIN HAWON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder who yelled out my name so loudly MIN HAWON!! What are you doing here!!!!!!! YOU CRAZY BITCH!! .Who could it be other than Eun SoJin. -.,-^ ve Guy. - _ - ^ HEY! WHO ARE YOU CALLING A CRAZY BITCH YOU =_= SuYoon and I stood boldly as the two people in front of us yelled at me. =_= You little children thinking you guys are all that! <-- Wave Guy? O_O . And next to her was that crazy SangGo Wa



Eun SoJin .Wow. You changed so much during the time I haven t seen you -.,-^ Now you d on t act like a goody-goody two shoes anymore -.,-^ Min HaWon!! DID YOU BREAK UP WITH BANJI OPPA?! . . Eun SoJin s retarded question . I quickly scrunched up my face. - _ - ^ Then?? You didn t break up with him, right? I didn t break up with him. - _ - ^ THEN Then WHY ARE YOU JUST SITTING HERE?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! ?

What do you mean Why I m just sitting here Are you serious Y You don t know YET? What What I do I not know .

And that was when Eun SoJin smacked her lips and yelled BanJi Oppa Some crazy bitch has been stalking him!! HE S BEEN BEING STALKED ALL THIS T IME .And you didn t know?!?!?!!!!!!!!

CHAPTER 39 W What ? BanJi what ? What s happening to BanJi? S Stalking?

HEY WHAT THE FREAK IS WRONG WITH YOU Is HaWon THAT amusing to you?!!! HUH!!! Wait Wait a minute, SuYoon

I quickly opened my mouth again after SuYoon tried to cancel out what SoJin was trying to sa BanJi being stalked is is that true?! IS IT?!

Yea!! BanJi probably didn t tell you because he didn t want you to worry!! Some girl keeps following him around!!! AROUND OPPA!! Do you know how sad and depressing a nd disgusting it is?!!!!???? It s Hwang SoHyung. The girl that keeps following BanJi around It has to be Hwang SoHyung. Eun SoJin whe where s BanJi where s he right now tell me. ShiNae. BanJi and that girl that s next to him, Hwang SoHyung .

Finding both of them were easier than we thought. s stood out Do you see them? It s her . Can you see?

Because Hwang SoHyung s evil eye

Eun SoJin tapped my shoulder as she pointed towards BanJi and that Hwang SoHyung

BanJi s arms were being wrapped around Hwang SoHyung s arms In other people s eyes it m ay look warm and loving But in my eyes I can barely breath Did Did you know that, Hwang oHyung .? Ahh fuck!! LET GO! BanJi tried to struggle out of Hwang SoHung s arms But then again Hwang SoHyung wou ld grab onto his arms again . . BANJI!! It s so hot ! DRINKS! Buy me a drink! Fuck! I told you to get away from me. Even thought it was BanJi s voice, I could tell that he was really mad. ls He really hates girls . He hates gir

However, BanJi never laid a hand on Hwang SoHyung. He never hurt her with his fi st . Even though he was pissed off until the very end BanJi would still not fall into the temptation of hitting and shoving her away. Because of me Because of me That promise he made with me

Hey HaWon.

That s Hwang SoHyung right?

SuYoon began to realize that it was Hwang SoHyung But even though she asked me, al l I could do was keep my eyes on BanJi. I took out my phone dialed a number . It kept dialing for a long time - What BanJi s voice BanJi It s me HaWon - I can t go to GongHak today Sorry.

You re not sorry don t be sorry. - What Um, BanJi. Are you sure nothing came up? There s nothing going on ? - Yea Okay BanJi quickly nudged Hwang SoHyung after she tried to hang onto BanJi s arm again d every time I see that My my heart hurts A lot BanJi Stop tiring yourself +CLICK+ I flipped my phone to close it and turned around rip out all her hair until it all falls out I should go to Hwang SoHyung and . An

But before that I ll probably go to BanJi and cry a river Why, BanJi? Why do you alwa ys try to do everything by yourself, why do you always suffer in pain by yoursel f . The next day. My phone rang suddenly out of the blue and as I read the phone, the caller was

Eun.So.Jin. - _ - ;; - _ - ^ How do you know my house number. -- Put HanBum on the phone What the. So now you just talk normally around me - _ - ^ Is HanBum your friend? -- He s a good friend of mine, okay?! Fuck just put him on the phone okay?! - _ - ++ MIN HANBUM!!!!!!!!!! MIN HANBUM!! GET THE PHONE!!!!! =_=^!!!!!!!! BanJi came with his apron -_- and asked, Who is it. Eun SoJin =_= SoJin? . - _ - ^

Yea. Pick up the phone. HanBum and Eun SoJin talked for a effin long amount of time -_-^ Yea. Yea stalker? Who is it . Hwang SoHyunG? Why her again.

What the. O_O From HanBum s lips worded the mouth Hwang SoHyung I was so surprised to hear that I jumped so high O_O . HEY!! HWANG SOHYUNG!! WHAT ABOUT HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know too? .Hwang SoHyung? YEA! WHAT ABOUT HER!! HUH!??!? It s just Yea. So? So we re the SangGo s are going to go beat her up. She keeps bothering Banji. - _ -

I shouted to HanBum.


.- ., that she s going to contact our kids .

SoJin said

So you re giong to hit Hwang SoHyun? Is Hwang SoHyung some kinda of HwangSo Nuna? [a/n = I don t know what that is o.,o] - _ - ^ Anyways They re beating her up They re probably stepping on her right now. Al l the kids. .Stepping on her? Hwang SoHyung You re caught. Red Handed ater. Some kind of unknown and weird feeling bothered me, so I decided to accompany my brother, Han Bum to handle this business.-_YAH!!! Freaking embarrassing!!! It s only for SangGo kids!!! Why are YOU coming!!!!! -_-^ I dunno I just have this BAD~ feeling - _ just like that . I forcefully grabbed Han Bum s arms and walked towards the downtown . . I have to go You got caught so quick

an h

Downtown. In front of some cafe. *JINGLE* the bell on the door jingled as I stepped inside the cafe. - _ -_- .-_- - _ .

I should have listened to Han Bum and just stayed home. I shook my head in disbelief. -_-

Just as Han Bum had said all of the SangGo s - _ I do not belong here In my heart, a friend called confidence was no where to be found - _ JUST THEN. Amidst the untouchable crowd of SangGo kids, a familiar face welcomed me!!! ?_?!!!!! Ha Won!!!!! What are you doing here? ?_? yes, it was Eun Gu well-known kids =_= were seated in the corner of the cafe

Eun Gu s definitely the nicest guy I ve ever known - _ Eun Gu ?^? .umm . why don t you take a seat ^-^ otay ?_? I took very small steps towards the seat right next to Eun Gu and the rest of the SangGo kids didn t even bother to look at me =_= Eun Su Jin and the wavy haired biatch =_= they SHOULD be making fun of me and embarrassing me right now BUT they didn t say a single word - _ - . and a moment later. One of the SangGo guys, who was seating right across from me Here sit next to me .

whispered in a small, yet cold voice damn hey guys .she s here get ready.

Chapter 40 o_o o_o keke .

Ha shiet, look at the way she s dressed

I wondered who the hell came that made SangGo feel like shiet I turned around not caring whether they were laughing at me or not and saw HwangSoHyung being pulled by UnHa s hand Where s BanJi? Huh? UnHa Hahaha Since when did you know UnHa that you act so close with him Hwang SoHyung? If SuYun was here, your hair would ve been ripped out by her already >_< sorry~ BanJi s not coming here. We didn t call him! where s BanJi?

UnHa apologized to HwangSoHyung with a face that didn t seem sorry at all. At that moment, HwangSoHyung s face froze. Ah shiet look at her face change . comic ain t it -__-?

Yeah really

that shiet thinks she s BanJi s girlfriend or something~~

Haha look at her clothes~ tank top on that kind of body -0Ha! Ha! Ha! SangGo was different. Definitely different. Too different. They dismissed Hwang S oHyung s frozen face with a light laughter. -__What what the hell is this You said you said that BanJi wanted to see me

you said that he was drunk because of me . Haha crazy biatch

Eun SoJin finally opened her mouth probably because she couldn t take any more of Hwang SoHyung s poo like words Haha I think I m gonna die laughing. Why the hell would Lee BanJi meet you?

He has a girlfriend you know Right that second, Hwang SoHyung ran out of the cafe. She probably realized what kind of dangerous situation she is in -__-

Hey!!!! Go get her! Let s play with her a little! All of you fucking get up!!!!!!!!!!! Let s go fight~~ Everyone seemed to be enjoying this situation =_= gGo was And a couple minutes later, San

running like mad to her direction so I decided to fit in and ran too. -__The place we stopped at was a parking lot behind an apartment. Exactly 20 minutes later. keke SoHyung if you didn t run away, I don t think we would be this pissed ^-^

I saw you guys enjoy it when she ran away . -_ Shiet let go! Let go! Ah!! Let go! ^-^ I don t want to

Hwang SoHyung was being held by her shirt and was trying to make a big scene My younger brother HanBum started walking up to her Hey what the hell are you gonna do? You only do house work at home . -__-^


his face was hard and frozen

Lee BanJi has a separate wife . get off of him My loveable =_= brother I don t want to I hope that the wife you re talking about is me? -.,-;; Okay?!?!?!

BanJi s girlfriend is me BanJi

is going to come save me now

Hwang SoHyung kept her eyes open and said those words with pure confidence. Eun SoJin used her dress shoes and hit her on the head with it *puhk* Bravo -__-

CRAZY BIATCH . FUCKING BIATCH SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh . SoJin . breathe a little . Hwang SoHyung lifted her head It s you huh it s you and right that second our eyes met.

you re the one that did this .huh

And without any time for me to move out of the way, Hwang SoHyung was running my way at an incredible speed and my precious hair was being pulled on by her Ah Ah ah!!!!!!! T^T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the pain and sadness of the feeling of my hair being pulled out .

Let go! ?^?!!!!!!! Let go!!!!!! Let go biatch!!!! Ah! Hey HanBum!!!!!!! ?^?!!! Not being able to pull out from Hwang SoHyung s grasp, I toppled here and there until I finally felt someone pull Hwang SoHyung s arms away. ?^? .

Looking up at the person with tears in my eyes, I saw that it was and BanJi. ?^?!! BanJi!!!! He came ?.? I m really glad to see you today


I quickly ran over to BanJi and right that moment, Hwang SoHyung opened her mouth with a look of utter shock on her face You you came you came to save me BanJi you came to save me huh

Everyone kept silent. Hwang SoHyung you re either a biatch or a crazy biatch. Either one of the two ?_?^

How could you say such a thing when you clearly see BanJi s eyes turn cold Hwang SoYum BanJi why did you touch Min HaWon s hair - _ -

I told you it s Hwang SoHyung

.why did you touch her hair I do you know how scared I was BanJi HaWon Why did you touch MinHaWon s hair HaWon pulled me here

Hwang SoHyung kept quiet for a moment

but .

she says this while a big smile forms on her lips Hubby you want some tonkatsu?? I ll buy Crazy Hwang SoHyung I m hungry

is crazy really crazy

Min HaWon Hey Yeah

Min HaWon

I m not gonna keep the promise what?

JJAHK~* The sound rang the whole parking lot. It seemed as if he lightly hit her but the sound was enormous Hwang SoHyung was already all the way over there Let s go With an empty face expression, BanJi slowly pulls me out of the parking lot No tries to get us out of the parking lot until Hwang SoHyung s voice ties our feet down to the floor. I m gonna kill you . if you two go now I m going to kill you Min HaWon why why and I lost my words

are you taking BanJi . Put him back put him back next to me I m going to kill you HanBum and SoJin around us including BanJi Because because we were scared because her voice was scary I ll kill Min HaWon UnHa and EunGu all kept their frozen face

if you don t .

and kept the silence

I m going to kill you kill you

kill her

I ll kill her

I quickly dodged Hwang SoHyung s piercing glare. Now I m scared Scared of Hwang SoHyung Goose bumps scatter across my body I probably wouldn t have been able to survive if I didn t feel BanJi s hand on my shou lder If you can . try Heuk sure BanJi if you want, I could kill her right now the world s most painful

and slowest death then

should I

kill her now?

words flowed out of BanJi s mouth without fear. Before you even try I would ve killed you already

Chapter 41 What? What did you say?

that I would ve killed you . BanJi s words circled the parking lot and left a cold atmosphere. Hwang SoHyung crawled up to BanJi s foot as I quickly hid behind BanJi s back =_= BanJi what s what s wrong with you? You like me? Hwang SoHyung She s not crazy she s fucked in the head Don t you?

Her brain just completely shut itself off -__- -__- -__*tahk* BanJi quickly kicked off Hwang SoHyung s hands from his feet and says Don t touch me something bad will happen to you then Hwang SoYum isn t allowed to touch these kinds of things Those words don t seem to fit at all in this kind of situation . but of course You re BanJi -__-;; don t play with that anymore -__-^ ?^? I never played with her

Are you talking back?? no just fooling around. -__-

I was pulled out of the parking lot by BanJi s hands just after I saw Hwang SoHyung screaming her ass off at Eun SoJin s group. DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and exactly 3 nights later. It seemed as if Hwang SoHyung didn t come to school since then Probably because SuYun threatened to put her head on fire if she did ?.,?; Lee BanJi isn t getting stalked anymore?? yeah hm I think she disappeared ?.,?; she s not the type to give up this easily

What? ^o^ What SuYun?? Ah oh nothing. You re hella ugly.

-__-^ After school. Happy that Hwang SoHyung is no longer a problem, I put on HanBum s apron and decided to make him diner. ah shiet take off my apron -__-^

Don t you think it looks good on me?? ?.,?; You spilled kimchi on bonobono s eyes!! Now it looks like he s crying bloody tears!! Ah shiet so fucking pissed now crazy biatch . -__Throw away the apron in the morning then YOU throw away your LOCKER first! -__-^ What kind of doll is that?! Man, I d be fucking scared it d come out in my dreams or something . I m gonna tell BanJi -__Fu-k. -__-

HanBum seemed to be holding in his anger because he punched the table and rushed into his room. ??di di di di di di di di? My cell phone that was thrown somewhere in my room started ringing noisily. Huk! It might be BanJi~! I quickly threw the apron somewhere and ran into my room. I opened the flip making a *pahk* sound. ^o^ Hello~ Me ah!! ah!!!! who are you?

=_= =_= me

Three are 10 million me s in the world which me are you?! -__I m Lee BanJi! Lee BanJi! Don t you know Lee BanJi?! hmm this guy thinks everything works with his name -__-

Ah!! ah!! shiet it hurts! do it slowly!! What? BanJi what s wrong? Are you hurt? a baseball Yeah!? got hit by a baseball How?!?! ?.,? it was coming at me but I didn t move =_=^ hmm you deserved it then -__-__-

shiet hang up then hehe um BanJi~

du . du . du hmm he doesn t seem to get the point of my joke -__- -__- -__That afternoon, my cell phone rang wildly one more time.

Hello?!?! heh Are you heuk What the Ban Ji? BanJi? heuk who are you?!

BanJi s girlfriend . heh How did you get my number? I live in damoim hehe you!! poo pig! You looked at my profile on damoim huh

HwangSoHyung! You

Shiet this is really gay you know? keke What the hell are you keke-ing about?! You fucking biatch! My words get harsh if I can t see the person I m fighting with Hehe hey HaWon hehe

What the hell is she gonna say next that she has to act all nice to me for =_=^ What hurry up so I can hang up

BanJi is here right now You gonna keep lying??? Nope I what I dragged him here. What who did you drag hehe BanJi is here right next to me I I

BanJi Lee Banji I dragged him here no matter what I said, he just wouldn t budge so I had to do what was necessary

Where are you?

Here ? hmm

maybe it s hell? it s all dark hehe

My heart started to beat faster. where are you tell me now hehe WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!? parking lot . the place you stole BanJi from me Don t move and stay there. For every footstep you make you re gonna get hit the same number of times. If If anything happens to BanJi I ll kill you As I dropped my cell phone, her last words flowed out. come alone if you care about BanJi come alone

YO!! HANBUM! Hey! If mom comes, tell her I m out You going somewhere? to meet SuYun Let s not make other people worry I have to get BanJi by myself.

I try to leave the house but HanBum grabs my wrist and refuses to let go. Min HanBum. Let go. I m in a hurry. I have a weird feeling Stop playing around. MinHaWon, don t go out. Let go!! I ll throw away my apron just don t go out. Min HanBum if you act like this too what am I suppose to do about this

I carefully peel off his hand and left the house. And as if I was crazy I ran not knowing which direction to go with

only one thought in mind BanJi . BanJi When I was able to take a long deep breath, the place I was at was the parking lot. For a while, it was hard to see anything but I could slowly start to make out Hwang SoHyung s figure. heh you really came

that sickening smile BanJi. Where s BanJi. BanJi? Her lips slowly started to form devilish smile. BanJi he s not here keke I asked him to meet me once but he said I was dirty . he told me not to lay a hand on you keke otherwise he d kill me I had no clue if HwangSoHyung was crying or laughing. I turned my body around and prepared to exit the parking lot until Hwang SoHyung opened her mouth again. but you really came alone

As my eye sight blurred, the only name that my mouth kept repeating was BanJi BanJi

Chapter 42 BanJi BanJi BanJi

HaWon ^-^

It won t hurt . too much

Hwang SoHyung picked up a metal pipe from the floor and slowly starts to walk to my direction. She couldn t She wouldn t hit me with that would she?

Just being hit by your punch would be enough damage Hwang SoHyung, just before I get hit, let me say one thing. Lee BanJi he s originally mine. I never stole him from you. If you re not crazy, I suggest you wake up to reality. Shut up . what the hell do you know?!?! Huh?! What the hell do you know?!?!


shiet, I just got her angrier -.-

I m digging my own grave huh =_=

Let s do this with words yeah? If it wasn t for the metal pipe uld be looking this sorry in front of you =_=^ And right then *toohk* The metal pipe drops from her hands If I didn t see wrong I m pretty sure she is crying What the hell =_= why all of a sudden Don t say that BanJi is yours with so much or that your ass was hella big =_=^ I don t think I wo

What what the hell do you think you know? confidence because I know Because it was always like that

There was never anything that was mine I m fat and disgusting what can I get? Everybody says they wanna throw up when they see me m me and only try to stay away fro

I eat alone I go on the bus alone I have no friend that will talk to me. All this time, there wasn t one. I hate the world alone So So That s why I didn t give up To get something that was mine no matter what. Because I wanted something that was mine You re an idiot what? =_=^ There isn t one good thing that you did eople hurt -__-__You tried to smile while making other p

But Hwang SoHyung s face turned back to normal =_= and picked up the metal pipe again Of course you re all the same shiet . DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MIN!!!!!!!! HAAAA!!!!! WONNNN!!!! As Hwang SoHyung was about to hit me, I heard HanBum s voice coming from somewhere . I look around the parking lot but I couldn t find him anywhere. =_= Ah! Probably he s outside he s outside looking for me!! ?^?!!! I try to shout . but

Min HaWon!!! Shiet!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?! YO~ RETARDED HAIR MIN HAWON!~ This ?^? this is BanJi s voice BanJi s with him ?_?

.Then then I m Min HaWon why don t you ask for help I smile towards Hwang SoHyung that was just standing there.

Nah let s not include them SoHyung just I ll get hit. I ll let you hit me until you think you re satisfied. And then don t bother BanJi again. -__-^ he he so you can sacrifice yourself?? I think I m going to cry~~ heuk heuk crazy -__-^ more crazy than the Gwang Biatch that lives behind the mountain razy than DdengChilE that lives in the front mountain I ll just get hit until I m right in front of death polices hehe -.,-__-^ Hit me. (? very confident) ke he kay As Hwang SoHyung held up the metal pipe MIN HAWON!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!! Min HanBum runs into the parking lot and discovers me. And right behind him is Ba nJi as if he ran here in a hurry he starts to breathe in deeply babo you babo kekeke more c

and then let s hand her over to the

Shiet MinHaWon, I told you not to go out. Your friend Jang SuYong called and said she never made any promises to meet you shiet -__who the hell is JangSuYong my friend s name is JangSuYun

BanJi walks up to me. Idiot what -.,-;; I told you if you re scared you could hide behind my back stop calling me retarded hair Let s go After BanJi glared at Hwang SoHyung, he roughly grabs my hand and starts pulling me. And right then, HwangSoHyung s metal pipe was being thrown my way at an incredible speed. BBHAK~* I got hit . BanJi falls to the floor not me but BanJi fucking retarded hair .

?^? you accessory biatch -__-

huk uhk Shocked at the outcome, Hwang SoHyung runs out of the parking lot es after her. I cry and shout as I stand there frozen not knowing what to do BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BanJi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HanBum chas

Chapter 43 NO! BANJI!!!! DON T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN T DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hospital. HanBum and I put BanJi on our backs and ran as fast as possible to the hospital. We tried so many times to get a taxi but after they took one look at BanJi, they refused to let us in. ?.? ?^? BANJI~~ Don t die!!!!! heuk heuk heuk ?.,?!!

A chubby nurse put BanJi on a bed table and I stayed right next to it squeezing out tears.

Will our BanJi die?!?! He won t die right???? He won t die right?! ?,,? Hurry up and tell me please!! ?.,?! I m a nurse -__?.,?

THEN HURRY UP AND GET ME THE DOCTOR PLEASE!!!! heuk heuk -__- One moment please.

The chubby nurse practically ran out of here shaking her big butt ?_? nJi . *tick tock tick tock *

What about Ba

When the minute hand circled the clock 16 times, an old doctor s face appeared thr ough the door. He mushed BanJi s shoulders and poked here and there ?_? .Doctor!!! If you keep doing that!! He s gonna die!!!!! Hurry up and give him a shot please!!! Don t kill him!! ?^?!! Please stay outside -__-. HanBum and I obeyed and went outside -__inutes until I walked back and forth for nearly 20 m

AH!! AHK!!! DON T PUSH THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?_?!!! HUK!! This is BanJi s voice! *click* As I open the door, BanJi was sitting on the bed with a cast wrapped around his right shoulder. YOU!! YOU!!! ?.,? yuh~uh~~ ?.,? does it hurt a lot?!?!

my bone is mushy hm it s just a shoulder fracture

Is he gonna die????????? .-__- .hum it means I m not gonna die idiot Just then, I was satisfied with the answers. Do you know how shocked I was?? Whe

n it was you that fell to the floor and not me?? Do you know how much I cried? Hwang SoYum shiet she hit where I got hit by the baseball

?_? BanJi started glaring at his right shoulder and just practically falls back o nto his bed. And then after making a weird little noise, he pops right back up. -__- shiet did the bone melt or something??

why the hell does it hurt so much

.-__- does a bone melt because you get hit by a metal pipe?? The doctor says that s ince his shoulder is so swollen, BanJi would have to stay in the hospital for about one week As I step out of the hospital with HanBum. ?_? BanJi I ll come back tomorrow you don t cry too I m not dead yet ?.,?^ =_=^ kay I m leaving even if it hurts, don t cry

buy something when you re coming tomorrow ~~ You don t snack what do you want me to buy ?.,?

Just say you don t have money =_=^ -__-^ I don t want to come here anymore. come. keke No~ I m gonna hold some other guy s hand and go dancing~~ =_= come =_= =_= it was just a play with words you don t have to take it in so seriously

Even until I closed the door making a loud *kwang* sound, BanJi repeated his wor ds COME!!!!! If you don t come!!! I ll kill you and Hwang SoYum!!! You have to come!!!!!! !! Even if you tell me not to come, I ll come The next day.

I opened BanJi s room door holding 3 bags of shrimp chips =_= Huk!! A hella big fruit basket with boxes of drinks were scattered around his room owly hid the shrimp chips behind me You came?? you said you were gonna go dancing~~ ?.,? I sl

when did I say that? I don t remember Come here and sit . okay

He tried to get up because of me but he felt the pain in his shoulder again and laid back down. Silence. seeing from here your nostrils ARE really big -__-^ I ll act like I didn t hear that your nostrils are hella big =_=^ shiet To hit BanJi s arm =_= I lifted my back arm up as the 3 bags of shrimp chips fell t o the floor =_= ^o^ ahahahhahaha what is that hahahaha ^o^ eat it -__BanJi glares at me as he picks up the bags you bought this at the mart right He already knows so there s no point in denying it so I nodded my head -__retarded hair poor kid African it has DHA in it so you ll be healthy~~

?^? why the hell am I an African???!!!! =_=^ because Africans look poor I m gonna go!!!!! *tahk* Banji grabs a hold of my arm and refuses to let go.

I ll eat this. -_-^ .shi .=_=^ =_=^ it s salty eat it with a drink

Since BanJi s a patient but hey BanJi idiot -__=_= what?

let s let it go =_=

why aren t your friends coming?? =_= are you an outcast???

they went to go beat her up

They went to go kill

Hwang SoYum

?.,? I understood and agreed completely that Hwang SoYum deserved it. Min HaWon there s no ketchup in here there s no ketchup in shrimp chips =_=^ -__idiot BanJi breaks into a smile. =_= yeah right I m an idiot what kind of boring chip is this don t diss it

A couple minutes later, loud noises come from outside the door and then the door opens. ?_?!! hum people I ve never seen before

YO~ BanJi!!! You didn t die yet huh?! Still breathing huh~~~ ?.,? .somehow I felt that I ve seen their faces from somewhere

Ah!! ah!!!!! I remember!!!!!!!! ?_?!!!!! When BanJi rode a motorcycle to our school it was those guys in the back =_=!!!! =_= Why are you here? Please leave that means that the

=_= it was the first time I saw BanJi speak properly to someone se guys are actually something huh?

YOU!!!! SHIET BIATCH >_<!!! HURRY AND GET UP!!!! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAYING DOWN HERE?!!! >_<!!! for people that came here to comfort BanJi their expressions were very . hyperish h appy? ?.,? BanJi I ll be outside .

What?? Why the hell are you the one going out??! -__-^!

. AH! ACK~!! they woul

I left the room leaving BanJi behind being wrapped around by those guys dn t kill him or something would they? =_= ? di di di di di di di di ? My cell phone is ringing often these days huh =_=. who are you? HaWon it s me SuYun yeah what. I m in front of some weird parking lot g up Hwang SoHyung in there I m scared ?^? HaWon come here

but UnHa and the SangGo guys are hella beatin

That moment if only the scene where Hwang SoHyung was yelling at me that she was always alone came up in my head at that time I probably wouldn t be running towards the parking lot like right now . -__-^

Chapter 44 HAWON!!!!!!!!!!! Parking lot entrance. SuYun was biting her finger nails but after she discovered me, she ran straight over =_=. You could ve come a little faster!!! ?_? ether!!! Eun SoJin s people came and now they re all tog

Eun SoJin .- __ - . that means that Hwang SoHyung it s gonna be hard for you to come out alive I carefully went into the parking lot and saw something very shocking = _ =

Don don t hit me!!!!! Don t hit me!!!!!!!!!!! I m not the one that hit BanJi!!!!!!! .Mi MinH Won did it she pushed him !!! -__-__-

I pushed who .? No matter how many times I try to help you, it s quite impossible TO actually help you -__- Who the hell told you to lie??? -__-^ I run over to Hwang SoHyung but EunGu s his cold cold voice. Hwang SoHyung . don t say HaWon s name whenever the hell you want lieve you This is the first time I saw EunGu mad he got more hotter . =_= FUCK!!! I M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hwang SoHyung picked up the metal pipe -__-^ and started to wave it around wildly . And our EunGu ?_? moved his body slightly as the metal pipe missed him. -__and SangGo s footsteps moved closer and closer to Hwang SoHyung. *puhk* *puhk uhk~* Ah I ll just close my eyes I d rather not see =_= I heard a very familiar voice

there s no one here to b

40 Minutes later. hoo .hook hoo .

Without bothering to wipe off the blood on her lips, Hwang SoHyung started to cr y. I kinda felt bad for her but quickly reassured myself that she did something bad and she s getting punished for it. The SangGo kids were spitting on the floor -__- and was slowly starting to leave the parking lot. Only Eungu, UnHa and a couple other SangGo kids were left

Hey . don t cry

why are you crying?

UnHa didn t join in on the fight but I guess he felt sorry for her too. He was dus ting off her uniform skirt =_=^ Does it hurt a lot?? Should we go to the hospital??

They they all disregard me No >_< If you don t do bad things, they ll all like you UnHa smiled showing his dimples at Hwang SoHyung ees =_= heuk .help me up UnHa Hwang SoHyung Sorry but UnHa s different from BanJi UnHa . has SuYun -__*JJAHK~* HWANG SOHYUNG!! YOU BIATCH!!! >_<???? GET AWAY FROM UNHA!!!!!!!!!!! SuYun is a scary kid okay? SuYun appeared out of no where and gave Hwang SoHyung a good slap on the cheek. and then *JJAHK~* one more time THIS IS FOR MAKING MY FRIEND HAVE A HARD TIME!!! *JJAHk~* AND THIS IS FOR BANJI and one last *JJAHK~* SuYun SuYun is this time it s UnHa huh? UnHa is your target? get up. I ll buy you a band aid.

what are you gonna do if SuYun s

And this this is for you. Hwang SoHyung yourself more specially to tell you the truth

if you want other people to like you

think of

you doing this is only chipping yourself away little by little . Shut up what do you know

I know. You didn t have a friend since middle school right? ^-^ You always think tha t it s because you re fat but hell no. We hated your heart . you threw away your friends. Go home today and think hard about it -__-^ SuYun turned around and everyone else followed her out of the parking lot. Hwang SoHyung s cries grabbed at our feet This ended good right? one thing I m sure of is that Hwang SoHyung

I m not sure if it ended on bad terms but you re game over SUYUN!!!! You were so cool!!! >_<

Who the hell is she to touch other people s boyfriends -__okay so basically it was because of UnHa

HaWon ^-^ you have to go to BanJi s hospital right? Yeah ?.,?; I do

^-^ let s go together ?.,? kay okay EunGu looked down at me and smiled. .Ah!! Ah! ?_? EunGu No no just . what s wrong? Are you hurt?? -0I thought

What do you mean no I already saw the metal pipe marks on your ankle ?_? it missed you but I guess it didn t EunGu lean on me

=_= it s okay. I HAVE LOTS OF STRENGTH!!! ?.,? I wrapped EunGu s arm around me -__ed our feet to the hospital BanJi is probably waiting for us at and pulled his body close to mine. Then we mov

Chapter 45 Hospital. BANJI!!!!!! >_< >_<! I shouted out his name as I opened the door. HaWon let s let go now EunGu that walked against my shoulder up until here started to pull his arm out and took one step back. ?_? No your ankle. It s gonna hurt just lean. it s okay ^-^

What do you mean its okay!?! -__-^ it s gonna hurt! I pulled EunGu s arm back around my shoulders. and he pulls it away again. - _ =_= what s wrong Close the door Huk It s BanJi So BanJi was watching us EunGu he s hurt, BanJi close the door!! -__-^ I said your friend is hurt I said close the door The motorcycle guys had already left -o-

It s not the time to be jealous BanJi EunGu just hold on to me =_=


I pulled EunGu s arm back and walked into the room AH~ UHK~ UHK ?.,?!!!


EunGu tripped on the doorsill and tried to find balance by gripping onto the wal l but I was between the wall and EunGu What are you doing Hey BanJi it s not what we re doing it s the accident =_= . -__-

Sor sorry!!! !! EunGu quickly took his hands off the wall A different feeling from BanJi s eyes and that moment our eyes met

EunGu s pretty eyes

EunGu started to walk over to BanJi and I followed behind him -__Min HaWon get out ?.,? BanJi get out .=_= I don t want to I didn t have anything else to say so I moved my head from right to left n SoJin and the waved hair biatch standing there with a hella big fruit basket -__-^ I said get out Min HaWon and saw Eu it was just an accident

BanJi ?_?

Eun SoJin is watching

do you HAVE to kick me out??? ?_?^

You re not gonna get out? Fine. Then I will. Shiet ?_?^ Why the hell are you really getting up from your bed fine I m leaving you meanie aving the hospital ?_? I m not coming to see you anymore?? -__even when you

I left the room and closed the door. BanJi s loud voice: HEY~~~~~~~ COME BACK IN!!!!!!! SINCE YOU DIDN T KISS I LL FORGIVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!! shiet ?_?^ am I your dog?? listening to your every commands?? Am I your robot??? ?_ ?^ I don t want to!!! I m not coming here anymore!!!! ?_?^ Eat the pineapple Eun SoJin b ought you!!!!!!! I passed the hospital hallway and was running down the stairs my arm I thought it was BanJi but it was EunGu ?_? BanJi what? ?_? BanJi what? did he ask you to go get me? I don t want to I m not going ?_? why did you come out your ankles hurt but someone grabbed

EunGu grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs really fast and says in a hushed quiet voice before BanJi comes do we have to run????!!!

Let s get out of here

HO~ AHK~ HO~ AHK~ =o= EunGu What? =_= =_= - _ Oh ah Sorry!!

being pulled by EunGu s hands

we ran for 20 straight minutes

we came all the way out to downtown in just one run HaWon! =_= let s =_= yeah? let s walk

since we ran the whole time, yeah we should walk

I slightly nodded. because EunGu s nice =_= and I got tired from all the wa

We walked for a long time without saying anything lking and running so I was practically walking behind EunGu now I ran all the way up to EunGu HaWon I What? I like you oh oh Silence. EunGu s eyes slowly start to shake . and he slowly starts to break the silence ?.,? I like you too EunGu like .?

as his voice digged into my ears

The way you feel about me and the way I feel about you

is different HaWon

Chapter 46 I wondered what he was saying .what he meant ^o^ EunGu?? ^o^? From the start I only saw you you HaWon

He only saw me only saw me I shouldn t have followed him out I should ve just stayed at the hospital with BanJi EunGu you re a nice kid you re a good kid . so

HaWon If I was a nice kid, then I wouldn t have pulled you out here . I would ve kept Ba nJi s favor I would ve acted like I didn t have a clue from start to finish What act you like you don t have a clue ? EunGu what favor did BanJi ask ?

EunGu s eyes seemed to shake again but slowly started to calm down HaWon I ?di di di di di di di di~?!!!!!!!!!!! hello =_= Where are you =_=^ who are you? Come here NOW! It s Lee BanJi huh -__-^ I said no I ll see you when you get out of the hospital. =_= hurry up and come -__-^ you re the one that kicked me out I didn t eat the pineapple Eun SoJin bought hurry up

I only ate the potato chips you gave me

so come over here now

It s not potato chips I ll go tomorrow

it s shrimp chips you octopus poo -__-^

Just shut up and get the hell over here!! =_=^ ah shiet to go there =_= *DDUK~* Hehe I hung up first hehehehehe =.,= to tell the truth I really did want to go =_= but it d be extremely hard

I ll see you next time, BanJi!

HaWon Min HaWon Ah I forgot about EunGu I feel sorry for EunGu

and I m a bad person for hurting EunGu s pretty heart but what can I do EunGu I Wait Yeah?? Was that y yeah Oh I have no chance do I BanJi calling??

H hey What I said alright Why are you looking so depressed ook at me straight That night. when you re saying it s not the truth. Why can t you l just forget it It isn t the truth I was just playing . just playing =_=

Even right before I was about to fall asleep, my cell phone was ringing it s ass o ff -__-^ it was probably BanJi I want you to experience how lonely it is without me -__-^ I ll appear right in fro nt of you exactly 3 days later The next day My cell phone was still ringing every second -.,Girls and are suppose to disappear sometimes so the boys feel mysterious about them and EunGu BanJi but I didn t answer any of them.

He ll probably be in and out of the hospital checking on you and probably we ll meet I m gonna die of awkwardness if we do!! =_= *Di dit~*

I was sitting in the bathroom and heard the sound of a text message coming I finished what I was doing and ran out of the bathroom to get my phone. Hmm =_= it was a hard to understand this text message

c OmE h e Re bef 0re i k1 ll yO u!!!!!!! co meE heRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BanJi s warning to appear in front of him before he kills me ust wait 2 more days!! >_< >_< I ll go to you with a delicious lunch but don t send text messages anymore . -__The next day rain poured down on us =_= >_< =_=^ okay I understand j

It was only 5 o clock but outside was dark *blink blink*

?_? Uhk!! The lights went out ?_?!!!! =_=~ But I feel a little weird~? -__- this nasty feeling

The feeling of being thrown away in the dark Whatever~~

At times like this, you re just suppose to close your eyes and fall asleep >_<!! I lay onto my bed and think about what I should pack in my lunch box for BanJi w hen *click* My door room opens Min HaWon What?? It was HanBum it seemed like he was doing the dishes because soap bubbles were dr ipping from his rubber gloves =_=^ and his eyes were big come out here =_= Whyy ?? Ah shiet I saw Hong Kong Grandma Ghost yesterday So??? =_= Hong Kong Grandma ghost is floating around our house. =_=

-__- you re bored aren t you? Then a lightening bolt shot across the sky. ?_?!!!

HanBum quickly closed the door and ran into my bed =_= Hey get out =_=^ the living room is dark so it s hella gay

you go out

I left the room and went into the living room. (I m not the type to be scared by thunder and lightening -__- ) I picked up my ringing cell phone . HaWon I m UnHa BanJi BanJi isn t here!!!!

Chapter 47 For a second UnHa my heart skipped a beat. you re lying right?? =_=^ BanJi he s he s in the hospital.

what the hell

I m at the hospital right now While the kids and I were out, BanJi disappeared. I th ought he went to you so I m calling right now He he didn t come to me he went out without a jacket or anything just the hospital clothes

I think

UnHa! Let s hang up!!! I ll call you again later!!! I was in such a hurry, I ran out of the house without even caring to bring an um brella with me Lee BanJi Why are you always making people worry I ran for what seemed like forever until I stopped at a two way on the way to dow ntown. Should I go right or left?? that s probably what BanJi did -__-

I ll just go straight

It seems like I was circling downtown for what seemed like an hour. The rain was pouring so hard it was hard to hear anything and I couldn t see anyone either

-.,?_? BanJi I m sorry me back if you ran away from the hospital because you were pissed . please co

My body started to shake ?_?

I m cold and hungry


heuk heuk

Eventually I gave up and turned to go home at the bus stop a boy was scrunched up BanJi ? Is it BanJi ? That person could it be BanJi?? BANJI!!!!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!! LEE BANJI!!!!!! There was no answer

but across the street

should I just pass him by

but my feet won t move -__I ran into all the puddles as I ran over to him Hospital clothes . Lee BanJi you re crazy huh ?^? and stood in front of him.

He was sitting there without a word ? What is this ?_? huh???

but as he heard my voice, he lifted his head ?_

He looked like a person you fished from the sea his body ?_?

water dripping from every part of

why are you here!!!! why did you leave the hospital!!!! idiot if I m at the hospital you don t come to me

Shiet I m such a bad person I m I m ocotopus poo PLUS ocotopus pee ?_? I pulled BanJi into my arms and hugged him as tight as I could BanJi I m sorry heuk heuk ?^?

Your lips are weird -__?_? why it s greenish . ?_? it s probably blue

don t reply .idiot ?_? BanJi let s go to the hospital I ll take you there ?_? you re gonna disappear again

I m not going if I go to the hospital ?^?!!! I won t ?_? I was just playing

I was eating potato chips and you wouldn t come so I gave it to the gold fishes


did it eat it?? because oil was floating in the water.

they all died =_= BanJi just

did you miss me?

-__- what kind of answer is that . why the hell did you run out of the hospital for me then -__I pulled back my arms that were around BanJi.-__-^ You missed me right? -__-^ I don t know What?? I didn t miss you but I got hella pissed

I got pissed because I couldn t see you ?^? I ll go to the hospital with lunch tomorrow

You re lying again. -__-^ You even ignored my text message. Do you feel better when you don t listen to me? ?.,? That text message an hour and half

-.,-? huh? It took me an hour and a half sending that text message Why are you glaring at me like you d kill me right now .=_= ^o^ Let s go to the hospital~~ -__-^ if you smile, I feel pissed =_= Hospital. BanJi seemed like he had a fever. BanJi refused to lean against me and walk the whole time on the way to the hospital -__What the hell are you gonna use that pride for??? -__-^ You gonna use it to make soup??? Huh?!! BanJi!!! HaWon!!! >_<!!!!!!!!! UnHa welcomed us wildly while EunGu just quietly got up from his seat ah so uncomfortable ?_? UnHa sure =_= =_=

hold BanJi the nurse is gonna say a bunch of stuff again.

but ?_? he s all wet nurse??

UnHa called the nurse in with a slightly louder voice =_=

and a couple moments later the nurse walks in with a frozen face =_= You can t go out of the hospital whenever you want. Understand? -__-^ No I don t. Ma am. -__-^


BanJi s relationship with the nurse didn t seem all that friendly I ll come tomorrow okay. but my footsteps become heavier and heavier ?_?

BanJi sleep well

I try to leave the room come tomorrow okay ?_? if you don t come

I WILL!! ?^? I ll come with a delicious lunch box I don t need your lunch box You don t know what the word the hospital food tastes better =_= mood is huh -__-^ =_=

When I left the hospital, the rain stopped but my body was sick beyond words Kind of dizzy My everything in front of me spinned and my brain hurted like someone was ripping it to shreads it felt like an incurable disease I probably got the cold Shiet -__-^

I have to come meet BanJi tomorrow I wonder =_=

Chapter 48 The next day, it was Sunday. ?_? Once I catch a cold it s hard for me to get better and made a pretty heart lunch for Ban

I walked over to the kitchen while coughing Ji

HanBum came in once in a while and ate things here and there -__-^ so I had to ye ll at him with my rough voice. ?_? Exactly 2 hours 30 minutes and 49 seconds later, I grabbed my kitty lunch box an d left the house ?^?!

Why won t my body listen to me >_< I think my head is crying ?_?


Hospital. Room 207. In front of BanJi s door. =_= ah shiet I have to smile for BanJi

I lifted my lips as high as possible and calmed down my red face (from all the h eat) and opened the door. *click* BanJi!! >_<!! Empty room -__Lee BanJi where are you a very very long time I sat on BanJi s bed and waited

For a long time

and nobody came so I closed my eyes and layed down on BanJi s bed What can I do if my body doesn t listen to me Won HaWon I m sorry I don t remember exactly when my side but someone was holding my hand tightly and stayed by when I can clearly see

I m sorry for saying those things BanJi is the only person for you I m sorry HaWon I m sorry Who is it

who s voice is it that it s so wet

.YO!!! RETARDED HAIR! GET UP!!!!! DON T DIE AND GET UP!!!!!!!!! Don t die on my bed!!! ! =_=^!! -__- BanJi When I slightly opened my eyes daytime had already passed =_= BanJi kept putting his hand on my forehead

Don t ?_?

it s cold

Why are you trying to die on someone else s bed! -__say something else

Did you bring. the lunch? Besides that I went out to eat with SangGo -__Even if your life depends on it I brought you food you re not gonna say are you okay are you

why did you go out to eat

Lunch box food is wet so I don t like it -__I heaved my sick body and came all the way here for you

is that all you can say?? ?_? ?_?^ Don t glare at me like that You eat the lunch. ?_? ah the smell flow~ flow~ eventually I had to get off the bed and opened the lunch box ?_?^ Lee BanJi get a little softer I m a girl too

and poke at BanJi s nose It smells like food trash =_= Ass -__munch I calmed down my anger and stuffed the food into my mouth


is it good? Yeah it s so good I think I m gonna die. =_=^

Go eat over there I m gonna sleep.

BanJi pushed me off the bed. He stopped for a second ?_?

and sat himself down on a chair nearby. Then he pushes ME onto the bed ?_? kek what are you doing water!!!! water!! if you lay down when you eat, it comes right back up ?^?

You re heating up ?_? so what

You re hella hot yeah so what

Don t die you and me have to die on the same day at the same time -__Never die before me =_= k you don t die before me too

I don t die!!! =_= k you eat your JoMulJuRang friends and live long~~

-__-^ who s jomuljuga?? SangGo?? It s not funny -__I turned around and faced the wall =_= and time flew

I was now aching I have to go home Yo MinHaWon what am I doing on a patient s bed ?_?

close your eyes


I heard BanJi s voice -__-

I was already closing my eyes *plahk* Uhk uhk

A cold cloth dripping with water was on my forehead You you have to squeeze this ?^?

I did -__-^


I m cold

BanJi took back the cloth and squeezed it as hard as he could *drip drip* Look at that ?_? *plahk* k now don t die. ?.,? k thanks but tears started comin that much water was still left

I tried to fall asleep with the clean cloth on my forehead g out of my eyes BanJi looked a bit shocked Ah shiet why the hell are you crying -__-^!!!! BanJi thanks but I only have you

heuk heuk ?_?

I just realized now cloth but for me for me

you hurt your shoulder yesterday so you couldn t squeeze the

you ignored the pain and squeezed it ?_? a soft guy

BanJi you really are

What do you mean really are -.You ARE a soft guy =_= *click* YO!!!!!! BANJI!!!!!!! Oh~ >_< It s UnHa Why aren t you meeting SuYun =_=

why do you keep running around by yourself -__-^ aren t you going to meet Jang SuYong??

BanJi must have been thinking the same thing as me -__but hey

It s not Jang SoYong it s Jang SuYun

-__-^ your brother said it s Jang SuYong Don t believe that worm ass LEE BANJI!! ? I was hearing UnHa s panicked voice for the first time what BanJi must have felt a different feeling from UnHa s voice too why what s wrong he decided to leave!!! -__-

EunGu EunGu s leaving EunGu . EunGu s

going . where ? .

Chapter 49 He s going down to SuWon right BanJi spoke as if he wasn t surprised at all Yeah BanJi SuWon?? Why all of a sudden is EunGu going there???

it s not all of a sudden he told me way before that he might have to go Then when is he going ?

UnHa answered. As soon as possible The next day. I waited for EunGu all day long at the hospital with BanJi but he didn t show up Why is my heart not comfortable ? day after tomorrow

The day BanJi leaves the hospital. A phone call came . from EunGu




I m leaving the hospital now yeah

okay I ll go there.

BanJi closed his cell phone and walked out of the hospital really fast Hey did you forget about me -__-

I chased after him walking between the SangGo guys We rode the taxi once and finally made it to the train station I could see EunGu EunGu ?_?!!!!!!! That wasn t me that screamed that but UnHa =_= and hear his confession far away he raised his hand and brightly smiled as he waved hi. and got on buses twice

If only I didn t follow EunGu that day

I don t think it would be this awkward right now HaWon ^-^ long time no see It was a relief because EunGu talked to me first like all the other times

but ?_? but EunGu Can you not go? My heart hurts so much having to watch you go

Me going to SuWon isn t because of you HaWon so don t be uncomfortable >_< it s because of my parent s job EunGu ?^? EunGu why do act the nice guy till the very end ?_? ch ?^? Lee BanJi I kept your promise . ^-^ this makes our friendship quite strong Yeah. ?_? BanJi answer more warmly It s EunGu s last day =_= It makes me seem like a bad biat ^-^ I had to go either way

I acted like I didn t know don t you think?

SangGo all waved goodbye ?_?

as EunGu turned his body around to leave

And he walked farther and farther away from us one footstep at a time and turns my way and stares at me

and he suddenly stops EunGu s eyes HaWon ?_? yeah

are so sad

I went to SolHan preschool what? ?.,? okay .I did okay okay ?.,?

when I was little -0-

When I was little I wondered why cows don t make grass milk _= ^-^ you wondered about everything huh EunGu Yeah ^-^ then good bye? heuk heuk

if they eat grass all day =

EunGu ?_? can t you not go?? I ll come to see you . hmm I ll bring food what good food is there in SuWon?? anyways

and come see you

and EunGu starts to look at BanJi The present HaWon you can take her Would you leave already?!?! Guess who it was to spit out such a response yeah it s Lee BanJi How could you scream at EunGu to leave ?_? Bye bye bye bye ^-^ and disappeared took one footstep two footstep ?_? because I m taking the past HaWon ^-^

EunGu smiled the brightest smile ever and me being pulled by BanJi s hands

and quietly let go the tote bag I was carrying I quickly turned around to where EunGu disappeared but EunGu was gone He s gone now I suddenly just remembered you EunGu You what you hid from me all this time best friends since we were kids who you were

We were my friend

The only prince in my whole wide world Lee EunGu EunGu! Let s play mommy and daddy! I don t want to!! It s time to play the octopus game!! Then let s play nurse!!! How about teacher?? I said I don t want to!!!! Dummy!!!! -0-!! and when I sadly turned away Then let s have octopus in the nurse game okay?

He was nice EunGu One time o it a neighborhood kid stole my hairband that had yellow earrings attached t and came back home when it was dark

EunGu set out to find it

He smiled at me as he held the hair piece in his small hands He never cried when other kids would call him names Not even when he scraped our neighbor s car with a rock and got yelled at but on the day I had to move preschools

EunGu held my hand tight and cried for hours on end to the point where his nose went red and his eyes were swollen

to the point where I had to make fun of him After that I never ran into him I erased him from my head but you you always left a spot for me in your heart Lee EunGu why didn t you tell me sooner


didn t you EunGu

Teacher~!! The cows eat grass!! Why isn t there grass milk then??! when I grow up! I m gonna make grass milk! and I m only gonna sell it to my HaWon!! it s only gonna be free for HaWon! EunGu bye bye .

Chapter 50 EunGu s gone he left shiet shiet

it s all because of BanJi ?.,?!!!! *puhk* *puhk* I started hitting BanJi s back ?_? why didn t you let EunGu tell me!!!! what That EunGu s my friend!!!! -.,- why did you make him hide it!!!!! what the hell go die. -__-^ heuk heuk ?.,? I know I know that it s my fault How could I not have known?? How could I not notice EunGu s eyes they always seemed like they wanted to tell me something

eventually .EunGu gave up . BanJi and I left the station ?_? ?^? ?.,? I . didn t like you playing with EunGu After a long while ?.,? what?? If you find out that ?_? I fucking hate having something taken from me You fart!!! Who says I m gonna throw you away!!? Even if EunGu told me e you!! ?^? idiot what!!!!!!!?_?!!!!! .you re a liar. =_=^ All of a sudden ing my sad face disappears and my heart starts to harden -__a new feel I wouldn t leav EunGu was your friend . you re gonna go to him BanJi starts to talk in a thin voice . but tears started pouring out

starts to replace my sad feeling =_=^ You re gonna fall into hell =_= shiet so fucking noisy

You don t want to fall into hell do you = _ = On the way home. UnHa JinHo and the rest of the SangGo guys left us to go downtown

The road that BanJi and I walk alone is very awkward today

Lee BanJi

I wonder what s wrong with him and doesn t even look at me aren t you =_=

he hasn t said a word You re under anger

What do you mean angry -.- shiet he must be -__I suddenly felt sorry for hitting him on the back

I ll have to make him feel better!!!! BanJi >.,< I only have you


only you -.,-

say something

then erase Lee EunGu from your face -__- EunGu s on my face??? How much??? >.,< is there a lot?? idiot how could you not understand this funny joke I m going -__-. BanJi turns away as he leaves me at my front door My hand starts to move by itself Let go it s Adidas and starts to grab BanJi s shirt

you re gonna get it dirty.

=_=^ Adidas is stupid. What ??? Whew~ thank god he didn t hear me ?^?!!! He would ve probably hit me -.,BanJi there probably won t be any reason for me to be shaken up by EunGu I I mean there WON T be. THERE. WON T. BE. BanJi s face turned hard so I had to make my answer more complete to his standards -_

_-^ To me and EunGu is just a good friend he s my friend forever

and you BanJi and I m peter pan. =_=

You re my Tinker bell~ hehe -.,BanJi looked the other way ?_?

He then grabbed me and pulls me into his arms Did he get impressed??? by what I said??? Uhk -__- I can t breathe don t hug so tight

Silence followed I felt happy ^?^

for a couple moments

but of course BanJi breaks that =_= Ah shiet I know . that there s no other guy that would date you.

-__You ssagaji but but BanJi I think I d have to at least and send some letters -.,hehe >_< >_< keep contact with EunGu -.-

Next day. Empty Gates Yo why isn t BanJi coming????

-.,- .he probably got caught by a teacher or something

I heard from other kids that the reason why BanJi could come to my school so early was because he skipped clean up time he probably got caught this time ?_? He s probably sprinkling flower seeds at this time I can t even imagine it -.-.,Hey call him ?_? ask him where he is to picture BanJi doing such a thing

what let s just go by ourselves but I didn t get very far -.until -__-

I started pushing the buttons on my cell phone like crazy ring ring ring ring *click* ah someone picked up.

WHO ARE YOU???!!!!! hi. -0- it s HaWon ! Mi Hwa Won? Min HaWon. I said it s MinHaWon! How many times have I told you?!?! ^ It comes up as Mi HwaWon here you mean ass accessory -.-

keep pissing me off

what the hell~~ hang up HEY!! -0-!! Why didn t you come to my school today?? Where are you?? Silence. hospital. what??? I m at the hospital room 207.


it s the room you were at up until yesterday

suddenly my heart started to pound Are you sick again??? Does it hurt again?? Ah!! Did you go back to get something? ? ^O^ My leg broke. Liar you you were able to leave the hospital yesterday!!!

LEE BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?.,?!!!!!!!! ROOM 207 RIGHT????????? I M GOING NOW OKAY??? LET s HANG UP!!!!!! Yo I m .

*click* BanJi seemed like he wanted to say something else but I just hung up =_=^ How the hell did your leg break now ?^?!!! heuk heuk ?^? Hospital. I left the elevator and took the stairs instead

I arrived at room 207 in one run. ?_? whew my heart hurts if I open this door I ll see BanJi hurt all over again I slowly turned the door knob but noticed something on the door On the name tag the name tag that was suppose to say BanJi s name had . Boy. 18. Shim Tae Jin.

Chapter 51 .Shim TaeJin?? I bet the nurse put on the wrong name tag -__I opened the door and stared I can t see BanJi s face

Yo~ You GongGo kids~ move But BanJi is SangGo

why the hell is GongGo here?? it s a mystery AH!! AHK!!! DON T TOUCH ME!!!!!!! I SAID DON T TOUCH YOU RETARDS! Uhk! heuk heuk ?_?!!! It s BanJi s voice!!!!

Someone must have touched BanJi s leg!!! No!!! Don t touch him!!! ?^? !! If something happens!! Are you gonna push BanJi s wheelchair for me??!?! OBVIOUSLY NOT! =_=^ Without caring to look anywhere else and pushed my face onto his chest heuk heuk why do you get hurt all the time!!! ?^? don t get hurt BanJi I ran over to BanJi s bed

Don t get hurt anymore BanJi??

I heard another boy s voice slowly I lifted my head


and stared at the boy that was laying in BanJi s bed the boy that I was hugging right now

who are you


He didn t answer but crinkled one of his eyebrows -__I wondered why the hell I mistaked his face it s not like they look the same or anything BanJi looks 1000000000 + 100x better Ah Yo what the hell am I doing -__-. I can t breathe get the hell off now =_= for BanJi s

Uhk . =o= I quickly took off my head from his chest and stole a glance at his face He was as tall as BanJi He had thin double eyelids (BanJi didn t have any ) but what made my heart shake a little was his khaki colored hair that was blowing in the wind -__his lips must ve been bleeding because there was dried blood on them and even though there were band aids here and there he was very charismatic . -__eyes . ?_? He opened his bloody lips

I said. Glue your eyes to the floor.


BanJi s face replaced his

- _ that biatch is your

yo -__-^ you re the biatch that called a couple minutes ago right?? biatch right?? =_= =_= yeah I am but stop calling me a biatch biatch.

-__-^ why d you call. that s BanJi s cell phone ? -__I pointed at the color Cyon pika cell phone in his right hand this? this was thrown away here shiet BanJi you have nothing to leave here so you leave your cell phone?!?!?! ?_? and why the hell is this broken leg person answering other people s calls!!! I totally believed him because his voice is the same as BanJi s!! How could I have hugged him ?^? haha -__-. I tried to turn around as smoothly as possible not letting my feelings show and the GongGo biatches what the hell (I wanted to die ?^? ) =_= ?0?

were talking amongst themselves

why the hell did that biatch hug you???

How the hell do I know?? I m hella surprised right now -__pssh I m more shocked at how you guys look like! -__I swallowed my embarrassment

and opened the door but YO!!!!!!!! Bring this with you!!!!!! *pahk* ShimTaeJin threw BanJi s cell phone at me ?^? it hit my back and landed on the floor and turned into a complete mess =_= how hard did you throw it?!?!?! heuk heuk ?^?!!!!!! I glared at him. And he smiled back. ^-^ I think I know you.

-__-^ I have no clue who you are. I don t think I want to know either -__-^ (smile) -__-

I picked up the cell phone that was in 23094834 pieces =_= and stuffed them into my pockets I start to leave the room .Lee BanJi that biatch was he still alive? next to the window.

One GongGo kid asked to no one in particular who the hell are you calling biatch?!?! I suddenly felt pissed -__-^ Kim Hari

she must be pissed -__- she s glaring at you turned around,, -__-^

That Kim Hari guy

Stop looking at me with those eyes -__I pushed down my anger and fled to the stairs

*stomp stomp stomp* =_= and left the hospital whew ?_? my heart was still beating

*pump pump pump * What if BanJi finds out that I hugged another guy . Well so what -__There were always other girls next to BanJi Let s just forget that Shim TaeJin >_< -.,But how am I suppose to explain this cellphone ?_? -__He might even mistake it for some lego blocks House. My head started to get complicated after that whole something something with that GongGo guy =_=

I hope I never run into him again -__-^ ?di di di di di di di? =_= hello? !!!!! I LOST MY CELL PHONE!!! Lee BanJi -__-

-__-^ I have it with me I m your hubby =_= What? =_=^ don t steal stuff from your hubby

- _ - I m your wifey yeah I know.

You can t get pissed when your wifey gives you your cellphone okay?? =_= did you break it?? =_= yeah. Now hang up!!! *click* I hung up before BanJi had a chance to start complaining =_=.

I wondered if I should go to his school and give it to him or not . ?_? My eyes suddenly leaded me to my calendar . oh ho~ my birthday this birthday is coming near >_< >_< >_<

I m gonna spend it with BanJi

kekeke kyah~~~*

Chapter 52 - LONG CHAPTER The next day at school. SuYun held a shovel


and I carried around a wagon =_=

and we started to dig up rocks -__which started our endless conversation~ SERIOUSLY?!??! >.,<!!! SHIM TAE JIN??? GONGGO s SHIM TAEJIN!?!?!? >_< >_< >_<!!??? -.,you know him??

KYAH~* EVERY GIRL KNOWS HIM!!!!!!! >_< -__- I didn t know. That s because you re crazily into BanJi!!!! =_= I told SuYun what happened the other day

and she went CRAZY

pinching me here and there -__Shim TaeJin >_< he s GongGo jjang!! If there s Lee BanJi in SangGo, then theres Shim TaeJin in GongGo >_< >_<!! He wasn t that hot ( <= I m the one that said he was charismatic -__- )

-__-^ It s because you stared at BanJi s face for so long! I bet all the other guys in the world would look ugly to you!!! -__- oh yeah~ SuYun -__-__my birthday is coming near

=_= yo~~ You have to separate the small rocks and the big rocks!~~ you made the wrong choice for a friend, HaWon -__-

After school, BanJi was standing at the gates with all the other SangGo guys Suddenly I missed EunGu s spot ?_?

EunGu~~ how are you doing these days?? ?^? YOU!! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?!?~ why the hell are you about to cry???!!! =_= so what -__-^ who the hell were you thinking about? -.,hmm I wonder

.who .did you think about? At times like this it s best to use my head!! You!! You re asking me who I was thinking about right?! yeah! you -__BanJi stared at me for a couple moments y fast and turns around and starts to walk reall one star and me two stars -__-

LEE BANJI! I was born the next next next next day after tomorrow!! -o-! =_= -__-^ He started to glare at me. It means it s my birthday in 5 days. =_=. oh~ okay. MUST I explain it so it s easy for you to understand? yo~ I can t meet you that day. -__-^

I never asked you to =_+ but to tell the truth I felt very sad ?^?

why?? ?_? just what?? ?^? I don t want to say it -__-^ -__-^ so that s your answer eh?? then I have something for you too! =_= yo!! here. -__-. your cell phone. I took out the 304934 pieces of BanJi s cell phone and handed it to him. -__- Give me my cell phone. -__-^ Take it. It s yours. I said give it to me =_=^ This is yours. shiet -__Why the hell are you going around breaking other people s stuff? Huh? Huh?? =_=,, I ll buy you a new one later

It wasn t me that broke the cell phone but it was hard for me to tell him about Shim TaeJin BanJi what are you gonna do IF =_=

I played with another guy ? -.,-

BanJi gave no answer


so is this saying that you wouldn t care?? -__-^ I hugged another guy yesterday. =_=^ That second BanJi quickly turned to my way and stared at me with no expression on his face So so I mean -.,- that I hugged him in my dream

I think I m gonna have to bury what happened with Shim TaeJin with me I m .twice -.,- what? I m not gonna get something mine stolen from me twice.

Yeah kay Twice but I just let it go -__Since BanJi admits me as his House. ?di di di di di di dii di~? My cell phone seems to be ringing a lot these days Don t worry~ I ll get you married with the charger who are you? =_= -.,-.,- .hehe that word got on my nerves a little. -__-^

I m Lee BanJi ?_? what s up.? You said that it s Yeah I can t see you that day. I understood the first time -__-^ Are you gonna keep talking back or not? =_=^ Whatever I have to eat dinner with fatty s family that night. - _ - Fatty s Yeah! Who s fatty? My aunt. Whew for a moment I thought the fatty BanJi was talking about family?? your birthday.

was Hwang SoHyung Do you HAVE to eat dinner with your aunt? Yeah. I HAVE to eat dinner with my aunt. You can t NOT eat? Nope. I can t NOT eat. Why!! ?^?!!! It s not like you re eating with your parents or anything!! And stop copying what I say!!! ?^? !! Fatty raised me What? =_= My mom and dad left the house Yeah It was so sudden that I just replied with a yeah so she s no different from my parents.


I m gonna hang up. Tomorrow. Tell me what you want to eat.

You have to ask me what I want -.,Don t you like eating more than items?? ?^? Let s just hang up. Du du du =_= ( <= he asked very seriously. -__-)


I thought you had everything but you don t have your parents???

You don t have a mom or dad?? Next day in front of the gates UNHA!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<!!! SUYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<!!! Like always that couple said their hi s with a hug Yo what about BanJi? -.,-^

He s gonna come in a little bit >_< he went to the bathroom. ?_? BanJi went into my school??

He said that your school s messed up so he went into some other store -.,well he s BanJi -.-

For a long time we sat there waiting for BanJi and without me knowing it my mouth opened itself -__- ?_? UnHa why doesn t BanJi have parents??

.what??? ?^? I asked him!!! How could I have asked him ?_?

HaWon ?_?

BanJi does have parents

-.,- what?? They re both in Italy ?_? =_= BanJi s words my parents left the house

just meant that

his parents left the house -__-

What the hell ^o^ I just worried for no reason Yeah BanJi s family is worth worrying over What?? Nothing >_< be nice to BanJi >_< don t poke at BanJi s heart >_< kay I won t poke -__-

Okay ^o^ Don t smile at me like that SuYun is glaring at me -__-

I could see BanJi walking to our where we were =_= -.,Yo ~~~ hurry up

Did you think about what you wanted to eat?? I don t JUST want something to eat As we left the gates our school biatches were staring at BanJi and me with jealousy in their eyes muhahaha Yo -__-__-^

I like this feeling >_<

I said open your ears oh BanJi

=_= What? ah

BanJi seemed quite pissed because he was poking at me and I wouldn t answer. What do you want to eat ?_? really? I m not lying. I ll buy it for you before your birthday

-__- Just say


=_= I m different. -__Ah~ What a happy thought >_< I finally get to talk about birthday presents with my boyfriend >_< I don t expect anything big~ >_< just eating at a restaurant only us two present well >_< and -___mmm what I want? hmm hmmm >_<

I guess I ll like something like or 10,000 folded cranes

a knitted sweater

Isn t it suppose to be 1000? I want 10,000 =_= -.,after that BanJi turned around and I didn t get contact from him for the next couple days Oh >_< OH What is this ?_? I m starting to go crazy . because of one guy >_< my whole life is gay -__The day after tomorrow is my birthday

You promised to meet me tomorrow ?_? ah~ ah~ I think I m gonna go crazy >_< T_T

Chapter 53 Today is the day that only comes once a year

My birthday . or The day before my birthday =_=. And my cell phone refuses to ring -__-^ please call me ?_?

Lee BanJi

You said you d buy me something to eat ?^? Yo -__- aren t you gonna go meet your friend SuBong??

It s SuYun You said it was SuYong last time HanPal entertain me =_= you crazy idiot -__-

haha, stop fucking around I have to go do the laundry. -__-^ tell mom to do it!!! ?^?!!!! Mommy puts 3 spoons of detergent in it!!!!!!!!!! -___?_? whatever I might go crazy playing with you

?_? .

My life is dog poo ?_? ?di di di di di di di? huk!!! Our house phone starts to ring wildly!!! ?_?!!!!!!!! Is it BanJi??? ?_?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Huk!! RUN> _< >_< >_<!!!!! HELLO?!!?!?!??!!!! >.,< ah I m gonna go deaf ?_?

There s only one person in the world that would say something like that ?^? Lee BanJi!!!

What!! -__-^ It s not what you should be asking you idiot

Who the hell are you calling idiot?? -__-^ Tell me why you called! We promised to meet today During you didn t even come to our gates -__-^

refused to answer my calls and you ignored all my text messages too -__-^ I was busy. ?_?^ I m at Sky Lounge come over here. *Click* alright~~ Let s go HaWon~~~~ -__-^ Sky lounge or sky round~~~ =_= -__-^ I m going to eat to the point where your mouth rips open in awe!!!! -__-^ Sky Lounge. Since it s a Saturday Kids in uniforms are walking around Hmm where is he -__-^ Huh? There he is >!!!! Sitting next to the window and next to him are his SangGo friends I specifically said I wanted to eat at a restaurant with only the two of us Uh? HaWon!! Here >_<! Here! >_ < -__Lee BanJi

UnHa -__-. Would you mind leaving us two alone??? I went over and sat next to BanJi trying to hide my disappointed face -__-^ and BanJi didn t even look at me as he sucked on the straw in front of him -=_=^ Should I go back?? Just sit. -__-^ and then he didn t look at me anymore after that. -__-^ Why won t you look at me??? We haven t met for 4 days!!!! ?^?!!! shi order something Order it Okay~ You re dead BanJi -__-^ I ll eat to the point where my belly button rips!!! -__-^ Moments later. The food was coming out BanJi ordered tonkatsu -__-^ and JinHo had tonkatsu too The other SangGo guys had spaghetti or tonkatsu =_= but me!! I ordered steak -__-^ -__I m hungry. =.,=^

and UnHa was different from the other SangGo guys too He s 18 years old and was ordering from the kids menu

>_< The meat is really tender >_< and they give you ice cream too>_<!! ing~? Ice cream??? =_= Ah~ then I should ve ordered from there too~ ( <== I wasn t exactly normal either -.-)

For a long time

we just sat there eating

until BanJi opened his mouth. Yo =_= Yo fuck off now. BanJi started to push his SangGo friends off the table what the fuck man -__-^ Stop touching me.

JinHo must not like other people touching him when he s eating . Ah shiet what the hell is he doing now BanJi -__-) (<=== He probably has a lot of kept anger to

After BanJi pushed the SangGo guys out to the table next next next to us he started playing with his straw again =_= BanJi I think I m starting to get mad now -.,Get mad no don t get mad. I ll kill you.

and he puts a paper bag on to the table. ?_? Take it!!! =_= What is it. Yours. What is it~~ Birthday present. and BanJi started to look outside the window. -__Is he embarrassed to look at me?? Because of the present?? -__Should I open it now??

Thanks Yeah. -__-

I have no clue what the present is

but his face was very confident.

I took out a square green box it was very pretty -.,I opened the box while my heart was slightly beating

and inside -__- was -__- -__-__-

A sewing kit and one paper crane. ?_? Thanks heuk heuk .

Why are you crying. -__-^ Because it s so shockingly special

You said you wanted something that had my heart in it shiet. One paper crane that was folded nicely with colored paper BanJi cleanly taped up one of the ripped wings but the sewing kit,, had a penguin sewed on it hahaha the penguin s body was yellow eyes white and tail pink I want to give myself a pat on the back for knowing it s a penguin Shiet To make that Yeah ?^? I slept 1 hour and 10 minutes less I didn t drink and when the kids went to drink I didn t. -__-

and at the times where I should be smoking

I worked my ass off for that =_= I think I can kinda imagine it and sewing a penguin =_=

you sitting down at a drinking table

But BanJi I wanted 10,000 That is 10,000. It s one. Ten. Thousand =_= Okay it s 10 thousand ^-^

I was so happy ?_? It was because of this sewing thing that BanJi didn t call me fo r ?_? I was more happy than when I went to get a couple ring with my last boyfriend but yeah I was happy but -__

People around us were so noisy that I just didn t have the feelings to cry some tears of joy =_= *KYAH~* *MUNCH MUNCH* *GIGGLE GIGGLE* *BLAHBLAHBLAH* I glanced up at BanJi s face It was frozen -__-

so I just went back to poking at my meat but BanJi was scarily staring at my hands and BanJi s shout circled the whole restaurant ALL SANGGO SLAM YOUR HEADS TO THE TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -__-

Chapter 54 The restaurant turned quiet as if someone threw cold water on everyone at BanJi s shout Are you all deaf ass-fucks you. shut your mouths and put your heads on the table all of


-__- if you were them, do you think you d want to put your head on the table

while eating??? =_= But I stared in awe at what was happening before me We are sorry!! I apologize!! The SangGo guys started to slam their heads onto the table making a loud *kwang* sound =_= BanJi must be bigger than I thought in SangGo BanJi you re cool ?_?. Crazy asses heh BanJi glared at the SangGo guys for a while and then picks up his knife again. =_= I started to look at the SangGo guy s girlfriends next to them they were all glaring at me -__-^ So I started to glare at them too What the hell are you glaring at BanJi started to take out his lighter -__and glared at the SangGo girls The girls looked away and pretended to be writing a text message or they took out a mirror and started to fix their make ups or whatnot =_= Lee BanJi ?^? You re so cool >_< ?_? BanJi you re so cool. it s getting boring =_=^ if I turn away first, that means I lose!! -__They re all dead.

Shut up now

What the hell is boring


Mm~ good food >_< thanks BanJi >_< I picked up the paper crane as if carrying a baby -__- and left the restaurant BanJi walked alongside me but didn t say anything. =_= UnHa and JinHo they aren t coming out -__-. with a cig in his mouth

The ice cream isn t out yet What?

JinHo s waiting with UnHa for the ice cream -__- What a nice friend So he can steal UnHa s ice cream. =_= k

I started to feel sorta empty just splitting up like this . so I grabbed BanJi s arms and came here . Go home now you -__Why!! ?^? today s the day I was born!!! You have to play with me!! I have to go home and sleep.

I m tired =_=

-__-^ Do you like sleeping better than your girlfriend??? After that, BanJi just kept quiet and let himself be pulled around by my hands ?^? But since it s my birthday he s not calling me an idiot -__-

we went here and there and we now stopped in front of a photo sticker shop haha~ I went to take a sticker pic >_< Banji hehehe Ah~ let go!!!! Ah shiet!!!

Oh!! Uh!! Say cheese~~ -__I forced a crown on top of BanJi s head (the ones those Miss Korea s wear )

and stood in front of the shop =_= When sticker pics were first famous After a while. I cut out 2 pieces of the 4 for BanJi, and kept the rest for myself. >_< Ah -__fucking kill it Kill who I took hella lot with SuYun >_<

BanJi stuffed his half of the sticker pics into his wallet and left the shop at a fast pace. -__The block. You can go home by yourself right -__-^ Hmm I wonder -__Let s split now. =_= =_= humm Take me home

the day is already turning dark

Go in. We can t meet tomorrow I know!!! ?^?!! Stop talking about it!! =_=^ I said it for the first time right now -__Go in. =_= k go home safely. ding dong

I pushed our bell Ah

oh yeah. I saw your dad yesterday.

-.,- What? He was trying to talk to me so I just ignored him. -__- Why? I was smoking at that time =_= Good job.

*Click* The door opened and I went inside HaWon come sit over here What the hell~ this weird atmosphere After a couple minutes I left the house again in ski clothes -__-

My dad must ve felt like shiet from being ignored by BanJi ?_? heuk I feel like crying

It s my birthday tomorrow

Chapter 55 Happy birthday~~~ our daughter ^o^!! Here~~ here s daddy s present! Huk! >_< You didn t have to! Whew it s hard to copy dad s happy voice -__=_=

Ah nothing can cure this weird feeling

My mom made beef soup instead of seaweed soup (Koreans usually eat seaweed soup on the morning of their birthdays.) and she went off to some meeting My dad went off to work Ah life is so dirty -__-

HANBUM~~ -o- guess what day it is today~~ =_= I m frying eggs.

=_= I asked what day it is today~~ -__?^? k -__-^ As time flew~ it was already the afternoon heuk =_= It s my birthday today BanJi I wonder what he s doing right now I said I m frying eggs One day I m gonna fix your habit of wearing ear phones when doing the house wor

Would he be eating with his aunt s family??? Because of that TaeJin guy, I can t even call his cell phone . -__-^ ?^? BanJi~~ I miss you very much today ?_? It s a dirty world >_<

Ah~ so lonely Then

?_?!! ?di di di di di di di di di~~~? Oh~~~~~~~~ who are you?!?! -oYES! >_<! HaWon? I m SuYun. -__- SuYun? Not BanJi?? I m gonna hang up Uhk ?_? you meanie? ^O^

sorry SuYun

Hey, did you eat? Nope -.,-

You wanna come out here then? I ll buy. >_< SuYun!!!!!!!!!! ?.,? I Love you!!!!! ^o^ here is umm AH! DON T ORDER THAT!!! I don t want to eat from the kid s menu!!!

BUT ICE CREAM COMES OUT!!! ?!?! -__Are you with UnHa?? Yeah wait HaWon. I SAID I M NOT EATING THAT!!! IT S EMBARRASSING >_<! ?_?.

But it has ice cream too!!!!!? I said it s embarrassing!! >_< ?-? There s ice cream >_<

AHK!! STOP SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Click* -__I just closed the flip

After that my cell phone rang endlessly but I didn t answer it Jang SuYun~ you have a nice kid s menu dinner with UnHa >_< ?di di di di di di di di di~~~? I said just play by yourselves -.- -__-^ After a while, I couldn t stand the sound so I just answered it. I SAID I M NOT GOING!!! I M JUST GOING TO STAY HOME!!! ?^? wanna die?? Huk Humm No =_= ?_? It s a boy s voice Accessory?? STOP CALLING!!

is your name it s Lee BanJi So I mean .

Why didn t you answer my calls? ?^? I didn t know it was you

Come out.

?_? What?? I lied to fatty and left =.,= k If it s fatty then she s your aunt ?_? come out to that restaurant yesterday

I started to sing a song~~~ and began to straighten my hair with a hair straightener ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Why don t you try brushing your teeth first, idiot =_=^ Won t you shut up?? my cute younger brother I put down my hair straightener and headed to the bathroom. I m not suppose to brush my teeth on Sundays ?_?

I guess I m gonna go against my rule because of BanJi *chika chika chika chika* *bugabugabugabuga* I was hella brushing my teeth and my cell phone started to ring >_< It s probably BanJi!!! I just rinsed out my mouth as best as I could and turned my body around to head out the door .

. but~ I think I stepped on a bar of soap .

AHK!!!!!!! ?_?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My =_= Min HaWoN!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Ah shiet .,.=_= =_= *Shake shake* I was on someone s back and that person s back was our house maid HanBum HanBum =_= Don t put your arms up!!!! Just lay there!!!! Ah my arm is weird there s no feeling my arm ?_? my butt my butt .

and my butt is weird too and my butt too =_= and that moment, I woke up completely~ as if a light bulb turned on in my head and finally felt the pain in my arm and butt It was as if my bones were trying to poke through my skin I have to go meet BanJi ?-? Today s my birthday . and then I lost conscious Hospital. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw HanBum with tears in his eyes =_= HanBum Fuck =_= why you crying? and a nurse. ?_? doesn t have any feeling

it hurts right??? It s hot let go Why you crying??

It hurts right?? Want me to call in the doctor?? Tell me your name. Who are you shiet, what the fuck Give me back my brother -__-

Did her brain get hurt too???

HanBum blocked the nurse s way so she couldn t go out =_= and I laughed at HanBum asking the nurse how I was But -__- my arm and butt hurts

Exactly 3 hours later HanBum stayed by my side en red and tried to hold in his tears until his eyes were swoll

and my parents rushed here after they got contact from HanBum and I had to listen to my parents cry their asses off once more . ah who are you people . -__-^ give me back my real family ?^? I couldn t stand looking at them any longer -__so I turned around and laid down Putting my forehead on the cold wall helped ease my pain a little Your butt bone broke tretch no more ?_? and your muscles in your arms stretched till they couldn t s

You have to stay in the hospital like this I know dad me.=_= ?_? I understood the first time this is already the ninth time you re telling

It s all your dad s fault

My father started to hold my hand as he let out tears the size of chicken poo After a longgggggg while ??^ the Min family went out to buy some drinks

and I took the chance and asked the lady next to me


What hospital is this??

Joong Ang Hospital =_= 208. 208 Haha The room BanJi was in was 207 Then what room # is this??

so that means in the room next to mine is Shim TaeJin

Chapter 56 ahjumma~~ how long do I have to stay in the hospital if my butt bone is broken?? Why are you asking me?? I m not a doctor. I don t think I can answer you. -__=_=^ but =_= She lifted up her blankets and picked up the Gostop cards She started to wave them in front of me. so I just turned my head towards the window ?_?.hum I saw a white haired grandma out there heuk heuk mom dad ?^? Let me out of the hospital I m scared ?_? but I wondered -__hey do you know the fun of Gostop??

if that Taejin guy knew or not He might have even already left!! ?_?

Ah but when I hugged him his legs were pretty messed up he s probably still in the next room ?^? If only I didn t hug him How the hell am I suppose to look at his face again??? ?^? ?_? -__-

But wait it s not like I m GONNA meet him or anything When I was lost in deep thought the door opened *Click* I thought it was HanBum with my drink so I turned around and smiled OH! It s true! -__God why do you mess up my life like so??? -__-

Why why why!! ?_?^ why why why is Taejin walking in that door right now?!? ?^?!!! How the hell did he know I was here??? Yo!!! You know me right?? I quickly turned around and faced the wall ?^? You know me!! I don t know you You know me -__-^

I don t know you Isn t it that girl ?? I was pretty sure it was her when she came in on someone s back I I came from Seoul right now!!


TaeJin just stood there for a moment and then started to leave

muhahahaha! What planet did I come from?? I m so smart~!!~!! Huh? It s SangGo Lee BanJi ?_?;; what?? SangGo Lee BanJi???? Lee BanJi?? I quickly took my butt off the bed and stood upp BanJi??? Where s BanJi??? BanJi . uhk ahahaa Ah shiet I m right Lee BanJi s girlfriend Min HaWon. so

I I lost my wedding ring here last night ^-^

You said you came from Seoul RIGHT now -__haha I came last night

Hahahahha -__- funny biatch Why the hell am I a biatch and why the hell did you come in here?!??! haha my body is starting to hurt so bye.

There s toothpaste. on your mouth. I tried to rub my mouth as calmly as I could ?^? Dried toothpaste right I got hurt while brushing my teeth =_=

-__-^ every time I see you, you never fail to shock me. You only saw me twice!! 3!! It s twice!! You~~ I saw you once before. You~~ saw me when? -.,ha Funny biatch. Copying me eh?

Why do you keep calling me biatch?? -__-^ At the karaoke I saw you there =_=

Ah I m starting to hella hate you now

when SangGo and GongGo was fighting.

You were the one that hit my friend s head with the book~~ How do you know that? =_=^ I DID see it~~~ ^-^ so you re saying that I hit your friend s head with a book right?? Why are you acting like you really saw it? Huh?!

Yeah? So? -__- You came to get revenge didn t you. So you can hit me. -__Lee BanJi has one hell of a girlfriend Whoever s with you would probably

be laughing their asses off every second =_=^ Why. Because you think like a retard Will you get out already??? =_=^ asn t afraid of him =_= ) -o- it s funny. Don t appear in front of me anymore either. (<== I w

I m going to come again tomorrow~~ if you re scared, lock the door! Lee BanJi s girlfri end~~ *KWANG!* =_= What the hell

What kind of world is this . -__Ah! Oh yeah! I forgot about BanJi!! ?^? Nah Whew That night I drank one glass of the drink HanBum got me and fell asleep BanJi would he still be waiting at the restaurant for me??? >_< he s not that type Shim TaeJin~ what the hella kind of guy is he

*Squeak squeak* ah But would that TaeJin guy really come tomorrow?? =_=^ I ll have to lock the doors tomorrow then. I left my cell phone at home I m so worried ?_? so uncomfortable ?_?

?_? But what about BanJi The next day.

My mother got me 3 jars of maerong jellies and a shirt like I asked for heuk ?_? my maerong jellies I m gonna go contact your school you just stay here and sleep. -.,- k


I laid down and was hugging my tub of maerong jellies when the lady next to my b ed looked at me =_= and opened her gray lips

Share some with me~ =_=^ I gave her a handful of jellies or tried to until ?^?

*didididididididididididi* A phone call~ >_< Good timing!!! I quickly took back my hand full of jellies and answered it. Who are you >_< I M GONNA KILL YOU!! =o= Yo it s BanJi ?_? What do you want me to do if you yell into the phone??!?!

you scared me.

shiet What the fuck?? where were you yesterday?? I looked hella retarded at the rest aurant. ?_? BanJi yesterday I stepped on a bar of soap~~

For the first time in my life I waited for someone for over 7 hours~~ you wanna d ie?!? Okay okay ?_? but I m at the hospital right now

Yo! Hang up! *Click* -__Lee BanJi what the fuck

why the hell did you call me then??? My phone started to ring again . Who -__-^ Tell me what you were gonna say. Ah ?^? why is he acting so cute BanJi heuk me I want to bite him >_<

Hurry up. Your hubby has to go to class. Oh yeah~ you re still at school ?_? but class probably started a while ago -__-

I m at Joong Ang Hospital right now ?_? I stepped on a bar of soap and broke my butt k let s talk later. What? -__*Click* what Lee BanJi?? Let s talk later????? octopus poo bird poo .?&? I said I was sick!!!!!! Oh okay -__- my arm hurts too ?_?

heuk -__- Horse head heuk

I m not gonna play with you anymore!!!!!! ?^?

(They say that if a person becomes sick they become younger too -__- ) Exactly 30 minutes later. -__-^ *Click* The door opens and Shim TaeJin walks in shiet I forgot to lock the door -__-^ What the hell >_<

As if he read my mind, he started to explain himself Yo~ you try being stuck in the hospital for 10 days~ you become hella bored =_=^ So?

So let s play together~ the only biatch I know here is you. -__-^ You live a very simple life don t you

if you re bored you play If you re hungry you eat If you have to go you go

I turned back to the bed making it seem like I had no interest and TaeJin took one step towards me. -__He must ve been really bored . =_=^ and the moon opens *KWANG!!* and someone starts to walk in. .>.,<

BanJi ?^?!!!!!!!

Chapter 57 oh? ?_? it s SangGo Lee BanJi keke Shim TaeJin acted like he knew BanJi -__-

but BanJi didn t even look at him and he started to walk towards me really fast You. Are you MinHaWon -__-

?_?^ Why d you come! You re the one that hung up first!! I asked are you my girlfriend~~~ Yeah!!! I AM!!!! ?^? WHY?? WHY?? I was really pissed so I just kinda ignored your words on the phone ?_? Whatever you meanie ?_? I m gonna hate you for the rest of my life

Don t you like me??

?.,? So what If you like someone, you can t hate them -__-^ whatever ?_?^ -__But isn t it 3rd period right??

Period #3 So I m saying it s 3rd period right now =_=^ =_=^ Whatever, I played hooky cuz of you I borrowed a book so I could study but skipped cuz of you -__Suddenly ?_? a hot feeling came over me

You must ve been worried ?_? Right now here There are That Gostop lady The white hair grandma and Shim TaeJin If these 3 people weren t here I would ve ran into BanJi s arms keke . uhk. -__Shim TaeJin was observing us for a while and opened his big fat mouth and BanJi turns his head around and notices TaeJin ?.,?

-__- You keke no Then No

have you ever been beat up by me before?

have you been at one of SangGo s meetings -__-^

shiet then what the fuck What fuck are you?? ?.,? Yeah BanJi

I don t remember

he s from GongGo

I m GongGo I m not sure if you ll

remember if I say it like this but I m Kim Hari s friend Hari s best friend That moment If I didn t see wrong BanJi s face turned hard and cold ^-^

What TaeJin said didn t seem like much -__Fuck off k get out.

I was on my way anyway keke

Get the fuck out before I say it in fists I remembered BanJi once said he hated

someone he hates smiling in front of him -__BanJi who s Kim Hari??

You don t have to know. I want to know let s not make secrets~ -0-

BanJi looked down at me

His eyes were cold and dark and they seemed wet why what s wrong .

Min HaWon don t ask me anything about Kim Hari I don t want to hear his name out of your mouth he s just

just know that he s someone I hate just someone I want to beat up till he dies just know that .k alright My heart became heavier -__-^

it s all because of that Shim TaeJin guy heuk heuk ?^? ?_? heuk

What -__-. It hurts ?_? Where My butt.?_? -__- Hip?? -__- -___Don t call it a hip Yeah it hurts It s weird hearing it from you =_=

You want me to mush it for you??? GO OVER THERE!! -__- -__- OH MY OH MY ?_?!!!! >_< >_<!! Ah shiet what the hell are you thinking =_= ?.,? a h nothing -__-

YOU RE the one that spit out such pervertish words ?.,? (but I was thinking them in my head too -__-) go back to school now

?.,? BanJi Why.

What do you mean why ?_? Students have to study I wanted to keep him here but I can t interfere with my hubby s education ?_? and of course my mom will come back soon

You want me to go so you can bring that biatch back ? Are you being jealous ? ?_? What do you mean jealousy -.heh whatever ?.,? I m a boy

I know how you feel yup ?.,? I laid down on my bed I felt empty I must really like BanJi now hehe >_< >_< >_<// and sad and said bye to BanJi

Night. 8 PM Friends from the lady across my bed came over to play Gostop AHSSAH~~~ 3 Go! Oh man~ I lost again!! What s wrong with me today~ and on the other side of my bed is the white haired grandma . She was sitting on her bed and was ripping open chocolate bars with her teeth =_=

*Click* the door opened Guess who. Yup Shim TaeJin -__-^ He came in with a bunch of chips and stuff in his arms and was waving at me with one hand =_= =_= I think you re in the wrong room yours is next door. -__-

Oh oh~~ so you know what room I m in~?? Of course!! =_= I saw!! When I Hug?? Oh! Ah~~ you hugged me =_= Does Lee BanJi know? hugged you!! =_=^

=_=? Why? So you can tell him? Yep. -__ahk!!! so gay ?-?;. =_=^ Yo You eat all~~ of this.

He started to drop all of those bags of chips onto my bed GongGo kids bought them for me. =_=^ I don t eat chips. ?.,? oh kay =_=^ haha what a lie =_= heh heh

then have a fun time eating them. What the hell I said I don t eat chips -__-.

=_= Yo

Trade your jellies with me then -__Shim TaeJin grabbed my jellies into his arms

and I was too surprised to say anything Yo =_=


What the hell are you doing this to me for that I m hella bored.

I told you

Then play with the other room next to yours There s no girls there ?_? =_=^ Will you get out already I hate GongGo kids I like girls

Why? There s a lot of hot guys in GongGo =_= ^ I haven t seen anyone hotter than BanJi Yeah you did~~ -__okay okay so you re not THAT ugly but no I m Lee BanJi s shiet what if what if he likes me -__-^ =_= me~

love at first sight? >_< >_< yo hehe get out -__-^ Lee BanJi be lucky that you have such a nice wife >_<

.you want me to go out? yup okay then I m going to go tell BanJi that you hugged me very tightly -__w what I ll get scared??? >_< what do you want =_= . ^-^

you think I ll =_= -__=_=

I didn t want to seem like a player to BanJi what I want ? Yeah what the hell do you want =_=^

and Shim TaeJin s face turned into a smile

I only want this you be my toy Until I get to get out of the hospital

Chapter 58

I ll translate that as =_= . I really really

let s be friends until I can get out of the hospital

hated Shim TaeJin -__-

but I didn t want BanJi to find out ?_? So let s just be friends until ?_? I mean I m gonna be bored sometimes too The next day Around lunchtime, SuYun came She was holding white flowers in her hands You biatch =_= Did I say I was dying?!?!?! he can leave

(Koreans use pom pom white flowers when someone is dead ) Yo biatch!!!?_?!!! Why the hell are you sick!!! Your body is perfect!!!!! Are you really sick?!?!?!?! Do you have to get surgery????!! =_= No but would you please get the flower away from me I bought with my own money cuz you were sick -__-

Oh? ?_? Ah this

Let s put it in a vase?? ^o^


Jang SuYun .

If I die You d come to my funeral with roses huh?? -__OH YEAH!!!! >_< HAWON! >_< DO YOU KNOW?! THERES SHIM TAEJIN in the room right nex t to you!!! Yeah? =_=. GongGo Shim TaeJin! Yeah so

?_? You knew?? ?.,? yeah SuYun the truth is ?^?

I explained to SuYun me and TaeJin -__-

the things that happened between

Just a little bit~ KYAAAAH!!!!!~~~~!!! SO HE HAS SOME INTEREST IN YOU???!! Yeah ?^? It s so annoying~ =_=^ <=== lying~~

Annoying??? Quit fucking around~~ -__Min HaWon! Your luck just exploded!!!! >_< SuYun changed a lot ever since she started to hang with UnHa -__-

She never used to be so hyper -.2 Hours Later. HaWon I think I have to go ?^? k be careful SuYun left I ll come tomorrow ?_?

and all I could do was stare at the closed door ?^?

I think I could understand what TaeJin was talking about Being hella bored in the hospital =_= *Peak* I stared at the door to see if TaeJin was coming or not Ah what the hell am I doing =_=

You ve finally gone crazy huh HaWon =_= ^ I sighed and tried to turn around in my bed but my eyes with the white haired grandma met ?_? ahahaha =_= the chocolates look delicious

I had nothing to say to her!!?^? heuk heuk ?_? I should ve just shut my mouth ?^? Baby~~ our BokSeul~~ come here -__- -__- -__- -__- .yes??? Come over here~~ this granny will give u a choco bar~~ -__I started to move towards the grandma

and noticed the wrinkles all over her face ?_? Baby~ our BokSeul~ you want a choco bar? yes?? ah=_= yes She gave me one in my hand

Is this a choco bar?? -__hehe thank you~ >_<

wow >_< I really like this choco bar too =_= ah Why is my heart so nice it s not gonna be good for my insides

but I can t eat choco bars ?_? *Munch munch* I started to chew the bar

and swallowed it


ah >_< my throat is all sticky now ?_? I hate choco bars grandma ?^? heuk

Please stop giving me them ?_? and 20 minutes passed as I took the choco bars from her But the door opened and TaeJin walked in -__=_= Your leg must not hurt~~

and ate them -__-

You made friends with that granny? Oh ~ lucky you~ =_= Shim TaeJin save me ?_? ?_?

It s already my 7th one

Ah~ you granny! Those aren t choco bars!!! -__The choco bar grandma started to give TaeJin choco bars -__-

Hmm hmm but whatever


TaeJin saved me from the grandma pulling my arm away from her =_? Whew~ I m a free body now ?_? I try to lay down on my bed again but my cell phone started to ring Yes ?_? I am Min HaWon =_=


Does it hurt like you re gonna die still?!?!!!!!?!?! ah my ears. =_= Who are you?

Hubby =_= =_= Your hubby ?_? ?_?!!! You!! Your identity!!!! is accessory!! Right?! Lee BanJi. =_= So I mean~ accessory~~

Lee BanJi. =_= Lee BanJi Ugh ugh ugh -__-^ Okay BanJi yeah =_= you re BanJi

Yeah, does it still hurt? Yeah ?^? my butt hurts

Don t walk around just stick to your bed. -__-. Come here ?_? - I can t.

why ?_? I m with my friggin dog Sunbaes (older person) so I can t go ?_? hmm

Why the hell do you have to call them dogs?? -__Then BanJi. I ll hang up???_?

I start to close the flip when *tahk* Shim TaeJin takes the phone out of my hands ?_? and starts to shout -__-^ YO~~ I M GONNA PLAY WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!! Haha~ your girlfriend is hella funny~~~ She eats ALL the chocolates a grandma gives her~~ keke MinHaWon she s my toy I quickly stole the cell phone out of his hands before he could say anymore BANJI!!! ?^? It was a nurse walking by!! She was just playing!!! =_= ahahahahahahahaha!! stop fucking around . I m not it was really a nurse!!!

Her voice is really rough? uh yeah she s going through puberty or Shim TetJul get that ass fuck on the phone

Shim TaeJin

=_= you catch on fast huh

It s Shim TaeJin



get him on the phone and don t say his name BanJi I ll take care of Shim TetJul =_= I would NEVER put TaeJin on the line ?-?!!!! idiot . did you already play with him?? get him on the phone

no!! ?_?!! it s only you!!!!!!!!!!! but I don t want to get him on the phone =_= hehe a heavy silence followed and du du du., he hung up what do you want me to do ?_? heuk heuk ?_? A day, two days, three days, four days As a week passed BanJi refused to call me Only Shim TaeJin walked around in my eyes =_= you eat the chips don t give me them. so I think chips are gay -__-

If I eat chips~ I don t feel like eating I think you re gay -__heuk heuk BanJi ?_?

Eating time A text message came from SuYun ?_?

saying that she has no friend to eat together with to get better fast sure sure ?_? whew but BanJi

how could he stop contact with me I sigh and turn around to lay down but the room door was open ?_? I thought that my food was ready so I got up but BanJi was standing there He was holding a metal baseball bat with scary eyes ?_? ?_? BanJi I m not gonna hit you. Don t get scared -__k I m not scared =_=

I was just happy Shim TetJul huh ?_?? I kill anyone that touches anything that s mine Shim TaeJin tell it to come out

Chapter 59

I looked up at BanJi whew =_=


and BanJi was looking down at me too Shim TetJul tell it to come out - _ -

I said it s Shim TaeJin

I don t have time to fool around with you hurry up and get him -__I m a patient you re a hip retard, sorry.

Oh yeah

You apologized but why am I starting to feel pissed =_=^ =_=^ Yo Min HaWon .

=_=^ what. You clicked with that dog didn t you . dog??? Who? =_=. You? Not me -__idiot that biatch TetJul

how many times must I tell you

It s TaeJin! TaeJin! You never listen =_=^ !!

I didn t click =_=^

Then what =_=^ -__-^ nothing! You re like a kid with some disease or something what disease -__- ;; =_= Disease where you forget stuff - _ -;; Moments later BanJi was talking to himself a little too loud -__Shiet . let s die together in the hospital huh?? and of course . the baseball bat was still in his hands - _ he can t =_=

Lee BanJi!!!!! BANJI!!! ?_?!!! Don t hit him!!! Leave TaeJin alone!!!! Let s leave him aloneeee!!!! ?^? !! BanJi paused in his spot as he heard my scream He was already in the hallway And he turns to me with a very cold face . =_= =_= Jail is a very scary place =_= ?^?

Who says I m going to jail

You re gonna go if you hit TaeJin ?_? what the hell. heuk heuk I can t let him meet Taejin ?_?

It s the only way I can live . -__I don t want to TaeJin to tell Banji!!! What I did -__But TaeJin was walking this way into my room And behind him was the choco bar grandma Found you -__I saw A black smile spread across BanJi s lips Ah SHIET~! STOP FOLLOWING ME!!! My baby~ my pretty baby~~ I felt bad for the choco bar grandma ?_? -__?_? = _ = -__-

Shim TaeJin roughly slapped away the hand when the grandma started to give him some choco bars

and a bunch of those fell to the ground She knelt down and started to pick them up ?^? I need to help But BanJi walked past me and stands in front of Shim TaeJin Oh~?_?. BanJi s a little bit taller . Oh yeah~~ ?.,? There s really no difference but BanJi s face is smaller hehehe ?.,? hehehe ?.,? And cold words start to flow out of BanJi s mouth Yo. Don t make me miss . >.,< I need to help her ?_?

KKYAH.!!!!!!!!!!!! As BanJi held up the baseball bat I quickly closed my eyes . *KKANG~* Oh my god He hit him


hit him

Silence followed . as I slowly opened my eyes And what I saw was a perfectly fine Shim TaeJin -__-^ standing in front of BanJi and right next to them was a black mark on the pillar whew ?_? BanJi ?_? This heh BanJi stared straight into TaeJin s eyes and ignored my words =_=^ BanJi =_=^ I knew I could trust you ?_? BanJi is a warning. Don t touch what s mine.

yo Lee BanJi Shim TetJul

Listen carefully

I think Kim Hari was enough I think was enough Never touch anything that s mine I won t let you get away with it having something stolen from me once

I m not gonna hide anymore I

will make sure you never smile again for the rest of your life

yo granny

don t follow me anymore

I m not gonna pick up those red bean bars anymore =_=^ Shim TaeJin stared at BanJi for a while and slowly bent down to help the grandma pick up her stuff scattered on the floor

I I . Just stood there Lee BanJi What is Kim Hari to you What is he to you What did he steal from you

Inside Room 207. ?_? heuk heuk I m gonna die if mom finds out -__-^ ?_? shiet

What the hell am I suppose to do BanJi s the one that messed up the pillar ?^? ?^? take responsibility What if I painted it over??

You think it ll work with just paint? =_= Yeah just paint over it

What ranking are you in school -__- ? Not regular paint~~ poster paint?? -__what rank why won t the food come =_=^

I m hungry

Stop changing the conversation - _ and the hospital food is mine heuk heuk ?^? I m dead now!! My mom s probably gonna disown me Let her disown you and come marry me -__ah . ?_? =_=^

My feelings just turned so happy

I might fly away

-__what about your school?? =_=^

heh heh ?.,? BanJi Whatever

I m not going

You only live once . =_= Why do you think I didn t go!!???!!!!!!! =_= cuz of me??? is it because of me??

So I can meet that biatch TetJul. Ah~ you re lying -__- BanJi is a lying prince!! >_<!! You came to see me~~~ to see me~~~ ho ho ho~~ ?.,? Because you missed me~~~~~~ -__- -__hmm did I go over . -__-

BanJi started to stare at me ah so awkward =_= you re not at all pretty your eyes, nose, mouth are all retarded =_= =_=

and your voice is hella rough

but what s wrong . with my heart ?_? ?-? ?_? BanJi pulled me into his arms tightly

it was warm . BanJi s slow breathing starts to tickle my ears but BanJi what do you mean by hella rough voice =_=^ You don t have to know =_= I want to know -__-^ ah =_= retarded -__what s retarded hella retarded -__-

your face =_= heuk you biatch

I was really popular in middle school ?^? everybody called me cute ?^? (never in my life have I heard that -__- ) yo yo~ now I m gonna come here everyday -__-^ don t. I have to because of that biatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_= Shim?

I m gonna be watching you =_=


=_= ?_?

The next day Shim TaeJin didn t come to my room =_=

For the first time ?_?

Maybe he finally woke up to reality

but that means that he was out of his mind during those times he stuck by my side =_= =_= seriously~ you can never tell how a GongGo kid is feeling just by looking at his outside

That Afternoon. The choco bar grandma started walking towards me Our BokSeul -__you want a choco bar?? =_=

-__- my name is Min HaWon. =_=. -__-

I have to refuse her offers today I got diarrhea because of her ?^?

GRANDMA!!! ?_? To tell you the truth!!!!!!!! What s wrong~ our BokSeul~ I !!! I !!!! ?^? Choco bars!!!! Yeah~ I -__really like =_= -___?_? =_= choco bars heh heh =_=

I didn t have the guts to refuse

I m different from Shim TaeJin -__-^

*munch munch*


*munch munch munch munch * =_= I let the time flow when the door opened ?_? ? as I ate the red bean bars

Chapter 60 When will your leg bones stick if you walk around so much Shim TaeJin walked in and smiled -__I came over to play~ Oh really? To play with The red bean granny has been waiting for you you. =_= =_=

To get hit by BanJi =_= To get in trouble with me -__- . =_=^ To be turned over to the police.

Let s stop =_=

it s not funny anymore.

Oh yeah~ Min HaWon Win! >_< Wanna go out to eat? I ll buy. =_= I m gonna eat the hospital food.

Then let s eat together! I can t eat when I m eating with only two people. =_= Then let s include the granny That makes 3 people. hehehehe =_= =_= I don t feel like eating slip your way out of everything

My stomach hurts

You re like an eel

You re like taffy~ sticking everywhere -__-^ Cuz I m bored ^-^

When BanJi smiles, it s really pretty. =_= I just found out that there s people in the world that aren t pretty when they smile =_= But to tell the truth, When TaeJin smiled he was so cute I wanted to bite him =_= -__-^

but I could not let those words slip out of my mouth SangGo Lee BanJi -__- yeah *smile* Yeah =_=^ ?.,? I like girls. =_=^ he must be happy. do you really like him?


I don t think he ll hate it.

But You re a girl .=_=^. If my cell phone didn t start ringing just then the atmosphere would ve turned very very awkward . ?_? ?_? Yes, hello =_= I m Lee BanJi. BANJI!!!!! >_< I m going over there now ?^? *dduk* ah he hung up =_=^ he said don t cheat ? he said be careful of players =_=^ I m not gonna cheatdon t cheat on me. ^-^.

keke =_=^

ESPECIALLY players with a cast on their legs Wow ?_? =_= ^ TaeJin started to stare at the picture on the back of my cell phone

that s Lee BanJi right? On your cell phone??

What s on Lee BanJi s head?? ?_?^ ?.,? can t you see?! It s a crown Isn t it what Miss Korea girls wear ? Right?! probably. =_=^ Oh ho~ Lee BanJi s image is slowly starting to crash~ He never use to wear this stuff with his old girlfriend~~

old Uh? Ah

girlfriend? OH~~~ secret -0-

I ll tell you later~~~ Like exploding a bomb on you!

Shim TaeJin smiled but why is my face turning hard =_= -__-^ Lee BanJi s coming. Go to your own room =_=^ .your head is pretty. - _ my brain is pretty???

Your hair~~~ I mean your hair~ -__haha I take great pride in my hair ?.,?

but why the hell is your hand on my head?? -__-^ Yo take your ha-

I could hear a voice from the door it s low and cold Min HaWon. Crawl into your blankets I hope you ll know the identity of the person in front of the door even if I don t tell you BanJi -__-

Min HaWon, I said crawl into your blankets. ?.,? I can t breathe though okay okay I said okay!! =_= shiet think you re all big shiet cuz you can move your eyebrows huH! =_= I pulled the blanket over me I could hear BanJi walking over here ?_? Everyone else is quiet

I wonder what the Gostop lady is doing =_= .Wanna die ? Oh ho BanJi sounds cool saying whatever Nope, I don t want to die. Shim TaeJin =_=^ Whatever you say is hella gay (But the truth is, he was cool too I just didn t want to admit it -__-^.) A moment of silence and I could hear BanJi s voice Go die -__Probably *hwak* BanJi threw the blanket off of me I could see his face ?_? heh heh ?.,? I didn t call him Shim came on his own two feet Shim TaeJin was leaving my room -__you leg retard

Hair what? we need to disinfect your hair. -__k later

No now. BanJi quickly got up and left the room -__-.????? Moments later. yo In his hands -__-

were disinfecting medicine Are you gonna try to make that touch my hair -__- ? =_= Now I ll do it!!!?^? Later!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you screaming ?^? I m gonna turn into a deaf retard!! That s my line!!! =_= don t use it. If right then the choco bar granny hadn t stood in between us there would have probably been a big fight =_= let s do it later later~~



I better hide the medicine -__-. baby -__the place where the choco bar granny is petting is BanJi s butt =_= a place *I* haven t even touched yet -__-^ -__-^ -__-^ -__-^ Let go Without hesitation BanJi dropped the granny s hands off of him Cold you re so cold -__-__our baby why is your butt so adorable??

But one side of me is relieved =_= Our baby~ you want a choco bar?? AHK >_< No grandma!!!!! BanJi throws those things away!!!!! but BanJi started to glare at the red bean bar in his hands -__-

what is this?? =_= it s it s a choco bar

Why is that granny giving this to me -__Cuz you re pretty because you remind her of her grandchildren Don t throw it -__BanJi started to glare at both the grandma and the bar He then starts to stuff it into his mouth =_= ?_? BanJi

You don t like sweet stuff ?_? Yo granny -__this is hella good

I think my teeth are gonna melt -__=_= For a statement for saying its good there s something but The grandma starts to smile BanJi made the grandma smile BanJi . ?_? k it s not k you should be saying -__-^ ?_? ?_? weird hidden in it =_=

I really like you

=_= do you like me??

=_= =_= =_=^

more than I love this chocolate what the ?_? -__-

heuk heuk!! leave!! .yo

?^? why!! ve you what!! ?^?!! I didn t hear it!! what did you say!!! Ah shiet -__-^ =_= I LO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .ve you

why is your voice getting smaller

Are you embarrassed >_< huk huk >.,< k >_< I really lo LEE BANJI THERE S Im HaeSu!!!!! Shim TaeJin appeared at my door out of no where -__-

I stared at him for a while and turned back to BanJi smiling . Ba .nJi?? ^o^

BanJi s two eyes were shaking BanJi Lee BanJi Yeah sorry.

What s wrong? Nothing As if all the strength went out of him BanJi slowly starts to turn to Shim TaeJin He didn t get mad at him or glare at him I m gonna go I ll come tomorrow

He s talking to me but he is facing Shim TaeJin

Lee BanJi

.you love me right

I want to hear your answer Even if it s joking again

I want you to smile at me Like a couple minutes ago Looking at me BanJi yeah . Okay ^-^ bye . you love me right

I closed my two eyes and fell onto the bed I must be really crazy Why but BanJi s voice flowed into my ears I hella love you . am I so nervous

Even if I get a chance to trade you in for the whole world I wouldn t I love you more than myself

. Chi I already know that I already know that heuk heuk ?_? you accessory

Chapter 61 . After that incident A lot of time went by Man . why did BanJi disappear again =_= You said you loved me

more than you loved yourself I can t even contact you ?_? heuk -_ -

*Click* Yo~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOY!!! Let s play!!!! =_=^ Why am I your toy?? Cause you re a toy.

=_= ^ Shim TaeJin you re always BURSTING with energy aren t ya? -__-^ I hope you fall in poo water Yo~ yo~ let s go play~~ -__-^ play where? The arcade~ ar .cade? ?.,? Ah such a long time since I ve been to the arcade Fine~ Only one hour okay? -__BanJi I promise this is to relieve stress

not because I like Shim TaeJin k? =_= AND If you would have contacted me earlier =_= I wouldn t be following him okay?!?! -__-^

Arcade. Oh~ ?^?

This pow pow ping ping sound so welcoming ?_? It s not even downtown there s a lot of students. ?_?

It s because it s close from GongGo oh ?_? Most of the students in the arcade wore GongGo uniforms Only Shim TaeJin and I were in hospital clothes how awkward =_= It s like . we re wearing couple clothes. =_=

Oh? TaeJin hyung? Ah, Hello! Hello!!!!!!!!!! How are you!!! Hello!!!!! K. - _ The GongGo students all bowed to him making a perfect 90 degree angle towards Shim TaeJin - _ It s either they re crazy or TaeJin gave them money =_=

The girl next to you . is she your girlfriend, sir?

What? Oh~ NNNNO!!!!!!! = _ =!!!!! I m just a girl from the room next door!! lol keke - _ Yeah yeah~ laugh all you want I m gonna tell on you guys to BanJi ?^? Ah BanJi >_< I tried to forget about him thinking about him again ?_? WHY WHY WHY won t you contact me ?_? WHY!!!! ?^? Why -__- the hell are you ripping your hair out - _ I quickly fixed my hair back up -__but I m

and turned around as naturally as possible *tahk* ?_?. He grabbed my wrist Yo -__-

come here for a minute

I don t want to ?.,? But I had to get pulled on by him he was too strong =_=


This. You want this right!?!!!! -__not really.

Shim TaeJin started pointing at box where you grab at dolls with claws A weird looking shark doll why the hell is it pink -__-^

Want me to get it for you.?!!! Nah ^-^ -__-^ BanJi will get it for me later. Lee BanJi he doesn t come see you these days.

=_= why the hell are you rubbing it in my face. Just because =_=^ I ll pick this for you! *Clunk* The coins go in the little slot and the game starts but of course the claw slightly misses the doll -__hehehe Second try third try kakakaka ?.,? all fails

he must be feeling hella embarrassed ??

Yo yo~ give it up you can t even do it correctly! I ll do it! I was really good at this a long time ago!!!!!! So what~ You really suck NOW! =_=^ haha Shut your mouth don t laugh. this is my first time seeing

Shim TaeJin feeling embarrassed His two cheeks are so red ?_? keke


I wondered what the hell I was doing I shouldn t have said I would try ?^? Ah Shiet idiot ?_? Shim TaeJin -__-^ you you .! I m gonna go sing keke ?.,?

I don t want to play this =_=^ I left Shim TaeJin standing there

and slowly headed to the box karaoke but in between

I stopped It s Tetris =_= Tetris =_= BanJi always played =_= He always failed ,,,, ah >_< I m thinking about BanJi again Lee BanJi Lee BanJi Lee BanJi please show yourself again ?^? Hospital. Room 207. I go inside HaWon uhk -__- UnHa what s up? Around my bed is not only UnHa but JinHo and SuYun too and a couple other SangGo guys ?.,? were standing there with TaeJin at the 5th round only Tetris

What s wrong ?.,? ? You were with that?? That what?

What?? That??? =_= Behind you him.

UnHa points at TaeJin behind me with a frozen hard face He s in the room next to me. =_= Don t pay attention to him =_=^

Oh oh ?.,?


weird atmosphere . HEY! But what about BanJi? ?-? Where s BanJi? I tried to change the subject -__but -__-^ UnHa s dark face refused to show any light as naturally as possible

Same with the rest of them SangGo guys - _ aish

After a long while -__-^ UnHa opens his mouth

HaWon isn t this too much ? BanJi he s really sick these days What?!!!!! Where?!!! His heart. shiet But are you joking ? -__-^ -__-^

UnHa s face was still serious

BanJi s heart is really really hurt HaWon he broke all the promises he made today

and came here to see you . He came and couldn t find you in your room

and thought that you died and made a big scene but what the heck what are you doing UnHa returned to staring at TaeJin with scary eyes =_=^ Where s BanJi? I don t know He went out to the arcade in front of the hospital

some time ago

and didn t come back .



.de =_= ???

Chapter 62

. Arcade.???? -__- . I started to stare at TaeJin behind me His expression was rather calm -__-^ Did Yeah. -__If Shim TaeJin saw BanJi it means that then He probably saw me too =_= . -__- =_= BanJi saw TaeJin too you see him ? -__-^


GongHak biatch

BanJi s mean friend=_=^ JinHo talks to me first -__-^ -__-^ yeah what -__he already has it hard enough for the first time .

Lee BanJi

I don t think you need to add to that . Why is he having a hard time ?

His parents . are here . the parents that for many years . are here ?_? Oh -__JinHo nodded his head And one more his parents in Italy?? never contacted him

I don t know who it is but some crazy fuck so he s really hurt BanJi was nearly recovering touched BanJi

from all his pain but some crazy fuck messed him up again As JinHo said that he glared at TaeJin the whole time what the heck GongGo Shim TaeJin. You re Kim Hari s friend right? Kim Hari,, Kim Hari . again??


I ll come over later

the atmosphere is hella weird here TaeJin walked out and went into his own room I carefully Kim Hari opened my mouth can you tell me who he is

Shim TaeJin s friend. Yeah I already know that =_= anything else ? -__-^

It s not like you d know if I told you I think I know who he is =_-^ Kim Hari

I remembered a couple minutes ago . but isn t it that biatch that swore about BanJi when I first went to Shim TaeJin s room ?? -__-^ His name is pretty like a girls but he was an absolute retard . =_= Kim Hari I know him JinHo -__-^ You don t know him .

BanJi hid you so he couldn t see you What do you mean hid me?? I saw him =_= He hid you BanJi hid you .

so you would never appear in front of Kim Hari s eyes . When he was with you he never went near GongGo Why . would he hide me ?? .

In case

he steals you

That night.

After all the SangGo guys left I laid down in my head and was locked away in deep thought No contact from BanJi BanJi s parents that came back from Italy . Shim TaeJin s friend Kim Hari Why would BanJi hate Kim Hari . .what did he steal from him?? I wondered what Kim Hari stole and Why would Shim TaeJin be sticking to me like glue Hmm I thought about a lot of things Ah =_= =_=^ - _ -

My brain is gonna pop damn ?_? BanJi did he get pissed?? Next Day -__-^^^^^

So he got to see me at the arcade!! ?.?^ and is not going to let ME see HIM??? -__-^

-__-^ I quickly put on a sweater and left my room (In my hospital clothes =_= ) Lee BanJi. If you won t come to me I ll go -__-^ -__-^

I retrieved UnHa s number from SuYun HaWon what s up >_< Your brightness has come back hmm? ?.,? UnHa Yup yup?? >_< Give me Lee BanJi s address. What? =_= HaWon no BanJi s parents are there

I think it d be better ifGIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Moments later. I was on bus #18 hahaha ?.,? Using UnHa =_= to get his address was bad who cares As long as I can run away from but

UnHa s guardian angel

SuYun =_=^

. One Hour Later. It seemed about time to get off, so I got up from my seat. but I accidentally stepped on an old man s foot that was sitting next to me >.,< An old man with a guitar around his neck ?.,? his appearance seemed very I swear unique -__-

such weird people walking on this earth

I slowly looked at the floor ?.,? ?_? ?_? The bus skidded to a stop I tried to find balance but ended up stepping on his foot again Shocked, I try to regain my balance and stepped on it once more ah . >_< After I dirtied his shoes so much =_=^ -__-__-

I stepped on his shoes repeatedly -__He started to move his eye brows around He must be uncomfortable ?_? ?_?

*bbik* I pushed the bell and ran out of the bus whewwww -__Seriously there has never been a time in my life where I have ran that fast ?_? I am sorry, JangBal man ?_? =_= ?_? heuk heuk

In front of BanJi s house. ?_? hmm Like UnHa said their roof was a poo color so it was easy to find -?- -?but I could not find the strength in me to push his bell -__-^ So I hung out in front of his door =_=

I guess I ll have to wait until accessory comes


2 hours It was dark so I couldn t see well

but a person was walking this way I swear it s BanJi

BANJIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?^?!!! I ran up and threw myself into BanJi s arms -__- -__but quickly pulled myself out BanJi s face looked very tired but more importantly behind BanJi was that man I met on the bus with my foot -__hahahaha wdf -__because

what the heck~~ JangBal man how are you -__-__-

I am soon to be BanJi s wife

or your daughter in law .

Chapter 63 I was hoping he wasn t but he was BanJi s father ?_? ?^? ?^? ?^? ahhhhh ?^? Should I say something ? or should I just turn around and leave While I was lost in deep thought Those 2 guys were already in front of me =_= =_=.

BanJi =_= hi. . I said hi towards BanJi .

BanJi s father seemed as if he didn t really care .what s up

Same with his face, BanJi s voice had no strength in it You didn t call me or anything

and disappeared so =_=^ Sorry Don t say sorry Then what do you want me to say Something else I slowly started to look down because BanJi s father looked this way

Yo . my father. BanJi introduced heuk ?_? =_= Hello sir . how are you this fine day?? I said still looking the other way ?_? Aren t you . Huk!! He wouldn t -__his father to me ?_?

?_? please ?_? ?_? You re that lady that stepped on my foot right -__- -__- Yes. I m sorry sir

You two go in I m gonna circle the block with her -__Okay then.

BanJi s father went into the house and I was left alone with BanJi ?.,? finally

I don t really wanna circle the block with you ?.,? It s just an expression idiot =_=^ I know =_= it was a joke. Yo

All of a sudden ?_? ?-? BanJi s eyes turn cold =_=^ But why the hell are you here It seems as if you re saying you don t want me here ? -__-^ Yeah. Don t come. why Cuz you played with a different biatch -__I knew it -__- I went to the arcade cuz I was bored Not because of Shim TaeJin Go back to the hospital.

Do you know how many hours I waited for you here? ?_? Hell, you re the one that played with another MAN you don t have the rights to talk

-__-. =_= chi Poo -__octopus poo!! -__-

Lee BanJi I m going then? -__I m gonna go play with TaeJin again??? Of course I really didn t want to go but =_= I don t care if you go play or go die

Whatever ?_?

That s not what you you re suppose to say ?_? I surrender and turn around to walk back to the hospital ?_? but huk ?_? Someone grabbed a hold of my sweater and wouldn t let go ehehehehe ?.,? BanJi I purposely made a ?_? face

and turned around to look at him I said go -__- go. ?.,? you have to let go of me then

Go I remember you did this a long time ago too -__-

I sat down on the floor with BanJi s hand gripping on my sweater BanJi sat down beside me If I tried to get up he would strengthen his grip on my sweater hahah =_= ?.,? =_=^ =_=^

Oh yeah

BanJi ?_?

your friends said that

your heart is hurting these days But from what I see now you seem fine -__-^ your parents not good?

is your relationship with Ah I shouldn t have asked BanJi s face turned hard ?_?

The atmosphere was kinda okay up until now ?^? BanJi slowly looks down .

. .

Min HaWon if a baby is sick

what do

other moms do ? well

What =_=? Hm

stay by their side hold their hands give them medicine and make some soup etc etc? =.,= BanJi breaks into a small strengthless smile

Guess what my mom did when I was sick for one week straight

What She threw me into some hospital called an old doctor

locked the door


guess what she said

lock him in there

until he gets better .

because he s only bothering my work

I could feel tears on BanJi s words and those tears slipped into my heart shiet but I like an idiot I still waited I sat in front of the door

and waited every single day even if I was heating up even if I couldn t breath if I was hungry when I had a nightmare I thought she would come I waited Aren t I

an idiot yeah WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should ve told me this stuff earlier you idiot.?_?!!! heuk heuk heuk heuk ?^? .?^? I slowly hugged BanJi s shoulders So there was a reason why BanJi grew up with his aunt I don t even have to see her BanJi s mom because I can grasp what she is like A person that chose work

over their own child and BanJi s father -__He threw away his son and ran away with his wife to play guitars -__It s mushy -__what s mushy you re the king of ruining the atmosphere

I swear

Don t disappear whenever you want ?_?

Yeah but die =_=^

it s mushy

just die =_=

We turned back to normal =_= let s just forget

BanJi Kim Hari what is he to you ? At my randomness BanJi didn t say a word He starts to move away from me

I said don t ask me about that stuff I want to know BanJi s eyes were cold but I couldn t step back now I have to find out Kim Hari s identity -__-^ Who is he

A thief BanJi seemed as if he was forcing the words out of his mouth He s a person that stole something yeah but that that was precious to me

Isn t a person right ?

It s


a girl


Go now

it s getting cold =_=^

BanJi started to push my back

Are you changing the subject? =_=^ Yeah =_=^ shiet -__-^ it s a girl right??!?! girl?!?!? You Chi don t have to know. take this

I took out my cell phone

that was in my sweater and stuffed it into BanJi s hand =_= take it

I can t live like this Don t ignore my calls!! If you do, you re an octopus poo ?? =_= It s embarrassing -__I ll be leaving now

Ah yo do you know my dad?? -__-__I ignored BanJi and kept walking straight forward whew Somehow it seems like everything is tangled up It s dizzy I think I m gonna throw up ?_? That night. Hospital. *click* YOOO!!! Toy!! Come over to my room!! I want to stay by myself ok? ?_? -__-

Shim TaeJin you re a bad bad man ?_?

I try to stay on my bed but Shim TaeJin forces me up -__-^

Room 208. Shim TaeJin s room. -__Wait here, I mma get some alcohol Oooh ?.,? under his bed

He pulled out a box 3 cans of beers .

and some weird grape juice looking thing You like red wine? =_= No


some GongGo kids gave it to me as a present.

hmm ?_? So there s a Cho Unha#2 at GongGo too -__I wondered how much time passed I emptied 2 cans of beer into my stomach and Shim TaeJin just stared at me with bunny eyes *burp* Before I use to be able to last 4 drinks Now that my heart and body is sick ?_? -__-

it s hard to do that huh heuk heuk ?_? BanJi BanJi

You re looking for BanJi whether you re awake or sleeping so sick of it now BanJi heuk ?^? What s the secret I m not suppose to know Tears kept pouring out of my eyes I wiped them off and slowly leaned forward humm it s soft

I wonder who s chest this is -__=_= =_=

YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY TOY!!!

Chapter 64 *kong dak kong dak* Someone s heart is beating against my ear Beating at a slow normal pace The beating seemed to get faster and finally someone pushes me off of him =_= =_= and faster

heuk =_= it hurts Yo yo you alright? Wake up man~ what?? =_= What the hell~ who is this?? It s Tetjul~~ TetJul >.,< -__- Wake up I ll help you to your room

WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY!! ?^? Let s drink some more!!!! =_=^ Ah whatever . I don t know anything . my brain refuses to work Am I drunk?? ehehehe No! You re not giving it to me cuz its yours huh?! >_< =_= Are you always like this when drunk?? =_= YES SIRRR~ FOREVERRRR =_= I will put forth my all for BanJi!!! ahahahahaha!!! >_< . . TetJul~ give me some more ?.,? =_=

Eh~?!!!! Give me a magic markerrr!!!

Why Give it give it~ >_< He breaks into a smile and starts digging through his box He hands me the magic marker I quickly grabbed TetJul s cast ?_? and started drawing stuff all over it YO!!!! What the hell!!!!!!!!! ?.,? ehehe I wrote on his cast in shaky letters . =_= -TetJul~ Go back into your mommy s stomach! -HaWon?=_= ehehehehehe Man hurry up and go already -__Yeah Why?? So you can sleep??? Huh?? so I can sleep -__-__-

=_= Ah!!!! Oh yeah!!! When you sleep!!! Do you face the wall!!??? Yeah Why.

ehehehehehehe ?.,? then we sleep facing each other!!! >_<!!! I sleep facing the wall too!!!!!! >_< >_< >_< *Smiles*

=_=^ fn

What the hell

why you smiling??

=_= What? What what what?? I guess I ll have to feed you alcohol everyday it s cute.

?.,? =_= My brain refuses to work -_=

I opened my eyes all round and stuff and stared at him . ?_? You and BanJi have the same eye color but your eyebrows are different >_< eyebrows better than you >.,< keke huk Lee BanJi =_= I m thinking about Lee Banji Banji can move his

kekeke =_= TetJul you know~ BanJi he sucks at Tetris!! >.< .

and if you yell at him when you call him~~ he complains he s gonna turn into a deaf retard =_= he s good at knitting stuff but he won t eat carrots and he names his dolls locker

and acts like he didn t hear when you call him accessory =_= hmm hmm what else was there >_<

ah ah~ oh yeah!! BanJiyou can stop now Why why!!?^? I know everything about BanJi! Ask away ?_? .

You I know My heart

don t know

what you really need to know

I know everything about Lee BanJi sank

so I started slapping TaeJin s shoulders ?_? and I started to get sleepy I laid down on TaeJin s bed =_= hmm =_= heuk Lee BanJi don t make secrets .

you re always next to me . ?_? but I always feel like you re so far ?_? Sleep. BanJi ?_? I miss you .come here

I said sleep I didn t want to admit but TetJul s warm hands closed my eyes You re gonna get tears on your hands As long as it s not snot - _ it s okay.

You re like Lee BanJi at times like this I don t care anymore >_<

heuk =_=

I m just gonna sleep

. nyam nyam . =_=

. In my sleep I heard a weird noise Yo toy . .

I m

Hari s friend . I hate everyone Hari hates . so I poked at BanJi s wounds I knew I shouldn t have talked about Im HaeSu .

I bothered you these past couple days or weeks

not because I wanted to

but so I could try to hurt BanJi in any other possible way

It was all for fun though . I m a hella retarded guy aren t I ? .


the hell is he saying

this person

I can t hear if you re gonna whisper, I suggest you shut your fucking mouth =_=


he continues I tried to give up this game

You know

cuz it wasn t fun anymore but what can I do I m jealous of that Lee BanJi now He must be happy to have you really happy

So Min HaWon .I want to say this you can I have you now ? . .but

When I opened my eyes

in the morning

I was already on my own bed ?_? ?_? Hmm what the heck Did the nurse move me over here??? Nah then then it means it was Shim TaeJin ?_? Did he carry me here?? ?^? No!! I gained 2 kg s these days ahhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkk!! shietttt my head hurts it feels like someone is shooting arrows into my brain -__-. -__Afternoon/ Lunch Time. ?_? ?_? ?_? . she wouldn t I know she hates me ?.,?


so BanJi! You don t plan on coming today either??? =_=^

If I waited this long, shouldn t you be appearing by now?? -__-^ Baby =_= our BokSeul~~ the choco bar granny

I feel very very pissed right now

please stop messing with me ?_? BokSeul~~ who made you cry???~~ I will hit that person for you~~ tell me! ?_? It s okay grandma I opened the room door and left ?_? hmm ah~ Lee BanJi! I ll come meet you again today!!!!! >.,< >.,< I REALLY don t want to go -__-^ But since the hallway is so empty today ?_? ( <== not even a real reason =_=)

*tak tak tak tak tak tak* I walked into the elevator >_< >_< Oh yeah~ it s empty >_< Ah~ wait! Student One man wearing a coat slips in through the doors .

In order to contact BanJi I decided to talk to that boy Um hey ?.,? could I borrow your cell phone?

I ll use it really quickly Um sure.

ahaha >_< I started pushing on my cell phone number du du du du *click* SHIETTTTTT!!! I SAID STOP CALLING!!!!!!!! ?^? Ba BanJi .HaWon? ?^? Your friend keeps calling!!! I almost went crazy -__SuYun?? She wants you to get me right?? No she wants you to give her the money you owe her

=_=^ =_=^ hmm BanJi I m on my way over to you

How do you know where I am?? I mean I ll go to your house I m not home -__- why A weird feeling came over me -__and don t come to our house.

You re on the bad side of my parents You stepped on my dad s foot didn t you chi ?^? *Bump* bbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =_= What the heck why the hell did the elevator stop?? bbbi bibibibibibibibibibibibibi *bump* ?^?!!!!!!!! MOMMMMMMYYYYYY!! I dropped the cell phone because I was trying to find my balance on the shaking elevator I m gonna go to your house


What the heck what the hell are you doing? BanJi Um hey . Student would you like to try

being a nude model? BanJi Min HaWon what the heck?? Why won t you talk??? !!!!!!!!???????????????!!! IDIOT!!! ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 65 Banji . BanJi I was too shocked and too surprised it was all too sudden My mouth refused to open and scream Eh~ What s wrong Student? I think you d be good at it~ So how about it? Want to be a nude model? The elevator shook again ?_? and when I would slightly bump into him he would casually touch my shoulders Ah shiet please

my voice come out!! PLEASE!! =_? Elevator!!! Wake up!!!! Just then I could hear sounds coming from my cell phone BanJi didn t hang up yet

He didn t hang up yet Ahahaha =_=

My parents don t let me model, sir

I casually bend over and try to pick up my cell phone when *tahk* He stands in front of it .

?^? ?^? My heart started to beat like crazy and my sight blurred slightly =_= I feel like going crazy but quickly calmed myself down You have to be alert at all times in situations like this SIR!!!!! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!! I DON T WANT TO BE A NUDE MODEL -__-^!!! AND I WILL REPORT YOU IF YOU KEEP TOUCHING ME!!!!!!!!!!


if you didn t hang up yet

Please understand what situation I am in PLEASE come here heuk heuk ?^? Student . I get really scary if you piss me off I suggest you shut your mouth ^-^ NO!!! ?^? I DON T WANT TO!!!! Lee BanJi I hope you didn t hang up yet??

Please please don t hang up *pahk* He started stomping on my cell phone shiet ?^? I bet he hung up now

Baby . I become a real monster if I get pissed okay? ^-^ =_= My father is a police man aite???=_= Try to fight back~~ =_= Haha =_=^ Hmm HanBum what a strong family

it s finally time where you come to some use Just yesterday, my brother was arrested for killing people Knock it off now, baby heuk ?^? .

My legs started to shake Why why why won t this elevator move ?^? He starts to grab my arm and pull my body closer to his ?^?!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!! LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?_? SHUT UP!! He tried to rub his face against mine ?_?

I started to fight against him -__-^ I don t know where I got such strength But whatever


I hit his head .=_= and used my precious head to punch him HEUAK! AAHKAKKHKAH!!!! HELP MEEE!!! IS ANYONE OUT THERE?? THERE S A PERSON TRAPPED IN HERE!!! PLEASE SAVE MEE!!! *Tang tang tang tang* I crazily slapped the elevator door but the other side was quiet

?^? ?^? Ahkhk heuk heuk I just decided to cry But right then . *tong tong* It s my toy in there right ?_? ?-? on ?_? .

TetJul .Shim TaeJin!!! My heart started to pound again TAEJIN!!!!!!!!!!!! TAEJIN!!! SAVE ME!!!!!! ?_? !! I M IN HERE!!!! SAVE ME!! keke what if I don t wan to?

He didn t seem to understand the seriousness of this situation -__?^? ! SAVE ME!! I SAID SAVE ME!!!!!!!! Yo, I ll go call the guards play in there for a little. Yo I m not alone, you know?? I m on the verge of being eaten by some crazy guy ?_?. *tak tak tak* I could hear his footsteps getting farther and I fell back into my hole of despair =_= But hey look at him =_=

As if my punches were strong He s not even trying to get up ?_? Please Just stay like that until the guard comes please?_? .

. No matter how much time passed TaeJin didn t come back heuk heuk That guy seemed to start getting his conscious back

?_? After a short while ?_?. He stands up Our baby Making weird breathing noises he was resurrected once more And I was stuck with no places left to run to !!?_? !! *Tang tang tang!!!!!!!!!!!* Is there anyone out there/!!!!!!!!! AHK!!! SAVE ME PLEASE!!!! Sa ve me Shiet weirdly every time I try to meet BanJi some weird shiet happens Maybe it s a sin me missing you heuk heuk ?_? Before my tears could pour out again I quickly put my head down And a very low quiet voice digged into my ears

Won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I heard I m sure

BanJi s voice

As I quietly turn my ear to the direction of the sound I could hear his voice one more BanJi s

Min HaWon!!!!!! MIN HAWON WHERE ARE YOU!!! WHAT ELEVATOR?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn t He didn t hang up *kwang kwang*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_=!!!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEE BANJi!!!!!!!!!! HERE HERE!! I punched the door as hard as I could and then *KWA ANG* I could hear BanJi punching the other side of the door MIN HAWON!!!!! YOU RE IN HERE RIGHT!!!!! ?^? BanJi heuk heuk YOU RE IN THERE WITH A WEIRD FUCK RIGHT!!!!! heuk heuk ?^? I really wanted to give him a reply but my cries made it out first .biatch in there. Come closer to the door

Kek . you re a young fuck aren t you? But he walked up to the elevator door =_=^ anyway *KWA ANG* BanJi s fists make another huge noise

and the elevator door shook a little =_= The pervert guy Shakes his head a little -__You if you touch Min HaWon, I ll kill you =_=

Her eyes are mine her lips are mine and her fingers are mine I ll kill you for sure if you touch ANYTHING on her BanJi Ha whatever kids these days hahaha

Stop acting so casual I caught you taking a step back . -__you old fuck I kept repeating BanJi s name while letting my tears fall freely It s okay now It s okay now I m savOH MYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAH!! BANJI!!!!!!!! The pervert grabbed my waist and refused to let go !!!!!!!!!!!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANJI!!! ?^? MOMMY SAVE ME!!

Oh~ So this! This finger is yours???!!!! Keke Shiet why the hell are you mushing other people s hands

I started to fidget around to try to get out of his grasp and outside was getting louder and louder YO!! TOY!!! GUARDS ARE HERE NOW!! You re already late TetJul

I started crying again making loud cries BanJi as if holding in his anger as best as he possibly could just kept throwing his fists into the door repeatedly HEY!!! STUDENT!!! YOU CAN T DO THAT!! IT WON T OPEN WITH STRENGTH!!!!! HEY STUDENT!!!!!!!!! The voice seemed to be the guards but like a lie

a miracle happens *swooosh* slowly . very slowly the door started to open and BanJi s face appeared

Gluing his shaking arms to the door and ripping it open he turns to me and spits out words Don t cry it looks bad you look like octopus barf

heuk heuk . heuk it s octopus poo Stupid what are you doing

huh?? What are you doing Your shoulder was hurt your arms are shaking . Min HaWon don t cry. come out come next to me .

Chapter 66 I said Sure sure I start to move my feet while spilling out my tears .=_= Come stick next to me. -__come over here Min HaWon

kk I m stuck you can let go now =_= . Then he let go of the elevator doors And somehow that pervert was behind me -__-^ How dare you slip out so naturally hum -__-_ -

*bbuk* That pervert was already halfway across the room at BanJi s one hit

and I secretly laughed at him or tried


because tears were still spilling out . BanJi heuk heuk *BBUK* The sound of that pervert getting hit .BanJi I said stop stop BanJi Lee BanJi you can stop now

It s dangerous the pervert is in danger but What is he gonna do about the medical bills BanJi grabs the pervert that was gasping for air and without one word he punches him down helps him back up punches him down =_=^ Yo~ Is money spilling out of your pockets =_=^????? I hung onto BanJi s arm before it could do anymore damage to the pervert .!! .let go. =_=^ - _ -

BanJi let go. Low voice

you re not suppose to hit people.

no expression on his voice cold Lee BanJi he felt so far from me BanJi stop now . stop As if my shaking hands sent some kind of message to BanJi s head he slowly turns to look at me And his cold frozen eyes slowly start to ease back into place This fuck . hit you right I hit his family jewels Good job. ?.,? I ll take that as a REAL compliment Now BanJi s body was 100% turned to face me (He only focuses on one thing at a time =_= ) and still holding tightly onto BanJi s arm stop

we start to move towards my room I spent a hell of a time trying to pull BanJi back because he kept looking back at that pervert and trying to go back . After walking for a long while I turned around and saw TaeJin . pulling the pervert by the neck to somewhere Go TetJul!!!!!!!!! =_=!!!!!!!!! Don t worry about the medical bills, or anything else do whatever the hell you want!!!!!!!!!! >.,<!!!!!!!!!!!! Room. I laid down onto my bed

BanJi tucked me in by pulling the blankets up to my face I can t breathe Stop shaking I m not shaking because I m cold it s because I m too shocked Since I put the blankets over you stop shaking If I shake Ah does your heart hurt? . -__-

Min HaWon you re saying anything now that you can t see his face now huh? KKYAHHHH >_< >_< I want a romantic reply~~ Idiot. -__-. My heart doesn t hurt at all. =_=^ .Oh I see. But instead my fists hurt =_=^ I have to touch any of the biatches that messes with you so my fists hurt touch???????=_= BanJi Idiot che -__I love you T_T heuk

see if I ever tell you I love you again -__Instead I ll say I like you ahahahahahahaha Yo what =_=

the hell is this

All of a sudden he lowers his voice

and starts glaring at my cast on my arm. =_= it s a cast . Course I know it s a cast but not that that scribble 0_0 ??? I looked down and my cast and -__-

oh ah 0_0 I wonder what it is =_= ahahaha aham . - _ What a pathetic excuse BanJi s face Ah shiet the atmosphere is fucked up again I slowly On there on my cast was TaeJin s Leg -???randomly written there T^T TetJul are you crazy!!!!!!!!! =_= Why in the world would you make someone else s leg yours =_= and what the hell is that heart??? 0^0 I m just telling you this in case you assume hid the cast behind me froze harder



I didn t ask him to write that -__-^

he probably wrote that while I was sleeping as a joke When you sleep does that biatch watch you ? 0^0 nono, it s just that I was drunk . drunk ?-__-^ ah oh no -__BanJi suddenly got up and I tried to grab him down but the room door was already closed with a loud kwang Lee BanJi!! Come back . Coooomeeeee on~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_=!!!!!!!! After a while=_= *click* The door opens and Lee Banji walks in . ?^? where were you? Gimme your arm. =_0 what? arm. =_=????? =_=

I slowly placed my arm out ?_? watcha doin?? .scribbling. that s scribbling?? more like coloring -__What BanJi wrote was so big

that it almost seemed like he was coloring rather than writing He grabbed my cast for a while and kept writing After a while I could slowly start to make out what he wrote ?_? Don t touch SangGo Lee BanJi s You know this is really retarded right =_=? ah shiet the SangGo is too big ah man

How childish =_= ^=_=^ (but I m enjoying it too =_=.) That night. Surprisingly BanJi had no intention of leaving early Yo is your family dead or something?? they re breathing and living perfectly fine.>

?^? what do you mean dead

Then why the hell aren t they coming to their daughter s room -__-^ papapapapa~~~ ahah >_<./. I don t know they probably forgot my existence 0_0

Want me to beat him up?? Min HanBum

?_? yeah k

He s grade younger than you right?? Hit him hit him!

=_= .no. I was joking I don t want to sprinkle HanBum s bones into the water just yet =_= Oh yeah~~ BanJi Just You you you where were you before you came to the hospital??

you don t have to know have a lot of secrets huh .

what do you mean secrets BanJi BanJi let s take that retard You do it. Oh~~ I was gonna tell you thatWhat thing .-__ahahaha you re in the palm of my hands Lee BanJi -__I was gonna that thing~~ secret and strangle him to death!! felt far from me again

Oh you know~ That thing spit it out already.=_= That ?.,? Thing is. about. a. boy!!!!

If you won t tell your secret first then of course I won t tell either~ boy what ?

BanJi looked at me with

a cold expressionless face

I m starting to get curious about your brain cells ?.,? You know that the only boy in my life is you HanBum?? He s a monster s poo -__- how is he a boy my dad ???? =_= How the hell can he expect me to think of him as a man if he made something equivalent to a monster s poo?!?! ahahahaha =_= trust me and empty your heart out. for a while it seemed as if his eyes were shaking let s exchange secrets one by one

but now they found their spot Empty it out BanJi . slowly as if it s hard starts to open his mouth trusting me

Chapter 67 kay tell me ?_? hurry hurry 0_0 stick your eyes back in it s not that cute. =_=^.

I didn t open it wide to make it look big k?? -__-^ =_=^ shiet stop pulling time Since who knows when BanJi kept opening and shutting his mouth

and finally just shuts his mouth altogether =_=^ IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT!!! I M NEVER GONNA TELL YOU THAT THING ABOUT THAT BOY!!!!!!!! =_=!!!!!!!!!! -__-^ yo you go first.

=_= alright then fine I ll start first -__-^ -__-^ the truth is~~ that I haven t gone to the bathroom in 5 days -__-^ why. cause if I eat something sweet, it won t come out o.O heh heh -__-^

Anyways.=_= ?.,? I said mine!! NOW IT S YOUR TURN!!!!! idiot I m not gonna tell you =_= OH HO~ so that s how you re gonna play, huh?! That boy~~ he gave me his number I wonder if I should call him or not 0_0 Don t I m not sure 0_0 Don t if you do, I ll kill you. Hand over his number What the hell are you gonna do if I bring it to you ?.,? it doesn t even exist =_=

I quickly changed the subject. =_= Lee BanJi . we re girlfriend boyfriend you said couples are suppose to trust each other if we want to trust each other we have to erase any secrets from each other should I I slowly tell you nodded my head. ?_?

okay okay~ I can finally hear it The story of his parents and things related to Yo Kim Hari

ask me. what you re curious about.

What? ?_? okay first of all, I want to know about your parents -__-^ are they kind? ?_? strict? I don t know what? I said I don t know You don t know For some reason my heart Then felt a sharp pain can you tell me why you don t know . .? .skip this question .

is it a little too harsh yeah it s probably a question that will hurt him

I try to change the subject

but BanJi slowly opens his mouth A long time ago .

before I was even born my mom was one of those people that took pictures and stuff Photographer? Yeah . but when my mom was crazy into her work she had me shiet she tried to abort me so many times and tried to abort me till the end but gave up and just had me stopped her .

because the people around her but fuck

if she can t even take responsibility

why the hell did she do it then BanJi if it hurts you don t have to tell me anymore

if it hurts BanJi

breaks into a weak smile . you said we re not suppose to keep any secrets tell me that guy s number after I tell you everything. goodbye~~ serious atmosphere -__welcome welcome back~ to our old atmosphere -__-

I . lived with my parents for a short while when I was young so I don t know I don t know what they re like in their hearts I wonder if I take any part in their hearts BanJi spoke more easily which made me hurt more After they sent me away to fatty I ate food with people all together and slept all together I didn t even have to go field trips by myself anymore so I was hella happy I even had a lunch to bring on my field trips yeah I didn t have to sit by myself and wait for my mom whenever I got sick in their heads

so I was hella happy about that too I was so fucking happy so .I cried everyday I m sorry BanJi a memory that hurts you

that I pulled out

I m okay

really sorry now ask something else.

?_? when are your bad parents going back to Italy?? Three weeks later. Now something else. ?_? . AH!! OH YEAH!! SHIET!!! TELL ME!! About that guy!!!!!!!!! Okay =_= now~ Let s get on with our second question =_= The word serious does not match us at all -__-

-__- . Please explain the relationship between Kim Hari and Lee BanJi Silence but BanJi slowly opens his mouth for me Kim Hari it goes to GongGo.

it?? =_= isn t he a person ? I barf when I hear that person s name. =_= k keep going We were in the same middle school .stolen He stole what a person I hoped that I heard wrong .a person .I loved I loved

I I heard wrong my ears B BanJi are broken you hate girls

I don t hate my first love alright I forced a smile but Min HaWon I I m not suppose to feel anything it s not love First love it s something everybody once experienced Even I have a first love but but BanJi It s a little shocking =_= but it s okay he said loved you know that s not the truth

I met a lot of guys too a long time ago =_= Keep lying alright?? -__- chi It s okay Since she s a past girl it s okay ?_? (but crying inside -__-.) don t believe me.

YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!! =_= alright I will explode one huge secret to you I -__- -__-

to tell you the truth whoo

his expression says it all he s really expecting a lot . I have one huge hair growing from my toe -__ahahahaha I ll kill you??? Tell me something correctly now! A long time ago, it was me that took HanBum s apron and cleaned the living room floors with =_= -__-^ puhahaha ?.,? now it s your turn =_= Stop being such an idiot lying princess

You called me a lying king last time where the hell did you sell your brain ?_? yo hurry up and ask I have to go soon

oh!!! oh yeah!! -__-^ where did you go today!!!!! Where were you?? Before you came to the hospital!!! huh?!?!!! Downtown I was playing

where UnHa was working at -__-^ working?? He s a waiter for karaoke rooms. really??=_= hmm I must go there once

He s not gonna give you drinks for free What the hell do you mean by that -__-^ Kay I m going now there s no more secrets anymore.

k wait!!!! There s!!!! I grabbed BanJi s sweater

just as he was about to turn around You re gonna stretch it . what I have one more thing to ask you What Stop glaring at me as if you re tired now ?_? My butt really hurts you know ?_? I m kinda unsure but Can I ask you to explain more about that girl you loved ? Two years ago I was looking for my watch .eh nevermind I don t remember =_=^ -__Then -__what s her name? I erased it okay

I dunno Alright

I m going now Bye BanJi ^-^ Bring some Soondae when you re coming tomorrow =_= *KWANG* =_= I don t want to really eat Soondae but

I m curious now not about Kim Hari anymore but that person that person you loved I m curious about her

At times like this UnHa s the best -__In front of a box phone -__- huh? Are you UnHa??? Yeah yeah~ I heard that you re a waiter at a karaoke box??

I ll go see you some time ahaha UnHa s bright voice it s time now >_<. But hey BanJi s du du du 0_0 UnHa last girlfriend

Why the hell did he hang up =_=^ chi I won t give up!!=_=^ I was pressing the dials again =_=

Our cute UnHa he ll probably pick up the phone again as a habit ahaha =_= Before he could hang up again I screamed this into the phone YO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TRY TO HANG UP AND I LL HOOK SUYUN UP WITH ANOTHER MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heuk .?_? I ll kill you HaWon? =_= I don t care just tell me about her I don t know I don t want to ?_? BanJi gets hurt when we talk about that kind of stuff I heard about it from BanJi himself today It s just that I m not fully understanding it right now BanJi . talked about HaeSu? Yeh So her name UnHa was HaeSu

what kind of girl was she ?

Chapter 68 A nice girl

what? Im HaeSu . was a really nice girl a very very nice girl Not a bi-atch like EunSoJin?? =_= Naw but she s in Japan right now In middle school oh yeah >_< Me and BanJi graduated the same middle school, HaWon >_< Stop trying to change the subject. =_=. >_< whiiiiiiite~ blue cloud is flying in the sky~ >_< >_< Ah oh -__yellow head UnHa =_= (No longer a yellow head though it s not cloud is it?? Isn t it sky???

his head is black now -__-) was going back in time to his middle school days and started singing a nonsense song =_=^ Please it s an emergency UnHa ?_? huh? >_< oh yeah~ HaeSu she was just nice~ We knew her since middle school and then she came up to SangGo so BanJi and her just dated~>_<

I see They were a really nice couple She was BanJi s first love so he was extremely nice to her but >_< AH BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?_? Kim Hari you know who Kim Hari is right???? Did Banji tell you this too??? huh?? =.,= ?? That KimHari took HaeSu Ah oh yeah I know He just took her away with no reason BanJi he was so hurt .

But UnHa you said that HaeSu was a nice girl and if she really did like BanJi

if she really was a nice girl

shouldn t she not have gone to Kim Hari ? yeah she was nice

she really really but

was nice

she really liked boys too

shiet just because she likes boys she made a big hole in BanJi s heart??? ?^? Kim Hari when I last saw him he was just some skinny jerk with only the bad qualities left and the good qualities sucked out of him -_?^ chi ?_? Ah? HaWon let s hang up Serving serving >_< =_= k dduk du du Im HaeSu is in Japan is she an exchange student? work hard

then is she coming back?? =_=^ oh ho~ please never come back forever and forever -__set up a family there with another man please - _ -

The next day. For some reason ?_? my whole family came to the hospital today but of course

today s the day I get to leave the hospital =_=^ Change your clothes and come out HaWon Daddy will buy you Galbi Galbi =_= ??? HanBum that retard so that s the reason he came all the way here I ll be there soon you guys go ahead -__As HanBum was following my mom out the door he spat out very shocking words Min HaWon news spread all over GongHak that your ass is broken cause of the toilet -__-^


is it SuYun?.

SoJin s group spread it all over Damoim EunSoJin that bi-atch.-__-^

where the hell did she hear I got hurt?? Probably HanBum -__-^ -__-^ heuk heuk how am I suppose to go to school now ?_? ?^?

Outside the hospital. In regular clothes ?_? hmm how long has it been for our parents to finish

HanBum and I were waiting outside up the hospital work *swoosh* *tahk !!!* A pink paper plane falls to my feet -__- what the hell

who the hell is it

Min HanBum =_= I quickly looked around me and again another paper plane falls to my feet Up! I lift my head up and saw . . Shim TaeJin Goodbye~~ .=_= thanks you get better soon too It was TetJul =_= With a thin smile and an armful of paper planes You must ve been really bored Now who am I suppose to play with With the nurse =_= see youk ?.,? What the hell this weird feeling Do I feel something to him ALREADY??

I mean it s only been a couple of weeks since I ve known him ?.,? I ll buy you Soondae when we meet again ?? k bye -oh don t throw away the planes. k ?.,? I walk forward leaving TetJul behind it was a very weird atmosphere oh wait ?_? Soondae hmm something popped into my head but I forgot what whatever I ll prolly remember it later =_= TETJUL!!!!! =_=! I m leaving now!!!!!!!!! Get better soon!!!!!!!

.hey hey!!!!!!!!toohk he suddenly threw something and it bumped against my head it was -__-^ a it hit my head

and fell to the floor

?_? ah? this this is A light pink shark doll from one of those box machines

I SPENT 15 BUCKS TRYING TO GET THAT!!!! I M GONNA COME AND GET THAT MONEY BACK!!! who the hell says I ll give it to you when come this stupid doll is uglier than our Locker~~ =_= Still whatever Get well soon Shim TaeJin =_= - _ -

Inside the restaurant . my dad started to clean his neck and face with the wet cloth they gave us to wash our hands with -__I put my head as low as possible =_=

and poked at the meat in front of me Ah I suddenly don t have an appetite something yoyo feels empty - _ -

-__-^ that was GongGo s Shim TaeJin right?

Shiet~~ you said you re dating BanJi didn t you~~ Yeah so

Yo, what the fuck? Don t you even know the relationship between BanJi and GongGo?? Kim Hari man Kim Hari~~ shut the hell up and eat =_= =_=

Don t talk about Kim Hari in front of me -__it gets me pissed for no reason Hmph hmph !! As our father fake coughed HanBum and I returned to eating and suddenly this thought came to me ?_? I d rather have soondae I miss those livers~~ (soondae is liver^^) who will buy me some???? who .someone -__-__BanJi.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suddenly dropped the chopsticks I was holding . -__-__than galbi =_= -__-^ -__-^



I ran here as fast as my legs would allow me =_= Where the hell is he He might twist my neck the moment he sees me =_= heuk heuk ?_? I walked around but -__the area

I found a man sitting on a bench wayy~~ over there slightly glaring at everyone ?_? BanJi I slowly in a quiet voice ?_? that was passing by

called out his name *hwek* He turned his head to my direction -__- _ - _ -

I know I m not suppose to say these things but BanJi looks hmm in nice words looks very poor/empty .

-__His hair was in tangles and was lightly sitting on his head and in his hands was a black bag ?_? I hope there is some delicious soondae in that bag ?_? sorry. =_=

?_? puhuhu .ah you

laughed at me right now didn t you.

He quickly got up and walks over to me ?_? ?.,? I m sorry but today . *kwak * Before I could even finish what I was saying BanJi very pulled me into his arms very - _ tightly I was gonna come as fast as possible

Idiot . are you gonna keep making me worry ?_? worry about what I . thought you died -__-

why would you think such an evil thought -__Because you weren t in your room

and I checked the room where they take people if they die =_=^ ?? You did this last time too -__-^ -__-^ a person s life is a very sacred thing and you weren t there either

I m gonna die exactly at the age of 98 ?.,? Die when you re 100 =_= ?.,? why Cuz I m gonna die when I turn 100

What a big dream you smoke and drink! -__-^ =_= I sat down on the bench next to BanJi Ah oh yeah ?_? I forgot to say goodbye

to the choco bar granny ?_? Come see her next time I should ?^? All of a sudden BanJi starts to bob his head up and down =_= hankwa ?-__- ah what the hell was that ?? I ll come with a set of Hankwa

=_= are you joking?? Ah shiet -__- hum People call Korean cookies =_=^ BanJi now looked side to side ah please PLEASE don t ask me such a question with such seriousness in your voice PLEASE PLEASE -__think of your image, BanJi!! ?^? ehehehe -__but the other side of me because is mine and is next to me right now now Lee BanJi is happy then Europe cookies would be Yukwa?? Hankwa =_=^ what the hell was it I can t remember all of a sudden

I m not gonna worry about his past girlfriend anymore BanJi only looks at me this funny man is already head over heels in love with me is what I m saying - _ -------------------------------------------------------Han = Short for Korean, Kwa = Cookies So Hankwa = Korean cookies

there is NO such thing as Yukwa BanJi thought that if you shorten Europe to Yu and add Kwa at the end it would be Europe cookies ^^

Chapter 69 yo do I look weird right now??

-__- what?? why? People keep looking at me. =_= While sitting on the bench BanJi kept pushing his hair down BanJi =_=^ did you run here?? yeah why.

=_=^ your hair is sticking up ah shiet it s all cuz of the soondae ?_? the soondae s cold . I opened the black bag that BanJi gave me oh~~ =_= kind of cold but a very delicious looking soondae sat in the bag Thanks! >_< k =_= munch munch = _ = it s cold but still tasty yum .=_= yo .stop eating that ball of liver!! what the why =_=^ and just call it liver =_=^ don t eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why!!!!! you re the one that bought it for me!! ?_?!!!! BanJi took away the bag from me and held it high over his head

Don t eat liver!!!!!! why!!! tell me why!! =_= girls look hella sad when they re sitting there eating liver. -__but ?_? BanJi -__-. so I just decided to get pissed off at him -__I turned around and started ripping TetJul s paper plane =_=^ I could hear BanJi s low voice talk behind me where d you get that Why do you want to know -.,-^ Where d you get it~~~ I ll tell you if you return the livers to me. As you can probably tell by now I was hella hungry Just tell me. man =_= I picked up behind there to ttiny shreds refused to give me back the black bag that reason doesn t even make sense!!

I didn t dare tell him that TetJul gave it to me -__but BanJi suddenly starts to stare somewhere with very scary eyes ?_? . he was staring at TetJu- I mean Shim TaeJin Shim TaeJin was standing there with an arm full of paper planes =_= .heh heh =_= ?_?

BanJi let s go somewhere yeah?

I quickly tried to get BanJi to stand up until TetJul started to open his big fat mouth You should take care of that paper plane it makes the person that gave it to you feel hurt -__- oh yeah I didn t pick it up

someone gave it to me ah my stupid brain =_= - _ watching BanJi I quickly stood back up BanJi let s go downtown -.,-

I grabbed BanJi s hands and swiftly walk out of the hospital but TaeJin s voice followed us out

I m gonna go get my money back from you and don t stick so close by to him it looks weird why the hell does he care?! I tried to leave behind TaeJin s voice as best as possible and just kept on walking shiet a weird atmosphere is starting to settle around me and BanJi ?_? ?^? hey BanJwho gave you that shark doll? hmm so your target is this doll now huh? this - _ -

-__- oh uh

my dad gave it to me as a present -__I couldn t take out the truth while staring at BanJi straight in the eye but how could I lie like that again I m octopus poo =_=

*tahk* BanJi starts to pull out his arm from my grip what s wrong ?? why don t you get rid of your secrets first BanJi started to walk ahead at a fast pace ?^? BanJi!!!! What s wrong now!?!!! did he does he know the truth ?

I was playing Tetris with the guys when TetJul was fishing around for that \\House. Long time no see house -__-^ man I see you haven t changed always old and dirty . =_= I locked my room door and fell onto my bed as my head got locked away into deep thought

=_= secrets and lies still ?^?

don t go far in relationships do they

how the hell did the truth come out right then and there ?!?!?! I can t stay like this!! I have to make BanJi feel better! >.,<!! YAHO!! HaWon! Where you going?!?! I LL BE RIGHT BACK!!! -.,-!!! Leaving my mother s question unanswered I quickly ran out of my house ah my butt becomes cold every time I run ?^? .?_? - _ but I have to hold the pain -__-

for Accessory

Since I already went there once I found BanJi s house easily Hmm since the windows are dark He must not be home Do I have to sit here and wait again like last time Oh well - _ -??

not like I have much of a choice I wonder how much time had passed I was sitting under a street lamp and was staring at the empty road for quite a while when huk !!! ?^?!!! Yes!! >.,<!! BanJi was walking this way !!!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?^?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not caring whether the village cared or not I screamed out his name and ran into his arms - _ hehehe -.,- -.,= BanJi ?_? I m sorry about last time -_ -

I m the one that said let s not have secrets heuk heuk yo BanJi stared down at me with wide eyes ?_? ?_? BanJi I m sorry yo yo let go first and I love you I only have you

No!! I m not gonna let go!!! ?_?!! I LOVE YOU!! I SAID I LOVE YOU!!! Somehow A person I was looking at looked a lot like BanJi

A girl version of BanJi Hello I carefully . as BanJi s mom turned her head the other way -__-^ -__-^ She s saying hi . =_= BanJi BanJi s mom ignored BanJi s words =_=^ in front of BanJi s mom that guitar man My soon to be father in law h hello =_= Oh!! Hello!! Do you still go around stepping on feet!!? ?_? =_= Honey, what are you doing. Let s go in. BanJi, you too. ?_? BanJi s mom fixed her glare at me and put one hand on BanJi s shoulder and BanJi was as if it was nothing it s okay looked to the floor

dropped her hand BanJi s mom seemed a bit surprised

she didn t know where to put her hand and was standing there not knowing what to do Somehow it seemed a bit comic too me Without me even noticing a smile crept onto my lips and right at that moment BanJi s mother and my eyes met =_= =_= What bad manners . I felt as if I have made a very very huge mistake

-__ah shiet -__-

Chapter 70 BanJi I ll just go today I m Bye. I m sorry about lying to you today

The way home. Whew -__what am I gonna do with myself now?? -__The glare of BanJi s mother was colder than ice ?^? heuk

I m on their bad side ?_? ?^? heuk heuk god damn!!! =_= Next day at school. Hum How long has it been -__- =_=^

Huh?? HaWon!!!!!!!!!!!! SuYun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?^?!!!!!!! SuYun welcomed me first ?_? You biatch!!!! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN!!!!!! How s your butt bone?! Yeah!!!!!!!!!! ?^? shiet!! SangGo EunSoJin! That dinosaur piece of shiet! started rumors about it on damoim right?!?!? ?_? my butt secret!! dinosaur .shiet ??

ah . Hello Teacher -__- how were you??? HaWon been quite a while I thought you were absent from school because of personal reasons Ahhahahahaha hem let s go have a talk in the classroom now shall we?

-__- yes sir . why not Ah it started again another day with this rubber shoes teacher -__Lunch Time. What???!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU RE ON BANJI S PARENT S BAD SIDE?? Yep ?^? especially with his mom -.,-

After I told SuYun what happened yesterday night her face started to swell red and she started to get pissed I!!! I!!! SOOOOOOOOO KNEW THAT!!!! YOU CAN TOTALLY!!!! TELL WHAT THE KID S PARENTS ARE LIKE!!!! JUST BY LOOKING AT THE KID!!!!!!!!!!!! .I ll tell BanJi exactly what you said. - _ -. Sure, go ahead. Don t act like you don t care - _ -.-

I can see your eyes start to shake a little After school. I stood in front of the gates YO HAWON!!!!!! I m telling you man, just get in there!!!!

and waited for BanJi


Get some points while you can!! They re gonna be your parents in law!!!!! .what the hell do you want me to do there -.,It doesn t matter!!! Just give her a scarf!! And act extremely nice!! I m already on their bad side =_= there s nothing I can do about it now RIght then ?_? I noticed a bunch of SangGo guys ?_? He s BanJi coming this way

the guy right there right?

Yep. UnHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh .?!!!!!! SUYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.,UnHa and SuYun was holding hands Then they look my direction chi whatever You guys match each other PERFECTLY I hope you break up -.=_= aren t you gonna do anything? Accessory was already standing in front of me and jumping up and down =_=^

and start to smile crazily

Do what. It takes strength to do STUFF alright?~ - _ you old old man what a waste of oxygen die =_=

The bitty pieces of rice you eat everyday is 1000000x MORE gone to waste I had to stay quiet because his face looked too serious -.,*KKKIK*

?_? ?_? A car slid to a stop in front of BanJi and I . ?_? whoa eques swiftly the window goes down and a Girl BanJi - _ - - _ can be seen -__-^ BanJi s mother a damn nice car if I m not mistaken


I went to SangGo and a boy named SeungSoo told me you d be here -__woman did you just ignore my hello????? Fuck Kim SeungSoo is dead tomorrow

I don t know who the hell you are but I suggest you skip school tomorrow Kim SeungSoo what kind of speech is that? don t spit out anything you want to. Every word that comes out of her mouth to BanJi is like sand dry Maybe She picked up BanJi somewhere -__- _ Move! and he s not really her son and hard and rough

Why are you sticking to me?! And of course

The way BanJi spoke to his mother

wasn t all that great either

Get in the car first. What are you doing in front of someone else s school.

It s Min HaWon s school!!

I m saying

it s not someone else s school

At BanJi s words She stared at my face and I tried my best to create a cute smile - _ -

.Are you . HaWon ? ^o^ Yes

Laughing in front of an adult. Is very un mannerly. I I wasn t laughing ?_? I was smiling cutely -__- I I m sorry I apologize.

Don t apologize!!!! Idiot!!! ?_? BanJi grabbed my arm and swiftly walked the opposite direction of his mother BanJi you re gonna get in trouble ?_? From who. .- _ If I say - _ - from me hehe .-.,from your mom

I have a feeling I ll get killed right on the spot. After a while I slowly pulled out my hand that was locked away in BanJi s grasp Why . just go ride with your mom ?_? it s a nice car

then I can t walk home with you!!

Since it s a nice car . I ll let you go just for today -.,?^? BanJi s mother! Look at what a nice daughter in law you have ! ?_? You - _ Hah pissed me off right now just kind of don t say stuff like that anymore

I m doing this all for you

you make me feel fucking special yeah?!

- _-^ -_ -^ After BanJi glared at me he turned around Ah my heart doesn t feel too good - _ But BanJi where the hell did you put your backpack??? - _ That night I grabbed hold of the phone and talked with SuYun for hours on end and started walking towards his mother .

?^? SuYun!! What am I going to do now??? You saw her right?! That cold cold glare~ she looked really I don t know hard??

?^? Yeah ?^? Just but Then

Now what do I do as long as BanJi likes you ?^?

forget about it ?_?

I keep thinking about it

there s one solution ?_? What sunset colored scarf Next day. SuYun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When BanJi comes, tell him I went home because I didn t feel to o good!! Don t worry ^o^!! Succeed okay?!?! >_< After I made a small victory sign =_=^ I left the gates that place . BanJi s place. -__I got on the bus and sat behind some chubby ladies BanJi s house. ?_?. How many times has it been so far Anyways I created bravery and pressed the door bell -__3 times??? Since I ve been here? Ah no 4 times?? =_= with the sunset colored scarf in my hands and headed for THAT place - _ -

After a short moment, the door opened. ?_? and it was . the guitar man -__- hello guit- ah!!! =_= I mean sir

who are you ? ?_? Do I always -_ -

have to say who I am How could you forget me already?!

I was that student Ah!! Ah!!! Oh I m

that stepped on your foot

so why are you here?

BanJi s girlfriend -.,- .but well

you re BanJi s father

so um

I came here to see BanJi s mother what what shall I do now =_= ?_? The guitar man s face changed from When will my brain shocked to panic

become normal!??!

I m crazy I tell you!! Crazy!!!!!!! ?^? heuk heuk . first of all .?_? why don t you come in

Chapter 71 I followed the guitar man inside but the inside of BanJi s house It wasn t sparkling or anything it was just . large . really really large Ah? Crap BanJi s mothers eyes met with mine . My heart froze -__BanJi s mother was sitting on the sofa was different from what I expected

eating chips He hello you . My my name is HaWon I m BanJi s girlfriend

Why are you here? Ah man She s using that voice again that that sand like voice

it s hard ?^? I just wanted to give you this

I handed her the beautifully wrapped scarf while still standing in the doorway -__What is this? open it ^o^

I used all my might to pull my lips up into the biggest smile I could make but my heart refuses to melt from its cold state ?_? BanJi s mother starts ripping it open right where she was standing and when half of the scarf came into view she looked at it with disinterest This scarf . was popular a long time ago. I ll use it when I get a chance to. Ah well I m sorry I don t really follow . scarf fads -__-

I just wanted to look good in front of you >_< After a while

I was sitting on their sofa without a word Just that they wouldn t ask me anything or anything of the sort ?_? What s your ah Min HaWon sir Guitar man!! I love you!! ?_?!! Thank you for talking to me first Umm what s your name sir ?_? ?? name??

? Oh BanWoong BanWoong BanJi s Lee BanJi so guitar man would definitely be Lee BanWoong

Cool name ?_? ?_? your name is pretty too. BanJi must be happy not not always =_= to have such a pretty girlfriend ?_?

For a long long while The guitar man and I had a decent conversation *JJENG KKANG* ?_?!!!!!!!!! .ah~! !!!!

I could hear a light scream from the kitchen ?_? From what I hear she must ve broken glass I slowly followed the guitar man into the kitchen

Mother!! I ll clean it up!! In order to pick up the scattered pieces of glass on the floor I slowly bent down and lightly *koong* but why in the world would she fall and hurt her butt?!?!? ?_?!!!! So sorry!!!! I m sorry!! I took a step forward to help *kwa jik* ah!!! ahk!!!?_?!!! what s what s wrong?? mother up just lightly pushed her to the floor .

Glass!!! glass!!!?^?!! Glass!! A piece of glass was stuck deep into my foot

and as I swung around trying to catch my balance I accidentally pushed someone ah!! I m sorry, mother!! and that someone was BanJi s mother why am I your mother?

She quickly left the kitchen . as I jumped around holding my foot . ah . it hurts my foot ?_? and my heart

When I opened the door and stepped out of the house the day was already dark HaWon if you turn the corner over there buy band aids and put it on okay? Yes sir I m sorry I bothered you there s a medicine store

and please tell mother that I am sincerely sorry it s okay ^o^ After I said my good bye to the guitar man I turned around and started walking

I totally made a fool of myself ?_? heuk heuk ?_? I miss BanJi heuk heuk.?_? At the pharmacy. could I get one band aid Here you go ?_? As I stood there quietly staring at my foot that ll be $5.50

A student wearing SangGo s uniform stood in front of me. I didn t turn my head that way ?_? heuk because my toe hurt too much

Hey. Give me some medicine where you eat if your ass bone hurts.


I ve heard this voice before .?_? and

I quickly turned my head around

huk can it be ?_??? BanJi!!!!!!!!!!! God, hurry it up will you??? It seemed as if BanJi ?_? I m right next to him -__I quietly sat there and spied on him Let s see how long it takes for you to notice me =_=^ *di ri ri ri~~~* BanJi kind of jumped at the sound of my cell phone ringing and quickly took out my cell phone out of his pocket Instead of answering it he ripped out the batteries -__Hmm are you saying you can treat it however you want because it s not yours?!?!?! god wtf I swear to god I had it on vibrate its owner too?! =_= =_= what .!!!? shiet does the cell phone become alike to ?_? didn t notice me yet

SHIET!!!! WHY THE HELL WON T YOU GIVE ME THE MEDICINE?!?! =_= uh sir Unni you need prescription for those types of medicines

just leave him the heck alone =_=

he probably doesn t even know what the hell a prescription is

hum shiet =_= after saying that one swear he left the pharmacy without even saying goodbye ?_?!!!! and of course I quickly followed him out ass ?_? how the hell can you not notice your girlfriend?!?

?_? ?_? ?_? Maybe maybe he s just acting like he s not noticing me ?_?

All of a sudden I didn t have the strength to call him back,,?_? I slowly started to walk the opposite way of BanJi until I noticed that

the road was very dark - _ eh what the heck! who cares

hum hum Yo yo weren t those girls hella fine? with a fine ass body too~ yeah kekeke Hmm what a coincidence as soon as my words dropped a bunch of perverts come my way ah what great luck you have =_=

Min HaWon

*thump thump* *beat beat* ?_? huk =_= should I

should I at least Slowly very slowly

call for BanJi


the space between me and those two street gangsters become smaller They were slowly laughing ah >.< BAN =_= not fearing what came next I called BanJi s name with all my might JI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!! LEE!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!! what the hell kekekeke

Chapter 72 Ooh it s a girl keke

The moment I yelled BanJi s name the two street gangsters glued their eyes onto me ah . =_= BANJI!!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!! I M who s ?^? good good!!!! The boy that s turning my way is Accessory!!!!!!!!! Ah I can see his shoulder I m I M RIGHT HERE!!!! =_=!!!!!

?.,? His face his pissed off look - _ h hey I m Min HaWon ?_? I know . Min HaWon He started to head my way at a fast pace hi hehehehe >_< ( <--- already forgotten about the two thugs at the sight of BanJi)

You said you were sick!!! -.,-??? huh??? Who said?? You did. a h!!! Oh yeah ?_? I asked SuYun to lie to him Are you still huh? Oh ah hurting??

hmm I think I m starting to get a fever

My neck kinda hurts too now No not that stuff your ass bone.

-__- my tail bone?? yeah I mean no. Your ass bone. -__- it s the same thing What did SuYun say to you =_=??

That your ass bone is broken again -hum Jang SuYun NORMAL?!?!

Couldn t you have come up with something at least Like a headache or stomach ache

what the hell is up with my ass bone being broken?!?! ah Hello sir

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_= ?? huh?? What the hell just happened here?? ?_? The two thugs that were hanging out behind us were SangGo first year students???? =_= BanJi hyung, we ll be uh going now Be careful BanJi hyung~ The two thugs didn t even care if BanJi answered or not they bent their backs towards BanJi at an exact 90 degree angle

and slowly started to walk away from us so they were nothing eh??~ whew babo =_= I ll be going now BanJi =_=

where the hell do you think you re going?? BanJi grabbed a hold of my hand

as I slowly started to turn around -.,-// ahaha why You re not sick right huh? =_= ah ah No!! I am SICK!! Shut up~ and stop lying~~~~ - _ I am sick. Look at my foot. See see!

I slowly lifted up my foot and BanJi started to stare at my wound

for a long long long long while

without saying a word How did you get hurt ? =_= I just fell

I lied yet once again because I just couldn t tell him that I went to go meet his mom Idiot you don t get hurt like that when you fall!! oh ah I did fall but

guess what!! I accidentally dropped my soju bottle and stepped on it ok . Are you believing me???? ?_? BanJi I m sorry

don t drink by yourself anymore . huh?? and don t go around breaking soju bottles either okay Hum . =_= somehow my day suddenly got brighter so I slowly put my tired and exhausted head against his shoulder and I was glad because BanJi didn t move away hey yeah Do you know how sad my heart feels because I can t call a mother mother?? BanJi

your parents don t let you talk ?

ah no then hum

it s not anything like that shiet

just ?_?

just call them mommy and daddy.

what a BanJi type of answer it s kind of but cute . My heart suddenly felt warm all over because as we were walking BanJi purposely tried to lean over and shorten himself to match my height and purposely . put all his strength into his right shoulder so my head could rest more comfortably . for me weird

Chapter 73 Today I decided to meet BanJi s mother formally Yesterday s nightmare-ish happenings were already erased from my mind. So I decided to go meet her and show her the different me. YOU STUPID ROCK BRAIN!! You got kicked out yesterday!! and you re going again?!?!?! Although SuYun grabbed onto my arm and refused to let me go after hearing what happened yesterday My mind was set and I started to head towards

that place. BanJi s home. Hey~~ what am I supposed to tell BanJi now?? huh?? Just!!! Just tell him that my ass bone is broken again!! What?!! How could I!! You know you re good at saying those things pssh Min HaWon!! Why are you so worked up over BanJi s parents!!! It s dumb! It s an invasion of privacy!!! Ugh whatever and BanJi I m sorry but I m going to keep meeting your mother until she finally likes me I m gonna have to keep lying to you because I don t want you to know otherwise you ll get mad

I m going to keep going until the big gap between you and your mom is fixed. I m going to help you BanJi Help you forget all your childhood pains ehehehehe Already my toes were facing BanJi s house. =_=^

*diiing doooonnnggg diiing doooonnng*

-Who are you? The voice that flowed out of the intercom was BanJi s mother!!! M mother!! It s it s me! - who s me. Ah that cold voice sends shivers down my spine mother it s me HaWon the girl that came by yester-

-I don t know who you are so go back. --Darling, who is it? I could hear her voice being replaced by the guitar man s -it s that girl. that got her toe cut yesterday. --?_? then ask her to come in!! *ddik* At that second the main door opened. and I dumbly stood there All of a sudden BanJi s mother stood in front of me Ah uh Hello mother did you forget? when I broke out of thought wondering if I should go in or not

I believe I told you not to call me by that name ah um =_= I have nothing to say. Go back now. ah you see umm um

that uh

there ahahahahaha =_=

=_= yes it was true without me even knowing it ?_? ?_?

I started to get nervous My tongue froze

and refused to melt down

If you have nothing to say, I ll be going in now. um is is there anything I could help you with?? ?_?

BanJi s mother looked at me for a split second Are you . dating BanJi? yes. *beat beat* ?_? The sand-like voice of BanJi s mother broke the awkward silence that fell between us I don t get how in the world BanJi would date a girl like you I seriously wonder what your relationship with him adds up to House. The minute I stepped inside, I threw my shoes aside and flung my body onto my be d. ah shiet Mother I mean OLD LADY do you know ?_??? that BanJi doesn t even know what HanGwa is??

He thinks YuGwa is European cookies ?^? why why!! Why is it so hard to believe that BanJi and I are dating???? heuk heuk ?_?

god dammit =_= Old lady I bet you don t know that BanJi loves me more than he loves you . If you keep making tears come out of my eyes I m going to kidnap BanJi and run far far away ?_? shi . ssi -__-^

The next day. *ding dong ding dong ding dong~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Mother~~ Oh mother!! It s me!! It s me HaWon!!!! >_< >_<~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! Haa haha The only sound that s spinning around in my ears are the birds chirping The next day. and the next next day I yelled BanJi s mother s name at the top of my lungs and hung out in front of their door but BanJi s mother was Today was my 5th day of standing in front of BanJi s house Thanks to SuYun, BanJi didn t really ask much He didn t even bother to call I suddenly feel kind of sad?? a cold cold woman

Lee BanJi did the fire of our love burn out??!!! hum - _ -.,- -.,- -.-

Eventually I found myself standing in front of a street telephone rapidly dialing my number du du du *click* uh!!! Huk it s been a while since I ve heard BanJi s voice like he s in a hurry is something wrong?? but hm??

he sounds =_= BanJi

You wanna die huh?!?!?! =_= Then not really come over here

what the hell . did SuYun say?? =_= mm huh? Just that you have something going on in your life right now wait for you until that problem is fixed and you re she didn t say much

and to just

ready to hang out with me again yeah. I think that s what she said. So so you ve been waiting for me this whole time?? and that s why

you purposely didn t call me either??? Just just come over here

?_? huh?? Your problems are gone now -__hum no so come over here now

it s not over yet

I believe it ll be a long while before it s over . - _ BanJi did you miss me??? No Ahem did you HAVE to say that NO?? Hey!! I m really sick and tired now too *ddi* *click* ?_? Mo mother!!! . where are you?? I ll go ovI miss you

Chapter 74 As I slowly stepped out of the telephone box I quietly watched BanJi s mother . ?_? BanJi I m sorry but what ? Wanna die?? I have to go. I think I have to hang up

I ll hang up okay =_=? Sorry *tahk* ?_? I abruptly hung the phone up BanJi ?_? I m sorry

and slowly walked towards BanJi s mother ah .Hello I squeaked out BanJi s mother stood quiet for a while and finally opened her mouth Let s at least go in.

Inside the house. Living room. Once inside, I met the guitar man BanJi s father.

And this time, he had a guitar wrapped around his shoulders . HaWon I thought I d never see you again ?_? Ah .oh =_= Guitar man s round eyes Are are always shining brightly I see . - _ -

you listening to what I m saying?? oh I m sorry I

Huh?!?!!! ?_?!!!! Ah

I quickly turned around to face BanJi s mother She slowly let out a sigh and practically spat out a sentence I ll ask you just one thing. BanJi BanJi is a w h a t ?!?!?! =_= Mother That kid yes. I went to SangGo a couple days ago. And I saw BanJi talking to some kids that looked like delinquents. Ah I believe it s the other way around, mother. your name was HaWon? I believe BanJi is quite a normal kid - _ drinks and smokes right? is he a weird kid?

Did you say

?_? Yes ma am. I want you to help him study hard Huh??=_= ah but But ? I I think it d be best if you said it directly to him. and not get into any trouble.

The minute I said that Her face turned hard as stone . It s quite embarrassing saying something like this he ignores anything I say. but . that kid

I get a headache whenever I m with that kid For the first time I felt really Mother Alright But Once BanJi s grades start coming up =_= ? Please hug him tightly Mother then really sorry for BanJi . make sure BanJi becomes a good kid.

I promise I will I hope you will.

and any problems you have in your relationship with him Please You will make an effort to fix them do this right?

Instead of an answer BanJi s mother looked to the floor I took this chance to say goodbye. And left the house quickly. Ah fresh air

Already the air is different from when I was inside that house BanJi s home was no different from jail BanJi you have some hella heartless parents

They re total dog shiet . ( <=== saying whatever the hell she wants cuz he s not there =_=) Ah ?_?

All of a sudden I missed my mother s warm cooking . ?^? Mommy mommy my mommy ?_?

That night at my house. After I filled my stomach with rice I fell asleep while sweeping the main room . Next day. .Uh?!?!?!??! Who is that?!?!!! Isn t it Nostril princess?!?!?! shiet that yellow head ( old UnHa =_=^)

Hmm it s been quite a while Since I ve stood in front of BanJi and his pack It s been hella long hasn t it~~??? =_= =_= BanJi seemed as if he had a lot piled up inside of him

ready to let it explode on me. =_= I had something to do BanJi

whatever . -__- aha BanJi stood in front of me and stared straight into my eyes I quickly looked away BanJi I know you missed me Forget it. I understand . I m sorry.


does that mean you forgive me??? Or does it mean that you refuse to

talk to me for the rest of the day??? A guilty feeling started to wash over me . so I slowly grabbed onto his blazer yo let go. once I feel assured.

I ll let go later LET GO NOW!!!

*turns head side to side* As I made my point by shaking my head BanJi gave up and just started to walk ahead er. Ahaha his ear is red bright red (t/n: means he is blushing. so cute no? =] ) Downtown. As we are waiting for the street light to change BanJi slowly takes out a cigarette HEY!!!!! THROW THAT AWAY RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!! For the first time I yelled at BanJi and ripped out the cig that was planted in his mouth Hey hey BanJi kept staring at me with a very very pi s s ed off look on his face with my hand still gripping his blaz

Ahem .

Chapter 75 You can t smoke anymore Why? -__- would you like it if I smoked? =_=^ don t smoke I ll kill you !! -__=_=^

So that s what I m saying~~~ you can t do it either I I don t like guys that smoke BanJi let out a huge sigh as he slowly spills out all the cigarette cartons out from his pockets >_<! Yo~ what s wrong with you what a waste!! =_=

Unha hastily tried to gather all the cartons at him in amusement. All of a sudden =_=

as I stared

BanJi grabs my backpack -.,- what s wrong GIVE ME YOUR BAG! ., -.,- wha?? let me check. =_=^?? =_=^?? I handed over my bag to BanJi and BanJi quickly flipped it upside down and started to shake it in every direction =_=^ =_=^

HEY!! What do you think you re doing?!?! don t smoke alright???

What??? Ah you didn t think that Were you checking if I had cigarettes or not?!?! You re so young BanJi you re so young. shiet

gawd you re so loud Ahahaha That day. At house.

As I put on a cucumber face mask I heard a helluva lot of swears from my mother as she yelled at me asking WHY I was putting precious food onto my face -.,but ah my cell phone started to ring noisily. MOM!!!!!!!!! MOM!!!!!!!!! >_< PHONE~ GET THE HELL OUT HERE AND GET IT!!! I m gonna go get some kimchi alright?! shiet why don t you make your OWN kimchi for once

*diring diring di di di did i* HANBUM > < GET THE PHONE The phone continued to ring noisily so I heaved up my body and picked up the phone. =_= yes? It s me. BanJi. o_o ah!!! munch munch BanJi!! What s up?? munch munch munch (Picking off the cucumbers one by one and eating them )

Stop eating man -__- goodbye ~ goodbye forever I m not smoking.

o_o huh?? I took it out right now Wow wow but I threw it away instead

I heard that quitting smoking is one of the hardest things a man has to go through but BanJi tried just for his girlfriend . o_o now quit drinking too.

BanJi >_< good job! Drinking??? Yup yup No way alcohol o_o

A SangGo needs to know how to drink man

Stop spitting out stupid things Don t drink you said you were gonna live till you re 100

What age do you plan to live up to??? -__me??? hmm until I paint my walls with poo!

then me too. hehe it seems as if he didn t hear my last sentence

Anyways >.,< promise me you ll quit? It s not gonna work over night I ve heard of cases where it did. I m gonna hang up =_=. Hang up the phone and quit drinking! I could hear BanJi heave a heavy sigh Alright alright. I won t drink. from the other line. idiot.

Okay ^o^ You promised me okay?? ^o^!! Promise the heavens and the earth!! AH!! I SAID I M NOT DRINKING ALREADY!! Hum it seemed as if he was extremely pissed since I was poking into his business now oh yeah!!! BanJi . o_o I want you to study a little. what !!! What s WRONG with you these days?! Just o_o for you. And study a little for me too. PLUS the baby that will be created by us du du du *click* hehe

You cold cold man Two days later as if BanJi was still mad about the situation he didn t appear at our school s gates. Ah I hope he comes today

As soon as I said that a whole pack of SangGo students came into view As I ran over to greet BanJi My feet suddenly stood still frozen

and my golden smile that was once on my face drooped. SuYun what the hell is in BanJi s hands right now?? Ah hmm lse I think it s a book yeah it s a book but I don t think that s BanJi

looks like so


ah so SuYun

you re thinking the same thing as me

I slowly headed over to the man that looked a lot like BanJi It is him it s Accessory =_=

The boy that was gripping onto his book while walking over here was BanJi =_=

YO~~ I look weird don t I? -.,- .-.,I stared at him with a blank face. Ah I m sorry sir wanna die ?? sorry =_= it s just so shocking. but I don t believe I know you =_=

I quietly stared at the book in BanJi s hands 100 Fun Problems to Solve! eh .at least he s reading . BanJi I m really proud of you of what?? Eh quit acting like you don t know what I m talking about =.,= (a/n: it s a book for kindergarteners )

Unha stomped over to us and quickly ripped the book out of his hands >_< Hey! You know >_< this is really my book! He stole it out of my book case yes terday!!! >_<!!! I hate him now!! He only reads and he doesn t even drink anymore! ! >_< Shut up~~ give it to me~ NO!! >_< Only if you get ALL the questions I ask you from this book >_<! FUCK!! JUST GIMME THE GOD DAMN BOOK~~~ BanJi didn t lay a hand on UnHa I guess it s because they re friends hum

(secretly thought BanJi would hit Unha =_= ) OKAY OKAY~>_< Question #1!!! UnHa must be one hella brave boy

because no matter how much BanJi s face starts to harden he stands his ground and continues with the questions Yo!! Ask the questions from the front part of the book!! BanJi yelled at UnHa Eh so you wanted to somewhat answer the questions hmm?

Alright alright >_< I ll give you an easy one Okay who is the princess that comes out in Cinderella!

Cinderella. hmm the front pages are easy

Okay~ Then who s the princess in Snow White~ Snow white =_=^ UnHa are you fucking around right now???

heuk heuk BanJi s not a baby T________T

Chapter 76 So on and so forth BanJi replied to all the questions with correct answers and Unha s face grew darker and darker by the second. BanJi~~ You~ You~~ Do you know who the owner of

Flandence(??) s dog is?!??! Ah~~ wth~ UnHa Everybody knows the answer to that question It s the little bread hat boy . but Flandence. Wonder who said that?


it was BanJi

BanJi must be different from the rest of us yes Yo different . =_= isn t Flandence s dog owner Flandence??

The minute BanJi said that the atmosphere turned ice cold =_= Because his face was so serious BanJi have you ever heard of Ne ro?? Nero ?? I am proud of BanJi I think BanJi is cool Nero??

I like BanJi

(Trying to stuff her brain into thinking this =_= ) The next day Yes! Today is the fun fun day! Saturday~ I quickly headed for Bus #18 Go! Go! Go! >_<~ As I stood in front of his house and surprisingly Humm~~ o_o O_O Not being able to hold in my happy feelings the moment I stepped inside, I yelled out loud MOTHER!! >_<!!!!!! BANJI CHANGED!!! HE CHANGED!!! HE DOESN T SMOKE!!!!!! AND HE DOESN T DRINK EITHER>_<!!! HE READS BOOKS THESE DAYS TOO~~ =_= . yes I kinda lied towards the end but who cares I pushed the bell and headed for BanJi s house!

the door opened without hesitation

As long as BanJi will be looked on upon by his mother as a loveable boy and she ll look at me as a beautiful and nice daughter in law ^____^

Hum hum~ I suddenly want to eat sweet potatoes >_< As I was lost in my own deep thought I suddenly felt a gush of air rush past my skin I quickly turned my head and looked around the living room My eyes landed on a man Hmm is he? with white white snow white hair

BanJi s grandfather??? the nose is too different

Ah nah nah

Who is that girl -__-? The white haired grandpa pointed at me with his walking stick.

And BanJi s mother replied in a voice that could freeze the world over . I don t know, don t pay attention to her. Continue your conversation with him. After she settled the conversation between BanJi s father and the grandpa she walked over to me o_o mother hello. her body stiff.

You really have no manners. No manners at all. She pushed my back out the door and followed me outside

and me still not realizing the seriousness of the situation. continued BanJi doesn t smoke these days =_= and doesn t drink either!!! and he s even studyiSo? .excuse me? So?? Ah What s your point? it s not my point that I m talking about I

I sincerely thought you d be You from 1 through 10


I hate everything about you.

I I m sorry

I ll apologize. and looked away

I slowly put my head down She s she s like a wall

No matter how hard you try to do anything to it Just stands there still I really don t know anymore this person Madame, EunSa wishes to speak with you. Yes, I ll be going in now. You you stay out here until I come back. I d like to speak with you that calls herself BanJi s mother

about a couple things I ve kept inside me. And she went inside. Ah . what do I do now?? Should I just wait .? BanJi might be coming home any second now As fast as the speed of light 30 minutes had already passed and again 30 minutes passed again one hour . two hours two hours and thirty minutes three hours Tired and weary

I slid down to the floor when the door opened As if she didn t even see me She kept saying her farewells to that EunSa person Mo mother =_= As she tried to go back inside I quickly grabbed her arm =_=^

She quietly stared at me with her two dark eyes . You. Didn t leave yet? -__- -__- you told me to wait here Hmm Anyways since we re on the subject,

I d like you to quit coming to our house and bothering me every single day. But Mother . get some courage Min HaWon!!!!


Let s get a little brave now!!! Don t you feel so stupid right now??!! I m sorry for saying this so randomly but I wish you d be more caring about BanJi I know he may look all tough and like a delinquent on the outside but no matter what

I m on BanJi s side . I wish you d help me make BanJi laugh She stared at me for a while with blank eyes

I believe you have it all wrong, you. huh? Just because I m his mother doesn t mean I have to fix

such a messed up child like him. And even if I do make the effort to be a responsible mother for him, he refuses me first. I gritted my teeth as anger started to brew up deep inside me somehow . I found myself glaring at her. BanJi is not a messed up child. and likewise BanJi s mother was glaring at me also

Don t come to this house again. This isn t an asking a favor. It s a command. =_= Mo mother!

She quickly shoved my hands off of her and walked back inside as I fell back onto my back Hmm shouldn t I hear the sound *koong* of my body falling onto the floor??? but I didn t fall back Ah As I looked up I saw someone s face staring down at me BanJi =_= hey noisy Shiet all of a sudden what s up?

you re so noisy .

tears started to flow out of my eyes like there was no tomorrow without giving me a chance to stop them.

Chapter 77 Don t cry . As he slowly took my head off his chest he whispered into my ears Sorry sorry BanJi but it s really hard for me to stop because because I ve kept it in for so long

heuk heuk ?^?^ I m sorry Without saying anything BanJi quietly kept his hand on top of my head and stared at his mom Did HaWon come here everyday? Yes. She was being very annoying. BanJi broke into a slight smile

And behind his mom guitar man came out of the house. ?_? Hum Honey, stop! Don t fight, honey! >_< UnHa s face suddenly popped into my mind as I

looked at the guitar man The guitar man tried desperately to pull BanJi s mother inside but as if she was extremely angry at something, she violently ripped his hand off of her arm .

Let go. BanJi you are really good at disappointing your parents. Choose your girlfriends wisely Without me even knowing it a big drop of tear slowly slid down my cheeks I could feel BanJi tighten his grip on my shoulder Min HaWon yeah Want me to ?_? ?_? Without even giving me a chance to answer him BanJi s lips were already touching mine. kiss you?

A happy satisfied feeling came over me . After a while As I took a deep breath I slowly got away from BanJi s grasp And his parents were staring at us with blank faces. Yo let s go. I m feeling hella pissed off right now and started to walk off somewhere start to shake a little

BanJi swiftly grabbed my hand

I caught a glimpse of BanJi s mother but I didn t tell BanJi In front of our --^ house. Thanks . for taking me home. k

As BanJi was staring at me I could tell that he was saying sorry to me with his eyes oh~ it s getting dark. It seems like it s gonna rain.

Hurry up and go home, BanJi =_= Hurry~ After I see you go in Hmm what s with Accessory today?? Is it because I cried?

If that s true,, then I must use this new information and cry more often As I smiled at him a sad smile =_=^ but didn t open o_o I noticed a little piece of paper stuck to the door. I slowly pushed the green door

-I m at a meeting. The key is there.Oh hmmm As I searched the milk bag but noticed that it was empty

where the key always is It s not here - _ Ah man

I have to go meet the SangGo kids right now

As we sat at the front steps in front of our door 40 minutes had passed by quickly but me I really really ?_? BanJi could I borrow your shoulder ?_?? No!!! Then why the hell are you leaning your shoulder against me -__=_=^ thanks. I blinked my eyes several times as I leaned against his shoulder wanted to lay down in my comfy bed

ahh Yo

I m so tired


can t you go to your neighbors or something?? it s been a while since we ve stopped talking to each other

-__-^ I can t Why !! Because HanBum

said something about their son -_ -

staring at him with

dangerous eyes so he went and beat him up ah~~ crazy biatch =_= yeah he s not exactly normal As I sat there quietly laughing to myself sleep was calling my poor spirit . I wonder how much time had passed

but I noticed that I could feel rain drops on my face so I woke up ?_? oh??? It s very dark why Oh did I not get wet when it s raining this much?? ?_? I get it now

I m leaning against BanJi s chest and his blazer is over us I shook my head and quietly tried to get up

As I stared at him BanJi was soaking wet to the point where rain was dripping down off of his hair ?_? I feel like . I m gonna cry ?_?!!!!!!!!! PUT THIS OVER YOU!!! I m hot ?_? you liar I dunno how can you be hot when it s raining!!?

but I m hot =_=


why are you such an idiot . BanJi

?_? heuk yeah

I ll I ll kiss you this time what .?? As BanJi stared at me with large rabbit eyes and kissed him.

I slowly pulled him closer to me BanJi didn t try to turn away

instead he accepted my kiss

After a long long while a very long while . I let go of BanJi -__BanJi and I leaned against the door and fell asleep together.

Chapter 78 After a long while I woke when I heard my family close their car door The rain had already stopped o_o and I noticed that the rain was now in big puddles under the street lamp. =_= BanJi BanJi wake up .hurry yo =_= LeeBanJi =_=

don t yell I m gonna turn into a deaf retard I didn t yell get up!

I pulled on BanJi s arm and my family walked over to us -__Ah no to introduce BanJi to my parents =_= noisily arguing about something.

I m not ready yet

It s too sudden . Min HaWon you re so dead now. HanBum stood in front of me and laughed. =_= mom this man uh lost his way with a cocky smile spread across his face

what s your reason for hugging a man that lost his way so tightly ?? I quickly pushed BanJi s head off of my shoulder AH!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.,d. BanJi glared up at me as he tried to gain balance with his hands on the groun - _ -

Wanna die??????????????? yes Why~~~ Hello. He raised his hand and waved HanBum away but finally turned his head over to HanBum s direction and noticed my parents. We =_= don t want to buy anything. BanJi they re my parents we re gonna die soon anyway =_=

As if surprised by my words, BanJi quickly got up and moved away from the door. .HaWon Mom Boy who s this student? he s my boyfriend.

- _ what?

.boy .f.r.i.e.n.d


let s go in and clean you guys up

you re very wet

Inside the house. (The key came out of HanBum s pocket =_=^) We all sat around in the living room and kept a long long silence. hyung want a towel??

Get me a heating blanket Is this your house?!?! huh?!?! Just use whatever the hell he gives you =_=!!! (We actually didn t have such a blanket in our house - _ -) As BanJi lightly ran the towel through this hair Our family stared at him with quarter sized eyes in wonder. I slowly got up and went to the back to fetch something.

But when I got back, there was a small table with soju and little bits of food here and there. Alright -.,- -.,why don t you properly greet me now. my dear father

BanJi does not bow to ANYONE -__Of course BanJi stood there doing the thing

he does with his eyebrows but surprisingly enough after quite a long while BanJi slightly and quickly cocked his head forward.

Ah~~ look at him!! What is that hmm?! Do it properly!! (t/n: By properly, he means that he wants BanJi to get down on all fours and put his head to the floor yo =_= BanJi there s no way in getting out of his one This is called a Jul.)

Once my dad gets soju into him there s no escaping him. BanJi turned around and stared at me I just quietly ate dried squid as I tried to ignore his glare as best as possible I ve never =_= =_=+ before.

done a jul

dad he doesn t know how to do those kinds of things.

Just leave him alone~~ haha he doesn t now hmm?????? n^n dad!!!

yo. I m. leaving. -__-__- -__- . *KKWANG*

BanJi closed our door Ah whatever I quickly ran over to my room and quickly opened the window.

hey!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEY!!! LEE BANJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! where are you?? HERE! Here!! My window!! For a while BanJi looked around with an angry face.

and finally found me. Yaho!! ^o^ Look! ^o^ I can see my breath! it looks like cigarette smoke

.what what are you trying to say -___I won t smoke. I won t smoke alright? Heuk yea I know I know >_<

Because you re nice BanJi You re a nice WOLF BanJi look! Look at this *haa haa* I blew on my window and wrote on it with my finger -I Love YouYo I can t see it

-__- -__- -__-.,- It says I love you Yeah .ugh he just suddenly broke my mood =_=^ =_=^ didn t you say you had to meet some SangGo guys?? I know I can actually see it =_=

BanJi froze up for a split second Aha.a a.a.a.a =_= this is my revenge.

I slowly felt a smile spread on my lips as I watched BanJi speeding away I threw my tired body onto my bed Ah~ The next day>_<.

I left the house wearing only a jogging suit in order to buy two chickens for my mother. Maybe it s because it rained yesterday but the wind is very cold today. I quickly entered the neighborhood s E-Mart and looked around . But someone from behind slowly pulls on my shoulder. =.,= who Hello o_o who .huk!! o_o!!! HaWon.

It was BanJi s father or in my words the guitar man. His guitar was in the shopping cart and he was excitedly humming a song HaWon what are you doing here??? =_= that s what I ve been meaning to ask = _ -

I m looking for some salted pickled fish eggs My wife o_o Ah doesn t eat if that s not on the table.

well hmm =_= with the guitar man

Shopping time was more fun than usual But what I learned Was that the guitar man He was very HaWon HaWon It says weird?

was not normal at all

Shall I say

o_o is this happy fish eggs?! on there


Oh oh! So it must be depressed fish eggs! De pressed fish eggs ?

I wonder where shy shrimp chips are?? o_o and sad cider??

I suddenly got a feeling that he might not be BanJi s real father =_= I m leaning more on Hmm -__-^ UnHa s fathers side

Chapter 79 Ah So we are at BanJi s neighborhood now Away from the noisy market. I really wanted to just go home with the groceries but I couldn t just let BanJi s father go home with all these bags I mean he s even making all these weird noises just carrying those couple bags Let s Let s take a breath here =_= . We stopped at the streets in front of a street food stand . and proceeded to eat some odengs Is it tasty o_o?? yes -,,- very tasty. I was busy sipping the yummy soup when all of a sudden out of

nowhere I heard BanJi s father take out his guitar and start playing while singing a song loud enough to fill the whole neighborhood lakukaracha~~* lakukaracha~~ her beautiful face~~ lakukaracha ~ oh my oh my >_< it seems like the neighborhood is going to be but hey I like that song =_=+

waking up soon hmm?

o_o ALRIGHT ALRIGHT~~~ LAKUKARACHA~ LAKUKARACHA~~ HER BEAUTIFUL FACEEEE~~* I LIKE IT~~ LAKUKARACHA~~ Please stop T___T please!!!!!!! He started to move around to the beat After quite a while BanJi s father eventually stopped and was now slowly sipping the soup that was left HaWon =_=^ yes BanJi s mother . likes truthful people Don t hide your true self and just show her the real HaWon =_= =_= ^ BanJi s father let s stop! Please!

the sweet and pretty HaWon like now o_o o_o uhh my wife and even me I know we weren t there for BanJi and of course our way of loving him but

when he really needed us

is different from the rest of the parents in this world o_o o_o we love him just the same Ah I found it

our pretty pretty boy we love him

BanJi s smiling face

is exactly the same as BanJi s father very pretty

maybe they are related after all

HaWon BanJi s mother is very shy so she tries to hide it by acting tough on the outside o_o but if you really want to

be close with her I want you to give her your hand first . Ah but sir I have already tried tens of million times but oh well

and now

I m very tired and sick of it

I ve come this far . can t give up so easily now can I? This time I m not just gonna crawl over to her I m going just me just the way I am

to show her the REAL me And to do just that She s over there

I followed BanJi s father all the way to his house she s BanJi s mother right?

hmm o_o I wonder why she s outside BanJi s mother was outside with a blank expression on her face she seemed to be dearly waiting for somebody She o_o okay she must be waiting for BanJi let s spy on her could you move over there a little o_o and quietly watched her . T^T

We stood behind

but time passed and BanJi did not appear Ah this is boring =_=

HaWon Yes HaWon what do you like about What do I like .about BanJi?? As I thought more and more about The only thing I could do was gently stare at the floor Because what I realized was the BanJi I liked was hmm? o_o What s wrong well? So what is it o_o ?? smokes once in a while and drinks BanJi?

Just . just the BanJi that and

when BanJi can t really say what he s feeling he ll just

express it through swears and such that kind of BanJi is what I liked so much hmm? The confident BanJi that doesn t even have to study but can still be overflowing with confidence that s just what I liked about him I guess wow o_o But nicely said why I didn t realize that sooner you know

I wonder

I didn t want BanJi to change because of his mother but I I liked BanJi just the way he was . why why why!!

Why did I change BanJi just because I wanted him to!! The reason is simple After that I wonder how much time had passed I could feel BanJi s father shaking my shoulders violently There he is! BanJi! o_o When I opened my eyes I could see BanJi standing in front of his mom I can feel their coldness all the way over here because I m OCTOPUS POO

What are you always doing that you re always this late! Why the hell do you care? BanJi Who doesn t even care about getting closer with his mom at all who were you waiting for

I wasn t waiting for you so don t even think about laughing

and please use some proper language. I wasn t even considering laughing in front of you I can somehow feel BanJi s words being wet from tears

and BanJi s mother . I m not sure if she knows it or not but instead of taking her cardigan off and warmly putting it over BanJi s shoulders . she instead throws it to the floor I could not watch it any longer Mo mother!!!!! The moment I stood in front of her I knew that nothing else in this world Mother!! Why could hold me back Ah shiet no MOTHER!

No- Actually! OLD LADY!

why are you so impossible to get along with!!!

what what are you saying now? Why do you keep shooting holes into BanJi s heart!!! Why do you keep making BanJi cry Min HaWon I could hear BanJi call out my name It refused to close Mother you think you re all that because you like pickled fish eggs?!?! huh? T_________T you know huh?!? but once my mouth opened huh who do you think you are?!?!

You re nothing but an octopus poo Min HaWon . HAWON just once . JUST ONCE

wouldn t it be nice for all of us if you would then BanJi won t hurt so much You re really equivalent to octopus poo

just warmly hug BanJi ?? Then why don t you know that you octopus poo mother Min HaWon why???

.shut up for a second

I still have lots of things kept inside of me yet T_T in

BanJi slowly grabbed a hold of my hand . and calmly looked at my hand his hand . Min HaWon next time be born as my mom okay?

Chapter 80 Okay? Be born as my mom. but mom??

Mom ? Not wife

Hey!!!! No!!!!! ?_?!!!!!! I don t want to!! Heuk Don t say you don t want to just be my mom

and sing me the lullaby to sleep I quietly glared at BanJi s tearfilled eyes As he looked at me he broke into a slight It seemed as if smile.

he was crying even though there

was a smile plastered on his face Was he crying?? Or sincerely laughing ?

If you want me to be your mom you re basically saying that you want me to live with your dad for 100 years WHAT!? BanJi stated to glare at me and his dad And finally he opened his mouth yo can wives sing the lullaby too??????? back and forth - _ -

Are you being serious right now? =_=

Then just stay


Your wife??? your wife?? Yeah my wife

And BanJi grabbed my arm and pulled me away from his dad Oh my how could he act as if his own dad was his enemy - . , -

Darling, you go in first. I feel that I should speak with these kids. Ah I forgot . that BanJi s mother was still here

Suddenly the atmosphere froze up =_=^ kahk~ tweh~ (spitting on the floor) (Like I said before, I m gonna go all out on BanJi s mom this time and show her my true side ) You =_=^ I never knew you were such an evil kid. I never knew your true identity was octopus poo.

So you re not even going to be acting all fake in front of me anymore, is that it? Well it doesn t matter now does it? I m going to marry BanJi, not you. Silence. hoo go on now. Don t come back here again. Ever. Again.

BanJi s mother turned around and opened the front door to go in No This I can t let her win like this again this is my last chance

If I give up now, I ll never get another chance Mo mother!!! =_=^!!! . She didn t turn her full attention to us at my yell but she seemed as if she was waiting to listen .Mother =_=^ You hate me now don t you right?!?!

You hate me now because I called you octopus poo right?! Just tell me your point. Just I just want to say one last thing . BanJi still loves you very much Wanna die?! I could hear BanJi s voice dig into my ear

but my mouth was already set on fire What I m saying is BanJi still loves you a lot how I found out is and his heart

When BanJi s standing in front of a person he loves

is hurting like crazy you can never tell the expression on BanJi s face So? What do you mean so?!?! =_=^ =_=^ I mean that when BanJi s talking to you I can never tell how So that means BanJi loves you! if he s laughing or crying you can t tell

he s feeling =_=^ =_=^

When I finished my little speak BanJi s mother was already on her way inside. Did she finally realize something or is she laughing at me ? =_=^ Our house. When I ran inside my front door out of breath angry face .= _= -__-. ah sorry mom I m a little late aren t I? I was met with my mother s

Where s the chicken?



it suddenly grew wings

and fly up to the sky

- _ - - _ That day I had to starve lunch and dinner heuk heuk - _ my eyes were swollen

When I woke up the next day

Heuk I shouldn t have cried last night School. SuYun s face was filled with a mysterious kind of happiness and a big fat smile Hey HaWon when you sleep five nights. it s my birthday >_<

Ahahahahahahaha Really? o_o then you have to meet UnHa O-o

Hey~ whatcha saying?! It s okay~ I m gonna play with you on that day Then why the hell are you slowly backing away from me Oh yeah did you go meet BanJi s mom yesterday? it makes me look weird =_=

Don t change the subject =_=

Yeah -_ - I broke up with her Hmm it sounds like I actually had some kind of relationship with her

When school had already ended I was met with BanJi and some SangGo kids in front of our school door UNHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh? Ah! SuYun >_<!! =_= I wonder what s up?? UnHa was laughing while sending text messages . and he quickly

with someone on his cell phone until SuYun ran up to him hid his cell phone away .

wtf? =_=^ !!!!!!!!

Yo! Your husband is here! huk -.,- -.,- .Hey BanJi Hmm BanJi s face seems brighter today

Is there something good happening today o_o?? .they re going o_o huh? My mom s leaving Oh yeah BanJi they live in Italy are you really okay? so I guess they re leaving now ?

I hugged her What ? When I was sleeping .for the first time. Ah Should I hmm? Two days later BanJi s parents were off to Italy So I guess that means that I won t be able to hear BanJi s father s Lakukaracha song anymore o_o hey yeah? go and say goodbye .? she hugged me while saying she was sorry

is Lee BanJi not coming here today??

yeah =_= he went with his parents to the airport weren t their relationship rocky??

I dunno Ah whatever

they prolly made up or something (<-- yes I was pissed)

When I tried sooooooo to put those two back together all those days they make over ONE night The next day I kept my mouth shut tight until BanJi started to slightly tap my blazer Yo look at this psshh

- _ that face expression isn t funny -__look at this

I m not like this so I can make you laugh

As I glared at him I quietly took the piece of paper he was handing to me Ah this wasn t JUST paper . it was a letter

-To BanJi. I have a feeling you won t be coming out to the airport with us, so I will leave y ou a letter. BanJi, even if you hate or like me I m your mother. That kid HaWon I was only acting cold to her because I felt it would be best for you. I feel that I have given he r a deep scar so I don t feel the least bit comfortable because I believe that it was her that g ave me the strength to write such a letter to you. Ah but we are still so far aren t we? If th is mother deeply wants to be BanJi s mother I m still so very far. When I figure out how to love you properly I shall come back. Please -Your mother. To me this one little letter Without any love I can clearly see but weirdly expression seems so empty feelings in this one letter stay healthy.

her uncaring feelings

BanJi s smiling

Smiling because of this one letter smiling like there s no tomorrow Alright then my job s done helped them or not BanJi s not crying

Whether my help

that s all I wanted Mother next time I hope that you will take your warm cardigan put it over BanJi s shoulders while smiling.

and gently caringly .Promise.

Chapter 81 Yo don t smile at me like that hehe makes me feel weird.


I slowly grabbed a hold of BanJi s hand and tugged him back (He was walking ahead of me ) Wow his hands are long and slender Is my hand pretty??? Uh huh -owhat about my hand??

Your hands smell like herbs shiat =_=+ shiat?? =_= =_= I decided to quickly change the subject . Now my heart doesn t have to hurt anymore because of mother or anything like that . =_= It s all thanks to you o_o huh? My mom Oh woke up to reality when you yelled at her I think. it was probably really hard for you to spit out such


a clean phrase from your dirty mouth =_=^ Ahaha

*tohk*. I watched as Unha walked ahead of us without talking to SuYun =_=^ but sending text msgs on his cell phone

wth is up with this kid??

The next day. Ah to think that I don t have to spend such valuable time on

BanJi s mother anymore makes me want to fly~~* HaWon how are you so happy ? Hahahahaha - _ it was that stupid rubber shoes teacher I quickly walked past him and went inside HaWonSuYun s the only one that is welcoming me today SuYun >_< Hey Unha Unha is really weird these days TT__TT

Huh ? o_o He ignores all my text messages the same way he used to . o_o don t worry you and Unha are the perfect couple and he doesn t greet me

.you know that I I know but still For the rest of the day SuYun s face expression remained blank

Sucks because I m so happy today and I need someone to talk with SuYun>_< Oh I m soo happy because BanJi and his mother are on good terms now

good for you

That afternoon BANJI!!!!!!!!!!! >_< >_<!!! I quickly raced toward BanJi but *koong* I accidently bumped into a GongHak boy that was walking in front of me o_o Ah sorry who was sitting on the floor next to the door.

kaaaa~~~ahk~~ tweh~~ ah fuck what the hell??? (<--- it s the sound of him spitting) =_= ;; =_= This boy =_=^ with weird pants spat on the floor.

you think you re all that huh?!?!? huh?!?!

So??? You re not as hot as BanJi you know!!! I slowly started to glance over at the door where BanJi was And BanJi looked incredibly bored and didn t even look in my direction. Shiet =_= =_=

After I made sure to bow to that boy I quickly ran over to where BanJi was. BanJi was messing around with my cell phone s flip =_=^

Yo!! What the hell were you going to do if I got beat up by that weird pants boy?? huh?? I sat down in front of BanJi and asked that question.

Who the hell s weird pants boy?? -.,that boy with the weird pants remember?!

Isn t he your teacher ??????? =_= T__T forget it forget it okay =_=

forget it . this guy has no interest me in anymore

Lee Banji!!! BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SangGo kid popped out of the corner of the block and was running in our direction. Yo huhk hah .hah huhk huk

Noticing that he can barely catch his breath He must ve ran all the way here What~~ why the hell won t you talk after you called my name?! Is BanJi stupid You T___T huk huk or is he stupid you T^T huk .?

I suddenly felt bad for this boy huk there s a meeting today??

Don t you know that Oh yeah

Meeting??? A meeting where the SangGo kids get together and scatter soju bottles all over the table =_= ? I m not going Yo Suchul hyung told us to make sure you re there

I m not going tell him you never saw me. Suchul hyung already knows that you come to GongHak everyday because of your girlfriend~~~ Shiet then just tell him I died. BanJi just go -oGod damn,,,,,ah Banji started glaring at me but started to follow the pack of

SangGo kids that were walking ahead of him.

You can go home by yourself right? Um yeah but BanJi about drinki-

Yeah yeah I won t drink. No! Just drink okay!!?? Drink as much as you want!! really ? Yup Because I love BanJi just the way he is I m letting you go this time . But later in your life When your hand starts to shake and all that good stuff that comes along with drinking too much I m holding YOU responsible for it Lee BanJi That night In order to make SuYun feel better (she claimed she was feeling like shiet) We stepped out to downtown yo HaWon I want to just go home and rest go to the arcade with me I want to rest c mon

-.,- no

I don t want to =_=^

Woman! I know how much you love UnHa but just because he s being a little weird with expressing how he feels doesn t mean you should just break down completely like this HaWon wanna go drink ?? -.,- hmm? wanna? We headed towards the soju house in downtown ;

*tinkle* a pretty bell sound rang out . as we entered. But the moment we entered what we saw wasn t Soju or Peanuts or not even a hella hot waiter It was B BanJi UNHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously did not want to intrude on BanJi s meeting But SuYun refused to let go of me and pulled me over to the Sanggo kids BanJi sup?? -oAs if he didn t want to believe that I was actually here BanJi turned his head the other way . Heuk You re really pissing me off today you know that?

Wow~~ is she your girlfriend???~~~ She s pretty~ Come here come sit next to your oppa~~ o_o o_O .

A student in a GongGo uniform started to do a hand motion towards me to come. Huh?? Wasn t this SangGo s meeting??? Well whatever I really don t want to go next to that guy

So I started to look down at BanJi But BanJi was busy doing something else =_=^ I slowly started to walk towards that GongGo guy

But *Tahk* BanJi grabbed a hold of my blazer and slowly started to pull me towards him o_o o_o

Chapter 82 - the end is really sweet =) o_o The attention of the Sanggo kids turned to us

BanJi let go -.,Sit here. Alright but just let go As I tried to ignore the attention of the Sanggo kids I quietly sat next to BanJi But when I lifted my head That Gonggo student s face was staring at me With an extremely pissed off expression =_= In this awkward situation I could still hear SuYun s bright laughter Ringing out into the room. Uhwehwehwehwehwe (her laughing)!!! >_< Jo UnHa!! Don t drink more than 2 soju bottles~~!!! >_< k >_< k What the hell He s the same as he always was SuYun s probably just being too sensitive about things. Ah but anyway All this liquor hmm >_< should I wet my throat a little

Or eat a couple of peanuts first??

Yo Mmk

shut your mouth

a butterfly will go in

but isn t it usually a fly ??

I m a SangGo man~~ If you think that that is a good reason You are a true babo -__Thankfully SuYun and I could fit into the SangGo meeting just fine Without any problems But What ? There are no SangGo girls around o_o Oh yeah >_< only male students year 2 and 3 are meeting today >_< SuYun give me that paper cup! I ll show you a magic trick!! Then what about the kids in the GongGo uniform?? (I asked in the quietest voice possible ) Oh~ he s a GongGo but he s friends with SuChul hyung so that basically makes him our hyung too >_< Oh I see it s kinda weird o_o

Ta da!! >_<!! Wow~ where d it go o_O!!? -.,- . Did SuYun REALLY not see UnHa hide the paper cup behind him or is she just playing dumb????????? Yo~~ what s your name?? That GongGo guy was still staring at me

So I figured the question was directed at me. Min HaWon Oh?? Pretty~~ It gave me a nice feeling hearing that .

but I didn t reply with a thank you . Because BanJi was looking at me with a blank expression on his face While playing with the tissues Hmm the atmosphere is really depressing right now man~~

Unha! Go out and dance a little~ Liven the place up man A SangGo 3rd year student shoving UnHa out He then proceeded to move next to SuYun . And started to play with her hair Ah T^T I could see that SuYun absolutely hated what he was doing T__T The atmosphere did not liven up at all Because UnHa came back to the table with a red red face with big big eyes =__= started

Was it because he was drunk?? Or because he was angry?? Uh it s a punch

*pahk* puhk puhk puhk* UnHa started to beat the guy s head And surprisingly enough it was actually very cute Yo are you friggin drunk?? I m your SUNBAE!!!!!!!!!

(upper classman) >_< don t talk punches are supposed to be quiet =_= =_= After UnHa beat the guy s head to his satisfaction

He pulled SuYun and walked outside . Ehehe I saw =_= How UnHa s eyes changed

When he was beating up the big-eyed student Yo I m going to the bathroom Oh okay.


BanJi quickly got up from his seat And ran towards the bathroom It must ve been an emergency . Hey~~~ pretty girl As soon as BanJi left That GongGo guy started to have me come next to him again When BanJi comes back he s going to be mad I m his Sunbae it s okay ~~ come here what do you mean SUNBAE?!? come here~~

You re a friggin GongGo =_=

I I think I ll just stay here KAHK!!! ~~ Come here NOW~~~ T^T BanJi please hurry up T___T

As I tried my best ignore his scary eyes I quietly went over to him and stood before him. Now that s a good girl =_= I can go back now right??

Nope. Just sit here. It seemed as if the he would not let me go easily This is why it s such a pain in the butt when you have such a pretty face!! (<~~ Totally only my thoughts )

After a while BanJi came back and stared at us with a blank expression He quietly glared at him once . And just sat at his seat. Does this mean I have to keep sitting by this GongGo?! BanJi T__________T Save me!~~~~~~~ T___T It s cold here right?

I could feel the GongGo guy put his arm around my shoulders It s it s not that cold I m actually very hot

ah~~ come closer this oppa will cover you~~ BanJi dad mom HanBum Please someone save me T_______T *hwak* A piece of clothing landed on my head If you re cold use that

It was BanJi s school blazer T____T !!! I can smell BanJi s scent BanJi T__T Come here T^T k I I want to but this =_=

I quietly pointed at the GongGo guy with my 2nd finger Haha Baby give me one cig will ya??

The GongGo guy handed out his hand towards BanJi BanJi quietly grabbed the pack of cigarettes on the table

BanJi!!! You can t win him?!?! T___T ??? Huh??????????? Yo fuck what the hell you doing Lee BanJi?? BanJi was a different boy

But of course Oh yes he was .

BanJi grabbed one cig out of the pack

and stuck it in his mouth

He then grabbed one of the cigs from the ash trays that one of the SangGo kids threw away and handed it to the GongGo kid. Lee BanJi do you want to get beat up?? Or do you want to kneel?? You do you want to bring MinHaWon over here or do you

want to get beat up by a hubae?? (lower classman) To think in this crazy situation That BanJi is so cool Means that I still have a very long way to go Before I grow up . Heuk heuk T___T Please Put wings on BanJi s back so he can fly away~~ to safety

Chapter 83 The GongGo student pushed me aside and stood up to walk towards BanJi and of course the SangGo students all got up and

stood in front of BanJi

Ah Yo

strong friendship

I see haha

son of a biatches you all crazy now huh?? or else

move your ass while I m still talking o_o

A Sanggo student with a thick bottom lip walked forward and grabbed him up with only one arm Yo o.o

I think it s your fault this time don t fucking touch my aight??

pretty hubae

o_o w what?! BanJi is your PRETTY hubae?!?! Hm I would understand if he said cocky hubae Yo Ah Suchul but pretty?

did you just fucking put your hubae before me?

so the big lips guy s name must be Suchul

I wonder what his last name is Yong?? Haha Yong Suchul??? =_= look at that guy s lips


I quietly whispered to him as I poked his hand Yo get your ass over here I can t =_=^ -__-

In this situation

BanJi started to glare at me Ugh You re such a bad boy Your friends are out there fighting for your ass with a SUNBAE and you re just sitting here

Acting like nothing s wrong

THIS is not the TIME to be jealous, BanJi!! After the Gonggo students realized that they would lose if they fought, the small fight quickly ended and everybody s butts were back on their seats. Min HaWon come here o_o o_o Quietly ld BanJi stuck out his hand at me T__T You know you really don t look like you wou

but you re really good at impressing people I really don t look like it =_=^??!!! It it means that you re good =_= Oh. OH?!?!?!? You re SO lost in yourself . >_< >_< >_< A cute Sanggo student that sat next to me That had dimples just like Unha was staring at me and BanJi Not staring Yo but looking at us up and down

why don t you kiss once~? I want to see

your girlfriend s face turn red~~~ You know what? Erase what I said before =_= You can NEVER judge a person by just looks !! How could he look so cute! And act so dirty! Why the hell should my wife be your entertainment .?

BanJi s voice slowly filled the room And it was obvious that he was pissed But isn t that guy your sunbae =_= ?

Lee BanJi~~ you re hella taking care of your girlfriend aren t ya?? You were like this too with Haesu man ~~ For a second A cold silence floated in the air Everybody s face froze Lee BanJi forgot that bitch now. Bitch?? =_= like that But In order to get the atmosphere up a little I started to try and be entertaining AHAHAHAHA =_= should I Yo what are you doing hold his hand then??? I thought Jinho didn t use such words

As I tried my best to ignore BanJi s glare I quietly grabbed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder Now~~ shall we hug?? Yo BanJi started to stare at me with big rabbit eyes O_O. Yo I was just joking You don t have to blush so much =_= Thanks to me everybody just continued talking And thanking god that it didn t have to be so awkward anymore I started to crack peanuts *DDAL LANG~* I could hear someone walk over to our table

While the pretty bells over the door rang He stopped for a second in front of Banji and I but continued walking and sat next to that GongGo guy uh o_o When I lifted my head Hi. your uh Yup leg is all okay now . that person was

I survived that hellhole hospital.

You talk like you had cancer or something Yes it was true

The person that was smiling in front of me Was Shim Taejin Tetjul!

Wow I thought I d never see him again His hair that used to be a light khaki color Was now black =_=

And instead of the usual hospital clothes He was in the GongGo uniform Yo -.,Min HaWon turn your head over here huh? Oh okay BanJi =_=

BanJi squeezed my hand tight and like always Was flipping my cell phone open Was it because he was nervous??? That maybe just like HaeSu I would be taken away from him too?? Hey toy~ I became much cooler than when I and close

was in the hospital right??? Hmm I think you re the same and my name isn t toy

You promised to be my toy toy. I slowly turned my head and looked up at BanJi with a blank face.

BanJi was staring at TaeJin *seuk* o_o huk

I could feel BanJi s arm circling my waist TIGHTLY Hmm BanJi s bangs grew long now are really clean

Wow and the whites of his eyes

I should ask SuYun to take care of his bangs later Since her dream is to be a hair stylist anyway (The situation was too awkard so I m trying to just concentrate on other things =_= )

Chapter 84 o_o bye all~

Goodbye Jaesu!! Ahemm =_=., I walked out of the bar with BanJi while scratching my head. But when I turned back around for no apparent reason My eyes locked with Taejin s See you tomorrow ^-^ =_= see you sometime before we die

*hwik* o_o BanJi roughly grabbed my hand and rapidly pulled me out of the bar I wonder wht the hell is pissing him off Ever since back then He kept a pissed off expression on his face .BanJi What?? You re all knotted up Yo. Huh? Don t go alright . You can t go to anyone alright?? Uh huh I was kind of confused at what BanJi meant by his words but nontheless . is a knot.

I nodded my head for him. Because His voice sounded so weak I just nodded my head The next day AHH >_< I kissed with Unha last night!!! =_= so you guys are back to normal now? something s still awkward between us

o_o yeah

but I must slowly melt it down on my birthday by spending a hot night with him!!

Hmm Hot night (<-- thinking of .ahem.)

I spent that whole day thinking of SuYun s birthday plans with her After school at the gates.

I quietly waited for BanJi as I stuck my hands into my pockets and shivered in the fall cold Hey, look it s Lee BanJi! Huh? I wonder why he s alone I turned my body to the direction SuYun was pointing to But someone that looked KINDA like BanJi was standing there Oh o_o that s that s not BanJi is it? It s a GongGo kid look at his uniform

yeah it s not

GongGo GongGo That GongGo student slightly waved his hand at me And flashed a bright smile (Riano: MELTTTTTTTTTTTTS) Huh? I don t think I know anyone in GongGo Let s go closer o_o Nah just act like you don t know him

It was just then when I realized the identity of that GongGo boy Shim TetJul Tetjul s bangs were blowing with the wind And my heart Yoyo Huh?? was shaking =_= BanJi s gonna get mad if he sees

let s just go


you don t have to know I linked arms with SuYun

Trying my best not to notice

and tried to walk past Tetjul as naturally as possible. Yo you re hella making me sad a little??

His voice hit me in the back of the head *PAHK* =_= whatever is the problem sir??

We re hospital friends~~ I I don t believe I know a doctor like you =_=

Doctor??? Hey~ I m TaeJin !! TaeJin chased us like sticky toffee And I was stuck between running away from TaeJin or staying there and wait for BanJi Hey T__T stop chasing me What kind of promise?? That I wouldn t leave him for anyone T__T so quit trying to come near me Ah It sounds as if I m saying that Taejin likes me or something =_= So yup Huh?? That I don t not like you I like you. You are quite a jokester aren t you ? =_= TaeJin was looking down at me with eyes that seemed as if I I mean that =_=^ I don t NOT like you I promised BanJi

they wanted something. Alright I ll just say whatever the heck I want then I like you too as a hospital friend. =_=^

Maybe we can meet in our next lives, aight?? Alright then See you !! Want me to buy you lunch???? -__- oh yeah restraunt today I think I know why your nickname is liar now =_=^. Of course What I said was a lie BanJi said he s going to take me to a

but I m starting to get a little pissed after he found out the truth =_=^ -__We re going to go~

It s not a lie

JUST. THE. TWO. OF. US. Whether you re telling the truth or lying You can only eat food that I buy you today. huh?? TaeJin stared at something behind me without saying anything more ?????????? Like reflex, I turned around to see what it was but Shim TaeJin quickly turns me over to him immediately Lee BanJi s face looks extremely mad =_= ah so I didn t see wrong

The person that is in a cocky pose With his hands jammed into his pockets

Is Lee BanJi Min HaWon

T____T liar

Hey BanJi T__T With my eyes closed shut tightly I quickly turned back around to BanJi Lee BanJi . I love you~~ T__T You said you wouldn t leave me for anyone liar =_= I I didn t go to anyone he came to me first

BanJi cocked his eyebrows And his eyes were now looking at the person behind me TaeJin Are you Kim Hari s dog?? I don t steal your things ^-^ Even if you try to steal it I won t let you.

BanJi tightly grabbed my backpack and pulled me over to him Min HaWon I ll bring her over to my side Like a real man *Kwang*!! I was in deep shock That student standing right over there Is his is his brain turning to mush???? Didn t you hear what Min Hawon said??

BanJi stared at TaeJin with eyes on fire What did ^-^ HaWon say to me?? She said she loved me did you hear it?? BanJi please wake up =_=

You re in a state of madness ^-^ I think I ll just go today

See you tomorrow HaWon Stop calling me HaWon T______T

I d rather have you call me TOY!!!!!!!!!! TaeJin was farther and farther away from us But I think he left Because he saw BanJi s fists =_= But I wonder what he said to me His eyes were serious . But WAS he being serious?? He said he liked me . I wonder if it s real

Chapter 85 Shim Tae Jin I wonder if he s for real

Yo!!!! You want to die?!?!? huh?? Oh did you call me?? =_= BanJi pulled me out of the fantasy I was creating in my head =_= .What did Tetjul say That he likes

Who? huh?? =_=++ ah well respect oh

he said that he has a new and uh liking for you

BanJi s face expression changed completely =_= But thankfully If BanJi was actually smart and understood the joke I had just told him I bet his face would ve been darker What I did was good. Lying, I mean It s better if he doesn t know But it s weird I wonder why in my head

TetJul s name is floating around Was it because of his confession?? IT DOESN T MATTER!! Cuz in my heart, BanJi is wound tightly around it Downtown Ah I haven t been here in a while

I feel so happy right now!!! =_= Hey~ here. T___T

BanJi placed something on my head For you, it might be a light tap But to me it s a punch =_=+

What he gave me

was my cellphone

Did you get a new one =_=?? Yeah Cyon.

Ohoh~ The cell phone that came out of BanJi s pocket Was even more cooler than the one he previously had Stop making it obvious that you re r i c h =_=!!! Give me your number. I already put it in yours. And yes When I flipped open my cell phone and checked His name was entered in at #100 Why is it 100?? Let me change it to #1. No I purposely put it in 100 so we can live together

till we turn 100 humm =_= ++

We walked around downtown late into the night The SangGo kids had already left a while ago after getting a phone call from their girlfriends And of course Our Unha was steadily walking away from SuYun and sending text messages to someone on his cell. =_=^ UnHa s really weird these days Who cares just leave him alone. He s always like that. You re so cold =_=

*cough cough* Ah it s cold

*sniffle* I m cold =_= Do you have a cold ? yeah T^T BanJi stopped walking And stared down at my face Wow

my teeth are frozen

looking at him this close

I finally noticed how hot he was While I was jabbering on in my head about how hot BanJi was BanJi had taken off his blazer And put it over me hey I can t breathe T__T

If you catch a cold, I m gonna kill you. If you would just talk a little prettier You d be the perfect man But you re gonna be cold just put it back on Your nose is like Rudolph s nose. =_=^ your nose is like a strawberry. Well your nose is Rudolph s nose so just wear it! =_= k I m very thankful.

BanJi walked ahead of me As if he really wasn t cold Or was he just pretending. Yeah It s because of things like this That I love BanJi

This is the reason why TaeJin could try so hard Yet never get anywhere with me I quickly ran next to him., and squeezed his hand.

BanJi looked down at me with skeptical eyes If we hold hands and walk, we can both be warm ^o^. BanJi broke into a little smile But your blazers really big o_o My hands are lost in the sleeves! I thought that it d be tight on you. -__-^ Of course what did you just say?? he refused to answer

And that night I went home at 11PM But the moment I stepped inside I came back outside in a tank top and old jeans -__-

(This was our mother s form of punishment ) The next day SuYun I was outside yesterday wearing that

Hey!!! I finally figured out plans for my birthday >_<!! Now all I have to do is tell Unha!!! You re a bad friend - _ More bad than My brother HanBum the kitchen window Heuk heuk T^T who laughed at me through

HaWon let s go buy the cardigan after school >_< =_=^ huh?? You asked me to pick one for you last time~~ =_=. =_= K thanks KKYAHH >_<~ That day After school, I stood at the school gates waiting for BanJi While talking about the different types of cardigans with SuYun. But right at that moment

I saw a boy walk towards us Hey!!! Toy! -__-

Shim TaeJin

BanJi s gonna come soon .- _ So?? ^-^ -__- -__Why are you doing this to me?? huh ? Don t open your eyes so wide It s not cute at all only a little. =_= I. Want. To. Know. the. reason. why. you re. acting. like. this. to. me. Are you mad? =_= You have a lot of girls that like you~

Go to them instead. . A really weird silence followed after my words I I don t think I said anything wrong T^T Tetjul s face just became serious now Hey what Whenver I see you This place becomes weird It really Hawon =_=

it won t work the way I want it too

TaeJin pulled my hand towards him And placed it over his heart

Chapter 86 I believed that it was a lie That he wouldn t No Actually I tried to make myself believe

That it wasn t true but it was?? Shim TaeJin TaeJin likes me??? *PAHK* I hastily took my hand off of his chest I could feel TaeJin s fast heartbeat beat against my hand. TaeJin =_= I suggest you run before BanJi sees you

I m not joking right now THAT S why you should all the more RUN!!!! I never said you were joking!!! I didn t have the guts to look at TaeJin in the eye anymore So I turned around and started running. YO!! HAWON!! Where are you going?!?! Without even turning back when SuYun tried to call me I ran all the way home But it was then And noticed when I opened the door to my room

Locker sitting on my bed

That I remembered that I left BanJi behind . Ah . >_< *biririririririririiririririri* In this situation I can only guess that the person that is calling Ah what do I do T___________T T___________T BanJi! I m sorry!!! I m not BanJi =_= huh?? is BanJi.

I m LEE BanJi. =_= I feel like going crazy

Then I m not HaWon either~ I m MIN HaWon Don t copy me~ It s not funny when you say it. =_= Where are you? .Ah =_= BanJi I m sorry

It s okay o_o are you forgiving me??? Even when I left leaving you alone?!

Are you okay now?? There s no hole in your finger?? o_o???????? Huh? The next day I found out that SuYun had made up and given a hella weird excuse to BanJi about my absence So that s why BanJi asked about the hole in my finger =_=^ And today after school, SuYun and I left to gather the leaves outside (We no longer had to pick up rocks =_=.) But it was easy because we passed time quickly by talking about this and that -__In front of the gates Hey it s him again GongGo Shim TaeJin

Seriously?? OH MY GOD >_< He s crazy isn t he?!?! >_<!!! TaeJin was standing in front of the gates But hey he has all his friends today friends?? =_=

Shim TaeJin s

So does that mean Kim Hari is one of the students amongst there then?? I slowly hid myself behind a girl reading a book and observed TaeJin Oh Kim Hari is there

How could I ever forget that face!! His HIGH eyebrows

Skinny but still tall And that top lip that always goes up everytime he LAUGHS Before you could say he was hot, he looked scary, But what s even more scarier Is that my eyes met with TaeJin s HEY!! TOY~!!! I must run =o= TOY!! I came here to give you your hairpin!!!! Pin??? =_= Ah In TaeJin s hands were my precious Banana hairpins When did I drop them T__T?? But I can t stay here If I stay here BanJi s gonna come And then he ll have to face Kim Hari I can t let that happen I don t want to hurt BanJi Anyways, I jumped the gates in the back with SuYun and quickly called BanJi. Hello?!! BanJi >_<!!! Come here! Through the back gates!!! Did you fix the hole in your finger?! uh huh - _ here right at this moment

After a while, I could see BanJi with SangGo students trailing behind him. And of course

the response from the guys from our school wasn t all that great God they think this school is SangGo or something

Who the hell do they think they are coming in like this anytime they want Hella pisses me off Yeah I know look at those biatches already on the floor drooling.

SangGo s all trash anyway But =_= As soon as they passed BanJi their mouths were tightly shut =_= BanJi >_< ehehe the back gates are much bigger and better right?! Shut up Because of the screaming girls behind us a little mad because it was so noisy. BANJI!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KKKKKKKKYAHH >_<!! COME HERE!!!!! Huh?? - _ That unni is the president of SunDobu BANJI!!!! WHERE S YOUR NECKLACE?!??!?! DO YOU HAVE YOUR EARRING ON?????????? Ah fuck hurry up and apologize right now BanJi must ve been

I m turning deaf every second right now =_= sorry

EUNGU!!!!! LOOK OVER HERE EUNGU!!!!!!! Ah.,. EunGu s in SuWon T__T I guess they don t know yet



I wonder how EunGu s doing??? EunGu EunGu !!

Chapter 87 Even way after that Our GongHak girls kept screaming out SangGo s names And even in that situation I saw =_=^ UnHa wave his hand slightly and smile at the girls - _ -^ Yo, let s go. Lee BanJi Don t you FEEL anything??? screaming your name??

Having all these girls surround you Nonetheless

BanJi turned around with an expressionless face Downtown Arcade. BanJi went straight ahead to play Tetris with UnHa -__-^ In order to search for the great king when you complete the levels BanJi can t you play something else???? the flower blooms??

Go sing~~~ what was that song?? Umm -__-. Flowers of the passion?? Yeah that! Go sing that!!!

Are you trying to say that I m annoying right now =_= ? No. Why are you saying no when you re not even looking at me when you re talking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I walked over to the machine And then saw . Oh? It s toy. hi - _ Damn He s like a friggin sticky gum

in order to change my money into coins.

I wish we would stop meeting like this TaeJin Like last time I saw him Was surrounded by his GongGo friends Ah fuck

Kim Hari s eyes met with mine Hey it s her right??? Lee BanJi s girl

Kim Hari s voice Was lighter and thinner than what I had expected it to be

Kim Hari walked over to me He was tall really tall

I wonder if he s taller than BanJi?? While lost in my own thoughts I started to glare at him When I could hear BanJi s voice MIN HAWON!!!!!!!!!!! scream out

Hey, where d Min HaWon go?????

Seeing as how happy his tone of voice is I think he finally found that great king And is calling me to see it =_= he was looking for

Keke Hey

Lee BanJi s here too Hey guys it hurts you know ?

let s go over there.

I glared at him as he gripped my shoulder tighter Because it hurts so much T___________T I can t cry T__T

I can t cry

Because if I cry

Santa won t give me anything

Let s go over to BanJi Kim Hari gave a slight smile (t/n: wow and took his hands off of my shoulder

kim hari s starting to sound hottt <3 )

He started to walk behind me Forcing me to walk in front of him Ba BanJi did . Long time no see Lee BanJi. and turned his head did you find the king?? T___T

BanJi took his hands off of the tetris board to look at me and that devil behind me .

I hope I hope he doesn t make up his own situation Min HaWon . you want to go sing the flower blooms with me ? Casually BanJi pulled my arm and lead me to the box karaoke

He acts as if . he never even noticed Kim Hari there Yo Lee BanJi keke HaeSu she says she s doing fine these days haha

She said that she s passed 100 days with with a Jap

Im HaeSu . I looked up to see BanJi s face But there was no change in BanJi s expression Who s Haesu . After I heard those words I thought to myself how evil I am

Because even in a situation like this I feel reassured at his words Yo You love Im HaeSu didn t you love her to death?? I guess you must ve forgotten her now because of someone As Kim Hari said those words He stared at me calmy And I returned his stare with a glare.

BanJi abruptly grabbed my arm and pulled me outside the arcade. Yo yo!! BanJi Lee BanJi !

God!! Why is he so strong?? Hey T__T we have to leave with your friends . They re all still inside T___T You just have to stay here Huh All you have to do is just stay here Don t go next to Kim Hari Hey even if you push me towards him

I ll never ever like a dragon poo like him

k. Hey TOY!!!

AHHHKHKHKH I feel like going crazy When did HE come out?? Whyyyy This here Banana

TaeJin slid my banana pin into my hand Ah you have returned T__T

my precious banana pin Thanks K buy me lunch then. =_= I m not that thankful

then buy me a drink. =_= shiet *tahk* BanJi grabbed the banana pin out of my hand He walked up into the street and grabbed a random student walking nearby - _ what the hell???

Chapter 88 Wha huh?

I could tell that the student was hella scared His bright white eyes were shaking with fear BanJi do you know him??

No I don t. =_= then let him go he s shaking =_=

Without letting go of the boy s blazer BanJi sticks out his hand the one with my banana pin in it. =_=^

And the words he spits out next

I want you to wear this from this day on. .Huh?? Ah. okay can can I go now?? T__T

BanJi quietly let go of him and after bowing to BanJi at an exact 90 degree angle He dashed off with my banana pin in his hand.

Hey T___T do you know that I really liked that pin??? Oh yeah that s the only one you have. Sorry.

Don t say such things so seriously =_= I m not poor!!! T^T

SangGo Lee BanJi your jealousy is strong. o_o Oh yeah TetJul was still here

But huh? Jealousy? I suggest you hurry up and go Before BanJi hits you =_= Fuck you re so dead today

=_= That response did not come out of BanJi s mouth but rather another sanggo s student s Yeah kill me.

TaeJin walked up to the SangGo student confidently. Ah is this bitch fucking retarded in the head??

He lifted up his hand to really hit him But Unha slowly pulled him back Hey SungHan >_<~ Yesterday >_< with text messaging.~ Huh? Text messaging? UNHA! SPEAK LOUDER!!! God stop flaring your nostrils

T^T WHEN DID I?!?! You re flaring them right now hella king-sized nostrils Are you acting like this because TaeJin keeps pissing you off?!?! Hey!! Let s go. huh? -.,- where. There WIthout saying anything more, BanJi grabbed my hand and started pulling. It s tomorrow. As I passed by TaeJin I could hear only part of what he whispered to me. After a while, BanJi and I walked into an accessory store. Hmm the store s very pretty o_o

Hey, pick one. I don t have money -.,No o_O Yeah. Yeah?? Did you just say yeah??? - _ Unni, where are the cubic hair pins here?!?! something else. are you gonna buy it for me?? I guess I ll just buy a hair tie

-__- you re touching one right now Ah -__- it s very pretty yes.

-__- keke

Ahahaha Lee BanJi! I will empty out that wallet of yours today Hey! This one s pretty right? >_< The one with the gray mixed into the cubic stones K buy that one then. Ohoh =_=^ Heuk T^T This No so are you saying that this is the price of GUM?! Unni, show me that one, this one and the one over there

this one? the one next to it =_=

This?? Up a little more no go a little more down to the left

I could tell that she was getting extremely annoyed so I just told her to give me anything .

See if I ever come to this store again! How about this butterfly cubic? It s pretty -__- just give me anything As I stood before the lady with a hard face, I saw BanJi walking over. In his hand were pins in the shape of tomatoes and frogs Where the hell did he find these?? . Have a nice day Please come again.

Oh yeah~~ cubic pin~~~~~ BanJi when s your birthday?!?! I ll get you something pretty

July 6th. =_= =_= hum it has passed already.

hehe oh well I ll get one next year

It s okay. You don t have money. Ah this mofo is saying it all serious again T^T T^T The next day, I called BanJi at lunch time Hey, what s up with your voice??? Huh?? >_< Why are you crying -.,of course

you can never fool BanJi . I got slapped by my teacher T^T 8 times

Just because I accidently bent one of the roses I got all this punishment!! Fuck why the hell is that rubber shoes guy hitting girls??

Right T^T??! You think that way too right?!??! I cried a lot T___T Send him to SangGo humm =_= BanJi let s go to karaoke today!! > I have to meet with the kids today - _ - - _ Ahh my cheeks they burnnnn owww T__T < I ll kill him for you.

Then stand in front of the back gates I ll go there

kk T_T sorry BanJi

but the only thing that can make me

feel better is a techno medley~~ =_= whew =_= it s pretty boring without SuYun huh . (Suyun ran off to her sister s school event ) After school at the back gates

TaeJin was leaning against the gates in a very comfortable position BanJi s going to be here in a while . And I can t even run away this time I walked up to TaeJin. Hey - _ - why the hell are you always standing here?!??! The moment he saw me, he grabbed my hand and started running in an unknown direction His grip was so strong I could not let go Hey T^T let go I have to go sing sing sing with Banji heuk heuk

Chapter 89 T^T heyyyy BanJi T_____T BanJi

BanJi what Take me back tot he back gates NOW!!! - _ Or else I m gonna tell BanJi everything Then I m going to tell BanJi too. What!! =_=^?? That you hugged me at the hospital


Should I go tell, hmm? Go! Go! Go tell him!! Che! As if I care. =_=^ I m leaving. Yo TaeJin held me back as I turned around to leave To tell you the truth it s my birthday today. o_o. Oh? Happy birthday, goodbye then =_=. Play with me =_= why should *I* spend MY rare time with YOU? He slightly smiled Because I don t have anybody else to spend my birthday with

besides you You have lots of friends .They re all fake what .? They re fake all . of them. like GongGo.

Inside the california rolls house I remember I came here once with EunGu Taejin and I sat across from each other and held our silence inside the noisy store. My mind kept telling me that I have to go see BanJi but my feet refused to move an inch Maybe it s because of what TaeJin said that is holding me back. TetJul What. what was it that you said before

About your

fake friends.

Are you curious? It s not like I REALLY want to know or anything like that He smiled at me and parted his lips. in middle school.

Guess what my nickname was

Ohh I really want to know that =_=! Heh idiot

And that s how it started TaeJin s story continued without any interruptions When I was in middle school really loved me there was this sunbae that

I always told myself that I would serve him

for the rest of my life and? That hyung had a girlfriend . I always thought that she was innocent and really clean we always hung out together the three of us But starting We were really happy then I don t know when

The way that girl started treating me started to change She would swing her arms around me casually and kiss me as if it was nothing He paused and smiled at me

You smile so much to the point where it actually looks sad HaWon to me that sunbae was the most precious thing so I slapped her

I couldn t let that girl carry on like that Yeah But after that

weird rumors started to spin .

That I took away my sunbae s girlfriend that I was carrying on behind his back All fingers were pointed at me They all believed that dirty girl Eventually That sunbae threw me away too . They all

So ever since then

I was always alone I was always the outcast.

Until I met Hari in high school

Was it

orion poo? I m that

aren t I?

it s octopus poo TaeJin s story was different from what I expected but there was a sad story to him too Just like BanJi But you made friends with a dirty guy like Hari?? How?! oh Like I had to be his dog woof woof dog?? -.,I had to be his dog.

In exchange for Hari acting as my friend So that s why you told me your friends were fake It was only for a moment

that this thought occurred

but I suddenly got the urge to want to protect him warmly. *durururururururu* Oh hey Yo BanJi.

where are you?? Hurry up and come here

I I don t think I can go to karaoke with you just go play with SangGo why What do you mean why Are you with someone no I just want to go in early I said a little lie and rest just just

For BanJi

because I didn t want him to worry but why does my heart feel uneasy??

Chapter 90 I m sorry Hey BanJi

don t you have to buy? Since it s my birthday~~

Admist the busy place filled with students it was extremely uncomfortable sitting with TaeJin Alright. since it s your birthday, I ll buy! !! Then I m gonna eat ramyun!!! =_=^ =_=^

The moment I agreed, TaeJin picked the most expensive item on the menu!! (even so, it was only a 50 cent difference.) We quietly waited for our orders to come out Maybe it was because I was nervous but I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom. Hey, I m going to the bathroom if the food comes out, eat ahead!

K you re not gonna run away or anything are you? Yeah! =_=^ I m gonna tell Lee BanJi if you run away~~ =_=^

=_=^. Hey, where s the bathroom? It s outside As I left the store, I spotted a pack of SangGo kids glaring at me Yo~~ why don t you just keep walking But instead of walking on but In the middle of that crowd I spotted one pretty face Lee. Ban. Ji. Huk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It s BanJi If I get caught right now But but I miss BanJi so much right now T^T With a cigarette placed in his mouth His face looked tired and he was trying to smooth down his messy hair ah But T__T he s gonna be extremely pissed off if he sees me now T__T T__T I m right here . I m so screwed they stood there in front of the store.

BanJi~~ it s me sigh but soon

BanJi and the sanggo kids eventually left

and I could only stare at his backHey! WHEN are you going to ever carry around your backpack?!?!

I went back inside. Yo =_=^ I m not some kind of criminal you know ^-^ let s ea- ? I thought you ran away so I was gonna call the police!

The food should have came out a long long time ago but none of it was touched Did you wait for me?? Nope, I didn t wait for you. Then why the hell is your face turning red =_= (t/n: omg so cute<3) At times like this, you remind me of BanJi always trying to cover up your inner feelings. After I ate my meal I pulled TaeJin up

(TaeJin didn t even finish half yet) Hey!! What are you doing!! It s my birthday!! =_= oh um you get sick if you eat too much kimbap!!

after I spat out an excuse that didn t even make sense I pulled Taejin out of the store Out downtown With TaeJin trailing closely behind me I swiftly walked through the crowd making sure I scan the area for SangGo students. Yo where are we going??

A place where we can t be seen.


it was the truth

I was afraid of being caught by BanJi TaeJin happy birthday.

.for real? I wouldn t lie, now would I =_=? Then sing me that What Happy birthday to you The birthday song? Yeah. no =_= not in the middle of the streets.

But TaeJin looked at me with shiny huge eyes and my weak heart couldn t take it anymore =_= =.,= happy birthday to you.~~ happy birthday to you~~ happy birthday dear .= _+ Hey where are you going? U Unha!!!!!!!

Leaving TaeJin behind, I ran as fast as I could away from the area. Jo Unha You I saw you holding hands with another girl That wasn t SuYun =_=^

Yo!! JO UNHA~!!!! UNHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he ignoring me on purpose??? He didn t turn around ONCE He turned Were you and disappeared behind that block were you this kind of person??


do you know how much SuYun loves you??

T_____T I quickly chased after him Yo stop running away you re starting to make me sad

TaeJin was lightly running behind me I ignored the sad so close I quickly grabbed UnHa s shoulder Hah I caught him TaeJin and continued running

Caught you and of course TaeJin was right behind me

and repeated what I said to UnHa but I noticed the SangGo kids too So did BanJi see me?

I could hear footsteps of someone walking towards me And that person lifted up my face (I was staring at the floor) And when I looked up That hard cold face returned my gaze.

It s Min HaWon His cold voice flowed out You said you were going to go in and rest . you liar

Chapter 91 Hey BanJi

His eyes that were once focused on me, slowly moved on to TaeJin s hand gripping m ine. BanJi Lee BanJi the truth- the truth is

He walked past me without a word. He s mad of course he s mad. I m the one that lied to him So I could only stand afar and watch him walk away from me. I have to go hold him back I have to tell him I m sorry But I m too sorry, to even say I m sorry if that makes sense . So I didn t have the strength left to hold him back. I m sorry. I I think this happened He gently let go of my wrist because of me Sorry

and disappeared around the block.

The next morning, my eyes were swollen and red. I wonder when I cried? Tears mus t have just fallen without me even noticing. I wonder how big of a traitor I mus t be to BanJi ? The moment I opened the gates, I heaved a long heavy sigh. How much of our relat ionship between TaeJin and I is BanJi making up in his head? He probably thought differen tly I could tell just by looking at his cold eyes. So why did you lie?!!! You should ve told the truth from the beginning!! Ah >_< You re so crazy Min HaWon!! Hey! MIN HAWON!!!!! Inside the classroom, SuYun grabbed my head and blew up her anger on me. Ah I must think hard today and plan an apology to BanJi. And of course of how much lo nger I can stay friends with this girl named SuYun (- _-) Ah and of course about her boyfriend too.

After classes, I stared at the empty back gates. It s been a while since it s been e mpty like that. I knew for sure that BanJi wouldn t be coming today but somehow, my heart is still crying. As I sighed at the regret of not being able to hold BanJi back, I stood and star ed at the gates. But suddenly, a thought entered my head. I wonder what would happen if I skipped classes and went over to BanJi s school? He ll probably look at me with big rabbit s eyes and I l l walk to the front of the class and hold up a sign that says I love you BanJi . Ba nJi will surely be impressed right? Then he ll come up to me and tada! Kiss me on the lips hehe. That will be the last s cene. His friends will be hollering in the background and BanJi and I will finally be h appy. +_+ Ah what the heck. If it s for love, what can you NOT do? Exactly two days after I thought of such a crazy idea, I decided to carry out th

e plan. BanJi never called once nor did he answer. When I sent him text messages, they we re all ignored. It almost seems like he forgot me. BanJi I m sorry but don t worry! I ll prove it to you through action.

That night, I concentrated on making my banner even while listening to my mom scr eam at me. The words will of course be I love you BanJi or should I say I m sorry? Hmm The next day during lunch, I linked arms with SuYun and trudged out to the back gates. Of course, I was hugging the banner tightly with the other hand. Look~ at my beautiful crea tion It s pretty mm. I m satisfied.

Min HaWon!! You know this is hella cheesy right? If we get caught going to SangGo , we re dead! Sometimes you have to risk your life for love Bitch. In order to get to SangGo the fastest, we walked out into downtown. SuYun and I paused at a show window. Ah I should ve worn a suit

Yeah, I think so too. In order to look at least a little better than what we were currently seeing in our reflection, we started to organize our hair a little and stood around nervous ly. But right then, I saw a bunch of girls in GongGo uniforms. When I quickly turned around, I saw a familiar face. She was the unni at our middle school that was k nown for her fists! Hey kid, come over here for a second. I really didn t but you know what they say. Once you re screwed, you have to go all t he way to the bottom before you start to see improvement. SuYun and I began to g et pulled along with them Ah crap I have to go see BanJi =_= After a while, I noticed we were at the back of an alley. Yo you know anyone at SangGo??

They took a step forward to us, making SuYun and I jump back. I I don t know anyone in particular at SangGo

I ve heard that you do. Do Ah um yes.

you know BanJi ^-^ ?

I wanted to say

He s my boyfriend but looking at the situation, I tried to hold that

urge back. You know him?? For sure? Yes. Fuck then I was right Hey guys, this is the bitch

Chapter 92 This bitch?? What did you just call me? I glared at the girl that was once given the title best fighter at our middle school. I don t know that unni Who the tell are you calling unni, you bitch? Ah what the fuck, she called me a bitch again -__ah um may I go now then?

What did you do to make BanJi come over to you? -__-^? =_= Ah. .now I get it. She s doing this because she wants to know the relationship between BanJi and I How low and stupid of them (<- As if running into BanJi s classroom with a banner is any better =_=). Yo~ are you ignoring me? I just asked you a question! Ah well Yo nothing in particular

this is the bitch that touched TaeJin, also. I saw this bitch at the hospital.

TaeJin??? He s my favorite hubae, dammit As they were absorbed in their own conversation for the moment, I quietly turned myself around in order to prepare to run around the block. But what I didn t notice was that the GongGo bitches were running at us already Ah!!! Shit!! This is like 2938674 to 2! Totally not fair In order to protect my b anner, I got on the floor and laid on top of it. Slowly, I looked over at SuYun. *JJAHK* Oh o_o DID YOU JUST HIT MY BEST FRIEND S CHEEK?! HUH?! Oh my god, *sniffle sniffle* W hat do I do? She fainted Even while they were madly stepping on my back, the pain didn t get to me as much as the though that I needed to get to BanJi quickly. BanJi BanJi somehow, without me even knowing, my hand took out my cell phone and was pressed 100. Ah wait, I can t ask for help now BanJi s mad at me. I can t do this I can t T_T *click* He answered T_T


AHHHHHH~~~ T____T~~ AHK T^T !!!

Ah, who the hell was it? The one that stepped on my tail bone!! Fuck, take away the cell phone from her!!!!!!!! AHK >_< No!! BanJi!!! T_T! BanJi!!! *heuk heuk* Please save me! T_T What the hell are you doing This wasn t how I was supposed to meet him and say I m sorry. Everything s messed up now BanJi T_T please help me AHK!!!! Please sa- AHHH! I asked what you were doing. Tears were starting to spill out, and I was no longer able to talk correctly, fo r every letter that came out of my mouth shook. BanJi hey Min HaWon BanJi are you crying?? Why is it so noisy there Where are you?

I put all my effort in trying to talk to BanJi and ask for help but when BanJi tr ied to say something, I let go of the cell phone T_T Ah my cell phone was kicked far far away Now all I have to do is sit here and get my back stepped on while I wait for BanJi to come Hmm but I wonder if he ll actually come I looked over at her. =_= I wonder why is it that every time they hit her once, her body moves one inch at a time towards streets? One minute ten . eleven twelve twenty minutes thirty The thought of SuYun suddenly came to me so

Hey, you think BanJi will really come???

Man, let s just go Because BanJi s going to

Yes yes! Great thinking, guys. Please hurry up and go T^T come he s coming coming coming He s going to come

And I am now crying. He s not coming. Is he. I now realized how stupid I was being by thinking that he would actually come. How could I make him so mad and think that he ll come back to me when I need him back I m sorry So I got up and ran. I ran as fast as my lungs would allow. I m sorry for leaving you behind SuYun but if I just lay there like that, I keep thinking of BanJi I m so sorry I believe I ran for a very long time The stupid GongGo girls were still running

right behind me *tohk*

I m so tired now

so sick and tired. I can t run anymore

I ran into a blazer of a boy s uniform. Ow head and saw BanJi! BanJi o_o Hey why is your uniform so dirty heuk heuk

I hit my head against him I lifted my

BanJi T___T

I m I m TaeJin BanJi T_T BanJi Even after I knew that he was TaeJin, w

I wonder why. .I thought TaeJin was BanJi hy did I still call him BanJi? BanJi I m sorry really I m so sorry

TaeJin gently placed his hand on top of my head Today, I ll buy you lunch . for real.

Chapter 93 TaeJin I m really not in the mood to eat.

Just think that I m Lee BanJi

and eat.

BanJi doesn t talk like you do I gently placed his hand back down and turned around to head home. Hey toy Yeah Just go home and eat then

yeah okay. When you want to cry, you re supposed to eat! Okay? I think I m gonna choke then Goodbye You too =_= bye.

TaeJin turned around and ran over to his fake friends. He runs a lot like BanJi. Sigh I quickly wiped the dirt off of my uniform. God dammit, my whole schedule is ruined today because of those stupid GongGo bitches. If everything went as planned, then I would be kissing BanJi by now. Ah hm. I shall try again tomorrow I suppose.

Let s stop thinking about BanJi

for now. Whenever I think of him

I feel


At my house, nobody asked why my uniform was such a mess. In this house, I must be worse than those 8 dwarfs. Ah was it eight or six?? I must be turning into BanJi =_=

AHK!!! No!! I must stop thinking about BanJi! Heuk heuk that night, I could not sleep because tears kept wetting my pillow. *sniffle* BanJi didn t come He didn t come The next day in the afternoon, I found BanJi standing at our gates. Just like any other day, he was standing there waiting for me. I glared at him. Wanna die?? You liar BanJi Yeah. =_=^ No Oh. I see okay then Apologize. I wonder why my words keep twisting around right now Maybe it s because I can t smile properly in front of him. Lee BanJi Why~~ liar~~? You Yeah. Please look at the person when they re speaking to you Huh? Oh ok. But Accessory was still flipping open his cell phone to me Yesterday I I asked you to come without paying any attention are you not mad anymore?

His head suddenly turned my way and he stared at me with a serious look. Don t do those kinds of jokes anymore. .A joke? Yeah, a joke. Hah All of a sudden the image of TaeJin smiling at me while waving his hand goodbye and BanJi s cold voice in the telephone mixed together in my head. My lips moved but the words that came out wasn t something I d normally say.

Lee BanJi you re always like this He quietly looked at me. Min HaWon please stop now. Stop whatever you re going to s ay it s only going to make the situation worse. Whatever I say to you, did you ever listen to me seriously? You never did You always laughed whenever I spoke to you as if I was a big joke. What the hell are you talking about you, you re not funny. you re not even close to a joke. I m telling

I m crazy why am I suddenly acting like this. I m the one that lied to BanJi he doesn t deserve this kind of treatment why am I so mixed up right now. If I m acting like this because BanJi didn t come to rescue me yesterday, then I am the worst person in the world Yo are you going to keep acting like octopus poo ?? you know that.

BanJi I m not playing right now I don t let s stop now.

Stop acting however you want. It might be okay for you, but it s not for me. I m tired of having to lose to you all the time Hey HaWon what s wrong with you SuYun grabbed my arm and pulled me back at my sudden outburst. BanJi s hands were in his pockets as he stood there and stared at me. His frozen lips opened The person that should be mad right now isn t you. It s me.

BanJi turned around and the SangGo students that were once glaring at me turned around and followed BanJi out. UnHa was the only one that stayed behind. Min HaWon you know that you re being a real idiot right now ? Why do you keep making B anJi s heart hurt you re beating his heart up right now All of a sudden, my heart filled with anger at everyone s stupidity. UnHa what does BanJi mean? Why should BanJi be the one mad ? got disconnected

Because . the phone Huh?

When you called yesterday you didn t tell BanJi where you were BanJi didn t know where you were, HaWon

and hung up. save

Yeah now I understand now that I think of it, I only repeated the words me about a hundred times and hung up. I never told BanJi where I was. Blackness filled my head

Do you know how much BanJi looked for you?? He ran around downtown all over the place and called your name out Do you know that? That was the first time Banji ever looked for someone hard. That was the first time I saw BanJi screaming out a girl s name in the middle of the streets for the first time. UnHa swallowed what he was about to say next and looked down at me.

BanJi thought it was a joke because you were fine today. If it was someone else that pulled such a prank on him, that person would ve been dead by now. You k now that HaWon I do. I do know that I now understand everything Tears filled my eyes as I realized that it was all my fault Today BanJi didn t even eat here by himself You know and came here during lunch time and stood and warm them

we all thought that you d hold his frozen hands

Chapter 94 Even after UnHa completely disappeared around the alley, I stood still right wher e BanJi left me, like an idiot. Should I or is it too late to go and hold back Ban Ji? No that s not the question it should be whether he would forgive me or not. Would he forgive me and tell me that it was okay while slipping his cold hands into mine? No I suddenly hated my immature self. If I was BanJi, I would get sick of me too. I m the one that yelled at him when I was the one that made all the mistakes. I pi cked all the wrong words to say It s not BanJi s fault it s not his fault that he doesn t know how to express his feeling s. What was BanJi thinking when his eyes turned into ice? I wonder what I should do wonder if he ll smile at me like before What should I say to him tomorrow?? Why don t you tell him sorry, first of all. The next day SuYun suggested I go and apologize immediately. She can say that so easily but it s easier said than done. But you know, I think Lee BanJi really was pissed what if he wants to break up? =_= How do you want me to reply, SuYun? Huh? You look at me with those round eyes and ask that so naturally it makes me want to hurl. Hey SuYun do you know this one really shocking truth? What I calculated it yesterday and I found out that your birthday already passed W-What?!?!?! It already passed -.,- Your birthday was Saturday right? Sorry terday SuYun ran off to the office to look at the calendar ll of smiles. Her eyes were bright =_=^ I just found out yes I

and came back with a mouth fu s

Hey >_< My birthday s the day after tomorrow >_< I think you calculated it wrong Oh o that s why UnHa did that Ahahah >< I see now

.UnHa?? Yeah I told him that it was my birthday but he showed no response~ .


Yeah~ so there were still a lot of days left, which was probably why!

Should I tell her that I saw UnHa linking arms with another girl? I wanted to, but I quickly shut my mouth. BanJi and I, SuYun and UnHa, we are all in a tangled m ess On my side, I am the problem and of course, on SuYun s side UnHa is the problem. My head was crowded with so many thoughts so many sad thoughts, I didn t know where to start how to organize everything. That afternoon, I was not in front of my gates, but in front of SangGo s. I know I must be hella retarded but I want to I want to stay here and wait for BanJi. So I can tell him that I m sorry and mean it from the heart. Of course I didn t have the ban ner in my hands Love brings about confusion and then tears But finally The tears bring separations I believe that BanJi and I are at the point of confusion ghts I have nothing to say Except that I am sorry Even if we move on to fi and that confusion brings fights and that brings hatred

Girls and boys in SangGo uniforms poured out of the gates After a while I discover ed that one unique person and I hope you know who without me even tell you Hey It s UnHa >_< Oh my oh my~ Look at his hair! He spiked it~~

Yeah yeah~ Okay, don t be nervous okay?! Don t be- AHAHHA It s BanJi! Oh my god! He looked over he re!!! What are you going to do?!?! He looked over here!! I know I know SuYun T_T Please lower your voice!! I looked at the floor because SuYun was jumping around talking in an extremely lou d voice. BanJi passed by me as if he didn t even see me when he did. HaWon are you okay? BanJi s . over there. No I m not okay I m not okay I think I need to go catch him I have to do what I have to do

I don t care if I look stupid or idiotic Ba .BanJi .

BanJi and his gang was walking somewhere very fast. I quickly grabbed his arm. Wo w it s been a while since our eyes met like this. .Let go.

Ah this voice I remember this voice somewhere Yeah he used this voice at that arcade . when I first met him. I put my arm on his shoulder . and he replied in the same voi ce he s using now BanJi I m so sorry

As soon as the words dropped out of my mouth, BanJi turned around and walked off . My mind raced with different thoughts but they all ended the same way. I had to hold him back no matter what. And that was how I said such words that I never even wanted to say but they did th eir duty because BanJi stopped and turned around IF YOU WANT!!!!!!!!! I LL BREAK UP WITH YOU BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stood in front of me again in a very cocky pose. His eyes were fixed on me on m e Should I be happy? Should I be happy that his eyebrows are arched in such a sca ry way at the moment? Spit out what you just said again

.-__- I I said that I m sorry Since I bet you re sick of me now I said that I d break u you if you wanted that is I ll break up with you So So just let me apologize to you I wo n t ask that you accept my apology just let me say sorry okay?? Will you let me BanJi? ? He stared at me silently. He seemed like he didn t quite understand something Did I did I say something wrong??

Chapter 95 BanJi stood there and kept glaring at me. I think I think I said something wrong. What I said I think made BanJi even MORE mad So if I want, you won t see me again?? Huh? Oh um that s that s not exactly what I meant was that even if I missed you ble to you know see you or or anything I slowly looked at the floor again BanJi heaved a heavy sigh eat faster. Yo Yo Min HaWon lift up your head but a group of which made my heart b

I won t

o_o BanJi looked at me and opened his mouth as if to say something SangGo girls walked through us cutting us off. Hahaha crazy bitch ha hella acting stupid

why don t you fucking shoot a movie, huh? Haha

Anger filled my body up as that bitch purposely bumped into me and walked away w hile spitting out such words into my ears Her words pierce through me and land righ t in my heart. I was hurting anyway BanJi s cold words were hurting me anyway but she just poured salt over the wound. Yo

BanJi called out in his low voice ? When I lifted my head . Did BanJi was already walking somewhere else. So he didn t call me

did someone call me?

BanJi stood there in his usual cocky pose, beckoning that bitch to come over her e. Heuk so there really are people that shine on the outside like angels. I I might never see this person again And without myself even knowing I was studying BanJi s eyes But his attention was soon turned back to the bitch *slap* The sound rang out into all of SangGo o that. Who s the crazy bitch? I noticed that BanJi tried and gave his all in trying to pull back his strength so he could just lightly slap the girl, but that bitch was already on the floor aybe she was embarrassed in front of all her classmates because she laid there if she was going to die. BanJi turned around and walked over to me he seemed to be extremely angry. Min HaWon I m not going to accept your apology O okay Instead huh?? I m gonna curse you~~~ His face expression suddenly changed What kind of curse =_= I m gonna live for 100 years so during those 100 years, you have to make me food ev eryday. into a joking one. What. The. Fuck? I m going to curse you. M as Somewhere deep in my mind, I knew he would d nose lips Ah our eyes met.

I wonder why the hell he loves that number 100 so much. What he just said didn t q uite sink in to me so I stood there while scratching my head You stupid octopus going around learning how to say weird things who the hell do yo u think you are telling me to break up with you? huh?? huh?? T__T If you tell me to break up with you one more time, you re so dead

ok BanJi Lee BanJi BanJi

You re always like this What now fuck

always You always hold me and forgive me and even when you re hurting so much inside y always tug me back in to you Maybe this is the reason why I love you so much Maybe that s why when I clean Locker I put in TWO spoons of detergent Yo, don t throw that in the washing machine. Wash it with your hands. Since Lee BanJi gave it to you. -__- k BanJi let s never go wrong like this again BanJi s face broke into a smile If you stop lying, stuff like this won t ever happen, babo BanJi he s back our BanJi s back . I tried so hard to hold back my sobs so I leaned my he ad against BanJi s shoulder. All my efforts came to an end when BanJi pulled me in to his chest and hugged me tight I wonder what made me so sad these past few days and how I can be so happy now. I think BanJi finally noticed the people around us, because he abruptly let go of me. The atmosphere became awkward But hey ars? you know I m not good at making food =_= how about I make you ramen for 100 ye okay??

No. Ramen looks like WORMS! I don t care =_=^ I m gonna make you carrot soup instead Aish screw that My back hurts. Your back?! A man s back is his life I suddenly wondered what BanJi had been doing. don t make me food for 100 years. Just massage my back for 100 years.

Were you meeting other women?!?! I was getting hit in PE. That s why, you stupid Ah so this is how Min HaWon and BanJi are back together again

Chapter 96 BanJI >_< I ll call you as soon as I get home

k if you don t, you re an octopus. =_=^ why does he keep using my phrase? Ah my green door. If I open this, there ll p robably be my beautiful family members to welc- nevermind =_=. No one s going to w elcoming me Eh, you re home? Lee BanJi s girlfriend~~ -__- -__- Yes, I m home. Eun SoJin s FAKE friend. whatever I m going in. As HanBum ran into the living room, I noticed his eyes were swollen and his nose was red. So he must ve been watching dramas, hmm? I ignored it and went into my r oom. Flipping onto my bed, I took out my cell phone Hehe ^o^ #100 BANJI!! >_< Yo fuck it, I m gonna kill you okay? Let UnHa do whatever the hell he wants e after him alright? -.,- Ba BanJi I said just leave him the fuck alone. Let him meet whoever he wants. HaWon s friend , that girl with the hella long hair is his real girlfriend alright? He s gonna co me back Jo UnHa Why the hell did he even pick up the phone if he s going to talk with other people ?? Hey BanJi, guess who I am?? who are you? My number should come up on your screen =_= it comes up as MiHWaWon Shiet =_=^ I MUST change mine to Accessory +_+ But hey, is something wrong? What were you talking about? I wasn t talking about anything -__-^ it s about UnHa, isn t it. I didn t say anything Does he I m not have another girl? saying anything. Okay? don t chas #100 *drrrrrrrrrrr* *drrrrrrrrrrr*

so he does I expected this but now that I actually know the truth, it makes me look at Jo Un Ha differently. UnHa T__T was your cute bright smile just a big red lie? The day after tomorrow is SuYun s birthday, BanJi

So what -__- please hold UnHa down until then I don t really care he usually likes anyone he sees. He doesn t know how to hate

He s really the direct opposite from you, isn t he =_=? What? I can t hear you. Fuck? Hello?? Ah whew thank god he didn t hear that =_=

What should I do about our poor SuYun T_T k well, I m gonna hang up then Huh?? - _- I never said let s hang up Fuck! I told you not to go follow UnHa all of you get on the floor.

Get on the floor?? They aren t your dogs, BanJi =_= Lee BanJi, hey. Hey!!! MIN HAWON!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF THE PHONE AND COME HERE!! HURRY!!!!!! Ah what the hell is wrong with him now I nearly jumped 5 feet in the air as I hear d HanBum s scream I accidentally dropped my cell phone to the floor Hey who s voice was that

Oh~ I can hear Lee BanJi s voice flow out I hear jealousy mixed into it. Hmm? Shall I play a little joke =_=?? Oh? That s the voice of a YOUNGER boy -.,Well, it s not exactly like I m lying or anything. Idiot didn t I tell you to go home? i.d.i.o.t?? =_= You re so dead today Ah. hmm I wonder who d want to go home on such a perfect day like today?? Oh well, l et s hang up now, BanJi. du .du du .

That night, my cell phone was ringing all night long crazily, so I just ripped o ut it s batteries. I think I m gonna get in trouble with BanJi tomorrow but it s okay ^-^ Jealous Lee Ban Ji who would ve thought hehe The next day, I noticed the back gates were empty again Hey, did you guys fight again? No T_T I only played with him a little =_=^

*diriri diriri diriri~* Oh~ my cell phone Hello >_< It s me . T^T hihi

how happy I am that you are ringing T_T

Do you even know who I am?? hey -__- the only boy that ever calls me is you Yeah, I know. =_=^ But hey, I m not going there today Why T^T After a while, I heaved a big sigh and stuffed my cell phone into my blazer s pock et. HaWon, what s wrong?? BanJi got detention o_o During consumer tech class, he took his partner s blazer and tried sewing that but I guess it didn t turn out the way he wanted it to, so he just ripped it up=_= is he crazy=_=?? AND UNHA ISN T?!?! .huh ? - _ Ah shiet Hehe I forgot that SuYun doesn t know about UnHa yet no I can t go there today. BanJi -__-

SuYun, let s go shopping today.

Normally, we would have went downtown to shop, but today, I purposely dragged Su Yun all the way out to a popular shopping center. SuYun seemed depressed after I spat out UnHa s name T__T Hey, SuYun! Look at this. It s banana bread! Let s go eat it. You eat it HaWon, I don t feel like it right now Ahjumma~ could we get one bag of that please?? Hehe >_< even during times like this where I should be making SuYun feel better, I was sitting here buying banana bread +_= SuYun, say ahhh~~ >.,< Hey HaWon let s go turn over there

o_o?? o_o?? Being dragged by SuYun, we turned to an alley. I looked behind me, a nd there was UnHa with a big smile plastered on his face like usual. It seemed as if UnHa was telling a funny story and beside him was that same Yego school girl st anding against his shoulder as if she wanted the whole world to see Ah I feel like such an idiot I suddenly realized that this shopping center was ext remely close to Yego school. I m such an idiot for pulling SuYun all the way over here SuYun saw T__T SuYun saw T______T When I turned around, SuYun was facing the brick wall Hey SuYun I write it here ^o^? without a word.

HaWon tomorrow s my birthday should Don t smile like that Suyun Give me a pen >_<. here

don t force yourself like that

-TOMORROW (OCTOBER) is SuYun s BIRTHDAY!!! Congrats congrats!!!SuYun your letters are crooked Who cares >_< I wish tomorrow would come quickly yeah I turned around and left the alley way Hey HaWon >_< wait. o_o k ha ha okay. let s go~~ eat banana bread~!~ gogogo~

With SuYun s arm in mine, we turned around to go back to the grandma that sells the banana bread but for some odd reason, I looked back into the alley way . HaWon >_< let s go, that grandma is telling us to come over~~ huh? yeah sure >_< let s go~~

Chapter 97 As soon as I entered my house, I called out to my family in a happy tone~ Your daughter s home~ your daughter s home~ >.,< =_=^ why is it that you come home later by the day?? mommy>_< =_= my stomach s hungry =_=^ I saw some pastries in the kitchen

=_= I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a hold of the pastry bag when I felt th e presence of my younger brother Wassup HanBum -__- aren t you going out today? Don t eat that man~~ I packed it to give to the kids today~~ Sigh I pressed down my hunger and trudged into my room now Maybe I should call him *diririririri* *click* ^o^ BANJI!!!!! >_< HOW WAS YOUR DETENTION?!?!??! >_<?? ah fuck I mma turn deaf Bring Unha tomorrow Hmm BanJi should be home by

=_= you cannot become deaf so easily, BanJi why Because it s Suyun s birthday tomorrow so~~

If he says he doesn t want to come, I want you to drag him over here, okay? Why should I =_= Just do it okay?!?!?! Fuck he s trying to avoid her these days

Is he next to you right now? UNHA?! Hey let me talk to hi*du du du .*

I quickly flipped open my cell phone once more and furiously dialed the number Hello? HaWon?

Hey! SUYUN!! >_< HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I m the first one to tell you so ^o^ are you hap py???? hehe. Hey T___T I wanted to hear that from Unha first - _ - ah sorry well I ll cancel what I just said come with BanJi tomorrow

hehe >_< I ll buy you lunch tomorrow HaWon o_o You re gonna buy BanJi lunch too??? All 4 of us . let s meet and talk ^^ Ah um okay SuYun

I ll hang up then okay ^^?

*du ddu * I put down my cell phone and turned around when I saw Locker sitting at the edge

of my bed

Hmm I gently squeezed his hand

-FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DRINK WITH ANOTHER MAN I LL KILL YOU!!!!!! ONLY LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!whew I wonder if Banji will quietly last through Suyun s party tomorrow The next day, I stood in front of our school gates and called Suyun Hey HaWon, I m at Yeah sure but I ll Dalpengi right now Come over here ^o^ >_<

what about Unha?

I ll call him a little later ^o^ forcefully bright

Suyun s voice was so bright Yo~ your hubby s here Oh hey BanJi I dunno where s Unha?

he left school at around lunch time.

=_=^ I suddenly felt as if Suyun s plans would become crap I might as well bring Ba nji along BanJi ^o^ There s someplace you have to go with me ^o^ Inside Fuck =_+ It seemed as if BanJi wasn t used to the atmosphere inside this restraunt Hey HaWon~ over here We walked over to where Suyun was sitting and sat down next to a huge window window was extremely clear clear enough to see everything going on outside. Suyun are you gonna call Yeah a little later Unha? The Dalpengi , BanJi was full of complaints why the hell did we come here

You guys order first ^^

Suyun quietly ordered hazelnut coffee, BanJi ordered cherry juice, and I ordered tonkatsu =o= Right when my tonkatsu was about to disappear Suyun nervously pulled out her cell phone and pressed #1 . Ah t s ^^

hello? Unha?? ^o^?? Hey it s my birthday tomorrow Oh! You forgot again? >_< Ah ah no it s okay it s okay But Unha can you come here? I m at- oh okay it s okay I see

Suyun placed her cell phone onto the table I could hear everything Unha was sayin g through the cell phone his panic stricken voice Unha said he has to go see his grandfather ^o^ He s the eldest in the family so I co mpletely understand ^o^ But he s so bad I told him. I told him it was my birthday and h e couldn t come ^^ isn t he bad??

Suyun He s such a bad boy ^^ Jang Suyun >.,< huh? and you believe what he said? I should yell at him tomorrow

are you really believing that?

You even saw who Unha was with yesterday

Hey what happened yesterday isn t what we re thinking >_< Unha has a lot of friends th at are girls. whew Suyun

I fixed my gaze at Suyun. Yesterday might have been the first time for you seeing him like that, but for me , I saw him hanging out with that Yego girl tons of times I don t think you should trust Unha anymore Silence followed my words Yo you guys shouldn t talk about him like that just cuz he isn t in front of you guys

Banji had been quietly playing with the cherries in his drink but thankfully, hi s couple words broke the silence Suyun Unha s really different now he s changed Maybe it s because you don t know yet

I had to stop my sentence because Suyun laughed it off. She laughed it off as if it was okay But cascading down her smilling face were tears is she crying? You can stop now HaWon ?? Banji and I stared at her with blank expressions g that fake smile. Suyun continued on, still wearin I think I was the first person that knew

Remember last time when I left school to go see my unni at Yego I saw Unha that day . I saw Unha give that girl a bundle of flowers and I also saw Unha holding her h ands I knew after that I knew why Unha was acting weird Yo I m saying this up front okay? Stop talking shiet about my friend.

=_= Lee BanJi I don t believe this is the time for you to talk about your friendship in a situation like this Just keep playing with your cherries, okay?? I purposely didn t believe it elieve what my heart felt but I refused to believe what my eyes saw and I refused to b but and naturally, Banji and I turned

Suyun s focus gazed off into something behind us our heads to see what Suyun was looking at What s Jo Unha doing there

Outside the window, there was a smiling Unha a smiling Unha with that same girl ne xt to him He was waving both his hands wildly at her and quickly walked into the r

estaurant Hello, remember I wanted to borrow this building foJO ANNA~!!! You re so screwed man~~ =_= Jo anna? At Banji s shout, Unha s head turned our way and saw Suyun.

Chapter 98 Jo Anna, you re dead~~ - _ - BanJi what s anna?

It s his nickname at SangGo Ah so he had a different nickname at SangGo too, huh Suyun He tried to walk over here but stopped himself. And instead kwards slowly one step at a time Hey Unha I I can t see you yet I m not ready . and in front of h he started walking bac

As if in shock, Unha started mumbling nonsense words to himself im was Suyun still wearing that bright smile You don t have to be ready, Unha because because I am ? Still smiling Jo Unha but this time, her eyes were filled with tears bye bye

I m ready for both of us

I think it s about time to say

Unha froze in his spot and looked at Suyun with big eyes No T_T this can t happen can t be happening BanJi and I finally found happiness together now you guys?? Are you saying . that we should break up .? yeah . before we really start bothering each other they re not funny


Suyun >_< I don t like these kinds of jokes

T__T Jo Anna why don t you realize the seriousness of the situation? YOU RE the one t hat pulled the situation to where it is NOW Hey BanJshhh BanJi took the straw out of his mouth and stuffed it in mine =o= Stop joking now I really don t like where this is going

In Unha s eyes were tears Unha let s just say bye bye why am I suddenly feeling sorry

Unha looked up and stared at Suyun in the eyes Why for Unha?? I should be feeling sorry for Suyun Alright god Suyun let s say bye bye today

and we ll meet again tomorrow .

this is one hella long goodbye

BanJi just play with your cherries T__T Fuck e. for every one tear that drops out of Jo Unha s eyes, I m hitting your friend twic

It s only one drop, why two hits =_=? Because I think Suyun s the bad one.

You should be helping Suyun feel better not seeing her as the bad one!! The perso n doing the wrong is Unha here not Suyun But I suddenly questioned myself. Why am I feeling this way?? Hawon I m sorry but I just want to go home and rest right now walked past Unha and left Sorry I could hear Unha s soft

Suyun stood up walked towards Unha words whisper out to Suyun -please don t go don t go -

repeat continuously under his breath That night, I called Suyun. She must ve been drinking because her words were mixed up HaWon what should I do . I did the right thing right? I mean pushing Unha away T__T yeah yeah I mean no . ah I dunno isn t something bad. Because Unha cried f

I I think I did good Unha liking someone else or me at the very end I m satisfied with that okay okay But but you know HaWon

yeah? T___T. Unha was the first person to tell me that my weird laughter was pretty never hear that again, huh? . I guess I ll

Chapter 99 The next day, Suyun did not come to school. It must have been really hard for he r. When her past boyfriends dumped her, she was fine but I guess Unha must be a sp ecial one to her.

All day long, I passed through classes playing with my cell phone. Changing the ringtone, putting it back to vibrate I was about to put my cell phone away as I f elt the annoying glances of my classmates, but I realized that my fingers were a lready pushing #100 =_=+ Ah I was never like this in Junior High Hello AH >_< BanJi!! It s you~ Yeah Huh? I wonder what s wrong o_o What s wrong? Are you sick? I m not hot Then?? Anywhere else? My back doesn t hurt either. He must be normal then =_=. Then is it because of Unha?? he s actually normal for once! =_=

Hmm I didn t think a kid like BanJi would care for such things, but I guess he does . Kekekeke. Yo why are you crying ???

I wasn t crying, I was laughing =_=. But hey, is Unha okay? I don t know he s kind of weird. Kinda going crazy.

Going crazy =_=? He s hella weird. How is he He s crying. Huh?? He s crying I kept telling him not to but the idiot keeps crying.

Stop thinking that anything you say will work - _ Wanna die?! Why d you call? =_= I was lonely You don t have friends??

Don t ask me that question so seriously =_= Oh yeah, we have a school festival coming up.

We already had one Shut up =_= Don t compare your school to ours. Stupid bastard+_+ but from the tone of his voice, I take it that he really wants m e to come to his festival hehehehe. Hehe du eh don t worry, baby. Mommy will go okay? ^^? du . -.,du

I knew he d hang up =_=

The very next day, Suyun did not come to school again. Her mother contacted the school saying that she was sick but it was such an obvious lie. It s her heart that s sick. That day, I decided that I MUST go over and help her out SUYUN!! Don t worry! I m going right now okay?! HaWon I m not feeling so good you don t have to come.

You don t have to lie T__T I cannot leave you alone at a time like this! No it s just-

*dduk* Ahaha the feeling you get when you first hang up the phone >_< >_< is indescribable . Suyun s mother opened the door for me when I got to her house. Really, her skin is so so pure while my skin is lost in it s teenagerness Suyun!! >.,<! When I crashed into Suyun s room, I noticed that it was extremely hot. See =_= you stupid head T__T I really am sick. I thought you were lying. you re gonna catch it too.

T^T hurry up and get out

TT_TT I cannot leave my best friend alone!! Hawon there s your favorite soup in the kitchen Do you think that I would leave you for THAT?! My mom put your favorite things in it too o_o. You think she d give it to me? =_= Yeah, go ask her. kk =_= I ll leave some for you

I was extremely hungry and thankfully, Suyun looked okay. I grabbed the bowl of s

oup that Suyun s mother gave me and headed back into Suyun s room. Why d you come in again =_= So I can help you. You re just getting in the way =_=

Shiet +_+ shiet +_+ why is everything turning out so weird since yesterday?! Why why why do I, MinHaWon, have to deserve this kind of treatment?! I m gonna go then >_< After I eat all this soup. Whatever =_=^ Our friendship compared to BanJi and Unha s is total dog shiet. But HaWon did No nobody came did Unha come to the back gates at school ? remember BanJi has detention for a week

Still you must be happy. Yeah, I m so happy I could cry =_=. Don t joke with me but for real, BanJi only knows you.

That night, as I trudged my way home, I wondered if BanJi really knew no other w oman but me I totally forgot about Im Haesu these days but she suddenly popped int o my mind Jang Suyun =_= I swear to god, you are no help to my life Two days later, I did not go to school. Neither did Suyun, but that s besides the point. I did not go to school today for today is the day of SangGo s school festiv al. Lee BanJi, you are going to be so shocked today ^^ Yes, I was going to try out my failed plan with the banner today. Hey, aren t you going to school today? Ah crap, the moment I opened the door, I was faced with my mother standing there Oh today is our school s anniversary Hmm we don t go to school, remember?

do you have an anniversary TWICE a year? I think not

Ahhh >_< Oh yeah, remember our school had a reconstruction?! So we have TWO anniversaries =_=^? Okay then, I m off to the library - _ . And ban

I quickly put my mother behind me and headed towards SangGo. Sorry mother, Ji! Just wait a little longer, I ll make sure your mouth rips open today!

Chapter 100 On the road to SangGo s, I headed into Suyun s house. SUYUN!! There s some place you need to go with me =_= HEY!! LET GO!! LET GO! I DON T WANT TO!!! MIN HAWON! DON T YOU KNOW THAT I M SICK?! I already know that you are as fine as a butterfly, Suyun I grabbed Suyun and raced towards SangGo a, that is. because something seemed wrong. With Unh after seeing Unh

Let go of me for a second What do you want me to do at SangGo? Cry a? No I just want you to go meet him for now

and then listen to what he has to say.

In front of the SangGo gates, we stood there for a moment. I took in a deep brea th and looked at my banner. I tried to think of BanJi s face. After I gently kissed the banner, I hurried into Hanbum s PE uniform and carefully went inside. So listen carefully please. This is my plan: Race into BanJi s room and open my banner wide. Then with a kiss. Suyun was SangGo I m not sure . always this quiet? I m assuming the ending will be

BanJi said it was his school s festival. Oh yeah I remember Unha told me once that SangGo did their festivals in the school auditorium Suyun s words started slowing down after she accidently said Unha s name habit for her. Let s go look for the auditorium, Suyun o_o Yeah Sure okay Let me go to the bathroom first are you? it must be a

you re not going to cry

Why would I cry

I ll be right back >_<

K wash your hands when you come out You don t even wash YOURS!! >_< - _ I watched Suyun get farther and farther away from me I decided to wait for her so I stood in the middle of the field. Ah it s freaking cold. HEY!! Why aren t you in the auditorium?!?! Who told you to wear your p.e. uniform h uh?!?!??! -__- oh my god Aren t you the teacher that s rumored to be the scariest in all of San

gGo??? And and why is he talking to me like I m some kind of GUY T___T I m starting to f eel like shiet now =_=^ I tried to imitate BanJi and raised my left eyebrow (<-did not resemble at all). While I was contemplating whether I was doing it correctly or not, he already gr abbed me by the arm. T__T Hey I why are you in a boy s p.e. uniform?? Where s your uniform? I T__T left it at the cleaners I was planning to pick it up tomorrow

Alright, today s your bad day sonny boy. Forget the auditorium, you re going with me to the yard to scrape some of them leaves, alright? Al alright I decided that it might not be actually a bad idea to wait for BanJi outside T I quickly got to work by scraping the leaves Yo hey, what class are you? oh um Class 3 T___

huh??? oh

I might as well just say any class =_= Oh ho~ Class 3? There s a lot of them pretty boys in that class o_O BANJI S CLASS 3?? =_= tell me the truth. what class are you? I I really am class 3 I was just joking heh heh BanJi s in there too.

- _ - _ - _ Anyways

- _ - I m tellin ya, there s a lot of them funny guys in that class

I ll pretend I didn t hear that, sir. =_=^ But does BanJi cause a lot of trouble??

hmm? Are you his girlfriend?? Ah well yes =_=. I quickly nodded my head. He started to hastily gather the leave s. Man Yes He NEVER buys his own milk Yes Always stealing them other kid s money I saw it FIVE times! that guy is so cocky and arrogant When we were ordering milk last time

I believe I saw it too =_=

But please don t hate him too much =_=

huh?? Then tell him to give me that freaking cell phone huh? cell phone?

He s always playing with that thing in the hallways so I tried to take it away from me but that boy didn t have a care in the world whether I was a teacher or not o_o cell phone? That cell phone total old one the ringtone are all oldies. BanJi always carried it around with him, never letting it out of his sight so I didn t try to take it away from him twice. ah. BanJi T_______T That that s my cell phone, teacher T__T HUH!??! Did LEE BANJI STEAL THAT FROM YOU?!?!? Ah no T__T I. I just let him borrow it

Hey, I mma go see the auditorium so you finish this up, alrighty son? I stood there for a while, observing the teacher. I noticed Suyun walking my way so I turned around to greet her. HaWon o_o I tied some guy down over there. what?? He said he knew Lee BanJi so . We walked towards SangGo s gates and saw the guy Suyun forced. Seeing as how he s wea ring his backpack, he must ve been trying to play hookey and skip the festival. Do you +_+ yes Where is he?? He s not in the auditorium Then where?? =_=?? I don t know . ah! oh yeah, Unha hyung was at the gym why don t you try going over there . Oh okay Thank you. know BanJi o_o ?

I turned the male student around while making sure Suyun was okay. Suyun you I ll you want to go?

just stand at the front

We found the gym quite easily because of the noisy sounds coming out of it. Girls screaming their lungs out, the deep voices of boys digged into my ears. What the hell =_= I wonder what they re doing in there the entrance way in shock. Opening the door, I stood at

KYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

UNHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNHA HYUNG IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNHA HYUNG!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - _ - _ - _ -________.

Girls were in the bleachers screaming and the guys were waving around newspaper ro lls. I finally noticed Unha with a different hair style Like always bright with a playful smile. I wonder if he feels nothing? Unha seems ok ay. But how the hell am I supposed to find BanJi in a mess like this. I quickly g ot to finding BanJi T_______T I heard Unha s voice He was singing a girl s song eun) I didn t even notice is voice. That was Suyun s favorite song =_=^ (ParkHwaYobi s Geurun Ir

but my ears were straining to clear out the screams and hear h

You are too far away even when we are close like this. Are you forgetting the war m hug you always greeted me with? What did I do wrong. Are you hating me all of a sudden? It s not it right, you are not trying to leave me? I believe that such t hings will never happen. Please not today. I do not think that my heart can hand le such a hard good bye. You cannot forget all the promises, can you? I still ha ve so many things I wish to do for you. After walking a couple steps forward, yo u will turn around and look at me once, right? And just like how it was before, you will smile while walking to me and give me a hug. There will never be a time where I can never see you right? That is what I believe . This is the first time hearing Unha s wet voice. Unha is this song your heart? Why ar e you being sad The person that should be crying is Suyun. Why why are you crying? I looked up at Unha on the stage The last verse of the lyrics and the last of Unha s hearts and feelings I prayed to god that this would send to Suyun s ears Because without you . I am alone. The last part of his song m as fast as possible. seemed so true . that all I could do was run out of the gy

Chapter 101 HaWon o_o Huh? Oh Where are you going?

I m not going anywhere.

I noticed that Suyun had been standing outside freezing from the cold waiting for me. I suddenly felt that there was something that we didn t know about UnHa. Mayb e he wasn t the ass that we we re all thinking of SuYun T_T Let s just go to the gates and wait for BanJi there

o_o BanJi s not in there? Yeah But hey, they must be doing some kind of talent show?? I heard someone singing so I just sang along Ah T__T You see Yo yo! I think I m going to cry right now inside there Suyun, is umm

The moment I heard that voice, I rapidly turned around. It was a voice I could r ecognize easily. =_= hmm, it s you.

Min Hawon, did you transfer to this school? No I just came here to see your school festival.

So yes, the person that was standing in front of me was BanJi. Lee BanJi T_T. He looked awfully tired though his bangs were hanging over his eyes. -__- it s freaki ng cold why did he roll up the sleeves on his blazer? =_=^ I wonder if he was hel ping getting ready for the festival Ah =_=^ Scratch that. That would never be it. BanJi T__T come here Go away =_= let me hug you T_T

don t stick to me

- _ - Too bad, I m already stuck to you. If you try to push me away, you will forev er be a dinosaur poop! Ah Ah!! But it is very very cold I look like I m smoking whe n I breathe out. Are you really cold No just cold enough to sit in bed all day tomorrow TT__TT don t wear clothes that flap around Don t worry about it.


Just tell me not to wear thin clothes =_=. Flap around?! Banji! Please use the Korean language properly!! TT_TT. Ah! Oh yea h! It is now time to show him my love banner! Hehehe >_< Banji! Look! I opened the banner widely in front of me. And in that moment, the only thing I could hear was my banner being ripped into two and the only thing I could see was BanJi s face as I held up the two pieces of my banner. I quickly closed my eyes. The atmosphere was just as cold as the cold weather that surrounded us >_<// Man, I think I m gonna go crazy because of you. Yes BanJi, I understand. Sometimes I think I m going to go crazy because of my sel f too =_= BanJi walked over to me and pulled me against him. I quietly leaned ont o his chest like this : O_O

*koong koong koong* I could hear BanJi s heart beat against my face. Why are you so cold??

It s not that I m cold, it s that your heart is warm =_= *KOONG KWANG KOONG KWANG KOONG KWAG* Yoyoyo! Your heart is about to burst! But hey, is that your friend? o_o Suyun?? No the kid standing behind you.

So I m saying she s Suyun. Wanna die?! Why d she come here? BanJi =_+ Suyun didn t come here because she wanted to die in your hands ring at her. Are you ordering me right now?! Lee Banji TT_TT you cocky and arrogant bastard! What am I to do with you?! What am I supposed to do if our future kid takes all the genes from BanJi s gene pool T T_TT? Hey hey, what the hell are you thinking about? Why the hell is your face so white ? No no no that can t happen TT__TT no!! Banji glared at me for a few more moments before turning his attention back to S uyun. Don t appear in front of Unha anymore. huh? Since you re bad, don t appear in front of Unha anymore. What the hell is wrong with Accessory today?! Yo let s go some place else, you and me. Okay BanJi? =_=^ so stop gla

I quickly grabbed a hold of BanJi s arm and desperately tried to pull him away fro m Suyun. MUST NOT LET HIM GET IN THE WAY OF SUYUN AND UNHA T-T! Suyun don t go anywhere else okay? Just stay here. Huh? Why? Just stay here and wait Don t go anywhere else.

Hurry up then o_o

Yeah okay and don t open your eyes wide like that in front of him okay? Him ? Huh oh nevermind.

With Accessory by my side, I quickly walked away from Suyun. All that s left is fo r the Gym festival to end and Unha to come outside and meet Suyun. Then you guys can talk again and hopefully figure out the things you guys mixed yourselves up in. Then maybe you guys will be able to smile again. But BanJi o_o it s your school s festival, aren t you gonna do something? No. Okay What?? Ah =_= sorry nothing. But hey, your hair s sticking up. It looks funny. =_= don t do it if you don t want to.

Wanna die?! Just try~~ =_= *diriririridiririrididiririri* Right at the moment, BanJi s cell phone started ringing. I quickly heaved a sigh o f relief. I almost died if it weren t for his cell phone! Yeah what. Yeah okay. figured that it m his eyes were get dropped his cel grass.

It was hard to figure out what the conversation was about but I ust be something bad because BanJi s voice was getting lower and ting bigger. As if all the strength in his body had left him, he l phone. I quickly went over and grabbed the cell phone from the o_o o_o hey what s wrong? Who was it?? a friend. Friend???? Jinho?? Is there something wrong with him?? No. Then then why are you so shocked ?

I m

gonna go out for a second, okay. Stay here and wait for me okay.

Huh?? Oh

His expression was dark as he left me. I don t know what it is but I hope it s nothi ng bad or too serious. It s impossible for something worse to happen these days. A h+_+

I sat on the grasss and patiently waited for BanJi observing the clock tick it s wa y through time. About 20 minutes had probably passed by now and BanJi still wasn t here TT_TT Hmm I wonder where my ripped banner went Oh yeah! BanJi brung it along with him TT I quietly turned back to ripping at the grass and let my mind wander off into t houghts when - _ AH!! >_<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when someone jumped onto my back and screamed. Ahk TT^TT who are you?! My ears are gonna rip!! HaWon. >_< It s me. Ah Unha

Yup yup. >_< Why are you here!!!!!!!! What about Suyun!??!?! Suyun? You . didn t see her? No o_o I think I did. what do you mean you think

I only saw her back. When I called out to her, she ran away. TT^T just know that she didn t run away because she hates you.

HaWon. Here here >_< Huh ? Put this around Suyun s shoulders so she ll be warm. He handed me his uniform blazer. What about you? It s going to be really cold

It s okay >_< even when I get nose colds, I never sniffle or anything! -.,well, you ll cough and feel sick.

d a m n. -__- His cuteness overload is killing me. I ignored Unha as best as I could and put my attention back at ripping at the grass blades. Unha sat next to me and so on got up as if he couldn t stand the silence. HaWon I m gonna go okay >_<. Bye =_=

Yeah >_< okay,. Give that to Suyun okay?! And don t tell her I gave it to her!

k - _ Would you really trust me not to say such a thing? It s not like she d believe me if I told her it was BanJi s. And please tell her that I won t change . So all she has to do is turn around. okay. As I watched Unha run away, my eyes were suddenly trying to fill with tears so I forced myself to look up at the sky. *didididid* huk! It s a text message. BanJi has a text message~ >_< Let s check it now, shall we? + BanJi, hurry up and come over here Come over here and check for yourself with y our own eyes. See if she s Im Haesu or not . because I still can t believe what I m seei ng. + -Jinho What? Im . what? and that I ll always wait for her right behind

Chapter 104 (Note from Shoebox: I think the translator just mislabeled it. It sh ould be Chapter 102. ^^) I jumped off of the grass like it was a trampoline. Im Haesu My heart started thumping as I recalled the fact that Unha once told me Im HaeSu was in Japan. But then of course, you can never trust anything that boy says But still I want to believe him for this one moment. I hope that this text message was wro ng. Jinho never liked me anyway he s he s probably joking around with me. Yes that s it! Jinho is just playing with me But my feet were already running by the time I forced myself to believe such a li e. I had to get to downtown I have to get there and find BanJi. Before Im Haesu finds him. (Already forgot about Sunyun) (Already forgot the fact that I am wearing Hanbum s gym uniform) Once I got downtown, I screamed around with all my might. BANJI!!!!!!!!!!! LEE BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? He wouldn t be in a bar this early in the day e I have to look for him harder! Lee BanJi TT^TT where are you???

He s probably around here somewher

I went as far as to leave downtown and poke into all the back alleys not find Accessory TT_TT

but I could

Hey Where are you ? For some odd reason my heart keeps beating out of my control I ke ep thinking that maybe we ll go wrong again our relationship, I mean. So

Yo nostrils girl Huh? o_o;;

where are you going?

As I passed by the arcade, someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in front of them. AHK!! As I opened my eyes >_< I noticed one person it is?? I suppose you already know dressed in SangGo s uniform. Wonder who

HEY TT^TT you told me to wait!! And you never came back!! Stop shouting my ear hurts freaking nostril.

=_= it s not JUST nostril it s nostril girl. If you re gonna make fun of me, at least do it correctly! Why are you here ~~ Changing the subject, eh? =_= me?? Well I uh. Just kind of missed you. Well I couldn t exactly tell him that I saw his text message BanJi smiled. But hey, BanJi there is Yeah, there is. =_= ah well yes. There is

(They played with the language a little here, sorry if it is confusing. I tried my best to translate it so it made sense. ORIGINAL: ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?_? ?? ? ?? )

I couldn t find the courage to ask BanJi about Im Haesu. Because inside my head, t he only thing I can find is BanJi Yo, look at your clothes Huh =_=^? Ah! Just then I realized that I had run out of the school in SangGo s gym uniform ot only that, but I had run all over downtown in it AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Min HaWon, go die w why -.,I m gonna become deaf because of you!!! My ear hurts Your ear??? Yeah, not my nose. =_= why does it hurt. =_= N

Cuz you re always yelling shiet BanJi has a way of changing the subject without me even knowing Yo don t go in there -__-?? Why not weren t you standing here so you could go in?? hum.

I was JUST about to go back to you =_=^ =_=^ Don t go in BanJi quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it Oh, BanJi s here???? One by one, kids in SangGo s school uniform started streaming out of the arcade in front of us. Hey, I think I see Jinho~ Hey, why aren t you coming in ? Ohho! Jinho, I saw you glare at me =_=^ I swear to god, he looks EXACTLY like Unh a but why the hell are you so opposite from him?! Let s go . nostrils. BanJi pulled my hand, ignoring Jinho. What?? Nostrils?!?! Hey she s really here. She said she came back two days ago e not going to see her? If the she he is talking about is Im HaeSu s she in an arcade? She s in there right now. You ah TT_TT it hurts.

she must really be here but why the hell i

A choking silence filled the air around us until BanJi finally opened his mouth. Are you an idiot?? Can t you see this?

BanJi scrunched up his face, as if he was annoyed, and grabbed the banner I made for him. He opened it up right in front of Jinho s face What about that it doesn t matter. You still like Im HaeSu ht now?? Because you like her ? Idiot The atmosphere remained cold I know you miss Im HaeSu . and my hatred towards Jinho grew. isn t that why you re here rig

So see her. Stop running away.

. Min HaWon yeah ? Stop listening to this cover your ears. O okay As I quickly lifted up my hands to cover my ears, our heads turned toward the so und of heavy footsteps coming from the stairs of the arcade. A couple guys in Go ngGo uniforms came storming up I was surprised to see TetJul amongst them But I think the real reason why because I didn t obey BanJi s orders and covered my ears . was

I heard the footsteps of one last person coming

Chapter 105 The sound of heels clacking against the floor rang in my ears. The sound came cl oser and BanJi stood still, quiet. The girl quietly walked in front of us and stoo d. Im Hae Su?

Her face wasn t cutesy like Eun SoJin s but it wasn t a scary face like Hwang SoHyung s e ither. She was a girl that looked pure and modern Her chin was very narrow it sudd enly reminded me of round pink cotton candy I foolishly thought in my head that s he would be really pretty if she smiled.

BanJi She walked closer Huh? Somehow I felt that I met this girl somewhere else before. I don t remember how but I feel that I met her before. . and without hesitation, she dug her head into BanJi s chest.

BanJi Lee BanJi

I missed you so much

I missed you

Im Haesu s voice was shaking .Move away. And this was BanJi s voice I noticed Kim Hari was standing next to his gang of GongGo kids and was staring in this direction with an angry expression. Im HaeSu I thought she broke it off with BanJi before she went to Japan she went to Kim Hari while breaking BanJi s heart. But why why now? I thought

BanJi shoved Im Haesu s skinny arms off of him. BanJi why didn t you miss me?? Why? Are you mad at me because I came back so late ? Who are you? I m HaeSu I m I can t hear you I can t hear you. I m the girl you love . HaeSu

As the awkward moment wrapped around us, BanJi quietly spat out one sentence I can only hear . Min HaWon s voice . I don t know who you are Im HaeSu completely got off of BanJi and turned her head towards her me. Her eyes looked innocent and pure. But in those innocent eyes, tears started filling up. And in those tears, I saw jealousy. Who .me? I m BanJi s girlfriend. Friend? Like just friend? are you?

Girlfriend?? Im Haesu =_=^ No

you are so dense not just friend.

My wife -__Wife. Yes . that s true liar I m his wife . huh? . BanJi ?.What did you say?

just tell me you re lying

Im HaeSu you are making me mad. BanJi quietly pulled me away and headed towards S angGo. When I gently looked back, Im Haesu was already standing next to Kim Hari . Of course of course I already knew you were that type of person. Unha once told m e that you liked boys a lot huh? Oh shiet My eyes met with TaeJin s at that moment. His lips curved into a smile. I nder if he still likes me? But hey BanJi are we going to San Ban .Ji? wo

I slowly took out my hand out of his grasp. BanJi didn t forget her yet. He s pretend ing he knows who she is. If he forgot Im Haesu I wouldn t be feeling like this right now. There should be no reason why BanJi s pupils are shaking like that

Chapter 106 I asked BanJi to let me go home by myself Eh octopus poo house -.,it s freaking cold but he came with me anyway.

Shut up and hurry and go in Nice language there, sir =_=^ k um bye~

BanJi wait

put this around you.

I quickly took off the SangGo PE uniform and wrapped it around BanJi s shoulders. Hella embarrassing Don t think about it like that~ you being cold is all that matters. whatever~ hurry up and go in. It s cold. I m not going to your school tomorrow okay? =_= alright ok bye. I have a meeting tomorrow.

AH! WAIT~ BanJi BanJi turned around to leave e has such a nice jaw line but stopped and turned his head this way. Oh my *_* h

You . you can t go okay???? TT^TT .where do you expect me to sleep then . Ah you think in such baby-ish ways. Where the hell did you sell all your brain ce lls to =_=?? I mean that I don t want you to go . to Im HaeSu

Fix this by tomorrow huh -__-?

and I won t go.

BanJi handed me the ripped banner I made for him en on it hehe >_< okay okay >_<// K. I m really leaving now. uh huh >_<.

the one with

BanJi I Love You writt

BanJi stood there for a while glaring at me and I took the opportunity to crash i nto my house. =_=. It was around 11PM and Suyun called me angrily. You bitch!! TT__TT *sniffle* Do you know how many times I circled SangGo by mysel f?!?! So sorry TT_TT Banji what!! Ah it s not BanJi it s because of Im Haesu BanJi

Im HaeSun?? Im HaeSu=_= Who s that? Fuck I don t know =_= but more importantly .um Never mind I suddenly thought that the problem between BanJi and I was more urgent I hope yo u ll figure out how to solve your own problem Suyun Our friendship was falling apar t anyway =_= (jk!) What about Unha??

The next morning, I winced as I noticed my shiny red eyes in the mirror. I must ve cried while sleeping last night dammit. ImHaeSu TT^TT why the hell do you barge into anyone s dream and steal someone else s boyfriend huh?? T_T_T_T_T_T_T At school, Suyun and I chatted during class What? Really? UNHA?!?! Yeah So =_= after you hung up He text messaged me and told me to look out the window

did you?!?! Was Unha there?!? He was squatting in front of our house playing with our neighbor s BongGu

BongGu =_= ? Yeah our neighbor s small dog. Your relationship is getting weirder by the day

Hey =0= at least try meeting him

HaWon if I meet him I don t think my heart s going to be able to take it I think I m going to hang onto him but I don t want to make Unha feel bad This is the first time I saw Suyun hold back like this Unha that much. Yo~ someone s looking for you at the gates. Who s looking for HaWon?? =_=^ I dunno, I never saw the person around here. Is it BanJi?? =_= Thanks president (class president) Suyun~ come with me. I m really depressed right now HaWon I want to stay by myself Oh well SUYUN!! If I m late, tell the teacher that I m at the nurse s okay? When I reached the gates, I saw a woman standing there. No it wasn t a women. It wa s purple cotton candy =_+ Im HaeSu why the hell did you come to find me?? Hey HaWon. =_=^ hi. It s probably because she liked

Compared to yesterday, Im Haesu s face was about ten times brighter. I swear to go d she s an evil cotton candy playgirl. How did you find this place =_=? Oh I used to live here before I went to Japan. I came to GongHak once in a while I guess it hasn t changed a bit, huh ?

Yeah, so what if our school still sucks +_+!?! Stop smiling like that My class starts in a little =_=^ Oh um sorry meet? talk? I m going to meet BanJi There wasn t a promise I made with BanJi but some part of me didn t want to lose to h er. Because I felt that I was losing to her After school, can you come to n t worry. BanJi why? Because I asked him to come. Let s see each other later okay? Dalpengi for a second? BanJi s going to be there too I came to ask you if you could meet me later to talk

so d

Why the hell do you keep acting like you know me ? My eyes were already set on fir e as I stared at her walking away from me What the hell are you doing BanJi?? Jus t because Im Haesu asked you to come out, you re skipping your meeting and everyth ing and going to her in a heart beat? You You promised me. You said you wouldn t go to her. You said you wouldn t go. Is it be cause I fell asleep while fixing the banner? After school, I rubbed my tired eyes and said goodbye to Suyun. I carelessly hea ded downtown not looking where I was going. But when I looked up, I had stopped i n front of Dalpengi . *dding~* Oh hey~ The minute I walked in, the first thing I saw was Im HaeSu smiling and waving he r hand at me. I sat down right next to her. We have an important family matter today. So hurry up, alright? (Of course it is a lie) What do you want to eat? My treat Are you sure you re not going to regret saying that? =_= okay. You. Are. Dead. Today. The waitress brought over a Cherry Parpe(?) drink and placed it in front of me. Im HaeSu, be lucky that I m just going this far today~ =_=^ Wow, you eat really well o_o you re so alike with me! Maybe that s why BanJi likes you Um yes.

.what? Wait~ let me show you something. Im HaeSu hastily took out her wallet and slipped out a small picture. At just a g lance I can tell it s a guy. And at just a glance, I can tell that it s BanJi in the picture. Look, BanJi took this picture the first time he got into SangGo s expression is like that, he s still cute right? . Ah I think I finally know now why Im HaeSu called me out Is this what you wanted to tell me? huh? What you re trying to say is that you know stuff about BanJi that I don t. Isn t it? Hmm was I a little harsh ? Hehe even though hi

Yes. I know more about BanJi than you do. That s one thing that s true. Are you kidding me? . Hmm~ it s about time that BanJi should be here is that Cherry drink good? why did you call BanJi? I know he s dating Me right now.

but I haven t forgotten BanJi yet.

So what do you want me to do BanJi still likes me. So what As I looked into Im Haesu s eyes I could read what they were saying clearly. Please leave. You re the one that barged into our relationship so it s time you left now. There was a choking silence around us. *dding~* I turned my head at the ring of the door bell Min HaWon. Get up. and BanJi s eyes met with mine.

Chapter 107 Lee BanJi . Do you have school meetings in restaurants ? I told you to get up .

BanJi swiftly walked over to me and grabbed my arm. He lifted me up in one motio n Hey BanJi

Who told you to come here BanJi ignored Im HaeSu s greeting =_=;; and grabbed my chin with his left hand. He thoroughly examined my face Hey knock it off TT_TT

Did someone touch your face . or not You re the one touching it right now TT^TT Let go of me now. BanJi loosened his grip on my chin and finally let go. Damn I was fucking worried there for a second.

LEE BANJI!! What did you do with your school meeting?!?! =o= Why are you here? Is the school meeting that important to you? That s basically saying that Im HaeSu is more important then My heart started to freeze over as the cold realization hit me. Um Lee BanJi can you leave for a second? =_= th Im HaeSu right now I was in the middle of a conversation wi .

BanJi quietly turned around and left the quiet restaurant. Even in a situation li ke this, I could not help but feel happy. BanJi, THE Lee BanJi, listened and obe yed my command without any talking back Wow hat. That was the first time I saw BanJi listen to a girl He never used to be like t

Hey woman, today s the first time for me too. Don t be too jealous, cotton candy lad y. But hmm you don t seem too mad right now.

=_=^ Why should I be mad? .Because BanJi threw away all his promises and ran to me in a heart beat Because I trust him hem. Because you know when you re dating someone

You re supposed to trus

Even if my heart aches this much at the moment I have to trust him. I. Trust. Lee . BanJi. It s amusing Amusing? The truth is BanJi only came out because I told him I was with you I also told him that I d bring Eun SoJin out here together and I think he kind of worried If I was a

lone and called him out . Why

I doubt he would ve came

are you telling me this? I trust that he ll come back to me anyway you ll be the one getting hurt in the end.

Because I trust him too

Don t be so sure of yourself You know

BanJi s like a boomerang No matter where he is He ll come back to the owner.

I grew tense at Im HaeSu s confident expression I don t want to see it. I quickly tur ned my head to the window. Ah I can see BanJi s back Oh there s a leaf on his head. BanJi TT_TT think of your image You know HaWon First what??? BanJi and I really liked each other Because his first love is me.

Alright well, I ll be leaving now I quickly ran out of Dalpengi and sighed. When the hell is she going back to Japan ?? Please disappear quickly. BANJI!!!! BANJ!I!! Your head >_< Your head >_< In the middle of the sidewalk, I yelled this while walking over to him. There s a leaf on your head =_= Take it off for me . Lower your head then. Just take it off. Oh yes, I forgot =_= that you hate bowing before anyone.

Oh yeah oh yeah! BanJi, I have something to ask you. What No =_= Heart?? Yeah What Is your first love . really Im HaeSu? Argh I did it again!! I have to quickly sew up this mouth or something or else it l l get me in huge trouble BanJi s face just became really serious T___T .Im HaeSu. Hmm ? What?? Are you talking about your first love? don t ask me something I don t know. it s about your heart and feelings

Im HaeSu. BanJi s eyes began to shake again Um BanJi you know so I quickly changed the subject.

what a boomerang is??

Yeah, Unha played with that a lot Um yeah What happens . when a person throws it?? Does it really go back to it s owner ?

BanJi quietly stared at me before replying with what he thought was a definite an swer. It goes to the person that catches it first. o_o Without me even knowing, a small smile crept up on my lips It s such a BanJi-like a nswer. Then since I caught you . You re mine now, alright?? You can t run away okay? Okay BanJi ?? That night, I stood outside our veranda and hung up our laundry. I keep thinking about it what BanJi said. Im HaeSu. Your first love, Im HaeSu? .Im HaeSu. Ah what am I to do The boomerang has already been thrown and I have caught it. Let s trust BanJi You said so yourself BanJi that you re supposed to trust the person you re dating. I believe you. Just like now, I believe you. I ll look at only your face eart. Let s please not go wrong again . your voice and only your h

Chapter - BANJI`S FIRST LOVE - (The Hidden Story) December 2000 It was a dark alley way. So dark that you could barely see what was in front of you Are you okay ?!?! Should we go to the hospital?? The light voice of a girl HaeSu. And A male student leaning against the brick wall, barely able to speak BanJi. Like pink cotton candy

Both very hurt and both on the verge of crying. What is wrong?!?! Are you hurt anywhere? Can you tell me where it hurts? My watch my mother gave me that watch my watch

Im HaeSu started to circle around the area, frantically searching for a watch. S he smiled brightly as she noticed the watch dangling out of BanJi s blazer. Their eyes meet . and BanJi turns his head on impulse. When he looks up again, he notices HaeSu staring down at him carefully. But this time he doesn t turn away. +and this is how BanJi and HaeSu met December 2000 HaWon s house. Hawon!! Get me some tofu? We re going to make some stew tonight! Today was an extremely cold day. The thought of having to go out on such a night for a mere bag of tofu made me feel extremely angry. I passed by the crooked st reets of the alleys and pulled my clothes tighter around me. And on the way home. +

I could hear harsh words coming out of a male s mouth. My curiosity took the bette r of me as I quietly stepped closer to the sound. When I finally found the area, I noticed a group of men circling around a boy. T hey were stepping on him kicking him on the sides. Fuck this bitch still won t bow down to us.

Forget it just wait until Hari comes. What the fuck, what if his friends come first? Idiot it s too dark here to notice anyone s face. Oh hey~ look at this guy s watch. What the fuck haha? Pink? Is he fucking gay? Don t touch it . take your hands off.

Haha, I think we need to teach this little boy a lesson. Don t you think? *PUHK* The boy threw a punch and sent one of the guys flying to the opposite direction. My curiosity grew as I crept closer and quietly watched the fight. But of course 1 vs 9 was too much. It wasn t fair at all. It only took a few moments for the boy to fall back down again and my fear grew. If there s a murder what will happen? In my stupid and immature head, I thought that the house prices will go down and my mo ther will make that rotten stew again (so immature!)

No I can t let that happen! DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HEAR WEIRD NOISES HERE!!! LET S GO TELL UNCLE!! HURRY!!! =_= hehe. The alley way was trapped in a choking silence. if that Jo Unha fuc

Ah f-ck, lets just go guys. I don t think Hari s gonna come anyway k comes, we re all screwed man.

Hehehe hurry up and leave, please. A small smile crept on my lips as I heard the footsteps of the nine boys hurry away. Ah I was proud of myself that I did something good. I kept the smile on my face a nd turned arond to head towards home until Watch .wa .tch

Oh yeah I forgot. The victim! If I just leave him like this, he ll probably freeze to death One small step at a time I walked over to him. I felt weird as I got clos er to him each step. It s probably because it s so cold.


are you okay?? don t take my watch

I stood next to the boy and observed him as he leaned against the dark wall and r epeated the same words over and over again A watch. Watch? Hold on Man it s freaking cold today his face?! why the hell should I help this boy when I can t even see I quickly grabbed i

I see it!! Over there . Wow it s shining. Must be an expensive one t and squatted down next to the boy on the floor. Here I ll leave your watch in your blazer okay?

I blew steam onto the watch and carefully cleaned it up a little with my hoodie. Then I gently placed it into his blazer s pocket. I suddenly realized something ve ry important If I just leave him here then those guys might come back and beat him up again But that doesn t mean I should stay here and watch him over night, does it? Ah I feel like going crazy. Oh well it s not like I have an option. This is the problem with people who are too nice! I wonder how much time had passed The tofu I held in my hands freezed over and my nose started running like crazy. My body wouldn t listen to my plead as I coughed .

the first signs of a cold. The guy still wouldn t come back to his senses He must ve been hurt badly. Huh? I see snow The year s first snow. Ah! It s even more cold now ickly as I could. Until Hello is is anyone there? I started shaking crazily and passed the slow time as qu

o_o yes! Please come here!! Please help us T__T I wonder who she is I could hear her footsteps speed up as she got closer to us. I got up and quickly brushed myself off. Ah Yes is is he hurt??

TT^TT slightly pushed me back and crouche

The girl that suddenly popped out of no where d down right next to the boy. Are you his girlfriend?

Ah no I m not anything. Okay hey! Please!! Can you open your eyes a little?! Please get up!!

I I don t think it s that serious, little girl =_= Anyways, I don t think these people n eed me anyway It feels awkward standing here by myself and I m also afraid of my mom she s probably angry with me by now. Huh the snow stopped. Is it because the snow stopped? But a weird feeling suddenl y washed over me. + + Now and this is how Hawon and BanJi confused each other + it is the year 2002, August +

BanJi s first love and his hidden story. END. ================================= So technically, BanJi s first love is Hawon If it confuses you, read Hawon s story first and THEN HaeSu s story. HaeSu s story is just a continuation of Hawon s story. =================================

Chapter 108 At school, I noticed that Suyun had left school early for whatever reason so I j ust headed on home. I m tired of being alone. I hate being so alone like this these days. As time passes, it s apparent that Suyun s having a hard time trying to organ ize her feelings. She s losing a lot of weight these days I m not doing so well these days either on account of that stupid cotton candy girl . Will *I* be able to lose weight? Ahk >_< I m so bored so bored Oh yeah Cell phone let s play. Play with mommy~~ =_= *pik pik pik* I never knew tetris was this fun of a game. I should go against BanJi when we go to an arcade later Huk. Oh no. I thought about him again stupid Accessory #100 # 100 !!!!! *ring ring* *click* BANJI >_< Hehe, what are you doing?!? I m in the middle of class right now. Call me later. huh?=_= *du du du * Oh well. He was in the middle of class TT_TT But why the hell did he even pick up if he s going to hang up like that?! He s such a mystery you can never know his true sel f. But hmm today, our school is letting us do whatever in class and just study. *ring ring ring* Who are you? o_o Hubby. BanJi =_= you said you re in class Ah fuck, I don t care. You re a little more important TT__TT this accessory is making me feel a lot of emotions these days. Lee BanJi I miss you T_T k - _ - what about you? Shiet do I ALWAYS have to ask you up front T_T? huh?

What about me - _ - I m asking what about you What about me~~~~~~

=_=^ I M ASKING IF YOU MISS ME OR NOT~!!!!! It s a waste of breath to say things that are definite. Hehe Hm cool BanJi >_< I like cool BanJi should I should I go deeper into this? Hehehe -.,-


then how much do you love me? because I want to make sure of Im HaeSu I m just asking to make su

I m not asking this re of myself

I love you as much as I love you huh? I fucking love you as much as I love you ~~ explain it so I can understand it clearly T___T AHHH FUCK I SAID I LL HANG UP!!! STOP TUGGING ON MY EAR (*#&$*(@^$*&^@#$ !!! Yes of course we re we re always like this. Look at him, yelling at the teacher when th e fault is in HIS hands. HE S the one that was talking on the phone during class !! Yo, hang up. I ll call you back later. It s okay =_=^ Just meet me later at my back gates. *du du du * Whoo . That afternoon, I saw BanJi waiting for me at my gates. He didn t bring the S angGo kids along so we got to head out to downtown with just the two of us. Oh my~ how long has it been since it has been ONLY us two?>_< When we reached downtown, BanJi and I were waiting to cross the street when BanJ i whispered something into my ear Huh ?? It s Eun JinHo s girlfriend o_o o_o??? I turned my head in the direction BanJi was looking at and noticed a g irl wearing the YeGo school uniform with short cut hair. She s she s the girl Unha cheated on Suyun with What are you talking about =_= Unha can t do two things at once. I saw Unha with .

Then who the hell do you think she is =_=^ I said that s Eun JinHo s girlfriend~~~ Jin ho?? Not Unha? Jinho? o_o Yeah

Oh. my god. This doesn t make any sense. Well it s not like it HAS to make sense . but! !! If Suyun and Unha can laugh together again I MUST MAKE THIS MAKE SENSE!! You re sure that she doesn t have any relationship with Unha right?

Now that I think of it, I think that the kids called her Unha s girlfriend too ah what ever. I dunno. Think hard about it T___T I want to know the truth. Catch that girl and ask You go ask! They say that artists have bad tempers. Since BanJi has a bad temper too it d be funny to watch him go catch her. Hehehehe ( < -- still very immature.) Wait what just happened here? That Yego girl just took a taxi and disappeared out of our sights. HEY!! We didn t figure out your identity yet! COME BACK!!!!! Dammit The only thing left to do is go find Unha and ask him to tell the whole truth. I must get those two love birds together using my own strength. And with that, I made BanJi walk in front and lead me to Unha s house. The whole w alk there, BanJi didn t complain or ask anything but rather just walked quietly. I tried to ignore it, but I have no time to concentrate on things like this I m in a hurry! *ding do ro rong! ddong do rong~* I forcefully pushed the doorbell. Ha *click* The door opened to his house Oh BanJi hum the doorbell is very um odd?

o_o When I peered inside, I noticed that Unha s house was filled with SangGo stude nts. Hey =_= I m in a rush right now. Could you tell me where Unha is??

He went to the supermarket to buy ice cream UNHA! You get used to things pretty fast, don t you? I quickly ran over to the sup ermarket that was right in front of Unha s house. Student~ do you need anything? Ah no Hey, did you see a boy here by any chance? He has a dimple in one cheek

He s right next to you. not Accessory, he doesn t have any dimples =_=. Ac what???

BanJi quickly looked down at me with a questioning expression. Ugh, you re always making fun of me by calling me MiHwaWon!! We noticed that Unha wasn t anywhere in the super so as we began to leave, the gran dma grabbed BanJi s hands and stared at him fondly. Oh, you look JUST like my grandchild ake them for free! Is there anything you want here? Take them! T

She put a peanut caramel chocolate bar in his hands. Grandma~ do you not have a granddaughter? If not, I ll be happy to take the role. (drools over the candy ) Ah I don t eat these kinds of things because they are mushy. You can eat them (t/n: this is the part where BanJi s trying really hard to be polite to the granni e so he tries to speak really properly only he fails and mixes proper with impro per so it comes out really weird ORIGINAL SENTENCE: ??? ????? ???? ??? ????. ) =_= I can totally tell that BanJi s trying to be extra polite but it s funny. Just so funny. =_= We quickly left the supermarket and stuck around in places in hopes o f finding Unha. But we could not find the unha that left to buy ice creams . Yo I m just gonna go in ok?

To Unha s? . BanJi stood there as if he wanted me to run over to him and stand by his side. No I don t want to go to Unha s. I m just gonna go home and eat some red bean bread with HanBum. Just the two of you .? He s my brother =_+ K I mma go now. You re a cold cold man TT_TT You re not even taking me home???

Chapter 109 On the way home, I stopped by a street store and bought some snacks for myself. That s when I realized that if I just went home like this, I had a feeling that I d be really bored So I decided that I should head over to Suyun s. SUYUN!! Unni s coming!! I even have snacks! She wouldn t kick me out would she ? =_= I turned the corner to Suyun s block and noticed a figure out of the corner of my eye sitting in front of Suyun s house. Why would somebody be sitting in front of Suyun s house TT_TT?

I stood there for a whlie, wondering whether to move forward or turn back. The f igure must have noticed me because he started calling out to me. Hey are you HaWon? -.,-?

Who are you It s me Un ha ?

Unha >_<

Yes, it was! I stood closer and noticed Unha s bright face peering back at me. His face was bright but if you observed closer, it was obvious that there was a dark side to it, too. Unha s not the type to be this. dark like this. He s always the bright kid. He doesn t . match

Hey, what are you thinking about? Are you going to give me your jacket?? Are you cold -.-? I have to go in to Suyun s

I crouched down next to Unha. Ah Ah =_=

so cold >_< Hawon, can I have your jacket. wait. Why are you here? I m just bored.


Do you think that even makes sense TT_TT?? Do you know how long it took me to fi nd you? Ruff. ruff. o_o o_o A dog appeared from behind Unha. Unha took my jacket and put it over the small dog =_=. That jacket was hella expensive man Hey, is that the dog Suyun always talks about? BongGu, I think? The dog that live s in front of her house. No it s Tosun. I named it.

Come here BongGu~~~ C mere~ Whoa whoa~ You have to say Yoi yoi for it to come, Hawon >_< YOI~~~ YOI~~~~~~ >_< It s not coming BongGu dragged my jacket and hid behind Unha once more. They say that dogs like people with pure souls >.,<. Hawon must have a dirty soul ~ >_< >_<

WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!!!!!!! are you mad =_=? No do you want something to eat??? =_=^

Yah yah o_o It was hard to muster up any strength to ask him the questions I wanted to earli er. Unha Yeah? .You know that one yeah, what about. Ah what am I going to do +_+ The atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker so um You don t have any . particular relationship with that YeGo girl right? YeGo girl right? (<-- still asking =_=)


. No . I do have a relationship with her. h huh? She s my next door neighbor Yesun nuna. I introduced her to Jinho once . it was only THAT kind of r

Whew I sigh of relief automatically slipped my lips. So elationship right ? Then On Suyun s birthday, you lied to Suyun ou didn t have to really do all that. You knew that I was meeting her? Yes, I knew. How??? How?? I was so careful in meeting her how??

and met her. If she s only a nuna to you, y

I want to know why you had to be careful in meeting her. You have Suyun


Jo Unha, you re the bad person. You re so mean. You said so yourself that you introdu ced her to your friend. Then why would you hang around with her when you have yo ur own girl? Why? So I could learn the cello

What? chel?? What? I only met Yesun nuna so I could learn the cello. What are you talking about? Yesun nuna s major is the cello at YeGo. and Suyun once said that she would be happy if her boyfriend played the cello on her birthday in front of a lot of people So So I tried to learn the cello and kept it a secret f I surprised her You did you plan her birthday .? By yourself? Because Suyun might be happier i

I was going to rent a whole cafe and open a small music concert for Suyun. Guess w hat the music concert name was going to be?? =o= Guess guess >_< I don t know . what was it My Lovely Suyun . Happy Birthday.

Unha finished his last words and ripped at the bean filled dough. Dipping his fi nger into the hole, he rubs it off on the small dog. Unha . how could Suyun and I think no. Suyun you re going to hell with me for accusing such a sweet and nice guy of evil deeds. Unha I thought you were playing Suyun I guess it s not? Then Then you can date Suyun again! Unha. I m sorry. Yeah but That s not the reason.

What do you mean? Why Suyun threw me away. It s not because of Yesun nuna My head went white at the thought of conjuring up a response to this statement. What are you supposed to say in these kinds of situations? I don t know I wish Huh? Because then, everything would be cleared up and Suyun would come back to me. And I also wouldn t have to wait in the blistering cold for her like this. Yeah Then Yeah come back again Suyun s going to come back too TT_TT can I see Suyun tomorrow? you can. Suyun was mad at me because of Yesun nuna.

That s . such a relief. The next day, I woke up feeling heavy and dark. I wondered if Suyun wouldn t come to school again. Ah I have to quickly tell her what s going on.

Unha s sad secret huh? HEY!!!!!!

I want to quickly tell her.

I grabbed Suyun s shoulders as she was about to walk into the art room and spun he r around to face me. Why are you so late Hawon just TT_TT

leave me alone.

For some reason, Suyun s two eyes are light and empty. HEY! IT S A MISUNDERSTANDING!!!! IT S A MISUNDERSTAND!! UNHA S TRUTH IS!!!!!! Hawon, let go. Why . do you do you know? Suyun quietly stood there and gazed at me. She knows ng because Because she knows Unha s truth. Hey stop crying Why are you crying? I m the one that accused him first she knows. That s why she s cryi

I was his girlfriend. I was the one that should ve trusted him from beginning to end . I was the one that was supposed to trust him But I overheard your conversation w ith Unha yesterday That s when I knew. You can just start over from here.

No I can t. I can t make sure that I won t let this happen again the confidence to stand next to him again.

I can t do it. I don t ha

Chapter 110 Thankfully, our first class of the day was Phys Ed so Suyun and I could give som e random excuse and stay inside the classroom to chat a little. It seemed as if Suyun was having an extremely hard time but still didn t want to go back to Unha. No I think she is hiding her feelings of wanting to return to Unha. Unha s waiting for you. He thinks you re going to come back

I m too sorry to see Unha s face properly I didn t even check with him to make sure and I just automatically assumed him. If if I just go right back to him because everyt hing s worked out . then he ll just turn into a babo He didn t do anything wrong. He only got hurt because of me Was Suyun not going back to Unha because of her beliefs or because she s holding he rself back? I really don t care whatever the reason is Because I want to stick you guys back together. You guys couldn t even live without each other if you keep doin g this, then I start to get nervous

I can t even talk to Suyun about Im Haesu and BanJi I guess this story will have to wait for a little. The only thing I can do for now is get rid of that Cotton ca ndy bitch with my own hands =_=;; That afternoon, I discovered Accessory standing at the gates. But oh, next to him was the guy with with T_T deep dimples in his cheeks. Unha, you re here, huh. You sh ouldn t have came T_T;; Hey? Hawon!!! Everytime I take one step toward Unha, my heart gets heavier and heavier. What about Suyun?

She s going to come out soon. Unha seemed nervous. T-T I walked over to Banji and gave him a bright smile. =_= =_= T_T?

Why the hell do you always scrunch up your face whenever you see me This is called a smile, you idiot! Do you even know what LAUGHING is *diriririri* Hmm?? I wonder who it is o_o? Hello? Hawon Sorry, I m going to leave first okay? WHAT?!?! Where are you?! T_T?? SU!!! Yong =_=

Unha was staring at me with large rabbit eyes. I could NOT spit out Suyun s name a t a situation like this That s Suyun, right Hawon? Wait, give me the phone for a sec .ok. SUYUN >_<!! Huk no, Unha. You re not supposed to answer the phone like that =_= This is a very s erious situation First things first, I grabbed BanJi s arm and prepared to move him to another loca tion. Don t pull on my blazer =_= then just follow me Where are you going? Just shush and follow me =.,= Don t take me somewhere weird BanJi and I made our way to a bench a couple yards away from Unha. Change your school =_= huh?

Aren t you embarrassed to be going to a school like this SHH! Unha s saying something! That But You don was the only way I could change the subject as soon as possible =.,= =.,=;; Unha seemed to be having an extremely hard time T_T;; Suyun, you octopus poo! re going to regret not going back to Unha when you had the chance You like him t you!! Why won t you just swallow whatever you re feeling and just go!

I quietly opened my ears and tried to listen to the conversation. I don t care that you didn t trust me I don t care I said it s okay

. I said that

SUYUN! Please T_T Stop making Unha hurt like this and just go i jumped up from his seat and started walking over to Unha. What did Min Hawon s friend say? Did she say sorry? . I asked you if she said sorry or not. She wants time to think it over What the fuck? She didn t say sorry? BanJi BanJi Why are you so upset over this?

A while later, BanJ

I don t need any apologies augh .

I just . All she needs to do is just stand by my side and l

Our cute Unha I always made fun of you because of your blonde hair. But you know, ever since I found out that I assumed you, I wanted to die because I was so sor ry. Unha are you going to wait for Suyun T_T? I m going to go see our Tosun today Okay if you keep going to Suyun s house, maybe Suyun will find the strength to do t he same for you. Stop trying to cry, Unha You re a guy T__________T;; Two days later, Unha wasn t waiting at our gates his own. It s Suyun that s the problem now. She assumed him first. She broke up with him first. She turned around on him first. Why is she having such a hard time T_T Just grab him when you can Ah I feel like ex ploding right now. There are only a bunch of depressed people around me. On these kinds of days, I miss BanJi the most I grabbed my cell phone and punched in #100 and waited Hmm, why isn t he answering the phone? Is is there something wrong? I tried calling again and again about 10~2 0 tries but they all failed. So I just turned around and headed towards Suyun in order to go karaoke-ing with her. but he seemed to be doing okay on


I don t want to go. I m going to go home and take a bath

NO! I can t leave you alone because you re my friend! Isn t it because YOU want to go =_=? hum =_=;; Yes, the truth was I wanted to go karaoke because I felt upset with BanJi =_= I l inked arms with Suyun and headed out to downtown. Wow how long has it been since it s been just the two of us out like this? Friendship has such a weird way of alw ays being in front of love. Hey, can we get a room here? You re gonna have to wait for about 50 minutes. Hmm why are all the karaoke s filled today? Suyun and I headed over to one that was in the corner of a somewhat ghetto-looking place. H hey, let s just leave. No =_= I want to sing with you today. Ajuhssi~ can we get two hours here? Go that way~ This karaoke place didn t really seem like a place that students should be coming in to but hmm Min Hawon, sing. No man, we came here for you ^o^ I ll go out and get some drinks for us. On the way back inside after getting two drinks, my eyes met with a man that cou ld be as old as my dad. Hum a weird feeling came over me but I ignored it and walked inside. Suyun was si nging some weird ass song at the top of her lungs YOU PUT A FLOWER IN YOUR HAIR!~~~~~~~~ AND DANCE LIKE CRAZY!!! ON A RAINING WINTE R DAY!!! GO OUT AND JOG NAKEDDD~~~~~~~~ YAI YAI YAI YAI YAI YAI YAI!! =_+ This is why I told you to go grab Unha You re crazy, aren t you Suyun =_=? But he y, there s beer on the table Suyun, where d you get the beer?? o_o Some guy came over and gave it to us saying it s freee!!! OHH YEAH YAI YAI~~~ Oh okay o_o

*gulp gulp* KYAHHHH >.< >_x Suyun and I got rid of six beer cans in a short amou nt of time. Right when I got ready for my next song, the door opened WHO ARE YOU!!!!!! >_<!!!!!!!! Your dad. -.,- huh? Who are you?? Ah hmm Now that I look closely, they re the oldies I saw in the hallway a while ago~

~ Hehe, you re in the wrong room Nah~~ I think we re in the right room Hahaha Huk T^T That sickly smile. All of a sudden, Suyun started crying -__-

ung T___T heuk heuk T_____T Suyun T_T stop crying Sirs~ will you please leave T_T Hey babies play with daddy tonight, hmm? How bout it?

Huk T_T My dad is probably at work right now. Please someone come and help us TT_ TT AHH BanJi T_T How come I only see your face at times like this T_T T_T T_T Banji~~ save me T__T

Chapter #111 Heuk heuk Hawon I m scared I shouldn t have let her drink all those cans of TT^TT ? You want that?

Suyun continued crying by my side beer. Hey could you guys please leave

Baby~ Daddy will give you a little alcohol My dad never gave me alcohol T___T Hmm?

The group of men staggered over to me. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and threw it over to Suyun SUYUN!!!!! PRESS 100!!!!!!! 100!!!! T__T heuk heuk Of all the years in our friendship, never have I ever seen such a beautiful sigh t. Suyun was pressing the number 100 with her fingers T_T =_=;; Please BanJi,,, please pick up the phone. You re the only person that can save us TT^TT AHK!! Some crazy son of a bitch grabbed the back of my hair and lifted my head up. AH >_< LET GO T___T Never ever in my life will I ever come back to this stupid karaoke place AGAIN. AHK >_< SUYUN!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!! HE WON T PICK UP!!!!!!! aH .ah He picked it T_T He picked up HELLO?

LEE BANJI! We re at a karaoke right behind the 4 way >_< Save us T___T KYAH!? Huk =_= If she says it like that, BanJi will probably just hang up Ah then Who are you? AHK >_< wait Unha??

HUH? o_o You re not BanJi?

Unha o_o? Oh, thank the heavens! UNHA!! I can t talk with you right now!! T_T!! Because I m supposed to be feeling bad right now!! >_< Bye bye! -__- -__-! AH!! Why the hell are you hanging up like that !!! But still at least you told him w here we were He ll come I know he ll come. He has to Unha s not the type that won t come. Exactly 15 minutes later, our karaoke room door opened. Unha was standing there and behind him was BanJi, his hair sticking up in weird directions. He must ve ran here It usually took about 40 minutes to walk here but he ran the way here in 15 seconds T__T Sirs you are going to so regret not leaving when I asked you to -__-

Kyah~ what the hell is she talking about hmm? The guy tried to grab my hair again but Banji quickly responded by grabbing his arm Our BanJi our BanJi s hand T_T;; Don t touch her BanJi TT^TT Only I can.

What the fuck?! Let go of me NOW! Who the fuck are you? You people are so dead =_=; The guy slid across the room at BanJi s one punch crazy old man. Unha appeared from behind BanJi and started walking past us toward one direction. Next to Suyun Suyun was still busy crying not even paying attention to the situation at hand. T wo men were gasping for air next to her =_= And a couple more were still trying t o get Suyun to come with them . They re dead now~~ o_o huh? Why wouldn t Jo Unha use his fists - _ - huh? I could tell what BanJi was talking about just by looking at his frozen face. Un ha grabbed the two men next to Suyun and lifted them up. Unha wasn t smiling.

I hope you can understand what happened next without me having to explain *pahk* Pahk?! How hard did he hit that it made that hard of a noise. I suddenly felt ba d for the men that were being pushed around on the floor by Unha s fists. Unha this is the first time me seeing you so angry. Maybe that s why I don t have the guts to stop you. I should be stopping you right about now but I can t. BanJi what should we do? Should I go tell the owner? Call the police But they might take Unha Then just try to stop Unha. How Don t ask me, I ve never tried to stop a fight before. Well of course, you re always the one that starts them =_= At that moment, Suyun sp oke out into the quiet room. Unha stop Unha T_T Your hands are going to get dirty

Unha looked down at Suyun, her face wet with tears. Unha grabbed his shirt and g ently wiped off the tears on her face He then stuck out his hand at Suyun. Sorry let s get out of here now. T_T but but I m not supposed to be seeing you right now T_T

Suyun =_+ You re so drunk right now. Banji grabbed my shirt and pulled me out of t he karaoke room. Let s go. I left Suyun with Unha and quietly followed Banji out. Is it okay to just leave Suyun there . what if those men wake up again and start to attack Unha =_= What do you want to eat? =_=^ He never ever ever pays attention to what other people say What do you want to eat~~~~~~~? I don t want to eat . =_= (<-- said this in a very serious tone =_=)

Why? You love eating . Whatever =_=

AH! Let s go to the arcade! I want to play tetris with you >_<

After walking a couple blocks, we arrived at the arcade. Wow, it s been a while si nce I ve been here. I suddenly get the feeling to want to play everything ^___^ What the fuck? Why are there so many GongGo kids here

I looked around the area and one person caught into my eye at one glance. =_= Pink aura c o t t o n c a n d y COT!!!!!! ah - _ =_=;;

BanJi was staring at me with uneasy eyes Cot what. Ah um nothing. Lets just go

Cot what!!!!!!!!! =_=^ grr, Accessory is so blind to what other people feel. Do you know that I am burning inside right now +_+??! Huh ? Is that Banji? Banji??

Chapter #112 The cotton candy bitch called out to BanJi in a sickeningly sweet voice. Please please BanJi, don t turn around .

Did you call me? .=_= Yeah. I know I know, it was really Cotton Candy but I don t want BanJi to be talking wit h her again. Just consider it one of my desperate attempts to stop such a thing fr om happening BANJI!! STOP!! I CALLED YOU~~~ -O- STOP WALKING! Huk .

Im Haesu ran over here and started pulling on Banji s arm. Banji s eyes were round a nd Haesu stared up at him, creating a bright smile. She is the enemy of all the girls in our generation . Atleast that s what it seemed like to me at that moment. Let go I feel like octopus shit right now.

Lee Banji T_T You re only supposed to say that if it s a comical situation Banji, stop acting like this. Hmm? Let s stop fighting like this. We can just meet again! Shut your mouth You know . I didn t dump you then because I hated you. Let s meet again a lot . I still like you

Im Haesu is probably the first to not be afraid of Banji s threatening voice. And s

he s also the first to ignore me

in a situation like this.

Banji, let s go =_= I suddenly want to eat octopus on top of rice =_= I grabbed Banji s arms and used all my strength in pulling him out of the arcade. I didn t want to get this pathetic in front of Haesu But what can I do? Oh, hey Hawon o_o There s something in your hair.

Haesu politely greeted me and lifted her hand up as if she was about to hit my h ead. But Grabbing Im Haesu s hand, Banji slowly walked over and stood in front of me. Ah feels great knowing that I have Banji s protection still It

I looked over Banji s shoulder to take a look at Haesu s expression. It was hard to read it clearly She seemed mad, yet she was smiling. Laughing . yet crying. How am I supposed to interpret this? Min Hawon, let s go eat octopus rice Yeah octopus rice

Banji passed Im Haesu and left the arcade on his own. I desperately tried to pas s Im Haesu acting like nothing was wrong but her voice tugged at my feet .I wonder why Banji would like you He only knew me. I wonder what part of you ding Banji down preventing him from running away .Because I never threw away Banji . is hol

Im Haesu s eyes started to shake at my reply. I I suddenly don t want to give Banji away to you ll always be my main I like Hari too but I guess Banji wi

=_=^ Bitch, when did I ever say I was going to give Accessory to you?? I m telling you, you and Hari are the perfect match =_+ Go Kim Hari s waiting for you over there. .Want me to give you Hari ?? what ? I ll give you Hari want to trade with Banji ??

Is he good at tetris? huh?? Can he make me something with his own hands for my birthday? Can he run out of th e hospital during a raining day looking for me even if his shoulders are hurt? C an he? no

Then I don t need him. Hari is forever yours. - _ Hahaha =_= I probably won this battle right??? =_=^ The feeling of winning didn t leave me even as I was walking up the steps leaving the arcade. I found Banji standing outside the door standing in a position where he looked l ike he owned the whole fucking world. YO! !! Nobody sells octopus rice!! Why are you shouting =_= Something else what. Like fried octopus or jang gook jjigae ? T_T we can just go eat something else.

I don t think they sell that

Of course -__- don t take my jokes so seriously

I had to be satisfied with Banji buying me tonkatsu. =_=. And that night, Suyun FINALLY called. T_T!!! Suyun!!!!! T__T!!! What happened with Unha?!? Are you going to date again??? I don t know Are you going to break up!??!? I dont know . =_=^??? Then what I don t know o_o/// o_o I think I heard something wrong =_= Can you say it again? No I think I m going to cry but I . I kissed Unha

Tears of happiness??? No I guess tears of being impressed? T_T? You were going to go back to him anyway! Why d

Isn t it basically the same thing you pull time so long T^T

I wish you guys good luck! >_< >_< hehe But Hawon I have to go to Busan tomorrow. WHY!!!!!!!! =_=^!! My relative is in the hospital so I have to look after my cousins =_=

SCHOOL!!!! I said I d go BECAUSE of school =_= hehe What are you going to do with Unha And my mom is busy with work anyway.

I feel so bad for him T^T and when I come back, I think I ll be You know Unha thinks of it as the pr

I m not going to be there for a long time anyway ready to smile for Unha again. T_T take care of your weird ass laughing noise ettiest laugh in the world T_T

kk~ I ll see you when I get back>_< Tell Unha something nice for me! BUY ME A PRESENT!!!T_T okay?? *doo do du * I put down my cellphone and closed my eyes to lose myself in deep thought. I have to be by myself if Suyun s gone T_T Hm Maybe I should go to SangGo and wait for BanJi tomorrow Yeah let s do that =_= =_= =_=

Chapter #113 Today is the day that Suyun goes down to Busan but I am at school. I tried to per suade the teacher to let me leave early so I could say bye but the teacher seemed a little off today. Ahk!! T^T Where s my cell phone?? My best friend, my cell phone~ *presses #100* Hurry up and pick up, Banji >_<;; Yo what s wrong !!!! what do you mean what is wrong?

Banji =_=^

Why did you call ~~~~ You could ve just said that from the beginning =_=; Just =_=^ I was bored so I called you. Let s talk and play >_<

I can t, I have to go to class. Are you crazy?? =_= Your school teacher seemed really mean It s okay, he s close with me. =_=^ okay.

But do you know that the teacher you are supposedly close with totally dissed yo u out in front of me =_=?? That you didn t even pay for the milk fee and stole all y our classmate s =_=; Banji, I ll buy you milk from now on okay?? T_T I don t drink milk, it smells rotten. Rotten? There s a whole rumor that you love milk~ I m not going to drink it from today on ~~ -H hey! Is that Hawon?!?! Me Me!!! I could hear Unha s voice coming through the phone. It s Unha, huh Why~~~~ There s something I need to say to just him No Huk . are you being jealous >_<? Hmm? Jealousy?? Damn =_= hehe just let him have the phone. T_T Banji let me talk to him

Banji!! Let him have the phone =_= I really have to tell him something. LET ME TALK TO HAWON~T_T LET ME TALK TO HER~ See see, even Unha wants to talk to me. I must tell him that Suyun left for Busa n So that Unha knows that when Suyun returns, she ll return to his side with a brig ht smile on her face But Accessory is blocking that path!!! =_=^ Just hand the phone over to him -__-,, I don t want to, idiot. Hum, it has been a while since I ve heard that idiot word come out of his mouth.

If you don t give the phone to Unha, I m going to cheat on you!!! -__-!!! =_= .=_= *beeeep* He hung up. +_+ What does this mean he s just going to let me cheat on him?? Or t because he s mad It was just a joke T_T Well, a very harsh joke I guess. Just like I planned last night, I guess I ll have to just go up to SangGo and wait for BanJi. =_=;; Damn why do I always have to make at least ONE trouble a day. That afternoon, I ditched 6th period and headed over to SangGo. Just as I was he ading out the gates, Unha appeared in front of me. o_o; Hawon !! >_< Suyun? You ditched too, huh. is i

Unha lightly smiled. You heard right?? You heard right? >_< Suyun and I did Hmm =_= Does it start with a ki and end with a ss? it ~

Hehe no it starts with a bbo and ends with a bbo~ (t/n: bbo bbo is just a baby word for kiss in korean) Heh, let s go ^o^ I ll tell you Suyun s story on the way. Suyun s not here?? Yeah Unha gently placed his arm around my shoulder and started walking towards SangGo . Well, you and I ARE just friends but what are you going to do if Banji sees =_ +;; On the way to SangGo, I spat out everything Suyun told me to Unha. Unha kept sto pping midway and 30 minutes had already passed so we weren t even NEAR SangGo. Unha s face had become so pale after he heard Suyun left for Busan But after he hea rd the rest of the story, his face had become so bright and red that I was regre tting Suyun wasn t here to see him. Then Hawon o_o All I have to do now is just play with little Tosun until Suyun co mes back from Uleungdo right?? It s Busan T_T It s all Banji s fault, he turned all the guys in SanngGo dumb! We arrived downtown and just as we were about to cross the last big street, Unha turned around. Huh?? o_o There s Hawon over there What?? You re over there too! What are you talking about =_=? I turned towards the direction Unha was looking a t. Where are you seeing another me =_+?

Oh! She s gone !! =0= hmm, did I see wrong?? She had flaring nostrils just like you > _< After that, we arrived at the SangGo gates with Unha going on and on and on abou t Suyun. But hey, that guy standing over there with no expression on his face is Banji right? =_=;; Damn he s mad T_T

Chapter #114 I quietly walked over to BanJi.

heh heh No. =_=

Banji =_=


I m sorry about what I did =_= I was so bored so I just played a little prank Stop sticking to me. Huh??-__-? Stop sticking to me. I saw Unha quickly walk away from BanJi. Unha must be scared of him too - _ BanJi >_<~~ BanJi turned around and started to walk away with the kids from his school. Damn you ! BANJI!!! LEE BANJI!! I said I m sorry!! I love you!! Hehe I love you!! =_= Seriously, ever since I started dating BanJi, I ve discovered sides of me that I never knew before

BanJi stopped and turned around to stare at me for a moment before turning aroun d and continuing on his way. Dammit T^T Min Hawon, hurry up ??

Somehow, BanJi came back in front of me and knitted his eyebrows . - _ On the way out to downtown, Unha and BanJi never said a word to each other. They must still be mad from the looks of it. Banji SAW how Unha was hanging on to Su yun =_=^ !! !! HEY! It s that girl! That girl that looks exactly like Hawon!! o_o huh?? At Unha s sudden outburst, BanJi looked up and stared at her direction. Wait huh? That s not me . It s Im Haesu Im Haesu?? Why the hell did she cut off her beautiful hair? Well of course it s the same exact hair style as mine. Complete with my favorite hairpin. . and my backpack and my cardigan -__-^ That cotton candy girl was a complete clone of me.


She s Haesu but doesn t she look like Hawon, Huh BanJi?>_< right next to me.

Who the hell are you calling Hawon. Hawon s right here

Of course, of course TT^TT I ll forever be by your side Huk! Im Haesu looked over h ere. She got totally dissed last time at the arcade, could she possibly come ove r here again?? - _ Wah~ BanJi, hi~~ =_= Haesu quickly walked over here and stood in front of BanJi. Looking at her close r, she really does look like me ^ Hehe, today I walked around the WHOLE downtown just to meet you, Banji -.,-;; Whoa, that laugh the way she talks her face expression n t get why she s suddenly doing all this Nah I do know. Im Haesu, you re doing whatever it takes in order to get BanJi, huh. They re all mine! =_= =_= I do

Are you an idiot . It s been a while hearing BanJi s cold hard voice. When we first met, BanJi used to ta lk to me in that kind of voice all the time I still remember when he asked if I w as an idiot. I m not an idiot TT_TT have you ever seen a boy loving idiot? I w

BanJi stayed quiet and stared at Haesu and me. I suddenly had a weird feeling ant to pull BanJi s attention back to me Ban .

Motorcycles appeared before our eyes, creating chaos. A guy wearing shorts and w eird purple slippers discovered BanJi and stopped the gang. All the other slippe r people stopped along with him, allowing the purple slippers to get off the mot orcycle and walk towards our direction. YOOO!!! BANJI!!! >_<! Dammit, let s go. BanJi grabbed my hand. o_o But too late, for the purple slippers already had a g rip of my other arm. HEY!! Why are you running away? Wait, is this your girlfriend?? Ah no, I m BanJi s girlfriend Hello o_o =_= =_+

Im Haesu, what the what?? Who s girlfriend??? Why is it that I suddenly see Hwang S ohyung s face replacing yours? =_= BanJi turned and looked at Im Haesu with slightl y round eyes. I must ve gotten mad because I pulled Banji s face towards mine withou t me even knowing. Wanna die? =_=^ Look at only me before I kiss you. BanJi s eyes grew even wider at my statement =_= I m crazy, I m crazy, I m crazy. Weird octopus =_= Stop saying weird things.

BanJi s ears were bright red oh ho ho ho -.,-;; Sometimes, a girl needs to be aggre ssive for moments like this! Ah fuck =_= Who s really BanJi s girlfriend~~~>_<?? I I m really BanJi s girlfriend T_T (<- Im Haesu)

God mother *&(*#$$# damn =_= Look at you~ Stop trying to act like me, alright?? No =_= I m the real one. -.,- (<- Me) TT_TT Are you crazy?? What s wrong with you T_T (<- Crazy Im Haesu)

As purple slippers went back and forth, BanJi s face froze. Is it because I m not be ing stronger in claiming to be his girlfriend??? If that s so then HEY!! SLIPPERS BOY!!! It s ME!!!!! T_T I m REALLY LEE BANJIBefore I could finish my sentence, BanJi grabbed my hand and held it tightly hurts T_T Ah it

Ah who is it~~ Shiet, Lee BanJi you re making me get mad! Who s your real girlfriend? Her?? Stupid slippers boy pointed at me with his chin. BanJi quietly whispered out a response that made my ears and my heart . No . hurt so bad. my eyes

Chapter #115 N .o ?

What do you mean . no Lee BanJi BanJi I m your girlfriend aren t I? I m Hawon .

I felt as if I was in a trance. BanJi s hand holding mine suddenly became so awkwa

rd. Im Haesu s rosy red cheeks and her happy smile at BanJi s response made me want to rip her hair out. My lips refused to part Oh oh -0- So then you are BanJi s girlfriend?? You re very pretty ??

The slippers man pointed towards Im Haesu and BanJi remained silent.

Why Why are you saying no Why aren t you saying anything Why aren t you doing anythin I gently took my hand out of BanJi s grasp. His two eyes merely looked at me. I ll leave first . because I hate you a lot right now. I thought for a second that BanJi s two eyes shook But still. My hate for you at th e moment won t die down too easily. It s like Im Haesu took my spot. It s like I was pushed out of the way.

Hawon o_o I won! Im Haesu - _ -^

Shiet why isn t that stupid idiot not coming after me That night, I stayed in my house thinking that at times like this, I would be at the karaoke with Suyun singing until our voices turned husky. Suyun . T_T I don t need Lee BanJi!! I don t need gold banji either!!! (t/n: remember, banji mea ns ring in korean ^^) I want you to hurry up and come back!!!!!!!!! Please hurry up and come back Come back Lee BanJi. . and I ll smile again for yo

I ll close my eyes and forgive you. Just call me right now u.

*ring ring ring ring~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!* Huk .! As soon as I finished my thought, my cell phone started ringing. I quickly t ried to flip open my cell phone but ended up dropping it at the sound of my room door swinging open. AH SHIET! The flip closed It might ve been BanJi

I turned towards my door way and glared daggers.

SHIET!! MIN HANBUM!!!!!!!!! =_= Don t mess with me.

Oh yeah, oh yeah he s in his depression mode right now. Because mother ripped his bea utiful Bono Bono apron, he has been in his depression mode for quite a whole now . Instead of his beloved apron, he now wears a promotional apron from some meat ho use. Why the hell did you come in =_=^?? The phone hung up because of you t was BanJi Let s make songpyun. if it was if i

(t/n: it s food you make on korean thanksgiving.)

.=_=^ What s wrong with you are you still sad ?? Let s make songpyun and bother mommy, yeah Crazy bastard =_= fuck

you only make songpyun on thanksgiving day.

GET OUT!!!!! >.,<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shoved Hanbum out and quickly picked up my cell phone off of the floor. Hmm ye s, it did hang up T_T. I wonder if he ll call again *diriririririririri ring ring ring ring~~!!!* Huk so scary T_T

T_T Hello?? It s me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who s me TT_TT?

Unhaaaa~~~!!!! T_T How s Banji?? Banji left early today and ran off somewhere Why T_T Eh, Hawon you re such a babo.

BanJi purposely did that because of Hoontak hyung What!! Why do you keep taking Banji s side!!!! T_T What do you mean there are no sides in this. Hoontak hyung is like trash.

Hoon dak?? Trash?? =_= Hoon! Tak! That slippers guy you saw today~~~ So what if he s trash Argh!! You re so frustrating>_<!! Stop saying nonsense. Okay >_< Hoontak hyung is infamous for going around and stealing the lower classm

en s girlfriends. He s worse than Kim Hari!~~ All he does is sleep with them too .


What?? Sleeping ???

It was definite that BanJi hid you from him !!! >_<!!! He even held your hand! Why are you misunderstanding everything ~~~ =_= So you re trying to say that I made a huge mistake right. a very very bad sweet potato - _ -

Hawon is a sweet potato

As soon as I tried to talk back to him, weird noises started coming from the oth er end and the phone cut off. Ah stupid cell phone. I gave up and flopped onto my bed.

Eum I feel much better now It s probably because the misunderstanding I had is now a ll so very clear to me. Argh I should ve known BanJi wouldn t be the type to deny my existence But hey what am I supposed to say to him when I see him tomorrow. I m sorry for misunderstanding you I didn t even know that he was trash you a very very nice set of slippers kekeke >_< Yeah that should be good enough. Instead, I ll buy

*bbbi bbbbibbibbibibibibibibibbibi* Huk this is the sound of a text message !!! o_o!!!!

Alright I shall forgive you, Banji!!! It s such a pain in the butt missing you this much. *beep* Huk What the hell is this ?? - r i*(hgt now i1m wh3#re y)u aAer rIgh8T nO w. c ()#$me oUt. i m s9rry a;biut be FORE>> Even at first glance, I can tell this is BanJi s ust write this whole thing up T_T BanJi heuk heuk BanJi Why why are you sorry . I wonder how long it took him to j

I m the idiot poo Wait a minute.



I m where you are right now?? What does he mean?? Where is he then =_= . -___-

Chapter #116 What What the hell is that text message supposed to mean. You re where?! =_+??? Huk no .

I quickly walked over to my window and ripped open my curtains. Looking down at the street, I quickly noticed that nobody was there Where the hell does he want m e to meet him then I should just crawl into bed and sleep T^T The only place I am at is MY HOUSE! Wait Where I am?? OH YEAH! I suddenly remembered the place I always used to go to He wouldn t be there would he?? Yes, =_= He is our ACCESSORY! Different from the other men in this world Shiet ACCESSORRYYYYYYYY WAIT FOR ME!!! T_T EVEN IF IT S COLD!!! I squished my body into a white parka and left thruogh the main doors

Around the block. RUN RUN >_< Jogging jogging >.,< I bet Banji s nose is already red and frozen =_= Ru dolph BanJi Ahahaha, a very cool Rudolph kkukuku =_=^ As I passed by the village store, the thought of Banji s weak shoulder passed thro ugh my mind. Even just waiting for the walking sign to turn green, my mind went crazy. I could feel Banji s cold breath even in front of my face so I quickened my pace. I m not sure if where I am going is correct T_T but just wait there, BanJi.

I stood in front of the gates of my school . because this is the only other place I would be. Just like I expected, a boy was standing right there. Looking at the height, I could guess that it was Banji.

I m sorry

BanJi my wife?????? T_T?

HEY! Are you

T^T You re Accessory right No I m Banji.

Yeah.~~~~ TT^TT!!! BANJI!!!!! I quickly ran into his chest. T_T Yo don t stick to me,, you re all mushy.

TT_TT I m cold T_T Why d you call me out all the way here


before =_=

Before what Before . - _ - .

.BEFORE BEFORE YOU IDIOT!!!!! Why are you shouting!!! T_T Don t say it if you don t want to! I fucking hate saying things like this Then don t T_T If I don t, you always go hide and think your own things !!!! BanJi, I m sorry Yeah, I know. Not about right now but about before that slippers guy Sorry =_=. .

Banji stood quiet. As if shocked, his two round eyes looked down at me and froze over. What =_= What s wrong ?? Don t wear that .huh???? Take off your jacket ~~ Oh =_= Why.

It s for boys. So what T_T I feel weird now. Even if it s Hanbum s =_=? Wear mine. But you re going to be cold o_o;; BanJi took off his uniform blazer and gently plac ed it on my shoulders. At that moment, I felt the cold breeze blow right through my bones =_= BanJi T_T I like the parka Are you cold? Yeah =_= I can t hear my blood rolling around

I m all frozen inside =_= Shiet then do this too.

Banji wrapped a black scarf around my neck. Since you re a girl, do I have to tie it in a ribbon??? =_= No, it s okay. Thanks. Ah BanJi s scent. It s cold but it s fresh .

Dammit, it s still cold. But I don t want to go back home just yet. I have to stand h ere and be cold just as much as Banji was T.T And because I want to be here with him longer .

. Liar. Wha =_=^??? I turned my head and looked up at Banji.

Come in Banji opened his two arms wide You re so . words can t explain how cool you are I m never going to let you go no matter how hard you try to go back to Haesu This Min HaWon Will.Never.Die

Chapter #117 Liar liar~ =o= Come in here Liar TT^TT?? I ll feel weird m_m; Let s

His two arms wide open for me. If I slowly walk over to him just go straight ahead then, yeah??? *tak tak tak*

Maybe it s because it s night time but my footsteps sound so heavy


Very carefully, I squished my body into his arms. The warmth I felt is impossible to explain. Yo when you started running over

Yeah? I heard something hella weird what o_o What did you hear? Banji, I don t think my footsteps were THAT weird =_=? Hehehe -.,-

Don t laugh =_= I will now not expect any kind of mood from you anymore, Banji =_=. But you know it s really warm. Really warm Standing against him so close, with my head leaning again st his chest, his heart beat tickled me. I wish I could just fall asleep like thi s. But then again, Banji would probably just kick me away. =_= Banji Hey dskfjsdf HUK! Nevermind =_=

What~~ Just say it, idiot

Right when I looked up to ask him something, his face was so close my mouth froz e. T_T;; Your skin is so clear and nice T_T;; But why aren t you at all nervous? Tha t I m so close? You re not nervous at all, from the looks of it Hum our love must alre ady be dying down. =_= =_= Your nose is all over my clothes. It s probably my breath Bad breath =_= - _ *ha ah* It s all screwed up =_=;; All screwed up I tell you. How does it feel like hugging me? Hehehe >_<* Mushy mushy I feel hella weird

What s weird . =_=; .

. Banji your ears are red I m not not cold. I take that you re cold s together now - _ - I have become used to your weird ways of putting word Are you cold???

Comere~ I ll melt you down As if he was kind of annoyed, he cringed his face and lowered his head down to m ine. Wow I quickly took his frozen ears into my hands. Banji s two arms around me p ulled me in tighter. =_= Hehehe >_<* So shy In this dark dark night, standing behind an empty school I feel as if there are o nly two people in the world as of now Just sitting here hugging each other Kekekekekekekekeke >_< With Banji s arms tightly wrapped around my waist, and my hands gently holding his ears What a weird combination yeah?

It s warm Huh =_+? What Banji?

.Your hair smells. I mma kill you if you don t wash it tomorrow?~~ =_= =_=? =_+?? Water won t come out in our house You don t have . a lot of money? Ah stop getting so serious =_= It s just that Hanbum forgot to fork over the bills. =_=;; My house isn t as poor as you think! . TT_TT!!!

After a while, I came out of Banji s grasp. I still feel unsatisfied =o=;; *diriri diriri diriri* Banji s cell phone o_o;; Min Hawon come here. o_o o_o Banji stuck his hands into his blazer (which is on me) and took out his cell phon e. Fuck, why d you call again keep bothering my ears. Hello? in the sweetest voice possible JUST ONCE w

Lee Banji =_=;; I dare you to say hen answering your phone I m not gonna drink

Do it by yourselves.

=_=???? Drink??? Banji, who wants to drink with you???? Is it SangGo s meeting?? Be quiet, liar. K kay =_= Drink alcohol alcohooool =_= =_+

Unha s voice was flowing out of Banji s cell phone continuously. =_+ Just go seems like he really wants you there.

Banji stopped and glared daggers at me. =_=;; BANJI!!!!!!!! COME >_<!!!! THE FRESHMEN ARE CALLING YOU OUT >_< THEY RE ALL WAITING !

Are you kidding me ??? =_+ I just heard that you know Eh, Banji are you going to go?? =_=

Banji please say nooo You re not going to throw your girlfriend on the floor and lea ve are you T_T? I m gonna go then, okay. .=_= =_= what? What?? what what what?? Go where?? TT_TT??? You re just going to leave me???? TT^TT T???

Chapter #118 I watched BanJi walk away from me. BANJI!! HEY!! Your blazer! You said you were cold Huh ?? Just wear it~~~ Byee~ Stop T_T STOP!! Don t go T_T HEY! What if something happens to me on the way home T_T? Then call me. Are What what did you just say =_=??

=_= I m gonna go follow a random guy Huk. Lee Banji stopped walking and turned his head around. Ahaha, I guess our love ha sn t quite burned out yet? Min Hawon, what did you just say. Let s go together =o= Before that Sigh He s pissed? I walked over to Banji.

I didn t say anything. You said something. Nope =_= Hehehe, let s go~

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and quickly pulled him out of our school. W hew, he isn t saying much which means that I got out of this situation safely

But, ah T_T My arm is starting to hurt. Banji is really tall, huh It s not that I m sh ort though? Liar =_=

Banji !

was purposely walking with one shoulder down as low as he could. T_T For me

BanJi T_T;; Your arm s hella heavy, yeah? T_T Thanks. Uh huh, but your arm s really heavy Shut up. =_=. Are are you going to go to kkojang?

You said I could. Alright =_= I ll just go home then. Bye~ I purposely acted calm though my insides were burning. I saw Banji laugh but tur ned around to walk home anyway, until his voice drew me back. Min Hawon . let s go together. huh T_T? ~

You re my wife

. *ring* Banji and I entered the small bar named Kkojang. HEY>_< It s BanJi, he s here>_< =_= Unha I don t even think you re drunk?? huh?? NOSTRILS GIRL!!!! >_<

Come sit over here


who was that again? Jinho =_=??

Banji, is that Yeah.

Banji grabbed my hand and pulled me over to sit by Unha. Jinho s gaze remained fix ed on us and he finally walked over to sit by me. Ah, I am not used to him being like this? Hawon s pretty. Huh?? Ah hmm, well. heh, yes. =_=

.Then squish this lighter into your nose, . =_= .=_= Hawon >_< Don t worry! Jinho s usually like that when he s drunk >_< He get s all cute an d stuff! Cute =_= How the hell can you consider that cute ! I swear, there is not ONE normal guy in SangGo besides besides Banji that is. Ah wait There s one more. Eungu Yo What Eungu T_T I miss you Your two red cheeks T_T I miss I miss~

who are you thinking of +_+ nothing, really.

Banji said nothing else and held tightly onto my jacket. Time passed and his han d remained. Hey! Whoever said I was running away T_T Let go .

Fuck, are you Banji s girlfriend ? F u c k ???? I finally noticed the freshmen sitting at the corner, glaring daggers at me. Yeah, so? No, shiet. Nothing. Ha, fuck. I m so much better looking than her, aren t I? Shiet, duh. Hahaha. Idiot girls I can hear everything you guys are saying, you know?

Ah, so fucking boring. Tell Hanbum to come, he s the atmosphere maker~~ Can t He fought with Sojin I think so he s hella depressed. Hanbum =_= Oho~ Do you know who I am to Hanbum??? =_= I wonder what you guys wil l say when I tell you that Hanbum s depressed because of his Bono Bono apron, not because he fought with Sojin

Banji, mind letting go? No, you re an octopus. *diriririririr ring ring ring ring* o_o Banji, your phone. Ah shiet, just hang up. You want me to?? Not Unha So that means me right, =_= I stuck my hand into his blazer and took out his cell phone. huh? Japanese Octopus Idiot I wonder ???

who it is? Why am I feeling so nervous all of a sudden

Hello? This is Banji s cell phone . Banji?

Chapter #119 BANJI!!! It s me me Banji? I m Hawon Im Haesu =_=^ Haesu! It s me, Haesu

I m guessing your name is Cotton candy Min Hawon who is it

I quickly covered the cell phone as soon as I heard Banji s low voice. I didn t want him to hear her voice This this!! Is the pain of having such a hot boyfriend T-T I m asking who is it~~~

BanJi you


nevermind hum

Why do you have Im Haesu s number in your phone is what I want to ask . Oh! So you can quickly know when Im Haesu s calling so you can run >_<?? Yes yes, of c ourse that s the reason what else could it be Banji, I m just going to hang up?? Yeah, just tell the person I m dead Aha, of course =o=;; The person you are calling has just hid himself! I shall now hang up BANJI!!!!!!!!!! Wait!!! Don t hang up !!! I m I m sick =_= =_= Don t hang up!

babo, I m sick

In that short amount of time I noticed Banji s slender fingers stop in place .

And His eyes turn towards my direction. .

Who Ah

. is it .it s just

My heart began to beat faster Min Hawon, don t lie don t lie

I quickly talked myself out of it don t lie you shouldn t be worrying this

You know, he even told you Im Haesu is nothing to him much .

. It was just a prank call Im Haesu is sick. She to

I quickly closed the phone. I could feel my face burning ld me she was sick What if What if Banji heard

What s wrong with your face ?? Are you thinking dirty thoughts ???? huk no T_T You re only supposed to think dirty thoughts when it s raining!!

Banji smiled and lightly punched my head. Ah, it hurts =_=;; But for some reason , It was hard for me to look at him properly. I m . too nice for my own good.

Banji What Do you like cotton candy?

candy cotton?? Yeah candy cotton No Oh, so you don t eat it I see hooo Specifically, the pink one. =_= Do you eat it? Do you like it???

Why, you want me to buy you some? no, that s not what I meant. Why are you scrunching your face up =_= Cause you see, the person that called was Im Haesu .

. huh? Again. That expressionless face staring at me. joke in his face

But this time, it s different. There s no room for the word

Slowly, I start to notice his eyes shake. It claws at my heart

Im Haesu is very sick From what I heard, though

she sounds very healthy.

Ah, well

then um, I m going to go to the bathroom then.

I didn t hear that What Before I didn t hear it. Im Haesu called. It wasn t a prank call, I lied to you.

I said that .

I didn t hear it. She called, Im Haesu. I didn t hear it Freaking Accessory, must you freaking rake my heart out? IM HAESU!!!!!!!!!!! BEFORE!!!!!!!! CAStop. I m not going to listen. Banji s cold hands swept across my mouth and shut me up. Even in this weird situat ion, my cheeks find the time to blush Ah, I m a psycho

Chapter #120 I m gonna go to the bathroom - . , -;; Damn T_T My heart keeps beating faster and faster everytime Banji touches me wit h his cold hands Hawon >_< Get me two pieces of toilet paper, will you? I have a cold~ Sure =_=^ Just blow your nose somewhere else. no~no~>_< .I think I know why Suyun doesn t want to come back from Busan Hehe, Jo Unha, you fa rt

I quickly glanced at Banji s face before making my way to the bathroom. It was fro zen and heavy. I don t think I ve ever seen him with such an expression before Hoo makes me want to sigh In the bathroom, I placed my forehead against the cold walls. Ah, I feel as if I v e come back to life now Too bad it smells like ammonia though Heuk T_T Im Haesu, I really hate you Why can t you be a bitch up front like Eun SoJi n or just make your actions obvious like Hwang Soyum T_T;; I really really don t like Banji s expres sion changing so harshly because of someone like you But damn why are all the toilet papers on the floor. Unha T_T Forgive me, you re go ing to throw it away anyway, right? T_T;; *tak tak tak* I could hear someone open the bathroom door and walk in. And then , but noticeable voice flow through the air. I heard a small Me? I m at Kkojang

Ah, my back my back Sorry, I don t think I can go to GongGo today now Yeah SangGo s meeting here, I came here to see BanJi sorry You know I still like you though, right I m sure, I m sure it s it s cotton candy bitch


Why are you here did Banji call you? No, that can t be just say? You know I still like you? You re flipping dead! *KWANG*

It s not possible. What did you

I threw open the door and slipped out of the stall. Im Haesu !! o_o Hawon, why are you hiding there? At my sudden appearance, her eyes grew disgustingly round. As if she s happy to se e me, she takes one step forward in my direction. o_o You re so amazing how did you tie down Banji s heart like that ?? What the fuck don t you think that s a little random, kid?

That guy s heart was mine from the start. Nuh uh, remember in front of Hoontak oppa? Remember what Banji said? He said you re not his girlfriend Sorry, but after I heard that, I couldn t even sleep at night!

Let s go! ^o^ You said you like Kim Hari . I just heard what you said on the phone.

Yup, I don t hate Hari m both Sorry o_o.

I like both of them. Hari and Banji, I guess I ll just take the

Oh. my. god. The world has finally gone crazy Hawon, aren t you gonna go out? I want to see Banji ^o^ Banji doesn t like people looking at him =_=^ It s me so it s okay! Eventually, Haesu and I had to come out of the bathroom and face Hey, Unha >_< Long time no see huh? It s Hae su damn

Even before Unha finished his sentence, I noticed Banji slowly lifting his head up and glancing at Haesu and me back and forth I quickly sat down right next to him Haesu sat across from us and smiled at him, refusing to take her eyes off of him. Why isn t anyone trying to get her to go awa y? Im Haesu left SangGo a long time ago she made Banji sick Why is everyone so quiet !!! Wait Ah is everyone waiting for Banji to say something? Is that it?

Banji just stay like this for a moment Without me even knowing, my hands pulled Banji s hands into mine and laced our fin gers. It s hot Just liar for a little bit

hold mine

My hands are sweating Just a little bit He smiled ah good, he s finally smiling see? That s what kind of person I am to him But . Somehow, Haesu is smiling at us with confidence I made Banji smile Did you see Haesu? Did you

Banji remember when we first had our kiss??


Chapter 121 Very lightly, BanJi played with the crystal cup in front of him. Why Why won t you say anything It was really fun then rightly for me Cotton Candy ?? That was the day you smiled so b

Remember? You always smiled

wtf do you think you re saying?? Smile brightly?? Banji??

Maybe it s because I ve never seen him smile brightly at me Hawon, we had a lot of fun right before you decided to butt in ds a little mean, doesn t it? Hehe, sorry Ah, wait. That soun

Don t bullshit me with your awkward acting. I already know what kind of person you a re from the inside and out. On the outside, you act as if you re dumb and innocent and cute It doesn t matter T_T You re nothing but a Japanese octopus Whoa BanJi =O=;;; o_o o_o If you re gonna swear, might as well do it a little harsher, eh??

It hurts my ears Because it sounds too nice You said you were sick. Seeing as how you re talking like this, doesn t really seem l ike it, yeah? I spat out those words and sat back, telling myself that I won t hold myself back anymore. Nuh uh~ I am sick That s why, that s why I came to look for BanJi They say that the col ds are scary these days! If you re sick, go to the hospital. =_=^ To me, Banji is the medicine and hospital . That s not possible, idiot =_=^

Are you mad ?? Ah, you re mad o_o You re mad because you re scared I might look prettier i n Banji s eyes than you! ^o^ Hehe, if that s it theAHHHHHHH!!!! >_< SUYUN SENT ME A TEXT MESSAGEEEE!!!!!!

Unha T_T I know I know That you purposely screamed that out because of this awkwar d situation Thank you!!! I I even saw you push Cotton Candy s head a little while pretending to throw your h ands up in the air Unha~~ T_T And Lee Banji =_= Why won t you talk Why Why do you keep getting shaken up

. You know I hate Hawon, just a little

Oh oh, Im Haesu shove a couple beers down your throat and you re already starting t o lose your fake identity?? Idiot You re bad =_= You know Banji doesn t even like you ight now T_T Why won t you let him go You re so bad You know he s being shaken up r

He s never been shaken up. He s an innocent kid, he only knows one person. WHO S INNOCENT Lee Banji Even in a situation like this, must you scream that out??? Wanna die?!!!!!!!!!!?

. Hawon just because you know that that one person is me, that s why you intruded into our relationship, right??? In truded? You stupid Accessory stop playing with the fucking cups and say something

You re You re so weird right now . it s scaring me. Let Ah Stupid Cotton Candy . Let go of Banji now He s not even yours Hawon is nothing to Banji .

Picks only the words that hurt me

I noticed that Accessory s gaze turned to me Min Hawon huh? .Let go of my hand I gently released his hand from mine. Slowly, he turned his head back to Im Haes u Your face bring your face closer o_o hmm?? I said bring your face closer . let go

Are you deaf?? .

I didn t want to see it . Haesu s face getting closer to Banji s .

Banji grabbed a hold of a water cup placed next to him and Held it up high over Haesu s head and tips it gently. Drip. drip drip The water slides down her hair and onto her face .

It s it s co cold Of course, it wouldn t be hot, now would it

Your heart

. is even colder


Ban Banji T_T;; I could feel the tears start to poke at my eyes didn t you. Min Hawon, Hawon s what to you? What is she to ma

BanJi, you changed a lot ke you change like this

You re

just Im Haesu is Lee Banji s wife

But Min Hawon

Chapter 122 o_o o_o Wife?? Wow, it really really touches my heart =_=;;

I was so shocked Why Ugh

Why is Hawon your wife? Im Haesu Why don t you wake up from your dream already.

She s my wife so I ll call her my wife. No matter how many tears you pour out of your eyes, BanJi won t ever change.

(huk! Aren t I the one that was so nervous of BanJi changing T^T??) .

Don t cry like such an idiot. Your tears are the size of chicken eggs. Lee Banji, I believe you meant chicken poo? =o= Don t cry . Those two lines that BanJi said only Haesu and I probably heard it. Haesu s cheeks are now flushed white Is it because she s angry?? Or maybe a warning that she ll get e ven more poisonous If I were you, I wouldn t act like that If you keep acting so wea k, it s definite that BanJi will start to get tired I ll I ll just go. I ll see you tomorrow, BanJi. maybe she really is sick. . because, I can no longer be next to you

Haesu stood up, her shoulders slightly shaking. Maybe *ringring* Haesu left Kkojang.


BanJi . are you okay? Just huh? I just . The next day.

Are you worried

about Haesu?

feel bad for her.

My cell phone began ringing early in the morning. Hello? You re you re Lee BanJi s girlfriend, right. Please who are you? let him go now.

What? Who

HEY!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU FORGET ABOUT ME ALREADY??!?!?! T_T??? Su Suyun?? Unha isn t cheating on me yet right?? Is he smiling everyday?! AHHH SUYUN!!! T_T!!! I believe you don t need to know how much I missed you =_=;; Lee BanJi what?? Let him GO?? =_=;; Let s hang up, yes? I m a little busy ! =_=^ You re pissed right =_=;; Sorry, I was a little bored. I put all the kids to sleep h ere and I have nothing else to do. You sound like my mom. I m coming back tomorrow. ^o^ Really? Yeah Keep it a secret with Unha for me. His mouth will probably rip wide open

Why T_T I want to quickly tell him Unha

is my boyfriend. I want to surprise him! AH, shiet. The baby woke up, bye~

With the loud ring of a baby s cry, Suyun hung up the phone. Dammit, you re going to surprise Unha?? Man, you really must be bored That afternoon, I saw BanJi hanging around at my gates with the rest of his Sang Go friends.

BanJi~ TT_TT Tomorrow~ Ah, wait Tomorrow what. It s it s nothing -.,-;; Unha was staring straight at me h.

never mind.

I could not dare to take the words out of my mout

Ehehe, I did a cucumber massage this morning. How s my skin?? ^o^ ^o^ Did it make i t any clear? Yeah, but what about tomorrow Ugh could you PLEASE just let it go =_=;;

I m going out to see someone tomorrow. =_=^ Who? Hmm Since if I tell you, you re going to get mad. well Since BanJi thinks Suyun totally used Unha it s best to not tell.

Girl? Boy? No comment What are you meeting a yankee??? what if our child s IQ drops?! T_T

Wow oh He s totally serious =_=; =_=; What if Ah well Ah .

hmm, I think Lee Eungu said he d come see me? dammit.;;

I wanted to see Eungu on messenger last night

Don t see him. What? Ahh, I m not gonna see anything ! Bag. huh? Lee BanJi scrunched his eyebrows and grabbed my backpack, very very tightly. Ah shiet, he s doing it again. =_=; I M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!! >_<!

Chapter 123 Pfft I d rather hold hands rather than this.

At that one sentence, Banji stopped walking and stared down at me.

It s too hot to hold hands

idiot .

I m your girlfriend T-T How could you call me an idiot T-T? I quickly ripped off Banji s fingers from my backpack and froze in place. =_=;; Min Hawon~~~~ I ll let you hold my pinky ? Forget it =_= I don t want to hold your hand anymore. I said my pinky is okay~ =_= hmm, I don t know

I could sense Banji s frustration as he wrinkled his face. The green light flashed before so I quickly walked ahead. . Someone s hand grabbed my hand Ah, wait never mind. My hand was wrapped around someon e s pinky and that person pulled me towards his direction. Banji s pinky. Why am I so happy =_= ;

=.,=;; Eh~ you fart =_= =_= Go home, my ear s starting to hurt. Grr! Why are you always so worried about your ears!! >_< If my ears disappear, I won t be able to hear anything!! That means I ll turn into an idiot!!!!! You idiot!!! Id idiot =_=?? What the fuck are you saying? =_= Idiot or not, I ll be by yourself till death anyway. -.,Still no. - _ - Whatever. .

If I turn into a deaf idiot !!! !!! huk TT^TT nnnnnn!

how am I going to listen your voice !! You idiot!!!!!!!

Banji, that sounded really really nice T_T. Say stuff like that more ofte

What? Did you just order me? Sigh You re a person I can t hate even if I wanted to want to. a person that I love, even if I don t

That afternoon, I stayed home. Unfortunately, our month s phone bill came out to b e dun dun dun $110.

With Hanbum, we were both kicked out of our house that night. T^T What kind of man are you!! Using the phone that much?!?! Fuck~~ man, why the hell do you keep yelling at me?! Wearing summer clothes in the cold midst of winter seems like such a harsh punis hment I better listen to my mom more carefully, now T_T;; I made sure I only thoug ht of those good things in my head, over and over and over Ahaha Actually, . =o=;; I was actually thinking about how to get Im Haesu engaged for 100 years to some Japanese man Because just leaving her all by herself my weak and kind heart won t al low =o= But you know there s that saying him and attack you A tiger will even understand if you re talking about girls t

Wow, man look at that girl. Isn t she pretty? I like girls that look like her hat look like they can t do housework too well. Girl?? You crazy son of a bitch Hanbum, don t you remember her?? You don t remember her???? What I don t know =_= The only girls around me are hella weird bitches man, you really don t know?

She went to SangGo

Yup the person that was turning the corner and coming into our view was The cotton candy girl.

Im Haesu.

Hawon, you re out? Huk why are you coming this way T_T Go go~ go!!

Are you waiting for me because you knew I d come? Hi =O= now why would I do such a thing like that. it s in such a crappy place but hey, who s the p

Yeah, your house was very hard to find erson next to you?

Im Haesu you or Hanbum, I m very worried for your future he same school hoo

=_= You guys even went to t

He s Hanbum, my little brother Ah, no

Alright then, goodbye =_=;;

I have something I need to say to you.

I don t really have anything talk about with you. I do I don t really want to hear it, either. .

Stop fucking around and just listen. That, my friends, was the line of my oh so lovely little brother, Hanbum. Ah ife why must I live like this T_T; Fine, I ll listen to what you have to say. Okay. I have a new goal. huh? At first, I thought you and Banji REALLY didn t match I stuck by his side, half trut hfully, half as a joke But just right now, I found out that Banji no longer hangs on to me anymore . And that . pisses me off my l

You know, Min Hawon

that isn t love.

I don t know but it just pisses me off. I feel as if you stole my favorite doll away from me. .

Well, I have to go in now. You have anything left to say? Can you let it go?

Let what go My Banji I don t know anyone named My Banji I do know someone named Lee Banji, though.

Let him go you re strong Honestly, I quit school in Japan to come here I didn t have any friends there. They made fun of me, saying that my body reeked of Kimchi I was r eally lonely. The only person I thought of those times was Banji So please can you let him go ?

No I don t want to can cry too

why do I have to

You re wrong, I m not strong at all

When Banji s gone

I did not have anything else to say. Im Haesu s voice circled around in my ears. Min Hawon, you re not the truth to Banji anyway That s why you re not letting him go? You like him because he s hot right??

I felt my fists clench and tighten at every passing second. *jjak!* Oh oh man I didn t hit her yet I didn t hit her yet

. Han bum =_=

Chapter 124 .Hanbum my only flesh and blood Why did you touch that girl s face huge trouble T_T TT^TT?? Shiet


Haesu looked up at Hanbum with a blank face. Hanbum, in turn, stared back at her . Stupid girls don t listen these days =_= hey, leave already, will you?

Kekekekekekeke Hanbum in a wife beater with flip flops I shouldn t be thinking such things at a time like this but I can t help but laugh Ha! He even has a cigarette i n his mouth I should just tell dad

. Who who just hit me right now? Was it your brother???

=_=^ Uh, I m pretty sure it was. Sorry. Nevermind, Hanbum T_T. After I get allowance, I promise you that I ll buy you a ne w Bono bono apron. As if she couldn t believe it, Haesu continued staring at Hanbum. I figure she gre w up without any worries? I I said I was sorry. =_= . I m gonna leave . Ok bye


who the hell am I waving my hand to? Haesu stopped walking and turned around. I d rather have

But you know I don t think I want to be so nice anymore. If I can t smile everyone cry with me Don t you think that s better? Huh what the hell are her eyes trying to say to me =_=

Instead of everyone crying, I think everybody laughing together would be better. =_=. Bye Wahh, Im Haesu are you ignoring me? Fine, let s see how far you can go. Banji only knows me.

The next day. Suyun is supposed to come up from Busan today ^o^ I struggled all day at school b ecause I just couldn t listen to the lectures it made me realize how deep friendshi ps really are. Suyun TT^TT That afternoon, I found myself standing in front of the school gates =_= with Ba nji glaring down at me. Liar liar, hurry up and run over here. =_+ wow thankfully, Banji hasn t changed. I was kind of nervous because of Haesu

But what about Unha?? ^o^ I don t see him?? He left WHAT?? LEFT?? To where??? Station ~~~ Ah ah the train station

Wait, does he know that Suyun s coming today? Yeah. Well of course he would know He always played with that dog in front of her house =_= Suyun s maid probably told him. Then then does that mean I don t have to go out an d greet her TT_TT? Banji let s play by ourselves today -.,?? =_=;;

Instead of a reply, Banji furrowed his eyebrows. Is that a no I m gonna get mad hu hak hak.

Ah shiet. My voice got cut off T_T;;; I don t even smoke! Stupid cough

Are you cold?? Huh? No no >_< Where should we go today?? Home. Huh >_<?????? Go home and clog your nose holes I m not sick though Go Banji kept pushing my back =_=; Heyy I don t want to go =_= T_T and why would you clog your nostrils TT_TT?

I m gonna go back to Sannggo~~~ T^T you fart

In the end, Banji turned around and left me ve ends?? T_T AH!! TT_TT

very coldly, =_=;; Is this how our lo

Something flew in my direction, hit my head, and fell onto the floor. =_= It was Banji s blazer T_T the one he always gave me if I was cold. Banji took the sleeves and tied it around my neck as tight as possible. I I look like Superman =_ =;; Hey if you tie it that tightly, it s hard for me to breathe

Breathe slowly. Is he is he crazy. - _ - ?

I m gonna go~~~ Clog your nose holes and go home, alright? Fart you old fart he probably can t even think that far . If you re so worried, least you can do it atleast take me home. Nah

The minute I got home, I plopped onto my bed. Let s see now . Suyun should probably be home by now Cell phone >_< Cell phone >_<

*pik pik pik* *click* Yes. Hey!! SUYUN!! ME ME ME!! >_< Hawon? Yeah ^o^ Hey, why didn t you come out to greet me T_T I was all alone Huh?? Unha wasn t there? Unha Damn Unha what? I think you guys crossed different paths again +_=

Unha s probably still at the station waiting for you!! What then what do I do

What do you mean what do you do!! Shiet I quickly closed my phone and ran as fast as I could towards the station. Suyun may be my best friend, but Unha s one of my closest too (for the mere fact that we think on the same level =_= ) Whoo run run run, Hawon And at the station Un .ha No no TT^TT ?Suyun Welcome Back ? He held that sign, as big as the moon with different color sparkles and letters, and frantically looked around the area. His head darting left and right. Unha Unha TT^TT AHK! Hawon >_< Why are you here??? Suyun and I are supposed to stand here! >< Unha Yeah >_< Hey Yeah yeah >_< . Only you can save Unha T_T!!!!

I could find Unha in just one glance.

Why are you crying

Chapter #125 Unha he s crying. T_T

Hawon, you re weird >_< I never cried when are you saying I cried! Right now. Unha, you re crying I m not Then why are your eyes wet =_=^!! If you re gonna keep saying weird stuff, leave =O= TT^TT Ack! Get away! T_T I don t like it when you rub your face on me ~~ Okay Suyun s going to come soon.

But hey, Hawon When T_T

Suyun s going to come a little late. I told her to.

Last night, in my dream. Dream? A dream that makes you taller?? A funny dream? No, where Suyun cries. So I followed her and cried too. H hey, they say that dreams are always the opposite from reality. Yeah, but Hawon Uh huh. That face expression doesn t match you =O= I wasn t trying to. =_=^ #$&(@*#&$#$! This is why you re being stood up by your own girlfriend !! .ahh, nevermind. T_T Sorry, Unha. . don t try to make me laugh.


Suyun s at home right now

.What? You see, the thing is !!! She didn t purposely try to ignore you !! I I think that your

paths were just wrong

Well Okay .

as long as she didn t try to ignore me, it s okay.

Ah, awkward. Hey Hawon, is this Welcome sign pretty? I made it last night~ Yeah o_o? Your heart s more prettier T^T. It d be so much better if you would show all your em otions instead of trying to hide it in front of me sad, mad Unha s already growing up d young. (esp. Banji) Unha I ll buy you food! On the outside, you, Banji, and I all seem so innocent an but

I m not hungry. WHAT? You want to eat clam noodles? Alright! Let s go! I don t like clams Then just regular noodles?! Hmm You idiot! Please cheer up. . that s 50 cents cheaper so why not!

Huh? Hawon, look! Hmm? o_o? . huk!!!

So so that person that person that s in front of right now, breathing like she just ran a marathon is is I hope you, the reader, know who she is!

.see I told you I d be a little late. My best friend and Unha s only girl, Suyun ^_~ In front of us was Suyun, wearing her father s slippers, in her hands, her bag tha t held her slippers for school. Ah

Yo . put that bag somewhere else, it smells. Yeah, sorry. I was going to grab my bag but I guess I grabbed this. The strength of love! Blinds all . But you know, it wouldn t hurt to look at me if y ou re speaking to me You ll burn a hole into Unha s face =_=^ .

Unha, sorry. T_T I didn t know you were coming out to greet me No, not sorry. So rry. Not sorry. Okay, okay. Not sorry. I m sorry for not being sorry. T_T I slowly cursed Suyun as she dug into Unha s arms and quickly left the spot. But hm how do I get home. When did the rain start to fall - _ - Hyoo=33, I feel so lonely all of a sudden now that I have to walk home in the rain I miss you, Lee Banji Turning into the block of my house, the rain drops grew thicker. Are you guys tr ying to soak my underwear or what?? =_=^ huh? Hey Hanbum???? o_o???

Standing in front of someone s house was a man looking left and right nervously. No it wouldn t be Banji?

Nevermind it is

HEY!!!!!! How d you know I missed you!! T_T

He s all wet T_T We re both wet but why is it that him being wet makes him look hott er Give me my blazer. Huh? huh? Blazer? Yeah. You didn t come here just for that, did you? -__Give it~~ It s mine. Sigh

Wait, I ll go inside and throw it out for you. =_=^ No, get it and come out.

Chapter #126 Come out . No?? Haha, I m too lazy. Wanna die? Hey, you re not supposed to use those kinds of words. =.,=^ If you don t come out, I won t hug you .??? -___-, what? Those words I cannot believe just ripped a hole in your mouth and came out =_=

Wait, I ll come out in a bit. .Don t think I m going out because I want him to hug me uld feel bad for the blazer if I threw it from up here hehehehehehehehehehehe. When I left the house with his blazer, the rain had already stopped. Here ^o^ k, bye. What?? Bye?? =_=^ JUST bye?? H hey, didn t you forget something =_=. just just that I think that I wo

I suddenly don t want to hug you anymore, bye. Then tell me you love mee~~~ -o. Accessory stared at me quietly. Come onnn I said it last time .!!! Do you eat tomorrow and not eat today?? +_+ Hurry~ Ah fuck,, hella .you.

>_< HUH?? I can t hear!!! ONE MORE TIME~!!! ah fuck .

- _ - hey

I don t not love you hella do.

=_+ Okay, okay. That s good enough for me -.,- Have fun, bye hehe.

Yo, why aren t you saying it Huh, what? That That??? =_+?? Whether you love me or not I love you too >_< hehe, bye.

I stared at Banji s head as he left, getting farther and farther away from me. A t hought struck across me what if I can t see that back next winter? or forever? Will he want to stay by my side like now ? Will he try? I quickly went inside and ran into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I real ized why Banji didn t want to hug me. =_=;; AH!!!! My bra - _ - _ -;;

AHHHHH TT^TT SO EMBARRASSING!!!!!!! What!! Hawon, did you clog the toilet again?! Mom, what are you saying?!?! But . The next week. it d be better if it was that +_+;

HAWON!! I m sorry!! So please, help me a little bit, huh?? Waiting for Banji at the gates, Suyun and I had started a conversation about Unh a until Im Haesu appeared. I wonder why the hell she s asking for my help. Why do I need to help you? please, help, Hawon. Help Banji

You re the only person that can help me


Banji Banji what ? Hey Hawon, she s crying Hold on Suyun, Banji what. Stop crying and steadily tell me what s wrong He he left What do I do

To where he went to fight at GongGo s with Hari

Why are they fighting with Banji I don t know, I don t know it s because of you them! But the first thing we need to do is stop

. . You re lying. Suyun was pinching my side, signaling me to not believe it.

I knew you d come out like this .

so I tried to by myself. But he won t listen to me.

Nothing I do will work on him anymore that s why I came to find you. Because everyth ing you do works. Im Haesu s shoulders, hands, eyes were all shaking. I m not supposed to believe her but I don t know how I can t. My own voice that was com ing out of my mouth already began shaking.

Where where is he right now? HEY! HAWON! Why are you going?!?!!!! Sorry Suyun T_T BUT I don t want Banji getting hurt it? I ran, following Im Haesu. Banji . what do you mean fighting because of me What did Kim Hari do again if it was you, would you ignore

*tak* It seems like we ve been running for a while until someone s hand grabbed my wrist. Hello. I quickly tried to suppress the wave of tears that came over me as I saw his fac e. SHIM. TET. JUL. (t/n: remember him remember him!? <3333 ;] translating will get fun again~) Taejin . wow, it s been such a long time. Forgive me for erasing you from my thoughts lately =_= Tetjul No your bangs grew. Hey, pretty hot Then can you let go of me now?

Chapter #127 Tetjul Why Banji I ll get you a doll go with me. Shim Taejin I m in a hurry

I stared into Taejin s eyes and tried to figure out what they were telling me. But then I realized that I don t have time to figure it out or not figure it out. I on ly knew that he knew something I didn t. SHIM TAEJIN!! LET GO! I told you that I m in a rush! Im Haesu, please step in. T_T Let go of Hawon, we have to get to Banji. I ll never forgive you if Banji gets hurt , so let her go.

Don t forgive me. I won t forgive you either. Let s go, toy. T_T Let me go! Let me go to Banji T_T Taejin spread an empty smile on his face and pulled me somewhere. Im Haesu s frust rated screams could no longer be heard after a while. Taejin, I have to go the bathroom =_=, =_=, your hands are too warm. stop lying, toy. No, let go for a second =_= until the end, huh?

This #$(*#$ keeps calling me toy

Taejin let go of my hand and I quickly did the only thing left =_=;; You re really innocent, huh, just like someone else I know. I slapped Taejin upside the head and ran like a crazy woman. Sorry Tetjul Ah Banji, wait for me, I m going T_T;;

. By the time I reached GongGo, the sun was completely gone. The room was filled with the noise of conversation and occasional spitting. I co uld see a whole bunch of GongGo uniforms but there were no SangGo in sight. Hey Hawon, come here. Im Haesu discovered me in the midst of all the chaos. Wait. Wait. What does this mean if she s standing amongst the GongGo kids?

I cautiously walked over to her and stood. Everyone s eyes laid on me. What about Banji

He s not here. I know he s not here. Where is he right now.

Don t hang out with him anymore. Huh? What are you trying to do right now? You pissed me off first. And you know, I m not going to take your shit anymore. Whe re s Banji? I dunno ^-^

I finished understanding the situation. I was the one being fooled. Being fooled by that idiot. Are you going to hit me? If you don t want to get hit, all you have to do is fuck off from Banji. Then maybe , just maybe, I ll ask Hari to let you go. I ll never let Banji go to a bitch like you. Then I guess you chose to get hit? Im Haesu T_T;; Banji I saw Kim Hari s smile as he walked towards me. Being hit by a boy irst. Hawon, if you change your mind, you can tell me whenever. Just shut up for a second, I can t concentrate. I have to concentrate on saving up my energy in order to make the hits hurt less T_T Do you know . . how many vs how many it is? I quietly asked. this will be a f why can t your personality match the way you look ah ah ah mom, dad, hanbum

18 vs 2.


I heard a familiar voice and turned out to see who it was. Tae Taejin . ah T_T I threw you away but you won t throw me away, huh T_T;

So that s why you held me back

I m sorry for hitting your head

Bitch, did you forget that you re my dog? Bark for me.

Kim Hari stared straight into Taejin and said those nasty words in a low voice. I could hear a couple GongGo kids begin to laugh immediately. Taejin walked over to me and calmly placed his hand on my shoulder. I m not your dog anymore. How can I be one if my master reeks of trash hurts now. Hmm, you need to get hit a little so you ll #@$(*$ wake up don t you? My poor nose

How can you wake up when you re getting hit to death, you stupid Hari T_T;; .and that s how the fight started. It didn t take long for Taejin to fall to the floor and have feet stomping all ove r him. How how do I help him It s impossible, I don t know how to help him. I was being pushed around and my tear s wouldn t stop. I wonder what Im Haesu is thinking as she s watching us right now.

It took a while for me to register Suyun s voice coming from afar. HERE!!! HERE!! SangGo, come here!! Unha, over here!! Huh? SangGo T_T? . Hawon!?!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter#128 SangGo SangGo??? ?^? right now .

The people that are coming in our direction Are SangGo right? HaWon!!!!! Hey, you crazy bitch!!!! I knew this would happen so I told you not to go there !!! Right now Is SooYun ? Hey friend My kind friend the bitch that shook my tired, light-headed body

What s she saying -_- ^ Oh my!!!!! They re (The last words are whispered. -_-^)


My friend SooYun realizes, fallen on the ground is TaeJin So surprised, The day I hugged in his chest I sent him out -_- -_(^doesn t really make sense -_-) The day there was no sin


yo . It s UnHa ?^? Right now that is

.I saw it ?^?

No doubtfully UnHa UnHa is coming ?_? But UnHa, your head as usual is big, I can t see the people behind you.

.No It s nothing One guy is a boy I can realize one boy

.The one guy that is walking slowly towards us. I can recognize it .

Accessory . Lee Yo Damn

BanJi !!! ?^?!!!

Right now isn t the situation to greet him gladly Even though others may not know BanJi, you shouldn t be here =_=^

Somehow, things have gone A LOT more worse I feel a bad omen ?_? You, just . Run aw-away!!!!!!!! Let lost Lee BanJi !!!?^?!!! Eung eung!!! What the why is it that I suddenly start bursting out in tears . Before you re late .

. BanJi you bastard

Hurry and let lost underground, or fly into the sky .

. oi What do you mean Hey BanJi oi You have to call my name .?^?

I m sorry, but you have to disappear in this situation ?^?

You, who s wife are you? Shii (Damn) ?_? . Yours Who says you can wander around without your hubby s permission ?

Permission??? ?^? You thought I wandered around because I wanted to ?.,? ?.,? Go Quickly run away

. Next to Huh ?? Next to you BanJi s eyes ?_? Somehow met mine.

It shifted to the fallen TaeJin He helped He got hit instead of me ?^? For a really, really long time ?_?

For a long time

Staring down at the fallen TaeJin, stood BanJi . His glare . was stiff .


Did it die

He s alive !!!! ?^?!! You, are you going to say cold things !! . Are you keep on going to say cold things !!!! Puhehe

.?_? .?_? You shit The GongGo bastards are laughing to themselves about my way of talking Very grateful I can t let go of it And then In Banji s eyes, it must have been noticeable .=_= Hey Drag TetJul and go home

Huh ?? =_= Shit, No . Take TetJul to your place and kill him They re gonna take him ?? .?.,? euhehe . AhkAhk!!!!!?^?!! Now is not the time to be laughing stupid

.BanJi, you can t If you get hurt I ll get hurt too My heart will hurt just like yours In the end it will harden and block away It will block away because it hurt . Yo, octopus poo bastard ?^? .


If there is one thing in the world that you can stop. Those things you can t do, will exist .-_-^ and be finished

Already, there is a fight that has been started that can t be avoided by them ?_? GongGo and SangGo uniforms started to mix together Yo I m dizzy . It s a shaky situation Breaking, falling, punching, stepping Is this a man s world ?_?

I, quickly helped TetJul squish into a corner Those people there those, those

Those faces I despised were there .-_-^ -_-^

.Im HaeSu, you have slowly avoided everything Of course You wouldn t want to show your bad side to BanJi Then I d want to show you more .-_- -_I ll wait and see ?.,? After, Kim HaRi falls, the revenge will continue

If it . Happens .

Hey. Move Shim TaeJin, you son of a bitch .Right now

You will kill you today

The person that is tapping my ankle with their sneaker . Is that big guy from before -_-^ (The guy that made fun of the way she talked. -_-^) . Yeah? You bitch What .? You ll kill TetJul .??

It is YOU that will Die.By.Me. -_-^

Ah AHHHHK!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is . .

the big guy that is yelling will fear =_=^

Should I say that at that moment, would be the only thing that came to mind SooYun and I put our strength together, and grabbed the big guy by his hair and shook him SooYun Thanks ?^? A friend like you, even though a hundred years pass and whatever else happens, I would never be able to find someone like you/

EAAAAHHH! Die!!!!!!!!!!!!! Die for the peace of this world!!!?^?!!!!! (it is as you hear it. -_-^)

A guy s vulnerable spot was found It was the first and final hit ?_? . . ?_? .

how long has it been, the big guy had totally been tired and was rolling over the floor . SooYun and I totally were tired out the same Huk huk ?_?,I m gonna die . HaWon, your hair . It s totally screwed. That is was I want to tell you my dear friend I could not tell you because I had run out of breath ?_? However We did it ?^?

I saved my hero, TetJul TetJul Get up

Eung Eung ?^?

Hey, what do we do HaWon

UnHa fell over

Why are you being so unfair you bitch ?^?!!

Yeah . But, Don t know

Where is BanJi Shii (Damn) SangGo must be losing They re less in numbers

Thinking about it Im HaeSu Where have you disappeared to .

BanJi . BanJi

.LEE BANJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This insecure feeling kept bothering me. I screamed BanJi s name with the top of m y voice .This was my worst mistake EVER. Hey are you crazy!! Why are you calling a guy who is fighting!!! >_

In one corner, like nothing has gone wrong =_=^ BanJi was putting is foot on the back of some GongGo guy Just as he moved his face towards me As if they had waited The GongGo kids started jumping on him All at once, they are gathered around him . Hey Look at BanJi What do we do . It s not a joke

It s my fault It s all my fault . You should have stayed quiet You stupid ?^? ?^? !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The tears that were coming up my throat I swallowed them down, that second my body stood up . The moment I ran towards BanJi s direction. Fuck!! Big guy I got her -_my most annoying friend

Let go!!!!!!!!!?^?!!!! As I told him to let go And Why is that then. Hehe He laughed like that . Annoying big guy -_-^

Chapter #129 To make it more miserable, misfortune never comes singly, Suddenly, coming from somewhere was an ear-splitting sound of GongGo students . HaWon .Look at them next to the pile of drums ! I m looking Ha Look at them staring

.Hey Did you see the guy in the middle of them ?? Huh ??? Slowly looking at the direction SooYun was pointing at . What the ?_? ?_?

There is more trouble now SooYun That Was from before, right


That s it -_- -_-

.Yes it was

The center of those GongGo students Was a guy that stood between them, we had seen a lot The memory was still blurry SooYun s old boyfriend. Park JongHo. A person, GongGo s Park ?_?

Looking at SooYun and me . Should we go I asked first Let s go . The answer was from SooYun One step forward. Big guy??? . It has been a long time since I ve been shaking ?_? (Maybe because she was not in her right mind =_=^)

Kill him . The person that hurt BanJi _+!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Hey worthless You idiot worthless guy!!!!!!!!! =

After screaming to tell the world to disappear

I didn t go towards to fighting scene Slowly, little by little . I tried to get my legs to move In these kinds of situations, I have to use my head First, Slowly go towards Kim HaRi, After grabbing his hair . .-_Ahhk .-_- .-_But You . Already stopped me .?_? ?_? .

Kim HaRi

He saw me -_What do I do . Now what do I do The second we met our eyes. Should I take him out That brave guy.

*Bravery will sometimes make people crazy. Then right now, I ran towards the worthless GongGo king, Kim HaRi . Have I gone totally crazy =_+ =_=^ You are the guys that annoyed BanJi, right !!!! Don t do it!!!!!!! The things planned all came to nothing =_+ Why is this strange confidence popping out of me A tear did not fall. I did not cry.

The determination to save BanJi was the only thing that made me run towards Kim HaRi =_=^ However. He was definitely a guy too - _ He didn t even flinch ?^?

. I decided to change my objective ?_? .Now was the only time to get into this fight with GongGo s Park Holding in their hands, a metal stick (pipe) Ba Damn That is too harsh you guys ?^?

BanJi, don t hit them BanJi, just leave them My voice was shaky

The GongGo s Park that I haven t seen in a while He was looking at me up and down From the other side, pointing towards TaeJin He spat out one sentence. I m on my friend s side. .

.Friend TetJul It isn t true that you have no friends

You . Have friends

Like your owner said .?^?

A proper friend

GongGo s Park, you were a good person after all !!!!!

Hey hey~~!!!!!!!! Let s go!!!!!!!! Shit, that stupid GongGo s Kim HaRi ran away (ditc hed)!!!!!!! Yes, yes . Just because we are in the same school doesn t mean I m gonna let you go -_- -_Kim HaRi Where ever you go, let s see if you keep doing bad things

A GongGo guy getting betrayed by another GongGo guy =_+. Due to the suddenly change, it is hard to believe it It feels really weird ?.,? .

. .The fight has become more intense

In no time, BanJi went back to normal Even though I didn t help at all You seem to fight well .

Thinking about it . that strength doesn t just come out of no where .=_=^ . But

It is obvious that SangGo is weaker (getting pushed back) Even though ParkJongHo s group helps out, GongGo still as a larger number Also . Those broad shoulders Big build Plus, their natural born dirty tricks ?_? It is hard to win.


Once again, the tears are falling ?_? Eung Eung

As time passes The people that are tired, Scatters on the ground are all SangGo. We re losing. Lose. Now, there are not many standing UnHa AAAhhk?^?!!!!!!!

From a while back, SooYun kept looking around UnHa . She totally did not realize it was more of a bother than help -_- -_-

. HaWon, BanJi !!!!!!!!!!! The sudden shout by SooYun caused me to step back, but then turned my head . It was already after a big built GongGo student that hit BanJi s shoulder with a h ard stick Ahh AHHHK!!!! He hurt that shoulder before, it is probably still weak !!!!! Why did you hit there !!!!?^?!!!!! .

It was so tantalizing The tears kept falling The crying increased into a burst Don t hit Don t get hit It s so bad It s so bad .

It would have been better if I had gotten hurt. This was the first time I felt this because of BanJi .?^? ?^? !!! I want to help But I can do nothing. It may be worse than helping

And .

. It was a moment. Just a moment. The sound of a motorbike from somewhere

The sound was coming closer ?_? ?_? I searched for the face And then looked at it The brilliant bastards that headed straight this way, and the sound of the motor bike group In the middle of them, the leader slipper It s the slipper .

Somehow, the not-so-startling purple slipper HoonTak oppa .?^? .

.!!! AHHK!!! I respect you!!!!!!!! .

Crazy GongGo student s expressions. The comparison to you guys, You have blood stains on the side of your mouth .=_=^ Proudly smiling are our SangGo students ?^? ?^? . And . And also =_=^ The person you should be watching out for Ah shit!! HooTak hyung didn t know the directions and we went round and round in ci rcles!!!! Right now, Bono Bono is on cable TV I have to go see it, shit Yes . It is Min HanBum You were a SangGo too !!!!!!!!!! ?^?!!!!!!! You knew how to ride a motorbike =_=^ Anyways, Getting off one by one were the HoonTak gang -_- -_Without hesitation, they went into the fight . (I don t know what they thought so was so exciting, but they kept laughing. =_=^) I, was moved .?^? .

Wow, this is like A scene in a movie ?? ?^?

. Yo yo But you see That is But, but BUT HanBum Where the hell is it from ?_?

Bono Bono apron

Chapter #130 Yes Definitely

In Min HanBum s hand contained the 2800won, =_=^ (about $3.50) A.p.r.o.n.=_=^

.Eung Eung ?^? Anyways, now it doesn t matter We can win .

As usual Breaking, falling, flipping, breaking Again was the ear-splitting sound of the biker s cheers. They still haven t finished their puberty growth(?) ?_? (^meaning, they re still boys )

. With the biker s help, the situation is finally turning.

It s true . Slipper oppa ?^? When I have kids, I m gonna call one of them HoonTak If they are twins, I will call the other GongGo s Park ?.,? Euheh Farout!!!!!! Hey! Where did Kim HaRi go !!!!!! I don t know, I think he ditched, shit Ditch ?? Just because he wants to survive by himself he ditches Kim HaRi Now you are a loner. -_-^ Euhehe Look at my friends red faces He wants to get beaten!!

You are now a lonely person. Euhehehehe Ahk Now is not the time to be laughing ?^?

=_= My eyes started to become busy Having to think about BanJi who got his shoulder hit, (However, he is somehow throwing punches well =_+) Having to look at the HamBum that is still holding onto the apron =_+ And sometimes thinking about Grabbing the GongGo student s hair and shaking them like crazy (My hair is a total mess, I have given up being a human. =_=^) .

Huk HamBum Your apron fell on the floor ?^? Huk Huk

One of the GongGo guys have stepped on it Frozen there is my younger brother, HamBum Porori s face (character from Bono Bono) had the footprint of the GongGo student

. I don t know -_- -_I can see the GongGo being chased by HanBum With concentration, he bluntly chases that one guy . Yo I felt sorry for the guy being beaten ?.,? . . . . Is it like that . We win ?^?

BanJi throws the last big guy s standing body, onto the wall Your shoulder Doesn t seem to look hurt ?^?

Eung Eung That is a relief

And with that, it was Game Over. Fallen was GongGo.

Standing was SangGo.

We won. As it became a relief, the leg I have been supporting became better . .

. Eung eung Shoe . My shoe .!!!!!!!!!!!?^?!!! Over there, touching the ground to find her heels was SooYun. So who said to step on people with your heels =_+ Even though you wanted to desperately help UnHa You sometimes kinda seem like my mum SooYun !!!! =_= What you doing

UnHa s dumbfound face, asked her Jang SooYun Hey You are in big trouble =_=

My heels have disappeared .?^? My feet are cold

Come here ?_? Tightly holding SooYun s cold feet was UnHa . In front of him was SooYun, patting off the dirt from his clothes Anyway . BanJi !!! Hey BanJi, where are you!!!! ?^?!!!! . I also want to do what they re doing .=_= I was looking around for a disappeared BanJi once again

Looking at the fallen TetJul in the corner, was a group of weird people Hey Where are you taking my hero TaeJin .!!!!

Suddenly appearing from nowhere !!! >__ However Seeing TetJul s eyebrows smiling, I just left him alone Oh well Anways . Where is BanJi .?^? . ?_?

Today you are worrying me to bits . . . That moment. Coming from somewhere. Was Im HaeSu s loud scream . That sound made my heart uneasy Far away, under a cliff, rolling .Dying. Heart dying . Moving my head towards the sound slowly I saw. Holding her ear tightly, sitting on the floor was Im HaeSu and A knife, fallen on the ground. Falling, falling

Dripping from her ear, through her fingers, down was. . .Blood Again

.In front of her was BanJi Hey BanJi ??

BanJi s two eyes were shaking as he was casting them on me . You . . Won . We won Why is it like this Why is BanJi In front of her You didn t do that Right

How is it that Im HaeSu s expression, and. How is it that I My hand and legs shaking uncontrollably A dream . It s a dream There is no way that BanJi did it

There is no


This . Let s just leave it as a dream Eyes. Let s close them

HaWon .!!! Hey !!! .

. For a while Having my eyes shut closed Should I open them now Wake up -_Da When are you going to pretend you are sleeping in front of your dad Was me

d?????????? =_=

Ahhk!!!! Ahhk ?^? Get away!!!! If you get caught Big guy, you will brake your bone ! Without a word, Dad turned around and left .=_= =_= Seeing it now . This is my room .

HoonTak oppa and Big guy aren t here BanJi Isn t here

Did HamBum carry me all the way home yesterday ??? =_=?? Kicking the door open, I went into the kitchen.

Abruptly opening HanBum s door is, strong woman That is me ?_? Without mum and dad knowing, that guy is putting the first-aid kit under the bed Hey You are damn loud =_= BanJi What

Yesterday, what happened Did I faint??

Carrying you here, I thought my back bone was breaking Bre-breaking =_=^ Breaking -_- -_You bitch ~~~~ . BanJi What happened to BanJi =_= bitch to an elder ?_?

Why are you saying Hospital. Why!!!!!!! .

Did he get hospitalized again .??? ?^? !!! Or It can t be

Because of Im HaeSu .?? Im HaeSu It s not like you did it BanJi Isn t because of you

The happening to the ear It s not possible Not possible LeeBanJi s shoulder .?^? What

The shoulder he hurt before Some son of a bitch hit it.

Which son of a bitch

That s why he is in hospital.

Is this A situation, where I have to laugh, or a situation to cry . Can t just worry I have to see it first See what happened All I need to do it see . BanJi just needs to trust me

Hospital. Room 403. BanJi s hospital room. Without hesitation, I opened the door roughly . Eh Only a single bed And no one was on it It was so bright It was so empty, it was scary I was nervous

To get back out, I opened the hospital door again, which was closed


?.,? .BanJi. It was it .

It was it

That was it . The guy wearing the familiar hospital gown ?_?

Right arm bandaged, on the left, holding an expensive fruit. Melons Blinking his eyes once, he looked down at me Shii .Ing ing .?^? Lee BanJi .

Chapter #131 .Right now, in front of my eyes . It s that guy ?^? . No doubt about it, it s Accessory boy . Lee BanJi !!!! ?^? Why are you crying Eung eung ?^? ? ? Looking at your face Makes my tears Just fall Eung eung

Why ?^?

I haven t even gone to the Death bed yet Why are you crying (death bed= the place you re put when you die ) How can you say such a thing like that .=_= oon . ?^? What s with the melon I got it as a present Yo yo . That huge thing, how can you hold it in one hand So you re saying you re gonna go in there s

?_?,, Somehow, you look cool You can move now =_=^ Yeah Ok Ok

I shifted to the side so he could get in . That BanJi who just sat on the bed, which was by itself It didn t seem as though he was glad to see me .?_? I feel kind of neglected No, more than that I feel nervous Im HaeSu s ear that was hurt kept spinning in my mind I think about the BanJi, who was standing in front of her

You re not right ?? What the hell are you talking about No . Just The melon. You re not gonna give me any right??? ?.,? Euhe It s not possible Lee BanJi . BanJi You didn t hurt her right You didn t hurt Im HaeSu s ear right .

Aish (Farout) This is a decoration

.=_= =_=


With BanJi s words, he throws the melon into the tv stand near my hand -_-^ This grateful fruit ?_? I do =_=^ . You weird boy =_=^ Are you saying the yummy-looking melon is more precious than your girlfriend I, let out a sulk .-_-,,-_-,, I m gonna go now, so spend a warm time with your melon ?.,? Who uses it as a decoration

Look look .

You aren t even holding me back


You are instead just looking at me .?_? You mean boy .

You are just watching me without any movement

When is it that you choose the girlfriend over the melon (That will never happen. -_-^) At this point =_=^ I raised my pitch higher Hey!!! =_=^!!! Without any words Coke???!! Soda????!! =_=!! He s going to make a hole in my face You you

I think he did not understand what I was saying

I m not going !! =_+ I said I ll get you a soda!!!! Yeah yeah To be frank, I have no where to go except at the hospital here Changing my thoughts forcibly, I decided to stay with the Accessory boy Buy something that won t cry =_=^ Huh?? Something that won t burn my throat .Like a flat soda??? I said something that doesn t burn my throat So you mean flat soda Ah yeah - _ -

I shut the door with a thud I totally made it thud ?.,? Euhehe

Lee BanJi . You pretend not to be surprised on the outside, but I bet you re surpris ed on the inside By my monstrous strength. ?_? Puhe


What really happened to Im HaeSu

I m sure she got hurt Maybe she is hospitalized in another place . Deu ru ruk, Dolkong ^?^ (^sound of cans falling ) After choosing BanJi s drink (just something random), I (carefully) chose mine ?.,?

And, while turning around to leave, I heard a fragile voice at the end of the corridor, in front of the payphone, th at was familiar in my ears. I was trying to get one foot closer . HaRi It s me Yeah Yeah? Please I want you to help me once more No, it s the last time

No, don t b

Hearing the shaking voice, it could easily seem as a cry The seriousness of the call continued I could not get any closer I didn t want to verify with my eyes. That is was Im HaeSu . I didn t want to see She should be hurt I wonder who the person was that hurt her If I get any closer, I could get caught up in that thought again Somehow, I don t like it. . HaRi You breaking up with you friends more, I ll do what you want That wish you wanted Breaking BanJi s heart I ll help you To be frank, it s regretful If you help me once

Thinking about the last words she said,

I slowly made my way to BanJi s room . From now on, if I eat pink cotton candy, a nerve cell might stand on end

Ahk >_< Nostril came

BanJi might get irritated

-_-^ Why would he get irritated Without knowing, a crowd of SangGo students stood around door number 403 .=_=^ They must have come to visit But . Your faces don t look well And UnHa

Thinking about it GangGo versus SangGo . That fight was like a perfect scene in a movie ?_?

ChulCok ^?^ (^sound of door opening) Yo~ A delivery for something that doesn t burn the throat~ =_= Yo yoohoo~~ Don t You re funny just by standing there That . I ll trust it as a compliment -_-^ I handed over the soda can to BanJi and sat down on a chair

Suddenly, I felt disturbance from outside Move ! UnHa, move ! That voice. A fragile voice . It s Im HaeSu . .No HaWon and BanJi are together UnHa ?^? You cute boy Let s not bother them

Later, I ll take you to a kid s meal place ?^? . . You guys must have forgotten I Was a SangGo I am still SangGo in heart

JoUnHa, your real friend is not HaWon but me What on earth do you think you are blocking me Who is she to you

The person that BanJi wants to live with for 100 years With UnHa s one sentence It became quiet outside But soon.

. Me . The person that hurt me The ear that got hurt

That was BanJi

When I take off the bandage, the shape will be retarded

I might have to be in humiliation forever .The person that made my ear like this was Lee BanJi I could not listen to it any further, I stood up Seuk (The sound of holding something)

BanJi took hold of my hand . . Putting your head down like that . Isn t like yourself You didn t do that LeeBanJi . Why aren t you replying I felt heavy in the chest Being so uncomfortable My heart might go Pow and explode Hurry and say it wasn t you Say It wasn t you

You guys saw it too !!!! Breaking my ear Because it s BanJi s fault I m not going to get over it !!!!

I m not going to cry by myself !!!!!! Get it!?!! Obviously the voice of Im HaeSu, started to get carried away, the voice that bec ame louder than before.

. Should I cut you that

The thing BanJi pointed out was the melon that stood on the tv stand BanJi . Cut it or not I m HaWon . Tell me now

. I m . HaWon It s ok So it s ok to tell me the truth

Trust me, and tell me

The smiling BanJi. You are Kagura-chan (^Kagura-chan is a female anime character from Hey . Kagura-chan can Understand everything . Even though Accessory boy hurt cotton candy girl She will hug you warmly . Holding my hand tighter was BanJi And Finally, his lips started to move

Gintama )

Chapter #132 Yes . They are opening Open Accessory boy s lips are opening wide

.His black eyes looked confused, but

Even so

He didn t let go of my hand

That made me feel reassured

. I, didn t hurt her .Huh ? I didn t hurt her Ok

That s what I thought . It s what I thought Phew. Without BanJi knowing, I let out a sigh little by little .

The situation will end with this. Im HaeSu You are really like a snake -_-

Poisonous snake -_-

Once you bite, you don t think of letting go However, if there is one thing, there is another =_=^ . If you re the poisonous snake, I m a dragon Poisonous dragon -_- -_So She Put on a show by herself . The ear. Im HaeSu did it right Idiot

I said I didn t hurt her !! =_=

I never said anything !!?^? That is I don t know Shit I m pissed

She put on a show by herself ~~

Did BanJi s . Feelings for ImHaeSu not get cleared up yet Everyday, I feel nervous and shaky Until when do I have to feel like this If Im HaeSu left now Really good BanJi Anyways, you trusting me and telling me everything, I m thankful Ok Don t reply so absent-mindlessly It d be good

. BanJi was looking into my eyes, which were shaking in anxiousness Yeah My eyes are uglier than yours Alright -_-^

Min HaWon =_=^ Yeah You friken trust me too .Huh? Friken what ?_???? Trust me ~~ Because, I don t eat cotton candy I m sorry, but . W h a t ???? =_= Yo Don t bink your eyes like that =_=

If Im HaeSu dies Yeah Gonna cry . Who s gonna cry . You I am Ok If you die =_= Why do I have to die Keep cutting me from talking ~~??? If I die ??? ?

Ahh shit

Ok =_= Sorry. Ok I m not gonna cry Ok Why .

From that day, I would not be breathing also . Just then.

With a Bam Ba Ra Ra For sure ?^?

My heart cried

My heart cried tears of joy Me too BanJi

Me too

What, Kagura-chan

If HanBum is hurt, I ll go to the chemist ?^? If my father is hurt, I ll go to the hospital ?^? If you re hurt, I ll give you an operation ?^? Er It s nothing I wasn t trying to say this -_- -_Anyways Outside, it was quiet (It is as though someone took Im HaeSu home.) BanJi and I For the first time We shared a serious conversation It really is the first time Ah I m happy just as how my tears fall. I m good at sewing things

Of course, He, once in a while looking bored, he turned his head bluntly to the other way, Or he would hit my thighs with his lighter But =_+ Those things aren t important This is how talking develops =_=^ And furthermore It feels as though something in my heart, which distracted me, had gone with a b ang. BanJi . Should I hug you No It s nothing I ll hug you

Even though in an awkward position, I hugged the BanJi sitting on top of the bed as if there was no tomorrow ?.,? And then . Ahhk !!!!! Ahk Ahk ?^? ?^?!!!!! With a surprise, a sudden loud voice ?_?.!! As I got out of BanJi s arms, no one was outside - _ AAAhhk Ahk ?^? Slowly, standing up, BanJi walked towards me Ouch, It hurts, it hurts ?^? Just because it s not your neck, don t grab it like that

However, as usual, he pretended not to listen and he peered at my neck. ?_? You are definitely a stubborn, little bull (^ That s not what it really says, but that s the closest I can get to it ) You have a bruise Bruise??? Really???? Eung eung ?^? It hurts If I think about it, I think I got hit by GongGo s Big guy -_- -_call it properly Shit Who says you can come with a bruise Why It s nothing If you go, you ll die What kind of threat is that Even though I can t re

.?_? ?_? Go . No =_= =_=

Lie down and sleep until the bruise disappears . On top of your bed ???

You can t wake up in the middle, just sleep like a totem pole I think it s meant to be a corpse, not a totem pole ?_? . Who cares which one it is (^I have no clue what a totem pole is Heh Heh Even with BanJi s body odor This is what you call a serious king s audience hall ?.,? ,? I quickly got onto the bed and laid down I was just going to lie down for a while and get back up How will I punish Kagura-chan number two Im HaeSu Thinking about this, the weight on my eyes started to get heavier and heavier =_= I m not meant to . sleep

but yeah )

Tingle, tingle . Tingle, tingle What is it This weird feeling on my neck ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . Me . How long have I been sleeping Suddenly.?_? ?_? I opened my eyes Then shut them again

With BanJi s face right in front mine BanJi, holding the liquid pas in his hand -_- -_(Putting it on your face is very painful. -_-^) (^Everyone knows what pas Pas in your bruise.?????. Ha Ha. Ha The laugh won t come out I think is happened before Then, it must have been antiseptic .?_? A clear red color is right?? Dunno?? Just ask )

. If I had a heart disease, I bet that boy will give me headache pills

?_? .?_? The reality that I cannot trust is making me depressed ?.,? .

Chapter #133 BanJi I don t want to lie down anymore -_Your neck isn t hurt right Huh?? It doesn t hurt right Oh my =_+ Why are you so sure of that so recklessly I ll get up now

Are you waiting for the cure of my bruise with the pas you put on me - _ Yeah Yes I think it s gone a little it more better ?.,?

. With my personality, I have become a person How can I stab down a genuine boy s heart with a knife . But Why on earth is it liquid pas My neck is burning to death ?^?

BanJi is staring at me quietly. You Accessory boy What I was about to say =_=^ I was looking around, but couldn t find a bandage Euhehe ?_? If you ended up finding it I could not be able to move my neck right now That boy has high standards That he would bind my neck with the whole roll of bandage BanJi I m still thankful I love you ?_? Me too ?_? . What?? I said me too You too?? =_=?? Really??? It s not Kagura-chan s?? Or, Hospital friend s right??? What I said, should I reject it ??? Cancel .?^? You meant to say cancel

Like he was saying Why are you asking the obvious .

BanJi s expression turned unhappy If he acted like UnHa and told me with a shy smile, I d be flattered a hundred tim es more


That would not be BanJi =_=

After hopping off the bed, I faced that boy For the first time in ages Should I joke with him daringly After putting my hand on Accessory boy s left breast To a surprised boy that had rabbit eyes ?.,?

I ll be here always

Don t worry

Now there won t be a time to worry I swear I promise to your heart

. Who ll come into my heart . Me ?,.? No ones else but me you boy =_= . Is it that, right now You are saying you feel bad How can you get in here ?^? I m just saying Is that it????_? ??

You think you re all that because you re Kagura-chan.!!!! Why are you yelling ?^?!!! Then I m not going into your heart !! I ll look for another boy s =_=^

. You must not be satisfied

Standing without a word, BanJi.


Because you are Min HaWon, you can just come in

. Ok That s alright then =_=^ You should of said so from the beginning Right now, the mood is really down Damnit ?_? . .

How long has time passed It s late I should go home now .?^?

BanJi I ll come tomorrow You re going ? Then do I not go??? =_=??? I have to go home before my dad ?^? Today is Sunday What has that got to do with my dad .?_? . But I could read that boy s eyes That he was telling me not to leave, yelling me to stay,

Those begging eyes (In a misunderstanding by herself. =_=^) Oh well I ll stay next to him Now that I have taken over BanJi s heart . . Outside the room. UnHa and A few SangGo guys. In their eyes it was full of curiosity -_-^

I called my house Uh HanBum??? I m gonna sleep at SooYun s house, so know it as that.??? -_-^ Where did she say she was?

-Is it HaWon

Ahhk On the other side of the phone, I could hear my mum s stiff words HanBum Don t hand it to her .?^? I can t hand it over to her -She says she s gonna sleep at her friend s place -Friend who. -You know, her That SooYong or whatever. Long hair and a friken unique laugh You??? -_-^ You are =_=^ -Where s her house -Hospital.

Oh gosh


I quickly let go of the phone from my hand You had known already Min HanBum

A mouse that is less than dirty soup .?_? However . Now it s alright >_< Now I can stay by BanJi s side for the night comfortably >_<

Stand. ^?^ I went back into room 403 BanJi, without any harm, Was hitting a glass bowl (Maybe one of the presents from a SangGo person. -_-) t hat was on a table with his foot Ahk Ahk!!! ?^?!!! Hey!! The fish will cry now!! You haven t gone That is The tone of a person that wants a person to leave -_-^

Should I leave now then??? Yeah . Really?? No You ?_?

The face that is being reflected from the sun is looking very cool today You good boy . . . That night, even though it passed 11pm SangGo students came in and out of the hospital room . (With something in their hands -_- Morning stuff) Loud, loud, very loud UnHa (Hiding something in his pocket. -_- you thief) And . The night of destiny. No You don t need to say destiny I just need to sleep below BanJi s bed ?.,? BanJi Sleep well >_< Ok ~~ Inattention again . The lights have gone off Room 403 was a one person room I could not sleep for a long time =_= =_= The space was so small, my shoulder started to fell heavy But. On the other hand You poohead =_=^ Euhe Let s meet in our dreams ?.,?

Noticing it was quiet, It seems as though you have already fallen asleep Lee BanJi ?_?

. Morn Ing

Do I have to go straight to school from here tomorrow What about my uniform ????? Damnit ?_? No matter what, I am absent tomorrow

If rubber shoes teacher finds out, my bottom will die .

. Early in the morning . Ahhk . Cold ?^? . It s so cold, I ll die .?^?

I woke up quickly from the sleep that took long to get Giving up the fact of waking up, I fell down BanJi I m really cold ?_? . Next day. Are you sleeping ? .

6:50 in the morning. Just as I was opening my eyes I felt that the one person bed I was sleeping in was really tight Next to me was . . Aaahhk So, Right now, lying in the same bed Facing is back to the wall, linking arms with me is the boy named Accessory Lee.Ban.Ji. .-_- -_Hello BanJi

It can t be

This boy

And I

Again .?_? ?_? We Did we sleep together again ??

I don t think I slept by myself Whoa. Yo. Wow This is . This is what you say Far from before, The time BanJi and I first me, The time when you really hated me - _ It is like that lucky shock we had that time It was really cold at dawn I think I shoved into the bed

Next to you ?.,?. On the one person bed together Mommy

I made a case again >_<. Ahhh kkk >_< Ahhh kkk ~ (Sound of laughing. -_-^) And Just in time. The hospital room opened suddenly. Who the hell comes early in the morning =_=^ BanJi tuned his head first At the moment, I, just like him, had felt my ears turn red A secret smile came about on my lips .- _ But. With BanJi s facial expression =_=^ The smile disappeared from my lips. - _ -. Im HaeSu. Pink cotton candy Finally Cotton girl

The things that were meant to come, came -_-

Now, you will d i e. -_-

Just as much as you threw BanJi away and hurt him, Just as much as you shook him and bruised him, Just as much as you used him and made him cry

With the ear leftover, I will take care of it.

Chapter #134 BanJi How s your body. Your shoulder must hurt a lot . That s bad =_=^ Oh no You can t do that,

Im HaeSu Very casually, she came into the room and right in front of us was a basket full of chips that she was putting on the floor next to BanJi You pay no attention to me do you =_=^ Ok Now you have given up your nice appearance If you come out like that, it is only your regret Since when was she here ?? HaWon From last night .STRA.IGHT. Just U.S T.W.O. (He stretched out and us fully. -_-) Euhehe.=.,=

As if she would not believe it, there stood Im HaeSu looking at BanJi And, not avoiding the situation is that Accessory boy You bitch fulled with poison =_=^ Even though it sounded childish, I was going to pull those two apart Did you sleep with BanJi ? Yo, you quick-witted cotton girl As if there was nothing suitable to say, I turned my head to BanJi s direction And with burning eyes staring at me was Im HaeSu. And her stare was frightfully counter-striking. For those who see

I am the epidemic .=_=^ Next to me, BanJi is also cautiously looking . A moment. An instant It was just at that moment With a JJAK. The person who stuck their hand against my face was Surely, cotton candy girl s thin hand? I, even though I hit you, it wouldn t be enough, but You have decided to come out just as you want now Ear . What are you gonna do about my ear . Say it BanJi I get hit ???

Im HaeSu

What are you going to do with my ear, BanJi

You just have to say truthfully who did it Why are you just suffering like that You are not that type of guy . This isn t love Even sympathy turns into poison . Why don t you know that Im HaeSu I can t leave you alone can I. Come out (Coolly, I let these words out of my mouth) Did you just order ? Me??

I have felt this from a long time ago You have grown up your way Im HaeSu.?_? Get out Lee BanJi ?? Get out No . Yo, you Im HaeSu If you don t go out, you ll look more pathetic -_- -_-

I want to stay by your side . I don t want to go out You bitch, is lower than Im HaeSu, -_-^ Stare With the red hand mark on my right face, BanJi s eyes turned them upon me

And those eyes soon turned back to the cotton girl s normal looking face If the eardrum wasn t retarded, the face would have been broken ages ago You

Eardrum retarded . Break But .

Even though you talk, why does it have to be like that =_=^

For a just little . I was happy then . Later . I ll come back Even Im HaeSu understood the type of mood we were in Or else she was afraid of BanJi With no more fuss, she quietly followed my back .?_?

To the stairs at the end of the corridor.

With her back leaning against the wall standing, staring at me was that cotton c andy girl So you re saying that there s no BanJi here ??? -_-^ -_-^ I first opened my mouth Your ear Don t try and blame it on some other person

What are you talking about I m saying that I know who put the show on all by herself. S o Um Good Her voice shook Good Who told you that

That How do you know that So it was true . Of course You piece of shit.-_-^ I said, who told you that From the boy I love.

.?_? Is it because I am getting addicted to dramas these days From what I said, it was slightly oily

. No answer could be heard from Im HaeSu Seeing that she was slowly hiding her shaking hand I seems as though she is a little bit embarrassed of what she did I ll go first. Take care of your body and your ear too With that, I turned around from the stunned faced Im HaeSu And hearing the screams, I heard her chase me up the stairs ?_? ?^? This, this cotton girl is holding the back of my hair, shaking it violently

Gone crazy . She has perfectly gone crazy Let go ?^? !!!!!! I was thinking of letting you go without using strength .-_-^ That what I planned to do This is really the end for you. Now.-_-^ We tossed about, starting a scary fight on the stairs They say you do as you look . This girl is really weak Even though it was her slaps that were strong

With her closing her eyes and throwing punches anywhere, I was able to slowly mo ve away ?_? It s easy

. Without going far. Hitting herself onto the window wall fell Im HaeSu Don t do it anymore It s annoying Just say it in words .

Mommy -_-.-_-

What is it that I said . Why cry for ?^?. Why are you crying

Who s the one that wants to cry

Shoving her head between her legs, sitting down, cotton candy girl was squeezing out her tears . I sense that my fist is stronger than I thought ?_? . .And With a more dumbfounded situation,

A tall GongGo kid jumped up the stairs, And hit my face with a soft punch =_=^ And took Im HaeSu somewhere . Has it been Settled ??

Now, no one will be threatening BanJi, right And, furthermore, the more important thing Is that I pulled out a whole lot of ImHaeSu s hair -_- -_I ll keep it and show it to SooYun ?.,? .?.,? Room 403. BanJi s hospital room. Just to get my jumper, I came back here Herro My boy ?.,?


If you look as if I was unimportant

How should I turn my eyes towards you =_= =_=

Somewhere on me Looking at me as if trying to make a whole, are BanJi s two black eyes. ?_? ??? I came here to get my jumper School O h ?_? Today is our homeroom teacher s 60th birthday anniversary.=_= Ok You believed that You were gullible-bread Lee BanJi =_=^ I m gonna go home now Euhe

But . Where are you looking at from a while ago =_+^??? BanJi When do you get released???

Tomorrow . Oh Day after .Ok The day after that Shit Where are my crutches

You going out too, must have gone used to it .?_?

He played around

He with me

Those kinds of jokes are funny if Min HaWon says them .?_? Your crutches are behind you st hurt ?^? Hey, I said they re behind you?? You can t just stand up Mu

You idiot How many times did you get hit What??

Walking towards me was BanJi, without his crutches Did he notice . We fought What if he says to go and return ImHaeSu s hair ?_? Seuuk. Putting his cool hands on my forehead was BanJi. Thinking about it Feeling that my forehead stings I guess I have another bruise on it

Before, that jumping GongGo kid hit me there . Let s not tell this to BanJi There might be murder in the hospital .- _ - -_.But Why are your hands so cold

Before, they were hot .?^? Were you angry .?? Because I got hit???? ?^???? Because I m hurt??? ?^???? Euhehehe You are not that kind of boy ?_?

Retard . If you get hit around in places that I can t see, you ll die .

=_=?? Where are the places you can t see Places where I can t see you die If you come back with your eyes get bruised again, you ll

The things you said, does not seem like jokes to me =_=^ After blinking my eyes at the BanJi looking down at me, I said my farewells =_= And quickly got outside . ?.,? BanJi !! I ll come the day you get released!!! Eat well!! And stay healthy e everyday Standing, just looking at me is BanJi Ah That is . I Said as though we were going to part far away =_= Never going to see and smil

As if it was a person I was .

Letting the hospital were my footsteps And I was casually heading towards the school =_=^ It seemed as though . I had to go to school . The disguising school ?_?

Chapter #135 In front of the school gates. The school is not a toilet ! It is not a place to come when you are depressed. -_You guys don t bother going home today Yo


It was -_- -_-

Just as I arrived at the front gates of the school, the person keeping guard is, our rubber shoe teacher And in front of him are, the people that were caught were my friends .?_? I cannot get out of this I have to go though the back gates >_< >.,< .

The place where BanJi and I had our memories. Back gate. Ahhk But

Standing guard in front of the back gate was a person . AHHHK No NO ?^?

Today, I have to tell SooYun my story My heroic courage of pulling cotton candy s sugar hair ?.,? hehe (With the shabby appearance of having the blue bruise on your face ?_? ) . Uh But . I was surprised . Infront of the back gate was TetJul Shim TaeJin He did not realise my presence yet I m glad

I better hide ?_?

And then, I ll observe secretly ?_?

(For some reason, I did not have the confidence to walk up to him. -_-^) You have fully covered your face with bandages Making me feel guilty ?^? I think your lips have been beaten too ?^? But Shii (Damnit)

Covering those beaten lips is your happy smile.

Did something good happen -_-?? -_-?? .

1 minute . 2 minutes 5 minutes . 30 minutes As time went by The day became colder My mind getting hasty 30 minutes 48 seconds 49 seconds

Why TetJul Why aren t you leaving . Why on earth ?^? !!! Is it That he came to meet me It should be GongGo s classes now And why do you look so helpless with your red ears ?^? You should have worn a sweater Anyways, guys like these have too much outward appearance -_-^ -_-^ ?

In no time, the bell, noticing our lunch break rang clearly outside the school I was in hunger for food-_- -_TetJul Hey Hurro Euhe ?.,? I stumbled towards TetJul

Why are you coming from there !!! .

If nice to hear your loud, healthy voice ?^? Yeah That s me =_=

Anyways!! Isn t is class time for GongGo???

Changing the subject ?.,? Euhehe Just. I just came here now

Funny guy -_I wonder who d believe your words ?^? Why don t you hide those frozen ears and cheeks

I have been watching you from ages ago ?^? Before you started saying anything, I made up my mind already ?.,? TaeJin . I m sorry for before Because of me, you got hurt =_= Oi I didn t come here to hear that

Oi ??? =_=^ Then ?? =_= Did you come here to hit?? With your fist??

. You should become a gagwoman

So I can see you everyday and laugh -_- ^


This bastard says that he likes me

It s not possible that he came to hit me =_= =_+ Then for what reason did you come =_=^ That day . The day that there was a fight with the GongGo kids s that suddenly came HoonTak oppa??? ?.,??? No Ah The guys that came towards me. Not the JongHo kids I think I saw them Did you see those kid

At one point, those guys came out of nowhere and dragged this boy away I think ?_ ? ?_? Those were the kids of the hyung that I love Love ?.,? ?? Yeah The hyung that I love a lot At one time

The hyung that thought he was betrayed by me. Yeah Once, TaeJin told me this

The sunbae that he liked a lot, and that there was a bad rumor about him and the sunbae s girl and then everything went wrong That he lost his friends With that hyung And his sunbae

Did it get better??

Without an answer, he smirked and laughing at me was TetJul Oh my -_You even have a pretty side

BanJi that boy Doesn t really smile a lot so I don t know =_=^ Did you come here to say that Hehe And I thought ?_?

. Oi Unbearable. (^ He is saying it as a nickname ) Yeah ^?^ (<~ Felt reassured. -_- ^)

SangGo s Lee BanJi . When are you going to break ??? Yo We re not going to break. =_+ Even though we die, we won t break up . We promised to li ve together until 100 years old . Then When you re 101, will you come to me .

By that time, I will lose my dazzling beauty from now ?.,? Hehe (I somehow tried to get by it with a joke. -_-^) Why . Are you going to treat me well

. I haven t seen it in a while Shim TaeJin s sad face. What is that The feelings you had for me Wasn t a joke ?? No, it s as if we ve never seen it before

Was it As big as this. Those feelings ??

Hey Unbearable (^Again a nickname) Yeah ?? Yeah . Unbearable . Unbearable .What. What. What =_= . I ve shouted 3 years worth . When it is 2005, I ll call it 3 more times (^This is currently 2002) The more I think about it . You have the not stubborn aspect, don t you - _ Even though you call then, I won t be next to you I won t be able to answer you . Do whatever you want ?_? I can call it myself then, son of a bitch . I ll call by myself and I ll answer by myself . What do you mean And That is very tearful . son of a bitch To a lady ?.,? . Unbearable.

What if I don t like crying . Ok. Then

You don t need to go to BanJi

=_= =_=

What?? I didn t hear that because of the bell??

(The ringing melody of the lunch break.-_- ) The instantaneous silence . The sincerity of the silence. However, I did not know the meaning of the sincerity in the silence Even though I knew Goodbye TetJul =_= I could only pretend to not know

If SangGo s Lee BanJi if he can t kiss, come to me I m really good that that If you come

. I ll pick you the whale doll again BanJi, the thing that starts with a He s good at that =_= Anyways . Is it a goodbye now For TetJul and I Baibai Goodbye TetJul, baibai ki and ends with a ss .

(^the baibai thing it s meant to be English ) The TetJul that puts his hand on my shoulder suddenly I think from now on, I ll think if it sometimes. The parting of someone makes your nose hurt .

Hey !!! Unbearable!!!


Ahhk ?_? . The TetJul boy who suddenly looked this way Why ?^? If Before you met BanJi

And met me . Where would you be

Are you asking that because you don t know ? .Next to you At that moment. .Laughing with a smirk was TetJul ?^? ?^? Ok

I know it s a lie

But thanks Baibai HaWon.

He knows . He knows that it was a lie ?^? Really It is a shame to lose him

And he even called my name It really inconvenient A loss That s why ancestors from long ago =_=^ tell us that a girl s heart is broad dayligh t ?_? When you turn 101 . Come to me

When you turn 101 When you turn 101

. Come to me . Come to me

What s that then, >_< You pulled out that bitch s hair???? Oh yeah ?.,? Hehe Did I do good??

Yeah >_< If I was next to you, I could have pulled out some more UnHa said that if you fight, he d break up with you. - _ -. What!!!! REEally?????? It was a lie, but I nodded my head in seriousness ?_?

And it is fortunate that my heart is depressed because of TaeJin I and had been uselessly been held back by SooYun I m going to die because I m so tired -_- -_(^ The reason why this person came to school was to chatter. -_-^) Eung eung ?^? This and that BanJi This is dejecting It s really dejecting

I miss you right now . Let s wait until he is released I d be more glad to see him

I miss you so much If I go see him then

I should be more patient Because I am going to stick next to you for 100 years. Euhehe ?.,? ?.,? Bbi bbi bbi bbi bbi~~~~!!! Bbi bbi !!! HaWon, you have a message/ Ok I searched through my jumper and took out my phone And I had received one message. Did BanJi send it >_< >_< Bbeeek. . . Ah, I told you to be patient for a while >_< >_<

-I m going to Japan soon. I am going to take him with me. Since you bent him. Instead, I ll take BanJi while smiling and dirty him. HaeSu-

Chapter #136 .Hey Why is your expression like that ?_??? This BanJi didn t send it Did BanJi send you a message you couldn t read??

Then??? SooYun

.What I m. I m not even a little scared . Now There s nothing to be nervous about . .What you saying What are you talking about Because I took BanJi s heart My mind is at rest

I have no idea what you re talking about =_=^ I won t play with you??? You hit my weak back with your strong hand ?.,? Damnit =_= What do you want me to do My heart is at rest Im HaeSu s threat message If I saw it a few days ago I could not have been able to handle it I would have ran to BanJi s hospital room But now . Did I become to trust BanJi not with words, but with my mind and soul ?? SooYun >_< The word Do you know the words I say that BanJi like the most?? ?.,?. idiot ??? I trust you That when date, you trust each other

No . The words

Idiot, you re meant to trust each other when you date Yes Yeah BanJi

I now only trust you Because You are Accessory boy ?_? Because Accessory boy is And Lee BanJi is BanJi . And BanJi loves HaWon And HaWon loves BanJi And that s why I trust you. Lee BanJi

Next day. Without knowing, I was heading towards the hospital, but I forced myself to turn around ?_? Yo This is hard The fact that you miss them, but you can t see them Patience I can see him the day after tomorrow

That boy s cool-looking face It is a fact that patience makes tears and pee a suspenseful, pleasant sensation _-

That night . For once is a long time, my skill is something to be proud of, the crying of my all time friend hand phone ,- _ Hello >_< >_< -Me >_< Yo, It s SooYun -_Then friendship is a person that washes the clothing And hate is a person that cleans the place =_= Hello Then hello

After you make food for the person you like, you put your hands in the sink and wash the dishes That is love you idiot !!!! Yo yo . Will BanJi make food, and then wash the dishes ?.,? ?.,? . . . It s messy If you put it that way BanJi does not love me . . With his hands in the water, for me ???

That dawn In my sleep, I heard the crying of my hand phone and I threw it on the ground But . Because of that, I think it cried 6 more times .

When I thought about it later, I was wondering if it was from BanJi My heart is getting nervous .=_+

The day BanJi gets released.^?^ This is the first time this year I ve woken up the earliest . I ll be going to school >_< >_< Mum, I m going to be a bit late today You are now 3rd year ?? Yeah ?.,? But mum It was true -_Back.wards. from our class. - _ But . That is me I think I came tenth in my class this time

Really, not long from now, I have my exam period This is unbelievable =_+ Even when BanJi is not next to me Did time go by this fast . ?

Teacher HaWon

How have you- =_= Would you like to clean my rubber shoes for the last time?

.-_- -_- . Even though I am the minor, please accept this. The best I could do for the leaving teacher was to give him red thongs as a pres ent instead of his rubber shoes Euhehe Look at the forehead that turned red ?_? Baibai Teacher And .

.Hospital. Finally Finally Ah My heart is beating I m coming Euhehe ?.,?


I am going in now

.First, I have to calm down my heart Hoo ah Hoo ah

B.u.t Without noticing, I let go of the handle that I was tightly holding It s weird . It s really weird . For some reason, it is too quiet in front of this door. No, More than quiet, it s deserted It s still .It s weird Until I come back He s going to wait BanJi . I feel lonely

Why is it as if there is no one here It s weird

I m scared After taking BanJi Dirtying him with smiles, those words from Im HaeSu. It keeps ringing in my ears So now . Opening the door and entering . It s frightfully scary to point of tears

I don t like it Without the permission of my brain, my feet started moving backwards Totally different from before, my heart is hurting And .

. . Damnit. Don t eat that melong !!!!!!!! Idiot . .Huh .????? ?_? .?? H-huh????? =_=??? . It s my wife s

Chapter #137 (Last) Right now, this . Is BanJi s voice It came from inside this room right =_= .=_= Me ?^? Me me ?^? I want to eat it I want to share it with SooYun (There was no time I was glad to hear UnHa s voice -_-)

Then don t eat the melong and eat something else . It s not melong, it s melon???? Fuck Why isn t Min HaWon coming !!! Being less than an octopus Ah Fuck

You, did you just change the subject !!!!! >_< >_< Hey Go and drag here

What ?? >_< The son of a bitch that made the bruise on Min HaWon s forehead ont of me. The others taught them a lesson yesterday Leave him alone >_< Drag him right in fr

. And for a moment . No sound could be heard ?.,? . Would it be alright To go in

Oh yeah yeah >_< I nearly told you that !! What s that

That . You first put your hand against Im HaeSu s face Don t say it Why If you do, I ll kill you

You hit her because she was swearing about HaWon

If HaWon hears it, she ll like it >_<

. That son of a bitch, did he bruise her or not Huh??? . GongGo s lamp-post???? I don t know =_= Why

Drag him here So I can accumulate bruise him It. Is. Myself. Myself. >_< Hey, go study ! Hey Ah Fuck My IQ is 500 =_=

Liar >_<

Took Without knowing Ah fuck My tears fell with a took

Why is this happening Why Today is a happy day So why am I crying

The day BanJi gets released Now I have become reassured

Hey. Call Min HaWon to hurry and come Because I miss her quite a lot Then you can d o i t !! My shoulder bone hurts!!!! , that idiot ? Did she get hit by a car or something while coming here

. You fuckhead Lee BanJi .?^? Didn t you know, words turn into actions You dull Accessory boy =_=

Thinking about it, you are dumb And

Isn t shoulder bone called the shoulder blade People from our earth call the part above the girl s breast the shoulder bone =_= Damn . Really Really, I am, Less than .

Snot, octopus poo, squid pee, pidgeon s dandruff, an ostrich s head hair, salamander poo, a sea anemone s head, a gold fish bottom hairs, a ghost s horse head, horse far t, fart poo, mouse s vomit, mickey mouse s buck-teeth. ?^? Eung eung ?^? Lee BanJi . Why am I like this Until the end, I was nervous a little I really promise now. With a stamp I won t doubt you I won t even be nervous Even though I turn 101 . I won t leave you. You did not follow Im HaeSu You did not leave me

When I first met you at the arcade, I put my hand on your shoulder And in front of SangGo, you were the one I met my lips with You were the one that knitted me the penguin thing on my birthday You were the one I slept with that night because of Lucky You were the one that recorded the cool words on my weird doll When I had a hard time because of your mother e You were the one that was next to m

And you were the one that doubted me because of TaeJin You got your shoulder hit by Hwang SoHyung instead of me

You were the one that threw the cigarette butt to the GongGo sunbae that liked m e Even though the words I love you was troubled were hard to say, you d ask Do you want a kiss when I

You were the one that opened the door with your hands and saved me when the perv ert caught me in the broken elevator When I was hurt You were the one that would force me to lie down and then put a w et towel on my head by squeezing out all the water from it. And you did that even though your shoulder was hurt And you were the one that came to me on a raining day when you wanted to see me, even though you were hospitalized You were the one that fed the fish the chips I bought you and ended up killing t hem with the oil in it You were the one that accepted the really sweet YangGeng from the YangGeng grand ma (^YangGeng is this sweet bar thing it s not chocolate ) . That s why I like you LeeBanJi . . But most of all Because you are Lee BanJi. Because you are just BanJi. I m so happy to the point of death I really love you to the point of death ?^?


If I just open the door I m going to.

I m going to gather up my courage

I m going to run to BanJi and meet my lips with his That I love him Because I had his heart, That he could take mine .

I m going to tell him that. Then. Putting my strength in my hands >_< >_< Should I open ^?^ Just to meet the boy that I love to death. Open . BanJi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! . ^?^

.Talk Back And You re Dead. . THE. .END.

(.BanJi and HaWon s Special Chapter.) *It was a secret*

It is 7 months later. ^?^

Year 2003. July 6th. Today, An important letter that came from Japan, in a long time Without even me knowing, My mouth formed a happy smile . Today is a happy day A letter came from a really important person . . But.?_? .?_? There was one lad that broke my smile Fuck Ah fuck Why is this happening

Hey!!! Why do you have to move on the day of your birthday!!!!!! ?^?!! It s so messy!! Ong ong.!! ! Hey Water doesn t even come out of your house ?

HanBum ran away with the water bill ?^? That s why our house doesn t have water You should go back to your house Ong ong

You Accessory boy.

Did you get a letter from cotton candy Yeah ?.,?. Yes it was

Y e s I t w a s ?_? This and that happened . And I became pen pals with the Im HaeSu that fled to Japan =_=^ Lee BanJi You Accessory boy that became dull Why is it that on his birthday, he moved next door to us . Where did you aunty s family move to ?^? KangWonDo inflation Your probably mean KyongChang =_=^ BanJi is looking directly at me =_= Did you see a Wifey Why did you go Euhehe ?.,? Oh gosh

and a Hubby living separately from each other???

?_? Euhe What if I saw?? Hey Ok But . Now, you should stop bugging the SangGo kids and go help your group - _ When is our house tap going to turn on =_+. BanJi Aren t you going to pass around rice cake to people in the area??? =_+ I told the kids to buy a cake later Cake =_= . Talk back and your dead ?? Sorry ?_?

It s not possible that

You re going to give one piece to each house right ????

Without answering my question =_+ Heek BanJi went through the doorway and outside And blocking him was UnHa =_=^??? In his hand

Showing off his pink digital watch, that I ve never seen before, and was shouting s omething BanJi, you >_< You ve been wearing a few days ago >_< Your watch ~~~~ I found it under the box >_< . Uh ?? That .

I ve seen that watch . It isn t the first time I saw it =_=?? It isn t a watch I ve seen a lot around a lot Let s see Where did I see it Where . .?_? Ahhhk!!!!!!! That!!!!! Give it to me!!!!!! What s wrong ~~ ?_? It s BanJi s What ??? Not leaving outside . Without any words, BanJi bastard is looking towards me

You bad boy =_=. You have nothing else to steal so you take someone else s watch Hey!! ?^?!! Give this back to the original owner BanJi, you have a lot of money Just buy one ?^? This watch Give it back to the owner !!

. Do you know this watch ?_? That, I think the owner thinks it is really precious

A long time ago, when I was buying tofu, I laid my eyes on the watch s owner while walking the streets Uh What the

I don t need to get into this much detail . Why am I doing this That stubborn son of a bitch A moment. I finished my speaking I slowly looked up towards BanJi That s because Both of BanJi s pupils were shaking BanJi ?.,? Euhe em Don t think about it Just Will he get jealous again ?_?

I quickly found the watch and gave it back to t

And after that, that guy was in another girl s arms Idiot


I knew this would happen.

I knew he would react like this, Lee BanJi =_=^ Uhk But Suddenly

My pinky finger, he Linked it with his and pulled on it his direction, that Accessory boy. .Why ?_? . BanJi s eyes. It was as if they were saying something. Some secret .

Some saddening secret that I did not know all this time The secret that was a secret BanJi was telling it to me with his eyes. Min HaWon . Yeah

.Should I hug you. . .

*It was a secret* .E.N.D.

.Talk Back And You re Dead.Bye.

(Small chapter) *Santa s Magic*

Year 2003. December 24th. SuWon. Arcade. XLARGE. -_-. Hey Is he there .??? Is he really there???

Yeah >_< What should I do >_< I m gonna go crazy Should I just go up to him and tell him I like him Hey~ It s embarrassing, how can you do it Bang EunHae This is so not like yourself ?? =_=???

MinHee said that ?_? Before he came here, he liked a girl ?_?. Ong Ong Shii (damn) EunGu What is that bastard s name ?? =_=

Lee EunGu.


But EunHae

I think you should hurry and run away -_-

Why ?_? Your brother Right now, he came into the arcade Over there.

He s holding a baseball bat. -_Ahhk I don t know ?^?!! Ong Ong

R u n !!! >_<

. Same beginning, same location. Arcade XLARGE. -_-.

Standing in front of the Tetris game with his new friends, enjoying their game Long time no see EunGu. The light brown hair that suddenly turned black Gone a lot more taller Holding the joystick, controlling it, his fingers were a little longer However The feelings for HaWon was still the same, EunGu. When thinking about BanJi and HaWon Just smiling it out The calm EunGu.

Ddi ri ri ri ~!!!!! Ddi ri ri!!!!!!~~~ As EunGu s orchestral ringing of his hand phone rang. Hello ?_? Now that I think about it

EunGu s voice has become a level softer. .

-EunGu!!! ?^?!! Ong Ong! I think life is so sad I can t live !!! HaWon ?? -I m gonna curse that dull Accessory boy ?^?. Why again =_= -Today, if it was going to snow, we decided to go to MyungDong together boy keeps!! >_< Yes Yes ?_? Octopus poo boy But, this

-When we go out, he says I ll wear my gumboots the other way around If he doesn t want to go, he should just say so !!! >_< Rubber shoes HaWon. Rubber shoes -Ah Yes >_< Rubber shoes, not gumboots day Ong ong ?^? And then,

Why don t you go and bump into his face every

I followed him to the group meeting and I had a fight with the leader . =_= -Yeah How is UnHa And the other kids ?? UnHa and SooYun are having a quiet period

So the other kids are playing well. Damnit =_=^ . ^-^ I ll Visit one day ?

-Yeah Please ! AHHK!!!! Hey!! Go to your h o u s e!!! Why are you stealing someone el se s sausage and eating it!!! ?^?!! -Hey fuck I m Lee BanJi.

-So what =_+ .Heuung ~?^? - Being less than octopus vomit . Ah fuck -Myung.Dong I said MyungDong not EeDae !! Let s go out To EeDae

Dook That s how the hand phone call ended. Smirk Smiling childishly, laughing, EunGu holds the joystick again. He s laughing . It is a wet image of EunGu >When the first snowflake falls and she smiles, She will come closer.< And

. . Ahhk !! ?^?. Ong Ong. Oppa Ah shit I said I didn t come here to play !!

Who said you could go around, when it is cold!!

When what about you, oppa!! ?.,? Going around places ! =_=! Even though you speak until now Oppa, sorry -_- -_. .At this point, he turned his head, You are dead. -_-

And standing behind him A guy wearing a cap and swinging around a baseball bat and, A cute person who has their hand facing the ground, mumbling something and maybe th inking about running away An unfortunate girl, looking at EunGu is EunHae. .Both EunGu s pupils Grew large with curiosity. And the moment he stood up from his seat. Ah shit Ah shit!?!! ?_?!! To tell the truth !!

I came here to see my boyfriend!!!! ?^?! Hahahaha -_Friken stop playing with your oldie

But. With a grasp .

.A small, warm hand rested on EunGu s shoulder. EunHae s hand. And It seemed as though this scene had been played before -_-.

And EunGu s surprised rabbit eyes looked at her. What should I do oppa I, am this guy s girl

And stiffening in that place.

Was the guy that wore a cap on his head, swinging a baseball bat, EunHae s oldie a nd. EunGu and. EunHae. Everyone had stiffened, then.

.EunGu let out a soft As if waiting.


Leaving was EunHae s oldie -_- . And. With ears that turned bright red, EunHae slowly looked up at EunGu . And opening his lips first, trying to start a conversation was EunGu. .As if Caught in santa s magic.

. If I ask you Huh ? Will you tell me ?

My skin is thick so it won t get bitten =_=

(^ask and bitten are pronounced the same) Somehow

Watching the girl that seemed so similar to BanJi s girl, EunHae. =_= . Smirking was pretty EunGu. Cool EunGu. Kind EunGu Will you tell me. What =_= Are you talking about

.Your Name ^-^. . . >When the first snowflake falls and she smiles, She will come closer.<

*Santa s Magic* .E.N.D.

BYE-BYE. EunGu. BYE-BYE. BanJi. BYE-BYE. HaWon. BYE-BYE. SooYun. BYE-BYE. UnHa. BYE-BYE. HanBum. BYE-BYE. TaeJin. BYE-BYE. JinHo. BYE-BYE. HaeSu. BYE-BYE. GongGo s Park. BYE-BYE. HaRi. BYE-BYE. HoonTak. BYE-BYE. SoHyun.



B Y E Talk Back And You re Dead.

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