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Mayor Denies Hit-and-Run Charge

The mayor of Sacrapinto, J.K. Choi, 3 , !as charged !ith hit-and-run dri"ing #ast night $y the to!n sheriff. % fresh#y &i##ed ca#f !as disco"ered #ying in the midd#e of %r#ington Dri"e at a$out '()(( p.m. % !itness, *(-yearo#d +mi#y ,ar&er, said she sa! the car hit the ca#f and &eep going. She didn-t see the dri"er $ut she did recogni.e the hood ornament on the car/a pair of $u## horns. 01h, yes,2 +mi#y said, 03 &no! that-s the mayor-s car. 3t-s the on#y car in to!n !ith $u## horns on the hood.2 %s&ed ho! she cou#d see the $u## horns at night, she rep#ied, 01h, didn-t you &no!4 % coup#e of months ago the mayor got his horns neoni.ed, so they ha"e this soft purp#e g#o! at night. They-re rea##y coo#-#oo&ing.2 The sheriff dro"e o"er to the mayor-s house, !hich is a$out fi"e mi#es from city ha##, and found the mayor !ashing his '56* Kadi##ac. He as&ed !hy the mayor !as

!ashing his car so #ate at night. 07ecause that-s !hen there-s no hot sun that causes the car to dry so fast that you ha"e sun strea&s. Don-t you &no! anything, sheriff42 The sheriff pointed out that one of the horns !as $ro&en at the tip. 08hen did that happen42 he as&ed. 08hen did !hat happen42 Choi as&ed. 01h, good grief9 3 ne"er e"en noticed that9 Do you &no! ho! e:pensi"e these horns are4 They don-t gro! on trees, you &no!. 3 !onder if 3 can find the missing piece and superg#ue it $ac& on.2 The sheriff then sho!ed the mayor the tip of a $u## horn. 0Do you thin& this is the missing piece42 The mayor !as astounded. He #oo&ed at it, turned it o"er in his hands, and then p#aced it on the horn, !here it fit perfect#y. 0That-s fantastic, sheriff9 Than& you so much9 8here did you find it42 08here did 3 find it4 3t !as ne:t to ;armer 7ro!n-s ca#f that you &i##ed $ac& there a$out an hour ago.2 The mayor-s mouth dropped open. 0Ca#f9 8hat ca#f4 8hat are you ta#&ing a$out4 3 had no idea. 3 thought 3 hit a

speed $ump. 8hat !as his ca#f doing out in the midd#e of the road in the midd#e of the night4 08e-## sett#e this in court. 3-m an innocent man. 7y the !ay, get that ca#f o"er to <ester-s $utcher shop right no!. 8e-## ha"e us a $ig $ar$ecue tomorro! at city ha##. %nd don-t forget to in"ite ;armer 7ro!n. 3 &no! he-## forgi"e me after he tastes <ester-s !or#d-famous ri$ eye.2

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