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How Climate Effects Ecosystems

Some may not realize, but us humans play a much bigger part in climate change than we think. As we put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, our oceans begin absorbing a significant amount of what is released. As the CO2 reacts with the sea water it forms carbonic acid. When an ocean becomes acidic, its negative effects are felt through its marine life, such as coral reefs. Just one small negative effect leads to a complete break in our ecosystems chain. Soon ending with where it started,with humans. large climate change it will effect the spices life majorly. According to the IPCC, they estimate 20-30% of all plant and animals species taking part in climate change studies could go extinct if temperatures reach as projected to occur by the end of this century. Because of warmer waters there has already been coral bleaching in many parts if the world. The combined effects of warmer waters and ocean acidity can cause live corals to become rare in tropical and sub-tropical reefs by 2050. With the lose of coral reefs it will reduce the habitats for many marine species causing disruptions in food webs connecting all living things in the ocean. Climate change doesn't effect just ocean live either. As for forest life, the longer periods of hot weather in the forest add stress upon the trees making them more suitable to wildfires, insect damage, and diseases. The change in climate has already increased the number and size of wild fires, insect damages and in general tree deaths. This has had a huge effect specially in Alaska and the West, compared to the area burned from 1970 to 1986 the burned area in western U.S. has increased almost several times in 1987-2003. Wildfire season in the west has also increased by 78 days in the last 30 years. With all habitat changes, the timing of many natural events are effected. and daylight are huge. These disruptions cause birds to go into early migration and egg laying. Although some animals can successfully adjust to these changes others can't. On the U.S. East Coast warmer springs led to earlier nesting of 28 migratory bird In bird migration factors such as temperature, moisture availability, weather patterns Most plants and animals live in their habitat because of the temperature range, with a

species and Northeastern birds that migrate south return north 13 days earlier in the spring than they did in the early 20th century. Along with early migration food availability is low. With early migrants, arriving to their location they could have arrived before or after their food resources are present. give it back. The smallest things we do and don't think of makes such a huge impact on the earth, affect us in the long run. We as humans, hunt and fish. What are we going to do when the migration of animals changes up even more just because of us not being worried about our surroundings. Everything is inner connected. As humans we demand five times as much energy now as the first man, but we don't

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