Fridge Stories, No. 1, Vol 1 071407

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July 2007 Vol. 1, No.

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Fridge Stories
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Josh’s Eye Surgery Backyard News

Fridge Stories July 2007 Vol. 1, no. 1


3 Josh’s Eye Surgery

6 Backyard News

2 | Fridge Stories
Josh’s Eye Surgery

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kayla and Josh’s grandmother invited Kayla to
stay with her for a couple days while Josh was
having his eye surgery at Sparrow Hospital.
Grandma drove to Kayla and Josh’s house on the
day before, Wednesday, to pick up Kayla but she
brought a few surprises with her: Allyson, Alex,
Mea, and Aunt Susan had come along with her.
Kayla and Josh played with their cousins for the
rest of the afternoon until it was time for every-
body to go.
Soon, everyone who was going back towards
Marlette climbed into Aunt Susan’s vehicle. Kayla’s
mom and dad were sad to see her go but un-
derstood that this would allow them to give Josh
some extra attention before his day of surgery.
They gave her hugs and kisses and waved while
Susan pulled out onto the street and drove away.
The three of them ate dinner, then Josh’s dad
left for a meeting. For dessert Josh had a cookie
sandwich and lots of ice cream. This would be his
last chance to have solid food until after his sur-
gery the next day.
Josh and his parents left for Lansing the next day
at around ten thirty. They arrived at Sparrow Hos-
pital at around eleven o’clock just in time to check
in. First they parked and then they crossed a sky-
walk into the hospital. Josh thought the skywalk
was really neat and called it a bridge.
On the fourth floor Pediatrics level, Dad filled out
some paperwork while Josh and Mom were given
some funny hospital clothes. Josh had been given
pajamas and Mom changed into hospital scrubs so
that she would be able to accompany him into the
operating room. Then they waited patiently for a
nurse to come see them. Josh was very coopera-
tive. A nurse stopped by to give Josh some medi-
cine which he took without problems. Finally, it
was time for them to go down to the Holding area
outside of Surgery. After Dr. Angell and a couple
of other doctors had seen them Josh was ready to
go into the operating room. Mom went inside with
him to help with the anesthetizing process.
Mom and Dad waited in the Visitor’s Lounge while
Dr. Angell operated on Josh’s eyes. A couple of
hours later they were called into a conference
room with Dr. Angell. Dr. Angell said that the pro- | 3
(left) Alex and Kayla play a game of pool. (right) Alex takes a turn

Doctor Bear
4 | Fridge Stories
Josh and Kayla play their “Littlest Pets” games

cedure had been successful and that they would him cranky but he gradually got better. Grandma
be seeing Josh really soon. Mom and Dad were dropped Kayla off around lunch time. She had lots
then called back to see Josh who was just waking of stories to tell about her experiences at Grand-
up after his surgery. They followed a nurse back to ma’s house.
the Pediatrics floor and waited while Josh slept for
a little bit longer. Soon, it was time to wake him. Saturday was a quiet day while the kids hung out
around the house. At one point they sat together
When it was time to leave, Mom and Josh changed on the couch playing their littlest pets games.
back into their clothes. Mom carried Josh out of
the hospital and then into their van. Then, it was Josh and his family will return to Lansing for an
time to make the long trip back home. Josh wore appointment with Dr. Angell on Monday.
his new Thomas the Tank Engine sunglasses and
slept for most of the way. After they got home,
Josh was really hungry but didn’t want to eat his
Arby’s sandwich.
On the following day Josh’s sore eyes were making | 5
Backyard News
Earlier this summer we had to clean out the kids’
sandbox because it had become infested with ear
wigs and other bugs. There wasn’t enough sand in
the box to fill it more than half way anyway, and it
seemed like it was time to give the grass that had
been underneath it a chance to get some sunlight.
We’ve had the sandbox since before we lived at
our current house, so it is about four years old.
Back when we still lived on Tara Court the sand-
box took up permanent residence on the very tiny
patch of grass in front of our living window.
The sandbox stayed very popular with the kids,
and now that we have a backyard it is even easier
for the kids to play in it. The sandbox has also at-
tracted a large number of other kids since the first
day Josh and Kayla played with it. For a while, all
of the kids were little so we could fit four or five
of them inside, but as our kids have grown their
friends have gotten bigger too so it seems a lot
smaller now.
Nathan, Kristina, Whisper, and Forrest were some
of the neighborhood kids who played in the sand-
box. In our current house Noah, Athena, and
Timothy Holliday are most likely to be seen play-
ing in the sandbox with Josh or Kayla. Kristina and
Nathan still visit but the kids haven’t seen their old
neighborhood friends Whisper or Forrest since the
Fall that we moved.
But we discovered that we had a new problem. The
sandbox had been covering up a shallow hole in
our backyard, and once it was gone the hole was
going to be exposed. So, Theresa suggested that
we fill the hole in with some potting soil and plant
some flowers. So, we picked out some flowers to
plant at Wal-Mart and started our own little flower
I’m pretty sure that we haven’t seen the last of the
sandbox, but now it’ll have to find a new home in
our backyard.

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Fridge Stories
P.O. Box 532
Shepherd, MI 48883

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