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AHKAM-I-ALAMGIRI (Anecdotes of Aurangzib) Aurangzib Title Page Introduction War of Succession Aurangzibs Reign in Northern India Aurangzibs Reign

in the Deccan The Last Phase Aurangzibs haracter Anecdotes of Aurangzib Abbre!iations Anecdotes of Aurangzib Section I" About #i$self % &' (oung Aurangzib fights )ith an ele*hant' % +' Aurangzibs earl, -ealous, of Dara' % .' (oung Aurangzibs courtes, to Nobles' % /' Shah 0ahans esti$ate of his sons' % 1' Lo!e2affair )ith 3ainabadi' % 4' Aurangzibs *recautions in beginning the War of Succession' % 5' 6attle of 7ha-)a' % 8' Aurangzibs last )ill and testa$ent' Section II" About #is Sons and 9randsons A'6ahadur Shah (:uazza$) % ;' Arrest of Prince :uazza$' % &< Wise ounsels for 7ings' % &&' Ad!ice to his #eir' 9loo$, Pro*hec,' % &+' Infringe$ent of Ro,al Prerogati!e' % &.' Infringe$ent of Ro,al Prerogati!e' % &/' Ro,al Prerogati!e infringed' % &1' Ro,al Prerogati!e Infringed' % &4' Sus*icious )atching of his sons' 6'Aza$ Shah % &5' The a*itulation of Parli'

% &8' Strict 0ustice bet)een a Prince and a o$$oner % &;' 6e not too bold' % +<' Prince Aza$ *unished for =uarrelling )ith the Su*erintendent of his hare$' % +&' :aintain *eace on the high)a,s' % ++' >nintentional conte$*t of ? ourt@ *unished' % +.' The A$*erors re*artee' % +/' Aurangzib Bee*s his sons at a distance' '7a$ 6aBhsh % +1' 7a$ 6aBhsh *laced under arrest' D'6idar 6aBht (son of Aza$ Shah) % +4' 6idar 6aBht *unished for neglect of dut,' % +5' Cuarrel bet)een 6idar 6aBht and his )ife' Section III: About His Officers % +8' #u$iliation of Nusrat 0ang' % +;' Dbe, orders first' % .<' Presu$*tuousness of a Deccani officer' % .&' Eaithlessness of Deccani officers' % .+' 6e)are of the Sa,,ids of 6arhaF % ..' The Rise of the Niza$s father' % ./' Trials to be held strictl, according to Curanic La) % .1' Preaches $eeBness to Eiruz 0ang' % .4' 7indness to #a$id 7han 6ahadur' % .5' D**ressi!e 9o!ernor rebuBed' % .8' Cualifications of a 9o!ernor' % .;' Abilit, the onl, =ualification for office' % /<' Aurangzib *reaches hu$ilit, to an officer' % /&' Pro!ert, is no hindrance )here there is a )ill' % /+' A silent su**liant' % /.' WorB for ,our )ages' % //' harit, co!ers a $ultitude of sins' % /1' The $,stic nu$ber T)el!e' % /4' 7ings should ne!er rest' % /5' Rigorous $arching e!en in illness' % /8' A *rofligate noble *unished' % /;' Gigilance against foreign in!aders stratage$' % 1<' 6e e!er !igilant against foreign Po)ers' % 1&' Pro$*titude in re*elling foreign in!asion' % 1+' Persians and Indians contrasted'

% 1.' A Subordinate Dfficer *rotected against his Su*erior' % 1/' Aurangzibs -ust dealing )ith his officers' % 11' No $one, for re*airing forts' % 14' No $one, for re*airing forts' % 15' Reliance on 9od in financial difficult,' % 18' :utinous artiller, officers cheated' % 1;' Do not *ro!oBe a satirical *oet' % 4<' A bacBbiter *unished' % 4&' Angr, 9o!ernor *unishes his slanderer' % 4+' Dfficial disci*lineHboth sides *unishedF % 4.' A!er, regulation to be rigidl, obser!ed' % 4/' Dfficial eti=uette enforced' % 41' Ro,al *rerogati!e infringed' % 44' A$bition of an Ab,ssinian ad$iral' % 45' A frag$ent' % 48' 6e not too *roud of ,our good ser!ice' Section IV: Policies Towards Shias and Hindus % 4;' Sunni refuses to $arr, Shias daughter' % 5<' Ruhullah 7hans death and funeral' % 5&' #indu *risoners of )ar eIecuted' % 5+' The 0azi,a to be ineIorabl, le!ied'

ANA DDTAS DE A>RAN93I6 (Anglish translation of A#7A:2I2ALA:9IRI ascribed to #a$id2ud2din 7han 6ahadur) WIT# A Life of Aurangzib and #istorical Notes 6, 0AD>NAT# SAR7ARJ :'A'J Indian Aducational Ser!ice' SECOND EDITION REVISED :' ' SAR7AR K Sons AL >TTA &;+1

6ibliogra*hical Note'HThe Anglish translation of these anecdotes )as first *rinted b, $e in &;&+ and issued bound u* )ith the short life of Aurangzib and ten essa,s as Anecdotes of Aurangzib and #istorical Assa,s' The sa$e i$*ression of the translation and life )as also issued bound u* )ith the Persian teIt as AhBa$2i2Ala$giriJ in &;&1' In the second edition the Persian teItJ translationJ and essa,s ha!e been co$*letel, se*aratedJ )ith the res*ecti!e titles of AhBa$2i2Ala$giri (&;+1)J Anecdotes of Aurangzib (&;+1)J and Studies in :ughal India (&;&;)J the life of Aurangzib alone being co$$on to the second and third of these )orBsJ and t)el!e ne) essa,s added to the last' The Persian teIt and translation ha!e been $inutel, re!ised and corrected and $uch ne) infor$ation added in the notesJ in *re*aring the second editionJ )hile the short life of Aurangzib in its *resent for$ has been i$*ro!ed b, incor*oration of facts fro$ $, longer #istor, of Aurangzib in fi!e !olu$es no) co$*leted (in &;+/)' In the first edition of the Persian AhBa$ $an, $is*rints occurred through the negligence of the *ress' These ha!e been no) re$o!edJ and in se!eral cases also a different reading of the :S' has been acce*ted b, $e as the result of reconsideration and thirteen ,ears further stud,' 0' SAR7ARJ 0ul,J &;+1' Printed b, Abinash handra SarBarJ Prabasi PressJ ;&J >**er ircular Road' Published b, S' ' SarBar of :' alcutta' ' SarBar K SonsJ ;<L+ #arrison RoadJ

LIEA DE A>RAN93I6 AARL( LIEA :>#I2>D2DIN :uha$$ad AurangzibJ the third son of the A$*eror Shah 0ahan and his fa$ous consort :u$taz :ahalJ )as born on +/th DctoberJ &4&8J at DohadJ no) a to)n in the Panch :ahal talu= of the 6o$ba, Presidenc, and a station on the 9odra2Rutla$ rail)a, line' The $ost notable incident of his bo,hood )as his dis*la, of cool courage )hen charged b, an infuriated ele*hant during an ele*hant co$bat under his fathers e,es on the banB of the 0a$una outside Agra EortJ (+8 :a,J &4..)' The !ictorious beast after *utting its ri!al to flightJ turned fiercel, on AurangzibJ )ho fir$l, Be*t his horse fro$ running a)a, and strucB the ele*hant on the forehead )ith his s*ear' A s)ee* of the brutes tusB hurled the horse on the groundM but

Aurangzib lea*ed do)n fro$ the saddle in ti$e and again faced the ele*hant' 0ust then aid arri!edJ the ani$al ran a)a,J and the *rince )as sa!ed' The A$*eror re)arded the heroic lad )ith his )eight in gold' Dn &.th Dece$berJ &4./J AurangzibJ then &4 ,ears of ageJ recei!ed his first a**oint$ent in the i$*erial ar$, as a co$$ander of ten thousand ca!alr, (no$inal ranB)J and neIt Se*te$ber he )as sent out to learn the art of )ar in the ca$*aign against 0hu-har Singh and his son GiBra$a-itJ the 6undela chiefs of >rchhaJ )ho )ere finall, eItir*ated at the end of the ,ear' Ero$ &/th 0ul,J &4.4 to +8th :a,J &4// Aurangzib ser!ed as !icero, of the DeccanJH*a,ing se!eral !isits to Northern India during the *eriod to see the A$*eror' This his first go!ernorshi* of the DeccanJ )as $arBed b, the con=uest of 6aglana and the final eItinction of the Niza$2Shahi d,nast, of Ah$adnagar' #e )as $arriedJ first to Dilras 6anuJ the daughter of Shah Na)az 7han Safa)iJ (8th :a,J &4.5)J and at so$e later but unBno)n date to Na)ab 6aiJ and began to ha!e children b, the$J his eldest offs*ring being 3eb2un2nisaJ the gifted *oetessJ (born &1th Eebruar,J &4.8)' In :a,J &4// the *rince ga!e u* his duties and tooB to a life of retire$entJ as a *rotest against Dara ShuBohs -ealous interference )ith his )orB and Shah 0ahans *artialit, to his eldest son' At this the A$*eror )as highl, dis*leasedJ and at once de*ri!ed hi$ of his go!ernorshi*J estatesJ and allo)ances' Eor so$e $onths the *rince li!ed at Agra in disgrace' 6ut on +1th No!e$berJ )hen 0ahanaraJ the eldest and best belo!ed daughter of Shah 0ahanJ reco!ered fro$ a terrible burnJ her -o,ful father could refuse her nothingJ and at her entreat, Aurangzib )as restored to his ranB' Dn &4th Eebruar,J &4/1J the !icero,alt, of 9u-rat )as gi!en to hi$M his !igorous rule su**ressed la)2 lessness in the *ro!ince and )on re)ards fro$ the A$*eror' Ero$ 9u-rat Aurangzib )as recalled t)o ,ears later and sent to entral Asia to reco!er 6alBh and 6adaBhshanJ the cradle of the ro,al house of Ti$ur Lea!ing 7abul on 5th A*rilJ &4/5J he reached the cit, of 6alBh on +1th :a,J and battled long and arduousl, )ith the fierce ene$,' The bra!est Ra-*uts shed their blood in the Gan of the :ughal ar$, in that far off soilM i$$ense =uantities of storesJ *ro!isions and treasure )ere )astedM but the Indian ar$, $erel, held the ground on )hich it enca$*ed" the hordes of entral AsiaJ ?$ore nu$erous than ants and locustsJ@ and all of the$ born horse$enJH s)ar$ed on all sides and could not be crushed once for all' The barren and distant con=uest could ha!e been retained onl, at a ruinous cost' SoJ a truce )as *atched u*" Nazar :uha$$ad 7hanJ the eI2Bing of 6alBhJ )as sought out )ith as $uch eagerness as Sir Le*el 9riffin dis*la,ed in getting hold of the late A$ir Abdur Rah$anJ and coaIed into taBing bacB his throneJ and the Indian ar$, beat a hurried retreat to a!oid the dreaded )inter of that region' :an, Brores of Ru*ees of Indian re!enue )ere thus )asted for absolutel, no gainM the abandoned stores alone had cost se!eral laBhsJ and $uch *ro*ert, too had to be sacrificed b, the rearguard for lacB of trans*ort'

During this ca$*aign Aurangzib did an act )hich $ade his fa$e ring throughout the Isla$ic )orld' While the :ughal ar$, )as fighting des*eratel, )ith the !ast legions of Abdul Aziz 7hanJ Bing of 6uBharaJ the ti$e for the e!ening *ra,er (zuhar) arri!ed' Disregarding the *rohibitions of his officersJ Aurangzib dis$ounted fro$ his ele*hantJ Bnelt do)n on the groundJ and deliberatel, and *eacefull, )ent through all the cere$onies of the *ra,erJ in full !ie) of both the ar$ies' Abdul Aziz on hearing of it cried outJ NTo fight )ith such a $an is to court ones o)n ruin and sus*ended the battle' Ero$ 6alBhJ Aurangzib returned to 7abul on +5th DctoberJ &4/5J and )as after)ards a**ointed !icero, of :ultan (&1th :archJ &4/8)' This *ost he held till 0ul,J &41+J being t)ice in the $eanti$e called a)a, fro$ his charge to besiege Candahar (&4th :a,H1th Se*te$berJ &4/;J and +nd :a,H;th 0ul,J &41+)' This fort had been )rested fro$ Shah 0ahan b, the Persians and these t)o huge and costl, sieges and a third and still greater one under Dara (+8th A*rilH+5th Se*te$berJ &41.) failed to reco!er it' With his second !icero,alt, of the Deccan (for )hich a**oint$ent he set out on &5th AugustJ &41+)J began the $ost i$*ortant cha*ter of Aurangzibs earl, life' What 9aul )as to 0ulius Osar as a training ground for the co$ing contest for e$*ireJ the Deccan )as to Aurangzib' :an, hundreds of his lettersJ *reser!ed in the Adab2i2Ala$giriJ gi!e us $uch interesting infor$ation about his life and )orB during the neIt siI ,earsJHho) he o!erca$e his recurring financial difficultiesJ ho) he gathered a *icBed band of officers round hi$selfJ ho) abl, and strenuousl, he ruled the countr,J $aintaining order and securing the ha**iness of the *eo*le' 6, constant ins*ection and eIercise he Be*t his ar$, in good condition' #e $ust ha!e been often out on tourJ as he ad$its in one of his letters that he )as a hard rider and Been s*orts$an in those da,s' Thus the ,ear &418 found hi$ be,ond doubt the ablest and best e=ui**ed of the sons of Shah 0ahan in the ensuing War of Succession' At this *eriodJ tooJ occurred the onl, ro$ance of his lifeJ his *assion for #ira 6aiJ (surna$ed 3ainabadi)J )ho$ he *rocured fro$ the hare$ of his $aternal uncle' It )as a case of lo!e at first sight and Aurangzibs infatuation for the beautiful singer Bne) no bound" to *lease her he consented to drinB )ineF Their union )as cut short b, her death in the bloo$ of ,outhJ )hich *lunged her lo!er in the dee*est grief' After a long intrigue he seduced fro$ the Bing of 9olBonda his )azir :ir 0u$laJ one of the ablest Persians )ho ha!e e!er ser!ed in India' At Aurangzibs reco$$endation Shah 0ahan enrolled :ir 0u$la a$ong his officers and thre) the $antle of i$*erial *rotection o!er hi$' To force the 9olBonda Bing to gi!e u* :ir 0u$las fa$il, and *ro*ert,J Aurangzib $ade a raid on #aidarabad (+/th 0anuar,J &414)M the Bing fled to 9olBonda )here he )as forced to $aBe a hu$iliating *eace )ith i$$ense sacrifices' :ir 0u$la -oined Aurangzib (+<th :arch)J )as su$$oned to Delhi and created )azir (5th

0ul,)J and then on &8th 0anuar,J &415J returned to the Deccan to reinforce Aurangzib' A ,ear after this un*ro!oBed attacB on 9olBondaJ on the death of :uha$$ad Adil ShahJ Bing of 6i-a*urJ Aurangzib )ith his fathers sanction in!aded the latter countr,J (0anuar,J &415)J ca*tured the forts of 6idar and 7aliani (+;th :arch and &st August res*ecti!el,)J and )as looBing for)ard to anneIing a good deal of the territor,J )hen the )hole scene changed in the $ost uneI*ected and sudden $anner' The A$*eror Shah 0ahan had no) reached his 44th ,earJ and )as e!identl, declining in health' #is eldest son and intended heir2a**arentJ Dara ShuBohJ )ho li!ed )ith hi$ and conducted $uch of the ad$inistrationJ induced hi$ to recall the additional troo*s sent to Aurangzib for the 6i-a*ur )arJ on the !er, reasonable ground that the 6i-a*ur Bing had thro)n hi$self on the A$*erors $erc, and offered a large inde$nit, and *iece of territor, as the *rice of *eace' 6ut this *ere$*tor, order to Aurangzib to co$e to ter$s )ith 6i-a*ur ga!e hi$ a shar* checB )hen flushed )ith !ictor, and cut short his sche$es of aggression' 6esidesJ the de*letion of his ar$, left hi$ too )eaB to hold the 6i-a*uris to their *ro$isesJ and thus the fruits of his !ictor, )ere lost'



Dn 4th Se*te$berJ Shah 0ahan )as taBen se!erel, ill at Delhi' Eor so$e ti$e his life )as des*aired of' Dara attended hi$ da, and night )ith eItre$e filial *iet,J but he also tooB ste*s to secure his o)n succession' #e sto**ed the couriers on the roads and *re!ented his brothers fro$ getting true ne)s of ourt affairs' 6ut this onl, aggra!ated the e!il" the )ildest ru$ours *re!ailed all o!er the countr,M the A$*eror )as belie!ed to be alread, deadM the officers in the *ro!inces )ere distracted b, the *ros*ect of an e$*t, throneM la)less $en in all *arts raised their heads )ithout fear of *unish$ent' T)o of the *rincesJ :urad and Shu-aJ o*enl, cro)ned the$sel!es in their go!ern2 $entsJ 9u-rat and 6engal res*ecti!el,' Aurangzib after a short *eriod of gna)ing anIiet, and de*ressing uncertaint,J decided to *la, a subtler ga$e' #e denounced Dara as an a*ostate fro$ Isla$J *roclai$ed his o)n design to be $erel, to free the old A$*eror fro$ Daras do$ination and to *urge the State fro$ non2Isla$ic influencesJ and lastl, he $ade an alliance )ith :urad 6aBhsh s)earing on the Curan to gi!e hi$ all the :ughal territor, fro$ the Pan-ab )est)ards' :ean)hile Dara had des*ached t)o ar$iesJ one under his son Sulai$an ShuBoh and :irza Ra-ah 0ai Singh against Shu-a )ho )as ad!ancing fro$ 6engalJ and the other under :ahara-ah 0as)ant Singh and Casi$ 7han against Aurangzib and :urad' The first ar$, sur*rised and routed Shu-a at 6ahadur*urJ o**osite 6enaresJ (&/ Eebruar,J &418)J and *ursued hi$ to

:ungir' 6ut Aurangzib and :urad effected a -unction outside Di*al*ur and crushed 0as)ants ar$, after a long and terribl, contested battle at Dhar$atJ &/ $iles south of >--ain (&1th A*ril)' Dara sent off urgent orders recalling his son fro$ 6ihar' 6ut his di!ision of his forces had been a fatal $istaBe" Sulai$an returned fro$ far off 6ihar too late to hel* his father or e!en to sa!e hi$self' Aurangzib had the i$$ense ad!antage of crushing his ene$ies *iece$ealJ )hile his o)n ar$ed strength )as doubled b, the league )ith :urad' Ero$ >--ain the !ictorious brothers *ushed on to the ca*ital' At Sa$ugarhJ &< $iles east of AgraJ Dara )ho had issued fro$ the cit, )ith a second ar$,J attacBed the$ on a frightfull, hot da, (+;th :a,)J )as signall, defeatedJ and fled fro$ Agra to)ards Delhi and the Pan-ab' Aurangzib no) $arched on AgraJ co$*elled his old father to surrender the fort b, sto**ing the su**l, of drinBing )ater fro$ the 0a$unaJ and Be*t Shah 0ahan strictl, confined in the hare$ for the re$ainder of his life' ThenJ at :athura he treacherousl, $ade :urad *risoner at a ban=uet (+1th 0une)J and ad!ancing to Delhi cro)ned hi$self A$*eror (+&st 0ul,J &418)' Dara )as chased through the Pan-ab and Sindh to TattaJ )hence he fled to 9u-rat o!er the Rann of utchJ undergoing terrible hardshi*s on the )a,' A second ar$, )hich he raised )as destro,ed near A-$ir (&/th :archJ &41;)J and he )as hunted b, Aurangzibs generals fro$ *lace to *laceJ till he reached DadarJ at the Indian $outh of the 6olan PassJ )hose chief betra,ed hi$ to Aurangzib' The ca*ti!e Dara )as brought to DelhiJ *araded )ith insult through the bazarJ and $urdered b, so$e sla!es of AurangzibJ (.<th AugustJ &41;)J )ho had got the :ullas to issue a sentence that according to Isla$ic La) Dara deser!ed an a*ostates death' :urad 6aBhsh )as beheaded in 9)alior *rison as a -udicial *unish$entJ on the accusation of a $an )hose father he had slain in 9u-ratJ (/th Dece$berJ &44&)' Daras eldest sonJ Sulai$ an ShuBohJ )as secretl, done to death in the sa$e State2*rison (:a,J &44+') :eanti$e Sh u-a had gathered together a ne) ar$, and ad!anced be,ond Allahabad to $aBe a second atte$*t for the throne' 6ut he )as signall, defeated at 7ha-)a (1th 0anuar, &41;)J and dri!en bacB to 6engalJ )hence after a t)o ,ears struggle on land and ri!er he )as forced to flee $iserabl, to Arracan for refuge (&+th :a,J &44<)' #ere he )as $assacred )ith his )hole fa$il, for a *lot against the 6ur$ese Bing on )hose hos*italit, he )as li!ing' Thus all his ri!als being re$o!ed fro$ his *athJ Aurangzib beca$e the undis*uted so!ereign of India'


The ne) $onarch no) en-o,ed a long *eriod of co$*arati!e *eace" he recei!ed grand e$bassies fro$ Persia (++nd :a,J &44&)J 6uBhara (&;th No!e$berJ &44&)J :eccaJ Ab,ssinia (&441)J and ArabiaJ sent to congratulate hi$ on his accessionM and the en!o,s )ere treated to a sight of the la!ish s*lendour of the :ughal ourtJHa s*lendour )hich dazzled the e,es of 6ernierJ Ta!ernier and other Auro*ean tra!ellers of the ti$e' #e had a shar* attacB of illness (&+th :a,H+/th 0uneJ &44+)J )hich threatened to shaBe his ne)l, established throneM but he reco!ered and *aid a !isit to 7ash$ir (&st :a,H+;th Se*te$berJ &44.)' Though *eace reigned in the heart of the e$*ireJ there )as )ar on the frontiers" a$bitious and enter*rising officers tried to eItend their $asters do$inionM Daud 7hanJ the go!ernor of 6iharJ con=uered Pala$au (A*rilH Dece$berJ &44&)' :ir 0u$laJ the go!ernor of 6engalJ o!erran 7uch 6ihar and Assa$J ca*turing their ca*itals on &;th Dece$berJ &44& and &5th :archJ &44+M but fa$ine and *estilence destro,ed his ar$,J and he sanB do)n under disease before reaching Dacca on return (.&st :archJ &44.)' Shaista 7hanJ the neIt go!ernor of 6engalJ )rested hatgaon ( hittagong) fro$ the Portuguese and 6ur$ese *irates (+4th 0anuar,J &444)J and also ca*tured the island of Sondi* in the 6a, of 6engal' An eI*edition fro$ 7ash$ir forced the ruler of 9reater Tibet to be a feudator, of the A$*eror and to ?sub$it to Isla$@ (No!e$berJ &441)' To cro)n allJ the able and astute general 0ai Singh ta$ed Shi!a-iJ the daring and hitherto in!incible :aratha chiefJ anneIed t)o2 thirds of his fortsJ (Treat, of PurandharJ &&th 0une &441)J and induced hi$ to do ho$age to the A$*eror b, a !isit to Agra (&+th :a,J &444)' Aurangzibs lacB of states$anshi* in dealing )ith Shi!a-i and the latters ro$antic esca*e fro$ *rison (&;th August) are a fa$iliar tale all o!er India' TrueJ the :ughal ar$s did not gain an, cons*icuous success in 0ai Singhs in!asion of 6i-a*ur (first half of &444)J but these eI*editions )ere of the nature of raids for eItortionJ and not deliberate sche$es of con=uest' A $ore for$idable but distant trouble )as the re!olt of the (usufzai clan and their allies on the Afghan frontierJ (begun in &445)' The )ar against these sturd, hill$en dragged on for $an, ,earsM successi!e :ughal generals tried their hands and buried their $ilitar, re*utation thereJ and at last *eace )as *urchased onl, b, *a,ing a large annual subsid, fro$ the Indian re!enue to these ?Bee*ers of 7haibar gate'@ A state of )ar also continued against the 6i-a*ur Bing and Shi!a-i for $an, ,earsM but the :ughal generals )ere bribed b, the for$er to carr, on the contest languidl,J and the latter )as $ore than able to hold his o)n' These o*erations *resent us )ith nothing )orth, of note' The :uha$$adan Bings of the DeccanJ in fear of the :ughalsJ courted the alliance of Shi!a-iJ )ho ra*idl, gre) in )ealthJ territor,J ar$ed strengthJ and *restigeJ and had $ade hi$self the fore$ost *o)er in the Deccan )hen death cut his acti!it, short at the age of 1+J (1th A*rilJ &48<)'

:eanti$e Aurangzib had begun to gi!e free *la, to his religious bigotr,' In A*rilJ &44; he ordered the *ro!incial go!ernors to ?destro, all the te$*les and schools of the infidels and to utterl, *ut do)n their teachings and religious *ractices'@ The )andering #indu saint >ddha! 6airagi )as confined in the *olice locB2u*' The Gish)anath te$*le at 6enares )as *ulled do)n in August &44;' The grandest shrine of :athuraJ 7esa! Rais te$*leJ built at a cost of .. laBhs of Ru*ees b, the 6undela Ra-ah 6irsingh De!J )as razed to the ground in 0anuar,J &45<J and a $os=ue built on its site' ?The idols of this te$*le )ere brought to Agra and buried under the ste*s of 0ahanaras $os=ue that the, $ight be constantl, trodden on@ b, the :usli$s going in to *ra,' About this ti$e the te$*le of So$nath on the south coast of the 7athia)ar *eninsula )as de$olishedJ and the offering of )orshi* there ordered to be sto**ed' The s$aller religious buildings that suffered ha!oc )ere be,ond count' The Ra-*ut War of &45;28< )as acco$*anied b, the destruction of +/< te$*les in :e)ar aloneJ including the fa$ous one of So$esh)ar and three grand ones at >dai*ur' In the lo,al State of 0ai*ur 45 te$*les )ere de$olished' Dn +nd A*rilJ &45;J the -azia or *oll2taI on non2 :usli$s )as re!i!ed' The *oor *eo*le )ho a**ealed to the A$*eror and blocBed a road ab-ectl, cr,ing for its re$issionJ )ere tra$*led do)n b, ele*hants at his order and dis*ersed' 6, another ordinance (:archJ &4;1)J ?all #indus eIce*t Ra-*uts )ere forbidden to carr, ar$s or ride ele*hantsJ *alBisJ or Arab and Persian horses'@ ?With one stroBe of his *en he dis$issed all the #indu clerBs fro$ office'@ usto$ duties )ere abolished on the :usli$s and doubled on the #indus' The discontent *ro!oBed b, such $easures )as an o$inous sign of )hat their ulti$ate *olitical conse=uence )ould beJ though Aurangzib )as too blind and obstinate to thinB of the future' A rebellion broBe out a$ong the *easantr, in the :athura and Agra districtsJ es*eciall, under 9oBla 0at (&44;)J and the Satna$is or :undias rose near Narnol (:a,J &45+)J and it taIed the i$*erial *o)er seriousl, to eIter$inate these 1<<< stubborn *easants fighting for church and ho$e' The SiBh 9uru Tegh 6ahadur )as tortured in *rison till he courted death as a release (&451)J but his follo)ers thereafter ga!e no rest to the Pan-ab officers' At last Aurangzib thre) off all disguise and o*enl, attacBed the Ra-*uts' :ahara-ah 0as)ant Singh of 0odh*ur died in the A$*erors ser!ice at 0a$rud (&<th Dece$berJ &458)' I$$ediatel, Aurangzib sent out officers to taBe *ossession of his Bingdo$ and hi$self $arched to A-$ir to o!era)e o**osition' T)o )i!es of the :ahara-ah deli!ered t)o sons after reaching Lahor in the follo)ing Eebruar,' Aurangzib sold the 0odh*ur throne (:a,J &45;) for .4 laBhs of Ru*ees to a )orthless grand2ne*he) of 0as)ant and ordered the late :ahara-ahs )ido)s and ne)2born babes to be seized and detained in his ourt till the latter should co$e of age' 6ut thanBs to the de!otion of their Rathor guardsJ $ost of )ho$ died liBe heroesJ and the sagacit, and lo,alt, of DurgadasJ (one of the noblest characters in Ra-*ut

histor,)J A-it SinghJ the sur!i!ing infant of 0as)ant and the future ho*e of the Rathor clanJ )as safel, con!e,ed to :ar)ar (+.rd 0ul,J &45;)' 6ut Aurangzib )as u* to an, tricB" he *roclai$ed A-it Singh to be a counterfeit *rinceJ and for $an, ,ears cherished a beggar bo, in his ourt under the significant na$e of :uha$$adi Ra-J as the true son of 0as)antF All Ra-*utana (eIce*t e!er2lo,al 0ai*ur) burst into fla$e at this outrage on the head of the Rathor clan' The :aharanaJ Ra- SinghJ chi!alrousl, tooB u* the defence of the or*hans rights' The )ar dragged on )ith !ar,ing fortuneM the countr, )as de!astated )here!er the :ughals could *enetrateM the :aharana tooB refuge in his $ountain fastnesses' At last Prince ABbarJ the fourth son of AurangzibJ rebelled (0anuar,J &48&)J -oined the Ra-*utsJ and assu$ed the ro,al title' Eor a fe) da,s Aurangzib )as in a $ost critical *ositionJ but his )onderful cunning sa!ed hi$" b, a false letter he so)ed distrust of ABbar in the $inds of the Ra-*utsJ the *rinces ar$, $elted a)a,J and he fledJ lea!ing all his fa$il, and *ro*ert, behind and reaching the :aratha ourt after a *erilous -ourne, under the guidance of the faithful Durgadas (:a,J &48&)' The A$*eror *atched u* a *eace )ith the :aharana (0uneJ &48&)J both sides $aBing concessions' 6ut henceforth the Ra-*uts ceased to be su**orters of the :ughal throneM )e no longer read of large Ra-*ut contingents fighting under the i$*erial bannerM he had to de*end $ore on the 6undelas' The Rathors continued the )ar till the close of Aurangzibs life' #ere ends the first and stable half of Aurangzibs reignHthe *eriod *assed in Northern India'



We neIt enter on a scene of unceasing but fruitless eIertion for +4 ,earsJ the )ar )ith the ?sli$@ :arathasJ )hich ruined the A$*erors healthJ the $orale of his ar$,J and the finances of the StateJHa )ar of )hich all sa) the futilit, and all )ere heartil, tiredJ all sa!e AurangzibJ )ho *ursued one *olic, )ith increasing obstinac,J till at last the old $an of ;< sanB into the gra!e a$idst des*air darBnessJ and chaos read, to o!er)hel$ his fa$il, and e$*ire' Shi!a-is eldest son Sha$bhu )as a $ore daring raider than his father and deterred b, no fear of conse=uences' With ABbar as his *ensionerJ )hat $ight he not do against the :ughal cro)nP :oreo!erJ all of Aurangzibs generals and e!en his sons sent against the Bingdo$s of the Deccan had failed of con=uestJ and )ere rightl, sus*ected of corru*tion' So there )as nothing left for Aurangzib but to conduct the )ar in *erson' With this ob-ect he left A-$ir for the Deccan (8th Se*te$berJ &48&)J ne!er again to return to Northern India ali!e or dead' The ca*ital Aurangabad )as reached on ++nd :archJ &48+' ThenceJ on &.th No!e$berJ &48.J he arri!ed at Ah$adnagarJ a to)n to )hich he )as destined to return +. ,ears after)ards onl, to die' T)o

of his sons and so$e nobles )ere des*atched against the 6i-a*uris and the :arathasJ but the, effected nothing decisi!eJ though a large nu$ber of Sha$bhus forts )ere ca*tured' A large force )hich *enetrated through the Ra$2ghat *ass into Southern 7onBan under Prince :uazza$J returned )ith failure and hea!, loss (Se*te$berJ &48.H:a,J &48/)' Eierce as )as Aurangzibs hatred of the #indus (the !ast $a-orit, of his sub-ects)J it )as e=ualled b, his a!ersion for the ShiasJH)ho su**lied hi$ )ith so$e of his best generals and all his ablest ci!il officers' To hi$ the Shia )as a heretic (rafizi)M in one of his letters he =uotes )ith ad$iration the stor, of a Sunni )ho esca*ed to TurBe, after $urdering a Shia at IsfahanJ and dra)s fro$ it the $oralJ ?Whoe!er acts for truth and s*eaBs u* for truthJ is befriended b, the True 9odF@ In another letter he tells us ho) he liBed the na$ing of a dagger as the NShia2sla,er (Rafizi Bush)J and ordered so$e $ore of the sa$e na$e to be $ade for hi$' In his corres*ondence he ne!er $entions the Shias )ithout an abusi!e e*ithet" Ncor*se2eating de$ons (ghul2 i2ba,abani)J N$isbelie!ers (batil $azhaban) are a$ong his fa!ourite *hrases' IndeedJ e!en the highest Shia officers had such a bad ti$e of it in his ourt that the, often *la,ed the h,*ocrite to *lease hi$F Aurangzib thre) the cloaB of Sunni orthodoI, o!er his aggressi!e con=uest of 6i-a*ur and 9olBondaJ of )hich the rulers )ere Shias' The hief Cazi ShaiBh2ul2Isla$ (one of the *urest characters of the age) tried to dissuade the A$*eror fro$ these ?)ars bet)een :usli$s@ as o**osed to Isla$' 6ut Aurangzib gre) dis*leased at the o**ositionM the honest and $anl, Cazi resigned his *ostJ left the ourtJ and for the rest of his life re-ected the A$*erors re*eated solicitations to resu$e his high office' Dn &st A*rilJ &481J the siege of 6i-a*ur )as begun b, Prince Aza$ and 7han2 i20ahan 6ahadur' The A$*eror ad!anced to Shola*ur (+/th :a,) to be near the seat of )ar' A terrible fa$ine desolated the besiegersM but reinforce$ents soon arri!ed )ith *ro!isionsJ though scarcit, of a Bind continued in a chronic state in the :ughal ca$*' The relie!ing ar$ies of 6erads and :arathas )ere beaten bacB and the siege *ressed on' The garrison fought )ith the herois$ of des*air' Aurangzib hi$self arri!ed in the en!irons of the cit, to su*erintend the siege o*erations (.rd 0ul,J &484)' At last on &+th Se*te$berJ SiBandarJ the last of the Adil2Shahi BingsJ surrenderedJ and his Bingdo$ )as anneIed' :eanti$e another force had been sent under Prince :uazza$ or Shah Ala$ (+8th 0uneJ &481) against 9olBonda to *re!ent aid fro$ co$ing fro$ that =uarter to 6i-a*ur' It ca*tured the rich cit, of #aidarabadJ $aBing an i$$ense loot (Dctober)' The BingJ Abul #asanJ a )orthless !olu*tuar, and the eIact counter*art of Wa-id Ali of DudhJ hel*lessl, shut hi$self u* in the Eort of 9olBonda' 6ut his chiefs )ere seduced b, the :ughalsM there )as discontent a$ong his :uha$$adan officers at the *o)er of his 6rah$an $inister :adanna Pant' Aurangzib hi$self arri!ed near 9olBonda on +8th 0anuar,J &485J and began its siege' The besiegers had a hard ti$e of it before that i$*regnable fort" a terrible fa$ine raged in #aidarabadJ but the rains and

s)ollen ri!ers rendered the trans*ort of grain i$*ossibleJ and the $ost ghastl, scenes )ere acted b, the sufferers' At an i$$ense cost the :ughals filled the $oat u* and also erected a huge barrier )all of )ood and cla, co$*letel, surrounding the fort and *re!enting ingress and egress' 6ut $ining and assault failedJ and it )as onl, the treacher, of a 9olBonda officer that o*ened the gate of the fort to the :ughals at $idnight (+&st Se*te$berJ &485)' The Bing )as dragged out and sent to share the ca*ti!it, of his brother of 6i-a*ur' #is Bingdo$ )as anneIed' T)o ,ears laterJ Sha$bhu-iJ the bra!e but dissolute :aratha BingJ )as sur*rised b, an energetic Deccani officer (:u=arrab 7han)J igno$iniousl, *araded through the i$*erial ca$* liBe a )ild beastJ and eIecuted )ith *rolonged and inhu$an tortures (&&th :archJ &48;)' #is ca*ital Raigarh )as ca*tured (&;th Dctober) and his entire fa$il,J ?$othersJ )i!esJ daughtersJ and sons@ $ade *risoner b, the :ughals' #is eldest sonJ ShahuJ )as brought u* at the i$*erial ourt in gilded fetters' All see$ed to ha!e been gained b, Aurangzib no)J but in realit, all )as lost' It )as the beginning of his end' The saddest and $ost ho*eless cha*ter of his life no) o*ened' The :ughal e$*ire had beco$e too large to be ruled b, one $an or fro$ one centre' AurangzibJ liBe the boa constrictorJ had s)allo)ed $ore than he could digest' It )as i$*ossible for hi$ to taBe *ossession of all the *ro!inces of the ne)l, anneIed Bingdo$s and at the sa$e ti$e to su**ress the :arathas' #is ene$ies rose on all sidesJ he could defeat but not crush the$ for e!er' As soon as his ar$, $arched a)a, fro$ a *laceJ the ene$, )ho had been ho!ering round occu*ied it againJ and Aurangzibs )orB )as undoneF La)lessness reigned in $an, *laces of Northern and entral India' The old A$*eror in the far off Deccan lost control o!er his officers in #industanJ and the ad$inistration gre) slacB and corru*tM chiefs and za$indars defied the local authorities and asserted the$sel!esJ filling the countr, )ith tu$ult' In the *ro!ince of Agra in *articularJ there )as chronic disorder' Art and learning deca,ed at the )ithdra)al of i$*erial *atronageJ Hnot a single grand edificeJ finel, )ritten $anuscri*tJ or eI=uisite *icture co$$e$orates Aurangzibs reign' The endless )ar in the Deccan eIhausted his treasur,M the 9o!ern$ent turned banBru*tM the soldiersJ star!ing fro$ arrears of *a,J $utiniedM and during the closing ,ears of his reign the re!enue of 6engalJ regularl, sent b, the faithful and able di)an :urshid Culi 7hanJ )as the sole su**ort of the A$*erors household and ar$,J and its arri!al )as eagerl, looBed for)ard toJ Na*oleon I' used to sa,J ?It )as the S*anish ulcer )hich ruined $e'@ The Deccan ulcer ruined Aurangzib' To resu$e the narrati!eJ i$*erial officers )ere des*atched to all sides to taBe o!er the forts and *ro!inces of the t)o ne)l, anneIed Bingdo$s fro$ their local officersJ $an, of )ho$ had set u* for the$sel!es' The 6eradsJ a )ild 7anarese tribeJ )ho$ ol' :eado)s Ta,lor has described in his fascinating Stor, of :, LifeJ )ere the first to be attacBed' Their countr,J situated bet)een 6i-a*ur and 9olBondaJ )as o!errunJ their ca*ital Sagar ca*tured (+8th No!'J

&485)J and their chief Pid NaiBJ a strongl, built uncouth blacB sa!ageJ brought to the ourt' 6ut the bra!e and hard, clans$en rose under other leaders and the :ughals had to send t)o $ore eI*editions against the$' A desolating e*ide$ic of bubonic *lague broBe out in 6i-a*ur (earl, in No!e$berJ &488)J s*aring neither *rince nor *easant' The i$*erial household *aid toll to Death in the *ersons of Aurangabadi :ahal (a )ife of the A$*eror)J Eazil 7han the SadrJ and the bogus son of 0as)ant Singh' Df hu$bler !icti$s the nu$ber is said to ha!e reached a laBh' After Sha$bhus ca*tureJ his ,ounger brother Ra-a2ra$ $ade a hair2breadth esca*e to the fort of 0in-iJ (9ingee in the S' Arcot district of :adras)J )hich )as besieged b, the :ughal general 3ulfi=ar 7han Nusrat 0ang and Prince 7a$ 6aBhsh (Se*te$*erJ &4;<)J and fell on 5th 0anuar,J &4;8' T)o ,ears after)ards Ra-a2ra$J the last Bing of the :arathasJ died' 6ut the :aratha ca*tainsJ each acting on his o)n accountJ incessantl, raided the :ughal territor, and did the greatest *ossible in-ur, b, their guerilla )arfare' The t)o ablestJ $ost successfulJ and $ost dreaded leaders of this class )ere Dhana Singh 0ada! and Santa 9hor*are (and latterl, Ni$a Sindhia)J )ho dealt hea!, blo)s at so$e i$*ortant :ughal detach$ents' The, see$ed to be ubi=uitous and elusi!e liBe the )ind' The $o!able colu$ns fre=uentl, sent fro$ the i$*erial head2=uarters to ?chastise the robbersJ@ onl, $arched and counter2$archedJ )ithout being able to crush the ene$,' When the :ughal force had gone bacB the scattered :arathasJ liBe )ater *arted b, the oarJ closed again and resu$ed their attacBJ as if nothing had ha**ened to the$'

T#A LAST P#ASA After $o!ing about al$ost e!er, ,ear bet)een 6i-a*ur in the south and the :an-ira ri!er in the northJ Aurangzib (+&st :a,J &4;1) finall, $ade 6rah$a*uriJ on the 6hi$a ri!er east of Pandhar*urJ his 6ase a$*J and na$ed it Isla$*uri' #ere a cit, s*rang u* fro$ his enca$*$entJ and it )as )alled round in ti$e' #ere his fa$il, )as lodged )hen he )ent forth on ca$*aigns' Dn &;th DctoberJ &4;;J after a four ,ears sta, at Isla$*uriJ AurangzibJ no) aged 8& ,earsJ set out to besiege the :aratha forts in *erson' The rest of his life is a re*etition of the sa$e sicBening tale" a hill fort ca*tured b, hi$ after a great loss of ti$e $en and $one,J the fort reco!ered b, the :arathas fro$ the )eaB :ughal garrison after a fe) $onthsJ and the siege begun again b, the A$*eror after a ,ear or t)oF The soldiers and ca$*2follo)ers suffered uns*eaBable hardshi*s in $arching o!er flooded ri!ersJ $udd, roads and broBen hill, tracBsM *orters disa**earedJ trans*ort beasts died of hunger and o!er)orBJ scarcit, of grain )as e!er *resent in the ca$*' #is officers all

)earied of this labour of Sis,*husM but Aurangzib )ould burst into )rath at an, suggestion of return to #industan and taunt the unlucB, counsellor )ith co)ardice and lo!e of easeF The $utual -ealousies of his generalsJ Nusrat 0ang and Eiruz 0angJ Shu-aet 7han and :uha$$ad :urad 7hanJ Tarbi,at 7han and Eathullah 7hanJ s*oiled his affairs as thoroughl, as the Erench cause in the Peninsular War )as ruined b, the -ealousies of Na*oleons $arshals' ThereforeJ the A$*eror $ust conduct e!er, o*eration in *erson or nothing )ould be doneF A bare record of his sieges )ill suffice here" 6ASANT9AR# (siegeJ ++ndH+1th No!'J &4;;)' SATARA (siegeJ 8th Dec'J &4;;H+& A*rilJ &5<<)' PARLI9AR# near Satara (siegeJ .<th A*rilH;th 0une)' #alt at 7ha)as*ur for the rain, season of &5<<J (.<th Aug'H&4 Dec') PAN#ALA (siegeJ ;th :archH+8th :a,J &5<&) also Pa!angarh ca*tured' #alt at 7hatau for the rain, season of &5<&J (+;th :a,H5th No!') a*ture of Wardhangarh (4th 0uneJ &5<&)J NandgirJ handan and Wandan (4th Dct') b, Eathullah 7han' 7#ALNA (siegeJ +4th Dec'J &5<&H/th 0uneJ &5<+)' The rain, season of &5<+ s*ent in a $ost *ainful $arch (&<th 0uneH&. No!') fro$ 7helna to 6ahadur2garh )ith a $onths halt at Gadgaon in August' 7DNDANA (siegeJ +5th Dece$berJ &5<+H8th A*rilJ &5<.)' #alt at Puna for the rain, season of &5<.J (&st :a,H &<th No!e$ber)' RA09AR# (siegeJ +nd Dec' &5<.H&4th Eeb,' &5</)' TDRNA (siegeJ +.rd Eebruar,H&<th :arch)' #alt at 7hed for the rain, season of &5</ (&5th A*ril H+&st Dctober') WA9IN9ARA (siegeJ 8th Eebruar,H+5th A*rilJ &5<1)' #alt at De!a*urJ 8 $iles fro$ WagingeraJ for the rain, season of &5<1J (c' &st :a,H+.rd Dctober)' This )as the last of his siegesJ for here he got a )arning of )hat )as to co$e' At De!a*ur a se!ere illness attacBed hi$J )hich )as aggra!ated b, his insistence on transacting business as usual' The )hole ca$* )as in des*air and confusion" )ho )ould eItricate the$ fro$ that gloo$, $ountainous region if the A$*eror diedP At last Aurangzib ,ielded to their entreat, and *robabl, also to the )arning of a**roaching deathJ and retreated to 6ahadur*ur (4th Dece$ber &5<1)J )hence he reached Ah$adnagar (+<th 0anuar,J &5<4)J to die a ,ear later' The last ,ears of Aurangzibs life )ere ineI*ressibl, sad' Dn its *ublic side there )as the consciousness that his long reign of half a centur, had been a

colossal failure' ?After $e )ill co$e the delugeF@ this $orose foreboding of Louis QG' )as re*eated b, Aurangzib al$ost )ord for )ord (Az $a2st ha$ah fasad2i2ba=i)' #is do$estic lifeJ tooJ )as lo!eless and drear,J and )anting in the benign *eace and ho*efulness )hich thro) a halo round old age' A sense of unutterable loneliness haunted the heart of Aurangzib in his old age' Dne daughterJ 3inat2un2nisaJ alread, an old $aidJ looBed after his householdJ and his ,oungest concubineJ >dai*uriJ bore hi$ co$*an,' 6ut he had at one ti$e or otherJ to i$*rison all his fi!e sons eIce*t oneF 6, his o)n conduct in the War of Succession he had raised a s*ectre )hich relentlessl, *ursued hi$" )hat if his sons should treat hi$ in his )eaB old age as he had treated Shah 0ahanP This fear of Ne$esis e!er haunted his $indJ and he had no *eace )hile his sons )ere )ith hi$F Lastl,J there )as the certaint, of a deluge of blood )hen he )ould close his e,esJ and his three sur!i!ing sonsJ each su**orted b, a *ro!incial ar$, and treasur,J )ould fight for the throne to the bitter end' In t)o $ost *athetic letters )ritten to his sons )hen he felt the sure a**roach of deathJ the old A$*eror s*eaBs of the alar$ and distraction of his soldier,J the *assionate grief of >dai*uriJ and his o)n bitter sense of the futilit, of his lifeJ and then entreats the$ not to cause the slaughter of :usal$ans b, engaging in a ci!il )ar a$ong the$sel!es' A *a*erJ said to ha!e been found under his *illo) after his deathJ contained a *lan for the *eaceful *artition of the e$*ire a$ong his three sons' :eanti$e death )as also bus, at )orB )ithin his fa$il, circle' When 9auhararaJ the last a$ong Aurangzibs brothers and sistersJ diedJ (about :archJ &5<4)J he felt that his o)n turn )ould co$e soon' So$e of his ne*he)sJ daughtersJ and grandsonsJ tooJ )ere snatched a)a, fro$ hi$ in the course of his last ,ear' In the $idst of the darBness closing around hi$ he used to hu$ the *athetic !erses"H 6, the ti$e ,ou ha!e reached ,our 8<th or ;<th ,earJ (ou $ust ha!e $et )ith $an, a hard blo) fro$ the hand of Ti$eM And )hen fro$ that *oint ,ou reach the stage of a hundredJ Death )ill *ut on the for$ of ,our life' And alsoJH In a t)inBleJ in a $inuteJ in a breathJ The condition of the )orld changes' #is last illness o!ertooB hi$ at Ah$adnagarJ earl, in Eebruar, &5<5M then he rallied for 1 or 4 da,sJ sent a)a, his t)o sons fro$ his ca$* to their *ro!incial go!ern$entsJ and )ent through business and dail, *ra,ers regularl,' 6ut that )orn out fra$e of ;& ,ears had been taIed too $uch' A se!ere fe!er set inJ and in the $orning of Erida,J +<th Eebruar,J &5<5J he graduall, sanB do)n eIhausted into the ar$s of deathJ )ith the :usli$ confession of faith on his li*s and his fingers on his rosar,'

The cor*se )as des*atched to 7huldabadJ siI $iles fro$ DaulatabadJ and there buried in the court,ard of the to$b of the saint ShaiBh 3ain2ud2dinJ in a red sandstone se*ulchre built b, Aurangzib in his o)n lifeti$e' The co!ering slabJ ; feet b, 5 feetJ is onl, a fe) inches in heightJ and has a ca!it, in the $iddle )hich is filled )ith earth for *lanting green herbs in' Aurangzibs )ifeJ DILRAS 6AN> 6A9A:J the daughter of Shah Na)az 7han Safa)iJ died on 8th DctoberJ &415J after bearing hi$ 3eb2un2nisaJ Aza$ and ABbar' A secondar, )ife ($ahal) NAWA6 6AIJ the $other of Sultan and :uazza$J does not see$ to ha!e been a fa!ouriteJ as her husband seldo$ sought her societ, after his accession' Df his three concubines (*arastar)J #ira 6ai or 3AINA6ADIJ )ith )ho$ he )as infatuated al$ost to $adnessJ died !er, ,oungM A>RAN9A6ADIJ the $other of :ihr2un2nisa died of the *lague in No!e$ber &488M >DAIP>RIJ the fa!ourite co$*anion of Aurangzibs old age and the $other of his *et son 7a$ 6aBhshJ entered his hare$ after his accession' She is said to ha!e been a ircassian sla!e2girl of DaraJ gained b, Aurangzib a$ong the s*oils of !ictor,' 6ut another account )hich describes her as a 7ash$iri )o$an is $ore liBel, to be trueJ because the :asir2i2Ala$giri calls her 6aiJ a title )hich )as a**lied to #indu )o$en onl,' #er descent fro$ the ro,al house of :e)ar is a fanciful con-ecture of so$e $odern )riters' Aurangzibs eldest sonJ S>LTANJ chafing under the restraints of his fathers officersJ during the )ar of succession in 6engalJ fled to Shu-a and $arried his daughterJ but in a fe) $onths returned to his father' The foolish ,outhJ then onl, +< ,ears oldJ )as Be*t in *rison for the rest of his life' (Died .rd Dece$berJ &454)' #is second sonJ :>A33A:J (also Shah Ala$)J )ho in &5<5 succeeded hi$ on the throne as 6ahadur Shah I'J incensed Aurangzib b, intriguing )ith the besieged Bings of 6i-a*ur and 9olBondaJ and )as *laced in confine$ent (+&st Eebruar,J &485)' After his s*irit had been thoroughl, ta$edJ his ca*ti!it, )as relaIed little b, little (in a rather a$using fashion)J and at lastJ on ;th :a,J &4;1J he )as sent to the Pan-ab as go!ernorJ (after)ards getting Afghanistan also to go!ern)' The third *rinceJ A3A:J ste**ed into the !acant *lace of the heir2a**arent (Shah2i2ali-ah) during :uazza$s disgraceJ and )as $ade $uch of b, his father' 6ut he )as eItre$el, haught,J *rone to angerJ and inca*able of self2 restraint' The fourthJ A76ARJ rebelled against his father in &48&J and fled to Persia )here he died an eIile in No!e$berJ &5</' #is *resence at EarahJ on the 7hurasan frontierJ )as long a $enace to the *eace of India' The ,oungestJ 7A: 6A7#S#J the s*oilt child of his fathers old ageJ )as )orthlessJ self2)illedJ and foolish' Eor his $isconduct during the siege of 0in-i he )as *ut under restraintJ and again confined for his fatuous attach$ent to his foster2brotherJ a )retch )ho had tried to assassinate an eIcellent officer'

The third and fifth brothers fell fighting in the struggle for the throne )hich follo)ed Aurangzibs deathJ (&5<5 and &5<;)'



So li!ed and so died AurangzibJ surna$ed Ala$gir PadishahJ the last of the 9reat :ughals' EorJ in s*ite of his religious intoleranceJ narro)ness of $ind and lacB of generosit, and states$anshi*J he )as great in the *ossession of so$e =ualities )hich $ight ha!e gained for hi$ the highest *lace in an, s*here of life eIce*t the su*re$e one of ruling o!er $en' #e )ould ha!e $ade a successful generalJ $inisterJ theologian or school2$asterJ and an ideal de*art$ental head' 6ut the critical e$inence of a throne on )hich he )as *laced b, a freaB of EortuneJ led to the failure of his life and the blighting of his fa$e' Pure in his do$estic relationsJ si$*le and abste$ious liBe a her$itJ he had a *assion for )orB and a hatred of ease and *leasure )hich re$ind one of 9eorge 9ren!illeJ though )ith 9ren!illes untiring industr, he had also 9ren!illes narro)ness and obstinac,' Auro*ean tra!ellers obser!ed )ith )onder the gre,2headed A$*eror holding o*en ourt e!er, da,J reading e!er, *etition and )riting orders across it )ith his o)n hand' Df the letters dictated b, hi$J those that are Bno)n to eIist in Auro*e and IndiaJ nu$ber about t)o thousand' (I ha!e got co*ies of all of the$ as far as Bno)n to $e)' :an, $ore $ust ha!e *erished' In $atters of official disci*line and ourt eti=uette he )as a $artinet and enforced the strictest obedience to rules and established usages" ?If I suffer a single regulation to be !iolatedJ all of the$ )ill be disregardedJ@ )as his fre=uent re$arB' 6ut this *unctilious obser!ance of the for$ $ust ha!e led to neglect of the s*irit of institutions and la)s' #is *assion for doing e!er,thing hi$self and dictating the $inutest *articulars to far off go!ernors and generalsJ robbed the$ of all self2reliance and *o)er of initiati!eJ and left the$ hesitating and hel*less in the face of an, uneI*ected e$ergenc,' #is sus*icious *olic, crushed the latent abilit, of his sonsJ so that at his death the, )ere no better than children though turned of fift, ,ears of age' AliBe in his *assion for )orBJ distrust of the $en on the s*otJ *reference for inco$*etent but ser!ile agentsJ and religious bigotr,J he rese$bled his conte$*orar, in Auro*eJ Louis QIG' #is coolness and courage )ere fa$ous throughout India" no danger ho)e!er greatJ no e$ergenc, ho)e!er unlooBed forJ could shaBe his heart or cloud the serene light of his intellect' IndeedJ he regarded danger as onl, the legiti$ate risB of greatness' No a$ount of eIertion could fatigue that thin )ir, fra$e' The *ri!ations of a ca$*aign or forced ride had no terror for hi$' Df

di*lo$ac, he )as a *ast $asterJ and could not be beaten in an, Bind of intrigue or secret $ani*ulation' #e )as as $uch a ?$aster of the *en@ as a ?$aster of the s)ord'@ Ero$ the strict *ath of a :usli$ Bings dut, as laid do)n in the Curanic La) nothing could $aBe hi$ de!iate in the least' And he )as also deter$ined not to let others de!iate tooF No fear of $aterial loss or influence of an, fa!ouriteJ no tears or su**lication could induce hi$ to act contrar, to the Sharia ( anon La))' Elatterers st,led hi$ ?a li!ing saintJ@ (Ala$gir zinda *ir)' IndeedJ fro$ a !er, earl, *eriod of his life he had chosen ?the strait gate and narro) )a, )hich leadeth unto life@M but the defects of his heart $ade the gate straiter and the )a, narro)er' #e lacBed that )ar$ generosit, of the heartJ that chi!alr, to fallen foesJ and that eas, fa$iliarit, of address in *ri!ate lifeJ )hich $ade the great ABbar )in the lo!e and ad$iration of his conte$*oraries and of all *osterit,' LiBe the Anglish PuritansJ Aurangzib dre) his ins*iration fro$ the old la) of relentless *unish$ent and !engeance and forgot that $erc, is an attribute of the Su*re$e 0udge of the >ni!erse' #is cold intellectualit,J his sus*icious natureJ and his fa$e for *rofound statecraftJ chilled the lo!e of all )ho ca$e near hi$' SonsJ daughtersJ generalsJ and $inistersJ all feared hi$ )ith a secret but dee*2rooted fearJ )hich neither res*ect nor flatter, could disguise' ArtJ $usicJ danceJ and e!en *oetr, (other than ?fa$iliar =uotations@) )ere his a!ersionJ and he s*ent his leisure hours in hunting for legal *recedents in Arabic )orBs on 0uris*rudence' Scru*ulousl, follo)ing the rules of the Curan in his o)n *ri!ate lifeJ he considered it his dut, to enforce the$ on e!er,bod, elseM the least de!iation fro$ the strict and narro) *ath of Isla$ic orthodoI, in an, *art of his do$inionsJ )ould (he feared) endanger his o)n soul' #is s*irit )as therefore the narro) and selfish s*irit of the lonel, recluseJ )ho seeBs his indi!idual sal!ationJ obli!ious of the outside )orld' A $an *ossessed )ith such ideas $a, ha!e $ade a good fa=irJHthough Aurangzib lacBed the fa=irs noblest =ualit,J charit,MHbut he )as the )orst ruler i$aginable of an e$*ire co$*osed of $an, creeds and racesJ of di!erse interests and )a,s of life and thought' ?The nature of $an is intricateM the ob-ects of societ, are of the greatest *ossible co$*leIit," and therefore no si$*le dis*osition or direction of *o)er can be suitable either to $ans natureJ or to the =ualit, of his affairsRPolitical reason is a co$*uting *rinci*leM addingJ subtractingJ $ulti*l,ingJ and di!iding true $oral deno$inationsRThe true la)gi!er ought to ha!e an heart full of sensibilit,' #e ought to lo!e and res*ect his BindJ and to fear hi$self' Political arrange$ent is to be onl, )rought b, social $eans' Their $ind $ust cons*ire )ith $ind'@ (6urBe)'

Aurangzib utterl, lacBed s,$*ath,J i$aginationJ breadth of !isionJ elasticit, in the choice of $eansJ and that )ar$th of the heart )hich atones for a hundred faults of the head' These li$itations of his character co$*letel, under$ined the :ughal e$*ireJ so that on his death it suddenl, fell in a single do)n)ard *lunge' Its inner life )as goneJ and the out)ard for$ could not decei!e the )orld long' Ti$e relentlessl, s)ee*s a)a, )hate!er is inefficientJ unnecessar,J or false to Nature'

ANA DDTAS DE A>RAN93I6 INTRDD> TIDN In &;<.J :r' Willia$ Ir!ineJ I' 'S' (retired)J the historian of the Later :ughalsJ in his usual s*irit of hel* to ,ounger $en engaged in researchJ lent $e a )orB (nu$bered b, hi$ +1+) fro$ his *ri!ate collection of Persian :SS' )hich )as not Bno)n to eIist in an, other librar, of Auro*e or India and )hich no historian had ,et used' It )as the AhBa$2i2Ala$giriJ attributed to the *en of #a$id2ud2din 7han (surna$ed Ni$chah2i2Ala$giri)J )hose life is gi!en in the :asir2ul2u$araJ i' 4<1H4&&' 6ut of this authorshi* there is no *roofJ and none of the three :SS' bears his na$e' Subse=uentl, :r' Ir!ine sent $e another and earlier :S' of the AhBa$J (No ./< of his librar,)J of )hich No' +1+ is onl, a co*,' I $ade a transcri*t of the booBJ carefull, collating the t)o :SS' In &;<1J I disco!ered another frag$ent of this )orB bound u* )ith so$e letters of AurangzibJ )ith the lea!es *ut together in disorderJ in the India Dffice Librar, Persian :S' ..88' In Dctober &;<5J I found at Ra$*ur (RohilBhand) a fourth co*,J identical )ith :r' Ir!ines in eItent and arrange$ent of $atterJ but $ore correct and su**l,ing useful !ariants' The o)nerJ Na)ab Abdus Sala$ 7han 6ahadurJ retired Sub20udgeJ DudhJ !er, Bindl, *er$itted $e to taBe a co*, of it' This gentle$an *ossesses another :S' of the )orBJ )hich he has na$ed Sharah2i2dastBhat2i2Ala$giri' It is inco$*lete and co!ers a *ortion of the India Dffice :S' (the arrange$entJ ho)e!erJ being different)' There is onl, one ne) anecdote in itJ )hich I here *rint as % 1&' Dn the basis of these four :SS' (!iz'J Ir!ine No' +1+ collated )ith ./<J I' D' L' No' ..88J and the longer Ra$*ur co*,)J I ha!e edited the Persian teIt and $ade the follo)ing Anglish translation of it' The di!ision of the booB and the arrange$ent of the anecdotes are $, o)n' The *assages *rinted in thicB t,*e are in Arabic in the originalJ and ha!e been translated )ith the Bind hel* of Prof' Abdul #ai of Patna ollege'

Abbre!iations' NusBha A S Ir!ine :S' No' ./<' Ir' :S' S Ir!ine :S' No' +1+J (NusBha 6') :S' N' S India Dffice :S' No' ..88 (NusBha N') :S' R S Ra$*ur (Abdus Sala$ 7hans) first :S' of the AhBa$J (NusBha R') A'N' S Ala$girna$ah' Pad' S Padishahna$ah b, Abdul #a$id Lahori' :'>' S :asir2ul2u$ara The last fi!e )orBs are of the 6ibliotheca Indica edition' :'A' S :asir2i2Ala$giri 7hafi 7han S :unta2Bhab2ul2labab :, Persian teIt $ainl, follo)s Ir!ine :S' +1+'

ANA DDTAS DE A>RAN93I6 (Translated fro$ the Persian) SA TIDN I' A6D>T A>RAN93I6 #I:SALE % &' (oung Aurangzib fights )ith an ele*hant' W#AN the A$*eror Shah 0ahan )as sta,ing at LahorJ he often engaged in T)itnessingU ele*hant2co$bats in the garden of Shala$ar' Dnce the go!ernor of 6engal sent hi$ /< highl, *raised fighting ele*hants' The A$*eror sat at the balcon,J )hile the four *rinces (his sons) )itnessed the s*ort fro$ horsebacB' Dne ele*hant fleeing fro$ its o**onent ca$e to)ards the *rinces' Three of the A$*erors sons fled to the right and left' Dnl, :uha$$ad AurangzibJ )ho )as fourteen ,ears oldJ stood fir$l, )ithout $o!ing at all' The runa)a, ele*hant *assed b, hi$' The *ursuing *rince charged it )ith the s*ear he held in his hand' A blo) fro$ the ele*hants trunB hurled the horse do)n to the ground' Aurangzib lea*ed u* and seizing the s*ear again turned to the ele*hant in order to thro) it at its head' At this -uncture the ser!ants ca$e u*J and the A$*eror in great agitation descended fro$ the balcon,' Aurangzib slo)l, *roceeded to)ards his :a-est,' Iti$ad 7hanJ the nazirJ )ho had co$e nearJH on the strength of his being an old ser!antJ he ha!ing co$e o!er to the A$*erors ser!ice fro$ the house of the *rinces $aternal grandfather Asaf 7hanJH cried out in a loud toneJ ?(ou are co$ing a)a, slo)l,J )hile the A$*eror is in an a)ful state Tof alar$U'@ The *rince re*lied in a lo) toneJ ?If the ele*hant )ere here I $ight ha!e )alBed faster' 6ut no) there is no reason to be agitatedF@ When Aurangzib reached his fatherJ the A$*eror *resented one laBh of Ru*ees as *ro*itiator, offerings (nisar) for the

*rince and saidJ ?:, childJ thanB 9od that it has ended )ellF If (9od forbid itF) the $atter had taBen a different turnJ )hat a dishonour )ould it ha!e beenF@ Aurangzib sala$ed and re*liedJ ?If it had ended differentl, there )ould ha!e been no dishonour in it' The sha$e la, in )hat $, brothers did' TGerseU Death dro*s the screen e!en o!er e$*erorsJ What dishonour is there in itP@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &1a K bJ :S' N' +1bH+4b' Notes'HThe true account of the incident is thus gi!en in the Padishahna$ah of Abdul #a$idJ i' A' /8;2/;+"HShah 0ahan )as )itnessing an ele*hant co$bat fro$ the balcon, of Agra Eort (+8th :a,J &4..)' #is three elder sons )ere on horsebacB on the ground' T)o ele*hants na$ed SudhaBar (tusBed) and Suratsundar (tusBless) )ere ordered to fight' SudhaBarJ on seeing its ri!al running a)a,J charged AurangzibJ )ho Be*t his horse fro$ turning bacBJ and )ounded the ele*hant on the forehead )ith his s*ear' The fire)orBs (rocBetsJ charBhisJ Kc'J) discharged b, the ser!ants had no effect on the ele*hantJ )hich felled Aurangzibs horse )ith its tusB (not trunB)' Aurangzib -u$*ed do)n fro$ the saddle in ti$e' Shu-aJ forcing his )a, through the cro)d and s$oBeJ strucB the brute )ith his s*earJ but his horse reared and thre) hi$ do)n' 0ai Singhs horse shied' :eanti$e Suratsundar returned to the attacBJ and SudhaBar ran a)a, fro$ the *rinces' Aurangzib )as -ust &/ ,ears of age at the ti$e' The A$*eror *resented hi$ )ith 1J<<< gold coinsJ the ele*hant SudhaBarJ and other gifts of the total !alue of t)o laBhs of Ru*ees' Iti$ad 7han )as an eunuch *resented to Shah 0ahan b, his father2in2la)J (a$in2ud2daula Asaf 7han'

% +' Aurangzibs earl, -ealous, of Dara' A $ansion had been Tne)l,U built at Agra for Dara ShuBoh' #e in!ited to it Shah 0ahan and his three other sons' As it )as the su$$er seasonJ an underground roo$ had been constructed close to the ri!erJ and $irrors fro$ Ale**oJ longer than the hu$an statureJ had been hung on the side to)ards the ri!er' Dara conducted Shah 0ahan and his brothers to see ho) the roo$ looBed' :uha$$ad Aurangzib sat do)n close to the door leading in and out of the roo$' Dara seeing it )inBed at the A$*erorJ as if to sa, NSee )here he is sitting' #is :a-est, saidJ ?:, childJ though I Bno) ,ou to be learned and her$it2liBeJ ,et it is also needful to $aintain ones ranB' TThere is a *o*ular sa,ingUJHNIf ,ou do not $aintain ,our ranBJ ,ou are an atheist' What necessit, is there for ,ou to sit do)n in the *ath b, )hich *eo*le *assJ and in a *osition belo) ,our ,ounger brotherP@ Aurangzib re*liedJ ?I shall after)ards

tell ,ou the reason of $, sitting do)n here'@ After a short ti$e he rose on the *lea of *erfor$ing his $idda, *ra,er (zuhar) in congregationJ and )ent bacB fro$ the *lace to his o)n house )ithout taBing the A$*erors *er$ission' When the A$*eror heard of it he forbade hi$ the ourtJ so that the *rince )as debarred fro$ the audience for se!en $onths' After the se!en $onthsJ the A$*eror told the 6ega$ Sahib T0ahanaraJ the ro)n PrincessUJ ?9o to his house and learn for $e the reason of his co$ing bacB on that da, )ithout $, lea!e and of his sitting do)n on a lo) le!el'@ When the 6ega$ Sahib )ent and asBed hi$J he re*liedJ ?Dn the da, )hen Dara ShuBoh had in!ited usJ if that brother intentionall, so acted thatJ after $aBing his father and three brothers sit do)n in that underground roo$ )ith one doorJ he re*eatedl, ca$e in and )ent out for the necessar, su*er!ision of the entertain$entJ TI feared thatU he $ight shut the doorJ and then all )ould be o!er T)ith usU' If he acted thus through carelessnessJ it re*eatedl, strucB $e that I should do the )orB (of guarding the door) )hile he )as inside the roo$' 6ut #is :a-est, out of a sense of dignit, forbade $, action' So I ca$e out after begging 9ods *ardon'@ I$$ediatel, on hearing this the A$*eror su$$oned the *rince and conferred fa!ours on hi$' The *rince told Sadullah 7han Tthe *ri$e2$inisterUJ ?Send $e a)a, fro$ the ourt b, an, $eans that ,ou canJ as I ha!e lost $, slee* and *eace of $ind'@ So #is :a-est, sent hi$ fro$ Lahor to act as go!ernor of the Deccan' TeIt'HIr' :S' &1bH&4aM :S' N' +/aH+1b' Notes'HLahor in the last sentence $ust be a $istaBe for :ultan' Aurangzib )as ne!er subahdar of Lahor (the Pan-ab)J but on &/th 0ul,J &41+ he )as a**ointed subahdar of the Deccan on transfer fro$ :ultan' Dn &st Dece$berJ &4/1 Dara )as gi!en t)o laBhs of Ru*ees for his ne) house on the 0a$una at Delhi (Abdul #a$ids Padishahna$ahJ ii' /5/)' This house )as !isited b, Shah 0ahan on &/th :archJ &4/. (Ibid' ...)' Daras house on the banB of the 0a$una at Agra )as inhabited b, the A$*eror fro$ +<th 0ul, to 8th AugustJ &4// (Ibid' .8<J .84)' Aurangzib )as in disgrace at Agra fro$ +8 :a, to +1th No!e$berJ &4// (Ibid' .54J .;8) and )as after)ards (&4th Eebruar,J &4/1) sent as subahdar to 9u-rat (/&&)' The A$*eror again !isited Daras house at Agra on +nd 0anuar,J &4/1 (/<.)'

% .' (oung Aurangzibs courtes, to Nobles' Dara ShuBoh beha!ed to)ards so$e of the nobles )ith en$it, and to)ards so$e others )ith arroganceJH such as Ali :ardan 7hanJ Sadullah 7hanJ and Sa,,id :iran of 6arhaJ )ho )ere co$$anders of fi!e thousand each and inti$ate courtiers of Shah 0ahan' 6ut Aurangzib had a s*ecial friendshi* )ith e!er, one of the$M so that in his letters he used to address Ali :ardan 7hanJ (on )ho$ Shah 0ahan had besto)ed the title of NEaithful Eriend)J )ith the

friendl, e*ithet of N:an of good deedsM to address Sadullah 7han ()ho had the titles of NStaff of old age and N:inister full of *lansJ and of )ho$ AurangzibJ b, reason of his ha!ing read )ith hi$J regarded hi$self as a *u*il)J as N:inister full of *lans and Nthe #ead of hu$ble *u*ilsM and Sa,,id :iran of 6arhaJ )ho$ the A$*eror had entitled Nthe Sa,,id of Sa,,idsJ as NThe essence of the descendants of #is #oliness the Sa,,id of the >ni!erse (i'e'J :uha$$ad)' A!er, one of these three noblesJ and others besides the$ such as Afzal 7han :ulla Ala2ul2$ulB ()ho fro$ the ranB of Bhan2i2sa$an after)ards attained to the *ost of )azir)J in their eItre$e lo!e for Aurangzib did e!er, ser!ice re=uired b, friendshi* in guarding his interests in his absence' #is :a-est, Shah 0ahan )as dee*l, grie!ed at heart' Dn seeing the signs of TfutureU $isfortune on the forehead of Shah2i2buland 2i=bal (Dara ShuBoh) and the $arBs of rise in the fortune of AurangzibJ he ad!ised Dara against his bad acts and )ords' 6ut )hen he found that Dara ShuBoh did not *rofit b, the good counselJ as has been )ell saidJ (Gerse) If the blanBet of a $ans Eate has been )o!en blacBJ A!en the )aters of the 3i$zi$ and 7ausar V cannot )ash it )hiteJ he )ished that :uha$$ad Aurangzib should change his beha!iour to the nobles so that the, $ight gi!e u* *rotecting hi$ in his absence' Dn a ro,al letter he )rote in his o)n hand to Aurang2zibJ ?:, childF it is *ro*er for Bings and their sons to ha!e a loft, s*irit and to dis*la, ele!ation of $ind' I ha!e heard that in dealing )ith e!er, one of $, officers ,ou sho) the greatest hu$ilit, on ,our *art' If ,ou do so )ith a !ie) to the futureJ TBno) thatU all things de*end on *redestinationJ and that nothing but conte$*t )ill be gained b, this $eeBness of s*irit'@ Aurangzib re*liedJ ?What ,our :a-est, hasJ out of fa!our and BindnessJ )ritten )ith ,our gracious *en concerning this hu$ble sla!eJ has co$e do)n liBe a re!elation fro$ the hea!ens' #ailJ true saint and s*iritual guideF NThou gi!est honour to )ho$soe!er Thou )ishest and disgrace to )ho$ Thou desirestJ Tthis teIt *ro!es that honour and lo)linessU are solel, de*endent on the *redestination of the :aster of Sla!es and reator of Aarth and ities' I a$ acting according to the true Tradition narrated b, Anas the son of :aliBJ N)hosoe!er hu$bles hi$selfJ 9od besto)s honour on hi$' I consider )ounding the hearts Tof othersU as the )orst of sins and the $ost sha$eful of !ices' I a$ not contradicting )hat has been )ritten in ,our gracious letterJ but I Bno) for certain that it )as )ritten agreeabl, to Tthe !erseU NThe te$*tations of the De!ilJ )ho creates sus*icion in the hearts of $enM and he is one of the genii and $en' (Gerse) I cannot sa, an,thing eIce*t eIcuses for $, sins' Pardon the sins of $eJ a )retch )ith a blacBened face and darB recordF@ TeIt'HIr' :S' ++bH+.b' Notes'H:ulla Ala2ul2$ulB Tuni )as created Eazil 7han (not Afzal) and Bhan2i2 sa$an b, Shah 0ahan (:' >' iii' 1+/H1.<)' Aurangzib a**ointed hi$ di)anJ

i' e' )azirJ on 5th 0uneJ &44.J but he died on the +.rd' (:' A' /4)' Anas ibn :aliB (d' ;. A' #') )as the last of the o$*anions of :uha$$ad and the founder of the :aliBi sect'

% /' Shah 0ahans esti$ate of his sons' The A$*eror Shah 0ahan used to sa,J ?At ti$es I fear that $, eldest son TDara ShuBohU has beco$e the ene$, of good $enM :urad 6aBhsh has set his heart on drinBingM :uha$$ad Shu-a has no good trait eIce*t content$ent (i' e'J eas, good nature)' 6ut the resolution and intelligence of Aurangzib *ro!e that he TaloneU can shoulder this difficult tasB (!iz'J ruling India)' 6ut there is great sicBness and infir$it, in his *h,sical fra$e' (Gerse) ThenJ )ho$ )ill he )ish for as a friend and to )ho$ )ill his heart inclineP@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &/a' Not in :S' N' This anecdote occurs in $an, other collections and is No' 1 in the lithogra*hed Ru=aat2i2Ala$giri'

% 1' Lo!e2affair )ith 3ainabadi' The affair of 3ainabadi ha**ened in this $anner" At the ti$e )hen Aurangzib )as $ade go!ernor of the Deccan and )as going to Aurangabad This head=uartersUJ on arri!ing at 6urhan*urJ the go!ernor of )hich )as Saif 7hanJ ()ho had $arried the *rinces $aternal auntJ !iz' Saliha 6anuJ the daughter of Asaf 7han)J he )ent to !isit herJ and she too had in!ited hi$' As it )as the house of his auntJ not $uch care )as taBen to re$o!e the )o$en of the hare$ out of his !ie)J and the *rince entered the house )ithout announcing hi$self' 3ainabadiJ )hose original na$e )as #ira 6aiJ )as standing under a treeJ holding a branch )ith her right hand and singing in a lo) tone' I$$ediatel, on seeing herJ the *rince unable to control hi$selfJ sat do)n thereJ and then fell do)n at full length on the ground in a s)oon' The ne)s )as carried to his aunt' Running barefooted Tto the *laceU she clas*ed hi$ to her breast and began to )ail and la$ent' After . or / gharis the *rince regained consciousness' #o)e!er $uch she in=uired about his conditionJ asBingJ NWhat $alad, is itP Did ,ou e!er ha!e an, attacB of it beforeP the *rince ga!e no re*l, at all but re$ained silent' The -o, of the entertain$ent and hos*italit, )as destro,edJ and the affair turned into $ourning and grief' It )as $idnight )hen the *rince reco!ered his s*eechJ and saidJ ?If I $ention $, diseaseJ can ,ou a**l, the re$ed,P@ When his aunt heard these )ordsJ she in eItre$e gladness ga!e a)a, *ro*itiator, al$s (tasaddu=)J $ade sacrifices (=urban)J and saidJ ?What do ,ou talB of

re$ed,P I shall offer $, life itself Tto cure ,ouU'@ Then the *rince re!ealed the )hole $atter to her' Dn hearing itJ she (al$ost) lost her consciousness and beca$e tongue2tiedJ not Bno)ing )hat to ans)er' At last the *rince saidJ ?(ou ha!e uselessl, sho)n all this tenderness in in=uiring after $, health' When ,ou are not gi!ing a re*l, to $, )ordsJ ho) can ,ou cure $eP@ The aunt re*liedJ ?:a, I be ,our sacrificeF (ou Bno) this )retchJ (!iz'J Saif 7han)M he is a bloodthirst, $anJ and does not care in the least for the A$*eror Shah 0ahan or ,ourself' Dn $erel, hearing of ,our re=uest (for #ira 6ai) he )ill first $urder her and then $e' Telling hi$ (about ,our *assion) )ill do no other good than this that I shall ha!e to sacrifice $, life' 6ut )h, should the life of that *oor innocent girl be destro,ed for no offenceP@ The *rince re*liedJ ?IndeedJ ,ou ha!e s*oBen the truth' I shall tr, so$e other de!ice'@ After sunrise he ca$e bacB to his o)n houseJ and did not eat an,thing at all' Su$$oning :urshid Culi 7hanJ )ho )as the *rinces subordinate and di)an of the DeccanJ he discussed the case in detail )ith hi$J as he )as his trusted confidant of secrets' The 7han saidJ ?Let $e first des*atch hi$ (i' e'J $urder Saif 7han)J and if after)ards an,bod, sla,s $eJ there )ill be no har$J as in eIchange of $, blood2*rice the )orB of $, saint and s*iritual guide (i' e'J the *rince) )ill be achie!ed'@ The *rince re*liedJ ?IndeedJ I Bno) that ,ou are so read, to scrifice ,our life for $e' 6ut $, heart does not consent to $aBing $, aunt a )ido)' 6esidesJ according to the Curanic La)J one cannot undertaBe a $anifest $urder )ith a Bno)ledge of religious la)' (ou should s*eaB Tto Saif 7hanUJ rel,ing on 9od Tfor successU'@ :urshid Culi 7han set off )ithout an, gru$bling and told e!er,thing to Saif 7hanJ )ho re*liedJ ? on!e, $, sala$ to the *rince' I shall gi!e the ans)er of this to his $aternal aunt'@ That !er, $o$ent he )ent to the )o$ens a*art$ents and told This )ifeUJ ?What har$ is there in itP I ha!e no need for TAurangzibsU 6ega$J the daughter of Shah Na)az 7han' Let hi$ send $e hattar 6aiJ his o)n concubine (hara$)J that she $a, be eIchanged T)ith #ira 6aiU'@ And i$$ediatel, after)ards he sent the aunt in a litter to the *rinceM )hen she ob-ected sa,ing that she )ould not goJ he insistedJ ?9o =uicBl,J if ,ou lo!e ,our life'@ So she had no hel* but to go and tell e!er,thing to the *rinceJ )ho )as highl, *leased and cried outJ ?What of Tgi!ing hi$U one Tin$ate of $, hare$UP I$$ediatel, taBe )ith ,ourself in the *alBi in )hich ,ou ha!e co$e both of the$J as I ha!e no ob-ectionF@ The aunt sent a re*ort of the facts to her husband b, $eans of an eunuch' Saif 7han saidJ ?No) no co!er is left Tfor $e to taBe refuge inUJ@ and $ounted and sent the 6ai to the *rince )ithout dela,' TeIt'HIr' :S' +<aH+&a' Notes'HThere are $an, $istaBes in the abo!e account' Saif 7hanJ )ho had $arried :aliBa 6anu (not Saliha)J the eldest sister of :u$taz :ahalJ )as re$o!ed fro$ the go!ernorshi* of 7handesh at Shah 0ahans accession (&4+8) and ne!er again e$*lo,ed there' :aliBa died on +1th AugustJ &4/& (Ab' #a$ids Pad' ii' +/&)' #er husbandJ Saif 7han :irza Safi (:' >' ii' /&4H /+&)J died in 6engal in :a,J &4/< (Ab' #a$ids Pad' ii' &;8)J

The follo)ing !ersion of the e*isode gi!en in the :asir2ul2u$ara J see$s to be the correct one"H :ir 7halilJ (successi!el, surna$ed :uftaBhar 7hanJ Si*ahdar 7hanJ and 7han2i23a$an)J a son2in2la) of Asaf 7hanJ )as sent to the Deccan as hief of the Artiller, in the +.rd ,ear of Shah 0ahanJ &4/;H1<' (TeIt has .<th or .rd ,ear' 6oth dates )rongJ !ide :' >' iii' 1<&)' In &41.J he beca$e co$$andant of Dharur' It )as onl, in Aurangzibs reign that he beca$e subahdar of 7handesh T0ul, &48&' Died 0ul, &48/' (:'A' +/4)U' 3ainabadiJ )ho )as belo!ed b, Aurangzib before his accessionJ had beenJ it is saidJ in the 7hans hare$ as his concubine' Dne da, the *rince )ent )ith the ladies of his hare$ to the garden of 3ainabad 6urhan*urJ na$ed Ahu2Bhanah TDeer ParBU and began to stroll )ith his chosen belo!ed ones' 3ainabadiJ )hose $usical sBill ra!ished the sensesJ and )ho )as uni=ue in blandish$entsJ ha!ing co$e in the train of 7han2i23a$ans )ife (the *rinces $aternal aunt)J on seeing a fruit2laden $ango2treeJ in $irth and a$orous *la, ad!ancedJ lea*ed u* and *lucBed a fruitJ )ithout *a,ing due res*ect to the *rinces *resence' This $o!e of hers robbed the *rince of his senses and self2control' With sha$eful i$*ortunit, he *rocured her fro$ his aunts houseJ and beca$e infatuated and gi!en u* to herJ in s*ite of all his se!ere continence and te$*erance and *ure training in theolog,' The stor, goes that one da, she offered hi$ a cu* of )ine and re=uested hi$ to drinB it' All his *rofessions of reluctance and entreat, )ere disregarded' Then the *oor *rince )as (at last) about to drinB itJ )hen that sl, enchantress snatched a)a, the cu* (fro$ his hand) and said N:, *ur*ose )as to test ,our lo!e and not to e$bitter ,our $outh )ith this )icBed and unlucB, li=uorF This lo!e2affair *roceeded to such lengths as to reach Shah 0ahans ears' Dara ShuBohJ )ho lo!ed not AurangzibJ $ade ca*ital of this incident to slander his brother to the A$*erorJ sa,ingJ NSee the *iet, and abstinence of this h,*ocritical Bna!eF #e has gone to the dogs for the saBe of a )ench of his aunts household' 6, chance the rose of her life )ithered in its !er, s*ring ti$eJ and left the *rince seared )ith the brand of eternal se*aration' She is buried at Aurangabad close to the big tanB' Dn the da, of her death the *rince beca$e !er, un)ellM in eItre$e agitation he rode out to hunt' :ir AsBari (A=il 7han)J )ho )as in attendanceJ secured a *ri!ate audience and re$onstratedJ NWhat )isdo$ is there in resol!ing to hunt in this (disturbed) stateP The *rince re*liedJ (Gerse) NLa$entation in the house cannot relie!e the heartJ In solitude alone ,ou can cr, to ,our hearts content' A=il 7han recited the follo)ing cou*let Tof his o)n co$*ositionU as a*t for the occasion" N#o) eas, did lo!e a**earJ but alas ho) hard it isF #o) hard )as se*arationJ but )hat re*ose it ga!e to the belo!edF

The *rince could not checB his tearsJ but co$$itted the !erses to his $e$or,J (:'>' i' 5;<25;+) after !ainl, tr,ing to learn the $odest *oets na$e' (Ibid' ii' 8+.)' :anucci (i' +.&) narrates the stor, thus"H ?Aurangzib gre) !er, fond of one of the dancing2)o$en in his hare$J and through the great lo!e he bore to her he neglected for so$e ti$e his *ra,ers and his austeritiesJ filling u* his da,s )ith $usic and dancesM and going e!en fartherJ he enli!ened hi$self )ith )ineJ )hich he dranB at the instance of the said dancing2girl' The dancer diedJ and Aurangzib $ade a !o) ne!er to drinB )ine again nor to listen to $usic' In after2da,s he )as accusto$ed to sa, that 9od had been !er, gracious to hi$ b, *utting an end to that dancing2girls lifeJ b, reason of )ho$ he had co$$itted so $an, ini=uitiesJ and had run the risB of ne!er reigning through being occu*ied in !icious *ractices'@ No)J )hen did the e*isode ha**enP Aurangzib )as t)ice subahdar of the DeccanJ !izJ &4.4H&4// and &41.H&415' It )as onl, during the second of these *eriods that this 7han2i23a$anJ :urshid Culi 7han 7hurasani (:'>' iii' /;.)J and :ir AsBari ser!ed in the Deccan' ThereforeJ the date see$s to ha!e been &41. at the earliestJ )hen Aurangzib )as .1 ,ears old and the father of siI childrenM he )as not eIactl, a *assionate ,outh )ho $ight consider the )orld )ell lost for lo!e' ABbar $ade it a rule that the concubines of the :ughal A$*erors should be na$ed after the *laces of their birth or the to)ns in )hich the, )ere ad$itted to the hare$' (Wariss Padishahna$ahJ /1b)' #ence )e ha!e ladies surna$ed ABbarabadiJ Eath*uriJ AurangabadiJ 3ainabadiJ and >dai*uri' 3ainabad is the na$e of a suburb on the banB of the Ta*ti o**osite 6urhan*ur' In Ina,etullahs AhBa$ (&.&a) our heroines to$b is $entionedJ though her na$e is )rongl, s*elt 3ain*uri'

%4' Aurangzibs *recautions in beginning the War of Succession' At the ti$e )hen Aurangzib left Aurangabad in order to fight Dara ShuBohJ and enca$*ed at ArsulJ four $iles fro$ the cit,J he ordered that there )ould be a halt of ten da,s there in order that his $en $ight get their re$aining need$ents read,' Nobod, else durst re$onstrate )ith hi$' Dnl, Na-abat 7hanJ )ho )as a friend of fir$ fidelit, and great boldnessJ saidJ ?Stating the intention to $arch and then ordering a halt in this $annerJ )ill e$bolden the ene$,'@ Aurangzib s$iled and saidJ ?EirstJ tell $e ho) the, )ill be e$boldenedJ and then I shall gi!e ,ou $, ans)er'@ The 7han re*liedJ ?When the ene$, )ill hear of our long halt hereJ the, )ill send a strong force to bar our *ath'@ Aurangzib saidJ ?That is the !er, essence of T$,U *olic,' If I $arch

=uicBl, I shall ha!e to encounter the )hole ar$, Tof Dara at one *laceU' 6ut if I dela, hereJ $, contest )ill be )ith the first di!ision Tof the ene$,sU force' It is easier to defeat the first di!ision than to defeat the )hole ar$,' In case he hi$self Ti'e' DaraU has the boldness to ad!ance and crosses the Nar$adaJ his condition )ill be this" (Gerse) The $an )ho goes far fro$ his as,lu$ and ho$e 6eco$es hel*lessJ need,J and forsaBen' In the )ater e!en the lion beco$es the *re, of fishesJ Dn dr, land the crocodile beco$es the food of ants' This dela, is for the abo!e *ur*ose and not for )hiling a)a, $, ti$e' Na, $oreJ there is another ob-ectJ on )hich the ad!antage alread, $entioned is de*endent' This second ob-ect is that I $a, Bno) the circu$stances of the $en acco$*an,ing $eJ both *oor and richM if a $an dela,s in s*ite of his being )ell2to2doJ then it is better not to taBe hi$ along an, farther fro$ this *laceJ because in future this circu$stance )ill *ro!e a source of utter )eaBness' In case I $aBe a =uicB $archJ those nobles )hose sincerit, is doubtful $a, sho) negligence and dela,J and then the distance Tfro$ $, baseU being greatJ it )ill be i$*ossible to re$ed, the e!ilJ and I shall ha!e either to hel*lessl, lea!e the$ defaulting or to return and correct the$'@ When Na-abat 7han heard thisJ he Bissed Aurangzibs feet and cried outJ ?9od Bno)s best )here to send one on a *ro*hetic $ission'@ The abo!e blessed sa,ing )as !erified b, this fact that :irza Shah Na)az 7hanJ one of the officers a**ointed to the DeccanJ did not co$e V )ith Aurangzib during the first da,s $archJ and on the second da,s $archJ he sub$ittedJ ?In consideration of $, being a ser!ant of Shah 0ahanJ I ha!e no hel* but to re$ain here b, resigning $, $ilitar, ranB' I ha!e no connection )ith Dara ShuBoh' Dne of $, daughters has been $arried to ,ou and another to :urad 6aBhsh' I ha!e no relationshi* )ith Dara ShuBoh )hich it $ight be necessar, for $e to res*ect' (our #ighness Bno)s )ell that I ha!e not sho)nJ in an, battle or haltJ an, shortco$ing or holding bacB )hich $a, be attributed to co)ardice or dislo,alt,'@ Aurangzib re*liedJ ?IndeedJ the re=uisites of fidelit, to salt are not distant fro$ $en of *ure blood TliBe ,ouU' 6ut I a$ $aBing so$e da,s halt hereM I )ish to see ,ou Tdail,U for so$e da,sJ and shall gi!e ,ou lea!e to de*art )hen I resu$e $, $arch' What need is there that ,ou should turn a *ri!ate *erson (fa=ir)P@ Shah Na)az 7han saidJ ?ThisJ tooJ is o**osed to a ser!ants duties' This hereditar, ser!ant has set his heart on the )orB of the A$*eror Shah 0ahan'@ After this Aurangzib ga!e out that he )as do)n )ith looseness of the bo)els' The nobles )ho ca$e to *a, the Tcusto$ar,U !isit to the sicBJ )ere ordered to enter alone and one b, oneJ lea!ing their attendants outside' ThusJ on the second da,J )hen :irza Shah Na)az 7han ca$eJ ShaiBh :ir *ro$*tl,

arrested hi$J tied hi$ hand and necBJ and *laced hi$ handcuffed and fettered on the ha)da of an ele*hant' That !er, $o$ent Aurangzib ga!e the order to $arch' After reaching 6urhan*urJ Shah Na)az 7han )as thro)n into *rison' After the !ictor, o!er Dara ShuBohJ at the entreat, of 3eb2un2nisa 6ega$JH)ho had refused food for three da,sJ sa,ing that she )ould Bee* fasting till her $aternal grandfather )as releasedJHAurangzib in anger and dis*leasure ordered hi$ to be set free and a**ointed hi$ go!ernor of Ah$adabadJ )hich *ro!ince had been )ithout a go!ernor since :urad 6aBhsh left it' 6ut Aurangzib saidJ ?:, $ind is not reassured Tabout hi$U' I ha!e issued this order as I could not hel* itJ but I shall reconsider it carefull, after)ards' As he is a Sa,,idJ it is hard to order his eIecution' Dther)iseJ there is the )ell2Bno)n sa,ingJ NA se!ered head tells no tale'@ What he had said did finall, co$e to *ass' After Daras flightJ the 7han -oined hi$ in the battle of A-$ir and )as slain in the $idst of the fight' TeIt'HIr' :s' +1aH+4b' Notes'HAurangzib started fro$ Aurangabad on 1th Eebruar,J &418 to contest the throne' At ArsulJ / $iles n'e' of the cit,J he halted for one da, onl,' (Ala$girna$ahJ /.2//)' 6ut a halt of one $onth (&8th Eeb' H+<th :arch) )as $ade at 6urhan*ur' ?Shah Na)az 7han Safa)i did not acco$*an, AurangzibJ but lingered at 6urhan*ur under !arious *reteIts' So the *rince on reaching :andua (+1th :arch) sent :uha$$ad Sultan and ShaiBh :ir bacB to 6urhan*ur to arrest and confine Shah Na)az 7han in the fort of 6urhan*ur'@ (Ibid' 1+)' Shah Na)az 7han Safa)iJ the father2in2la) of AurangzibJ )as a Sa,,id of !er, high *edigree' (Life in :' >' ii' 45<)' At the end of Se*te$ber Aurangzib fro$ :ultan ordered his release and a**ointed hi$ subahdar of 9u-rat' Slain in the battle of A-$irJ &/th :archJ &41;' (A' N' +<;J .+.)'

% 5' 6attle of 7ha-)a' In the night *receding the da, )hich had been fiIed for the battle )ith Shu-aJ )hen about 5 W hours of the night had )orn onJ the A$*eror learnt that Ra-ah 0as)ant SinghJ )ho had been gi!en the co$$and of the GanguardJ had deter$ined to go o!er to Shu-a )ith his o)n troo*s )ho nu$bered &/J<<< ca!alr, and infantr,J and that during his -ourne, he had laid a se!ere hand on (i' e' looted) the follo)ers and ani$als of the i$*erial ca$*J so that the orderl, arrange$ent of the ar$, had been broBen u*J and a great *anic had seized the $enJ $an, of )ho$ had -oined that )retchs (0as)ants) force and )ere ad!ancing )ith hi$ in the *ath of $isfortune' The A$*eror )as then engaged in the taha--ud *ra,erM on hearing the re*ort he $ade a sign )ith his hand Tas if to sa,U NIf he has gone a)a,J let hi$ go a)a,J but ga!e no other re*l,' After finishing his *ra,erJ he su$$oned :ir 0u$la and saidJ ?This

incidentJ tooJ is a $erc, fro$ 9odJ for if the h,*ocrite had taBen this ste* in the $idst of the battleJ it )ould ha!e been hard to re$ed, the $ischief'@ Then he ordered the Bettledru$s to be beaten and his $ount to be got read,' Riding an el*hantJ he *assed the rest of the night in that condition' When the sun rose it )as found that the ar$, of Shu-a )as co$ing on fro$ the left side firing its artiller,' V A nu$ber of $enJ )hose da, of death had arri!edJ )ere slain' Aurangzib ordered the dri!er of his ele*hantJ ?:aBe $, ele*hant reach Shu-as ele*hant b, an, $eans that ,ou can'@ 0ust then :urshid Culi 7hanJ )ho )as the A$*erors counsellor and close co$*anionJ saidJ ?This Bind of audacit, is o**osed to the *ractice of e$*erors'@ Aurangzib re*liedJ ?Neither of us has ,et beco$e e$*eror' :en beco$e e$*erors onl, after sho)ing this sort of daring' And if after one has beco$e e$*eror his courage decreasesJ his authorit, does not last' (Gerse) ?That $an TaloneU can tightl, clas* in his ar$s the bride of Bingshi* Who *lants Bisses on the Been s)ords li*'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' /bH1aM :S' N' ..aH./b' Notes'HThe battle of 7ha-)a tooB *lace on 1th 0anuar,J &41;J and ended in the utter rout of Shu-a' Eor a full account of the battle see #istor, of AurangzibJ ch' &;' :urshid Culi 7hanJ 7hurasaniJ (:asir2ul2u$araJ iii' /;.H 1<<)J the able re!enue ad$inistrator of the Deccan during Aurangzibs !icero,alt,J )as slain in the battle of Dhar$atJ and so could not ha!e been *resent at 7ha-)a' The other :urshid Culi 7hanJ Na)ab of 6engalJ entered the i$*erial ser!ice long after)ards' Taha--udJ the last *ra,er of the nightJ is usuall, said after $idnight'

% 8' Aurangzibs last )ill and testa$ent' ?Praise be to 9od and blessing on those ser!ants Tof #i$U )ho ha!e beco$e sanctified and ha!e gi!en satisfaction Tto #i$U' I ha!e so$e Tinstructions to lea!e as $,U last )ill and testa$ent" EIRSTJHDn behalf of this sinner sunB in ini=uit, Ti' e' $,selfU co!er T)ith an offering of cloth and car*etU the hol, to$b of #asan (on hi$ be *eaceF)J because those )ho are dro)ned in the ocean of sin ha!e no other *rotection eIce*t seeBing refuge )ith that Portal of :erc, and Eorgi!eness' The $eans of *erfor$ing this greatl, aus*icious act are )ith $, noble sonJ Prince Ali-ah T:d' Aza$UM taBe the$' SA DNDJHEour Ru*ees and t)o annasJ out of the *rice of the ca*s se)n b, $eJ are )ith Aia 6egaJ the $ahaldar' TaBe the a$ount and s*end it on the shroud of this hel*less creature' Three hundred and fi!e Ru*eesJ fro$ the )ages of co*,ing the CuranJ are in $, *urse for *ersonal eI*enses'

Distribute the$ to the fa=irs on the da, of $, dcath' As the $one, got as b, co*,ing the Curan is regarded b, the Shia sect as illegalJ do not s*end it on $, shroud and other necessaries' T#IRDJHTaBe the re$aining necessaries Tof $, funeralU fro$ the agent of Prince Ali-ahM as he is the nearest heir a$ong $, sonsJ and on hi$ lies the res*onsibilit, for the la)ful or unla)ful T*ractices at $, funeralUM this hel*less *erson (i' e'J Aurangzib) is not ans)erable for the$J because the dead are in the hands of the sur!i!ors' ED>RT#JH6ur, this )anderer in the Galle, of De!iation fro$ the Right Path )ith his head bareJ because e!er, ruined sinner )ho is conducted bare2 headed before the 9rand A$*eror (i'e'J 9od)J is sure to be an ob-ect of $erc,' EIET#JH o!er the to* of the coffin on $, bier )ith the coarse )hite cloth called gazi' A!oid the s*reading of a cano*, and uncanonical inno!ations liBe T*rocessions ofU $usicians and the celebration of the Pro*hets Nati!it, ($aulud)' SIQT#JHIt is *ro*er for the ruler of the Bingdo$ (i'e'J $, heir) to treat Bindl, the hel*less ser!ants )ho in the train of this sha$eless sinner TAurangzibU ha!e been ro!ing in the deserts and )ilderness Tof the DeccanU' A!en if an, $anifest fault is co$$itted b, the$J gi!e the$ in return for it gracious forgi!eness and benign o!erlooBing Tof the faultU' SAGANT#JHNo other nation is better than the Persians for acting as accountants ($utasaddi)' And in )arJ tooJ fro$ the age of the A$*eror #u$a,un to the *resent ti$eJ none of this nation has turned his face a)a, fro$ the fieldJ and their fir$ feet ha!e ne!er been shaBen' :oreo!erJ the, ha!e not once been guilt, of disobedience or treacher, to their $aster' 6utJ as the, insist on being treated )ith great honourJ it is !er, difficult to get on together )ith the$' (ou ha!e an,ho) to conciliate the$J and should e$*lo, subterfuges' AI9#T#JHThe Turani *eo*le ha!e e!er been soldiers' The, are !er, eI*ert in $aBing chargesJ raidsJ night2attacBs and arrests' The, feel no sus*icionJ des*air or sha$e )hen co$$anded to $aBe a retreat in the !er, $idst of a fightJ )hich $eansJ in other )ordsJ Ndra)ing the arro) bacBMHand the, are a hundred stages re$ote fro$ the crass stu*idit, of the #industanisJ )ho )ould *art )ith their heads but not lea!e their *ositions Tin battleU' In e!er, )a,J ,ou should confer fa!ours on this raceJ because on $an, occasions these $en can do the necessar, ser!iceJ )hen no other race can' NINT#JH(ou should treat the Sa,,ids of 6arhaJ )ho are )orth, of blessingJ according to the Curanic !erseJ N9i!e unto the near relations Tof the Pro*hetU their duesJ and ne!er gro) slacB in honouring and fa!ouring the$' Inas$uch asJ according to the blessed !erseJ NI sa, I do not asB of ,ou an, reco$*ense for it eIce*t lo!e to T$,U Bins$enJ lo!e for this fa$il, is the )ages of

T:uha$$adsU Pro*hetshi*J ,ou should ne!er be )anting Tin res*ect for the$UJ and it )ill be fruitful of benefit in this )orld and the neIt' 6ut ,ou should be eItre$el, cautious in dealing )ith the Sa,,ids of 6arha' 6e not )anting in lo!e of the$ at heartJ but eIternall, do not increase their ranBJ because the, beco$e *redo$inant *artners in the go!ern$entJ na, $oreJ the, )ould de$and the Bingdo$ for the$sel!es' If ,ou let the$ taBe the reins e!er so littleJ the result )ill be ,our o)n disgrace' TANT#JHAs far as *ossible the ruler of a Bingdo$ should not s*are hi$self fro$ $o!ing aboutM he should a!oid sta,ing in one *laceJ )hich out)ardl, gi!es hi$ re*ose but in effect brings on a thousand cala$ities and troubles' ALAGANT#JHNe!er trust ,our sonsJ nor treat the$ during ,our lifeti$e in an inti$ate $annerJ becauseJ if the A$*eror Shah 0ahan had not treated Dara ShuBoh in this $annerJ his affairs )ould not ha!e co$e to such a sorr, *ass' A!er Bee* in !ie) the sa,ingJ NThe )ords of a Bing are barren' TWALET#JHThe $ain *illar of go!ern$ent is to be )ell infor$ed in the ne)s of the Bingdo$' Negligence for a single $o$ent beco$es the cause of disgrace for long ,ears' The esca*e of the )retch Shi!a tooB *lace through T$,U carelessnessJ and I ha!e to labour hard Tagainst the :arathasU to the end of $, lifeJ Tas the result of itU' T)el!e is blessed Ta$ong nu$bersU' I ha!e concluded )ith t)el!e directions' (Gerse) It ,ou learn Tthe lessonUJ a Biss on ,our )isdo$J If ,ou neglect itJ then alasF alasF@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 8bH&<a' :S' N' &bH.b is inco$*lete and ends )ith the ;th clause'

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SA TIDN II' A6D>T #IS SDNS AND 9RANDSDNS A'6A#AD>R S#A# (:>A33A:)' % ;' Arrest of Prince :uazza$' W#AN the A$*eror called for Prince :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur ShahJ intending to i$*rison hi$J he ca$e to the A$*eror in the cha*el' #is :a-est, told 6aBhta)ar 7hanJ the Su*erintendent of the Perfu$er, De*art$entJ ?6ring e!er, essence (atar) that $, son )ishes for'@ 6ahadur Shah sub$ittedJ ?What *o)er has this sla!e to $aBe an, choice hi$selfP An, essence that

,our :a-est, $a, be graciousl, *leased to *resent )ould be better Tthan one of $, selectionU'@ The A$*eror re*liedJ ?This order of $ine is also an act of grace'@ Then 6ahadur Shah told 6aBhta)ar 7hanJ ?An, essence that ,ou ha!e eIce*t the essence of scented )aI (atar2i2fitna)J is good'@ #is :a-est, cried outJ ?(esJ I tooJ ha!ing the sa$e *rudential consideration in $, $indJ ha!e troubled ,ou to co$e to this house'@ When the essence arri!edJ he ordered the *rince to *ut off his ar$s and co$e nearerJ in order that the A$*eror $ightJ )ith his o)n handJ rub hi$ o!er )ith the essence' After the *erfu$ingJ )hen the *rince )ent TbacBU to $aBe his bo) (of thanBsgi!ing)J the A$*eror )ent a)a,J ordering :uharra$ 7han )ith the hel* of #a$id2ud2 din 7hanJ to disar$ the four sons of the *rinceJ and detain all the fi!e there' As the, )ent u* first of all to :uha$$ad :uiz2ud2dinJ the latter laid his hand on the hilt of his s)ord' 6ahadur Shah in anger cried out Tto his sonUJ ?WretchJ ,ou are resisting the order of ,our entre of Eaith and 7aba (i'e'J #is Sacred :a-est,)F@ With his o)n hands he tore off his TeldestU sons ar$s and ga!e the$ u* to :uharra$ 7han' The other sons )ithout ob-ection stri**ed off their ar$s and surrendered the$' When the A$*eror heard of itJ he saidJ ?The cha*el has taBen the *lace of the Well of 0ose*hJ and he )ill attain to the dignit, of 0ose*h'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 5a' Notes'XPrince :uazza$J after)ards A$*eror 6ahadur Shah I'J )as i$*risoned b, Aurangzib on +&st Eebruar,J &485J and released on ;th :a,J &4;1J )hen he )as sent to Lahor as go!ernor' The :asir2i2Ala$giri (*' +;/) gi!es a slightl, different account of the $anner of his arrest' The 6aBhta)ar 7han of this anecdote Yould not ha!e been the author of the :irat2i2ala$ ()ho died on ;th Eebruar,J &4;1)J but )as e!identl, 7h)a-ah 6aBhta)arJ created a 7han in A*rilJ &5<1' There is a *la, u*on the )ord fitnaJ )hich $eans (&) scented )aI and (+) disturbanceJ tu$ult' The 7aba is the s=uare te$*le of blacB stone at :eccaJ to)ards )hich :usli$s turn their faces )hen *ra,ing' 0ose*hJ the son of 0acobJ )as flung into a dr, )ell b, his )icBed brothersJ and then sold as a sla!e to so$e $erchants going to Ag,*tJ and this cala$it, )as the $eans of his future greatness as the *ri$e2$inister of Ag,*t' (9enesisJ III!ii' +/')

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % &< Wise ounsels for 7ings' Dn the da, )hen the A$*eror released 6ahadur Shah fro$ ca*ti!it,J he $ade hi$ sit do)n in his *resence and told hi$J ?As a father liBe $e has been *leased )ith ,ouJ the cro)n )ill certainl, fall to ,our lot' I had no need

to satisf, T$, fatherU Shah 0ahanJ as he )as de!oted to Dara ShuBohJ )ho had beco$e an unbelie!er through the co$*anionshi* of #indus and ,ogis (ascetics)' It is si$*l, the assistance of the faith of the Sa,,id a$ong Pro*hetsJ i'e'J :uha$$adJ (on )ho$ be blessings and *eaceF) that is the cause of !ictor,' V So$e counsels I a$ going to gi!e ,ouM ,ou should la, the$ to heart' Although I Bno) it for certain that it is far fro$ ,our nature to *ut the$ into *racticeJ ,et I a$ s*eaBing out of *aternal affection and in !ie) of the lo!e and obedience )hich ,ou ha!e sho)n' ?EIRSTJHan A$*eror ought to stand $id)a, bet)een gentleness and se!erit,' If either of these t)o =ualities eIceeds the otherJ it beco$es a cause of the ruin of his throneJ because in case of eIcessi!e gentleness the *eo*le dis*la, audacit,J )hile the increase of harshness scares a)a, heartsJ e'g'J $, uncle Sultan >lugh 6egJ in s*ite of his graces and good =ualitiesJ )as fearless in shedding bloodJ so that for *ett, offences he used to order eIecutions' #is sonJ Abdul LatifJ $ade hi$ *risoner and sent hi$ to the fort of Neha)and' Dn the )a, he asBed a $anJ NWhat do ,ou thinB )as the cause of the fall of $, ro,al *o)erP The $an ans)eredJ NDn account of ,our bloodshedJ )hich $ade $en shrinB fro$ ,ou' What $, august ancestor the A$*eror #u$a,un dis*la,ed )as i$*ro*er negligenceJ forgi!enessJ and )eaBness in affairsJ becauseJ in s*ite of his re*eatedl, hearing of the audacious deeds of Sher 7han in the *ro!ince of 6engalJ he neglected TSher 7hanUJ and onl, rebuBed his fatherJ #asan SurJ sa,ingJ N(ou Bno) of ,our sons acts and ,et ,ou do not )rite to hi$ Tto re$onstrateUF #asan re*liedJ N#is acts ha!e *assed be,ond the stage of )riting' I Bno) not )hat ,our :a-est,s negligence )ill at last result in' ?NAQT thisJHan A$*eror should ne!er allo) hi$self to be fond of ease and inclined to retire$entJ because the $ost fatal cause of the decline of Bingdo$s and the destruction of ro,al *o)er is this undesirable habit' Al)a,s be $o!ing aboutJ as $uch as *ossible' (Gerse) It is bad for both e$*erors and )ater to re$ain at the sa$e *laceJ The )ater gro)s *utrid and the Bings *o)er sli*s out of his control' In touring lie the honourJ easeJ and s*lendour of BingsJ The desire of co$fort and ha**iness $aBes the$ untrust)orth,' ?NAQT thisJHal)a,s *lan ho) to train ,our ser!antsJ and a**oint e!er, one to the tasB for )hich ,ou dee$ hi$ fit' It is o**osed to )isdo$ to order a car*et2)ea!er to do the )orB of blacBs$ith' Dont i$*ose the tasB of the great on the s$allJ nor that of the little on the greatJ because great *eo*le feel asha$ed in doing the )orB of s$all $enJ and little fello)s ha!e not the ca*acit, for doing the )orB of the greatJ so that utter disorder *re!ails in the affairs of the State'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 5aX8a'

Notes'X:irza >lugh 6egJ a grandson of Ti$urJ and the learned author of Astrono$ical TablesJ )as Bing of Sa$ar=and till &//;J )hen he )as de*osed and $urdered b, his son Abdul Latif'

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% &&' Ad!ice to his #eir' 9loo$, Pro*hec,' When the A$*eror released Prince :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur Shah fro$ confine$entJ he conferred fa!ours and gifts on hi$J andJ on the da, of gi!ing hi$ lea!e to de*artJ saidJ ?Although out of sheer necessit, and because I had no other choiceJ I ha!e *unished ,our eItre$el, ruinous conduct b, Bee*ing ,ou in *rison for so$e ,earsJ ,etJ this is the strongest sign of T,our futureU Bingshi*J as the throne and dignit, of 0ose*h )ere de*endent on his being TfirstU i$*risoned' 9od )illingJ the sa$e )ill ha**en to ,ou' In this ho*e I ha!e in $, lifeti$e entrusted to ,ou Tthe go!ernorshi* ofU *aradise2liBe #industan' ?The *resages of $, horosco*eJHco$*osed b, Eazil 7han Ala2ul2$ulBJ Tand gi!ing the incidentsU fro$ the da, of $, birth till after $, deathJHha!e all been !erified b, actual eI*erience' V In that horosco*e it is )ritten that after $e V )ill co$e an A$*erorJ ignorantJ narro)2$indedJ o!er*o)ered b, in-uriesJH )hose )ords )ill be all i$*erfect and )hose *lans )ill be all i$$ature' #e )ill act to)ards so$e $en )ith so $uch *rodigalit, as al$ost to dro)n the$J and to)ards others )ith so $uch rigour as to raise the fear of TutterU destruction' All these ad$irable =ualities and *raise)orth, characteristics are found in ,our natureF Although I shall send TP or lea!eU behind $e a co$*etent )azir )ho has co$e to the front in $, reign and )ho$ I ha!e securedJ ,et )hat good )ill it doJ as the four *illars of the e$*ireJ !iz'J $, four sonsJ )ill ne!er lea!e that *oor $an to hi$self to do his )orBP In s*ite of this being the caseJ TheU )ill still eIert Thi$selfU so that the )orB Tof ad$inistrationU )ill on the )hole be )ell done' 6ut it is a rule of $edicine that although the lo)er li$bs of the bod, $a, retain their strength so long as the bad hu$our does not descend fro$ the u**er *arts of the bod,J in the end the disease turns into TgeneralU )eaBness and slacBnessJ na, e!en into disorder and death' In this $atterJ tooJ the sa$e is the case' Although o)ing to $, $arching through )ildernesses and forestsJ $, officersJ )ho lo!e re*ose and feel disgusted )ith their o)n *arentsJ long for the destruction of this $, borro)ed lifeJH,et after $, death the, )illJ o)ing to the thoughtlessness and ignorance of this son inca*able of a**reciating $eritJ beg fro$ 9od for the$sel!es that !er, thing (!iz'J death) )hich the, are no) *ra,ing for $e' An, ho)J I ad!ise ,ouJ out of fatherl, lo!e' NDont be so salt that T,our sub-ectsU )ould s*it ,ou out of their $outhsJ nor be so s)eet

that the, $a, gul* ,ou do)n' 6ut this ad!ice is out of *lace hereJ as saltishness is not at all *resent in ,our natureJ but is the share of ,our dear brother' The *ortion of saltlessness is the lot of ,ouJ $, !er, sagacious son' :a, 9od Bee* both the brothers in *erfect $oderationF A$enJ D Lord of the >ni!erseF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &;b K +<aJ :S' N' +&bX+.a' Notes'XAurangzibs last and $ost fa!ourite )azir )as Asad 7han' Eazil 7han (:ulla Ala2ul2$ulB Tuni)J a !ersatile scholarJ )as Shah 0ahans 7han2i2 sa$an' (Life in :' >' iii' 1+/H1.<)'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % &+' Infringe$ent of Ro,al Prerogati!e' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of 7abul the A$*eror learnt that Prince :uha$$ad :uazza$ had at the ti$e of holding ourt ordered four dru$s to be beaten' The A$*eror )roteJ ?The *ri$e2$inister should )rite to the *rince a NLetter 6, order to this effect"HIn the *lace of four dru$s ,ou should beat four taborsJ because it is the *rerogati!e of A$*erors alone to beat Bettledru$s )hile holding ourt' When 9od gi!es ,ou Tthe throneUJ ,ou )ill Ten-o, these i$*erial rightsU' Wh, this i$*atienceP@ TeIt'XIr' :S' .b' :S' N' ;b2&<a' Notes'XPrince :uazza$ ascended the throne as 6ahadur Shah I' in &5<5' #e )as a**ointed b, his father subahdar of Afghanistan in :a,' &4;8'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % &.' Infringe$ent of Ro,al Prerogati!e' Ero$ the letter of the s*, of the *ro!ince of AfghanistanJ the A$*eror learnt that Prince :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur Shah *erfor$ed the traditional *ra,ers after setting u* can!as screens (Banat) in the 0a$a :os=ue' Dn the sheet of the letter Aurangzib )roteJ ?Geril, this $atter is not unconnected )ith fear and co)ardiceJ )hich are traits of this sons character' In s*ite of such co)ardiceJ he ought to ha!e a little fear of $eJ too' #o) did he dare do a thing )hich is the s*ecial *rerogati!e of BingsP The late A$*eror Shah 0ahan )as negligent to)ards his sonsJ so that $atters ca$e to a *ass that is

notorious'@ Dn the $argin the A$*eror )roteJ ?The nazir (of 7abul) is dis$issed fro$ his *ost and reduced in ranB b, a hundred troo*ersJ as he has not )ritten a single s,llable about this affair' :uharra$ 7han should reco$$end another nazir' Antirel, change the -agirs of the ne)s2)riter and re*orter Tof 7abulU' I ha!e not degraded the$ in ranB as the, $a, be of ser!ice in future' The s*, should =uicBl, $aBe another in=uir, and re*ort the facts' If it is trueJ the *rince should be re$o!ed fro$ the go!ernorshi* and su$$oned to $, *resence'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &<a K b'J not in :S' N'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % &/' Ro,al Prerogati!e infringed' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the letter of the nazir of :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur Shah that )hen the *rince )as issuing fro$ the chaBla of Sarhind he )his*ered so$ething into the ears of the su*erintendent of the ele*hants )hich the )riter could not catch' When the, had $arched 8 $iles fro$ the TlastU halting *laceJ a fight tooB *lace bet)een t)o infuriated ele*hants' The *rince hi$self sto**ed )ith his troo*s and ca$*2follo)ers and )itnessed the fightM after)ards the dri!ers of the t)o ele*hants se*arated the$ fro$ each other and continued the -ourne,' 6ut in this co$bat neither of the ele*hants had hurt or trodden do)n an, *erson' Dn the sheet the A$*eror )roteJ ?The first state$ent )as due to fear for his o)n lifeJ as conceal$ent Tof the $atterU )as not *ossible' The second correctionJ !iz' that Nneither of the ele*hants had hurt an,bod,J dis*la,s the sha$e of a!arice )hich $aBes *eo*le blind and du$b' The chief *a,$aster should reduce the nazirs ranB b, +<< and change his -agir in *ro*ortion to the reduction in his ranB' The *ri$e2$inister should )rite to the foolish *rince a NLetter b, Drder instead of a far$anJ sa,ingJ Drdering an ele*hant2fight is the eIclusi!e *rerogati!e of Bings' 6, these useless and un*rofitable longings ,ou cannot get the cro)n sooner' When the ti$e co$es and it is in ,our destin,J ,ou )ill be Bing' What ruins a $an is de$anding $ore than his lot and before the ordained ti$e' Wh, do ,ou Tb, such assu$*tion of ro,alt,U $aBe $e angr, and ,ourself afflictedP@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &&a K b M :S' N' +&a K b'

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% &1' Ro,al Prerogati!e Infringed' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of the *ro!ince of 7abul the A$*eror learnt that :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur ShahJ on the da,s that he held ourtJ used to sit on a *latfor$ erected one ,ard abo!e the ground' The A$*eror )rote on the sheetJ TGerseU ?It is not b, $ere )ishing that our )orBs are done' 9ods grace is re=uired in e!er, )orB' (ou cannot secure the seat of great ones b, T$ereU rash acts' >nless ,ou ha!e gathered together all the $aterials for greatness' It is !er, strange that the confine$ent of so $an, ,ears has not refor$ed the *resu$*tuous $ind of this *roud and foolish T*rinceU' T)o strict $ace2 bearers should be sent to $aBe hi$ get do)n fro$ his seat in o*en ourtJ and to dis$antle the *latfor$' If the, arri!e Tat 7abulU )hen he is not holding ourtJ the, should )ait till he does soJ and then carr, out $, orderJ as a reco$*ense for that )hich the, do' The late A$*eror Shah 0ahan sho)ed so $uch carelessuess and negligence to)ards his sons that the inde*endent chief of affairs )as turned u*side do)n'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' +b'

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% &4' Sus*icious )atching of his sons' #a$ida 6anuJ the su*erintendent ($ahaldar) of the hare$ of :uha$$ad :uazza$ 6ahadur ShahJ fro$ the *ro!ince of :ultan *etitioned the A$*erorJ ?Ger, often at night in the *rinces *ri!ate cha$berJ )here his belo!ed ones co$eJ he taBes )ith hi$self his *en2case and $e$orandu$2booB' Dut of regard for eti=uette it is not allo)ed b, the ourt regulations that the $ahaldar or her de*ut, should be *resent at that ti$e' When ,our :a-est, ga!e this old sla!e )o$an Tthe )riterU her congee ,ou told her orall,J and ,ou also inserted it in a Tsubse=uentU ro,al letterJ that )hene!er the *rince )ould call for his *en2case this old bond$aid or her de*ut, Sharf2un2nisa should be *resent' These are the facts' What order in this $atterP@ The A$*eror )rote in ans)erJ ?If ,ou cannot in eti=uette go to the *rinces *ri!ate cha$berJ )hat eti=uette is there in ,our refusing to send hi$ the *en2 caseP In an, case in future do not at all lea!e the *en2case in the inner a*art$ents' I ha!e also sent an order to the nazir that )hene!er the *rince in the outer a*art$ents needs T)riting $aterialsU he should *roduce the *en2

caseJ so that the *rince $a, Bee* it )ith hi$self onl, till the necessar, signatures are finishedM thereafter the nazir should Bee* it under his o)n seal' The nazir should tell $, foolish son that his ca*ti!it, for so $an, ,ears has not $ade hi$ )iseJ as he has taBen such audacious ste*sF A!en no) the $atter has not gone out Tof $, handU' Distance cannot *re!ent T$e fro$U *unishing Thi$U' (Gerse) #ere is the *olo2ballJ and here is the fieldJ (ou inconsiderateJ utterl, ignorant $an'@ TeIt'X:S' N' +<a 4X+<b &+' Notes'XPrince :uazza$ after ha!ing been confined b, his father fro$ &485J )as finall, released in &4;1J and on &.th 0ul,' &4;4J )ent to :ultan as go!ernorJ (:' A' .8+)' #ere he re$ained for t)o ,earsJ no$inall, a !icero,J but still )atched b, his -ealous fathers s*ies' The $ahaldar )as the highest fe$ale ser!ant and controlled the hare$JHa sort of fe$ale $a-or do$o' She e!identl, acted as a s*, in the interests of the A$*eror'

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6'A3A: S#A# % &5' The a*itulation of Parli' The siege of the fort of Parli had continued for four $onthsJ and then the rain, season a**roached' It )as usual in that *art for the rains to be acco$*anied b, hail2stor$s' The soldiers )ere in conse=uence greatl, alar$ed' ShaiBh Sadullah 7han sub$itted to the A$*erorJ through :uharra$ 7hanJ ?If the A$*erors son Ali-ah )ould not be dis*leasedJ *eace can be $ade in a da,'@ #is :a-est, saidJ ?Wait to2da,M the ans)er )ill be gi!en to2$orro)'@ In the e!ening it beca$e Bno)n that the *rince had an intolerable a!ersion to $aBing *eaceJ and that the ShaiBh had arranged for the surrender of the fort on the sole condition that the co$$andant and the garrison should go out Tfreel,U )ithout an, *ro*ert,' The A$*eror saidJ ?:aBe the agree$ent co$*leteJ so that i$$ediatel, on $, gi!ing the orderJ the i$*erial flag $a, be *lanted on the fort )ithout an, dela,'@ As he orderedJ the settle$ent )as $ade fir$' NeIt da,J )hen holding the $orning ourtJ #is :a-est, said to Prince Ali-ahJ ?I ha!e to sho) consideration for ,our feelings' Dther)iseJ $aBing *eace is not so !er, difficult' DthersJ tooJ $a, acco$*lish it'@ The *rince re*liedJ ?I agree to an, $ethod b, )hich ,our :a-est,s )orB can be done'@ The A$*eror re-oinedJ ?6ut ,ou )ill after)ards feel aggrie!edF@ The *rince

ans)eredJ ?What *o)er has this sla!e to be dis*leased )ith his hol, guide and *rece*torP@ and then Tafter a *auseU he asBedJ ?Who is this $anJ the $ediator in $aBing *eaceP@ ?ShaiBh Sadullah@ ans)ered #is :a-est,' The *rince saidJ ?Let the order be issued'@ As ShaiBh Sadullah )as not *resent at ourtJ the A$*eror told :uharra$ 7hanJ ?Send )ord to the ShaiBh to *lant the flag =uicBl, on the fort'@ After t)o gharis the flag )as set u* there and the $usic of !ictor, )as *la,ed' Prince Aza$ )ith eItre$e irritation and roughness saidJ ?We ser!ants of ,our :a-est, ought no) to taBe *oisonJ as these rascals (*a-i) ha!e beco$e ,our counsellors'@ The A$*eror ans)eredJ ?I ha!e indeed cherished rascals' No) I shall dri!e both the rascals out of $, ca$*' ShaiBh Sadullah )ill be sent to the 6ase a$*J and ,ou to the *ro!ince of Ah$adabad (i'e'J 9u-rat)'@ Then he ordered that Siadat 7hanJ the su*erintendent of the $ace2bearersJ )ith all the $ace2bearers should acco$*an, the *rince and $aBe hi$ dis$ount at San*gaonJ . Boses fro$ the i$*erial ar$,J )ithout *er$itting the *rince to go bacB to his *resent =uarters' Then #is :a-est, dro**ed the screen and rose fro$ the ourt' Prince Aza$J in confusion and be)ilder$entJ entreated the $ediation of Asad 7hanJ the )azirJ )ho begged the A$*eror to gi!e the *rince t)o da,s res*iteJ that the rains $ight sto* a little' #is :a-est, re*liedJ ?What business ha!e $, ser!ants to sa, an,thing in the affairs of $, sonsP@ Asad 7han felt asha$ed of ha!ing $ade the re=uest' A!entuall, the *rince )ent )ith the su*erintendent of the $ace2bearersJ tooB u* his residence in the ca$* at San*gaonJ and thence sub$itted to the A$*erorJ ?WaI for $aBing oil2cloth cannot be had'@ Aurangzib re*liedJ ?(ou $a, taBe so$e fro$ the i$*erial 9o!ern$ent TstoresU after *a,ing the *rice'@ The *rince *ra,ed that the *rice $ight be deducted fro$ his cash sti*end' The A$*eror )rote Ton the a**licationUJH?No )ise $an lea!es cash for creditJ V for at the ti$e of *a,$ent )ho Bno)s )ho )ill be ali!e and )ho )ill be deadP (ou $ust *a, the *rice in cash and taBe Tthe )aIU'@ SoJ the *rince did as he )as orderedM he sent Rs' &J+<< and got the )aI' TeIt'XIr' :S' +aX.aJ :S' N' .;aX/<b' Notes'XThe fort of ParliJ / $' fro$ SataraJ )as besieged b, Aurangzib fro$ .<th A*ril to ;th 0uneJ &5<< (:asir2i2Ala$giriJ /+1H/+8)' Prince Ali-ah )as :uha$$ad Aza$J the .rd son of Aurangzib' ShaiBh Sadullah )as at one ti$e the $ushrif of the A$*erors *ersonal attendants (Bha)as)' :ace2 bearers )ere sergeants )ho $ade arrests and carried out the A$*erors disci*linar, orders'

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% &8' Strict 0ustice bet)een a Prince and a


Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ Shah )rote a letter to Ina,etullah 7han )ith instructions to sub$it to the A$*eror the *ur*ort of the letter and his re=uests' #e stated thereinJ ?Sa,,id LalJ )ho has been holding a ranB ($ansab) in the i$*erial ser!ice for three generationsJ drinBs )ine and does $an, Binds of irreligious *ractices (bidat) in $, -agir of :andesor' The A$*eror should order his -agir to be taBen a)a, fro$ hi$ and gi!en to $eJ so that this e!il $a, be *ut do)n'@ The A$*eror )rote across the *etitionJH?It is a no!el and funn, $anner of a**ro*riation to taBe on ,ourself a )orB )hich a**ertains to the ensor of :orals and to *ra, for the transfer of anothers -agir' It is i$*ossible to transfer a -agir held for one generation onl,JHnot to s*eaB of one en-o,ed for three generations' Nobod,s -agir is transferred at the $ere )ord of another $an' In being $, ser!ants this son and Sa,,id Lal are eIactl, e=ualJ )hile the latterJ b, reason of his being a Sa,,idJ is a thousand ste*s higher' The chief Sadar should )rite to the ensor of that *lace to en=uire into the truth of the $atter and re*ort the details to $e' Praised be 9od that I ha!e not gi!en $, sons *redo$inance as the A$*eror Shah 0ahan didJ lest I should be *ut to disgrace Tb, the$U'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' .aX.bJ :S' N' 8bX;a inco$*lete and confused' Note'X ensor of :orals or :uhtasibJ an officer a**ointed to see that the ordinances of Isla$ are strictl, obser!ed in *ri!ate life' TSee $, :ughal Ad$inistrationJ +nd ed'J ch' +' % 8'U

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% &;' 6e not too bold' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the ne)s2letter of the ar$, of Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ Shah that he used to go incautiousl, to)ards the entrench$ents in order to !ie) the fort of Panhala' Although the nazir and the $ahaldar forbade hi$J he did not $ind their *rohibition' The sa$e thing )as also re*orted to the A$*eror in the letters of the nazir and the $ahaldar' #is :a-est, )roteJ ?I )onder at this sonJ on )ho$ $, societ, has *roduced no Teducati!eU effect )hate!erF #e is a thousand stages re$ote fro$ caution and farsightednessJ and has not laid to heart the $aIi$ NPrecaution is a sus*icion of $ischiefJ nor *ut to use the !erse NDont thrust ,ourself )ith ,our o)n hands into destruction' (Gerses) A bird that is *rudent in this garden of a )orldJ Sus*ects the rose of being the cla)s of a ro,al falconF

When a *artridge flies )ithout circu$s*ectionJ 6lood dro*s fro$ its !isible )oundsJ as the result of its laughter' The societ, of the good does not turn a bad nature into goodJ The al$ond co$es out of sugar as bitter as before' :anliness does not consist in audacit, and recBlessnessJ but in breaBing ones self (i'e'J hu$ilit,)' (Gerses) The *erfection of $anliness and hu$anit, lies in self2su**ression' 7iss the hand of the $an )ho has broBen this bo) (i'e'J self)'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &8aXb' Notes'XPanhalaJ && $' s' )' of 7olha*ur' Aurangzib ca*tured it after a siege lasting fro$ ;th :arch to +8th :a,J &5<&' (:asir2i2Ala$giriJ /.<H/.;M 7hafi 7hanJ ii' /54H/;<)'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % +<' Prince Aza$ *unished for =uarrelling )ith the Su*erintendent of his hare$' 6ahroz 7hanJ the nazir of the deorhi of Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ ShahJ re*orted to the A$*erorJ ?The *rince has beha!ed badl, to)ards Nur2un2nisaJ the $ahaldarJ as he did not taBe her )ith hi$self Tin his !isitU to the i$*erial garden at Ah$adabad' The $ahaldar sent a letter outside Tthe hare$ to $eU forbidding the *rinces -ourne,' SoJ this sla!e (i'e'J the )riter) ca$e and sto**ed the riding out of the *rinceJ in the absence of an, order Tfro$ the A$*erorU' The *rince eI*elled the $ahaldar fro$ his asse$bl, ($a-lis)'@ The A$*eror )rote this order"H?The $ansabdars a**ointed Tto that *ro!inceU and 7h)a-ah Culi 7han )ith his o)n troo*s and the Ra-ah of Nar)arJ should co2 o*erate and *re!ent the *rince fro$ riding out or gi!ing audienceJ *ending the arri!al of order fro$ $e'@ NeIt da,J )hen the *rince got ne)s of itJ he sent a *etition through his sisterJ Padishah 6ega$J begging *ardon for his offencesJ and enclosing an agree$ent to a co$*ro$ise sealed )ith the seals of the nazir and the $ahaldar' Dn the *etition the A$*eror )rote"H?I refrain fro$ transferring ,our $ahals (i'e'J -agir)' 6ut if no *ecuniar, *unish$ent is inflictedJ ,ou )ill retain the audacit, to do this sort of )orB again' Eift, thousand Ru*ees should be taBen fro$ the cash salar, of this short2sightedJ base2$inded and foolish sonJ into the *ublic treasur, as *unish$ent for this offence'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' /a K bJ :S' N' 1a K b'

Notes'XPrince Aza$ )as subahdar of 9u-rat fro$ the $iddle of &5<& to No!e$berJ &5<1' Padishah 6ega$ )as the title of his sister 3inat2un2nisa'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % +&' :aintain *eace on the high)a,s' Ero$ the re*ort of the *ro!ince of Ah$adabadJ of )hich :uha$$ad Aza$ Shah )as the go!ernorJ the A$*eror learntH?0ana-i DaliaJ a co$$ander of the ene$, Ti'e'J :arathasUJ had *lundered so$e $erchants on the high)a, of SuratJ at a *lace 8< $iles fro$ Ah$adabad' This $atter had beco$e Bno)n to Shah Ali-ah Ti'e'J Aza$U fro$ a ne)s2letterM but he had saidJ NIt has occurred )ithin the fau-dari of A$anat 7hanJ the collector of SuratM I ha!e no concern )ith it'@ Dn the sheet of the re*ort the A$*eror )roteJH ?Decrease fi!e thousand fro$ the substanti!e ranB of the *rinceJ and taBe fro$ his agents $one, corres*onding to the TlossU re*orted b, the $erchants' If it had been an officer other than a *rinceJ this order )ould ha!e been issued after an in=uir,' Eor a *rince the *unish$ent is the absence of in!estigation' 6ra!o for ,our *rinceshi*J that ,ou consider ,ourself lo)er than A$anat 7hanF As in $, lifeti$e ,ou are clai$ing to inherit the e$*ireJ )h, then do ,ou not $aBe A$anat 7han a sharer of ,our heritage during $, lifeP (Gerse) A $alad, that does not go a)a, for $edicineJ has no cure' A $an )ho has no )isdo$J does not need an, thing'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' ++bJ :S' N' +4bX+5a' Note'XDalia is *robabl, Dal)a,J a :aratha fa$il, na$e'

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% ++' >nintentional conte$*t of ? ourt@ *unished' Dne da, )hen the A$*eror )as holding ourtJ Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ Shah stood u* and $ade a re=uest' At not getting a re*l, fa!ourable to his desireJ he gre) angr, and ad!anced so far that his foot touched the A$*erors seat ($asnad)' The A$*eror in dis*leasure dro**ed the screen of the ourtJ )ent a)a,J and forbade the *rince to co$e to the *resence'

Nobod, else had the *o)er to intercede )ith hi$M but Shah Sali$ullahJ Ta her$itU of NandurbarJ said to the A$*erorJ ?That the *rince ad!anced his foot )as not due to a s*irit of daringJ but to carelessness' Df hi$ )ho *ardons and $aBes *eaceJ the reco$*ense is fro$ 9od'@ 6elo) the abo!e TCuranicU !erse the A$*eror )roteJH (Gerse) ?Ero$ the banB of safet, into the sea of destructionJ fell That $an )ho set his ste*s be,ond his o)n li$its'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 1bJ :S' N' .+a K b' Note'XWhen the A$*eror dro**ed a screen in front of his seat at a darbarJ it )as a sign that the ourt )as closed' Then he retired to the hare$ b, a door at the bacB of his seat'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents % +.' The A$*erors re*artee' Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ ShahJ o)ing to his le!it, of character and !ileness of tongueJ had liBened #is :a-est, to the s)ee*er 0a$a )ho used to ser!e in the #all of Pri!ate AudienceJ and the $atter had reached the i$*erial ears' Dne da,J )hile 0a$a )as s)ee*ing the court,ard of the Pri!ate Audience #allJ the A$*eror turned to)ards Aza$ Shah and saidJ ?6abaF this s)ee*er has four sons'@ Aza$ Shah re*liedJ ?#e has onl, one sonJ and that too a $ere child'@ #is :a-est, re-oinedJ ?(our state$ent is )rong' :, infor$ation is e!en that one of these four sons has gone a)a, to PersiaF@ Dn hearing these )ordsJ the *rince understood the *oint Tof the A$*erors s*eechU and )as greatl, asha$ed' #e co$*lained to his sisterJ 3inat2un2nisa 6ega$J ?#is :a-est,J utterl, disregarding the consideratiou and honour due to $, lad, $otherJ has described 0a$a s)ee*er as $, fatherF@ The A$*eror retortedJ ?6utJ thenJ sonF ,ou sho)ed no consideration and honour to Shah 0ahanJ )hen ,ou described his late :a-est,s son as the s)ee*er 0a$aF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 4aJ :S' N' &&a K b' Note'XDnl, four sons of Aurangzib )ere ali!e at this ti$eJ and one of theseJ Prince ABbarJ had fled to Persia after the failure of his rebellion in &48&'

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% +/' Aurangzib Bee*s his sons at a distance' :uha$$ad Aza$ ShahJ )ho )as go!ernor of 9u-ratJ *etitioned thusJH?Dn account of the length of $, illnessJ )hich )as a =uartan fe!er for a long ti$e Hthough the disease has been totall, re$o!ed for $ore than t)o $onthsJ I a$ still so )eaB that I cannot utter )ords' I *ra, for a transfer fro$ this *ro!ince to the A$*erors *resenceJ so that at all e!ents I $a,J after attaining the blessing of Bissing the A$*erors feetJ gi!e u* $, )eaB life'@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?:a, the True Protector )atch o!er this fruit of $, heart TSsonU in all conditionsF To allo) ,ou to tra!el and co$e to $e in this state of )eaBnessJ )ould not be free fro$ cruelt,' (Gerse) #e considers re$e$brance as higher than inter!ie)J ThanB 9odF $, e,es are not ungrateful' This )eaB old $an and this shrunBen hel*less creature TAurangzibU is afflicted )ith a hundred $aladies besides anIiet, Tlit'J headacheUJ but he has $ade *atience his habit' (Gerse) In the o*inion of those )ho are read, for deathJ A!er, unseasonable trouble sent b, Eate a**ears as a suitable fa!our' I ha!e no greed for diseaseJ other)ise A!er, disease allotted to $e is a $edicine fro$ the In!isible' While talBing )ith $, )icBed and re*rehensible *assionsJ I sa, that )ith the eIce*tion of the heartJ )hich is *recious and )orth *rotectingJ the )orld and e!er,thing in it deser!e to be left behind' Wh, ha!e ,ou bound T,ourselfU to the )orld and te$*oral thingsP (our heart is to be taBen T)ith ,ou to the neIt )orldUJ and the World and Ti$e )ill ha!e to be gi!en u*' (Gerse) A!er, Tearthl,U thing )hich ,ou ele!ate )ill thro) ,ou do)n into the dust' AIce*t the flo) of tearsJ )hich is ca*able of ele!ating ,ou Tto hea!enU'@ TeIt'X:S' N' &<a 1X&<b &&' Notes'XIn A*rilJ &4;.J Prince Aza$ at udda*ah in :adras had a long and se!ere attacB of dro*s,J after )hich he )as con!e,ed to the ourt b, order of the A$*erorJ arri!ing there on ++nd DctoberJ &4;.J (:'A' .1.J .4&X.4.M 7hafi 7hanJ ii' /./)' 6ut he )as not then go!ernor of 9u-rat' 7hafi 7han gi!es the follo)ing account of an a**lication $ade b, the *rince in &5<1 to co$e fro$ 9u-rat and !isit his father"H ?Prince :uha$$ad Aza$J in 9u-ratJ on hearing of his fathers illnessJ a**lied for *er$ission to co$e to ourt on the *lea of the air and )ater of that *ro!ince not being congenial to hi$' The A$*eror )as dis*leased and sent hi$ a letter to this effect"XNIJ tooJ had sent a si$ilar *etition to $, father Shah 0ahan during his illness Tat the close of his reignUJ and he had re*lied to it b, sa,ing that the air of e!er, *lace is agreeable to $en eIce*t the )ind of e!il

*assionsF@ (ii' 1/&)' In the end the A$*eror *er$itted Aza$ to co$e to ourtJ and he arri!ed there on +1th :archJ &5<4' (:'A' 1&+)'

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'7A: 6A7#S#' % +1' 7a$ 6aBhsh *laced under arrest' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the letters of the nazir and ne)s2)riter )ith Prince :uha$$ad 7a$ 6aBhshJ H?After the ca*ture of fort 0in-iJ Nusrat 0ang 7han $ade a re=uest to the *rince to $arch and halt cautiousl, as there )ere $ore than 1<J<<< ca!alr, of the ene$, around Tthe :ughal forceU' The *rince dis*la,ing roughness ans)eredJ NI a$ $, o)n $aster' I shall $arch )hene!er I liBeHtill at last the $atter *assed into un*leasantness' The 7han ga!e u* )aiting on the *rince in his ourtJ and inter!ie)ed hi$ Tonl,U )hen riding out' Dn Wednesda,J the ;th 3i=ada TS&.th 0ul,J &4;+U at noon )hen the *rince had dis$ounted in his o)n ca$*J he sent a sla!e to call the 7hanJ and the latter dela,ed co$ing' Eour sla!es ca$e in =uicB succession' At this -uncture the 7hans s*ies brought hi$ ne)s that the *rince had for$ed a *lan )ith his foster2brother to i$*rison the 7han' Also fro$ the letter of the nazir it beca$e Bno)n that this re*ort )as true' The 7han called together the Tne)sU2)ritersJ tooB the$ as his )itnessesJ hi$self )ith Rao Dal*at 6undela )ent riding on ele*hants to inside the screen (-ali) Tof the *rinces =uartersUJ and *ulled do)n the *rinces ourt2 tent )ith the ele*hants trunB' The *rinceJ on seeing thisJ )anted to flee to his hare$' 6ut Rao Dal*at co$ing u* seized both his handsJ and *ulling hi$ b, the slee!es dragged hi$ to the ele*hant of the 7hanJ )ho $ade a sign to Dal*at to seat the *rince on his o)n ele*hant' So in that $anner four $arches )ere $adeJ the *rince re$aining )ith Rao Dal*at da, and night and sta,ing in his tent'@ After reading the sheetJ the A$*eror )rote on it" (Gerse) ?A sla!e2girls son co$es to no goodJ A!en though he $a, ha!e been begotten b, a Bing' What refor$ could Noah (on the *ro*hets and on hi$ be *eaceF) effect in his disobedient sonJ that I can succeed Tin the sa$e )orBUP Nusrat 0ang 7han is not )ithout )isdo$' Whosoe!er s*eaBs ill of hi$ is hi$self a bad $an' As for bringing this )orthless T*rinceUJ the leader of the )icBedJ let Nusrat 0ang 7han acco$*an, (i'e'J escort) hi$ u* to 6i-a*urJ and thereafter entrust hi$ to the *ri$e2$inister' Send a far$an to the go!ernor of 6i-a*urJ to gi!e hi$ an

escort of one thousand ca!alr, and send hi$ to $e' Nusrat 0ang 7han should go to guard the ne)l, con=uered territor,J such as fort 0in-i and other *laces' When I send hi$ a far$anJ he )ill co$e to $e'@ Dn the $argin of the *etitionJ #is :a-est, )roteJ ?Eor the saBe of a son )hoJ agreeabl, )ith the !erse N#e is ,our ene$,J has been *ro!ed and ascertained to be an ene$,J H)h, should I =uarrel )ith $, friendsJ a$ong )ho$ a good ser!ant is recBoned oneP As*eciall, )hen that ser!ant is a near Bins$anJ being the son of $, $aternal auntJ and regard for the friendliness due to Bindred is *ro*er'@ T:S' N' addsJHDn the $argin he )roteJ ?Plato has saidJ N(our friends are three" the sharer of ,our salt (e'i'J $eals)J the sharer of ,our dangerJ and the co$*anion of ,our tra!els'@U TeIt'XIr' :S' ++a K bJ :S' N' +5bX+;a' Notes'X7a$ 6aBhshJ the ,oungest and *etted son of Aurangzib and >dai*uri :ahalJ (born +/ Eebruar,J &445) -oined the siege of 0in-i on &4th Dec'J &4;&J the real co$$anders being Asad 7han and his son Nusrat 0ang' The fort fell on 5th 0anuar,J &4;8' 6ut about +8th Dec' &4;+ 7a$ 6aBhshJ for his o**osition to the t)o generals and intrigue )ith the ene$,J )as arrested and sent to the ourtJ )here he arri!ed on &/th 0uneJ &4;. (:' A' .112.1;)' See #istor, of AurangzibJ !ol' !' ch' 1&'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents NeIt Pre!ious ontents '7A: 6A7#S#' % +1' 7a$ 6aBhsh *laced under arrest' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the letters of the nazir and ne)s2)riter )ith Prince :uha$$ad 7a$ 6aBhshJ H?After the ca*ture of fort 0in-iJ Nusrat 0ang 7han $ade a re=uest to the *rince to $arch and halt cautiousl, as there )ere $ore than 1<J<<< ca!alr, of the ene$, around Tthe :ughal forceU' The *rince dis*la,ing roughness ans)eredJ NI a$ $, o)n $aster' I shall $arch )hene!er I liBeHtill at last the $atter *assed into un*leasantness' The 7han ga!e u* )aiting on the *rince in his ourtJ and inter!ie)ed hi$ Tonl,U )hen riding out' Dn Wednesda,J the ;th 3i=ada TS&.th 0ul,J &4;+U at noon )hen the *rince had dis$ounted in his o)n ca$*J he sent a sla!e to call the 7hanJ and the latter dela,ed co$ing' Eour sla!es ca$e in =uicB succession' At this -uncture the 7hans s*ies brought hi$ ne)s that the *rince had for$ed a *lan )ith his foster2brother to i$*rison the 7han' Also fro$ the letter of the nazir it beca$e Bno)n that this re*ort )as true' The 7han called together the Tne)sU2)ritersJ tooB the$ as his )itnessesJ hi$self )ith Rao Dal*at 6undela )ent riding on ele*hants to inside the screen (-ali) Tof the *rinces =uartersUJ and *ulled do)n the *rinces ourt2

tent )ith the ele*hants trunB' The *rinceJ on seeing thisJ )anted to flee to his hare$' 6ut Rao Dal*at co$ing u* seized both his handsJ and *ulling hi$ b, the slee!es dragged hi$ to the ele*hant of the 7hanJ )ho $ade a sign to Dal*at to seat the *rince on his o)n ele*hant' So in that $anner four $arches )ere $adeJ the *rince re$aining )ith Rao Dal*at da, and night and sta,ing in his tent'@ After reading the sheetJ the A$*eror )rote on it" (Gerse) ?A sla!e2girls son co$es to no goodJ A!en though he $a, ha!e been begotten b, a Bing' What refor$ could Noah (on the *ro*hets and on hi$ be *eaceF) effect in his disobedient sonJ that I can succeed Tin the sa$e )orBUP Nusrat 0ang 7han is not )ithout )isdo$' Whosoe!er s*eaBs ill of hi$ is hi$self a bad $an' As for bringing this )orthless T*rinceUJ the leader of the )icBedJ let Nusrat 0ang 7han acco$*an, (i'e'J escort) hi$ u* to 6i-a*urJ and thereafter entrust hi$ to the *ri$e2$inister' Send a far$an to the go!ernor of 6i-a*urJ to gi!e hi$ an escort of one thousand ca!alr, and send hi$ to $e' Nusrat 0ang 7han should go to guard the ne)l, con=uered territor,J such as fort 0in-i and other *laces' When I send hi$ a far$anJ he )ill co$e to $e'@ Dn the $argin of the *etitionJ #is :a-est, )roteJ ?Eor the saBe of a son )hoJ agreeabl, )ith the !erse N#e is ,our ene$,J has been *ro!ed and ascertained to be an ene$,J H)h, should I =uarrel )ith $, friendsJ a$ong )ho$ a good ser!ant is recBoned oneP As*eciall, )hen that ser!ant is a near Bins$anJ being the son of $, $aternal auntJ and regard for the friendliness due to Bindred is *ro*er'@ T:S' N' addsJHDn the $argin he )roteJ ?Plato has saidJ N(our friends are three" the sharer of ,our salt (e'i'J $eals)J the sharer of ,our dangerJ and the co$*anion of ,our tra!els'@U TeIt'XIr' :S' ++a K bJ :S' N' +5bX+;a' Notes'X7a$ 6aBhshJ the ,oungest and *etted son of Aurangzib and >dai*uri :ahalJ (born +/ Eebruar,J &445) -oined the siege of 0in-i on &4th Dec'J &4;&J the real co$$anders being Asad 7han and his son Nusrat 0ang' The fort fell on 5th 0anuar,J &4;8' 6ut about +8th Dec' &4;+ 7a$ 6aBhshJ for his o**osition to the t)o generals and intrigue )ith the ene$,J )as arrested and sent to the ourtJ )here he arri!ed on &/th 0uneJ &4;. (:' A' .112.1;)' See #istor, of AurangzibJ !ol' !' ch' 1&'

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% +5' Cuarrel bet)een 6idar 6aBht and his )ife'

Ero$ the letter of the nazir acco$*an,ing Prince 6idar 6aBht 6ahadurJ the A$*eror learntJ ?The *rince had al)a,s before this sho)n the greatest affection and fa!our to Sha$s2un2nisaJ the daughter of :uBhtar 7han' 6ut no)J contrar, to his usual $annerJ he often treats her )ith dis*leasureJ so that one da, he had saidJ NThe daughter of a rascal (*a-i) ought not to sho) such *ride to *rinces' At this Sha$s2un2nisa re*liedJ NIf ,ou liBe ,ou $a, sla, $eJ but I shall not s*eaB to ,ou again' So fro$ that da, she had gi!en u* s*eaBing to hi$'@ Across the sheet of the letter the A$*eror )roteM (Gerse) ?At da)n the bird of the garden TnightingaleU said to the ne)l, blosso$ed roseJ NDont gi!e ,ourself airs so $uchJ because in this garden $an, liBe ,ou had budded Tbefore'U The rose laughed Tsa,ingUJ NI a$ not sorr, to hear the truthJ but No lo!er e!er s*oBe a bitter )ord to his belo!ed' (#afiz) 6e it clear to this light of $, e,e Ti'e'J grandsonU that in the season of ,outhJ )hich in the !ile *hraseolog, of his boon co$*anions is st,led N$ad ,outhJ IJ tooJ had this relation )ith a *erson T)ifeU )ho had eItre$e i$*eriousnessJ but to the end of her life I continued to lo!e her and ne!er once did I )ound her feelings' ThenJ againJ to a**l, the ter$ *a-i to Sa,,ids is si$*l, to act liBe a *a-i' If a Sa,,id is called a *a-iJ it )ill not certainl, $aBe her a *a-i' If I do not learn fro$ the letters of the $ahaldar and the nazir that ,ou ha!e $ade it u* )ith this Sa,,id girlJ ,ou )ill $eet )ith rebuBeJ na, $oreJ )ith *unish$ent' T9od shall gi!e the$U reco$*ense for that )hich the, )ere doing'@ TeIt'X:S' N' +.b &X+/a 1' Notes'X6idar 6aBhtJ the son of Aza$J and the fa!ourite grandson of AurangzibJ )as $arried to the daughter of :uBhtar 7hanJ surna$ed Puti 6ega$J on +&st No!'J &484 (:' A' +8/)' A sonJ na$ed Eiruz 6aBht )as born to the$ on +.rd Aug'J &4;1 (Ibid' .5/)J 6idar 6aBhts father2in2la) )as Ca$r2ud2 dinJ the son of Sha$s2ud2dinJ the son of Sa,,id :uha$$adJ all three of the$ being successi!el, entitled :uBhtar 7han (:' >' iii' 414)' This fa$il,J the 6en2i2:uBhtarJ en-o,ed the greatest res*ect a$ong the :usli$sJ and traced its descent fro$ the Pro*hetJ through Abul :uBhtarJ the na=ib of Alis :ashhad and A$ir2ul2ha-' Dne of its $e$bers $igrated fro$ Na-af to Sabza)ar in 7hurasanJ hence their title of Sabza)ari' (:' >' iii' /<;)' Aurangzib is referring to his o)n $arried life' #is )ife Dilras 6anuJ the daughter of Shah Na)az 7han Safa)iJ ($arried 8th :a,J &4.5J d' 8 DctoberJ &415)J $ust ha!e been a !er, *roud )o$anJ if )e can -udge her character fro$ that of her sonJ :uha$$ad Aza$J )ho )as incredibl, !ain and haught,'

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SA TIDN III' A6D>T #IS DEEI ARS % +8' #u$iliation of Nusrat 0ang' W#AN 3ulfi=ar 7han 6ahadur Nusrat 0angJ after the ca*ture of 0in-iJ arri!ed )ithin / Boses V of the i$*erial ca$* at PanhalaJ Sarbarah 7hanJ the Bot)alJ re*orted to the A$*eror that an i$*erial order had been issued Tto Nusrat 0angU for the chastise$ent of the ene$, Ti'e'J the :arathasU ro!ing in the direction of the 6ase a$*J and T,etU the 7han had arri!ed near the i$*erial ca$*' The A$*eror saidJ ?Dont gi!e hi$ a *ass to enter the lines of the ar$,' (ar Ali 6egJ )ho is the T ourtU agent of Nusrat 0angJ should )rite about this $atter to hi$'@ NeIt $orning he entered the i$*erial enca$*$ent )ithout a *ass and de$anded *er$ission for ad$ission to the A$*erors *ri!ate audience' #is :a-est, ordered that Nusrat 0ang should co$e to the *resence )ith his =ui!er and *ouch Tof a$$unitionU fastened to his )aistJ his bo) on his shouldersJ and his $usBet in his handJ and thatJ contrar, to the for$er *racticeJ )hen his *alBi used to co$e u* to the net)orB2fence (-ali) of the Pri!ate Audience #allJ he should that da, lea!e his *alBi inside the net)orB2fence near the t)o ra)tis (s$all s=uare tents) of the #all of Pri!ate Audience' (ar Ali 6eg )rote Tto Nusrat 0angU all about these ironical fa!ours due to anger' The 7han dis$ounted at the gulal2bar (red can!as )all for$ing the outer$ost li$it of the A$*erors o)n =uarters)J stri**ed off all )ea*ons fro$ his *ersonJ and )alBing on foot to)ards the *resence cha$berJ sat do)n in the ra)ti at the door of the Pri!ate Audience #allJ )aiting for an order for his *resentation' #e *assed t)o gharis in silence and neglectJ and )as then *er$itted to enter' As he )ished to Biss the A$*erors toesJ #is :a-est, eItended his right leg' Dn account of his great confusion and agitationJ Nusrat 0angs Bness touched the cushion ($asnad) of the A$*erorJ )ho )as dis*leased at itJ but )ith eItre$e Bindness and fa!our laid his hand on the 7hans bacB and saidJ ?(ou )ere absent for a long ti$e and so ha!e forgotten the eti=uette of the ourt' (Gerse)' A cro) turned its tail to the cit, and its head to the !illageM TSurel,U the cro)s tail )as better than its headF@ Then the A$*eror turned his face to)ards 6ahra2$and 7han and saidJ ?#o) can it be that ser!ants brought u* in $, household )ould unlearn eti=uette b, reason of their going a)a, fro$ the ourtP A!identl, this 7hans e,esight has been affected'@ So he ordered :uharra$ 7han to bring a *air of s*ectacles and )ith his o)n hands *lace the$ on Nusrat 0angs noseJ and also insisted that he should go to his =uarters in that guiseJ and that as it )as a gift fro$ the A$*eror he should for three da,s co$e to the darbar )earing the s*ectaclesJ as )as the rule )hen robes of honour )ere *resented' When Nusrat 0ang sa) this disgraceJ heJ through the intercession of A$ir 7hanJ the su*erintendent (darogha) of the A$*erors *ersonal ser!ants

(Bha)as)J at night secured *er$ission to de*art for the *unish$ent of the :arathas' After the Nisha *ra,er he ca$e )ith the s*ectacles onJ had audience in the roo$ )here the A$*eror counted his beadsJ and tooB his lea!e' TeIt'XIr!ine :S' &bX+aJ :S' N' .5bX.;a' Notes'X3ulfi=ar 7hanJ surna$ed Nusrat 0ang 6ahadurJ )as a son of Aurangzibs *ri$e2$inister Asad 7han' (6orn &415 A' D'J eIecuted in &5&.)' The fort of 0in-i (or 9ingee in the South Arcot District) ca*itulated to hi$ on 5th 0anuar,J &4;8' Panhala )as besieged b, Aurangzib fro$ ;th :arch to +8th :a,J &5<&' The 6ase a$* )as at Isla$*uri on the 6hi$a ri!er' 6ahra$and 7han )as the chief *a,$asterJ (died 1th No!e$berJ &5<+)' A$ir 7han )as :ir Abdul 7ari$ (son of A$ir 7han Shah 0ahani)' A ghari is +/ $inutes'

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% +;' Dbe, orders first' 3ulfi=ar 7han 6ahadur Nusrat 0ang had b, order gone in *ursuit of #anu$ant TRao Ni$balBarUJ the infidel co$$ander Tof the :arathasU' 6, chance he *assed )ithin four $iles of the i$*erial enca$*$ent' SoJ he *etitionedJ ?As it has ha**ened b, chance that I ha!e to *ass close to the A$*erors ar$,J I consider it a breach of eti=uette to go a)a, )ithout )aiting u*on ,our :a-est,'@ Dn the a**lication the A$*eror )roteJ ?T)o things ha!e been done b, ,ou contrar, to good $anners" firstJ )h, ha!e ,ou let the brigands *ass close to the i$*erial enca$*$entP This act )as not free fro$ bad $annersJ na,J it )as liBel, to *ro!e a fault on ,our *art' Secondl,J b, not engaging in the )orB entrusted to ,ou and b, $aBing a re=uest contrar, to itJ ,ou ha!e sho)n disobedience' Dbe, 9odJ obe, the Pro*hetJ and obe, the co$$anders (Bings) a$ong ,ouF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' +&a K b'

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% .<' Presu$*tuousness of a Deccani officer' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of the ar$, of 3ulfi=ar 7han Nusrat 0angJ the A$*eror learnt that 0ang2-u 7han DeccaniJ )ho held the ranB of a o$$ander of Ei!e Thousand ca!alr,J had *laced his Bettledru$s on buffaloes and in a $ischie!ous s*irit had ordered the$ to be carried side b, side )ith the

Bettledru$s of the band of Nusrat 0ang on an e=ual footing' The A$*eror )roteJ ?What har$ does it do to $eJ and )hat ob-ection has Nusrat 0ang 7han to itP So long as this chief of the accursed and disgraced tribe does not understand his o)n *arading (tashhir)J )hich is the height of disgraceJ e!en if he )ere to carr, his dru$s in ad!ance of those of Nusrat 0angJ it )ould be -ust )hat T)eU desireF #is $arching abreast of Nusrat 0angJ tooJ is no s$all disgrace to hi$'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' .bX/aJ not in :S' N' Notes'XTashhir is a $ode of *unish$ent in )hich a $an is *ublicl, disgraced b, being *araded through a cit, or ca$* $ounted on an ass and acco$*anied b, nois, $usicJ in *arod, of a ro,al *rocession' (:ughal Ad$inistrationJ +nd ed'J *' &+&')

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% .&' Eaithlessness of Deccani officers' The ne)s2re*orter of Nusrat 0ang )rote to the A$*eror that 3indan 7han DeccaniJ )ho held the ranB of a o$$ander of Eour Thousand in the $uster2 roll (zabita) of the DeccanJ used to sacrifice his life in the ser!ice of the A$*erorJ and hence it )ould be *ro*er to confer a higher ranB on hi$' Nusrat 0ang 7hanJ tooJ )rote to the A$*eror to the sa$e effect' The A$*eror )rote this orderMH? The ter$ Nsacrificing his life is a $ere *iece of rhetoric and a fashion of s*eech' If he re*eatedl, sacrificed his lifeJ ho) is it *ossible for hi$ to be still ali!eP To sho) fa!our to this race (i'e'J the Deccanis) is to taBe u* a scor*ion b, the hand or Bee* a ser*ent in the ar$s' The *eo*le of 7ufa are faithless'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' /aJ not in :S' N' Notes'XThis conte$*t for Deccani officers )as un-ust' It )as a Deccani officer )hoJ b, great acti!it,J courage and enter*riseJ ca*tured Sha$bhu-i' 7ufa is a to)nJ )est of the Au*hrates and east of :ashhadJ the inhabitants of )hich *ro!ed false to #usain and thus lured hi$ to his death at 7arbala'

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% .+' 6e)are of the Sa,,ids of 6arhaF Ero$ the re*ort of the *ro!ince of Nander the A$*eror learnt that Sa,,id #asan Ali 7han 6ahadur had sho)n great acti!it, in fighting )ith #anu$antJ the general of the $isbelie!ers T:arathasUJ sacBed his base2ca$* (bungah)J taBen ali!e the brothers son of 0ana-i and i$*osed on hi$ the honour of con!ersion to Isla$' 3ulfi=ar 7han 6ahadur Nusrat 0angJ )ho )as *assing b, that *lace for chastising the disturber Dhana 0ada!J reco$$ended *ro$otions for both the TSa,,idU brothers and sent the letter of reco$$endation to the A$*eror b, rela,s of couriers (daB)J *ra,ing that the elder brothers ranBJ )hich )as 8<<J $ight be raised to &<<<J and the ,ounger brothersJ )hich )as 5<<J to ;<<' Across the sheet Tof the re*ortU the A$*eror )roteJ ?6ra!oF Wh, should it not be soP The Sa,,idsJ )ho are sources of aus*iciousnessJ bear this $eaning that the, should tr, )ith all their life for su**orting the strong faith of their forefatherJ #is #oliness the Sa,,id a$ong *ro*hets T:uha$$adU' Send to both the brothers )ith Ta $ace2bearerU t)o robes of honour fro$ the ro,al )ardrobeJ )ith t)o daggers set )ith *lain2)orB -as*er and ha!ing *earl stra*s' The *ri$e2$inister should )rite a NLetter 6, Drder full of *raise and send it to the$'@ Across the letter Tof Nusrat 0angU #is :a-est, )roteJ ?The reco$$endation of *ro$otion $ade b, this hereditar, ser!ant a)are of $, senti$entsJ )as !er, *ro*er' Eailure on the *art of generals to conciliate good soldiers is a $atter of regret' It should not be done' 6ut it is difficult Tfor $eU to consent to their *ro$otion in one ste*' TrueJ lo!e for the high2ranBed Sa,,ids is a *art of our faithJ na, $oreJ it is the !er, essence of s*iritual Bno)ledgeM and en$it, to this tribe is the cause of entr, into hell2fire and of TincurringU the anger of 9od' 6ut )e should not do an act )hich $ight be a source of our grief in this )orld and $iser, in the neIt' To relaI the reins to the Sa,,ids of 6arha is to bring on final ruinJ i' e'J a bad endM because these *eo*le on getting the least *ros*erit, and *ro$otion boast NThere is none liBe $eJ stra, fro$ the *ath of right conductJ cherish high !ie)sJ and cause i$*edi$ent' If TthenU the, are neglectedJ )orldl, affairs beco$e difficult to *erfor$' If the, are correctedJ the feet ulti$atel, fall into $ud'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' +4b K +5a' Notes'XSa,,id #asan Ali 7han of 6arha after)ards beca$e Cutb2ul2$ulB Abdullah 7han and the )azir of EarruBhsi,ar' #e is Bno)n to fa$e as one of the ?Sa,,id 6rothers@ or Indian 7ing2$aBers' In Aurangzibs reign he )as fau-dar of Nandurbar and Sultan*ur' (Life in :' >' iii' &.<2&/<)' #asan Alis heroic but disastrous fight )ith the :arathas under Ni$a Sindhia (&4;8) is described b, 7hafi 7hanJ ii' /15' #is brother #usain Ali 7hanJ after)ards created A$ir2ul2u$araJ beca$e fau-dar of #indun26iana under Aurangzib' (Life in :' >' i' .+&H..8)' Their father Sa,,id Abdullah )as a**ointed fau-dar of Nander in Eeb' &4;<J (:' A' ..1) and is s*oBen of as subahdar of it

in &4;1 (ABh')' Nusrat 0ang ?returned to ourt after *unishing Dhana 0ada!@ about 0anuar,J &5<< (:' A' /.+)' 6ut he had a ro!ing co$$ission fro$ &5<& to &5<1 to chastise the :aratha bands )here!er found'

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% ..' The Rise of the Niza$s father' When 9hazi2ud2din 7han 6ahadur Eiruz 0angJ )hose original na$e )as :ir Shihab2ud2dinJ first ca$e to India fro$ Gila,etJ his father Abid 7hanJ through the $ediation of Sarbuland 7han the Pa,$asterJ introduced hi$ to the A$*eror at Delhi in the course of his :a-est,s ride on a *ilgri$age to the saint Cutb TShahs to$bUJ and got for hi$ the ranB of a o$$ander of Three #undred #orse' After)ards )hen the A$*eror )ent to A-$irJ none of the scouts consented Tto go outU to bring ne)s about Prince :uha$$ad ABbar )ho had gone o!er to the Ra-*uts' :ir Shihab2ud2din saidJ ?This sla!e is )illing'@ The A$*eror ga!e hi$ a robe of honour and a *ro$otion of t)o hundredJ and so sent hi$' Dn the &/th da, the ne)s of his return reached the sentinels round the i$*erial ar$,J and he too sent a letter sa,ing ?This sla!e has arri!ed )ith true ne)s' Please =uicBl, issue an order for $, ad$ission into the ca$* that I $a, tell it'@ Dn the *etition the A$*eror )roteJ (Gerse) ?Whosoe!er drinBsJ liBe the rub,J the blood of the li!er and gro)s *atient' 6eco$es the orna$ent of the to* of the cro)n of Eortune' The Bot)al $ust gi!e hi$ a *ass to enter the ca$*'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &<bJ :S' N' .&b and .+a' Notes'X:ir Shihab2ud2dinJ surna$ed 9hazi2ud2din 7han Eiruz 0angJ )as the son of Abid 7hanJ Sadar of Aurangzibs reignJ and the father of the &st Niza$2 ul2$ulB (:ir Ca$r2ud2dinJ hin Calich 7hanJ Asaf 0ah)' Shihabuddin ca$e fro$ his ho$e in Sa$ar=and to seeB his fortune at the ourt of Delhi in DctoberJ &44;' The incident of the *resent anecdote is also narrated in the :asir2i2Ala$giriJ *' &81J 7hafi 7hanJ ii' +45J and in his life in the :asir2ul2 u$araJ ii' 8.+ et se=' It tooB *lace so$e ti$e before ABbars rebellion' Gila,et $eans an, countr, across the N'W' frontier of IndiaJ es*eciall, entral Asia' Prince ABbar rebelled against his father in 0anuar,J &48&' (#ist' of AurangzibJ iii' ch' .4')

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% ./' Trials to be held strictl, according to Curanic La) The A$*eror learnt fro$ the ne)s2letter of the ar$, of Eiruz 0ang 7han that he hadJ )hile holding audienceJ eIecuted a $an na$ed :uha$$ad A=il on the charge of high)a, robber,' The A$*eror )roteJ ?The *ri$e2$inister TAsad 7hanU should )rite thus to the foolish 7han Eiruz 0angJH,ou ha!e undertaBen an eIecutionJ i'e'J the destruction of )hat 9od had builtJ )ithout *roof according to anon La)' Alas for the da, )hen the heirs of Tthe slainU )ill arri!e and refuse to acce*t the *rice of his bloodF #o) can this hu$ble being TAurangzibU hel* gi!ing the order of retaliation Ton ,ouUJ as $erc, in the eIercise of *enal la)s (hadud) is contrar, to the authorit, of the Word of 9od Ti' e'J the CuranUP And Bindness should not o!er*o)er ,ou in T$atters concerningU the religion of 9od'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' .bJ :S' N' ;a' Notes'X9hazi2ud2din 7han Eiruz 0ang 6ahadurJ the father of the first Niza$ of #aidarabadJ )as one of the t)o highest generals of AurangzibJ the other being his ri!al Nusrat 0ang' (Died &5&< A' D') The *rice of blood is the $one,2co$*ensation for )hich the heirs of a $urdered $an $a,J under the Isla$ic la)J gi!e u* their de$and for the eIecution of the $urderer' Eor this ter$ and hadudJ see $, :ughal Ad$inistrationJ +nd ed' ch' 4'

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% .1' Preaches $eeBness to Eiruz 0ang' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the ne)s2letter of 9hazi2ud2din 7han 6ahadur Eiruz 0angJ that the 7han had laid it do)n that in the orders )hich he sent to !arious *laces the *hrase N6, the Bara$at2buniad co$$and Tof the 7hanU should be )ritten' The A$*eror )roteJ ?No har$' #is ancestors )ere her$its and in$ates of $onasteries' I allo) the use of N6, co$$and onl,' 6ut a o$$ander of Se!en Thousand does not *ossess $iraculous *o)er (Bara$at)' I order that in future the custo$ar, *resent on the A$*erors coronation anni!ersar, )hich he )ill send to TusU his sla!esJ )ill not be acce*ted Tb, usU'@ When 9hazi2ud2din 7han got ne)s of itJ he *etitioned thusJ ?#e )ho re*ents of a sin beco$es sinless as it )ereJ and )hen a $an confesses a fault !eril, 9od forgi!es all his faultsJ fe) and $an,'@ Dn the *etition the A$*eror )roteJ ?Whosoe!er earns the *ardon of his affliction b, $eans of refor$ationJ 9od )ill reco$*ense hi$' And if a $an returns to his sinsJ 9od )reaBs !engeance on hi$'@

TeIt'XIr' :S' +/b K +1a' Notes'X9hazi2ud2din 7hanJ the father of the first Niza$2ul2$ulBJ )as the grandson of Ala$ ShaiBhJ a scholar and saint of Sa$ar2=andJ (:' >' iii' 8.5J &+<)J )ho clai$ed descent fro$ ShaiBh Shihab2ud2din Sahara)ardiJ a reno)ned saint of entral Asia' There is a *la, u*on the *hrase Bara$at2 buniadJ )hich $a, $ean (&) gracious and (+) $iracle2)orBing' Aurangzib taBes it in the latter senseJ hence his ob-ection and ironical re$arB that he is onl, a sla!e of Eiruz 0ang'

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% .4' 7indness to #a$id 7han 6ahadur' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the ne)s2letter of the ar$, of #a$id 7han 6ahadurJ the brother of 9hazi2ud2din 7han Eiruz 0angJ that though not granted this distinction b, the A$*erorJ he carried )ith hi$self Bettledru$s and bands$enJ and e!er, da, *la,ed the naubat as at festi!ities' Dn the sheet the A$*eror )roteJ ?The brother of Eiruz 0ang 7han is not such a fool as to act so !er, audaciousl,' It is e!ident that there is so$e festi!al Tor otherU in his house e!er,da,' As e!en lo) *ersons do not re=uire *er$ission fro$ the A$*eror to *la, the naubat on festi!e occasionsJ )h, should heP In future the ne)s2)riter $ust not s*itefull, bring such charges against hi$' I ad$ire his *atience that )hileJ in s*ite of his holding the ranB of a o$$ander of Eour Thousand horse and the title 6ahadurJ I ha!e not granted hi$ the right to *la, the naubat in !ie) of the littleness of his )isdo$J he hi$self has not once asBed Tfor this $arB of distinctionU'@ TeItXIr' :S' &<b K &&a' :S' N' &&b K &+a' Notes'X7h)a-ah #a$idJ the son of Calich 7han (7h)a-ah Abid) and brother of Eiruz 0angJ )as created #a$id 7han 6ahadur in Se*te$berJ &481M after)ards got the titles of :uiz2ud2daula and Salabat 0ang' (Life in :asir2ul2 u$araJ iii' 541)' In Aurangzibs reign he did not rise to a higher ranB than the co$$and of +1<<' #e )as =uite distinct fro$ #a$id2ud2din 7han 6ahadur' Died at 7ulbargaJ &&/< A'#'

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% .5' D**ressi!e 9o!ernor rebuBed'

7han2i20ahan 6ahadurJ )ho )as go!ernor of LahorJ greatl, o**ressed the inhabitants of the *lace at the ti$e of his returnJ so that the $atter reached the A$*erors Bno)ledge fro$ the ne)s2re*orts (sa)anih)' Dn the da, of inter!ie) the A$*eror told hi$J ?I had not eI*ected this of ,ou' The )orst of all T,our actsU is that ,ou ha!e set on foot certain inno!ations (bidatJ illegal *ractices) in the -agirs a**ertaining to Lahor )hich )ill last for e!er' (Gerse) A!en after his death the t,rant does not cease to o**ress' The *lu$es of the (dead) eagle beco$e in the end the feathers of arro)sF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 4a K b' Notes'X:ir :aliB #usainJ 6ahadur 7hanJ brother of Aza$ 7han 7oBahJ (created 7han2i20ahan 6ahadur 7oBaltash in &45.J and 3afar 0ang in &451) )as one of the highest officers of Aurangzib and long ser!ed in the Deccan' A**ointed subahdar of the Pan-abJ &&th A*rilJ &4;&M but dis$issed in the $iddle of &4;.' Died +.rd No!e$berJ &4;5M buried at NaBudar in the Pan-ab Doab' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ i' 5;8H8&.)'

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% .8' Cualifications of a 9o!ernor' 7h)a-ah Sarbuland 7hanJ the chief *a,$asterJ )hose father belonged to an e$inent 7h)a-ah fa$il, of 6uBharaJ )as treated )ith great consideration b, the A$*eror' Dnce )hen #is :a-est, co$*lained about hi$J it )as onl, this that his )ords sa!oured a little of Shia2is$' #e re*liedJ ?A,F ,our :a-est,J in 6uBhara $an, of the Sa,,ids of 6uBhara belong to that sect' Traces of their societ, ha!e been left Tin $, s*eechU' 6ut I ha!e not ,et been confir$ed in that faith' Through ill lucB I ha!e )ithdra)n $,self fro$ this and ,et not arri!ed at that TcreedU'@ The A$*eror s$iled and ga!e no re*l,' Eor this reason Sarbuland 7han sho)ed great fa!our to the Persians and eIerted hi$self $uch in furthering their affairsJ so that he reco$$ended a certain TPersianU lord for the go!ernorshi* of 7abul' Across the sheet of his *etition the A$*eror )roteJ ?I grant the re=uest of this trust)orth, ser!ant' Let a robe of honour consisting of siI *ieces of cloth fro$ $, )ardrobe be gi!en Tto his no$ineeU' 0e)elsJ horseJ and ele*hant )ill be *resented to hi$ according to the regulations' 6ut re$e$ber that this $an )ill not be able to discharge the duties of that *ost' :a, 9od $aBe it end )ellF@ Notes'XSarbuland 7hanJ a**ointed +nd *a,$aster in DctoberJ &45+ and died in officeJ +5 Dece$berJ &45;' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ ii' /55)' Sarbulands $other )as Ai 6ega$J a daughter of :irza ShahruBhJ Bing of 6adaBhshan'

TeIt'XIr' :S' &+b and :S' R' &1' 6ut in :S' N' &8aX+<aJ )hich also differs a little teItuall, fro$ the Ir' :S'J the abo!e order of the A$*eror is continued in the follo)ing )ords"X ?Xso that it $a, not be a cause of disgrace and ridiculeJ and $a, not $aBe *eo*le talB about it for ,ears' This $ans thoughts are full of !iolence and his notion about hi$self is $arBed b, great confidence and *ride' Plato )rote to AleIanderJ N9o!ern$ent should be strict )ithout being o**ressi!eJ and gentle )ithout being )eaB' This noble has eItre$e se!erit, and obstinate adhesion to one *olic, onl,J inas$uch as he has ne!er Bno)n subterfuge' 6esidesJ he is !er, honest and si$*le2$indedJ as he cannot at all understand fraud and stratage$' Dne cannot rule )ithout *ractising dece*tion' The clear teIt of the #ol, Traditions Tof :uha$$adU is NWar is stratage$' The science of 0uris*rudence has $an, co$*onent *arts' It is $ost liBel, that the art of go!ern$ent is included in this total' In the da,s )hen I )as going to taBe u* the go!ernorshi* of the DeccanJ I $et at 6urhan*ur a dar!ish )ho )as a $aster of taBsir ()ord2breaBing and )ord2for$ing)' #e had learnt so$e eIa$*les of this art fro$ his *rece*torJ and he also no) and then co$*osed so$e others hi$self' It is a fiIed rule of taBsir that if )e striBe off the co$$on letters fro$ the t)o lines of taBsirJ )e can eItract a $eaning fro$ the )ords T)hich $a, be for$ed fro$ the re$aining lettersU consistentl, )ith sense' So thatJ if the )ords haBu$at (go!ern$ent) and hilat (cunning) are arranged in t)o linesJ and the co$$on letters are cancelledJ the )ords BulJ ,u$J and $aliB are deri!ed Tfro$ the re$ainderU b, co$bination (=alb)J and )e get $aliB2i2Bul2,u$ V (Bing for all ti$e)J that is to sa,J a go!ern$ent that is -oined to cunning lasts and re$ains fir$ for e!er and the $aster of this Tart of go!ern$entU beco$es Na Bing for all ti$e' In the o*inion of the co$$on herdJ cunning and dece*tion are greatl, scorned' As 9od hi$self in #is #ol, World Ti'J e'J the CuranU has ascribed cunning to #is o)n hol, selfJ sa,ingJ N9od is the best of *lottersJ V it is contrar, to the Curan to consider stratage$ as bla$able' 6esidesJ in go!erning 7abul this =ualit, is $ost beneficial and eIcellent' (Gerse) I a$ s*eaBing to ,ou )hat is re=uired b, elo=uenceM (ou taBe )isdo$ fro$ it or feel dis*leasedJ Tas ,ou liBeU'@ TeIt'X:S' N' &;a +X+<a 1'

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% .;' Abilit, the onl, =ualification for office'

:uha$$ad A$in 7hanJ on his first arri!al in India fro$ Gila,etJ )as created a o$$ander of Ei!e #undredJ in consideration of the fact that his father had been faithful to Prince Ala$gir during the )ar in 6alBh and had rendered good ser!ice' In the course of ti$e he recei!ed *raiseJ )as re*eatedl, *ro$otedJ and attained to the ranB of a o$$ander of Three Thousand (t)o thousand additional troo*ers) and the distinction of *la,ing naubatJ for his acti!it, against the accursed ene$, Tthe :arathasUJ bringing forage (Bhai) fro$ Satara and other *lacesJ con!o,ing *ro!isionsJ and going to and fro$ e!er, T:ughalU entrench$ent' As the A$*eror )ished that the 7han should re$ain a)a, Tfro$ the i$*erial enca$*$entU for so$e ti$e and *la, the naubatJ he saidJ ?I learn fro$ the ne)s re*orts that the re!enue co$ing fro$ 6engal has crossed the Nar$ada' (ou should go and halt at AurangabadJ in order that ,ou $a, at last en-o, so$e res*ite fro$ $o!e$entJ and *la, the naubat granted to ,ou to ,our hearts content'@ Then #is :a-est, dis$issed hi$J after *resenting hi$ )ith the riding cloaB tri$$ed )ith fur and richl, laced )hich he )as hi$self )earing' When the 7han returned )ith the re!enueJ after fighting )ith the sha$eless :arathasJ gaining !ictoriesJ and con!o,ing the 9o!ern$ent treasure in safet,J #is :a-est, *resented hi$ )ith a horse adorned )ith gold tra**ingsJ a dagger )ith a BalgiJ and the robe of honour )orn on his august *erson' When he sa) these successi!e fa!oursJ he sub$itted a *etition through :uharra$ 7hanJ sa,ingJ ?In !ie) of the obedience and old ser!ice )hich the aged sla!e had *erfor$ed in 6alBhJ this de!oted ser!ant had ho*ed for fa!oursM but o)ing to the large nu$ber of his ene$ies and the fe)ness of his friends Tat ourtU he had not so long $ade bold to sub$it his )ishes' T6ut no)U rel,ing on 9od he $aBes this *etition'@ o*, of the *etition" ?#ailF saint and s*iritual guide of the )orld and of its *eo*leF 6oth the *a,2$astershi*s ha!e been conferred on heretical de$on2 natured Persians' If one of the *a,$astershi*s be gi!en to this old and de!oted ser!antJ it )ould be a $eans of strengthening the TSunniU faith and of snatching a)a, e$*lo,$ent fro$ accursed $isbelie!ers' DJ ,e faithfulF do not taBe as friends ,our o)n and our ene$ies'@ Across the sheet of the *etition Aurangzib )roteJ ?What ,ou ha!e stated about ,our long ser!ice is true' It is being a**reciated as far as *ossible' As for )hat ,ou ha!e )ritten about the false creed of the PersiansJ TI ans)erUJ HNWhat connection ha!e )orldl, affairs )ith religionP and )hat right ha!e $atters of religion to enter into bigotr,P Eor ,ou is ,our religion and for $e is $ine' If this rule Tsuggested b, ,ouU )ere establishedJ it )ould be $, dut, to eItir*ate all the (#indu) Ra-ahs and their follo)ers' Wise $en disa**ro!e of the re$o!al fro$ office of able officers' (our re=uest for a *a,$astershi* is a**ro*riateJ as ,ou hold a ranB suited to the *ost' The reason that acts as a hindrance is that the Turani *eo*leJ ,our follo)ersJ )ho are clans$en fro$ the sa$e cit, as that of $, ancestorsJHaccording to the sa,ing NDont thro) ,ourself into destruction )ith ,our o)n handsJHdo not thinB it a sha$e to

retreat in the !er, thicB of the battle' It )ould not be a great har$ if this sort of thing tooB *lace in a foraging eI*editionJ but it )ould cause a terrible difficult, if it occurred in the $idst of a TregularU battle' IfJ 9od forbid itF the attendants of the A$*eror )ere to act thusJ then in a $o$ent all )ould be o!er T)ith hi$U' If ,ou ha!e Te!erU declined this actuall, eI*erienced and tested business (!iz' retreat)J )rite to $e in detail Tabout itU' The PersiansJ )hether born in Gila,et or in #industanH)ho (the last) are noted for their gross stu*idit,JHare a hundred stages re$o!ed fro$ this sort of $o!e$ent Ti'e'J flight'U (Gerse) Do -usticeJ as the foll, of these bad $en Is better than a thousand brains of the foI2natured' Dne brain is enough for an ar$, Eor thro)ing bricBs fro$ engines into the e,es of the ene$,'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &/aX&1a' Notes'X:uha$$ad A$in 7hanJ the son of :ir 6aha2ud2dinJ )ho )as the brother of Calich 7hanJ ca$e to India fro$ 6uBhara in &485M got the title of hin 6ahadur (No!' &5<4) and the *ost of Sadar (&4;8)' At the ti$e of Aurangzibs death he )as a o$$ander of /<<<J (&1<< additional troo*ers)' Eor his attach$ent to his :ughal follo)ersJ see :asir2ul2u$ara J i' ./;'

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% /<' Aurangzib *reaches hu$ilit, to an officer' (ar Ali 6eg sub$itted to the A$*erorJ on the basis of an oral re*ort fro$ a s*,J that )hile #a$id2ud2din 7han 6ahadur )as band,ing )ords )ith :uha$$ad :urad =ulJ the latter said N(ou little $an ($ardaB)F ,ou are a chelaJ (sla!e) of the A$*eror -ust as I a$M and that at this #a$id2ud2din 7han resigned his *ost and sent the letter of resignation to 6ahra$and 7hanJ the chief *a,$aster' The A$*eror )roteJ ?The )ord $ardaB )as not e$*lo,ed in abuseM it is a di$inuti!eJ $eaning Na little $an' The $en of the )orld are not at all great $en' Probabl, the 7han 6ahadur felt asha$ed at being called chela' (Gerse) Whosoe!er =uarrels )ith a $an lo)er than hi$selfJ Tears u* his o)n *arda (honour) sooner than the latters' A!er, )ise $an )ho enters into a dis*ute )ith a )orthless $anJ Dnl, striBes his o)n lustrous -e)el (i' e'J intellect or character) on a hard stone'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &4a K b'

Notes'X#a$id2ud2din 7han 6ahadurJ surna$ed Ni$chah2i2Ala$girshahi J )as the son of Ihta$a$ 7han (Sardar 7han)J and greatl, distinguished hi$self b, his fights )ith the :arathas' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ i' 4<1H4&&)' Cul is a TurBish )ord $eaning a sla!e' The A$*eror ABbar changed the title of the i$*erial sla!es fro$ ghula$ (sla!e) to chela (disci*le)J because he considered it an act of i$*ious *resu$*tuousness for one $ortal to call another his ghula$J all $en being the ghula$s of 9od onl,' (:asu$s TariBh2 i2Shu-aiJ &/.aM Ain' i' +1.)'

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% /&' Pro!ert, is no hindrance )here there is a )ill' In the .+nd ,ear of Aurangzibs reignJ :irza Sadr2ud2din :uha$$ad 7han Safa)iJ ()ho )as ulti$atel, gi!en the title of Shah Na)az 7han)J )as dis$issed fro$ his ranB for $aBing an i$*ro*er re=uest' The A$*eror settled on hi$ an annual sti*end of Rs' /<J<<<' After a ,ear #is :a-est, recollected the clai$s of his fatherJ :irza Sultan Safa)iJ )ho had sho)n great constanc, during the )ar )ith Dara ShuBoh' SoJ he sent a gracious far$an su$$oning hi$ to ourt )ith a s*ecial robe of honourJ b, the hand of $ace2bearers' The 7han after taBing the far$an Bissed itJ *ut on the robeJ and after sho)ing the *ro*er eti=uette sent a *etitionJ to sa,J ?D)ing to the *o!ert, resulting fro$ $, long de*ri!ation of ranBJ I a$ not able to engage a bod, of retainers )ith )ho$ I $a, attend ourt' SoJ I a$ )aiting for the cara!an fro$ 6engal Tto escort $eU'@ The A$*eror )roteJ (!erse) ?The odour of the rose and the $orning breeze are out on the roadJ If ,ou )ish to go out of ,ourselfJ there is no beter cara!an than these' Alas that the ob-ects that ca*ti!ate the heart Are as close together as the linBs of a chainF Dut)ardl, ,our eIcuse is reasonableJ but in fact the )eaBness of ,our s*irit Tis the cause of ,ourU straitened $eans' DJ 9odF sho) the *ath to all )hose ste*s are )eaBF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &4b' Notes'X:irza Sultan (:' >' iii' 18&) )as de!oted to Aurangzib during the )ar of successionJ but did not fightJ as he )as left behind at Aurangabad' #is sonJ Sadr2ud2dinJ rose to be *a,$asterJ under Aurangzib and )as created Shah Na)az 7han b, 6ahadur Shah I' (Life in :' >' iii' 4;+)'

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% /+' A silent su**liant' The A$*eror told 6ahra$and 7hanJ )ho )as *a,$aster at that ti$eJ ?:usa!i 7han alias :irza :uizz2i2EitratJ out of *ride ne!er *etitions $e about his )ants and is li!ing in great distress' >nless he )rites to $e about his circu$stancesJ he )ill get no fa!our fro$ $e' (ou should send hi$ )ord Tabout itUJ get in re*l, a *etition fro$ hi$J and sub$it it to $e'@ SoJ after recei!ing the $essageJ :usa!i 7han )rote to the A$*erorJ ?(our Bno)ledge of $, condition is better than $, )ords' (Gerse) In de$andingJ )e s*eechless ones belong to the race of $oths" To $e it is easier to burn Tin the fire of desireU than to state $, )ish' :, tongue of state$ent has beco$e silent fro$ $, *ride of ser!ice' These $eritorious deeds ha!e thro)n $e into the *ath of $istaBe' The ocean of $erc, ne!er re*oses fro$ Thea!ing inU billo)s of gracious actsJ (#ence) those )ho beg $aBe needless i$*ortunit,'@ The A$*eror )rote on the *etitionJ ?Geril, ,ou ha!e )ritten the truth' (Gerse) Silence o*ens the hardest *risons' In the cage the *arrot )ith its beaB is T!ainl,U chattering about itself' 6utJ No $an is engaged in $ending his o)n characterM A!er, one )ho$ I ha!e seen is bus, in *a$*ering his o)n nature (*assions)' According to the TraditionJ NThe Bing is the shado) of 9odJ )hene!er the Bing of the age re=uests his ser!ant to state his desiresJ and the latter gi!es such an eIcellent ans)erJ it )ould be bad $anners not to grant fa!ours to hi$'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &8b' Notes'X:irza :uizzJ a Persian of :ashhadJ $arried a sister of Aurangzibs )ife and )as created :usa!i 7han and di)an of the Pa, office (daftar2i2tan) in Se*te$berJ &488J and di)an of the Deccan in 0uneJ &48;' Died after :a,J &4;<' (:asir2i2Ala$giri J ..5 and ..8' Life in :' >' iii' 4..)' #is *oetical *seudon,$s )ere Eitrat and :usa!i' In Persian *oetr, the $oth )hich silentl, burns itself in the fla$e is the e$ble$ of the highest Bind of lo!ers'

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% /.' WorB for ,our )ages' :uBhlis 7han *etitioned the A$*eror to grant an incre$entJ half in cash salar, and half in -agirJ to Sultan :ah$udJ one of the *ure2born Sa,,ids of the hol, cit, of :ashhadJ )ho )as li!ing in a !er, distressed conditionJ and )ho$ the 7han greatl, su**orted' The A$*eror )rote on the *etition"222?The good deeds )e do are for our o)n benefitJ the sins )e co$$it shall lie on oursel!es' I Bno) full )ell the saintliness and *iet, of that Sa,,id' 6ut he is not attached to an, *ost' A hired labourer should not consider his )ages as la)full, earned unless he has done so$e ser!iceJH)hich is a good and !irtuous deed' (Gerse) Although ,ou cannot untie a Bnot )ith ,our toesJ The Bnots of li!elihood are o*ened b, the eIertions of the feet (i'e'J acti!e ser!ice)'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' 4b'

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% //' harit, co!ers a $ultitude of sins' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of the office (Bachari) of the #igh Di)an the A$*eror learnt that :ir #abibullah of 0aun*urJ the a$in of the *oll2taI on non2:usli$s (-azi,a)J had $isa**ro*riated be,ond a doubt Rs' /<J<<< fro$ the i$*erial charit, treasur, (bait2ul2$al)J and that he had also ad$itted it' Ina,etullah 7han had *laced hi$ under detention in the office and a**ointed strict saza)als (collectors) to eIact the $one, fro$ hi$' The aforesaid Sa,,id )as sa,ingJ ?I ha!e onl, a lifeJ but no earthl, *ro*ert, in $, *ossession'@ Across the sheet of the ne)s2letter the A$*eror )roteJ ?Wh, do ,ou tr, to realize again $one, )hich has been alread, reco!ered b, $eP Ero$ the re*orts of 6urhan*ur I had re*eatedl, learnt before this that the aforesaid Sa,,id )as s*ending all his earnings on deser!ing $endicants and in )orBs of charit,' As the $one, of this sinner sunB in sin (i'e'J Aurangzib) has been s*ent b, $eans of this $, agent in deeds of charit,J its restitution is un*rofitable' 9od sa!e us fro$ the )icBedness of our *assionsF@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &5a'

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% /1' The $,stic nu$ber T)el!e' When the A$*eror $arched fro$ Isla$*uri (other)ise called 6rah$a*uri) in the $onth of 0a$adi2us2sani of the /+nd ,ear of his reignJ to con=uer the forts of the DeccanJHhe ordered that e!er, da, :uBhlis 7hanJ the second *a,$asterJ should *resent to #is :a-est, ten $ansabdars ($ilitar, officers) fro$ a$ong the hereditar, ser!ants (Bhanahzad) and othersJ but eIcluding the Deccanis' The 7han sub$ittedJ ?As ,our :a-est, has follo)ed the !erse NThese are the ten *erfect onesJ in ordering that ten officers )ith their retinue ($isl) should be dail, *araded before ,ouJ it is good' Dther)iseJ if the nu$ber be t)el!eJ there is no har$'@ The A$*eror re*liedJ ?(our re=uestJ tooJ is not unsu**orted b, Tscri*turalU authorit,' (Gerse) 6ehold the hours of the da, and the Signs of the 3odiacJ Da, and night and the hea!ens too obe, the nu$ber t)el!eF@ :uha$$ad A$in 7han saidJ ?A,J co$*anionshi* has a )onderful effectJ as I find to2da,' Wh, should there not be four instead of t)el!eP@ #is :a-est, re*liedJ ?Eour is included in t)el!e'@ #e s$iled and continuedJ ?Wh, is it not threeJ T,ou $ight asBU' 6ut t)el!e is related to three as the double of double' (ou are free to choose' Do )hate!er is liBel, to benefit the creatures of 9od $ost'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &4b K &5a' Notes'XAurangzib $arched out of Isla$*uriJ on 1th 0a$adi2ul2a))alJ in the /.rd ,ear of his reign (S&; DctoberJ &4;;) to con=uer the :aratha forts' :uBhlis 7hanJ a**ointed +nd *a,$aster in 0ul,J &4;+J died . 0anuar,J &5<&' :uha$$ad A$in 7han hin 6ahadur )as Sadar at this ti$e' Dne section of the Shias are follo)ers of the t)el!e TI$a$sU'

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% /4' 7ings should ne!er rest' After the con=uest of 6i-a*ur and #aidarabadJ the *ri$e2$inister *etitioned the A$*erorJ ?Praised be 9odF that through the grace of the 9reat D$ni*otent and the ne!er2to2deca, fortune Tof ,our :a-est,UJ t)o great Bingdo$s ha!e been con=uered' It is no) good *olic, that the i$*erial standards should return to Paradise2liBe #industan (i'e'J Northern India)J so that the )orld $a, Bno) that nothing $ore re$ains for the A$*eror to do ThereU'@

The A$*eror )rote Tacross the letterUJ ?I )onder ho) an all2Bno)ing hereditar, ser!ant liBe ,ou could $aBe such a re=uest' If ,our )ish is that $en $ight Bno) that no )orB no) re$ains to be doneJ it )ould be contrar, to truth' So long as a single breath of this $ortal life re$ainsJ there is no release fro$ labour and )orB' (Gerse) The tra!eller in the *ath of long ho*es needs no guide' So long as a breath re$ainsJ the *ath of life is not s$ooth' It is hard that $, runa)a, heart longs for ho$eJ The de) has so *assed a)a, and ,et it still re$e$bers the garden' If Shah 0ahan had not chosen to sta, at Delhi and AgraJ but had been constantl, out on tourJ his affairs )ould not ha!e co$e to the *ass that the, actuall, did' If out of regard for good $anners ,ou do not TagainU $aBe such a re=uestJ and can bear the hardshi*s of the eI*editions for ca*turing fortsJH then in future I shall turn to the siege of forts' (Gerse) What fear of danger has the $an dro)ned in lo!eP What anIiet, about headache has the $an )ho has lost his headP Praised be 9od that in )hate!er *lace and abode I ha!e beenJ I ha!e b, *assing Tthrough itU )ithdra)n $, heart fro$ all things connected )ith itJ and $ade death eas, for $,self' (Gerse) >ntie little b, little the Bnot t,ing ,our heart Tto earthl, thingsUJ Dr elseJ Death )ill snatch a)a, this string all at once and una)ares'@ TeIt'XIr' :S' &5b and &8a

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% /5' Rigorous $arching e!en in illness' When the A$*eror $arched fro$ 6rah$a*uriJ )hich he had na$ed Isla$*uriJ in order to ca*ture Tthe :arathaU fortsJ he ordered that )hether he )as sicB or )ell there should be no halt on an, da, eIce*t Erida,' So thatJ before reaching 7ha)as*ur )here his Bnee )as hurtJ he had t)o se!ere fits of illnessJ once fe!erJ and another ti$e diarrhZaM ,et eIce*t on Erida, there )as ne!er a halt' During illness he used to be carried in a sedan chair (taBht2 i2ra)an) )ith an o*en to*J )hereas in health he rode in a chair )ith glass TsidesU' 6, chanceJ it )as on a Thursda, night that his Bnee got hurt at 7ha)as*ur' I$$ediatel, he saidJ ?StriBe the Bettledru$s for a $arch'@ #a$id2 ud2din 7hanJ b, reason of his being !er, boldJ sub$ittedJ ?It )ould be contrar, to )hat ,ou had fiIed )hen lea!ing Isla$*uri'@ #is :a-est, s$iled and saidJ ?If ,ou had the least Bno)ledge of the science of logicJ ,ou )ould

not ha!e said so' I )as then referring to the =uestion of halting or not on da,s other than Erida,' :, ob-ect )as to arrange for the $archJ and not that there $ust be a halt on e!er, Erida,' An o**osite conce*tion does not conflict )ith the !alidit, of the original'@ TeIt'H:S' N' 5b +H&& and then ..a &H8' Notes'HAurangzib set out fro$ Isla$*uri on &;th DctoberJ &4;; (:' A' /<8)J and arri!ed at 7ha)as*ur on .<th AugustJ &5<< (/.<)' Aurangzib $eans to sa, that the eI*ression ?there should be a $arch on all the da,s of the )eeB other than Erida,@ does not logicall, i$*l, that there )ould be no $arch on Erida,' Eor the hurt to his legJ see #ist' of AurangzibJ !' &5&'

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% /8' A *rofligate noble *unished' :irza TafaBhBhurJ the son of the *ri$e2$inister TAsad 7hanUs daughterJ ac=uired ruffianl, habits at DelhiJ laid the hand of o**ression on the *ro*ert, and honour Ti'e'J )o$enU of the *eo*leJ often ca$e to the bazar )ith his co$radesJ *lundered the sho*s of the grocersJ confectioners and othersJ and )ith the hel* of his $en seized the #indu )o$en )ho )ent to the ri!er to batheJ and did the$ all sorts of disgrace and dishonour' A!er, ti$e that this $atter )as brought to the A$*erors notice in the ne)s2letters and re*ortsJ he )rote ?The *ri$e2$inister@ and nothing $ore' At last the A$*eror re*eatedl, learnt that )hile a 6aBsaria na$ed 9hanash,a$J ha!ing -ust $arriedJ )as *assing )ith his co$*anions b, the gate of :irza TafaBhBhurJ *lacing his )ife in a dooli and hi$self on horsebacBJ the ruffians infor$ed the :irzaJ )ho sallied forth )ith a *art, of the$J and dragged the dooli b, force into his o)n house' T)o $en )ere Billed and siI )ounded Tin the affra,U' The $en of the i$*erial artiller,J on getting the ne)s Tof their co$rades dishonourUJ )ished to asse$ble and cro)d at the gate of :irza TafaBhBhur' A=il 7hanJ sending the Bot)alJ forbade the$' Then he des*atched an eunuch of his to Ca$ar2un2nisaJ the daughter of the *ri$e2$inister and the $other of :irza TafaBhBhurJ and greatl, chid and rebuBed hi$M so that the *oor #indu )o$anJ after the loss of her caste and honourJ )as gi!en u* to the eunuchJ and he cal$ed the artiller,$en b, *ro$ising that a re*ort of the $atter )ould be inserted in the ne)s2letter and the A$*eror )ould certainl, re$ed, Ttheir grie!anceU' The,J thereforeJ abstained fro$ creating a tu$ult' The A$*erorJ after reading itJ )rote across the sheet Tof the re*ortUJ ?The *ri$e2$inister should )rite a NLetter 6, Drder of the A$*eror to A=il 7hanJ

ordering hi$ to confine in the fort of Delhi this )orthless )retch and lucBless leader of )icBed $enM and in case his $otherJ out of her eItre$e lo!e for her sonJ refuses to *art )ith hi$J the go!ernor Tof DelhiU should be ordered to bring Ca$ar2un2nisa 6ega$ TinU a chaudol (rich litter) )ithin the fort )ith e!er, res*ect and Bee* her )ith her son' A=il 7han should assign a good house fit for the residence of Ca$ar2un2nisa 6ega$' As she is the daughter of $, $aternal aunt V and is adorned )ith noble =ualitiesJ I ought to sho) consideration to her internall, and eIternall,' 6ut )hat refor$ could e!en the Pro*het Noah (on hi$ and on our Pro*het :uha$$ad be *eaceF) $aBe in his o)n un)orth, sonJ that other T*arentsU )ould succeedP It is $, dut, to *re!ent o**ression on the *eo*leJ )ho are a trust fro$ the reator' Eift, $en of the Bot)al should carefull, Bee* guard round the house and at the gate Tof TafaBhBhurs houseUJ so that this noIious creature $a, not cree* out liBe a snaBe fro$ a hole' (Gerse) So$e of these un)orth, sons of a Satanic character #a!e brought disre*ute on so$e )ell2re*uted T*arentsU'@ The *ri$e2$inister at once )rote a NLetter 6, Drder and )ithout sealing it *laced it before the A$*eror )ith his o)n letter to A=il 7han' The *ur*ort of the letter )asJ ?:, dear and gracious brotherJ in !ie) of our longstanding friendshi*H)hich dates fro$ the reign of Shah 0ahanJHI eI*ect that ,ou )ould consider ,ourself as an uncle of the )icBed TafaBhBhur' If ,ou send an eunuchJ su$$on hi$ to ,our *resenceJ and gi!e hi$ fift, stri*es )ith a thorn, sticBJ it )ill in short gi!e satisfaction and co$fort to the lo!ing heart of this brother Tof ,oursU' The thorns of the sticBs )ill eItract the thorns *lanted in $, affectionate heart Tb, $, grandsons $isdeedsU'@ The A$*eror after reading itJ )rote across the sheetJ ?Nobod, else can chastise the son of $, $aternal aunts daughter' If $, life lasts and Death grants $e res*ite to return to DelhiJ I shallJ 9od )illingJ chastise hi$ )ith $, o)n hand' #e indeed stands in the relation of a son to $e' 6ut )hat hel* is there )hen the son is )icBedP To beat a sla!e is to insult his $aster'@ V TeIt'HIr' :S' &&bH&+bM :S' N' &4aH&8a' Notes'HAsad 7han had $arried one of the four sisters of the A$*ress :u$taz :ahalJ and he )as therefore the $aternal uncle of Aurangzib' :an, other *rofligate descendants of Asad 7han are $entioned in :asir2ul2u$araJ i' .+<' The confine$ent of TafaBhBhur is referred to in so$e of Aurangzibs letters !iz'J Ina,etullahs AhBa$2i2Ala$giriJ &/1bJ &/4aJ &41aJ +<5aJ +&<aJ +;<a' The $en of the garrison artiller, )ere taBen fro$ the 6aBsarias or #indu inhabitants of 6uIarM these *eo*le (no) called 6ho-*uris) long su**lied the A' I' o' )ith $atchlocB$en and the za$indars )ith club$en' A=il 7han (surna$ed Razi) )as subahdar of Delhi fro$ DctoberJ &48< to his death in &4;4' Noahs undutiful son )as anaan' ?Noah a)oBe fro$ his )ineJ and

Bne) )hat his ,ounger son had done unto hi$' And he saidJ ursed be anaan'@ (9enesisJ iI' +/)'

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% /;' Gigilance against foreign in!aders stratage$' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of the *ro!ince of AfghanistanJ the A$*eror learnt that ele!en thousand horses fit to be ca!alr, re$ountsJ )ith one groo$ for e!er, t)o horsesJ had entered 7abulJ it being usual that after selection b, the go!ernor of Delhi the horses )ere sent to the A$*eror' Across the sheet of the ne)sletter the A$*eror )rote"H?It is a !er, strange act of negligence on the *art of A$ir 7han Tthe go!ernor of AfghanistanU )ho has been trained b, $e and Bno)s $, $ind' It is as if 1J1<< bra!e Turanis ha!e entered the i$*erial territor, fro$ foreign *arts' WellJ such T)as the nu$ber of theU $en )ho )rested the Bingdo$ of #industan fro$ the hands of the Afghans' #o)e!erJ a $istaBe should not be *unished and carelessness should not be chastised TliBe a deliberate sinU' V In future he should Bno) it to be his dut, to a!oid this sort of actionJ and he should re$ed, the *ast in this )a,J that )hene!er the dro!es of horses arri!e Tat the frontierUJ he should allo) onl, one groo$ to e!er, +< horsesJ and that groo$ too should be a useless old and hel*less $an'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 1aM :S' N' ./lH.1a' Notes'HA$ir 7han (son of 7halilullah) )as go!ernor of Afghanistan fro$ &;th :archJ &455J to +8th A*rilJ &4;8J (:asir2ul2u$araJ i' +55)' :uha$$ad2i2 6aBhtiars troo*ers in!ading 6engal )ere not resisted as the, )ere at first i$agined to be horse2dealers' (Ra!ert,J 115)'

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% 1<' 6e e!er !igilant against foreign Po)ers' Ero$ the des*atch of A$ir 7hanJ the go!ernor of 7abulJ it ca$e to the A$*erors Bno)ledgeJ ?It has been learnt fro$ the letter of the thanahdar of 9haznin that the Persian frontier )as .4 $iles Tfro$ 9hazninUJ but no) the thanahdar of that side (i'e'J Persia) in the region of CandaharJ sa,s that if )e *er$it hi$ to set u* his out*ost (thanah) four $iles further to)ards our sideJ e!er, ,ear a hundred Persian horses )ould be *resented to #is :a-est,' As

the )ater has dried u* on the site of the for$er out*ostJ and )ater is a!ailable four $iles fro$ it Tto)ards the :ughal frontierUJ he has $ade this re=uest'@ The A$*eror )rote in ans)erJ ?It is not the *art of a )ise $an to contribute to the !igour and s*lendour of the Persian thanahdar and to rob his o)n ad$inistration of its co!er' 6utJ (!erse) The )ord ta$a TSgreedU has three lettersJ all of )hich are e$*t,J Tother $eaningJ N)ithout dotsU' What do ,ou talB of *er$itting hi$ to co$e t)o Bos Tto)ards our frontierUJ )hen I )ould not let hi$ co$e e!en t)o ste*s nearerP It is the o*inion of theologians in all religions that *ersistence in tri!ial sins is e=ui!alent to co$$itting a $ortal sin' I )onder at this hereditar, ser!antJ a)are of $, senti$entsJH )ho has been brought u* in $, ourt fro$ the age of se!en ,earsJHbeing negligent about the de!ices of the PersiansF onsider for ,ourself )h, the, ha!e consented to *resent $e )ith a hundred Persian horsesJ )hose *rice $ust be highJ in return for this si$*le $atter that their out*ost $ight be set u* four $iles to)ards our side of the frontier' It is according to that !er, *ro!erbJH(!erse) N#e holds the ti* of the finger )ith the design of breaBing itJ And then all of a sudden he )ill attacB the ar$' 6e not negligent about ,our ene$,s *lansJ Al)a,s scratch his blacB face' It is a )ell2Bno)n sa,ing (!erse) NWisdo$ and fortune are closel, connected )ith each other' #e )ho lacBs )isdo$J has neither an, fortune' The co$$on *eo*leJ )ho are liBe beastsJ i$agine that )hosoe!er is a $an of fortune $ust necessaril, be a )ise $anJ but it is a )rong idea' The real $eaning Tof the *ro!erbU is that if a $an is not )ise his fortune does not last longJ and hence )e $a, sa, that it does not eIist' To use $ore )ords on this *oint is liBe striBing an iron )hen coldJ or se)ing an old coat'@ TeIt'H:S' N' &+a &&H&.b &' Notes'H>nder Shah 0ahan and Aurangzib there )as the greatest ri!alr, bet)een the Shah of Persia and the A$*eror of DelhiJ and se!eral alar$s about a Persian in!asion of India' IndeedJ the Persian *eril hung liBe a darB cloud o!er certain *eriods of these t)o reignsJ and our A$*erors felt relief on hearing of an, )arliBe Shahs death' Candahar had been )on b, the Persians in &4/;' T#ist' of Aur' iii' ch' +;U' :ir 7hanJ a son of 7halilullah 7hanJ )as created A$ir 7hanM he go!erned Afghanistan fro$ &;th :archJ &455J to his deathJ +8th A*rilJ &4;8' (Life in :' >' i' +55)' See A :usli$ #eroine in $, Studies'

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% 1&' Pro$*titude in re*elling foreign in!asion' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of Persia sent b, :uha$$ad Sadi=J the leader of the $erchantsJ the A$*eror learnt that Shah Abbas had left his ca*ital IsfahanJ halted t)o leagues outside the cit,J and sent his Nad!ance2tents on to)ards Aghrabad' The A$*eror i$$ediatel, $ounted his o)n Arab horse and issued forth' Nobod, could !enture to s*eaB to hi$ Tagainst this courseU at that ti$e' :uha$$ad A$in 7hanJ the son of :ir 0u$laJ being eIceedingl, boldJ sub$ittedJ ?(our :a-est,s Nad!ance2tents ha!e not been sent for)ard ,et' It is necessar, to halt till the, arri!e Tat the neIt stageU'@ #is :a-est, ans)eredJ ?6efore I Bne) Tof the Persian Bings hostile intentionsU I $ight ha!e been eIcused Tfor lingering hereU' 6ut after getting the infor$ationJ negligence and dela, )ould onl, be causes of the decline of $, fortune' What need is there of the arri!al of the Nad!ance2tentsP (Gerse) The $an of 9od is not a stranger in the east or the )estM Whiche!er )a, he goesJ the countr, has not *arted fro$ #i$F@ After entering the garden Toutside AgraUJ the A$*eror held a *ublic audience and told his officers and clerBs that the $arch )ould begin the neIt da, and that he )ould halt Tonl, on reachingU Lahor' The ha$berlain *etitionedJ ?This $arch has been undertaBen all of a sudden' It is i$*ossible for the necessar, things to reach us'@ Across the sheet of the *etition the A$*eror )roteJ ?The eternal -ourne,J )hich no $an can a!oidJ )ill ha!e to be undertaBen all of a suddenJ )ithout *re!ious )arning' What shall I do thenP This $, *resent -ourne, should be considered as liBe that Teternal !o,ageU' I shall $arch further on in the sa$e $anner in )hich I ha!e arri!ed u* to this *lace' Na,J it is not e!en necessar, to $arB out the stages Tfor the successi!e da,s $archesUM I shall Tdail,U tra!el as far as I can' (Gerse) The )a,farer in the *ath of death is not in need of stages'@ TeIt'HAbdus Sala$ 7hans second :S' Notes'HIn Se*te$berJ &444J AurangzibJ then at AgraJ learnt fro$ the re*orts of his s*ies that Shah Abbas II )anted to enter 7hurasan )ith a !ie) to in!ading India' The A$*eror at once sent his son :uazza$ )ith 0as)ant Singh to)ards the Pan-ab (/th Se*te$ber)' Dn ;th DctoberJ he hi$self left Agra for DelhiJ but $ade no haste to reach the north2)estern frontier' Dn &+th Dece$berJ at the hunting2lodge of Pala$J he learnt that the Shah had died on

++nd August' (A' N' ;5/J ;8/M :'A' 14H18)' A taunting letter )hich the Shah sent to Aurangzib b, the hand of Tarbi,at 7hanJ the :ughal en!o, in PersiaJ shortl, before his deathJ is gi!en in Eai,az2ul2=a)aninJ /;42/;;' In it he threatens to in!ade India' T#istor, of AurangzibJ iii' ch' +;U'

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% 1+' Persians and Indians contrasted' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the ne)s2letter of 9hazninJ ?Subhan CuliJ the thanahdar of the Persian frontierJ has )ritten a letter to A$ir 7hanJ the go!ernor of 7abulJ sa,ingJ N6et)een the t)o frontiers there is a distance of / leagues' Praised be 9odF friendshi* and alliance *re!ail bet)een the t)o countriesM and there is no a**rehension of =uarrel and ru*ture on an, account )hate!er' It is *ro*er that the *eo*le of each side should go to the other side for bu,ing and sellingJ so that both the *laces $a, increase in *ros*erit,' A$ir 7han )rote in re*l,J NI shall re*ort the *oint to #is :a-est,J and infor$ ,ou of the order that I get'@ The sa$e thing )as brought to the A$*erors notice in the re*ort fro$ 7abul' Dn the sheet of the ne)s2letter of 9hazninJ Aurangzib )roteJ ?:, re*l, is )ritten on the re*ort of 7abulJ@H )hich )as this" ?I )onder that A$ir 7hanJH a hereditar, ser!ant a)are of $, senti$entsJ )hose ancestors fro$ generation to generation had li!ed in the societ, of $, ancestors of the house of Ti$urJHhas forgotten the sense of this cou*let" Dont gi!e u* caution )hen ,our ene$, turns gentle" Stratage$s $a, be concealed under a !eilJ liBe )ater under grass' Without Tbeing charged )ithU *re-udice and en$it,J )e $a, sa, that as the Sun is the guardian *lanet of the PersiansJ the intellectual Beenness of those $en in =uicBness of *erce*tion and foresight is four ti$es as great as that of the IndiansJ )hose tutelar, *lanet is Saturn' Their onl, defect is that b, reason of its con-unction )ith GenusJ the, ha!e gro)n ease2lo!ingJ )hereas $en go!erned b, Saturn are accusto$ed to toilM and the nearness of Saturn to 0u*iter is reall, $ore fre=uent Tthan that of the Sun to GenusPU 6ut there is a little natural inferiorit, and $eanness in SaturnJ the eIce*tions being certain indi!iduals onl,J in )hose horosco*es so$e other *lanet is their hel*er' The *ur*ort of $, )ords is thisJ that ,ou should be on ,our guard against the great cunning of the Persians and ne!er sub$it to $e such Tsee$ingl,U friendl, o!erturesJ as the, onl, *ro!e ,our lacB of sagacit,' (Gerse) The flood Bissed the foot of the )all onl, to o!erthro) itF@ TeIt'H:S' N' +;b &H.<b 1'

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% 1.' A Subordinate Dfficer *rotected against his Su*erior' 0an2nisar 7hanJ de*ut, go!ernor of #aidarabadJ acting for Ruhullah 7hanJ *etitioned the A$*eror thusJ ?Although this hereditar, ser!ant )as a**ointed de*ut, go!ernor at the re=uest of the chief *a,$asterJ Ruhullah 7hanJ ,et the latter has beco$e a cause of trouble to $e )ithout an, reasonJ and )ishes to re$o!e $e fro$ the de*ut,shi*' As the 7hans $indJ in the $anner of a ser*ent ($ar)J is al)a,s bent on doing har$J I ho*e that ,our :a-est, )ill su$$on this sla!e to the PresenceJ so that he $a, be deli!ered fro$ these *er*leIities caused b, the )orst of $en'@ Abo!e the )ord $ar the A$*eror )rote the letter heJ $aBing it hi$ar (Sass)J and also ?The *oor $anJ )hose na$e has been corrected b, adding the letter he has no *o)er to do har$ TliBe an assU' 6ut )hat re$ed, is there for a bad natureP@ The contents of the A$*erors )ritingJH?The de*ut, Tgo!ernorU2shi* has been conferred at his reco$$endation' What *o)er has he to dis$issP It is TliBeU that sa,ingJ NA thief is chained at the )ords of a *easantJ but not released at his re=uest' If he co$*lains Tagainst ,ouUJ thenJ Whosoe!er dug a *it for his brother )ill certainl, hi$self fall into it' That isJ I shall re$o!e hi$ fro$ the *ost of *a,$aster of tanBha'@ TeIt'H:S' N' /b /H1a .J and then /b &H/' Notes'HRuhullah 7han I'J :ir 6aBhshiJ )as a**ointed subahdar of #aidarabad soon after the anneIation of the Bingdo$J &485' (:' >' ii' .&.)' 6ut he )as e!identl, re$o!ed fro$ the *ost shortl, after)ards' 0an2nisar 7han (7h)a-ah Abul :uBarra$J :' >' i' 1.5)J )as ne!er de*ut, go!ernor of #aida2rabadJ but )as a**ointed di)an of 6i-a*ur in Eeb'J &4;< (:' A' .+8J ..1)' Ruhullah 7han had been a**ointed subahdar of 6i-a*ur in Se*t'J &484J (:'A' +8+)' There )as a 0an2si*ar 7han (:ir 6ahadur2dilJ .rd son of :uBhtar 7han Sabza)ari) )ho ser!ed as go!ernor of #aidarabad for $an, ,ears after its con=uest )ith great success and credit (:'>' i' 1.4)' Probabl, the scene of the e*isode )as 6i-a*ur' )here 0an2nisar 7han ser!ed under Ruhullah 7han'

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% 1/' Aurangzibs -ust dealing )ith his officers' (ar Ali 6egJ the su*erintendent of the office of the #igh Di)anJ sub$itted to the A$*erorJ ?6, ,our :a-est,s orderJ )hosoe!er does not get a -agir for siI $onthsJ $aBes a de$and on ,our :a-est,s agent ()aBil) and taBes his cash salar, for siI $onths' This order a**ears to $e difficult to carr, out' I ha!eJ in order to effect a sa!ing to 9o!ern$entJ laid it do)n that the, should not de$and Ttheir salar,U until the, get their -agirs'@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?Eirst one re=uestJ then another' It is not the act of a )ise $an to attend to the *rofits of this *erishable )orld and thereb, earn eternal *unish$ent' Wait for a fe) da,sJ so thatJ after the close of the utterl, darB reign of this $an dro)ned in the ocean of sin and Tthe co$$ence$ent ofU the ti$es of $, foolish sonsJ the officers )ill get *ro$issor, bonds that their due -agirs )ould not be gi!en to the$ before the Da, of 0udg$entF@ Then he added in slanting linesJ ?(ou are the su*erintendent of the office' Wh, do ,ou not eIert ,ourself about gi!ing -agirs to *eo*leJ )hich $a, be a cause of ,our good na$e in this )orld and of $erit in the neIt lifeJ and )hich $a, relie!e this rancour2less hu$ble creature Ti' e'J AurangzibU of the hea!, load of the TunsatisfiedU dues Tof $, officersUP (Gerse) AlasJ $, life has been )asted in !ainF This )orld has *assed a)a, in labourJ and faith has gone out of $, handF I ha!e angered 9odJ and T,etU not *leased the *eo*leJ I ha!e T$erel,U consu$ed a =uantit, of )ater and fodder TliBe a cattleU' Though I a$ a bad $an and Bno) $,self to be suchJ ,etJ D 9reat 9odF sa!e T$enU fro$ the greater )icBedness than $ine that )ill *re!ail after $, ti$eF@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &5a K b' Notes'H(ar Ali 6eg )as a**ointed assistant (*eshdast) of the +nd *a,$aster in Dct' &484' #e is best Bno)n as su*erintendent of the *ostal de*art$entJ and greatl, increased the *o)er of the ne)s2)riters' (7hafi 7hanJ ii' /&<)'

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% 11' No $one, for re*airing forts' Ruhullah 7han II'J ()hose na$e )as :ir #asan)J *etitioned the A$*erorJ ?The fort of Isla$*uri is )eaB and ,our :a-est, )ill soon $arch Tto itU' It re=uires re*air' What order on this *ointP@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?9od *ardon usF 9od *ardon usF it )as i$*ro*er for ,ou to )rite the )ord NIsla$2*uri in a conteIt s*eaBing of N)eaBness' Its old na$e

)as 6rah$a*uriJ )hich ,ou ought to ha!e used' The fort of the bod, is e!en )eaBer than it' What re$ed, is there for thatP (Gerse) We ha!e adorned oursel!es )ith )orBs of )ater and $udM We ha!e *a$*ered oursel!es instead of *re*aring our Thea!enl,U ho$e'@ The 7han neIt urgedJ ?If ,our :a-est, orders itJ the 9o!ern$ent $asons $a, ins*ect the fort of 6rah$a2*uri'@ The A$*eror )rote Tin re*l,UJ ?It is a Bind of *la, to ,ou to re*eat this re=uest in s*ite of $, for$er re*l,' (Gerse) Dont be the architect of ,our o)n TselfUJ lest ,ou should ruin the houses' 6e a ruinJ so that on ,ou $a, be raised a loft, structure' 6e le!el )ith the dustJ dra) not ,our necB TbacBU fro$ an,bod,' It is fitting that the dust should not be raised higher than the anBle of the feet' If life be ,et s*ared to $e and I returnJ I shall consider the =uestion of re*airing Tthe fortU' IfJ ho)e!erJ $atters end other)iseJ )hat need is there that for Tthe fulfil$ent ofU the !erseJ NGeril ,our, *ro*ert, and ,our children are ,our ene$iesJ I should )aste the $one, of the hol, )arriors Tof Isla$UP@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &;aJ :S' N' /<b K 8a K b' Notes'H:ir #asanJ successi!el, created 7hanahzad 7han and Ruhullah 7han II'J )as the son of Ruhullah 7han I' (Life in :' >' ii' .&1H.&5)' #e )as +nd *a,$aster and Bhan2i2sa$an at the ti$e of his deathJ ;th :a,J &5</' Aurangzib $eans that it is an insult to his religion to describe an,thing bearing the na$e of Isla$ as )eaBJ hence the old #indu na$e of the *laceJ !iz'J (6rah$a*uri) should ha!e been usedF #is re*l, thro)s light on the o!er)hel$ing financial difficulties of the last ,ears of the reign'

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% 14' No $one, for re*airing forts' The letter of :ansur 7hanJ go!ernor of AurangabadJ )as *laced before the A$*eror' Its *ur*ort )asJ ?The i$*erial ca$* has reached Ah$adnagar' I consider it necessar, to a**l, for an order for the re*air of the citadel of AurangabadJ so that b, the ti$e of the arri!al of the i$*erial standards here the re*airs $a, be co$*leted'@ The A$*eror )rote thusJ (!erses) ?In the gra!e the earth has o*ened its ar$s to recei!e hi$J And the $an in his ignorance is *ainting his houseF It )ill soon ha**en that through this negligenceJ a!ariceJ and desire of hisJ #is bones and flesh )ill fall a*art fro$ one anotherF

I )onder at this old ser!ant )ho Bno)s $, feelings $aBing such a re=uest in the face of $, order issued on the da, of $, arri!al at Ah$adnagarJ NWrite of Ah$ad2nagar as $, -ourne,s end' What chance is there of $, going to AurangabadJ )hen I ha!e s*oBen of Ah$adnagar as the ter$inus of $, tra!elsP In the so $an, da,s of $, *ast life there has been no difference (change) in $, )ordsF 9od )illingJ u* to the da, of $, re$o!al to the eternal ho$eJ there )ill be no difference bet)een $, )ords and acts'@ TeIts'HIr' :S' +/a K bJ :S' N' &<b K .&a' Notes'HAurangzib returned to Ah$adnagarJ a broBen do)n old $anJ ruined in healthJ financeJ and *restigeJ on +<th 0anuar,J &5<4' (:' A' 1&+)' We read of a :ansur 7hanJ )ho )as su*erintendent of the Deccan artiller, fro$ &4;; to &5<1' (:' A' /</J /;5)' A 7h)a-ah :anzur )as =iladar of Daulatabad in &418' (A' N' //)' The *hrase N-ourne,s end as a**lied to Ah$adnagar is gi!en in 7hafi 7hanJ ii' 1/&J also'

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% 15' Reliance on 9od in financial difficult,' Ina,etullah 7han sub$itted to the A$*erorJ ?The retinue ($isl) of the officers )ho are dail, *araded before ,our :a-est, is unli$itedJ )hile the land for granting as -agirs is li$ited' #o) can an unli$ited thing be $ade to e=ual a li$ited oneP@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?9od *ardon usF The i$*erial stores (BarBhanah) are an e$ble$ of the ourt of 9od' The *eo*le are the children of 9od and their li!elihood is in 9ods charge' This *oor and hu$ble bread2distributer (i'e'J Aurangzib) is no $ore than an agent of the glorious Lord' To belie!e that there can be scantiness and li$it in 9ods ourt is the essence of infidelit, and sin' Praised be 9odF and again *raised be 9odF Although $, legs are broBenJ $, heart is not broBen' After the ca*ture of Eort Satara -agir for 1 or 5 thousands hasJ according to the state$ent of Arshad 7hanJ been added to the do$inions of this $ortal (S Aurangzib)' :aBe the$ assign$ents on this (ne) territor,)' When it is eIhaustedJ 9od )ill on a ne) da, gi!e ,ou a ne) source of li!elihood'@ TeIts'HIr' :S' +/b' Notes'HIna,etullah 7han (:' >' ii' 8+8) )as a**ointed di)an of tanBha in 0ul,J &4;+' #e )as the ?*ersonal disci*le@ and fa!ourite secretar, of AurangzibJ and rose to be )azir under 6ahadur Shah I' Arshad 7han )as a**ointed di)an of Bhalsa in &4;8J and died in &5<&' :' >' i' +;<'

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% 18' :utinous artiller, officers cheated' When the A$*eror )as $arching fro$ Satara to)ards Eort ParliJ the *a, of the follo)ers Tahsha$U and $en of the artiller, )as fourteen $onths in arrearJ o)ing to the dela, in the arri!al of the re!enue of 6engal' All the four trusted hazaris (no$inal co$$anders of one thousand) told the A$*eror on the )a,J ?Dur follo)ers no longer listen to our )ords' The, )ant to $aBe an outbreaB against Tarbi,at 7hanJ the chief of the artiller, (:ir Atish)'@ #is :a-est, orderedJ ?9i!e the$ half their due salar, fro$ the *ublic treasur, inside the hare$' Eor the rest gi!e an assign$ent on the re!enue of hicacole in the *ro!ince of #aidarabadJ that the, $a, fetch the $one, thence' Let the *ri$e2 $inister )rite a *er$it to the di)an of #aidarabad and send bailiffs (saza)als) )ith the artiller,$en'@ :an Singh and haturbhu-J both of the$ hazarisJ did not agree to itJ dragged Tarbi,at 7han out of his *alBi during the -ourne,J and $ade hi$ sit do)n in the $idst of the rain' (ar Ali 6egJ the su*erintendent of the s*ies (harBarah)J re*orted the $atter to #is :a-est,J )ho i$$ediatel, ordered the su*erintendent of the treasur, of the hare$ to *a, u* their salar, in full' The, Be*t the chief of the artiller, sitting in this $anner in the rain till e!ening' After the, had got their *a,J the, $ounted hi$ Tin his *alBiU and brought hi$ to his =uarters' NeIt $orning the A$*eror ga!e robes of honour to each of the four hazaris and saidJ ?(ou ha!e been brought to this T$iser,U through the )icBedness of the chief of the artiller,'@ Tarbi,at 7hans ranB )as reduced b, fi!e hundredJ and his -agir )as decreased to the sa$e eItent' After one )eeB he ordered those t)o hazaris to go to hicacole and dra) in ad!ance siI $onths salar, for their co$rades' With his o)n hand he )rote a far$an to 0an2nasir 7hanJ the go!ernor Tof #aidarabadUJ ordering hi$ to di!ide the a$ount into instal$entsJ and e!er, da, *a, the instal$ent due' The ne)s reached the other t)o hazaris )ho )ere )ith the A$*erorJ and their $inds )ere co$*osed' Then #is :a-est, ordered that the latter t)o officers should go to Aurangabad and taBe fro$ the treasur, of that *lace siI $onths ad!ance *a, for their follo)ersM and an order )as sent to :a$ur 7hanJ the go!ernor of that *ro!inceJ to *a, the $one, b, instal$ents' After ten da,s #is :a-est, ordered that the t)o hazaris )ho had started first should be confined in the fort of #aidarabad and all the $one, *aid to the$J for$erl, and no)J should be taBen bacBF A si$ilar order )as also sent to the go!ernor of AurangabadJ !iz'J that he should confine (the t)o $en) in the fort of Daulatabad and reco!er their for$er and *resent salaries'

TeIt'HIr' :S' +.b K +/a' Notes'HSatara ca*itulated to Aurangzib on +&st A*rilJ &5<<J and he $arched fro$ it to Parli in three da,s (+8th to .<th A*ril)' :ir :uha$$ad 7halilJ (eldest son of Darab 7han of the :uBhtar tribe)J )as created Tarbi,at 7han and :ir Atish about &4;8M (:' >' i' /;8H1<.)J died in the battle of 0a-auJ &5<5'

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% 1;' Do not *ro!oBe a satirical *oet' 7a$gar 7hanJ the son of 0afar 7hanJ *etitioned the A$*erorJ ?:irza :uha$$ad Nia$at 7hanJ )hose $alignant nature is accusto$ed to satirisingJ has *ublished certain !erses on $, $arriageJ sa,ingJ NThe ob-ect of it Ti'e'J $arriageU is la)ful $o!e$entJ but in this case there is a cou*ling of t)o =uiescents' And he has besides introduced into the$ other disgraceful re$arBs about $eJ so that I ha!e been *ut to sha$e before the *ublic' I ho*e that ,our :a-est, )ill so *unish hi$ that he $a, not again !enture to co$*ose such idle tales' It )as *ro*er to sub$it this $atter to ,our :a-est,'@ Abo!e the )ords Nit )as *ro*er Aurangzib )rote Nit )as )rong (hara$)J and on the to* of the *etition he $ade this re$arBJ ?Punishing hi$ )ill cause greater disgrace Tto ,ou than beforeU' This si$*le2$inded hereditar, ser!ant )ishes to $aBe $e his sharer in this T*ublicU conte$*tJ so that Nia$at 7han $a, sa, and )rite about $e )hate!er TsatireU he liBes and $aBe $e notorious in the )orld' Eor$erl,J tooJ he had not s*ared $e Tin his satiresUM in returnJ I had increased his re)ardJ that he $ight not do it againM ,et in s*ite of this Tfa!ourU he had not on his *art been less TsatiricalU' It is not *ossible to cut out his tongue and se!er his necB' We ought to re*ress our feelings and li!e in har$on, T)ith othersU' #e is a friendJ )ho neither clings to thee nor se*arates hi$self fro$ thee'@ TeIt'H:S' N' 4b 5H5b &' Notes'H7a$gar 7hanJ the son of Aurangzibs earl, )azir 0afar 7han and Earzana 6ega$J (:' >' i' 1.&) )as a**ointed Bhan2i2sa$an in &485J and $arried the daughter of Sa,,id :uzaffar #aidarabadi in Se*te$ber &488 (:' A' +;5J .&+)' Life in :' >' iii' &1;' #is si$*licit, )as notorious' The first cou*let of the satire on his $arriage is gi!en in :' >' iii' &4<J and the )hole in the :azhaBat of Nia$at 7han' :irza :uha$$ad #a-i Nia$at 7hanJ *oetical na$e AliJ )as the son of an e$inent Persian doctorJ #aBi$ Eatih2ud2din' >nder 6ahadur Shah he got the title of Danish$and 7han' #e )rote the 6ahadur2Shahna$ahJ 0angna$ahJ Wa=aiJ and :azhaBatJ and )as the $ost fa$ous satirist of the age (:' >' ii' 4;<M :' A' +45M 7hafi 7hanJ ii' ..8J .1;M Alliots #istor, of IndiaJ !ii' +<<)'

There is a *la, u*on the )ord =uiescentJ )hich $eans (&) a consonant not follo)ed b, a !o)el and therefore inca*able of being -oined to another letterJ and (+) a $an )anting in !irilit,'

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% 4<' A bacBbiter *unished' Ero$ the re*ort of the ar$, of Prince :uha$$ad Aza$ ShahJ )ho )as then at Ah$adabadJ the A$*eror learnt that one :uha$$ad 6egJ )ho )as of the *rinces troo* of ahadisJ had b, $eans of bacBbiting secured the *rinces co$*anionshi* and beco$e the cause of har$ to $an, of his ser!ants' #is :a-est, )roteJ ?Siadat 7han should send strong $ace2bearers TsergeantsU to bring that graceless bacBbiterH)ho is the ruiner of the StateH to $, *resenceJ )alBing on footJ because the $ost har$ful of all bad things on the *art of Bings and rich $en is the co$*an, of bacBbiters and calu$niators' :ischief2$aBing is )orse than $urder' T:S' N' addsU" According to the sa,ingJ NGeril, the outside of a snaBe is $an,2colouredJ but )ithin it there is *oisonJ such is the character of a bacBbiter that eIternall, he looBs char$ingJ but at heart he holds a deadl, *oison' A!oid hi$F a!oid hi$F@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &;a K bJ :S' N' ;b' Notes'HPrince :' Aza$ )as sent to 9u-ratJ (ca*ital Ah$adabad)J as go!ernor in the $iddle of &5<& and sta,ed there till +1 No!' &5<1J )hen he ca$e bacB to the ourt' Ahadis )ere gentle$en troo*ersJ recruited singl,J ser!ing the A$*eror directl,J and not attached to an, chief' (Ir!ines Ar$, of the Indian :oghulsJ /.)' Siadat 7han IG'J the son of Sa,,id >ghlan (Siadat 7han III) )as a**ointed su*erintendent of ?the confir$ation of *ostings@ in &4;;'

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% 4&' Angr, 9o!ernor *unishes his slanderer' Ero$ the letter of :uha$$ad Aza$J ne)s2)riter of the *ro!ince of 9u-ratJH )ho )as one of the A$*erors o)n retainers ()alashahi)J #is :a-est, learnt that :uha$$ad A$in 7hanJ the go!ernor of the *ro!inceJ had held ourt )hile intoIicated )ith )ine' The A$*eror )rote Ton the sheetU"H?9od is hol,F

This is a great slander'@ The T ourtU agent of :uha$$ad A$in 7han )rote of this $atter to his $aster' The go!ernor in o*en darbar ordered the $oustaches and beard of the ne)s2)riter to be *ulled out and flung into the air' ThisJ tooJ reached the A$*erors Bno)ledge' #is :a-est, )rote"H?#is #oliness Ali has saidJ NAnger is a sort of $adnessJ and there is no la) in $adness' The 7han has a !er, !iolent te$*er' 6ut in this $atter )hat is Bno)n is that the ne)s2)riter had calu$niated hi$' What *o)er had he that the s$ell of )ine should reach fro$ the 7hans $outh to his TnostrilsUP 6utJ after allJ his *unish$ent belonged to $eJ and it )as i$*ro*er for the go!ernor to inflict it hi$self' The sentence on the l,ing ne)s2)riter is dis$issal fro$ his *ostJ and that on the go!ernor )ill be )ithholding fro$ hi$ the robe of honour at the annual TcoronationU festi!al'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 4bH5a' Notes'H:uha$$ad A$in 7han #afizJ son of :ir 0u$laJ )as go!ernor of 9u-rat fro$ &&th 0uneJ &45+J to his deathJ &4th 0uneJ &48+' A !er, *roud and self2)illed noble$an and a bigoted Shia' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ iii' 4&.)'

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% 4+' Dfficial disci*lineHboth sides *unishedF (ar Ali 6egJ the su*erintendent of ne)s (sa)anih)J sub$itted to the A$*erorJ ?6uzurg >$$ed 7han has insulted Abdur Rahi$J the ne)s2)riter of the *ro!ince of 6iharJ in o*en audienceJ and )ith disgrace turned hi$ out' If no *unish$ent is inflicted Tfor thisUJ other )riters )ill abstain fro$ )riting the truth about occurrencesJ and beco$e T $ere U ser!ants of the *ro!incial go!ernors' If ,our :a-est,J tooJ acts according to Tthe *ro!erbU N6ad hu$our al)a,s attacBs the )eaBest li$bJ then ,our sla!es are hel*less in obe,ing T,ourU orders'@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?This hel*less *erson Ti'e'J AurangzibU is hi$self )eaBJ and he considers all $enJ high and lo) aliBeJ to be )eaB' NThe strong is an attribute that belongs onl, to the *ure nature of 9od' 6ut lo) *ersons should ne!er be do$ineering to high ones' I *unish the ne)s2)riter )ith loss of his ranB and dis$issalJ and the *ro!incial go!ernor )ith a decrease of 1<< in his ranB ($ansab) and Ta corres*ondingU change in his -agir'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 8bJ :S' N' .4bH.5b' Notes'H6uzurg >$$ed 7hanJ a son of Shaista 7han and the con=ueror of hittagongJ )as subahdar of 6ihar fro$ &48. (P) to 0ul,J &4;+J and again at the ti$e of his deathJ &+th Eeb' &4;1' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ i' /1.)' Another instance of his haughtiness is gi!en in :asir2ul2u$araJ i' /1/'

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% 4.' A!er, regulation to be rigidl, obser!ed' Ruhullah 7han II'J )hose original na$e )as :ir #asanJ hadJ on account of the A$*erors great inti$ac, and trustJ been raised to the *osts of *a,$aster of tanBha (salaries) and ha$berlain (Bhan2i2sa$an)' In s*ite of his ha!ing beco$e a o$$ander of Three ThousandJ he tooB his o)n turn of being *resent as a Bha)asJ but stood at the foot of the ourt hall' Through the *ri$e2$inister Asad 7han he $ade the follo)ing *etitionJ ?:, ranB is that of a o$$ander of Three ThousandJ and Eaizullah 7han sarbariJ the de*ut, su*erintendentJ is a o$$ander of Se!en #undred onl,' If I a$ a**ointed sarbari and de*ut, su*erintendentJ it )ould be confor$able to the fa!our and grace that result fro$ ,our :a-est,s custo$ of cherishing ,our ser!ants'@ The A$*eror orderedJ ?There is no ob-ection to ,our being $ade sarbariJ *ro!ided that ,ou lose both ,our *resent *osts and get instead the ranB of a o$$ander of Se!en #undredF@ Then Asad 7han asBedJ ?6ut )here should he standP@ The A$*eror re*liedJ ?There is no *lace higher than his eIce*t o!er $, o)n head'@ Then #is :a-est, continuedJ ?If a single rule is disregardedJ all the regulations )ill be destro,ed' Though I ha!e not allo)ed the !iolation of an, rule Tof the ourtUJ $en ha!e gro)n so bold that the, re=uest $e to set rules asideF When this *ractice beco$es )ides*readJ a great difficult, )ill arise'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 1bH4aJ :S' N' .+bJ &&a' Notes'H:ir #asanJ the +nd son of Ruhullah 7han I' baBhshiJ )as created 7hanahzad 7hanJ and in &4;5 got the *ost of Bhan2i2sa$an and his fathers title' A**ointed darogha of the i$*erial retinueJ &4;;' reated +nd baBhshiJ 0an' &5<&' Died in the fulness of ,outhJ ;th :a,J &5</' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ ii' .&1H.&5)'

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% 4/' Dfficial eti=uette enforced' Ero$ the re*ort of the *ro!ince of 6engal the A$*eror learnt that Ibrahi$ 7hanJ the go!ernorJ in eIcess of *o$*osit, and *rideJ used to hold ourt )hile sitting on a couch (char*ai)J and the =azi and other officers of anon La) used to sit hu$bl, on the floor' Dn the sheet of the re*ort the A$*eror )rote"H?The *ri$e2$inister should )rite a NLetter 6, Drder of the A$*eror to

the said go!ernorJ stating that if he is unable to sit on the ground b, reason of an, diseaseJ he is eIcused till his restoration to healthJ and he should urge his doctors to cure hi$ soon' As the ne)s2)riter (sa)anih2nigar) has risen to a high ranB ($ansab)J he is no longer fit to continue as ne)s2)riter' Let hi$ be gi!en a *ro$otion in ranB of &<< troo*ers' Write to Ibrahi$ 7han to find for hi$ a fau-dari ($ilitia co$$and) )ithin the -urisdiction of his *ro!inceJ so that the latter too $a, Bno) the test of re*ort2)riting against hi$self b, (other) )riters' (ar Ali 6eg should thinB about it and reco$$end so$e other ne)s2 )riterJ )ho *ossesses dignit,'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' 1a K bJ :S' N' .1a K b' Notes'HIbrahi$ 7han )as go!ernor of 6engal fro$ &48; to &4;5'

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% 41' Ro,al *rerogati!e infringed' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of Ah$adabadJ then go!erned b, Ibrahi$ 7hauJ the A$*eror learnt that the 7han used to go to the 0a$a :os=ue riding a *alBi' As e!en the *rinces could not go Tto churchU in a nalBi )ithout the s*ecial *er$ission of the A$*erorJ the ne)s2)riters had asBed hi$ NWhat should )e )riteP and he had re*lied NWrite )hate!er ,ou liBe' Dn the sheet of the re*ort #is :a-est, )roteJ ?Ibrahi$ 7han is a hereditar, ser!antJ a)are of $, )ishes' #e has been enrolled a$ong the a$irs (higher co$$anders) fro$ the ti$e of Shah 0ahan (no) in hea!en)J and can ne!er act contrar, to the rules' As he )as t)ice go!ernor of 7ash$irJ he is used to ride in -ha$*ansJ )hich the ne)s2)riters here call *alBi fro$ $ere rese$blanceJ (in s*ite of its) difference of sha*e' Let the *ri$e2$inister )rite to hi$J NWh, should ,ou do an act )hich gi!es a handle to the ne)s2)riters Tto co$*lain against ,ouUP The *unish$ent of the ne)s)riter for his )rong conce*tion is that TthoughU he is retained at his *ostJ his ranB is decreased b, 1< and his -agir reduced to the sa$e eItent'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &8b K &;a' Notes'HIbrahi$ 7hanJ son of Ali :ardan 7hanJ )as a**ointed subahdar of 9u-rat in &5<1J but arri!ed at Ah$adabad -ust at the ti$e of Aurangzibs death (Life in :' >' i' +;1)' #e had *re!iousl, go!erned 7ash$irJ &41;H&44+J &455 H&48;J and &5<<H&5<1' During his ad$inistration of 6engal (&48;H&4;5) Rahi$ 7hans rebellion broBe out' 0ha$*an or dandi is a boat2sha*ed chair carried on $ens shoulders in the hills' NalBi is an o*en *alBi or litter'

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% 44' A$bition of an Ab,ssinian ad$iral' Ero$ the ne)s2letter of :achhli2bandar the A$*eror learnt that Siddi (a=ut 7hanJ the thanahdar of Danda2Ra-*uriJ had inserted a *etition under his o)n seal in the ne)s2letterJ stating that if the collectorshi* ($utasaddi2gari) of Danda2Ra-*uri )ere conferred on hi$J he )ould render far better ser!ice than his *redecessors in increasing the *ros*erit, of the *lace and in sending the i$*erial custo$s re!enue' Across the sheet of the ne)s2letter the A$*eror )roteJ ?Eor a long ti$e I ha!e Bno)n of this aggressi!e and self2)illed s*irit of Siddi (a=ut 7han' T#ere the :S' ends abru*tl,U' TeIt'H:S' N' .<b 4H&+' Notes'HAll the Siddis (Ab,ssinians) holding charge of Danda2Ra-*uri after &44< bore the title of (a=ut 7han fro$ the :ughal 9o!ern$entJ and acted as the :ughal ad$irals on the 6o$ba, coast' 7hafi 7han often narrates their histor,' (ii' ++1H++8J /1.H/1/)' Danda2Ra-*uri is a to)n on the 6o$ba, coastJ n' )' of :ahabalesh)arJ and facing the island of 0an-ira )hich )as the stronghold of the Ab,ssinians' :achhli2bandar is the $odern :asuli*ata$J near the $outh of the 7istna ri!er on the east coast' Dne Siddi (a=ut )as collector of Danda2Ra-*uri in &5<+' (:' A' /11)'

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% 45' A frag$ent' The A$*eror )rote on the sheet of the a**licationJ ?Although he is a childJ I Bno) hi$ to be a )ise child' Probabl, he $ade this *etition in a state of suBr (SintoIication) )hich is )ritten )ith the letter sin (Ss) de!oid of dotsJ )hereas shuBr (Sgratitude) is )ritten )ith the letter shin (Ssh) $arBed )ith dotsH TthoughU both the )ords are of the $easure of N=ufl' Eor this sort of gratitudeJ that shin does not hel* in Tsu**l,ingU the $easure ()azn) Tof the )ord =uflU'@ TeIt'H:S' N' /a 5H&&' This frag$ent co$es i$$ediatel, after the teIt of % 4;J but cannot be connected )ith the latterJ as Ruhullah 7hans *etition did not contain the )ord shuBr'

Note'HThe Arabic letter for s is turned into sh b, *utting three dots o!er it' :easure Kc' are ter$s of Arabic et,$olog,'

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% 48' 6e not too *roud of ,our good ser!ice' ?Write to Eathullah 7han that his eI*loits ha!e been Bno)n in detail fro$ the des*atchesJ and the, ha!e beco$e the cause of his )elco$e at ourt ($u-ra)M but he should not turn this risBing of his life into the sale of ser!ice (i'e'J $ercenar, )orB)J nor should he dis*lease $e b, dis*leasing $, generals'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &+b K &.a' :S' R' gi!es onl, the *ortion fro$ Nhe should not turn' This letter is gi!en in $an, of the other collections of Aurangzibs lettersJ and is No' &+. in the lithogra*hed edition of the Ru=aat2i2Ala$giri' I thinB it has got into the AhBa$ b, $istaBe' Notes'H:ir :uha$$ad Sadi=J surna$ed Eathullah 7han 6ahadur Ala$girshahiJ distinguished hi$self at the sieges of Panhala and 7helnaJ so that the other i$*erial generals gre) -ealous of hi$' Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ iii' /<H/5' #istor, of AurangzibJ !' ch' 1/ for interesting details'

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PDLI ( TDWARDS S#IAS AND #IND>S % 4;' Sunni refuses to $arr, Shias daughter' R>#>LLA# 7han at the ti$e of his death $ade a )ill in the *resence of Cazi Abdullah' Dne clause of his )ill )as this" ?I a$ a SunniJ and ha!e )ithdra)n fro$ the *ractice of $, TShiaU ancestors' Please )ed $, t)o daughters to Sunnis'@ The =azi re*orted the $atter to the A$*erorJ )ho )roteJ ?#,*rocris, is *ractised in lifeti$eM but is a no!elt, to *la, the h,*ocrite on the death2bedF Probabl, The has acted soU out of regard for his sons and sur!i!ing relati!es' This h,*ocritical ste* )ill benefit hi$ onl, if his sons also assent to it' At all e!ents ,ou ought to act according to his last )ill' 9i!e his elder daughter to Prince :uha$$ad Azi$ and the ,ounger to Siadat 7hanJ the son of the late Siadat 7han'@ NeIt da, Siadat 7han sub$ittedJ ?This hereditar, ser!ant is

un)illing Tto $arr, Ruhullah 7hans daughterU' #o) do )e Bno) that she too holds the creed of the SunnisP In case she *erse!eres in her o)n faithJ )hat can be doneP@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &<a inco$*lete at beginning' :S' N' /a &H4' Notes'HRuhullah 7han I'J the son of 7halilullah 7han and #a$ida 6anuJ )as baBhshi or *a,$aster fro$ 0anuar, &48< to his death (about 0une &4;+)' In Se*te$ber &484 he )as a**ointed subahdar of 6i-a*ur in addition' Dne of his daughters )as $arried to Prince Azi$J a son of 6ahadur ShahJ on +4th 0une &4;+' (Life in :asir2ul2u$araJ ii' .<;H.&1' #is death is described in :'A' ./8M 7hafi 7hanJ ii' /<5)' The title of Siadat 7han (the ,ounger) )as gi!en to the son of Siadat 7han Sa,,id >ghlanJ in &4;8' 7h)a-ah Abdullah (son of :' Sharif) )as a**ointed =azi of the i$*erial ourt in :a, &481" died &4;8'

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% 5<' Ruhullah 7hans death and funeral' When the A$*eror )ent to !isit Ruhullah 7han in his TlastU illnessJ he )as insensible' Dn regaining consciousness he $ade a sala$ and recited the follo)ing cou*let" With )hat *ride )ill this su**licant lea!e the )orldJ As ,ou ha!e co$e to his head at the ti$e of his gi!ing u* the ghostF The A$*eror burst into tears and saidJ ?In no condition )hate!er should one des*air of 9ods grace' Reco!er, and ho*e are not re$ote fro$ #is $erc, (i'e'J be,ond #is *o)er)' 6ut as death is ine!itable to e!er, $anJ tell $e ,our hearts )ishJ and I shall certainl, grant it'@ Ruhullah 7han stretched out his handJ rubbed it on #is :a-est,s teetJ and saidJ ?Through the blessing of these feet all $, )ishes in lifeti$e )ere gratified' I no) *ra, for this onl, that ,our :a-est, $a, not $ind the inco$*etence of $, sonsJ but Bee* the$ under the shado) of ,our trainingJ a**oint those that are fit for an, office to that *ostJ andJ in the case of those that are inco$*etentJ re$e$ber the ser!ices of their forefathers'@ The A$*eror re*liedJ ?I agree )ith all $, heart and life'@ Then the 7han sub$ittedJ ? oncerning the $arriage of $, t)o daughtersJ I ha!e alread, sent a *etition to ,our :a-est, through the nazirJ stating that I ha!e been s*irituall, guided to the Sunni creedJ and gi!en u* the *ractices of $, TShiaU ancestorsJ and re=uesting that both of the$ $a, be $arried to )ell2born $e$bers of the Sunni sect' I no) orall, *ra, that ,our :a-est, $a, order Cazi :uha$$ad ABra$ to co$e and carr, out the )ashing and shrouding of $, cor*se'@ The A$*eror bo)ed his head do)nJ s$iledJ and saidJ ?Geril,J

lo!e for his children has rendered this $an hel*less' There is no falling off in ,our )isdo$ and *o)er of contri!ance' :ost *robabl, ,ou ha!e $ade this *lan in the ho*e that out of res*ect for the *ure soul of a Sunni I shall looB graciousl, at and sho) Bindness to ,our children' 6ut this *lan )ill succeed onl, if e!er, one of the$ too sa,s the sa$e thing (i'e'J acce*ts the Sunni creed)' There is no *robabilit, at all that the, )ould la, this sha$e (i'e'J a*ostac,) on the$sel!es' #o)e!erJ I ought to carr, out ,our last )ill *ublicl, according to the anon La)'@ Sa,ing this he re*eated a blessing fro$ the Curan (fatiha) and ca$e a)a,' After the 7hans deathJ the =azi ca$e according to the )ill of the deceased' Dne A=a 6egJ a confidential ser!ant of Ruhullah 7hanJ sho)ed the =azi a letter )ritten b, the 7han and sealed )ith his o)n sealJ )hich statedJ ?If at the ti$e of )ashing and shrouding $, bod,J the =azi co$es according to the )ill of this hu$ble *erson and the order of the A$*erorJ A=a 6eg should be a**ointed the =azis de*ut, for doing this )orB' This *oor $an does not !enture to gi!e trouble to #is #oliness the =azi Tfor this )orBU' The $ere fact of the =azi co$ing to $, house )ill be the cause of the sal!ation of this sinner'@ This A=a 6eg had out)ardl, assu$ed the titles of A=a and 6egJ but he )as Treall,U one of the eI*ert Shia theologians' The =azi had disco!ered his scholarshi* fro$ his ha!ing often at *arties entered into discussions fearlessl, and *ro$*tl, )hen face to face )ith learned $en' The =aziJ on reading the letterJ beca$e a)are of the real fact of the $atterJ !iz'J the in!itation of the =azi and the delegation of the )orB Tof )ashingU to A=a 6eg )as a $ere for$ of *leasantr, ( shaBl2i2Bhush2tabai )' SoJ being dis*leasedJ he told :uha$$ad 9hausJ the ne)s2)riter of the =azis courtJ to *ut it at once in a letter and send the letter to the A$*eror =uicBl, b, $eans of a sla!e (=ul)J so that an ans)er $ight be brought' When the sheet of the ne)s2letter )as *resented to the A$*erorJ he )roteJ ?At the ti$e of his death he has cast disgrace on the )hole of his *ast lifeJ and s*read a co!ering o!er the face of his )orB' It is not necessar, for the =azi to sta, there' The late 7han during his lifeti$e had $ade dece*tion his characteristic' And at his deathJ tooJ he *ursued this detestable habit to the endF What concern ha!e I )ith an,bod,s faithP Let 0esus follo) his o)n religion and :oses his o)n' The *ro*osal for the $arriage of his daughters to Sunnis )as also a Bind of stratage$J Te$*lo,ed in the ho*eU that the *oor si$*le2)itted ,oung nobles )ho )ould be in!ol!ed in this $isfortune (i'e'J )ould $arr, these Shia girls) )ould necessaril,J out of lo!e for their )i!esJ )ithdra) their hands fro$ the long2standing faith of their ancestors and beco$e ne) con!erts to Shia2is$' 9od *rotect us fro$ the )icBedness of our *assions and the sinfulness of our actions'@ TeIt'HIr' :S' &.aH&/aM :S' N' &.bH&4a'

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% 5&' #indu *risoners of )ar eIecuted' During the siege of the fort of SataraJ in the blessed $onth of Ra$zanJ four :usli$s and nine #indus out of a *art, that had $ade a sortie fro$ the fortJ )ere taBen *risoner' The A$*eror ordered Cazi :uha$$ad ABra$J the ourt CaziJ to in!estigate the =uestion )ith the hel* of the $uftis and re*ort as to )hat should be done' After eIa$ining Tthe booBs of anon La)UJ he told the A$*eror that if the infidels acce*ted :uha$$adanis$ it )ould be a ground for releasing the$J and that the :usli$s should be Be*t in *rison for three ,ears' Across the sheet of the legal o*inion #is :a-est, )roteJ ?This decision TisU according to the #anafi schoolM decide the case according to so$e other schoolJ so that control o!er the Bingdo$ $a, not be lost' Durs is not the rigid Shia creedJ that there should be onl, one tree in an entire !illage' V Praised be 9odF there are four schools Tof Sunni theolog,U based on truthJ TeachU according to a *articular age and ti$e'@ After he had )ritten thisJ the =azi and $uftis *ronounced another decisionJ sa,ingJ ?Ero$ the Eata)a2i2Ala$giri )e deri!e the sentence that the #indu and :usli$ T*risoners of )arU should be eIecuted as a deterrent'@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?I agree to it' The, $ust be eIecuted before I breaB the fast Tof Ra$zanJ at sunsetUJ for I shall not breaB $, fast till I ha!e seen the Tse!eredU heads of the rebels'@ SoJ :uharra$ 7hanJ )ith the hel* of Sarbarah 7han Bot)alJ about sunset brought the heads and *laced the$ before the A$*eror in the court of -ustice' TeIt'HIr' :S' 8a K bM :S' N' .1bH.4b' Notes'HSatara )as ca*tured b, Aurangzib after a siege eItending fro$ 8th Dece$ber &4;; to +&st A*ril &5<<' The eIecution of *risoners of )ar here is noted in the ABhbarat' :uha$$ad ABra$ )as a**ointed =azi of the i$*erial ourt in :a, &4;8 and died shortl, after Dctober &5<1' There are four schools of Isla$ic la) acce*ted b, the SunnisJ !iz'J the #anafiJ the ShafiJ the #anbaliJ and the :aliBi' The $ufti is an officer )ho eI*ounds the la) and assists the =azi or -udge b, su**l,ing hi$ )ith fata)as or decisions' The Eata)a2i2Ala$giri is a code of the decisions of for$er Isla$ic la),ers selectedJ har$onised and arranged b, order of AurangzibJ b, a s,ndicate of scholars under the *residenc, of ShaiBh Niza$J at a cost of nearl, t)o laBhs of Ru*ees' It )as a $ere co$*ilationJ )ith none of the originalit, and !alue of the ode Na*oleon'

NeIt Pre!ious ontents Pre!ious ontents % 5+' The 0azi,a to be ineIorabl, le!ied' The A$*eror learnt fro$ the letter of Eiruz 0ang 7hanJ )ho )as a**ointed to taBe care of the 6ase a$* (bungah) at Isla$*uri and to guard the road fro$ 6urhan*ur to the *lace of the A$*erors sta,JH?The to$b of the old sla!e2 girlJ the $other of TthisU hereditar, ser!antJ is on the other side of the ri!er 6hi$a' It is necessar, to increase the *o*ulation of the grain2$arBet of the *laceJ and thereb, ensure the co*ious arri!al of *ro!ision at the i$*erial ca$*' 6ut this T*eo*ling of the *laceU cannot be effected )ithout abolishing the *oll2toI (-azi,a) on the #indu residents of the *lace' Please order that Ina,etullah 7han $a, send a letter *atent (sanad) of eIe$*tion Tfro$ the -azi,aU'@ The A$*eror )roteJ ?I do not acce*t hel*ers fro$ a$ong the infidels' (our )ish for the colonising of the grain2$arBet at the to$bJ and ,our u*setting the co$$and contained in the teIt of the hol, Curan concerning -azi,aJH)hich is NT hastise the$ till the, *a, -azi,a fro$ the hand becauseU the, are hu$bledJ b, substituting for it the )ords Nthe, deser!e to be eIcusedJHare a thousand stages re$ote fro$ the *erfect )isdo$ and obedience to the august Religious La) )hich are *ossessed b, this trusted ser!ant a)are of $, senti$ents' A!identl,J a grou* of ,our co$*anionsJ Hthe habit of )hich *art,J $ore des*icable than s)ee*ersJ is to create sus*icion in the hearts of $enJ Hha!e $ade ,ou blind and go astra,J and ha!eJ through i$$ature greedJ gi!en to this )orthless idea a *lace in ,our heart )hich is rece*ti!e of allure$ents' #o) can this old $anJ stricBen in ,ears and eI*erienced in affairs Ti'e'J AurangzibUJ be decei!edP (Gerse) 9o a)a,F and set this tra* for so$e other birdJ As the nest of the PhZniI is built too high'@ TeIt'H:S' N' 1b &<H4b 4' Notes'HEiruz 0ang )as sent in Dctober &5<& to guard the i$*erial 6ase a$* at Isla$*uriJ on the 6hi$a ri!er' (:'A' //1)' Eor Aurangzibs strictness in collecting the -azi,aJ see 7hafi 7hanJ ii' +5;J .58M ABhbaratJ ,ear .8J sheet +.+'

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