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Orwell Unit

English 12

Shelby Coon

Oppenheim, Casey, and The Opinions Expressed in This Commentary Are Solely Those of Casey Oppenheim. "Big Brother Spying Is Reaching Scary Levels." CNN. Cable News Network, 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. The U.S. public has grown tired of the government snooping on private files online, in response, Microsoft published an open letter to the President and Congress requesting reform of U.S. privacy laws. The latest scandal has been spies from America and Britain snooping on online fantasy games, and the NSA is collecting personal data files of mobile phone users worldwide. Americans have come concerned about how much control they have over their personal data; it appears that the public has been subjected to unconstitutional searches and seizures of our personal information. The infuriating part of this situation is that the technology for spying is growing rapidly, and U.S. tax payers are paying for the upgrades. This article defends the arguments of U.S. citizens and how Big Brother spying has reached uncontrollable levels. CNN is a useful website to get information from considering its many reliable sources. The cite uses information coming straight from the quoted, none of it is hearsay. There is also no third party input on the article, so no opinion can change the information, unless it came from the author. This article helped support how much the government controls citizens lives. The actions taken have not allowed much personal freedom, and gained private information of the U.S. citizens, which helps support my argument by proving that there really is no curtain to hide the information put on the internet. This makes me lean towards a reform in the privacy laws, and the need for action to take place on these unconstitutional actions.

Orwell Unit

English 12

Shelby Coon

Gross, Doug. "Leak: Government Spies Snooped in 'Warcraft,' Other Games." CNN. Cable News Network, 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. On the online fantasy game World of Warcraft, spies from the U.S. and U.K. may have spent time as a character hunting for terrorists. This rages players and major companies, leaving them unsure whether to be offended or call the actions wise and effective, also making them wondering if this is not the only source NSA is using to snoop. CNN is a trustful source online, and on air. They also politically discuss each topic between professionals. All of the articles in this bibliography have come from this website; all articles in which are biased against the NSA, and their poor decisions. Similar to other articles on this topic, the goal is to educate the public on the many directions that the government have taken in order to snoop online for the benefit of the country. The government brownnosing on online fantasy games has taken just one more opportunity away from citizens to freely discuss in private. Even though it is biased against the NSA, the article makes these actions seem like they are done out of curiosity, not simply for the safety of U.S. citizens; this adds a con-point to my opinion. This adds to the list of arguments against why the government should get away with spying online, and collecting data. The information presented in this article shows that the government is getting sneakier; they are also learning how to intrude in masking.

Orwell Unit

English 12

Shelby Coon

Sciutto, Jim, Jim Sciutto Reported from Washington; Chelsea J. Carter Reported, and Wrote From Atlanta. Jeremy Harlan. "NSA Chief Addresses Report That Agency Taps into Google, Yahoo Data Links." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 12 Dec. 2013. According to the NSA, they dont have access to servers ran by Google, Microsoft, or other big name internet sources. Officials from the NSA claim they only collect data from a court order, and deny having access to Google servers. They claim not to have shared their files with the government either, but they are aware that their snooping has scared the public, and there is a fear of no privacy. It is true however that information has been collected like text, audio, and video. Officials say that they have taken precautions to protect data centers from being hacked.

This article comes from a reliable source, which is CNN. CNN has a channel on television giving professional opinions and details on politics, keeping the country up to date. CNN has been around for many years, and many citizens rely on the information. From that information, it is hard not to trust this source, especially since it is used worldwide and the participators in the company know what they are talking about.

My opinion is not affected by this article, it only supports my reasoning. I believe that the NSA and other government programs are in the wrong for illegally collecting private data. I have some doubts for when the official from this article states that they do not have ability to gain the information they do without legal permission. They know it is illegal, and I realize there are rumors about the situation. However, there needs to be a

Orwell Unit

English 12

Shelby Coon

change in the privacy laws, and more needs to be done to protect the security of U.S. citizens.

Orwell Unit

English 12

Shelby Coon

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