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Why Decompositio n is Important

With me! Earthie the earthworm.

Hi I'm Earthie the earthworm and before I tell you why decomposition is important I should probably tell you what it is!

Here are decomposing leaves and a leaf that hasn't decomposed yet.

Decomposition is decaying and breaking up of dead plants and animals which is done by earthworms and fungi.

Now I'm going to tell you the importance of decomposition. Which is a very necessary thing to this world.

The ground would always look like this... But worse

This decomposition is done by me, and other earthworms, and fungi! Without us the world would be a mess.

Cuz you know how when leaves fall they start to get holes in them? Also, how animals start to decay when they die?

This leaf shows decomposer s in action!

Well that's them being decomposed by us earthworms and fungi, we're decomposers!

When the dead plants and animals get completely decomposed by us they are recycled and their nutrients are used to help the soil.

This soil is nutrient rich!

This makes the plants really healthy!

When we clear the ground we don't just recycle the nutrients

I do my job so this plant can live.

By clearing the ground of dead things we allow room for more plants to grow.

Not something all decomposers do but earthworms do is help the soil by digging holes.

I helped these plants grow big and strong!

When they do this they put air in the soil which helps plants grow

Decomposition is very important because it cleans the world and helps plant grow! We're important!

It is a very important part in the circle of life so all things can live.

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