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Layla is set to study college courses abroad when she's abducted outside her hotel room and promptly

sold into sexual slavery to an obscenely wealthy sheik who has paid for the privilege of being the first man between her legs. Layla finds herself among a harem of pampered slaves but refuses to yield to the man who makes her shake and quiver, but more importantly, makes her question who she truly is and wants.


By Alexx Andria Copyright 2012 by Alexx Andria *Authors Note: Formerly published as KEPT. This new version has been updated and mildly revised to better reflect the tone of the story. The original can still be found in the bundle titled, UNWILLING. *This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. It features acts of sexual gratification and dubious consent of the Master and slave kind. If youre not 18 years or older, find something else to read. The following short story of approx.12,300 word is a work of fiction.

My eyes were blinded by a swatch of coarse black cloth, my hands bound and hung above my head. I remember firm, supple fingertips, kneading and testing the smooth pliancy of my flesh. I was warned not to utter a sound or my punishment would be severe. I was to accept the poking and prodding, the delving into my most private of places, without a murmur of complaint. And those fingers did not hesitate to explore roughly or crudely. I was at the mercy of strangers, frightened and alone. My only currency was what could be bartered between my legs. Id had no idea such things happened to real people until the day I was stuffed into an awaiting van with a black hood thrown over my head. Imagine my surprise, the woman I came to know as CoCo had said to me, mindless of the tears that streaked my face, after Id been examined on a dirty table presumably by a doctor of some sort, when I was told you were still a virgin. Hard to find these days, especially with a face and body such as yours. Everyones a whore it seems, no matter how young they are. CoCo, crossed her arms delicately and peered down at me, assessing me with cool efficiency. You will fetch a good price at the sale. Much better than anyone else. Youre the crme de la crme, my dear. I didnt bother pleading the woman was cut from stone but I could do nothing about the tears that continued to fall. A shadow of concern flitted across CoCos face and she perched along the edge of the bed where I was tied to the headboard to smooth the hair from my eyes. Darling, she purred, gently pushing an errant strand of my white-blonde hair behind my ear as if she were a kind relative rather than my captor. You mustnt grieve for a life that was not for you. You have the body of a goddess. It is to be celebrated and honored, my sweetness. Men

will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to have the honor of plucking that lovely cherry. It is an honor and gift I give you. You shall see. I just want to go home, Id said in a raspy whisper. My voice had grown hoarse the first three days of my abduction. By the fourth day, Id given up crying and screaming and tried reason but to no avail. Why are you doing this to me? CoCo ignored my question and plucked at an invisible piece of lint before answering with a smile that scared me. Why not? I licked my lips, tears leaking down my face. Im a person, not something you can buy and sell. What youre doing is illegal. This is human trafficking! Irritated by my show of emotion, CoCo stood and her eyes lit up as she began to talk about the night of the sale. You know, it isnt often we find someone of your caliber. Of course, we sent out an exclusive invitation to our most valued and discerning clients and the response was overwhelming. Far better than we couldve imagined, she said, making me cringe. She patted my bare knee. Now, enough with these silly tears. You must look your best tonight, darling. You will be bathed and waxed, your beautiful blonde hair will be washed and styled and then your fingers and toes tended to as well. We are saving you for last in the show. The anticipation is already building within our buyers. You will be our showcase event. She added with a cold smile as an aside, Oh, and darlingplease remember to be silent. Our clients do not like weepy girls. They like obedient, pretty and quiet. Perhaps I ought to scream my head off . She mustve read the defiant thought from my expression and warned, If you disobey, I will personally strip that sweet flesh from your bones and then sell your worthless carcass to the worst possible brothel I can find where I can guarantee your body will be ravaged by disease before the year is out. Am I clear, sweetness? I shuddered with real fear. CoCos threat was not idle. Thered been whispers of terrible thingsof consequences too horrific to talk about in the light of day. I didnt doubt CoCos threat and it scared me into compliance. It hardly seemed possible that a week ago Id been waving goodbye to my friends as I loaded onto the plane to Europe, planning to spend a year abroad as part of a college immersion program. Right now, my parents believed I was settling in with my host family. It would be several days before they realized something was amiss. By then, only God knew where Id be. Thats how I came to be hanging like a piece of meat, blindfolded, subjected to pokes and pinches by total strangers, as they inspected what they considered chattel up for bid. She is untouched, yes? one accented man asked with a salacious grunt, pushing a fat digit roughly into my shrinking folds, mortified to my bones that I was being subjected to such an invasion. I bit my lip to keep from

crying out. He chuckled and twisted a sensitive nipple. She is a succulent fruit, eh? I like the American girlsthey are so much fun to break. He pushed his finger deeper inside, past the knuckle and I jerked against the assault, biting my lip so hard I tasted blood. Polite laughter ensued and tears wet my cheek. If you continue to fuck her with your finger, she will no longer be a virgin, a dark voice said, a hint of warning in that smooth timber. I automatically turned my head in the direction of the sound. And her value will drop. Isnt that so, CoCo? CoCos nervous titter followed as she said, Yes, yesshe is a temptation, isnt she? But please, gentlemenfor the sake of preserving what is most special about herno insertions until after youve paid for the privilege. Then you may do as you like to her young body. A paper-thin sheath barely covered my body and did little to shield me from the cold in the room. The temperature was only chilly enough to perk my nipples but not enough to cause shivering. And you are certain she is pure? the man asked, his hands gently spanning my waist and framing my hips to squeeze the firm muscles of my rear. Id been a competitive dancer for years and even though I no longer competed, my body had retained the muscle built from years of diligent practice. In fact, my dancing friends had teased that Id grown soft because my breasts had filled out and my hips had rounded whereas they had remained lean and taut from maintaining a rigid diet combined with their rigorous training. My breath wheezed painfully in my chest as my heart thundered against my breastbone. His touch was different from the others, as if he appreciated the value of what he held in his hand; unlike the brutes who had likely left bruises in their rough handling. Of course, CoCo answered assuredly, her tone almost subservient and so unlike the tone shed always used with her crop of girls. Our physician did a thorough examination. Her hymen is intact. My cheeks burned hot at the casual mention of my private matters. Suddenly, my decision to abstain until marriage seemed a foolish and romantic notion when faced with losing it to a total stranger whod simply purchased my virginity for his own pleasure. I fought to contain my trembling but I felt like a leaf buffeted by a stiff wind. Her skin is exquisite, he murmured with what sounded like faint surprise. Where did you find her? Again, the nervous laughter and CoCo redirected with a simpering, Now, nowsuch details are unimportant, darling. Shall we retire to the salon and start the bidding? Henri? Champagne for our guests, please. Silence followed and I realized theyd all filed from the room. I shuddered. One of these vile people would purchase me like a head of cattle and take my virginity like something out of the medieval times. In their eyes, I was simply a woman to be owned, not a person with rights. I didnt know how long I remained in that cold room, suspended by my hands, my feet barely dusting the

floor, but itd seemed forever before the opening of a door finally broke the quiet of the room. My hands were numb from loss of circulation and I feared nerve damage. You are a lucky little bitch, CoCo said into my ear. Try to remember that. Adieu, darling. And then something sharp pierced my skin. Before I could cry out, I was aware of nothing.

I awoke slowly, my head throbbing in time to the beat of my heart. My blurred vision cleared and I heard soft female voices. I think shes awake, one said. Shes so pretty, said another. And yet another giggled knowingly as she said, I bet Omar will keep her all to himself for days. I scooted away from the voices and tried rubbing the blurriness from my eyes. My mouth tasted of bitter cotton and I knew Id been drugged. Whatever CoCo had filled me with had knocked me out long enough to transport me here wherever here was. Where am I? I asked, my voice coming out sounding scratchy and rusty. Three young women sat clustered around me on a giant bed of vibrant silks and satins of reds, oranges and lemon-yellow. They peered at me with open curiosity, assessing me with bold glances. They were dressed in flowing, gauzy shifts that left little to the imagination and I realized with a start that I was dressed similarly. I gasped and tried to cover my breasts but my action only caused the women to laugh at my foolishness. Who are you people? I demanded to know, though my voice wobbled with fear. A brunette with long, flowing locks that curled like wild roots searching for water, came forward with a welcoming smile that showcased white teeth and began introductions as if they were all sorority sisters and likely to come BFFs and not prisoners dressed like sex slaves Im Belinda, she pointed to the redhead, Shes Scarlet, then finally pointed at the short blond, And shes Cassie. And you are? Layla, I answered haltingly, not quite sure what to make of these women. I was afraid to ask but I needed to know. I asked again, Where am I? Cant you tell? Belinda asked, gesturing to the opulent room filled with ornate gold furnishings and cool marble floors. The obvious wealth in the room was astounding. When I met Belindas amused stare, she answered, Youve been purchased by Sheik Omar Hakim for his harem. Consider yourself lucky. He only selects the best and hes notoriously picky about his women. There mustve been something about you that made him want to bring you here. Ive been kidnapped and brought here against my will. Id hardly consider that luck. Can you help me,

please? I pleaded with Belinda. I was on my way to study abroad when I was abducted from outside my hotel room and then auctioned off. I didnt come here willingly! Cassie nodded as if understanding, saying, I cried for days when I first came. But when I realized I had a much better life here as a pampered member of Omars harem, I stopped crying. You will, too. I stared at the blond, not quite sure I was hearing correctly. You like it here? She bobbed a nod with a smile. We all do. Scarlet laughed at my look of horror. Oh, dont be so shocked. We live as princesses do. We want for nothing and Omar is a very kind Master and a skilled lover. You will come to adore it here. He bought me like a cow at market, I said, wiping away the sudden show of angry tears as the events of the last few days rolled over me. I couldnt stop the words as they tumbled out at the first show of true human kindness, even if they were crazy in believing life as a prisoner was better than wherever theyd come from. I miss my parents, my friendsI just want to go home. The things they did to me I buried my face in my arms, sobbing openly. Within seconds, all three clustered around me, crooning soft words of comfort as I cried. Their perfume surrounded me in a sensual cloud that made me want to lay my head against their soft shoulders. Id never been attracted to women but at that moment I was starved for kindness and frightened out of my mind. When the first press of soft lips met my own, I didnt fight it. I closed my eyes and accepted the comfort given. Another set of lips pressed feather-light kisses along the column of my neck while another gently fluttered sweet touches along the curve of my breast. My tears finally stopped and I reluctantly opened my eyes to peer into Belindas deep brown ones. Why did this happen to me? I whispered. Youre one of the lucky ones, Belinda answered, smiling. I shook my head, vehemently disagreeing. I dont want to be here. You will. How could she say that? You will come to adore Master Omar more than your old life, she said in a calm tone, her smile widening with knowing but I could only shake my head in horror. I wont. My mouth tightened. I hate him. I will always hate him for doing this to me. Shhh, she warned, a frown marring her beautiful face. You mustnt say such things. Why not? Its true, I said, not caring. Good people dont buy others. Hes a despicable excuse for a human being. I am not accustomed to being vilified so readily, a voice sounded amid the soft gasps from the girls as they jumped from their spots to pool around his feet like purring felines whod sniffed out the possibility of milk.

He absently but fondly petted each on the head and then moved past them, his dark eyes feasting on me intently. They didnt seem put out or offended that hed left them behind, in fact, they seemed happy to watch what would happened and I was overcome by a spike of nausea that pierced my gut. My face mustve blanched for he snapped his fingers and a heavily muscled, black man appeared as his behest. My newest pet is ill. Call for the physician. Im fine, I said, not wanting anyone else to touch or look at me without my permission. I just feel a little light-headed. It is the drug, he explained, gesturing for his man to bring a glass of water. I accepted the water reluctantly but quickly drained the glass to relieve the desert in my mouth. I do not approve of Madame CoCos methods but she is efficient and her girls are good-quality. Now and again, she procures a gemsuch as yourself. I was intrigued and pleased by her catalogue when I saw you on the list. I swallowed, not trusting myself to speak. I wanted him to be hideous but he was achingly beautiful in a cruel and determined way. His eyes were black as sin, so dark in fact, it was impossible to separate the iris from the pupil, and I found myself unable to lower my gaze. It was extreme fatigue, I reasoned with myself. The past week had been a smorgasbord of horrors; it was no wonder I was not quite myself. You are a student of American studies? he asked solicitously, as if we were having a polite conversation over a coffee, making small talk around inane subjects in an attempt to test the waters of attraction. Id played that particular social game often enough, but what we were doing had nothing in common with the usual tte--tte. For one, he had bought me with the intent to take my virginity; it didnt matter how polite or attractive he was. My pointed silence made him frown. I will forgive your rudeness this time because youve been through a trying ordeal. However, heed my words, pet, it would behoove you to learn manners before I am forced to punish you for your insolence. I couldnt stop myself. In my country, when people traffic in the sale of other human beings, they are arrested and thrown in prison for a long time. It is a fortunate circumstance that we are not in your country then, he replied smoothly. I do not believe prison would suit my lifestyle. Although his bevy of beauties tittered, I did not appreciate his wry wit. How nice that you can laugh at my expense, I said, lifting my chin. I dared much but perhaps I wished for a quick death in my delirious state. I doubt if the shoe were on the other foot, you would be so cavalier. His brow arched but he conceded my point with surprising grace. Perhaps not. Oh, so you admit being someone elses property would not suit you? He smiled. No. It would not. But then, women were meant to be in the care of a man, not the other way

around. My lips thinned. I do not believe men are superior to women; in fact, in some areas, women are the more accomplished species. Undoubtedly so, he agreed easily. But where women are soft, men are hard and that is the way it should be. He regarded me openly, feasting his eyes on wherever he chose, lingering on the pink areolas of my nipples as they hardened beneath the thin material skimming them. I gasped and tried to cover myself. He chuckled at my actions, saying, Sweet Layla, you please me with your hot and ready tongue. I look forward to feeling it against my cock. I shuddered and snapped my mouth shut with a mutinous glare, which he ignored. This is your new home. If you work hard to please me, I will reward you with a life filled with everything you desire I desire my freedom, I cut in sharply, unable to resist. His nostrils flared at my rash interruption but he continued as if I hadnt spoken. However, if you displease me, I will throw you to my men to use at their leisure and forget your existence. In spite of my bravado, more tears tingled at the back of my eyeballs. The gravity of my situation crashed down around my shoulders and I struggled to breathe. No one was coming to rescue me. I was, in fact, at this mans mercy. No one would prevent him from doing any number of depraved acts to me. My permission was not necessary. His expression gentled and his mouth tipped in a sensual smile. Calm your fears, pet. I have no doubt you will please me. There is something about you that I findintoxicating. I confess, I dont normally find myself so taken with a woman. My gaze flicked to the women lounging together on a chaise watching us avidly and he followed my gaze. He graced them with an indulgent smile. All my women are special to me for different reasons. He returned to me. But you, my pet, stir something I cannot define inside me. It is this unknown I wish to explore. However, first, business must be attended. He gestured to the hulking man standing at the ready. Please take the lovely Miss Layla to be fitted for her collar. I balked. Im not going to wear a collar. You will do whatever I demand. You belong to me. And all my pretty pets wear beautiful jeweled collars befitting their station. He paused and crooked his finger at the women. They eagerly popped from their positions and sank to their knees before him, their heads bowed. He tapped Belinda on the crown and she gazed up at him with total adoration. It was then I realized what Id assumed were ornate chokers were actually collars and I shrank against the headboard, shaking my head. I couldnt do that couldnt be collared like an animal. Please no! Omar caressed Belindas jaw and smiled down at her with warmth, then returned to me, his eyes hard, and said to the woman at his feet, Belinda, my sweetshow my newest pet how I like my cock sucked. Without hesitation, Belinda undid the belt encircling his waist and gently released his erect member. It sprang free, bold and hard, stabbing toward Belindas open mouth. I watched in shock as Omar threaded his

fingers through her dark tresses and jammed his cock into her mouth until it surely banged the back of her throat. My cheeks heated at the obscene display but I couldnt look away. She slid her plump lips over the crown of his erection, sucking hard and groaning as if it gave her just as much pleasure as him to suck him off. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and worked him until his hips began to flex against her, pumping into her mouth as if he were plunging his cock into her folds. Thats it, sweet pet, he murmured in a sultry tone, obviously enjoying the view of his cock sliding in and out of her mouth covered in her saliva. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut and block out what I was seeing but a slow, pervasive warmth had begun to steal into my bones, starting at the pit of my stomach and spreading south. My breathing became shallow and I was caught between two divergent desires: one to make it stop and another wanting more. I was horrified by my reaction to this degradation, sickened to the morrow of my bones that I would suffer even a flicker of desire at such a display. Omars moan sent tendrils of something I couldnt define twisting through me, dragging me closer to that part of myself that I didnt want to acknowledge. Lord save me, I was becoming aroused! I forced my eyes shut, to deny myself this sick pleasure, but the carnal sound of sucking and Omars grunts popped my eyes once again just in time to watch Omar cum down Belindas throat. Thats it, my lovely! Take it all! Take my seed, my beautiful little whore, Omar demanded in a harsh cry. Yessss! Belindas throat worked to swallow what hed poured into her mouth and then when shed finished every drop, she lovingly and gently cleaned his cock with her tongue before rocking back on her heels and lowering her head once more. Omar, a small satisfied smile on his face, tucked his cock away and turned to me. You see, Belinda has learned her place in life. And she is rewarded for her good and obedient behavior with treats and beautiful baubles. He glanced at his man. See to it Belinda receives her choice in jewels from my vault. It will be done, the man responded in a deep, gravely voice that boomed from his barrel chest. I swallowed, unable to look at him after what Id seen. Belinda, Cassie, Scarletthey were nothing more than sex slaves he kept in a gilded cage and he expected me to join them? Id rather die. I dont want trinkets, I whispered. I want to go home. This is your home now. No. This is a cage and youre a monster, I shot back hotly. Maybe he would twist my head from my shoulders and this nightmare would end. One could hope. And you can go fuck yourself if you think Im wearing a collar like some animal. My declaration sucked wild gasps of horror from the girls as they watched me self-destruct right before their eyes. Unlike me, they remained silent. Tears welled behind my lids and I ground them out with a look of open defiance. I was lost in a strange land, captive to a frighteningly handsome stranger I would cling to my dignity

with my fingernails. If he thought hed purchased a docile girl who would scrape and bow at his beck and call, or suck his dick when he snapped his fingers, he was going to suffer buyers remorse because Id rather slit my own wrists than live like some mindless sexbot. Omars gaze narrowed as he considered my stance, noting with that sharp stare my tilted, stubborn jaw and eyes that flashed a promise of murder or suicide whichever seemed the best course of action and a slow, feral smile tipped his lips that caused a shiver to rock my spine, only I wasnt entirely sure if the motion was prompted by fear or something else far more insidious. Tonight, you will wear my collar. It will be heavy with crusted jewels so that with each movement you will feel the weight of my power over you. It will be tight, reminding you that I hold your life in my hands and if it pleases me, I could squeeze the air from your throat. And, you will wear nothing but my collar until it pleases me otherwise. Suddenly, the diaphanous, thin covering was preferable to his alternative. I clutched at my breasts, trying to cover them from his greedy stare, but it was pointless. His stare seemed powerful enough to burn through the cloth with ease. I felt stripped bare already. A slow, warm trickle spread between my legs, horrifying me. I clenched my knees together, but the squeezing only intensified the low pulsing that refused to stop. I glared at him, hating that somehow hed made my body react this way when I plainly hated him and everything he stood for. When I remained silent but curled in a tight ball, he said in a measured tone that sent a warning shiver down my spine. However, he paused, regarding me with a calculated stare as if working out a math problem in his head. In the past I have been known to brand unruly pets. Its painful and not my preferred method but you will find I am a firm Master and one not to be trifled with. I will give you the choice. Brand or collar? I caught the worried stares of the girls as they awaited my answer. Their concern for me dulled the razors edge of reckless abandonment taking control of my mouth and I answered in a barely audible whisper, Collar. He smiled, pleased. I look forward to seeing you in nothing but jewels, my lovely girl. And tonight his eyes seemed to darken even further until I was certain he was a demon and not simply a depraved man with more money than God as he said, I will pluck the cherry I paid good money to take. I bit my lip to keep it from trembling. Take her, he directed and the big servant pulled me none too gently from the bed. I kicked and thrashed but ultimately, it did little to stop or deter him. I felt like a rag doll being dragged by a gorilla. I sent one last pleading look at the girls before the door shut behind me. Seconds later, the sound of high-pitched giggles and breathy sighs followed me as I was pulled down the long hallway.

Night had fallen on the foreign land and all around me strange sounds reminded me that I was far from home. The scent of jasmine teased my nose as it drifted from the gardens below and although it was a pleasant smell, nothing could rouse me from my current state of mind. My fingers plucked at the hateful circlet of jewels scraping against my neck as the cool breeze danced across my exposed skin. Omar was as good as his word; Id been fitted for my collar and then stripped before returning me to this room alone. Id thought to wrap myself in a silken sheet but my move had been anticipated and every shred of free cloth had been removed. The room was starkly bare aside from the massive bed and the heavy ornate furnishings. I shivered but not because of a chill. The wild beat of my heart kept time with the rush of adrenalin that tingled in my limbs when I dared to think of what was to come and my breath caught in my throat when I jumped at each foreign noise in the gathering darkness. It seemed a lifetime ago that Id been a headstrong, confident young woman on the brink of what Id thought was going to be a grand adventure. A sob felt trapped in my chest when I let my thoughts wander too closely to the edge of what had been. Would I never return home? Were my parents frantic with worry? I couldnt stand the thought of my loved ones in pain. Tears glistened on my cheek but I didnt bother wiping them away. If he wanted my virginity, then he could have my tears as well. It was a package deal. You are breathtaking. I startled at his soft voice at my back. I didnt turn around, but focused my stare out the wide window, wishing I were a bird so I could fly away. I was beyond the point of trying to hide my nakedness; itd been hours since Id been collared and stripped, another way he sought to drive home the point that I was his possession. I heard his footfall as his moved closer. The slither of his silken pants echoed in my mind and I found it hard to breathe. Your silhouette in the moonlight is something out of a dream. Your body was created by Allah for me alone, he murmured, trailing his fingers lightly down the column of my spine until he reached where my tailbone met my lower back. I fought the shudder that traveled from my toes to the top of my head. I closed my eyes, hating the seductive nature of his voice and touch; I would rather he simply play true to what he really was, rather than attempt seduction. He exclaimed softly at the softness of my skin and even dared to slide one finger gently between the crack of my two halves. I stiffened and he chuckled. Do not fret, my sweet. Your rosebud is not what I require this night. Before I could relax, he stepped closer to whisper in my ear, But I will have it. There is nothing I enjoy more than the first time in a virgins ass; the way the flesh clenches tightly around the cock in protest but then slowly yields to the assault to open like the lotus is the ultimate carnal danceand I will take that dance with you, my pet. Thats a promise. He stepped away, his voice suddenly sharp. Turn around so that I

may look upon your breasts. I squeezed my eyes tighter, wishing I was anywhere but here; wishing I were back in my country studying something excruciatingly dull such as trigonometry; but mostly, desperately wishing his voice at my ear hadnt caused my private parts to slick with warm moisture. Against my will, I turned slowly but I refused to meet his gaze. I stared at a point just beyond his shoulder. He may touch my body but he would not have me. His sharp inhale surprised me and I raised startled eyes to his in spite of my previous vow to let nothing of him touch me inside. He came forward, his hands cupping my breasts and filling his hands with the weighty flesh. Exquisite, he murmured with open joy. Such creamy skin without a single blemish. I couldnt stand his open assessment of my body nor the possessive feel of his hands touching me with such pleasure and quickly raised my hands to cover my breasts but I was stopped by a single, sharp word uttered in warning. No. I bit back a cry of helplessness and clenched my hands at my side. He saw my rigid stance and took a step away. You will yield to me, he stated matter-of-fact. You would save yourself much pain and suffering if you would yield sweetly rather than my forcing your submission. Im not like your other girls. I will never yield willingly. I know you are not like my other pets. I did not want more of the same. He walked away, crooking his finger at me to follow. When I hesitated, he stopped and growled a warning. I can make this evening unpleasant or pleasurablewhich shall it be? I wavered, unsure how he thought I would ever enjoy anything he could do to me, but I didnt want to test how unpleasant he could make things so I grudgingly followed. The collar felt as if it were weighing me down, crushing my soul, which was exactly what hed wanted when hed forced me to wear the awful thing, the foreign bastard. I will hate anything you do to me, I said, unwilling to let him believe I would ever be a docile pet. We shall see, he said cryptically as he went to the chaise lounge and sank into it. The way he sprawled across the chaise was frankly suggestive and even in the soft light I could see the outline of his enormous erection. I blushed and looked away but not before he caught where my stare had drifted. He loosened the drawstrings to his silken pants and before I could gasp a protest, his cock was in his palm. Oh God, I squeaked, covering my face with my hands. Put it away, please! Come. Kneel beside me, pet, he directed firmly, expecting my obedience. When I refused, he rose swiftly and buried his hand in my hair, forcing me to my knees. I cried out as his pants dropped to the floor and his engorged member slapped my cheek. The warm head was smooth and as silky as the pants hed just discarded. He was devoid of hair, smooth as granite everywhere. A gentle hand is doing you no favors, he observed, his

hand still painfully clutched tight against my scalp, causing fresh tears to spring to my eyes. He thrust his hips and his cock nudged at my mouth even as I seamed my lips shut. He smelled of clean, male skin yet the faint musky odor that clung to the soft, tender area between his thighs did strange things to my insides. You are mine. Do you hear me? Take my cock in your mouth. Now. When I staged a mute protest, glaring at him through a sheen of tears, he pulled harder against my scalp and I yelped. I am your Master. You will live and breathe for my pleasure. Now, take my cock and suck it or I will introduce you to punishment without the benefit of pleasure. I promise you I can make you beg for mercy and wish you were dead. I hate you, I whispered. His gaze hardened. Then it will not matter if I take you like a whore your first time. He thrust me away from him and I stumbled onto my rear. He didnt watch to see where I landed. Instead he strode to a tall cabinet and pulled it open. American girls are spoiled by an overdeveloped sense of self, but the irony is that most never truly discover their true identities until it is forced upon them by circumstance. He closed the cabinet and turned around, holding a wicked looking whip and restraints. Noooo, I shrieked, scrambling to my feet but he was faster than me. Within seconds, my hands were wrenched behind my back and tied tightly. He scooped me into his arms even though I kicked and thrashed in an attempt to get away. Please, no! I begged, gulping back frightened mewling noises rising in the back of my throat. He ignored my pleas and tossed me to the bed. I landed on my stomach with an oompfh but before I could roll to my back, he was straddling me. His cock nudged at my back door and I shrieked against the fear he might sodomize me as punishment. Shhh, he crooned softly. You want this my pet. You just dont know it yet. I shook my head vehemently. I dont. I swear I dont! Your body says otherwise, he said, sliding his hand down my crack and moving to the damp slit between my thighs. I groaned, hating that my hips wanted to lift to give him better access. I choked back my cry of embarrassment as he slipped a single finger into my strangely aching folds. A wild pulsing had begun to thrum inside me, making a mockery of my protests. I was overwhelmed by the contradictory feelings cascading through me, ruining my self-respect and shattering my dignity. I moaned as his finger went deeper and that warm, slippery sensations inside me intensified. He withdrew his finger and I turned my head in time to see him pop his finger into his mouth, tasting my essence. I shuddered and looked away, my cheeks hot. He leaned forward, his cock pressing against my rear, as he murmured against my neck, You taste like sweet honey. I cant wait to bury my tongue in your slick wetness. Shall I make you cum before I take your maidenhead? Do you deserve to cum? No, you do not, he answered firmly but admitted with a tinge of irritation. But I confess, your taste and smell are a wicked temptation. I want you more than Ive ever wanted a woman.

For your insolence, I should fuck you so hard that you cant walk for days. I want to plow through your slick heat and make it truly mine in a way that is raw and primal but fortunately, for you, I am no randy boy. I can control myself long enough to fuck you properly. Would you like me to fuck you nicely or take you like a whore? I buried my face in the bed, afraid to answer. I didnt know what I wanted. All I knew was that I was shamed by the realization that my body refused to listen to my brain and it simply wanted to feel something fill it. I squirmed as he climbed off me and rolled me to my back. It was uncomfortable lying on my hands but as his eyes glazed at the sight of my breasts heaving with each breath, I realized I liked the power I had over him as much as he liked his power over me. My belly trembled as he spread my legs to his gaze. Madame CoCo had waxed every pubic hair from my mound openly delighting in the pain shed caused but it was apparent that Omar approved of my bare folds. Sweet Allah, you are perfection, he murmured, hooking my legs over his shoulders and drawing my hot center to his greedy mouth. I gulped in tight, shallow breaths, horrified and aroused at the same time. Seeing myself completely at his mercy, my legs thrown over his shoulders as his face lowered to my quivering folds ignited something new and foreign inside me. A loud moan escaped me the second his quick and clever tongue delved inside me, searching and finding that burning, swollen centerpiece at my core, demanding his attention. His firm hands gripped the flesh of my behind, pulling me to him so that no matter how hard I squirmed, I was helpless to evade the marauding assault of his wet and wiggling tongue. He moved in slow, assured swipes across my clitoris, teasing another mewling sound from my lips as I sank further into a dark place where I became simply a flesh and blood woman sliding beneath the waves of complete and utter obliteration. His finger entered me while his tongue worked devilish circles of building pleasure and my hips actually yearned to press harder against his mouth, silently begging for more. Something big was welling inside me, as my heartrate quickened and my breath became an urgent pant. W-what are you d-doing to me? I gasped, barely able to make out the words. Sweat slicked my body, matching the dampness between my legs. S-Stop! I begged, afraid of losing complete control over my own body. But he seemed deaf to my pleas, intent on sending me over the edge. Somehow I knew if I went over that ledge, I would change that tumbling over that precipice would stamp out the protests and denials that I was clinging to and soften me toward him and I couldnt let that happen. I struggled to get free, to block out the bone-melting pleasure that was slowly eating away at my resolve to hate him and anything he could do to me. Nno, I moaned, but I was sinking fast. His finger strummed a secret spot deep inside my shaking body, coaxing something free just as his tongue flicked a torturous staccato beat against my clitoris until I was totally lost to the pleasure that caused me to moan and gasp like the pampered whore he wanted me to be. At that moment I wouldve gladly taken his cock into my

mouth and sucked it down my throat as readily as Belinda had; I wouldve offered my ass to him with spread cheeks whatever he wanted, Id give. I was past shame, past knowing my own mind. All that mattered was the encroaching pleasure that marched toward me with unerring accuracy. Omar drove two fingers, then three inside me, pushing and stretching until I was no longer aware of anything but pleasure. And then it happened. I broke into a million pieces, flying apart like brittle glass against a cool granite floor. Ohhhhhh, Goddd, I cried, almost unable to breathe, unable to think, only able to babble nonsensical words as the pleasure crashed down around me, drenching me in sweat and my own fluids. I slowly came back to the moment and opened my eyes. My chest still rose and fell with sharp, labored breaths as the aftershocks of what hed done to me still rocked my body. His face, glistening from my juices, wore a self-satisfied smile but there was a feral light in his eyes that caused a deep shudder at the possessiveness I saw there. I swallowed, my mouth dry from all the moaning and crying out. Awareness returned and I wanted to hide my face from his knowing stare. His expression gentled and he gathered me in his arms as if I were a child to be comforted and not a young woman. His cock twitched beneath my bare bottom but he didnt try to nudge himself inside me. He simply held me. I stiffened at first, but then the tears came and it was as if a dam had broken. It seemed several minutes before the tears stopped. He wiped my tears away and once he thought I would listen, he said, When Belinda first came to me, she was like a feral creature. Nothing like the beautiful, serene and wise woman you see now. Cassie, a sweet fragile girl, sobbed endlessly for days but now her joyful smile can light the world. And Scarlet? She was misguided in believing she was a lesbian, but soon learned she simply yearned for the right touch. Now, she begs for my cock more ardently than the rest. Why are you telling me this? I asked with a soft hiccup. Because I want to show you that there is no shame only joy in accepting your true nature. But Im not like them, I protested. I have family who will be out of their mind worried about me. I have ambition and dreams and goals that never included being someoneswhore. Sometimes fate steps in and reveals our true nature in unorthodox ways, he countered. I dont believe that. Ill never be happy here, I murmured, shaking my head. Ill always wish to leave no matter how many times you make me cum. We shall see, he said in a tone that said otherwise. He shifted me from his lap and rose naked to pour a glass of water. He took a long drink then passed me the glass. I drank greedily, so thirsty. I handed him the empty glass and when hed returned it to the counter, he came back to the bed to regard me seriously. If you were not meant for me, explain why a woman of your beauty has remained untouched? I was saving myself for marriage, I said, blinking back hot moisture. Saying it aloud made it seem so

pointless. Were you promised to another? he asked, moving to lounge on the bed, his head supported by his crooked elbow. No. I thought I might meet someone while studying abroad, I admitted, my cheeks growing hot at my romantic notion. And why is that? Because American men were soI dont know, it seemed they were all so rude and ungallant. I wanted to meet a man who was chivalrous and kind but strong and capable. I never seemed to be able to find those qualities in the men I was dating. It is true. American men have grown soft and lazy and with that, theyve forgotten how to treasure the gift that is a woman. I startled at his comment. I peered at him warily. How can you say that as if you believe you are different, when you keep women as pets? My women are cherished. I recognize that they are my most treasured possessions. They own me as much as I own them. They want for nothing and I care for their every need. Its unnatural, I said, glancing away. It doesnt matter how you pamper them, they are still locked in a cage. I cant live like that. I will slowly die inside. Why? I stared as if his question should be self-evident but when he continued to regard me nonplussed, I realized I might as well try to explain quantum physics in Greek to someone who only spoke Spanish. It goes against my nature, I finally finished with a helpless shrug. You do not truly know your nature, he disagreed. Please let me go. I will not. His sensual mouth firmed. Your place is here with me. I looked away, defeated. The tiny curl of hope that had sprung at his show of kindness slowly withered inside me at his blunt answer. He sensed my withdrawal and rose from the bed, saying, I am never wrong about my women. It is a gift I have always possessed. I am not wrong about you. You are wrong about yourself. The sooner you come to this realization, the happier you will be. How can you say that? I asked, frustrated. You dont know me. I know your soul. I see it in your eyes. I knew it the moment I saw your photo in the catalog. Why else would I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on one person? I tried not to gape at him. Hed spent how much? Once a boyfriend in high school had spent a $100 on a

date for me and Id been floored and touched by the gesture. I didnt know how to react to the knowledge that Omar had spent more on me than most people made in a year. I didnt want to admit it, but the knowledge caused a softening inside me, made me feel valuable in a way Id never imagined. As if reading my mind, he graced me with a smile, saying, I do not regret a penny spent. Already the anticipation of taking your virginity is nearly killing me. He looked away, as if sharing his next admission was difficult. I want to be gentle and kind but inside me, a beast growls and demands your flesh in a way that Ive never experienced. I cannot promise that I will not give you pain. I shuddered at the images that popped unbidden in my mind. Set me free, I whispered, though a small, hidden part of myself adamantly wanted him to refuse. There was a moment when I was at his mercy as he wrung my body out with pleasure, that Id felt at home, blissfully safe and secure. It was this feeling I struggled with. How could that be? I couldnt understand where it came from or why, so I pushed it ruthlessly away and clung to what I knew to be true. You already know the answer to that, he answered quietly. Allah has deemed that we belong together, in this life or the next. To fight it, is pointless. I dont share your beliefs, I said. He held my stare and smiled. You will. There was something about him that made me want to give in. There was a pull toward him as if a magnet were buried in our bodies, drawing us together. He was as handsome as temptation itself, maybe he was the Devil. I wasnt normally swayed by surface things such as looks or money, but Omar managed to make mincemeat out of my former beliefs. The shock of seeing his naked body had worn off and I found myself allowing my gaze to drift, wandering over every muscled plane to the large member hanging between his thighs. A shiver danced across my nerve endings at the thought of him taking my virginity with that thick piece of meat. It would hurt. Everyone had always told me that losing the Big V as my friends had called it was painful. But I never imagined I would lose it in this manner. I remembered my best friend in high school sharing that her first time had been pressed against the door in the backseat of her boyfriends Ford Fiesta. She said thered been a lot of groping, a sharp stabbing pain and then a messmade by him. That description hadnt exactly made me want to try it for myself. Id wanted something moresomething more memorable. I guess I shouldve been more specific to the Universe when Id made that wish. To my great relief, he unbound my hands. I gasped a little as circulation flooded through my limbs, sending pinpricks of sensation through my hands. I flexed my fingers and rubbed at my chaffed wrists but before I could utter a word, I was on my back, Omar pressing down on me. My eyes widened and a ribbon of fear curled itself around my heart, not because Omar was on top of me, but because I liked the feel of his body against mine. He

smelled of something sharp, possibly citrus, and undeniably male, and the scent of my juices. It was a strange, heady mix that only served to intensify the longing deep inside me for something I couldnt define, wouldnt face. He stared into my eyes as if drinking in my soul. I couldnt look away. The beauty of those dark, fathomless eyes were mesmerizing until I felt the insistent nudge of his straining erection pressing against my pubic bone. I gasped and stiffened but his mouth descended on my nipple, sucking the sensitive tip into his hot wetness of need and desire and I shuddered on a sigh. His tongue swirled the nipple, similar to how hed teased my clitoris, and within moments I was crying out, writhing beneath him, offering him more. He obliged by sucking the entire areola into his mouth and drawing hard as if he were a suckling baby. I clutched at his head, loving and hating the feel of him at my breast as if it were natural and right. My body fought with my mind, contradicting everything I thought I knew with everything that I was feeling right that moment. Yield to me, my pet, he murmured against my reddened and swollen nipple, my breasts tightening at his touch. Your softness is mine. You were born for me and me alone. Say it, my love. I wanted to say the words. They were on the tip of my tongue but I couldnt. If I uttered those words, Id be lost forever. My life would consist of what I saw of the other girls, a mindless sex slave who lived for this mans pleasure until I was too old to appeal to him any longer. I seamed my mouth shut and turned my head, shuddering as he moved to the other breast with ruthless determination. I could feel his muscles bunching and straining, rippling beneath the smooth silk of his skin. He was as fine a specimen for the male species as I could imagine but still, I was more than a sex slave. I refused to be only what he wanted me to be! You refuse to yield, he said, rising to stare down at me. His eyes blazed with raw lust and unrestrained need but something else lurked behind that gaze that made my breath catch. Danger lurked in that dark stare. Fear spiked my arousal and made my thighs damp. I cant, I whispered. I wont . Damn you, Layla, he said harshly. You do terrible things to me. Things I cannot understand. Tell me what you want from me? My freedom. That is the one thing I will never give, no matter how many times you ask or beg, he said sharply. You are mine. No one will touch this body but me. Do you hear? Do you understand? No one! I bit my lip, my heart hammering against my chestbone. His nostrils flared with his vehemence and I didnt doubt his word. This was a man who would never casually offer me to someone else or shrug with indifference in regard to my person. He meant every word he said. And if I was not to be hisI might find myself drawing my last breath. Oh God . Why did I shudder and dissolve into a puddle of lust at that realization? Was I messed up in the head to secretly desire such possession?

Say you are mine, he urged quietly. His low tone sliding like a razor across my nerve endings. Say it. No! I shouted into his face, glaring at him for sparking such a foreign and frightening feeling inside me. I wanted to go back to the person I was before I was abducted blissfully unaware that something so dark lurked inside me. Ill never be yours! Never! But there would be a cost for my recklessness and I would be made to pay with my body. Omar roared and within seconds, I was on my stomach. He grabbed my hips and pulled them up and back, forcing me on my hands and knees. Omar! Please not like this! Oh, please! No! I cried, trying to rear up but a sharp slap across my ass cheeks startled a cry from my lips. Another resounding slap and I shrieked and tried to get away but he was too strong and held me in place. He slapped me again and again, my cheeks bouncing and stinging with each hit of his palm. Heat gathered beneath my abused flesh and I cried out with each slap. I sobbed, unable to escape his wrath. He stopped and I shuddered, believing hed expended his energy but I was wrong. You are mine. And you will know the depth of my ownership over you, my pet, he promised darkly. I cried softly, the flesh of my cheeks pulsing as blood rushed to the surface. I moaned as I realized with dawning horror that my hips were swaying, as if begging for more. Oh Godwas I truly a mindless slut like the rest? A deep ache burned inside me, an emptiness that demanded to be filled and I feared that what I sought could only be found in the one place I refused to look. I tried to look at him, to plead for mercy, but he pushed my head down on the mattress and held me firmly in place as something warm and firm nudged at my entrance. Ohhh! He was going toI squeezed my eyes shut and without gentleness, shoved his cock deep inside me, ripping through my hymen without ceremony. He was impossibly large and thick and I felt completely filled by him, as if I didnt know where he started and I began. Uhhhh, his low moan reverberated through my bones and rattled in my soul. So tight, so perfect. Mine. I trembled with the force of his possession of me. Hed taken what Id guarded so fiercely my entire life and yet, I couldnt deny that it felt right, that perhaps Id saved myself for him just as hed said. With my hymen gone, he began to move slowly, pumping his thick cock into me with deliberate precision, grinding against me, filling and stretching me with his girth until he could move easily and smoothly. The pain slowly receded and sooner than I imagined, tiny tendrils of pleasure began to unfurl along my nerve endings, igniting into large sparks of need and want. He thrust harder into me, as if trying to imprint my insides the head of his cock and I groaned against the rapidly pleasurable invasion. The angle he kept my body and the way the bed rubbed my nipples with each hard thrust, kickstarted a cascading sensation of building pressure deep inside. His pumping hips bounced against my flaming ass cheeks, and I could feel the soft sac of his balls slapping against me as well. This primal act so wrong and wonderful freed my mind and I sank further into the well of pleasure that was

quickly drowning my fears and denials. I was going to that place again where I would say or do anything he desired and I was mindless as he continued to fuck me like an animal in heat. Everything I had known about myself began to shift and I pushed back against his thrusts, wanting deeper contact. Inexplicably, he slowed just as I had begun to creep toward that glorious undoing and I cried my surprise and disappointment. Do you yield to me? he asked, his voice a harsh rasp as if stopping had been difficult for him as well. I bit my lip. He began to withdraw as if he would leave me dangling between frustration and completion and I found myself giving in completely. Yesss, I moaned and gasped. I yield to you! Yesss! Please, dont stop! As you command, my beautiful pet, he said, and sank into me once again, burying himself to the hilt inside my willing body. Tell me how you like what Im doing to you. Tell me how you desire my seed in your body! Yes! I babbled, nearly sobbing from the building pleasure robbing me of coherent thought. I want you to fuck me! I want you to fill me up with your cum. I love what youre doing to me. Please dont stop. Right there! Yesss! I didnt know what I was saying, only the dirty words pushed me further down that hole of indescribable pleasure and I was lost to it. I came hard and spiraled out of consciousness for a split second as I lost all sense and reason as the pleasure cresting over me in giant, crashing waves. His grip tightened on my hips and he groaned deep and loud as he jetted his seed deep inside my body, bathing my insides with his fluid, filling me completely so that his cock slipped and slid along my coated walls before he withdrew and collapsed onto the bed with a heavy, guttural moan of pleasure. It was several moments before either of us could speak. I didnt know if this was normal. I didnt have anything to compare to but something told me, it wasnt. I risked a glance at Omar, his rapidly rising and falling chest further evidence of how hard hed came and I wondered what would happen next. Sweet Allah, you are a gift to me, he murmured when he could. His eyes opened and he gently caressed my jawline. Im sorry I was not more gentle. I shouldve been more considerate of your innocence. Can you forgive me, my pet? I nodded shyly. I had liked it rough. More so than I had ever imagined I would. But Omar had known, somehow. The stickiness between my thighs dribbled from my core. Embarrassed, I tried to move away but he stopped me with a firm hand. There is nothing shameful about wearing your Masters seed. He proceeded to rub his ejaculate into my skin like an exotic lotion. The slow and gentle motion kindled fresh arousal and I met his gaze with surprise. He chuckled. You are so expressive my love. Everything you feel and think is written across your face. I blushed and he said, Never fear, it is your most endearing quality. This excites you, doesnt it?

I nodded reluctantly. He leaned toward me as if sharing a secret. It excites me, too, he whispered right before descending on my mouth, stealing a deep kiss that hinted at dark and dangerous wonders. He tasted of sex and sin and I wanted more. I was disappointed when he pulled away with a renewed vigor in his step as he drew me from the bed. But, first, we shall eat and wash. The night is young and I am nowhere finished with your lovely body. We shared a sumptuous meal of exotic dishes before he took me a bathing room. A pool of water, fed by an internal spring, swirled in the center of the room. The wide windows were open to the fragrant night and I was amazed by the beauty of it all. We sank into the tepid water and I submerged myself quickly. I felt sated and full, my inner muscles protesting the movement, reminding me that I was no longer a virgin. I blushed at my own thoughts and swam to the side. Omar followed and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and privately delighted at the feel of his cock stirring to life against me. Are you like this with all your girls? I asked, unable to stop myself. I probably didnt want to know the answer but I knew that wouldnt matter. I had to know. How do you mean? he asked, the water swirling around us in a seductive dance. Before I could clarify, he chuckled and answered, saying, No. I knew you were special from the moment I saw you. Something about you called to me. I digested this information and then asked haltingly, Am I to live with the other girls? In your harem? What happens when you tire of me? His grip tightened on me. I will never tire of you, Layla. You say that now, but someday I will say this once: I am no fickle boy who cries for new toys and then discards them when something new and shiny catches his eye. When Allah graces you with treasure, you do not squander it. All my pets are my treasures but youLaylaI cannot explainare different. I will be honest with you, though I shouldnt. My breath hitched and my heart stuttered an odd beat. What do you mean? My pets are not my slaves as you believe. They are free to come or go as they please. True, in the beginning, I purchased them as slaves but they do not stay because I force them. They stay because they want to. After a year of service to me, I offered them their freedom. None took it. However, I cannot bring myself to make the same offer to you. He seemed shamed by his admission and I stared into his eyes. Why not? Because I cannot imagine ever letting you go. I silently digested this admission, my mind moving wildly. Butmy familymy lifeyoure asking me to give it all up.

I would give you the world, he said in earnest response. I would bathe you in riches beyond your dreams. I do not want riches, I said. What do you want? You have but to ask, only do not ask for your freedom. It is the one thing I cannot give you. Sensing my sharp disappointment, he pressed his lips against mine, his tongue delving into my mouth to coax my tongue into dueling with his. My breasts were crushed against his chest and my hot core rubbed against his muscled abs. His mouth worked to make me forget my sadness and I moved against him, writhing like a cat that needed to mate. He responded feverishly to my need and lifted us from the water to stride to the chaise lounge. He gently laid me down and quickly buried his face against my hot mound. I cried out as his tongue worked magic on my needy core. I was no longer ashamed by the hot and fiery desire that swept through me at his touch. I simply gave into the sensation climbing through my body with each passing second and swipe and tease of his tongue. I shuddered as I came sweetly, free-falling into the pleasure like a skydiver into the clouds. He rose, a smile on his face. His cock bounced eagerly, wanting to sink inside me again. I didnt hesitate and took his cock into my mouth. I didnt have much experience but having his cock in my mouth felt glorious. I loved the feel of it sliding past my teeth and hitting the back of my throat with his hip thrusts. His hands threaded through my hair and urged me on with soft moans that only made me want to taste his cum on my tongue. I wanted his essence sliding down my throat, painting my insides as he had earlier within my folds. There was power in this feeling, knowing that I could make him lose control, simply with my tongue and mouth. Soon his thrusts became erratic and his groans deeper. I knew he would cum within moments. Yes! My pet! Yes! Take it all! Suck it down your lovely throat! he cried, pumping his seed into my mouth until I swallowed it all with a large and greedy gulp. The slightly salty load was not unpleasant but the texture took me off guard and I choked a little. He withdrew and a sigh rattled out of his chest. Sweet Allah, I cannot believe you are innocentIve never came so quickly with a womans mouth. You have untold talents, my pet. I warmed under his praise and surreptitiously wiped my mouth. I ached inside, desperately wanting him inside me but from what I knew of men, they needed time to recover. I climbed into his lap and settled there, curiosity getting the better of me. Will you want me to have sex with the other girls? I asked, a bit fearfully. I wasnt attracted to women but I suspected I would do anything he asked of me if properly persuaded or punished. I might, he answered. Watching my pets love each other is a beautiful thing. Women are so expressive, so gentle in their touch. I love the sound of their breathy sighs and their sweet expressions as they cum. Would you

so gentle in their touch. I love the sound of their breathy sighs and their sweet expressions as they cum. Would you not enjoy sharing that with me? I dont know, I answered truthfully. I might have to beencouraged. Scarlet has a way of encouraging that is quitepleasurable, he said. But do not worry. Tonight you are mine and mine alone. I do not wish to share you with anyone. I suspect I will not wish to share you for a long time. He began to pet my sex softly and gently parted my folds to reveal the slowly swelling bud that ached for his touch. I gasped softly and arched against him. He stopped only long enough to claim my mouth again. He kissed me deeply, possessively and I sank into the feeling of being cherished and desired. Nothing existed but Omar and his touch. There is one place I must have, he murmured against me, placing soft kisses along my collarbone. That will cement my complete possession of you. Do you belong to me, my pet? Say the words. Call me Master and give yourself completely to me. I frowned as I came out of my reverie and gaze up at him with realization. You mean? He nodded, his skin glistening in the flickering light of the candlelit bathing room. I must take your rosebud. It is the ultimate in sacrifice and yielding, to take my cock in that tight, private place. The thought of taking you there drives me insane, drives me to almost throw you down and force myself into that dark hole but Im trying to restrain myself. I quivered at the primal darkness in his eyes. To be taken so completely, no part of myself untouched quickened my own desire and I nodded breathlessly. Yes, Masterplease take my ass. Claim it. With a barely restrained growl, he flipped me to my hands and knees. Arch your back for me, pet. It will make it easier for you. There, yes, just like that, he encouraged as I lifted my hips and arched my back deeply. His palms spread across my cheeks and set them to quivering as he lightly slapped them and then rubbed the sting away. He seemed to understand I craved the sting as much as I needed the pleasure. Suddenly, he parted my cheeks and exposed my rosebud to his stare. I blushed but his rumble of appreciation soothed my embarrassment away. Then he shocked me by plunging his tongue deep into my ass. The soft, wet wiggling playing around the edges of my puckered bud excited me beyond anything I couldve imagined. I gasped his name, begged for more I had no shame any longer. I was free to feel and be whatever I wanted to be with Omar. And that included his sex slave. Oh yes, I moaned, as he simulated fucking with his tongue in my ass. I bucked against his mouth, wanting deeper pressure, more contact. Your cock, please! Master, please! Fuck me now! I want to feel you inside me!

Yes, my pet! he agreed readily, his voice a husky growl. Ready yourself. Breathe deeply, my love. Open yourself to me, now! His cock nudged at my opening and he pressed against the tightly closed bud. I gasped at the burn and struggled not to cry out but I wanted him to open me completely so I breathed against the invasion, willing my sphincter to open and allow entry. So tight, so beautiful! He pushed harder and slid inside me slowly, giving my body time to adjust to his invasion. Soon enough, I was open and ready and pushing against him for deeper penetration. It was a different sensation, completely raw and hot. I didnt know if Id ever be satisfied with simply vaginal sex any longer after feeling how full and stuffed I felt with Omars beefy cock up my ass. I felt dirty and sexy all at once. It was a mind-blowing sensation that touched off a myriad of toe-curling firebombs of pleasure inside me. Ohh God, Master, I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut as he slowly thrust in and out of my ass. I was mindless with pleasure, shocked by how each thrust ignited a frenzy inside me. I was sobbing by the time he poured his cum inside me, jerking his load in fits and spurts deep inside my most private place. I felt drenched in his essence, belonging to him and him alone. I couldnt move, couldnt breathe. I was almost paralyzed with pleasure as it rolled over me in the biggest bone-crushing waves Id ever experienced. I shuddered and collapsed, shaking as his cum oozed from my between my cheeks and leaked in a puddle beneath me. It was then the realization hit me as hard as my orgasm. I was a dirty whore. I liked to be fucked hard and raw in places Ive only dreamed about in my deepest, darkest dreams, afraid to whisper my secret to anyone but Omar. I crawled to where Omar had collapsed, his spent cock dripping with the remnants of his explosive seed, and laid my head on his chest. Sweet AllahOmar had been right. Fate had created me for him and him alone. Thats why I had decided to travel to Europe against my familys wishes, to my friends confusion. Thats why, in spite of everything, arousal had quickened inside me at his mere voice at my ear; it was why, I was ready to close the door on my previous life and open the door to the next. I had found my purpose at Omars feet and in his heart. And I had no intention of ever leaving.


My skin prickled with fear. I became acutely aware of the fact that I was nude beneath the sheer outfit. There was only one reason I could reasonably think of why Id be imprisoned in a bedroom, wearing nothing but see-through clothing. Ill scream if you touch me, I told him, lifting my chin in spite of my frightened tears. Ill bite and kick and try to bash your head in with anything I can get my hands on. I swear it. Do it. I like a woman with fire, he said, advancing toward me. I stumbled as I tried to back away. Dont do this, I warned, adding with a hiss. Im more trouble than Im worth. Perhaps. But how will I know unless I find out? I snatched the small bedside lamp and hurled at him with the intent to bolt but he dodged the lamp easily and when I tried to run past him, he caught me easily in the steel of his arms, lifting me from the ground and crushing me to his chest. I tried to scream but he was holding me too tightly and I struggled to breathe. Stop, I cried, kicking my feet and connecting with his shin and sending a sharp stab of pain through my big toe. He grunted but otherwise held on. The granite of his chest pressed against the softness of my breasts and I couldnt help but feel the shocking ridge of his erection grinding against my pubic bone. Noooo! I gasped, doing my best to push against him, hating how easily hed overpowered me in spite of my best efforts. You see, Natalie, I bore easily, he said carrying me to the bed and then tossing me onto it roughly. His eyes lit up when that stupid flap parted as Id landed, exposing my breasts to his hot gaze. I scrambled to cover myself but it was a futile effort. He could see my entire body through the filmy fabric and I knew it. Its a natural consequence of having whatever you want, whenever you want it. If it has wheels I own a fleet of them; if it has walls, I own enough to line a neighborhood. Nothing holds my interest for long. But having you appealed to me in a way that has never happened. You are my first acquisition, purchase, whatever youd like to call it- Participating in human slavery? I supplied in a dark tone. Because thats what youre doing. You cant buy people! No. You cant. I can do whatever I please, as evidenced by the fact that I bought you . Are you insane? His gaze narrowed at my blunt question and I shivered at the heat I saw there. My sanity is not an issue. I simply find a way to acquire what I desire. I quaked at the way the word desire hung between us. I wasnt a virgin, having lost my virginity to a fumbling senior my junior year in high school in a completely forgettable

encounter that had made me realize that sex was highly overrated. My sexual partners after that point had been few and far between. Id been more focused on my grades than getting laid, which meant, although I wasnt innocent, I was hardly experienced. And, he said, advancing with purpose in his step. I desire you.

Looking for more hot erotica by Alexx Andria? Try these titles from her backlist that are organized by genre!

Light BDSM or contract relationships

BOUGHT BY THE BILLIONAIRE BROTHERS Penny McDaniel had no idea that when she took the job as an accountant with the Buchanan brothers that the sexy billionaire entrepreneurs had a thing for curvy girls but when they make her an offer she cant possibly refuse, she learns just how hot they are for her soft, sweet body. Soon, to her shocked delight, Penny discovers just how amazing it is to be bought by the billionaire brothers! *** *This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. If youre not 18 years or older, find something else to read. The following short story of approx. 8,900 words is a work of erotic fiction and it features sexual acts between two men and a curvy woman. SOLD: Sometimes the person you believe you are, is nowhere close to the person lurking inside, waiting for that moment to emerge. Natalie discovers her true nature when sold against her will to a man who wants nothing more than to own her body and soul. Somewhere between anguish and misery, she finally yields and discovers there is no greater glory than being owned by her Master. OWNED: At 20, Hannah knows she's not a great beauty so when she takes a bookkeeping job at the local gentleman's club she doesn't expect to attract any notice. But little does she know that someone's been watching her for some time and he likes what he sees. And what Mr. Villanti wants he takes. Suddenly, Hannah finds herself giving up her virginity and her free will to the dominant man who is determined to have her, no matter the cost. This short story of approximately 7,000 words contains explicit sexual situations that some may find offensive.

SOLD TO THE SHEIK Layla is set to study college courses abroad when she's abducted outside her hotel room and promptly sold into sexual slavery to an obscenely wealthy sheik who has paid for the privilege of being the first man between her legs. Layla finds herself among a harem of pampered slaves but refuses to yield to the man who makes her shake and quiver, but more importantly, makes her question who she truly is. *** This 12,000 word story is intended for mature readers only. It is filled with scenes that some may find morally objectionable. All characters are 18 years or older. UNWILLING: Alexx Andria has bundled three of her best-selling non-consent short stories for your reading pleasure. The short stories featured in this collection were previously published as Owned, Sold, and Kept (Sold to the Sheik). The total collection is approximately 26,000 words. This collection is meant for readers 18 and older. If you're not 18, find something else to read! Straight Erotica (explicit sex and sexual situations) ONE NAUGHTY GIRL: Best-selling on the Kindle Amazon Top 100 Free list! Landry James is one naughty girl who can't be controlled by her husband or anyone until she meets up with a mysterious man who offers her the opportunity to put her particular skill-set to work. Join Landry on her various sexcapades as she romps her way through various adventures clothing optional! This is a short story of 7,000 words. ONE NAUGHTY GIRL 2: Landry James meets her new partner, Killion McClane and learns a few things about her new job, such as being ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether it's a woman or a man. This is a sexually explicit short story of approximately 6,000 words featuring f/f situations.

ONE NAUGHTY GIRL 3: Landry James goes on her first assignment as a secret sex spy for the government and discovers danger and kink go hand in hand. This sexy, short story (approx. 5,400 words) is the third installment in the Landry James adventure series. If you are not at least 18 years of age or older, please find something else to read. Bonus features! Enjoy an excerpt from another one of Alexx Andria's hot titles! ONE NAUGHTY GIRL 4 Landry James goes undercover with new operative Liam O'Connor to infiltrate an ultra secretive human trafficking ring and it's one adventure she might not make it out alive! There's plenty of kinky action to get your blood pumping in this fourth installment of the Landry James adventure series. BANGED BY MY BROTHERS: Brianna has a thing for her older step-brothers, Trey, Payton and Rob. She wants nothing more than their fat cocks fucking her raw and she sets the scene to get what she wants. But along the way, she discovers her brothers want her just as much as she wants them only they want more than just a quick fuck they want her to be their one and only girl. BANGED BY BROTHERS 2: Brianna has a thing for her older step-brothers, Trey, Payton and Rob. She wants nothing more than their fat cocks fucking her raw and for the last few months, Brianna has been having the time of her life being her brothers' little play toy so when boys schedule a little private time in the woods, she can't wait to tag along. Follow Brianna and her brothers as they do things to each other in the forest that might scare the wildlife as they get a little primal in the fresh mountain air. BACKSTAGE ASS: Tiffani is a rock star groupie who loves to go backstage to fuck the band! When she's dressed to score some cock, she always gets her man. Spend a night with Tiffani as she uses her All Access pass to get all the hard-core fucking she desires

and then some! This short story is approximately 4,300 words and intended for mature audiences only! BADGE BUNNY GANGBANG: On the outside Nikki is a good girl, but hidden deep inside, she's a badge bunny who fantasizes about being taken by the men in blue the more the merrier! Find out what happens when the chief of police asks her to stay after hours on her first day on the job! This is a sexually explicit short story of approximately 3,000 words. It is intended for mature readers only. LOCKERROOM GANGBANG: Cheerleader Lindsey has always wanted more cock and now that she's in college she's determined to get it! But one night in the locker room with the football team, she gets more than she ever dreamed of getting. And there's no going back! SANTAS SWEET TREAT: Cari has a naughty fantasy she wants to fuck Santa! The only problem? Santa wasn't real, right? That's what Cari thinks until she writes him a letter on Christmas Eve, promising him a sweet treat and wakes up to find the jolly fellow in her bedroom, unbuckling his pants, ready for action! This 2,000 word short story features a fun sexcapade intended for mature audiences only! DADDYS VIRGIN COUNTRY GIRL: Serena is an insatiable little teenage slut who has set her sights on her stepdad! Now that she's in college, she's decided it's time to educate her scholarly stepfather in the fine art of sex. *Warning! This 5,000 word short story features anal and oral sex that is intended for mature readers only!

EDUCATING DADDY: Serena is an insatiable little teenage slut who has set her sights on her stepdad! Now that she's in college, she's decided it's time to educate her scholarly stepfather in the fine art of sex. *Warning! This 5,000 word short story features anal and oral sex that is intended for mature readers only! DADDYS LITTLE PORN STAR: Eighteen-year-old Carlie is secretly well on her way to becoming the next big thing in the porn industry until her stepfather discovers her budding career and threatens to put a stop to her sexy shenanigans. But Carlie isn't about to stop, and she has something she can use to her advantage her D-sized tits and hot teen ass! This 4,000 word short story features anal, oral, and otherwise hot, raunchy sex between an 18-year-old girl and her step-daddy. OHH, DADDY!: Alexx Andria has bundled three of her best-selling short stories featuring barelylegal, hot teen girls and their lusty step-daddies as they have plenty of raunchy, dirty, taboo sex in every way imaginable for your naughty reading pleasure The short stories featured in this collection were previously published as Educating Daddy, Daddy's Little Porn Star, and Daddy's Virgin Country Girl. This collection is meant for readers 18 and older. If you're not 18, find something else to read! P.S. I FUCKED YOUR BOYRIEND: There are some people you shouldn't mess with like Samantha. Samantha has a way of getting even that's downright dirty but it'll get your juices flowing that's for sure. Find out what happens when college freshman and total hottie Samantha decides to settle the score with a senior sorority girl who thinks she's all that and more. This 7,500 word short story is filled with raw, dirty sex between two consenting adults that's likely to set your Kindle on fire. HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK: Kara is a rich girl who's used to getting what she wants but when she's pulled over on a lonely stretch of highway after a fight with her boyfriend at the club, she discovers this cop isn't going to let her flirt her way out of a ticket but he will take something else her sweet pussy! This 3,500 word short story depicts sexual acts between consulting adults that some readers may find offensive. If you're not at least 18 years or older, please find something else to read! Paranormal Erotica THE AWAKENING (The Breeding Prophecy): Cassidy doesn't know it yet, but her life is about to change. Unbeknownst to her, Cassidy is an integral part of the foretold Lycan Breeding Prophecy and two rival clans will tear each other apart to possess her. This is the first in the ongoing series. THE CAPTURE (The Breeding Prophecy): Just as Cassidy phases into the most dangerous stage of her Breeding Time, she is stolen while her protectors are fighting with the rival clan who want Cassidy for their own. Cassidy is an integral part of the foretold Lycan Breeding Prophecy and two rival clans will tear each other apart to possess her. This is the second in the ongoing series. THE STOLEN (The Breeding Prophecy): Cassandra is abducted again, only this time, it's by Ulster, the Alpha of the rival clan and he plans to use her Phasing to his advantage. But Cassandra is fighting her destiny, even if the Phase controls her sexual appetite, forcing her to mate with the one person she finds abhorrent. Follow Cassandra as she discovers more about herself, her past, and the danger that is breathing right down her neck.

BOUND TO THE BEAST Olivias life is about to change. She has no idea that the impossibly tall, darkhaired stranger watching her at the bar of her favorite club has actually been watching her for weeks. Vance knows what he wants and hes not about to wait another moment to claim his woman. By nights end, shell be bound to the beast. *** This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. If youre not 18 years or older, find something else to read. The following short story of approx. 6,900 words is an erotic romance and it features sexual acts between a wolf-shifter and a curvy woman destined to be his mate.

Check out Alexx Andrias Amazon author page for reviews and rankings at Also, check out new releases and other fun stuff at her website:

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