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A mini-review on

Transmission line theory

Whats the theory about? Why Transmission line equations? What is use of this theory? Whats Smith chart? How this theory is useful in Microwave Engineering

EM Fields to Tx-lines
Plane waves, when they are incident on a boundary (a junction of two medium) can be postulated in to two:
Oblique incident Normal Incident

Oblique incident is generalized case, however, the Normal incident is not useful case is means of future applications like Antenna, Wave guides Normal Incident: When the fields are traveling in +ve direction, they incident on vertical boundary. Part of wave is reflected (in ve direction), remaining is still propagating in same +ve direction. Eg: Transmission line.

Boundary conditions
Easy part: boundary condition can easily be derived by equating the wave at z = 0


The magnitude: Similarly:

From subtracting two equations Reflection Coefficient

Boundary conditions in Tx line

Lumped Element model

Oliver Heaviside

Constructing Smith chart

Microwave Network

Resonance Matching Lossless Reciprocal (optional)

Example - Filters

Various Transmission lines and applications


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